Very retro style 3D maze game
Community Forums/Showcase/Very retro style 3D maze game
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If you remember playing a 3D maze game on a Commodore PET (among others), here's a slice of nostalgia for you :) I've written it to get myself started with BlitzMax, but I've been programming for almost 30 years as explained in my intro post.![]() Here's a Windows version: Here's an Intel Mac version: The game should be pretty self-explanatory. Pick a maze size (the mazes are randomly generated each time), try to get to the exit point (you always start at the top left, the exit point is the bottom right). The more moves you make, the lower the score you end up with. You can look at a 2D map view if you need help, but get a bonus added to your score if you don't use it. You can also turn on a "breadcrumb trail" that shows you where you've been, but again, you get a bonus for not using it. As I'm new to Blitz, if there's anything I'm doing in the code that's bad, or could be done a lot more easily, I'm all ears :) The code is heavily documented but if you have any questions, I'm happy to help. Enjoy! |
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Interesting and nice retro feel but I think it would look better with a compas image some where. A real walkable version would be really nice. :) I have that similar maze generator function in my signature link. I messed with it but I've never really done anything with it. I guess it served to show me how to do a breadh first search engine and have it incase I ever need it. your code is really profesionally organize. do you know OO? one of the advantages of bmax is basically that. It is so easy to work with objects and makes you so much more productive. If you don't, I recomend the OO tutorials in the tutorials section of Blitzmax, really easy to follow. |
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I think it would look better with a compas image some where Probably :) I did consider that, actually, and may still put it in, but then again I may leave this alone in its retro goodness and move on to something a little more modern ... A real walkable version would be really nice. :) ... Like that, for example! your code is really profesionally organize. do you know OO? Thanks! Yes, I know OO although I'm out of practice and I'm still getting my head around all the new features of Blitz's version of Basic - it's sure not the Basic I used on my Vic-20! Thanks, |
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Reminds me of the Amiga's attempts to do 3d :-D |
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Ah yes I remember these type of games. Some were in wireframe. |
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Sultans Maze on the Amstrad CPC, well, thats what it looks like to me! :) Pretty cool that! :) Dabz |
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Add some monsters and call it dungeon master... ;) |
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Wow it's hard if you try 3d with no helpers! I'm actually being reminded of a graphic adventure called "Asylum". Maybe the top-down arrow could be smaller but overall I like it. Very nice to see all those comments in the code. My very first thought when looking at the code was that it's nicely set out, but I still wouldn't want to do a big project like that. But I guess that's more a stylistic comment and I'm coming from a very OO mindset. For just a few days coding and especially for someone new to the language I think it's a really great effort. Thanks for sharing. |
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Thanks for the feedback everyone :) This one was just to get me back into programming so very little planning went into it. For my next one, I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of Rally-X so I try out a tiling engine :) |
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I am so envious. That little program is so neat and tidy, and the code so well commented. A classic example to inspire us noobs everywhere. T |
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i remember 3D bat attack on the speccy, all it was was pacman but in wireframe 3D ghosts bats pills gold bars powerpill garlic althoguh not content with just ending the level after collecting the last bar you had to reach an exit marker too, but pacman none the less |
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You really need to switch to OO in BlitzMax. Also use SuperStrict. It will all pay off in the long run. |
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Agree with Beaker :-) |
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Couple of more tips Lindsay, Use "Framework" to cut down on the final complied binary size. It allows you to import only the modules the game needs. I have a tool to help ... Framework Assistant Instead of For y=0 To SizeY-1 For x=0 To SizeX-1 you can do: For y=0 Until SizeY For x=0 Until SizeX It's worth sticky a Delay in loops like this one to free up the system (preventing 100% CPU usage): While Not KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Delay 5 Wend |
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Thanks for the tips Jim! Beaker, I'm switching to OO for the next project. I just needed to get my brain back in programming mode :) |
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I really like this ! :) And yes, your coding style is nice. Now go OO damnit :) |
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Very cool Lindsay!!! :) |
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bit like xybots or was it zybots? found it: |
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very cool! amusing game to play when youre just trying to kill time, glad someone else is using mac! |