Monkey Dev's Skype Group.
Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Discussion/Monkey Dev's Skype Group.
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Would anyone be interested in joining a group/conversation type thing on Skype? I have a group which I used to have a few people in other monkey dev's but I guess they no longer use monkey any more so thought I might as well ask if anyone else is into the idea, it's a quick and pain free way of talking about monkey or getting some quick response to some help or what ever.. If your interested let me know .. You can find me by Searching for ( taiphoz ) if you request a contact with me be sure to mention monkey otherwise I might ignore it. Join the Chat |
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I'd be interested. It could be an IRC or Slack too. There is also gitter ( which is nice too |
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I'v tried doing IRC a number of times it normally starts out ok but then goes quiet, my hope is that with skype essentially being embedded with windows these days that most people will probably have it , and already have it running so more likely to use it. Give me your name to search on skype I will add you.(same for anyone else.) |
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My skype id is adrenochromeart :) |
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Got it, adding you as a contact ... |
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OK, I will give it a try. Mine is: playniax |
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Added, and Added... more welcome. I need to stress anyone using monkey even if you are a beginner and just starting to learn monkey this might actually be a good thing for you giving you another route to gain help and sound out ideas. |
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Not sure if it's just my skype being buggy but cant seem to send messages to the group, will leave it a little bit and see if it works, but if it still fails I will make a fresh one and re-invite, lol just my luck :/ |
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Seems to be working now. |
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I have Skype but I would prefer IRC. Could be a general Blitz* and Monkey channel, so it would be a bit less silent. |
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I don't recall what IRC server it was but we have spoken a few times on irc, tested your tri's game while it was being made and as I recall recommended monkey to you. might have been the ludum irc channel ? I forget now tho it was a while ago. Anyway while I agree IRC would be nice the honest truth is that fewer and fewer people use it these days there are so many ways of communicating with each other I feel it better than we go with whats most common. |
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Count me in: martin.leidel |
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Paul, yeah, I remember that. Must have been Ludum Dare. I wouldn't know that Skype is more common for group chats. If anything, Slack seems to be the big thing now. (Which uses IRC, by the way.) |
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I'm up for this. Can't remember my skype name but I'll look yous guys up. Cool suggestion. |
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My name on Skype is |
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For IRC the Freenode network would be the best, in my opinion. |
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had a brilliant chat tonight with Playnix and some other's screen sharing is a handy thing to be able to do in this group, more people are welcome just throw in your skype name so we can search for it and add you :) |
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Just sent a request... Skype name is moxley71 |
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I don't know if I left the group or got kicked but I cannot see the messages anymore. |
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Nah felipe your still there. |
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To be honest, if you want a little more dynamic community involvement, Mark should start up a Slack group for BRL and related products. The Blitz community seems to be a lot more active than Monkey, so a central point for everyone would give Monkey developers more of a reason to hang around in the #monkeyx channel or whatever. I use Slack for both work and Ingress, and it's pretty awesome. The Android, iOS, and desktop clients are all really good (especially the OS X client). Edit: There's a web client too. |
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Unfortunately I will never use Slack, I'm too happy with IRC. I really don't want to have 3 chat clients open. |
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@ratking: Unfortunately I will never use Slack, I'm too happy with IRC. I really don't want to have 3 chat clients open. Tell me about it, every community I join uses a different bloody mobile chat program. Google Hangouts, Slack, Telegram, Skype... urgh! |
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exactly why I went with skype, most people have it, a lot of people use it so it made sense. it's also not something you need to leave open all the time to be part of the group you can just open it when a new message comes in or at the weekend and back read what you missed. At the moment I think we have about 10 people or there about I don't have skype open at the moment , among those 10 we have some interesting people module developers artists and programmers so conversations have been pretty good and interesting. |
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@Taiphoz:'s also not something you need to leave open all the time to be part of the group you can just open it when a new message comes in or at the weekend and back read what you missed. Slack is the same, and you can (optionally) get it to send you an email and/or push notification if someone mentions you while you're offline. Then when you load it back up, you can scroll up and read all the history. Also you can have a central place for uploading files, etc. |
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Here skype: be.aregger |
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Added you, or sent a request at least, once you accept I will pull you into the group. |
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*removed* |
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Sent you a request shane, once your on my list I can add you, wish it would let me just send invites rather than need people to already be in my list but oh well. |
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Hm, okay, let's try it... my Skype is "ablagestapel". |
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Done and Done :) welcome welcome. |
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add me, my skype name is bitJericho I also run an irc server and promote it on these forums, tho nobody seems to use it, I am always there :) irc:// |
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how do I make that skype group easier for people to join ? |
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updated the OP with a link that will join people into the group chat on skype. |