Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III is coming
Community Forums/Showcase/Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III is coming
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![]() Here we go... Many changes occured since the beguining of the blitz development of Candy World Tome III (CW3) CW3 is now a reality, and will become my most anticipated title ever... As you read in the last post, Candy World takes place in more distant places of Candy World, namely Medieval World. Beside Medieval World, Spade tried to vainquish Arabica Night World, North Pole Resort, Candy World and she reside in the deep Dark World... A world that will be the ultimate of the trilogy. Candy will have to be courageous and overcome all spells the Evil Queen will throw to her and friends. New Spells Candy Will have to learn to beat the evil Spade Queen: -Fire -Ice -Electricity -Wind -Sand -Light -Shadow -Rainbow Three levels of magic: -Blow -Big blow -Rage blow 5 kind of magic potion ![]() -Green This potion will give Candy 50 crystals, enough to fight a level ![]() -Blue This potion refill both crystals and health... ![]() -Pink This potion will heal Candy's and Friends health ![]() -Yellow This potion will give invincibility to Candy ![]() -Purple This potion will turn Candy to invisible, ennemies will not remark her and her friends... ![]() Instead of Pyrits, Candy and her friends will collect crystals of different color. New ennemies, new bonus, new worlds, the new demo will give you the feeling that Candy World is getting way better... Try it in my signature !! New !!! A two dog or cat mode will be a possibility in Candy World 3. I callen this the solo cooperative mode... The Two choosen animals can actually do: -Follow each other -Fly freely in the worlds with two butterfly -The "Deuse" (Second player) will battle ennemies In the near future, the cooperative mode will become a fully online mode with chat. But is just an idea. It will be certainly possible to make a solo cooperative mode in Candy World Tome III like never before. In other hand, I want to stay near a solo experience for the player. The additionnal helpers of Candy or Toopy will make a much better experience. I'm working on it, a demo, 0.45th version is already available on my website... Enjoy !! |
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cool |
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Did you make it fun yet? Three levels of magic: -Blow -Big blow -Rage blow Please reconsider the names for these. |
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Graphics for the objects look very nice. |
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rage blow, is that the aftermath of sneezing down a £20 note? the whole candy world logo made up of 'stuff' reminds me of some death metal logo's but more colouful naturally one of these daya ill install the latest demo and see how it plays, lets hope the rapid day/night cycle has gone and the ultra fast candy i saw on one youtube (same as the motionless feet spinning attack that always looked odd, mind you my mums dog has difficulty reversing most days) |
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i hope there is a cool rendered intro in it.. if you wish i can create one ^^ |
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artwork seems to be improving :) - whats with the intel software partner thing?.. does that mean you have secured funding? |
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I must say the graphics are getting better. The text is too blocky/jagged. Try to stylize them more towards the title screen art. Also, instead of just making the crystals different colors. Try making them different gem cuts too (brilliant, marquis, princess, baguette, round, trillion). That might give it a bit more variety. Good luck. |
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The graphics are ALWAYS getting better. The gameplay, however.... |
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Thats good to see that people changed their way to answer my messages... I'm working toward making a fully bitmap font. Also, I'm working very hard to get the maximum quality. I'm looking at different languages to see if I can get the best render. I want it to be the game of my dreams. Lights of Dreams 2 will be directX 10 or 11, I need all the information to get the best render and facilities to code and model for my next games. With intel partnarship I can aim for a better developping plateform, I'll need alot of knowledges so I want to masterise DirectX 9.0 before. As I can see DirectX 11 is getting closer to reality and I hope Mark will make the leap and deliver us a DirectX 9, 10 or 11 of blitz. It could be very good. |
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Re: Thats good to see that people changed their way to answer my messages... and With intel partnarship I can... blah, blah, blah. Xylvan, I wish you good luck but have you learned nothing from your previous interactions with people here? |
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As I can see DirectX 11 is getting closer to reality and I hope Mark will make the leap and deliver us a DirectX 9, 10 or 11 of blitz. Not gonna happen. |
