Attack of the Alien Space Beetles test v.81

Community Forums/Showcase/Attack of the Alien Space Beetles test v.81

sswift(Posted 2008) [#1]
So I've gotten back to work on my space beetles game, and I'm attempting to get it completed before the end of February, and I thought I'd put this test version out there to see how it works for people.

Right now, the game does not have any "levels" or spawn enemies with any rhyme or reason. Every second or so it just randomly picks a random type and spawns it.

I've chosen to forego most traditional enemy attack patterns for more unqiue ones, so even in the final game there won't be many "chains" of enemies flying about on predefined paths. (The attack pattern for the red bird enemy is not finalized.)

Controls are as follows:

Mouse = Move, fire
Spacebar = Change background
PgDn = change weapon (rocket enabled currently causes you to fire slowly, but in the final game it won't affect your firing speed and the rockets may simply fire on their own for a preset time period)
F = toggle fullscreen/windowed. (Pressing alt when windowed will give you hack the mouse cursor, but maximizing the window currently breaks the mouse control.)

Besides the new enemy attacks, some of the enemy bullets now cause your ship to shake or slow down momentarily when they hit you.

Also, you can shoot powerups up to four times to juggle them in the air and each shot increments a multiplier for the number of points you get when you finally collect them. Shooting them five times blows them up and you get nothing. The direction they fly in when shot is always towards the middle of the screen so you don't lose them. :-)

Another small detail which you may not notice is that when the ameobas split each generation is allowed fewer splits. This is to prevent people from leaving one ameoba alive at the end of a level and allowing it to split and then shooing the copy repeatedly to get a high score.

The game is currenty set to load in fullscreen mode, using DirectX. If you have any problems with it, lemme know. It uses the same video mode as your desktop is set to.

Feedback/ideas appreciated!

Philip7(Posted 2008) [#2]
I played the game till about 50K.
It's an addictive game even without the levels.

+Nice weapon 'freakout' when you pick up the xxx-barrel
+Smooth graphics
+Good looking backgrounds

~Then weapon freakout prevents you from picking up the loot or makes you shoot them 5 times :(

- Some enemies are so low on the screen that its damn near impossible to get them.

Looking forward to the final game which i really hope will include some bosses :)

*Also i would really like to know which tools you use to make those beautifull looking sprites.

Naughty Alien(Posted 2008) [#3]
..fart sound of one of the enemies makes me laugh like crazy...nice.. :)

coffeedotbean(Posted 2008) [#4]
I like that its widescreen, my screen cant scale to 4:3 which makes everything looked streched if its ot widescreen.

Graphics are great to.

Taron(Posted 2008) [#5]
I didn't even check the sound, yet, but it has a very neat look to it! Great style! Congrats...

big10p(Posted 2008) [#6]
Takes ages to return to the desktop after pressing escape, on my machine. I thought it'd crashed.

Panno(Posted 2008) [#7]
like the style !

Grisu(Posted 2008) [#8]
Well done!

- Support 4:3 resolutions as well.
- It's difficult to track bonusses as some "look" like enemies.
- I would love to see the background a bit less "static". E.g. via rotating planets, clouds, asteroids

- use tools such as OptiPMG to decrease the filesize of your graphics:
- use UPX to shrink your final executable:
- when freeing your resources at the end of the game, make some kind of "waiting screen". - It really feels like your app is crashing.

dmaz(Posted 2008) [#9]
for me when starting it goes to full screen and then immediately exits back to the desktop with no error. system info in the tag line.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#10]
Takes ages to return to the desktop after pressing escape, on my machine. I thought it'd crashed.

when freeing your resources at the end of the game, make some kind of "waiting screen". - It really feels like your app is crashing.

Yeah, that's a bug I posted about in the BlitzMax forum. It only happens in DirectX, not OpenGL, and has nothing to do with freeing anything.

(Right now the game is using DirectX because of a seperate issue where rendering in solid color doesn't work right in OpenGL so when you get slimed you turn yellow instead of green.)

