Publishing to a flash game portal

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Publishing to a flash game portal

Yahfree(Posted 2012) [#1]
I'm near completing a game now. It's been a team effort, and it has been mostly for fun.

Although now that we're almost done, we have been trying to decide where to put this thing.

Does anyone have experience with publishing to a flash game portal? which one? How does it work, and what kind of payment can you expect? (we're not expecting much for this first game, more of the satisfaction of actually finishing something and having the base code to make other projects more quickly)

Jesse(Posted 2012) [#2]
you can publish it to kongregate and/or mochi they seem to be the most popular and easiest to submit. I have submitted my games to both and was really easy.

here is a thread about submitting to Mochi:

You can submit your game "as is" to Kongregate if you don't want to use their API and you'll still get royalties every time someone plays it.

My suggestion is to submit it to Mochi, have their API integrated and then submit it to Kongregate with the integrated mochi API. You won't get credit through Mochi for the times somebody plays it in Kongreagate as Mochi ads are suppressed but if somebody rips it and puts on their website you will get credit with Mochi as the ads will follow from wherever anybody plays. Do the same if you put it on your website. so that if anybody rips it they will be doing you a favor.

Mochi has a lits of portals you can submit. Some are easy such as register and post and some are by mail request and some others are by recommendation. Make sure you integrate Mochi ads before posting to the free sites so you can get royalties.
here is the link to their list of portals:

Consider that the more portals have your game, the more potential for profit you will have.