Rockfall DX Trial finally finished
Community Forums/Showcase/Rockfall DX Trial finally finished
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So after working on this game on and off for what now seems like an eternity, the game is finally almost finished with just a few more levels required. This has meant that I was in a position to put the trial version of the game together, which is exactly what I have done. Rockfall DX is essentially a complete reboot of my Rockfall games, originally started on the Atari ST, and now being released for PC and Mac. The game is a tribute to the Repton games from the days of the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro, which also bear a resemblance to Boulderdash. ![]() I thought it would be good if I released the trial versions here, ahead of the public released, for feedback and if anyone experiences any problems (particularly on Lion, as I haven't got it to test it myself just yet). Download links below. Windows installer (XP and later) - Download (8MB) Mac DMG (Universal) - Download (7.7MB) (The above are the latest updates, including the bug fix and some of the suggestions made below). This trial contains just 12 levels and 1 music track, while the full version will have 80 levels in the default set, plus 6 additional music tracks, and a built-in level editor. Do download, give it a whirl, and let me know what you think or if you have any problems. Enjoy. Last edited 2012 |
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On the plus side: It looks pretty decent, plays smoothly, automatically detected my name and 1920x1200 resolution. When staring the game it says "get ready to play" (or something similar), but it wasn't obvious to me that it was waiting for me to hit space or something to start the level -- I thought it was a loading screen instead. You may want to make it a little more obvious that it is waiting on the player by changing the wording (e.g "hit any key to start" or something) or just draw a 'GO' or 'START' button below the text Also, the menu itself appears rather small on a 1920x1200 resolution display, perhaps scale those kind of things up a bit depending on the resolution the game chooses? As far as actual gameplay is concerned: I played the first two levels, but found it a bit.... boring, to be honest. I actually quite enjoyed the various Boulderdash clones I've played in the past, but it seems like nothing much was happening here. I don't know what happens in your game -after- level 2, but you may want to consider making map 1 and/or 2 physically smaller so you can progress to later levels faster, which presumably have more variety/difficulty to rope in the player. In the current state, you're spending a full 10 minutes or so without much going on -- it may be difficult to convince potential customers that your game is worthwhile to pay money for after that initial exposure. You don't generally have much time to make a first impression. |
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I agree with all of that. And yes, maps too large and not much happening. First few levels should be smaller and draw the player in. |
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it won't play on my Macbook . it starts, it goest through the loading screen then it crashes with a "quit unexpectedly" message. |
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Works ok on my 2006 iMac, Snow Leopard. Apparently you're targetting kids with this game, by the graphic style? That makes me wonder if that's why you made the game `easier`? In boulderdash etc the gems themselves would probably fall posing an extra challenge. Also there are absolutely no enemies or anything other than navigating, not getting a boulder on your head and collecting gems. At least that's my impression from level 1. One thing I am unsure about also is the background, which moves in parallax but is almost the same scroll speed as the foreground. Not sure what you're trying to do there, make a fake 3D depth or what? Maybe it'd work better scrolling faster. Also the `dirt` that you dig through is really hard to distinguish from non-dirt tiles, it's too subtle. |
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Wow, this has gone down like a lead balloon. Maybe I should change my hobby. But anyways... When staring the game it says "get ready to play" (or something similar), but it wasn't obvious to me that it was waiting for me to hit space or something to start the level Point taken. I will add some prompt text so the player knows they need to press something. Also, the menu itself appears rather small on a 1920x1200 resolution display, perhaps scale those kind of things up a bit depending on the resolution the game chooses? Really?! How big is your monitor? Looks just fine on my 1080p 22" monitor. You are actually playing at the most the game will support natively (anything higher and the game will attempt to find the next nearest with the same aspect ratio). In terms of scaling generally, the bulk of the code was written years ago when most people were quite content with their CRT monitors and the original intention was have the game default to 1024x768 with the option of going higher. Things have changed and I've had to change it to suit LCD monitors and their native resolutions. Adding scaling now would be a bit of a ball-ache now, to be honest. You live and learn though... As far as actual gameplay is concerned: I played the first two levels, but