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New content has been added to the first message... Be free to test the new solo cooperative mode in Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III ! Is a very good new addition to this game. |
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... solo cooperative ... ??? |
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Xylvan, are your games made using Blitz3D, or Blitzmax? I think the graphics are really nice, especially the 3D ones, and was just curious to know what language you use :) Thanks! W E R D N A (I would check out the demo, but my internet is so bad I can't download large files, lol) |
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I'm presently programming Candy World III in Blitz3D It goes pretty well since I got great advices from the Blitz Communiy forumers. I'm looking for a file hoster who gives a direct link to the file uploaded and can handle 200MB files... My game are now 120Mo... It grows days after days and soon it will be half way... I'm at version 0.35 and the next step will be to make the more accurate AI as possible. |
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Sounds good! Are you using in user libs or game engines with Blitz3D, or is it just pure blitz3D without any add-ons? Also I forgot to ask in my first post, what modeling program do you use to make the models? Thanks a bundle, and good luck with Candy World! |
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I use pure Blitz 3d WITH Ashadow I bought in 2007 from Andreyman... My modelling program is 3DStudio Max 9 SP2 for xp and vista. I use the b3d pipeline found on onigirl website. I'm projecting making the whole Candy World Tome III in Blitz 3D. Soon, I'll start the Tome II of Candy World Adventure, it will use multiple character(2) and my own engine of AI. |
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Ok, thanks for the reply! Good luck with Candy World :) |
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Xylvan, you have a great imagination. It seems to be very well suited to children. So here is an idea for you; write a children's book. Kind of like how J.K. Rowling did with Harry Potter. Send me 10%. :) |
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It goes pretty well since I got great advices from the Blitz Communiy forumers. Eh ...I won't even bother commenting more on the irony of that statement. I feel like i'm doing no justice by giving compliments to you due to your arrogant attitude towards people trying to help, but it appears the game is being improved nicely. You have skill but the unfortunate thing on your side is that you won't take critical advice that might help you improve your skills to professionalism. Either way, good luck Xylvan... |
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I still need some good idea for making the game better I'm presently working in parallel the famous Tome II of Candy World Adventure... I've done some improvement To the 1.05th version of the game and the version 1.11 will be out soon with new story, new items, new monsters(Spaders... WOW !), new challenge... Solo coop mode will be included to the demo. After Candy retrive all fruits of Candy World, Spade, the evil Spade Queen, has changed the place of all Bee hive of the four kingdom... Candy have to securely save the honey hives and take them to a secure place. 3 levels will have a honey hive challenge with different level of difficulty. The others will have to make something else to not make the same repetitive actions... Il's especially work on the "helper" of Candy in the game... It will be Toopy. Maory the cat will be added as Guide. This cat is the guide of Candy World I and II especially in World 1 : Flower Garden and World 2 : Watery Mountain Stay tuned and if you have any idea for the game, give a word ! |
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I still need some good idea for making the game better Sigh... See here to get started: First Candy World thread Second Candy World thread Third Candy World thread Fourth Candy World thread Fifth Candy World thread Sixth Candy World thread Seventh Candy World thread Eighth Candy World thread (Yes, that mermaid's nose is dead-center of her face.) Ninth Candy World thread Tenth Candy World thread (Please note that these are only the "main" Candy World ones (not conjoined with Lights of Dreams or whatever), otherwise I would've listed 18 different Candy World/Lights of Dreams threads.) |
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I've made few changes to Candy World : Tome III and Candy World Adventure : Tome II Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III changes New low polies stuff: Since the recent v0.45 Portals Heart fountain Before v0.37 Vials Monsters Trees Rocks Particles effects will be rethinked in further version. More accent will be poured in quality. The harder part of the work will be to add fun levels with great and fully new challenges. Candy World Adventure Queen Spade Mischief Saga Tome II New vials, new ennemies, new moves, new switchs and more will come in the version 1.11th of this game. 1.07th version of this game are now on My only affordable publishing. Next step will be to add levels, tiles, npcs, story... This game is aiming for PC/Blitz3D engine... During the next week I will work hard on both of those titles, I'm really motivated. Now I just need ur advice on games demos I published on my website(see below). |
