httpgetter updated to receive php
Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/httpgetter updated to receive php
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I noticed that the httpgetter in the examples only allowed you to grab 'web pages' where I always grab php code. (hiscores, sql results etc ...) The only real change is with GetPage, where now you supply the host url then the actual page you require. getter.GetPage "", "/Community/posts.php?topic=3637#38950", 80, Self Im building up a string called "last_received" which will be populated upon page completion Seeing that Im only ever receiving small data back there shouldn't be that much need for Async, but its nice to have an animation running whilst your waiting. You'll notice im stripping out the header text from the server. So heres what im using :- #If TARGET<>"glfw" And TARGET<>"android" And TARGET<>"ios" #Error "c++ or java Mojo target required" #Endif Import mojo Import brl.asynctcpstream '***** Hypothetical HTTP module ***** Interface HTTPListener Method OnHTTPConnected:Void( getter:HTTPGetter ) Method OnHTTPDataReceived:Void( data:DataBuffer,offset:Int,count:Int,getter:HTTPGetter ) Method OnHTTPPageComplete:Void( getter:HTTPGetter ) End Class HTTPGetter Implements IOnConnectComplete,IOnReadComplete,IOnWriteComplete Field _page:String = "" Field Text:String = "" Field last_received:String = "" Field dataflag:Bool = False Method GetPage:Void(host:String, page:String, port:Int, listener:HTTPListener) _host=host _port=port _listener=listener _page = page Text = "" dataflag = False ' marker for start of web page data _stream=New AsyncTcpStream _stream.Connect _host, _port, Self End Method Update:Bool() If _stream Return _stream.Update() Return False End Private Method Finish:Void() _listener.OnHTTPPageComplete Self _strqueue.Clear _stream.Close _stream=Null End 'start up another read op Method ReadMore:Void() 'read another block _stream.ReadAll _rbuf, 0, _rbuf.Length, Self End 'start up another write op Method WriteMore:Void() If _strqueue.IsEmpty() Return Local str:= _strqueue.RemoveFirst() _wbuf.PokeString 0, str _stream.WriteAll _wbuf, 0, str.Length, Self End Method WriteString:Void( str:String ) _strqueue.AddLast str End Method OnConnectComplete:Void(connected:Bool, source:IAsyncEventSource) If Not connected Finish Return Endif ' which page onthe website do you want WriteString "GET " + _page + " HTTP/1.0~r~n" WriteString "Host: " + _host + "~r~n" WriteString "~r~n" _listener.OnHTTPConnected Self WriteMore ReadMore End Method OnReadComplete:Void( buf:DataBuffer,offset:Int,count:Int,source:IAsyncEventSource ) If Not count 'EOF! Finish Return Endif _listener.OnHTTPDataReceived buf,offset,count,Self ReadMore End Method OnWriteComplete:Void( buf:DataBuffer,offset:Int,count:Int,source:IAsyncEventSource ) WriteMore End Field _host:String Field _port:Int Field _listener:HTTPListener Field _stream:AsyncTcpStream Field _strqueue:=New StringList Field _rbuf:= New DataBuffer(1024) 'thrash it! Field _wbuf:=New DataBuffer( 256 ) End '***** The app! ***** Class MyApp Extends App Implements HTTPListener Field dataflag:Bool = False Field getter:= New HTTPGetter Method OnHTTPConnected:Void(getter:HTTPGetter) 'Print "HTTP connected!" End Method OnHTTPDataReceived:Void( data:DataBuffer,offset:Int,count:Int,getter:HTTPGetter ) ' Print "HTTP data received! length="+count Local str:= data.PeekString(offset, count) For Local line:=Eachin str.Split( "~n" ) ' have we already gone past the start of data marker ? If getter.dataflag Then getter.Text = getter.Text + line Else ' we at the data marker for data? (i.e. first blank line) If line = "~r" Then getter.dataflag = True ' from here on in comes data ! EndIf EndIf Next End Method OnHTTPPageComplete:Void( getter:HTTPGetter ) getter.last_received = getter.Text getter.Text = "" End Method OnCreate() getter.GetPage "", "/Community/posts.php?topic=3637#38950", 80, Self SetUpdateRate 60 End Method OnUpdate() UpdateAsyncEvents End Method OnRender() Cls ' we got any text ? If getter.last_received <> "" Then DrawText getter.last_received, 0, 0 EndIf End End Function Main() New MyApp End /Stu |
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Thanks for this :) Was struggling to get sub directory content |