I've tried to figure out exactly what's causing the slowdown, but so far no luck. I may create a workaround later by minimizing the window or something before shutting down. It won't make it shut down faster but at least you'll get back to the desktop quick.

Gotta concentrate on getting the game done though, as I've only got a couple months to finish it remaining.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#11]
for me when starting it goes to full screen and then immediately exits back to the desktop with no error.

Though the game defaults to fullscreen, it contains code which should switch it into windowed mode if no fullscreen mode can be set at the resolution which your desktop is running at. And the windowed mode is always 800x600 so any system should be able to handle that.

So... I have no idea why the game would simply exit after attempting to go fullscreen, unless DX is crashing when an invalid mode is attempted.

What resolution is your desktop set to? Do you have multiple monitors with the desktop spanned across them?

big10p(Posted 2008) [#12]
Yeah, that's a bug I posted about in the BlitzMax forum. It only happens in DirectX, not OpenGL.
Odd. No other bmax app I've tried has done this.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#13]
You think that's odd... I took the code I use in the game for setting up the graphics and windowed modes and switching between fullscreen and windowed, and and seperated it from all the gameplay code, and the delay doesn't occur!

Also, the delay occurs whether you exit the game, or toggle from fullscreen to windowed mode, and it happens in different places.

I think the cause is something to do with the amount of graphics being loaded, but I've tried loading and drawing a ton of graphics in the example as well and that failed to reproduce the problem.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#14]
Here's the example program which uses the same code as my game but doesn't reproduce the error:

The delay happens when you hit ESC which just calls "End", or when you switch from windowed to fullscreen for the first time, in which case it occurs on the "FreeGadget Canvas" line in the Fullscreen() function.

I wonder where it breaks when I switch from fullscreen to windowed for the first time... cause it wouldn't be there, that's for sure.


Yep, when switching from fullscreen to windowed, the delay occurs on the "CloseGraphics TG_Fullscreen" line in the SetWindowed() function.

And presumably "End" calls an internal function to shut down the current graphics context, so in all cases it's most likely shutting down the graphics the first time which is causing the delay.

Subsequent shutdowns however, have no delay. So pressing ESC after switching fullscreen to windowed results in no delay because there was a delay when making the switch.

plash(Posted 2008) [#15]
I'll take a peek at this later.. but I just wanted to say, your sig takes up half of my screen.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#16]
Your screen is too little then. :-)

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#17]
I also get a long delay on exit, maybe 5 secs.

Game seems fine, but I'd really like to see more "game" than this. Look forward to it. Hope you get it done.

I noticed that the scores that fly up to the score at the top don't move that smoothly (nor do some fast moving aliens). Are you using Int coords? Or is your timing code a tiny bit jerky? Anyone else see this? Other things are smooth on my PC.

It's annoying when the alien's spawn right under you. I guess this will change but it would have been nice to have had a "safe zone" around the player which cannot be spawned into.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#18]
Try holding down the S key and tell me if that makes a difference for you in the smoothness.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#19]
It's annoying when the alien's spawn right under you. I guess this will change but it would have been nice to have had a "safe zone" around the player which cannot be spawned into.

Which aliens are you referring to exactly? I don't think the purple ameoba aliens spawn at the bottom of the screen, and the ghosts will never spawn within a certain radius of your ship.

The ameobas will move off the bottom of the screen and then reappear there, but that's all I can think of which you could be referring to.

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#20]
Sorry I've deleted it now and emptied my recycle bin so can't check (download was slow). It just felt quite a few times like an alien appeared right next to me and I crashed into it. Perhaps it's because they fade in and I was moving fast and it's not that obvious where they are appearing (no "flash" beforehand or anything).

What does the S Key do?

dmaz(Posted 2008) [#21]
What resolution is your desktop set to? Do you have multiple monitors with the desktop spanned across them?
2560x1600. no, just one.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#22]
"What does the S Key do?"