found it a bit.... boring, to be honest. I agree with all of that. And yes, maps too large and not much happening. First few levels should be smaller and draw the player in. Point taken. I will shall remove or "jazz-up" those two levels in the demo (and the full game, for that matter). Things do start to get more interesting from level 3. Probably introducing things more gradual than I should. Apparently you're targetting kids with this game, by the graphic style? That makes me wonder if that's why you made the game `easier`? Not at all, I'm aiming for anyone interested in puzzle games. The reason the graphics look like they do is that I couldn't find a graphics artist who could commit. I therefore ended up doing the graphics myself, and I'm no graphics artist. In boulderdash etc the gems themselves would probably fall posing an extra challenge. Boulderdash is a similar game, but the mechanics are different in Repton. In that game only the boulders fall, and it's not possible to outrun them. I always thought Repton to be more of a challenge, as being able to outrun falling boulders always seemed a bit of a cheat to me. Everyone has their taste and it's probably down to which they played first. Also there are absolutely no enemies or anything other than navigating There are later. One thing I am unsure about also is the background, which moves in parallax but is almost the same scroll speed as the foreground. I used to have this move at half the speed of the foreground, but it seemed a little fast. It's currently around 90% as I wanted something a bit more subtle. I'll speed this up a little, so it's more apparent. Also the `dirt` that you dig through is really hard to distinguish from non-dirt tiles, it's too subtle. Do you mean against the parallax background? Would it be better if it were darker, or the backgrounds lighter? Thinking the former at the moment. it won't play on my Macbook . it starts, it goest through the loading screen then it crashes with a "quit unexpectedly" message. That's a bit worrying! Could you provide more info on your set-up. Going on your sig, is that Snow Leopard installed? I haven't had the chance to test on Lion yet (I don't have it at the mo), so are you now using that? Also, the game creates a debug log during the initialisation process. If the game crashes this file should still be on your hard drive. It's located in /Library/Application Support/SOS Software/Rockfall DX Trial and is simply called DebugLog. If this file is present and is not empty, could you post it here. Thanks for your feedback. Good job I haven't made this public yet! |
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Wow, this has gone down like a lead balloon. lol, it does seem harsh. But I've played earlier versions of your game and liked them...just some tweaks really. Also, the menu itself appears rather small... Adding scaling now would be a bit of a ball-ache now, to be honest. ok if it's going to be a lot of work then I could live with the menu size. It's not so bad at 1680 X 1050. Probably introducing things more gradual than I should. I would give demo levels that show more of the could lose peoples attention before they get to the more interesting levels. I used to have this move at half the speed of the foreground, but it seemed a little fast. It's currently around 90% as I wanted something a bit more subtle. At the current speed it's not worth having any difference. 50% - 75% would be a better speed difference. Also the `dirt` that you dig through is really hard to distinguish from non-dirt tiles, it's too subtle. If you go to the 3rd tutorial level Jazzie - that's a good example of this problem. |
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Steve, Thanks for remembering the earlier versions and liking them. At least, I know I'm not too far off the mark then. I remember those levels getting straight into the thick of things. Will be re-thinking which levels come with the demo version. Probably also do some tweaking of those that come with the full versions - especially the larger, simpler levels. Will also be speeding up the parallax effect. As for the earth/dirt, the backgrounds are picked at random out of four possible. Looking at those backgrounds, one or two are probably quite close to the colour of the earth, so will be looking into making the backgrounds to earth more of a contrast. Will try and get a new demo up some time this week. Thanks for your feedback. |
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No problem...I'll look out for the new demo. |
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OK, so I have now uploaded a new version for Windows (link in first post). Changes as follows - Removed the first two levels so that there are now at least boulders to avoid. - Added prompts on level intro and bonus screens. - Darkened the earth/dirt so that it stands out against the backgrounds better. - Changed the speed of the parallax scrolling (now 70% of foreground). Hopefully this improves things somewhat, but do please keep the comments coming. Will try and get an updated Mac version up tomorrow - but also hoping Jesse will have a debug log for me to have a gander at. |
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GOOD To see him making GOOD Rockfall game as I remember him when I met him in Coder Workshop Event back in 2004 ! The Time Flew and now we are in 2012! :-o |