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More Xylvan, more Candy, oh yah. ;) |
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Recents update of Candy World 2D Adventure Tome II gives 3 new levels to the game... I'm taking a rest for the holidays and will be the hoster for all my Games: Candy World : The Golden Bones Tome II v2.12 Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III v0.45 Lights of Dreams : The Angelical Blade v3.03 Candy World Adventure : Queen Spade Mischief Saga v1.11 Plot of Candy World Adventure Tome II: The evil Queen Spade has raised a Spaders army again in the Candy World Lands and are now making many mischief... Every year, when the moon is full(like always), the Lillians, Candy and Toopy celebrates their victory against two silly foes: Doctor PicPic and Queen Spade. But one year, Candy and Toopy was going to the Festival in Fruity Garden where the fruits are back. But when using portals they realised that they were far from Fruity Garden, they were going straight to the Evil Queen Spade Castle !! The goal of the game is to defeat the evil Queen Spade again, but all in 2D. She really have to become kind with Lillians. With the same content than Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III, this game will be free. |
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Why have you got an intel logo on the game? |
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Intel...ligence inside? |
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Why have you got an intel logo on the game? uh idk, I think in one of the previous 10 threads he mentioned he is working with them or something? edit: I think the problem is, you post when you are excited about what you plan to do, then you add some of it and dont tell anyone about it, then post when you get a new idea... maybe if you just wait till you have done most of what you have thought about adding, then post and say what you've added rather than what isnt there yet it would help a lot. not tryin to play forum policeman but u know just throwin out some advice |
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not tryin to play forum policeman but u know just throwin out some advice ...said the forum policeman ;) No but he's right. Xylvan has great ideas and he has finished far more game than I have... but his games would have more success if he'd actually post the progress, not the todo-lists. Anyway, nice games, Xylvan. |
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The evil Queen Spade has raised a Spaders army again in the Candy World Lands and are now making many mischief... spaders army ?!? what, are they going to dig up the gardens round candys house? |
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spaders army ?!? Nah, its James Spader. He has an army, hence Spader's army. After battling the Goa'uld so many years ago in the original movie and then being excluded from the subsequent TV series, he went nuts and has now invaded Candy World and is unleashing havoc. |
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does that mean his secretary and donnies sister maggie gillenhall [sp] will be an end of level boss? |
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In Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III Spade stolen all fruits, and also turned altmost all Giant Golden Heart to black... Now, in Candy World Adventure : Queen Spade Mischief Saga, she moved all four honey hives destined to the festival and turned all switches off... Almost all the texts of Candy World Adventure have changed to fit to the story, some details remain to change. For those who where finding my game repetitive, I just added four new levels to the game: World 15 : Garden Road This one respect the way of gameplay of all the other games, but there is now more monsters, more variety and the player is drawn solidely into the adventure... From now, Candy and Toopy walks all the way to the Fruity Garden, but Spaders invaded all the zones. You must defeat them ! World 16 : Mushroom Shrine Again, I take a new kind of plateform for this new game : Mushroom of all sizes. Some have ennemies on it, some have bonus and sometimes theres a Jumper on it... World 17 : Spectral Grotto Something really missing in Tome I of Candy World Adventure were Caverns levels. Its my first attempt in the Candy World serie and it is a really big Cavern. Theres Quartz, Plateform of all sorts, misteries and hooky challenge... World 18 : Fruity Garden Festival I added this new zone to the game. It is actually the first goal of the game. It is a replic of the third world of the game, namely World 37 : Fruity Garden Here it is for demo 1.11 of Candy World Adventure 2, 4 fresh new levels with a more accurate design amd more ennemies to beat now. I hope it will help you choose my game for test. I'm aiming for a more accurate 2D game which will change your way to judge me... In the next demo, Toopy will be fully playable and will work in tandem with Candy... Player will be able to Switch of helper and player like Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III(CW3). Have a nice holidays everyones ! |
