Zoom and Rotation Gesture for Android
Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Zoom and Rotation Gesture for Android
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Here is a homemade gesture detection. Nothing special..., without native Android functions..., but it works.... To use it you only need the Class Gesture, but the code is also a executable sample. The Class can detect Zooming, Moving, Rotating and Clicking Gestures. It could be possible, that it works also on other devices, which support multi-touch. *** updated: V=0.81 *** [monkeycode]Strict Import mojo Class GestureTest Extends App Field MyScale#=1, MyRotation%=0, MyBoxColor%, MyX%, MyY% Field Gestures:Gestures Method OnCreate%() Gestures=New Gestures SetUpdateRate 30 Return 0 End Method OnUpdate%() If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then Error "" ' check gestures: Gestures.Update() 'set final values, if a gestures was finished: ' Zoom: MyScale=MyScale*Gestures.LastZoom() ' rotation: MyRotation=MyRotation + Gestures.LastAngle() ' Movement: MyX=MyX + Gestures.LastX() MyY=MyY + Gestures.LastY() ' TouchHit(): If Gestures.ItWasAHit() MyBoxColor=Int(Rnd(5)) End Return 0 End Method OnRender%() Cls ' change temp.values of running gesture: 'zoom: Local ActScale#=MyScale*Gestures.TempZoom() 'rotation: Local ActRotation%=MyRotation+Gestures.TempAngle() Local ActTranslationX%=MyX+Gestures.TempX() Local ActTranslationY%=MyY+Gestures.TempY() Translate 120,160 Translate ActTranslationX,ActTranslationY Scale ActScale,ActScale Rotate ActRotation DrawRect -50,-40,100,80 ' Color indicates a TouchHit() SetColorIndex MyBoxColor DrawRect -50,-40,100,20 Return 0 End End Function Main%() New GestureTest Return 0 End Function SetColorIndex:Void(No%) Select No Case 0 SetColor 255,0,0 Case 1 SetColor 255,255,0 Case 2 SetColor 0,255,0 Case 3 SetColor 255,0,255 Case 4 SetColor 0,0,255 End Select End Class Gestures ' ' can detect zoom and rotaion gestures on Android and can differ these from TouchHit(). During one ' gesture only 'Zoom' OR 'Rotation' OR 'Movement' OR 'TouchHit' can happen. ' ' During a gesture the current values are offered in: ' TempZoom#() TempAngle#() TempX#() TempY#() ' At the end of the gesture call: ' LastZoom#() LastAngle#() ItWasAHit%() LastX#() LastY#() ' ... to get the final values ' ' ZOOMING: ' TempZoom#() LastZoom#() return values form 0.01 to 1 and 1 to 100 as a scaling factor ' ROTATION: ' TempAngle#() LastAngle#() return values from -360° to +360° in degrees ' MOVEMENT: ' TempX#() TempY#() LastX#() LastY#() return values in from -1024 to 1024 pixels ' TOUCHHIT: ' ItWasAHit%() returns FALSE if a Zoom or Rotation was detected and TRUE if it was a simple TouchHit() ' Field NewHit%=FALSE Field StartZoom#, LastZoomValue#=1,TempZoomValue#=1 Field StartAngle#,LastAngleValue#=0, TempAngleValue#=0 Field StartX%, StartY%, LastXValue%, LastYValue%, TempXValue%, TempYValue% Field GestureTyp% Const G_ONE%=1, G_HIT%=2, G_BOTH%=4, G_MOVE%=8, G_ZOOM%=16, G_ROTATE%=32 Method Update:Void() 'check current values of zoom And rotation Local NowZoom#= Pow(TouchX(0)-TouchX(1),2) + Pow(TouchY(0)-TouchY(1),2) Local NowAngle% = (360+ ATan2( TouchX(0)-TouchX(1), TouchY(0)-TouchY(1) ) ) Mod 360 Local NowX%=TouchX(0) Local NowY%=TouchY(0) TempZoomValue=1 TempAngleValue=0 TempXValue=0 TempYValue=0 'check if both fingers are down: If TouchDown(0) And TouchDown(1) If GestureTyp<G_BOTH GestureTyp=G_BOTH ' start up: store values for zoom and rotation StartZoom=NowZoom StartAngle = NowAngle Endif Local locZoom#=NowZoom/StartZoom ' store values difference since start Select GestureTyp Case G_ROTATE TempAngleValue = NowAngle-StartAngle Case G_ZOOM TempZoomValue=locZoom Case G_BOTH If ((Abs(NowAngle-StartAngle)>15) ) GestureTyp=G_ROTATE TempAngleValue = NowAngle-StartAngle Elseif (locZoom>1.2) Or (locZoom<0.8) TempZoomValue=locZoom GestureTyp=G_ZOOM Endif End Select ' no, only one finger is down: Elseif TouchDown(0) ' long enough? If GestureTyp=0 ' start up: store values for movement GestureTyp=G_ONE StartX=NowX StartY=NowY Endif Select GestureTyp ' store values difference since start Case G_MOVE TempXValue=NowX-StartX TempYValue=NowY -StartY Case G_ONE If Pow(NowX-StartX,2)+Pow(NowY-StartY,2)>20 Print "move" GestureTyp=G_MOVE TempXValue=NowX-StartX TempYValue=NowY-StartY Endif End Select ' no, fingers released: Else If GestureTyp>0 ' now make the new values become the final Select GestureTyp Case G_ROTATE LastAngleValue= NowAngle-StartAngle Case G_ZOOM LastZoomValue= NowZoom/StartZoom Case G_MOVE Print "was move" LastXValue=NowX-StartX LastYValue=NowY-StartY Default Print "hit" NewHit=True End Select GestureTyp=0 Endif Endif End Method LastZoom#() Local loc#=LastZoomValue ' is it a final value? 'no: If loc=1 Then Return 1 'yes: 'reset last values for next gesture: LastZoomValue=1 'TempZoomValue=1 Return loc End Method Method LastAngle#() Local loc#= LastAngleValue ' is it a final value? 'no: If loc=0 Then Return 0 'yes: 'reset last values for next gesture: LastAngleValue=0 'TempAngleValue=0 Return loc End Method Method LastX#() Local loc#=LastXValue ' is it a final value? 'no: If loc=1 Then Return 0 'yes: 'reset last values for next gesture: LastXValue=0 'TempZoomValue=1 Return loc End Method LastY#() Local loc#=LastYValue ' is it a final value? 'no: If loc=1 Then Return 0 'yes: 'reset last values for next gesture: LastYValue=0 'TempZoomValue=1 Return loc End Method ItWasAHit%() Local loc%= NewHit 'reset temp value for next gesture: NewHit=FALSE Return loc End Method TempZoom#() ' return value, but do not reset Return TempZoomValue End Method TempAngle#() ' return value, but do not reset Return TempAngleValue End Method TempX#() ' return value, but do not reset Return TempXValue End Method TempY#() ' return value, but do not reset Return TempYValue End End [/monkeycode] |
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Thanks for sharing! |