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yep....we are definitely in a state where it's better to have many small levels in stead of fewer larger levels. Peeps want gratification much quicker these days. |
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GOOD To see him making GOOD Rockfall game as I remember him when I met him in Coder Workshop Event back in 2004 ! The Time Flew and now we are in 2012! :-o Wow, was it 2004. Crikey! I remember you too. Have you given this version a go? Do try and let me know what you think. yep....we are definitely in a state where it's better to have many small levels in stead of fewer larger levels. Peeps want gratification much quicker these days. There's just no patience these days any more. I blame the parents that give their kids anything they want just to shut them up ;-) Anyway, the default level set has a mixture of small to medium, with a few large. There's additional level sets with the full version that all have fairly small levels, so they'll be something for everyone. |
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OK, so I have now uploaded a new version for Windows. I'll have a few more goes on this when I can. First impressions of new version are much better though! yep....we are definitely in a state where it's better to have many small levels in stead of fewer larger levels. There's something to be said for smaller levels though. For the casual gamer, or somebody who has a few spare minutes to 'crack another level' at lunchtime or something. I'd divide your levels into categories - small medium and large levels. |
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I'll have a few more goes on this when I can. First impressions of new version are much better though! Thank you. But do let me have any other feedback. I'd divide your levels into categories - small medium and large levels. It's a bit late for that with the default levels. But the additional sets with the full version are pretty much two sets of small, one medium, one very small, and the default set. Will probably rename the level sets to make this obvious. I have now also uploaded the same version for Mac. As I haven't had any further feedback from Jesse so far, I would be interested to know if anyone else has any problems. If so, please post spec and see if there's a debug log in /Library/Application Support/SOS Software/Rockfall DX Trial/ and post it here if there is. Cheers. |
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I have play the game and I have to say Enjoyable Game to date :) The Menu is Great and changing Relutions is good( mine is 1366 x 768).... The Game of Difficult is just about right :) I agree that Steve Elliott that the map is too large but could divide your levels into categories - small medium and large levels and that could be good idea :) There's just no patience these days any more. I blame the parents that give their kids anything they want just to shut them up ;-) Anyway, the default level set has a mixture of small to medium, with a few large. There's additional level sets with the full version that all have fairly small levels, so they'll be something for everyone. I couldnt agree more as my brother in law buy kid everythings in the past and he learn own mistake....but it is good to buy things what kids want to please him if you know what i mean Last edited 2012 Last edited 2012 Last edited 2012 |
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I agree that Steve Elliott that the map is too large but could divide your levels into categories - small medium and large levels and that could be good idea :) I assume that was the first version I uploaded? The latest one has had those first two taken out (total of 12 in the set, instead of the original 14). Also, see my comment to Steve regarding what comes with the full version - newly tweaked and remixed versions of the much smaller levels that came with Rockfall's 1-3. I will promote these as "quick" puzzles as an alternative to the the more challenging levels that the game loads as default. Glad you like it. |
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sorry I didn't answer earlier: too many distractions and forgot all about looking at the thread. laptop is a 2009 13-inch Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard latest version(10.6.8) the graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9400M Max Screen Resolution: 1280x800(Default) If the game crashes this file should still be on your hard drive. It's located in /Library/Application Support/SOS here is the log Initialising game... Desktop larger than mimimum, default to windowed Storing suitable graphics modes... Stored: 1280x800x16 @ 0hz Stored: 1280x800x32 @ 0hz Stored: 1152x720x16 @ 0hz Stored: 1152x720x32 @ 0hz Stored: 1024x768x16 @ 0hz Stored: 1024x768x32 @ 0hz Selected: 1024x768x32 @ 60hz OpenGL present Initialising player profile... Count: 0 Creating: Jperez_23 Created successfully Profile loaded/created: Jperez_23 Loading configuration... Using defaults, no file found Starting graphics... 