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Is the new version the one you said would work on the PS3? |
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Be free to test the new solo cooperative mode in Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III ! What is cooperative solo mode? That doesn't make any sense. |
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Just a suggestion: If you're offering a "demo" maybe include like 3 levels or something. Who wants to download a 113mb demo? I am going to try it out anyway though and give you some feedback. |
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What is cooperative solo mode? That doesn't make any sense. It means you can play cooperatively with your multiple personalities. |
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Ok, tried the "demo". First off, you need to include some in game instruction or a tutorial in a demo. Right off the bat, you don't know what to do in this game. I was confused after 10 seconds! I played it for a few minutes, and only became frustrated. A demo version is supposed to get the player hooked on the game so they then purchase the full version. It did not do this for me, as it was way too confusing. Third, the demo is like 420 mb unzipped. Consider using pngs or jpgs instead of all bmps. |
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Somehow everything that Xylvan says is unintentionally comedic. |
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You're all just jealous of his work. |
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Say what you will, he is making finished games. |
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I don't think he's put out anything that I would consider finished. |
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I agree with Halo. I have yet to finish a project and I've been trying off and on for 9 years. |
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You probably could finish it, if you released some half assed game, with zero playablity. That's the reason most people don't release a game :) Anyways, good luck, and keep working on the actual gameplay, and stop adding more levels. I'd rather play one really good level, than 16 ones that are all the same. I admire your persistance though. |
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>Queen Spade Mischief Saga, she moved all four honey hives destined to the festival and >turned all switches off... >Almost all the texts of Candy World Adventure have changed to fit to the story, some >details remain to change. Whatta heck means 'all four honey hives destined to the festival and turned all switches off'. Dont bother - im so bad in english too. Good luck ya anyway! Your games are lookin' really good. |
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You probably could finish it, if you released some half assed game, with zero playablity. That's the reason most people don't release a game :) Ok, now I agree with Ross C! |
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![]() It is actually how the game look in the 0.50th version of Candy World III aka Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III. It has new realistic grass, new portal model, is now faster, and will finally be free to play. I'm realising making a zig zag between free and paying games isnt the solution. Intel's website got only 100 visitors for my games and I think people dont want me to make paying games. People dont pay for unfinished games anyway. Here is the question : is it good enough for changing the old 0.45th image of Candy World for that more polished vision of my new game ? I need to know if it could be good to post it and replace my old washed out image I posted on the main page... ![]() It is the new portal model... I compile it in one mesh for faster reference and collisions... The bell is made apart. The bell actually show 2 kind of animations. Theres new ornaments on the portals symbolising the energy and crystal. The LOW polies versions of the game dont show the new ornaments, its lightier and dont freeze the PC. To access the Setup options of the game and make those actions, run the setup program who comes with the game. ![]() LOW / MEDI / HIGH polies WITH / WHITOUT HERB HDR / NORMAL render - HIGH / LOW -> HIGH = with more light / LOW = with few light English / Francais -> Is to set the language With / Whitout Music With Whitout Sounds 640X480 / 800X600 / 1024X768 -> Size of window or screen Window / Fullscreen All are coming with the 0.50th version of my 3D game Candy World III. I've not fully tested the new partial game. I removed the boss of Candy World II because they were broken. The player can actually play the 38 levels of the game without brake. It is unprobable that a fatal bug occur, but it is indeed possible. I need people to test my games. Please test it. I need also your advice. Tell me where I'm wrong... To help people replaying the full 37 levels of Candy World : The Complete Saga, I've started a new page with all the new images of Candy World Tome III v0.50 Candy World III Walkthrough or Official Candy World III Walkthrough Website A full new gallery and very descriptive content about a helpful trick to unleash the power of Candy World II, who are now totally free. Have a happy Holidays, The Xilvan Design Team - Now making free games for you ! |
