Is a game via scripts feasible?
Community Forums/Technical Discourse/Is a game via scripts feasible?
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Due to inconveniences with my computer, which is very slow graphics card, I have come up with the nefarious idea of ​​creating a base game, such as what I have created so far, and provide potential users with the system scripts for them to believe Their own missions. Is this worth it? The idea is that using script angel, have access to some commands from the engine api and with the notepad create missions, someone with experience who can give me some good advice please. |
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This is how most games are made today. Even if they dont use an interpreted scripting language they are still mostly data driven. Wether its worth it, i guess would depend on how much work you are willing to put into exposing your engine to the scripts. People do this in different ways, some go whole hog and implement large parts of the outer layer of the engine and the game in scripting. Others are more conservative and only hook certain parts of their engine up to scripts. There are endless ways, and it again depends on your engine and level of customization you want. If all you want is custom missions, depending on the type of game you have it probably doesnt need scripting, as it can be mostly data driven. If you dont mind looking over other projects, ZDoom or GZDoom go that route to the extreme. Where you can completely redefine almost everything in the game Doom. Its quite fun to play with to be honest. Though i fail to see what this has to do with your graphics card ;) |
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Thanks you. ![]() The thing about my card is that at this point of handling 7 fps, if I remove the shadows I rise to about 20-25. I think the fundamental idea is to have a base game, and that people create missions based on sc |
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Im guessing you already have some missions made already? If so, you probably have found some common patterns there, which you can exploit into a data driven design. If custom logic is still needed, hooking some scripts up to mission data shouldnt be that difficult. But you can of course use your scripting language to define the whole mission. But at that point your are just using a data-driven design through scripts.. Nothing wrong with that of course, you decide how declarative it should be, and i can understand that creating custom DSLs for your data is just more work when you already have a scripting language. |