1024x768x16 - Windowed Loading graphics... Playing intro sequence... Done Success Loading audio... Loading sound effects... Success Music cache not enabled Initialising global data... Initialising character animations... Spud: ' spud's animation details Spud: ' must all be present in the order below Spud: ' <frame delay>,<frame>[,<frame>],<animation type, -1 loop, -2 stops on last frame> Spud: 4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,9,10,11,12,13,12,11,10,9,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,-1 ' tapping foot (1st frame standing still) Spud: 1,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,-1 ' moving left Spud: 1,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,-1 ' moving right Spud: 1,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,-1 ' pushing boulder left Spud: 1,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,-1 ' pushing boulder right Spud: 15,100,101,102,103,-2 ' going up Spud: 15,104,105,106,107,-2 ' going down Spud: 15,14,15,16,17,-2 ' death animation (ghost) Getting monster details: ' monster type and details Getting monster details: ' <type, 0=5 dir anims, 1=single>,<eye image>,<x eye offset, y eye offset> Getting monster details: 1,11,12,14 Nasties: ' pulsator and monster animations - 0 Nasties: ' must all be present in this order - 0 Nasties: ' <frame delay>,<frame>[,frame],-1 - 0 Nasties: 6,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,10,9,8,9,10,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,-1 ' monster single anim - 0 Nasties: '14,0,1,2,3,2,1,-1 ' monster still - 5 Nasties: '14,4,5,6,7,6,5,-1 ' monster moving Left - 5 Nasties: '14,8,9,10,11,10,9,-1 ' monster moving Right - 5 Nasties: '14,12,13,14,15,14,13,-1 ' monster moving up - 5 Nasties: '14,16,17,18,19,18,17,-1 ' monster moving down - 5 Nasties: 14,13,-2 ' pulsator (just 1 frame resized at the moment) - 5 Done Reading tile animation data... ' animated tiles data ' additional objects can be added (add data here and images in "map32anim.png") ' <object number>,<frame delay>,<number of frames>,<frame>[,<frame>] '1,15,9,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213 ' gem '10,15,15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ' key 1 '11,15,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 ' key 2 '12,15,15,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 ' key 3 '13,15,15,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62 ' key 4 14,10,28,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 ' transporter 17,10,8,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71 ' one way path up 18,10,8,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79 ' one way path right 19,10,8,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87 ' one way path down 20,10,8,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95 ' one way path left 21,20,10,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171 ' gloop 22,20,14,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,110,109,108,107,106,105 ' skull 23,20,5,157,158,159,160,161 ' heart (extra life) 27,10,8,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103 ' clock (resets time) 33,10,26,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61 ' open exit 35,10,14,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,34,33,32,31,30,29 ' activated exit switch 36,100,2,172,173 ' task door - gems 37,100,2,174,175 ' task door - safes 38,100,2,176,177 ' task door - transporters 39,100,2,178,179 ' task door - monsters 40,100,2,180,181 ' task door - pulsators 41,10,9,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120 ' bonus "B" 42,10,9,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129 ' bonus "O" 43,10,9,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138 ' bonus "N" 44,10,9,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147 ' bonus "U" 45,10,9,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156 ' bonus "S" 167,100,2,62,63 ' bomb Done Copying back-up level file(s)... "Trial.R4DX" not copied, already present Loading default levels (Trial)... Success Initialising menu... Starting menu music... Starting main menu loop... *** END LOG *** the latest game download crashes as well(same thing). |
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Bugger. Looks like it got through all of the initialisation just fine, which means it's going to be a sod to work out. Do you know if you have any problems playing OGG music? I know that's been a bit of an issue for some. What type of account did you first try to play from and are you trying to do so now, if different? I have tested from a limited user account, although I first ran from an admin account. Other than that, I need to check my code and see if there's anything in there that could potentially bugger things up. May require a little experimentation so any help from you would be most appreciated. |
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I decided to test again today and looks like I failed to test the new download and tested the old download again by carelessness. today I downloaded the new download again and tested. The new download doesn't play at all. as soon as I click on the game to start it, it crashes. I would say before the first 30 milliseconds at start up, while the old one went through the whole intro screen. with the new game the log file is completely empty. it is created but nothing is written to it. I created a test program to see if it had any problems in playing Ogg files and it plays them fine. I played it on my admin account the only one in my laptop. I didn't try it on a guest account as I thing it would be pointless. If you think I should, I will create one and test it. Last edited 2012 |
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Crap! Don't create another accoint, as I don't think it will make a difference. If you haven't already, can you try again but delete the entire folder it creates under SOS Software first. |