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WITH / WHITOUT HERB Now this makes sense. I shall play with lots of herb :) |
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People dont pay for unfinished games anyway. i dunno there are alot of unfinished games in game shops these days, even for consoles. |
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Here I come again to show what I've added to my faverite game in development: Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III First, It got a scenario upgrade... No more Dark Queen trying to overcome her need... Doctor PicPic is... Back to haunt Candy World ! He's enough bad to try marry all Queens of Card World... They all cast him away from their castle except the poor Queen of Spades... They are now fiancé and in the way of the marriage. But Doctor PicPic has some world to blast, so he went away with his flying saucer and the poor little Queenie cries... Solution, making the rain fall on all Candy World and Card World. only Candy and Soopy can stop them ! Soopy is the new name for Toopy by now. Cause of copyright issue with Toopy and Binou. Three worlds are available to help... In the last one: Spaders invaded the whole garden and seems to want steal all fruits of Candy World... Those fruits are not eatable, but when a dreamer touch it, he can sense a dream... They are like jewels who help people make dreams. Without delay, Candy and Soopy must attack the infamous Spaders to save the whole garden. After hundreds of blast and attack, Spaders retreat and remove their hideous trenchcoat... to reveal that they was only Lillians !!! Anyway the Queens are there and start talk with the team to reveal the problems of Candy World. Doctor PicPic is back ! Nooooo ! Here are the four Queens of Candy World III, enjoy ! Queen of Hearts ![]() The Queen of Hearts really like everything related to hearts, from flowers to cute animals. She lives in a beautiful palace all alone with tons of virtual animals. She smell roses... Queen of Squares ![]() The Queen of Squares accept many confidances, she's the more rafined of all Queens and she's much like a ballerina. She smell jacinth... Queen of Clovers ![]() The Queen of Clovers are a real ray of sun. She likes Nature, flowers, animals and live in a castle in a far away forest in the Card Kingdom. She smell clover... Queen of Spades ![]() The Queen of Spades is the most reserved of all Queens. Since the departure of her fiancé to a far away world, she fallen in a kind of depression, Only kindness of a pure Heart can save this poor Queen in the void of darkness. She smell clematith... I hope it will help you knowing about this game. |
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Xylvan, what have you been smoking? Can I have some? |
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Sorry, I'm not smoking :P Well Sometime I get some weird comportment... I know... I were very enthousiast about telling that new plot for Candy World III My only drugs at the moment are Candy World III, Candy World Adventure and Lights of Dreams ( like it was even 4 years ago ). I want to show my passions to other people, I want them to try my games and say what they really think. Lately I were working on Candy World 2D Adventure II, I made a strip of 120 frames of lillians moves and animations. It goes pretty well. Next step will be to make a Lillian sound... I will need a micro on my laptop, some softwares and alot of inspiration. I may try before opting to record my own sound. I want it mystic and a little weird. |
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I'm all for enthusiasm but those queen models are incredibly bad - particularly the queen of squares. Looks like she's got a couple of ping pong balls down her top. I think you should study the human form a little more. |
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This video comes to mind : |
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Ah...the Queen of Clovers(over and over) I feel like it's 1967 once again. |
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Back in the shared reality the majority inhabit, 'squares' are known as diamonds and 'clovers' are known as clubs. Easy on the 'shrooms, dude. |
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Is it just me or does everyone think the "Queen of Spades" is a bit tasty? The boots and the mini-dress do it for me. Not sure I like the 'skunk' strip through her hair though. |
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Easy on the 'shrooms, dude. One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small, And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all. Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall. And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall, Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar Has given you the call. Call Alice When she was just small. When the men on the chessboard Get up and tell you where to go And you've just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving low. Go ask Alice I think she'll know. When logic and proportion Have fallen softly dead, And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!" Remember what the dormouse said: "Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head" |
