Simple Timer class (TTimer replacement)

Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Simple Timer class (TTimer replacement)

GfK(Posted 2011) [#1]
For Blitzmax converts, this class will replace system timers.

test.monkey (test app code, create a 10hz timer)
Import mojo

Import timerobject

Function Main:Int()
	New myApp
	Return 0
End Function

Class myApp extends App
	Field timer:TimerObject
	Method OnCreate()
		Self.timer = New TimerObject(10)
	End Method
	Method OnRender()
		DrawText Self.timer.Ticks(),50,50
	End Method

End Class

Import mojo

Class TimerObject
	Field hz:Int
	Field startTime:Int
	Method New(hertz:Int)
		Self.hz = hertz
		Self.startTime = Millisecs()
	End Method
	Method Ticks:Int()
		Return (Millisecs() - Self.startTime) / (1000 / Self.hz)
	End Method
	Method Reset:Int()
		Self.startTime = Millisecs()
	End Method
End Class

This only calculates the ticks when the Ticks() method is called. If you use a lot of this stuff in your code then you'd be better off adding an Update() method to this class and doing the calculation once per cycle, and store the result in Field _ticks:Int.