Lights of Dreams and Candy World is now free
Community Forums/Showcase/Lights of Dreams and Candy World is now free
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After 3 years of developpement of LOD and 2 years of developpement for Candy World we publish it for free... Those games will no longer cost 7.50 $ but 0.00 $ Its fun for those who wants play only to full version games... LOD will be at its 2.18th version and Candy World at its 2.20th version... Lights of Dreams The Angelical Blade 2.18;10673435;/fileinfo.html Candy World The Golden Bones 2.20;10673434;/fileinfo.html Those games can be downloaded at the folowing websites: You can subscribe to our new forum here: Have fun ;) |
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Bear in mind that all resources (including the music) still have to be your own, even if you are giving these products away for free. Even so, good luck. |
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Now begin something completly different from candy world or LOD. good luck |
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Thanks for this, but you should consider releasing it under some kind of creative-commons license. |
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I second johnnyfreak - it's time for you to move on to something new, Xylvan. It's time to stop recyling the same game with different models (angels and animals). Use the experience that you've gained to start fresh with a brand new game concept and new technology. |
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I can make a game named Mix the mouse with a mouse to control and cheeze to gather... I'll finish Candy World and LOD and only then we'll see if its possible to make... |
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A mouse gathering cheese... a dog gathering bones... An angel gathering, um, whatever it is that angels gather... ... it seems that you plan on remaking the same flawed game yet again. Why don't you try something that doesn't involve a third-person viewpoint, collecting stuff littered across a terrain, or the same broken game engine? How about making a space invaders game? Or some form of enhanced pong clone? Something simple, pure and arcadey. I think that this would help you to understand more clearly what your games have lacked so far - fun gameplay and tight controls. |
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make a good FPS, FPS's are fun, or an RTS, those are fun...a **S, really, things that end in S are good lol. |
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I've not posted on one of Xylvan's threads before, but have read and 'enjoyed' most of them. My 2p worth, is to make something a bit simpler, as suggested above. Make something that won't take yonks to develop, but will show that you 'can' diversify. Look forward to seeing a platformer, or a shmup! ;) |
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Hm.. i think these games wants realy 3D CG animated intro-movies/scenes like in Final Fantasy.. *boom* the quality changes :) |
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Theres a substancial intro in Candy World made only by commands lines... Many of u didnt saw them but you should... |
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It's EA's Mini-Me. |
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Make a "puki" game - me dressed in me best nappy - running around trying to get to me potty before me nappy fills and bursts. Lots of obstacles and stuff to slow "puki" down. I reckon he could probably do quite a decent "puki" game. |
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Make a "puki" game - me dressed in me best nappy - running around trying to get to me potty before me nappy fills. Lots of obstacles and stuff to slow "puki" down. That's actually not a bad idea for a game. PukiWorld - Age of Sh*te. Joking aside, it would be a better concept than Speedy Gonzallez trying to collect 100 pieces of cheese while being chased by polarbear sheep. Xylvian, for your own sake you should try something new once your done with CandyWorld2. |
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LOL I think I should check for ideas cause I start to lack of some... We are nearly working on Dreams : The Rebirth... a LOD sequel... AnOD developement has been reported to next year... |
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Next game on my games to make list, PUKI Universe;The Power, Of Puke! And I agree with everyone else. You should try something different Xylvan. It will give you some much needed experience with gameplay. I wish you luck, and look forward to your future releases. The Mighty WERDNA(Lord Of Darkness) |
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Whatever you make, please try and keep the title below 5000 characters. Candy Mercenary Elite Golden Angelic Hommage: Animal Hunter Sprite Fairy III Full Version not an acceptable name for an fps. |
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Hey Xylvan, I tried your games for the first time and I this is what I have to say : For some reason both games where running too fast on my rig (see for specs below) and this made it unplayable. When all went from day to night it was like BAM! and darkness is there instant and after a few mins BAM! back to light again.... Same as I would turn on and of the light with a switch. I played the games in 1024x768 fullscreen. What I really liked was the enviroment in the game, and the little lightspots and glowing butterfly's to give it a fantasy style. Modelling could be better, but I wouldn't do any better than you. Maybe best if you could find someone for you to do the models. |
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For some reason both games where running too fast on my rig (see for specs below) and this made it unplayable. When all went from day to night it was like BAM! and darkness is there instant and after a few mins BAM! back to light again.... Same as I would turn on and of the light with a switch. Yeah, that sounds about right. It's a "design decision", it seems. |
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Make a "puki" game - me dressed in me best nappy... Just make sure that you don't Pukit up... ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist!) Candy Mercenary Elite Golden Angelic Hommage: Animal Hunter Sprite Fairy III Full Version not an acceptable name for an fps. This is true, and believe it or not, a name (specifically the length of same) can say a lot about a game. |
