Additive Blended Particle Flames
Monkey Forums/Monkey Code/Additive Blended Particle Flames
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![]() Youtube suggested I look at this channel and I found this video on it where it shows you basically how to make somewhat realistic looking flames. Here : Here the html5 version on my webpage : Here the code : Import mojo Global screenwidth:Int=640 Global screenheight:Int=480 Class particle Field x:Float Field y:Float Field incx:Float Field incy:Float Field modincx:Float Field modincy:Float Field sx:Float Field sy:Float Field sxinc:Float Field syinc:Float Field timeout:Float Field time:Float Field alpha:Float Field deleteme:Bool=False Method New(x:Int,y:Int,angle:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y incx = Cos(angle+Rnd(-5,5)) incy = Sin(angle+Rnd(-5,5)) timeout = 50+Rnd(20) alpha = 1 modincx = (Cos(angle+Rnd(-5,5)))/100 modincy = (Sin(angle+Rnd(-5,5)))/100 Local sc:Float=Rnd(0.5,1) sx = sc sy = sc sxinc = Rnd()/timeout syinc = Rnd()/timeout End Method End Class Class particleeffect Field sw:Int,sh:Int Field p:List<particle> = New List<particle> Field image:Image Field iw:Int=32 Field ih:Int=32 Field pixels:Int[] Field angle:Int Field x:Int,y:Int Method New(x:Int,y:Int,angle:Int) Self.x = x Self.y = y Self.sw = screenwidth = screenheight Self.angle = angle pixels = New Int[iw*ih] image = CreateImage(iw,ih,image.MidHandle) makeimage() p.AddFirst(New particle(x,y,angle)) End Method Method update() If Rnd() < 0.4 p.AddFirst(New particle(x,y,angle)) End If For Local i:=Eachin p i.x += i.incx i.y += i.incy i.incx += i.modincx i.incy += i.modincy i.alpha -= 1/i.timeout i.time += 1 += i.sxinc += i.syinc If i.time > i.timeout Then i.deleteme = True Next For Local i:=Eachin p If i.deleteme = True Then p.Remove(i) Next End Method Method makeimage() For Local i=0 To iw Local c:Int = 0+((255/iw)*i) drawo(iw/2,ih/2,(iw/2)-(i),argb(c,c,c,255)) Next image.WritePixels(pixels, 0, 0, iw, ih, 0) End Method Method drawo(x1,y1,radius:Float,col) For Local y2=-radius To radius For Local x2=-radius To radius If (y2*y2+x2*x2) <= radius*radius+radius*0.8 Local x3 = x2+x1 Local y3 = y2+y1 Local pc = y3*iw+x3 If pc>=0 And pc < iw*ih pixels[pc] = col End If End If Next Next End Method Method draw() SetBlend AdditiveBlend For Local i:=Eachin p SetAlpha i.alpha Local sc:Float=(1/i.timeout)*i.time DrawImage(image,i.x,i.y,1,, Next SetAlpha 1 End Method Function argb:Int(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int ,alpha:Int=255) Return (alpha Shl 24) | (r Shl 16) | (g Shl 8) | b End Function Function getred:Int(rgba:Int) Return((rgba Shr 16) & $FF) End Function Function getgreen:Int(rgba:Int) Return((rgba Shr 8) & $FF) End Function Function getblue:Int(rgba:Int) Return(rgba & $FF) End Function Function getalpha:Int(rgba:Int) Return ((rgba Shr 24) & $FF) End Function End Class Global mype:particleeffect Global mype2:particleeffect Global mype3:particleeffect Class MyGame Extends App Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate(60) mype = New particleeffect(100,200,270) mype2 = New particleeffect(320,200,270) mype3 = New particleeffect(640-100,200,270) End Method Method OnUpdate() mype.update() mype2.update() mype3.update() End Method Method OnRender() Cls 50,50,50 mype.draw() mype2.draw() mype3.draw() DrawImage mype.image,0,0 End Method End Class Function Main() New MyGame() End Function |