A Project manager

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/A Project manager

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#1]
Is there a kind of thing a project manager?
Lets say you want to manage a big project and devide it to programmers
is there a kind of system for that?


GfK(Posted 2011) [#2]

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#3]
tnx ill check it

CodeGit(Posted 2011) [#4]
Microsoft Project

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#5]
Another issue related to this..

Lets say I got a concept of an engine and I want to flow chart its structure.
any good flowchat software?.
ive checked some.. like Edraw and Diagram DIA.
the one function that i find missing on both is the option to double click
a flow chart box and to be linked to another flow chart.
so you can make flow chart whithin flow chart for getting more details on the specific Box

any idea of such?

Hima(Posted 2011) [#6]
I love yEd for flowchart. It's free, easy to use, and it works on both OSX and Windows

Though I haven't tried the feature that you mention. I think it has, but I'm not sure. You can try it though, since it's free anyway : http://www.yworks.com/en/products_yed_about.html

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#7]
I think Hima you hit the jackpot!
thats what i was looking for but shame i dont see the option for linking to another flowchart.

tnx for all as well for there suggestions.

hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#8]
I think Hima you hit the jackpot!
thats what i was looking for but shame i dont see the option for linking to another flowchart.

tnx for all as well for there suggestions.

Xaron(Posted 2011) [#9]
Don't overcomplicate things.


hardcoal(Posted 2011) [#10]
tnx xaron for the kind advice. :)
but complicating things is my speciality!
you wont believe how easly i can complicate things.

anyway after complicating things.. and being stuborn like i am
ive found more or less what i was looking for.

it called XMind and it does flowchart whithin flowchart structuring.
finally someone thought of it and realized that its neccecry.