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I deleted the "sos software" folder run the program. Again, it crashed the first 30 milliseconds. it did create the "sos sofware" folder. suggestion: create a debug version and let me test it. Maybe it will point toward the error. |
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Ok, thanks. Did anything else get created in the folder,l? Had the same thought about the debug version. Won't have chance until Friday though. Will upload something then. |
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it only create empty folders. The only file is the log file but it's empty also. what version of the xcode are you compiling with? I have version 4.0.2. That may be an issue as I don't have the latest version. Last edited 2012 |
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Ok, at least I know it gets past creating the file system, but falls over before it manages to copy anything into it. Think I know why it falls over quickly now, as I made a slight change to the resolution selection regarding bitdepth - although this shouldn't matter when it defaults to windowed mode on Mac. Will make an adjustment when I can and upload a new version (probably Friday). As for X-Code, I think I'm still on 3-something - not sure if I downloaded the latest version, so will need to check later (at work now). I also have a second Mac (albeit a PPC one) that I will be able to test on over the weekend. If it exhibits the same issue, then I have something I can test on easilty, but we'll see. |
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OK, so I have now uploaded an updated Intel and now a PowerPC version. I have not made a huge change, just a slight change in how the graphics mode is chosen when the game is first ran. If you have run a previous version and had problems, please delete the Rockfall DX Trial folder under /Library/Application Support/SOS Software/. what version of the xcode are you compiling with? I have version 4.0.2. That may be an issue as I don't have the latest version. I am actually on 3.2.6. Checking the Apple Developer site you need Lion to run version 4, which I do not have yet. As you're on 4 does that mean you're testing under Lion? If so, and others are also having this problem, then it may be Lion related and I will need to upgrade to fix the issue (I do intend to get hold of Lion before I release the Mac version of the game anyway). suggestion: create a debug version and let me test it. Maybe it will point toward the error. Here it is: Download (8MB). Not sure what it will tell us, but I guess it will give an indicator of what might be going on. Let me know how you get on. Can anyone who has tested the Mac version let me know if it worked without a problem and the spec. It would also be helpful if people were to do the same if they did have a problem, as it would help to identify any commonalities. Cheers. |
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I ran it of the terminal and I got this error. ~>Unhandled Exception:Attempt to index array element beyond array length if you are querying for the number of graphics modes available, it's sometimes inaccurate in Macs. I discovered that compiling the "Zigwigwis" game by Hub. it would crash the same way and I had to use a debug stop to figure out where the error was. Xcode 4.0.2 works with Snow Leopard. I don't know if the newest version works with Snow Leopard though. I don't have Lion so can't test it on it. Last edited 2012 |
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Thanks. Did it crash straight away again? Concerning the graphics modes, the debug log you posted above seems to show that the game did find compatible graphic modes and should have picked 1024x768. I'm not sure why it's borking now though. But let's try this and see what happens. Save the following into the Rockfall DX Trial folder as "config.ini" [r4dx_prefs] [display] 1024,768,32,60 [fullscreen] 0Next run the game and see if it starts up. If all goes fine then I definitely know something has gone a bit wrong in the graphic mode selection bit. When you ran from the terminal, did all the Print output show up? You would have had all the various file paths printed and a few other bits. If so, then I can add some other Print statements and upload another debug version. Apple Dev site seems to only have the latest version 4 for Lion only. Any links for Snow Leopard take you to version 3. I plan to upgrade to Lion, so I don't think it's a biggie. Let me know if the above works. Cheers. |
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No luck! with the debug version it doesn't close with an error. it goes through the whole process of loading the media and when it says "starting..." it freezes and starts to play the music track and I have to force quit it. I tried to take a snap shot of the screen but the snapshot shows the actual complete game map but the desktop displays the "starting..." with the progress bar screen and the terminal shows the same error. ~>Unhandled Exception:Attempt to index array element beyond array length Same as before. ![]() This is not what I see on my screen. Really weird! Last edited 2012 |