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Back in the shared reality the majority inhabit, 'squares' are known as diamonds and 'clovers' are known as clubs. Easy on the 'shrooms, dude. In fact, clovers and squares are recognized alternate names for the suits in question. In particular, the French tend to refer to them under these names (along with lances for spades.) So since Xylvan is from Canada (presumably Quebec), he's right enough. |
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Thanks, Gabriel. That explains it. Do they call lillies 'lillians' and hearts 'hearths' there? @GaryV.... TUNE!!! |
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Why dogs? why not magical fairies and gnomes? |
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Is it just me or does everyone think the "Queen of Spades" is a bit tasty? Note to underage drinkers -> Thats what happens when you drink too much Stella Artois, so be careful! Dabz |
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Is it just me or does everyone think the "Queen of Spades" is a bit tasty? Yes, but the way she is scratching herself down there would make me think twice. |
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isnt dr pickpick like the harold shipman of vets? |
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Why dogs? Because the entire game is pretty much supposed to be a virtual shrine to his dog that passed away. |
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Why dogs? why not magical fairies Because somebody else has already cornered the market on faeries. :) |
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I think Xylvan has a lot of potential for a career in game development. He's getting work done with the resources he has. |
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I agree with leadwerks, I'm sure the guy works hard like all of us do on our projects - don't discourage his dream. |
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Ditto |
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Because somebody else has already cornered the market on faeries. :) Indeed; that's unfortunate. I think Xylvan has a lot of potential for a career in game development. He's getting work done with the resources he has. I think someone has a lot of potential for game development when he's given low grade investment but comes up with high grade results through talent. Gfk himself (pardon the name usage there, dude) thought the models weren't that great, with Xylvan using 3DS Max. Xylvan needs to improve his artistical vision, and so far I don't think he's got it good (I'm only saying this because he's been doing this stuff for some time). I remember when Nilium commented about his title picture, the dog with the "Candy World" painting (which I still can't make out clearly, making me believe it disrespects some typographic rules). He used 3DS Max for this: ![]() I used 3DS Max for this: ![]() I don't mean to discourage him of his dream, but he needs to start putting the "Candy" in "Candy World". It's what you expect of someone who has been working in something like this for a long time. I'm failing to see improvement on his artistical side - and as we all judge from common sense, visual quality can hold a great percentage of the possibility of success of your game. |
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Message for kryson I think your render is very beautiful... It used to make it realistic but I preferd making it completely simple. Message to Leadwerks I didnt had the occasion of trying leadwerks, but I intend to buy it someday. Imagine a completely Leadwerks project will full of realistic trees and characters... I think I will rethink about buying Leadwerks and learning blitzmax or C++. I'm presently working on a different phase of Candy World Adventure II... Toopy is a honest companion who will follow Candy everywhere and act like an inteligent buddy. He can now walk with grace and fly in the skies of this whole new game who will appear in September 2010... Demos will be available soon :) !! |
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Toopy is a honest companion.. Nuh-uh! Soopy, remember? |
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I'm hesitating between Noopy and Soopy... Both are wonderful names... |
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I've watched the Xylvan threads for quite some time now and have only one comment to make. Looking for the creator in the creation, I see Xylvan with a gentle nature and a good heart. Those attributes should be treasured and are far more important to happiness than any specific game-making talent. It may be a slow evolution, but I see improvement. And I've always liked his basic concept of a pretty, non-violent game featuring heroic pets, riding upon the wings of butterflies. I wish him every success. |
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I wish him every success. I wish him too; but do you agree with me that to achieve this, he needs to stand-out from other projects? |
