TED Suggestion: How to jump to a code line

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/TED Suggestion: How to jump to a code line

Midimaster(Posted 2012) [#1]
nothing special.. only a suggestion...

Always, when I jump to a certain code line (with STRG+F, STRG+G or with Code Browser, this line is shown as last in the code window at the bottom of my code. I always have to scroll to see the complete function.

Would'nt it be better if TED places the line in the center or the top of the window?

And another suggestion:
Couldn't be STRG+F a non modal window? Or even better a always open part of the toolbars? I would prefer to search... change.. search again.. change again...

MikeHart(Posted 2012) [#2]
I second that. Also I would love to see the ability to color the background of the line the cursor is on.