I saw the Watch_Dogs trailer and was unimpressed. Maybe it's because it looks like a million other games coming out or because of the dark scenery, but modern games severely unimpress me nowadays. About the best AAA game I've enjoyed and played as of recently, is Gravity Rush for the Vita.
Watching all of these upcoming games at E3 just makes me sigh, though. Cause I wonder where the good games went. Most of these 'games' are movies with you strapped in to move the player to the linear tune of the movie. Or worse, online only. What happened to the days of going over to someone's house and playing games together with your actual friends? I feel sad saying this, because I'm only 21-years-old. It feels wrong that I should feel this way since so many people my same age are all geared up to waste their money on this unbelievably bad crap they're feeding us.
Well, whatever, rant, rant, rant. At least Metal Gear Solid 5 looks decent. Cause I did not like 4. I loved 3 however. It's easily one of my all time favorite games. So here's me hoping it's done well.
Edit: Also, Sony in about 40 minutes. Hope the system is decently priced and some good games are shown...not the junk shown at the XBox One, EA, and Ubisoft shows. Link to live stream for anyone unaware of where to look: http://www.twitch.tv/twitch/old