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I am presently working on AI, the artificial intelligence of Candy World Adventure II, a 2D game. I worked on flight system. The two dogs need one butterfly each. The main Character is Candy and the helper is Noopy. Noopy follows Candy everywhere in the sky. The only problem is when both doesnt have butterflies, Noopy may follow Candy and reappear when falling, but he falls idiotly without reason. I need to refine my hole detecting algorythms. I actually scan all the edges of the cliffs from the downward-right when looking at right or downward-left when looking at left... but something is wrong with the scanning and he often falls down. I hope people of the blitz comunity will find a solution to this narrow problem... I've compiled the very last librairy of Candy World Adventure II... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Best of luck Xylvan, this looks unique, something that could only come from and indie developer with a vivid plan in mind and the tenacity to follow it through! |
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since the last time i wrote about this project... i do mean it serious.. The game needs pre rendered cutscenes like final fantasy. I can write a scene-script (intro & outro) for you. The story is great readable (for kids meaning) and the idea about the game is good, too. Making two professional scenes will be _not_ a waste of time! Do please ask one design- & render-guy from the graphix community. Is june<->september a real deadline? |
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I'm aiming for a September release... I want the title to be perfect and wisely revided. September is the best date for releasing games... The price of Candy World III should be between 10.00$-50.00$ It could be fun to get prerendered scenes for my games. I'm still working hard on each iteration of my upcoming games. It could need a more detailed model for the cutescenes, it need to have a fully articulated jaws for enabling talking. |
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"The price of Candy World III should be between 10.00$-50.00$" $50.00 sounds fair. |
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Just to announce that a great demo are available at our website. See my signature to find your prefered game. Each game has new images, new demos and new infos and offers maximum performance. Newer versions of Candy World III offers: -Rain stopping mission. -Consolided fruit saving mission. -New Queen reunion. Newer versions of Candy World Adventure II offers: -Day and night features. -New Lillian and Owl sounds. -Spaders can remove their silly suit. -Lillian can be saved. -Noopy always follow Candy. |
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It could need a more detailed model for the cutescenes, it need to have a fully articulated jaws for enabling talking. Do not make the work so long you have no "ok". Cutscenes should not reduced by talking actors. There are nice backgrounds needed and so on. This is realy hard work. Or you do need a good team. I offer me as script-writer. oh.. i think $15 are fair. The game does not contain custom content. It is all made by you. This is a big plus. $20 is high and not good. Your customer are childs. They can identify with game better than a old guy. |
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The price of Candy World III should be between 10.00$-50.00$ Good luck competing with Reflexive's $6.99 games... |
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I've recently made a new Walkthrough trailer for Candy World : Heart of Heaven Tome III It is titled Trailer V Candy World III on and In this channel are all my video made from September 2006 to today(March 2010). We hope you will enjoy and give some nice comments about all my games... Have a good view ! |
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Had a look. One comment, the music doesn't suit the genre of the game you are making. This maybe just the music for the video you've posted, if so, ignore the following. I expected a little more "strings, chimes, harp" etc. to give it that 'dreamy' other world feel. Other than that, well done. |
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Is certainly because I expected a song more like plateformers. I'm not the writer of those songs, but I've some possibilities to write some songs too. Candy World is evolving altmost every days. I've opted for an all ages game this time and I hope to get more people playing. In Candy World III : Heart of Heaven and Candy World Adventure II : The Lillian Festival, Noopy(Toopy) got a new home: Candy World III : Heart of Heaven ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Candy World Adventure II : The Lillian Festival ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I hope you'll like this whole new feature and download my games... Remember that Windows 7 Home doest run the game Candy World III : Heart of Heaven but perfectly runs Candy World Adventure II : The Lillians Festival... Windows XP, Vista and 7 Professionnal or Ultimate may run blitz games perfectly. Recently, I've added a new item in my games, it is callen the Heart Dream Key and it will be used to open the Playing Card World Doors... It is now easy to reach in both games. ![]() Good luck with your games ! |