Is there any french in there ?
Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Is there any french in there ?
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Hi ! Just to know, is there any french who use Monkey to develop games ? hobbyist or not, it could be interesting to know ! Thanks ! |
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Hi, I am French and using Monkey to develop small(medical/neuropsychological) apps rather than games for now. I already have two commercial games out, aimed at French speaking speech and language therapists. There were made using BlitzMax. For my next projects I will probably use Monkey rather than Max. |
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Salut Pierrou ! Ca fait plaisir de voir qu'on est plusieurs, on se sent moins seuls ^^ :) Je me demande si il y en a d'autres, car ca pourrait être intéressant d'avoir aussi une communauté à la "frenchie" quelque part pour Monkey. ---------------------- Hi Pierrou ! I'm pleased to see that we are several french users. We feel less alone ! I wonder if there is someone else who use Monkey here, it could be cool to have somewhere to talk about Monkey in french ! |
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Well for some reason at the moment the French Monkey community seems to be very very small. Probably because the whole Monkey community is. There used to be a nice French forum about Blitz 3D/Max years ago, but if you try to get out there now you'll only hear about Unity. There's another user called Hub who posted today in the Android section. He seems to be French too. There are probably a few more...? PS: what about you Guillaume? Have you made some games with Monkey already? |
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Well, not really only small engine, because I love make some small things like engines, effects etc... like a particle system or a fake 3D stars scrolling :) I knew the french blitz 3D / Max community, and yes now we now only hear about Unity and, imo I don't really like Unity, because I prefer 2D instead of 3D. And it's a pitty , pay (a lot !) to be able to have some real shadows.... At start, I buy Monkey to support it, and I made very smalls things with it, some routines and mini engines, you can find them in the apps section. One day, I sent you a message via your website, but you never reply to it ^^ Very sorry for my english, I try to do my best to avoid a lot of mistakes. |
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Maybe you should aim Francophone ? I speak french but I'm not french, see :) And about Monkey, I'm... just waiting to see what can be done with it (since 2~3 years now ?). I did more with BlitzMax (a game, routines and a few light software) but comeback from time to time just to check the evolution. |
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Salut, Another frenchy here ! A Blitzmax addict for years, I managed to quit, replacing it with Monkey :) |
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Hi Fred ! Welcome ! |
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And another one here! Although I am not very active (in the forum and in programming), I am still following closely Monkey! |
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Great ! |
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Salut a tous ! Et encore un ! Sur Blitzmax depuis longtemps, je suis passé a monkey histoire de dev sur android surtout. developpeur de site web, je me tate pour ouvrir un forum en français sur monkey... @++ |
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Salut DiabloV ! C'est marrant car, concernant le forum je me suis fait la même réflexion ! Cela pourrait être génial de pouvoir partager nos expériences en fr ^^ J'ai pendant un certains temps, il y a un peu plus d'une dizaine d'années, entretenu une communauté du genre (avec des collègues), c'était super :) J'ai également utilisé Bmax même si je n'ai pas sorti grand chose avec de complet, je me suis surtout amusé à faire des routines avec :) |
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pareil pour moi. |
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Alors faut le faire ce forum ^^ Qu'est ce qu'en penses les autres ? |
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Il n'y a déjà pas assez de monde ici. Ce serait dommage de fragmenter encore plus. Mais il serait bien que ceux qui veulent poser des questions en Français, sachent qu'ils peuvent le faire ici. |
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Bonjour à tous Utilisateur intensif de Monkey X depuis quelques semaines, j'ai pourtant acheté une licence il y a plus de 2 ans. A mon compte comme éditeur de logiciel, j'utilise Monkey X pour la création "fun" de petites interfaces graphiques cross-plateform en complément de PHP/JQUERY et Qt/C++ A+ |
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@Fred, What did you use to create Little Big Adventure? |
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Salut TeaBoy, LBA1 was released in 1994. At this time we were used to make almost all our tools and engines. We used Watcom c++ and MASM, as half of the code is ASM (polygones and sprites rasterisation, 3d engine, 3d animation,...) I did the main authoring tool (data import, script edition and real time game test), the 3d modeler and animator (a previous and simpler version was done for Alone in the Dark1, (you can find my GDC presentation of it on youtube)), and a bunch of other small tools. For graphic production, isometric tiles were assembled with an other home made tool but were rendered with 3DStudio (3dsmax father). Other sprites, fonts,... drawn with DeluxePaint. The way of working with computers before internet was very different than nowadays. If you wanted to do something, you usually had to find your own solutions and try. |
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Bonjour à tous :-) Heureux de voir qu'il y a des utilisateurs Français de MonkeyXpro. |