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When I read "I can make a game named Mix the mouse with a mouse to control and cheeze to gather..." I thought someone was making fun out of Xylvan. I was wrong. (I love these LOD,CandyWorld threads!) It looks like theres a pattern here that can be described by this formula: X wanders round a sparse world collecting Y whilst avoiding Z where: X=dead dog/Angel/Mouse/any of them other animal renderings from the last thread (which I thought were hilarious!) be honest, I cant be bothered to finish the formula, as we all know how it ends anyway. For what its worth Xylvan, I think you have to finish just one thing, and keep focused on just that. The 3+ games youre creating, would by any other standards, be a single game with a game editor and some extra animals thrown in for good measure. Even the FPS mods out there try to change the gameplay from the original title they modify. Im just trying to help explain some reasons why everyone flocks to these threads. Its good for a laugh when someone announces a new game pretty much every week!Concentrate on one game!! |
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And I'm sure, just as half of this community looks down on Xylvan, he's looking down on all of you for this useless argument over nothing. Xylvan... good luck on releasing your games for free! A popular free game can still become a financial success in the end. |
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Correction : the game will be free to the best makers of the blitz community and those who support and make good critisism... Finally Intel will publish LOD and CW after an evaluation on their webpage... Those who wants LOD and CW should write down if they want it, their email and only then I will send them a link... |
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the game will be free to the best makers of the blitz community and those who support and make good critisism... Those who wants LOD and CW should write down if they want it, their email and only then I will send them a link... That's why. EDIT: Note, my post no longer makes sense as I was replying to someone else's post, but their's was deleted. |
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Finally Intel will publish LOD and CW after an evaluation on their webpage... You've just destroyed what little credibility you had left IMO. This is not the first time you've told porkies so if you want anyone to take you seriously in future back up this statement with some evidence, otherwise seek help. |
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I confess, I've not played LOD & CW yet, but am willing to give it a go. The graphics aren't that shabby and I'm not sure Xylvan deserves a lot of criticism that hes had. hopefully, he was talking tongue in cheek. |
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I'm serious Why stopping relying in me when we're sure that intel partnarship was and is real... ? I'm ready to finish Candy World's Ending in the next few days... All monsters are well inserted in storyline, Well animated and are after Candy for a short time and support her for the ending... |
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Be sure to give Candy a happy ending... |
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hopefully, he was talking tongue in cheek. You're new to Xylvan threads, aren't you? |
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"I'm serious Why stopping relying in me when we're sure that intel partnarship was and is real... ?" - So was the Atari partnership, Xylvan. Whoops - here come the men with the white coats. |
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>>Finally Intel will publish LOD and CW after an evaluation on their webpage...<< me in that light, how they can publish something you giving free away? And you know that they will publish if game is under EVALUATION period, what means, not confirmed publishing at all..and third..what the heck im doing here anyway?? sighh... |
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@Naughty Alien: in reply to ".and third..what the heck im doing here anyway?? sighh..." EVERYONE ends up here on Xylvans 'New game released' threads. I recon these are going to become the biggest thing on the web soon.. Just catch them before they get locked and or deleted! This one has already been blasted to bits at least once so far. ;) |
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Its all been said before. There is no point going on and on and on about it. If people don't want to listen to you, then there is no point screaming at them til you're blue in the face. You wouldn't do it in real life, you'd just agree to disagree. So, why's everybody still screaming at Xylvan? You're all going to give yourselves ulcers or something if you don't let it go. Sort it out. |
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Candy Mercenary Elite Golden Angelic Hommage: Animal Hunter Sprite Fairy III Full Version Well thats torn it, back to the drawing board for me ;) |
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Basically, these are Pac-Man type games with the possibility of attacking, and with a long title name. |
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All I will say is GfK shouldn't "sabotage" this deal like he did with the Atari one....with his magic powers. |
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All I will say is GfK shouldn't "sabotage" this deal like he did with the Atari one....with his magic powers. No, it was the deal with BigFishGames I allegedly sabotaged (I think). |
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Well with you sabotaging so many its easy to loose track. :) |
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Well with you sabotaging so many its easy to loose track. :) *allegedly* sabotaging, thank you. :) |
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come on GfK, you can admit it now... lol, ok, *allegedly* |
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Yeah GFK is the puppet master behind all the Xylvan naysayers. allegedly |
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His reach is far and wide, as is his waist... |
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RossC so fat he got harpooned by an eskimo :D |
