Calling trans from an editor
Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Calling trans from an editor
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I'm calling trans_macos from an editor, but getting the following error message:[Errno 2] No such file or directory With the following command: trans_macos -config=debug -target=html5 "/Users/matt/Code/test.monkey" The file path is valid and the command runs OK from the command line. Though I'm unable to reproduce the error from the command line. So I wondered if Mark knows whether this is a monkey error message or if my problems are elsewhere? Thanks, matt |
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Well isn't trans a command line app only. Is there a way to silently call the command prompt and pass to it the parameters needed for trans? No idea if anything I said will work but just going from a few tests I did on windows where trans is command prompt only and you have to call the prompt then pass the parameters to trans. |
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Hi, Looks like it can't find trans - have you tried using full path to trans, eg: /Users/matt/monkey/bin/trans...etc... |
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I'll try that. I thought it checked PATH to find the command, but it seems it might not be the same PATH that my command line uses. Very odd. Cheers |
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Have you tried adding ./ at the begining of the command line call?./trans_macos -config=debug -target=html5 "/Users/matt/Code/test.monkey" |