Sprite Sheet Packer
Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Sprite Sheet Packer
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I thought this might come in handy. It is the code I use to open the 'png' and related 'txt' mapping file exported by the excellent [url=http://spritesheetpacker.codeplex.com/]Sprite Sheet Packer[/url] Example Usage: Using the tool, add all your images and then export (e.g. 'packed') producing 2 files (e.g. 'packed.png' and 'packed.txt') Global s:SpriteSheet = New SpriteSheet("packed") Global si:SpriteSheetItem = item = s.GetSpriteSheetItemByName("player1") . . . (On Render) s.DrawSpriteSheetImage(item,0,0) 'or alternatively s.DrawSpriteSheetImage("player1",0,0) Room for lots more to be added, but I thought it might help someone out there Import mojo 'comment:Class to handle sprites sheets created with 'Sprite Sheet Packer' (spritesheetpacker.codeplex.com) Class SpriteSheet '#Region Class Fields Private Field _packfileimageurl:String Private Field _packfiletxturl:String Private Field _packfile:String Private Field _packfiletxt:String Field _packfileimage:Image Field _mappings:StringMap<SpriteSheetItem> = new StringMap<SpriteSheetItem> '#End Region '#Region Constructor 'comment:Parameters - packfile 'The name of the pack image without the extension, the same name is used for the map data, e.g. player.png, player.txt' Method New(packfile:String) _packfile = packfile _packfileimageurl = _packfile + ".png" _packfiletxturl = _packfile + ".txt" _packfileimage = LoadImage(_packfileimageurl) _packfiletxt = LoadString(_packfiletxturl) For Local line:String=Eachin _packfiletxt.Split( "~n" ) Local items:String[] = line.Split(" ") if items.Length() = 6 then Local sName:String = items[0] _mappings.Set(sName, New SpriteSheetItem(sName,int(items[2]),int(items[3]),int(items[4]),int(items[5]))) End if Next End Method '#End Region '#Region Methods 'comment:Draws the image from the Sprite Sheet Image, using the name to look up the Sprite Sheet Item Method DrawSpriteSheetImage:Void(name:String,x:Int,y:Int) Local item:SpriteSheetItem = _mappings.ValueForKey(name) DrawImageRect(_packfileimage,x,y,item.X,item.Y,item.Width,item.Height) End 'comment:Draws the image from the Sprite Sheet Image, using the Sprite Sheet Item passed in Method DrawSpriteSheetImage:Void(item:SpriteSheetItem, x:Int, y:int) DrawImageRect(_packfileimage,x,y,item.X,item.Y,item.Width,item.Height) End 'comment:Returns SpriteSheetItem based on name Method GetSpriteSheetItemByName:SpriteSheetItem(name:String) Print name Local o:SpriteSheetItem = _mappings.ValueForKey(name) Local oNew:SpriteSheetItem = New SpriteSheetItem(o.Name,o.X,o.Y,o.Width,o.Height) Return oNew End '#End Region End Class 'comment:Class to contain a line from the 'Sprite Sheet Packer' exported text file Class SpriteSheetItem Public '#Region Fields Field Name:String = "" Field X:Int = 0 Field Y:Int = 0 Field Width:Int = 0 Field Height:Int = 0 '#End Region '#Region Constructor 'comment: Method New(name:String, x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int) self.Name = name self.X = x self.Y = y self.Width = width self.Height = height End '#End Region End Class |
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Cheers Rob. Dead useful bit of code that. |