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Jessica was sooo stubborn about the idea of adding some gameplay courses to the game... Its like all of u unable to tame a such easy game... I think I'll present Candy World cause it has a learning curve... I will be very persuasive and most people will class my game as a childish romance... LOD isnt ready for BigFish games... We need a learning curve ! When u start It should say: Press Enter to talk... F to attack... Space to jump... I've detected a bug in LOD but I must wait the installing of Service pack... |
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LOD isnt ready for BigFish games... We need a learning curve ! Xylvan, what you really need is a good game to start with. You have a completely empty forum, with only your team's posts. People on here keep telling you neither game is good enough to sell. People who try the demo do not purchase the game. Why on earth doesn't that ring a bell in that brain of yours which tells you your games aren't good enough to sell? Sheesh man, get a grip on reality for goodness sakes. |
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You have a completely empty forum it had to be nuked as it was swarming with pr0n bots touting child pornography among others ive avoided commenting on this thread for a bit but seeing as ive typed that ^^^ im gonna type this ... After 3 years of developpement of LOD and 2 years of developpement for Candy World we publish it for free... Those games will no longer cost 7.50 $ but 0.00 $ and Correction : the game will be free to the best makers of the blitz community and those who support and make good critisism... Finally Intel will publish LOD and CW after an evaluation on their webpage... Those who wants LOD and CW should write down if they want it, their email and only then I will send them a link... so if your first post had hinted at this it would read more like LOD and Candy World will be free to those members of the blitz community that havnt posted bad comments about me or any of my games email me if you want the link which limits valid posters to slim to non existant ;) |
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I will be very persuasive and most people will class my game as a childish romance... Say what? |
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Candy World is a must have for all ages... 5 boss are done... The ending must be done before the end of the week... More stuff to come... LOD had a minor bug on the Aklanis temple... Now its recovered... |
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YOu need to work on your english a little bit more. What you mean to say and what you are actually saying is different. |
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I just watched the video on his website (website needs some serious thought), and I am utterly confused. The movement and glitchy camera look exactly like the Mario demo, with the running and jumping at exactly the same speed. Basic gameplay needs some serious work, and the game looks too easy. That being said, it is clear he spent a lot of time on this. I count 11 playable characters. There are underground cave-like areas in addition to the above-ground area we're all used to seeing. And aside from the too-quick day-and-night changes, the visual style in the main area is absolutely gorgeous, and I don't think he should necessarily trash this. My advice to Xylvan: 1) Slow down movement. Way down. And fix it up in general. Characters without wings shouldn't be able to fly. 2) Make more enemies, and make them harder. I saw three, and they didn't seem to hurt you. 3) In terms of gameplay, make it fun for you. If playing the game is just flying through at mach 5, that's not fun. 4) Now concentrate on little graphicky things. Like untextured underground areas. 5) Finally, when it's actually done, think about releasing it. Don't keep adding more bosses and characters after you "release" it. Good luck, and good work so far. Long ways to go. Edit: Sorry, wrong thread. That advice (though much of it goes to Candy World as well), was meant specifically for his other game. |
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I've redone the counters... They are used to inform the player of the number of Bones, Crecent and Bonus in the game.... Now the counter are 100% bitmap sprites from 0 to 9... It can show numbers from 0 to 100 for the Candy Bones and 0 to 20 for the Pastries... Heres an example: ![]() This will be more andy than using text... And more professionnally looking !! As you maybe noticed on the up-right on top of the Candy Icon, theres a wirl of fire and ice. Its a new bonus. When you acquire harths theres you also collect pyrits. Pyrits are the brut elements used for making the dogs and cats spit fire or ice. You can acquire 1 to 5 pyrits at the same time when grabbing a harth. Harths are obtained when you beat ennemies. One pyrit are used per flame or ice spiting... A maximum of 50 pyrits can be hold by our team (Candy, Toopy and Maory)... I actually made the wirl pyrits sprites by using two sprites one a mask farther than the camera in blend 2 and one near with the colors and shemes in blend 3. I will soon post a tutorial for making 3D-2D sprites in Blitz 3D. Its usefull for games with bonus and panels. Let me finish Candy World TomeII 2.21 and Lights of Dreams 2.18 and then we will think about that ! Other changes are coming and more than likely the game will be done by Saturday, June 21 2008 |
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Have you thought about why your constantly updating these games? By your admition these games do not sell, so why are you putting more development time into them? Since everyones time is quite finite, wouldn't it be a better use if yours to move on from these two projects and develop something new? This constant updating is probably doing your games more harm than good, imagine if there was an update for Quake every couple of days with constant changes to the way you need to play the game (more and more irrelivent stuff to collect), people would soon grow tired of it. For example, this is just 1 game website: The amount of versions of the Demo there is completly ridiculous, and this has been repeated over many game network sites. |