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@Jazz: Trial works fine on my PC (Win7 (64-Bit) with ATI 6850 card). Some feedback: - If you change the HUD transparency, the menu background should be affected as well. - Please also detect when the user is stuck between bolders/walls and can no longer move in any direction. It took me some minutes to figure out that "Q" would restart the level. I thought "Q" meant to "Quit" the game level and return to the menu. - And I wanted to continue the game. ;) - Please make an optional mini-map, displayed in-game. - The colors of the walls are too bright / distracting for my eyes. It's hard to see the paths that way. You could add some "night mode" option for older people... :) - It would be nice to see a larger part of the map. - I'm working under 1902x1080 and eyerything is quite big. Keep up the good work! Grisu |
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@Jesse... Before using the INI file I provided, did the game crash straight away (as it was previously), or was it also getting past the loading screen? Just need to know if there's still a problem with selecting a display mode. As for the screen and the error message, it looks like it falls over part way through the rendering process, which gives me an idea of where to look at least. I'll get back to you when I've had some time to take a look at what might be going on. @Grisu... If you change the HUD transparency, the menu background should be affected as well. Hmmm, I suppose you do have a point, although the options were meant to only affect the in-game stuff. I might implement it and see how it looks. Please also detect when the user is stuck between bolders/walls and can no longer move in any direction. It took me some minutes to figure out that "Q" would restart the level. I thought "Q" meant to "Quit" the game level and return to the menu. - And I wanted to continue the game. ;) - Please make an optional mini-map, displayed in-game. Can't really do that, as there may be situations where you may be stuck temporarily while you wait for something to clear a path. I could possibly display a message at the bottom of the screen. I might also change the default key to R or S (restart/suicide). Please make an optional mini-map, displayed in-game. You can collect a map in most levels. Once collected press Space to view. The colors of the walls are too bright / distracting for my eyes. It's hard to see the paths that way. You could add some "night mode" option for older people... :) I really don't want to be messing with the graphics so close to release. What if I implement an option to keep the game dimmed, as it does when using the menus? It would be nice to see a larger part of the map. - I'm working under 1902x1080 and eyerything is quite big. Part of the challenge of Repton was that you could only see an 8x8 area of the levels, which is what I wanted to maintain. I originally designed the game to run at 1024x768, but then everyone started to get large screen monitors and I knew people would want to run the game at the native resolution of the monitor. I actually run the game in a window of 1280x960. Thanks for your feedback. |
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@Jesse... OK, so that screenshot hasn't really helped, as it points to a part of the code where I can't possibly get that particular error! So what I have done is built another debug version that will save additional text files in the same location as the normal DebugLog at specific points in the first run through the main loop of the game. Hopefully, this will give me an idea of where it falls over. I haven't done this with the normal DebugLog as unless the file is closed properly it remains empty (I don't have this problem in Windows). It's a bit messy admittedly, but I couldn't think of another way of identifying when things go wrong. Please give this one a try and let me have the contents of the last file it saves (these are all numbered files). Download here. Your help is very much appreciated. Cheers. |
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stops at 024.txt: Drawing on-screen prompts (no menu displayed). otherwise everything is the same. I tried it on my daughter's 1997 Macbook with intel graphics and it works fine. Last edited 2012 |
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Oh ... my ... God!!! I know what the problem is now. When the game runs it creates a profile using your account user name and then displays a "welcome" message that includes your name for a few seconds. This uses a large rock style font that only contains a limited number of characters. Your user name has a "_" in it, which the font does not - hence the error and it going tits up! A really stupid mistake to make, and one I'm normally careful about avoiding. Guess I had an off-day somewhere along the way. I have uploaded a new version that should have hopefully fixed the issue. This is not a debug version, so hoping I don't need to do some more digging with your help. Latest version: <Link dead now> Really appreciate your help. Last edited 2012 Last edited 2012 |
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FInally! works fine now. I guess this is a problem that needed fixing for windows also. |
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Finally. Yeah, need to fix the other versions as well. Will do tomorrow. Thank you for all your assistance in helping me. |
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I have now uploaded the latest versions for both Windows and Mac. These both include the bug that Jesse helped me track down and eradicate (thanks muchly), and some of the suggestions made by other posters. Mac version is now a Universal Binary in DMG format and not the original ZIPs I had. |