It disables the framerate averaging code and simply draws the frames as quickly as it can.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#23]

Looks like they never fixed that issue. Try setting your desktop to 1920x1200 and I bet it works.

My app creates a window and a panel when it starts up. The panel makes a black background around the central drawing region when you maximize the window.

dmaz(Posted 2008) [#24]
yeah, it seems that if I lower my desktop resolution I can run this. so this is a panel in maxgui?

sswift(Posted 2008) [#25]
Yes, I use MaxGUI.

I create a window, and in that window I place a black panel which is set to resize with the window, and then in the center of that panel I place a canvas which does not resize with the window. That way, when you maximize the window, you get a black background around the gameplay area.

I guess I should just get rid of the panel, and not allow the user to maximize the window, since if they haven't fixed this issue since they were first informed of it a year ago, it's probably not gonna get fixed anytime soon.

Also there's a slight possiblity it may fix the freeze when you exit the game.

dmaz(Posted 2008) [#26]
do you have the latest MaxGui from the svn repository?

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2008) [#27]
I'm not sure why the framerate seems sluggish on my system, there is slowdown with very few enemies. Not sure how efficient your code is or what you're doing behind the scenes.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#28]
My code's efficient. I'm not doing anything particularly taxing on the system.

It's probably just the fact that it's drawing hundreds of little stars. BlitzMax has the same slowdown issues when drawing lots of images that Blitz3D has when you try to render hundreds of particles.

Also stuff can look choppier on an LCD when it's a small object moving on a dark background than when the whole screen is bright and changing. Try pressing TAB and it will tell you the framerate. And try holding down S to see if my framerate smoothing code is somehow the cause. That disables it.

sswift(Posted 2008) [#29]
do you have the latest MaxGui from the svn repository?

What SVN repository?

scribbla(Posted 2008) [#30]
no problems on running or closing

Looks good, like the graphics style, apart from the ship banking its hard to see any difference, maybe make the wing that turns away a little darker and the other lighter

On the weapons maybe make the missiles use the right mouse, fire left
Gives the user a bit more to do other than just keeping the left mouse down

Great sound when you get a power up

Don�t know what you�ve got for other levels, but what about a big mother ship/beetle moving right to left at top of screen, something else to shoot at while dodging the others

dmaz(Posted 2008) [#31]
What SVN repository?

MGE(Posted 2008) [#32]
"It uses the same video mode as your desktop is set to."

Won't run, just exits, and worse...there is nothing you can do about it. At least that anyone has come up with.

See this thread:

SpaceAce(Posted 2009) [#33]
I get that delay when I close the application, but no problems, otherwise. The moving starfield on some levels is a nice touch, and I think you should have more going on in the backgrounds of the levels. However, I think the stars should move a bit more slowly. The current scroll speed makes the effect a tad harsh.

What's the latest version of the sprite system? I'm thinking of dusting off my programming fingers, and I want to have everything up to date.


Ross C(Posted 2009) [#34]
Nice one swifty. Fairly enjoyable. More enemies on screen at the one time, and big motherships!

Gabriel(Posted 2009) [#35]
What's the latest version of the sprite system? I'm thinking of dusting off my programming fingers, and I want to have everything up to date.

I believe you'll need to contact SSwift via email. I think he's serving a ban right now.

Grey Alien(Posted 2009) [#36]
That is correct. I don't know if it's permanent or temporary.

SpaceAce(Posted 2009) [#37]
I believe you'll need to contact SSwift via email. I think he's serving a ban right now.

That is correct. I don't know if it's permanent or temporary.

Oh, wow, I had no idea. Thanks for the heads-up.


Chroma(Posted 2009) [#38]
Downloading to test now. Will report back...

smilertoo(Posted 2009) [#39]
graphics and everything are nice but it needs more stucture (ie levels). Just playing for ages till you die will get boring quickly.

Chroma(Posted 2009) [#40]
I noticed the choppy movements too. It should be like liquid smooth sprite movement IMO.

Overall, it looks cool but yeah, needs more structured encounters.