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lol. 21 Demo versions, and yet no truly real improvement. I honestly don't know where I would browse anymore without xylvan topics. |
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Maybe your not understanding what we all mean by 'gameplay'. Maybe this will help: If you wern't making a game, but instead made a Car, but you the car you had made had bad handelling, bad brakes, and bad acceleration people wouldn't buy it. You would have to go fix the handeling, brakes and acceleration. What you keep doing is getting the same Car that no one likes, and adding more wing mirrors, more furry dice and changing the paint on it. Its still the same bad car underneth that no one wants to drive, and without fixing the underlying major problems, no one will want to. |
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I agree with boomboom. Call these 2 'games' finished and move on. The experience of making these will help you make your next games even better. Pick something completely different for your next project... |
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I agree too. Bite the bullet and move on. If you're determined to add more content then maybe it's time to update your progress in a worklog and just post the final demo in the showcase. |
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Definitely. It's time for you to accept your two games as valuable learning experiences and move on to something new. And by "new" I mean "not the same game with different graphics". |
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the games needs 3d cg animated intro movies and the quality explodes... like in final fantasy |
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'New' to Xylvan means maybe changing a few characters in the game. Forgetting about the number of demo versions out, how many different (but the same) games have been released by XYlvan so far? These threads have been going on for so long, that Ive no idea now. |
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I've made: Soul of Sphere Age of Dreams Lights of Dreams Angels of Dreams Pony's Adventure Candy World |
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Xylvan, get a worklog. It's a much better idea than a giant thread like this. |
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Xylvan, get a worklog. It's a much better idea than a giant thread like this. Already been suggested. |
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Xylvan, get a worklog. It's a much better idea than a giant thread like this. The thread is only so big because some people can't help themselves from posting abuse (some of which I was about to reply to but it looks like a moderator got it).I think some people need to let go of this ridiculous obsession with Xylvan. |
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Some of the obsession might be due to this thread being the top post for a looong time. And, before this thread got here, there was another Xylvan thread before that, and another Xylvan thread before that. Before that, I wasn't around here much, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was... well, you know. Thus the worklog idea, despite being mentioned before, will seemingly need to be repeated ad infinitum. Even if Xylvan's creations were amazingly good, almost spamming a forum with continually pointless game updates can get on one's nerves now and then. Although I realise the mods would prefer a thread without abuse, can I suggest this may continue to happen as long as Xylvan's threads dominate these forums? I'm not saying the abuse will come from me... I'm saying it's something to expect when someone ignores the reasonable suggestions of a community, after much grace has already been extended to them. That's my two cents, ayway. |
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DX9 |
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Were all here because we think this thread is good entertainment. Even the people who pretend that its all nonsense, and say we should all be doing something else, strangely end up here aswell. ;P Xylvan: If only you could make your games as good as these forum posts of yours end up being, I would probably pay double for them! |
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after much grace has already been extended to them. Exactly. So who is truly being abused here? I would say our time when we (past tense) tried devoting it to positive support, and being called idiots and caka faces because our views are true and not in some fantasy land where everything is awsome. The guy should be in a mental institution, but that's a waste of tax dollars, so lets just have fun here. What's a forum without some character? |
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Non of you need to read the post`s Xylvan puts in. So why ridicule him and put him down. Why do you think i don`t post anything on these forums(code wise i mean) because i really could do without the I am better than you.Attitude. |
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I clearly remember your "contributions" to a recent topic about a sadly deceased member of this forum. I'd say that most of us are better than you. You ought to change your moniker to Heartless_and_Dim. Or perhaps Cruel_and_Moronic. |
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That was my opinion,so keep yours to yourself . Thankyou JustLuke. |
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If you wanted people to keep their opinions to themselves then perhaps you shouldn't have posted your opinions on a public forum where his family and loved ones might have read them, you *insert four letter word of choice*. |
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THANK YOU.JustLuke.You dont me but you call me a %&*^.I do believe i sent my sad farewell in my post to the you know why i say, shit happens.People soon forget. |
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Nice_But_Dim Can you edit you language, there are youngens who use these forums and swearing is against the terms of use for these boards. And can we please keep the convosations civil and on track. As much as I find Xylvan's posts frustrating, he doesn't deserve them being locked as people arrupt into petty squabbles in them. |
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English. |
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Enjoy, not destroy. |