The Monkey extensions and features

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/The Monkey extensions and features

Armitage1982(Posted 2011) [#1]

I finally jump in the monkey boat too :) Yay!

Monkey's looking pretty good ATM.

I'd like to learn how to port existing C/C++ libraries to it.
It may sound a bit early to begin with but I can't do without important modules such as LibXML and the like.

Does anybody ever write something about porting C/C++ libraries?

Since Monkey is quite new I think it would be a good idea to give tips about this important feature.

Is this easier than porting library to BlitzMax?

Since I don't know the others platforms yet, I'm only focused on GLFW for PC, MAC & Linux.

Is there any plan to officially support Reflection ?
I often write tools for my games and reflection help a lot when you need to change object on the fly with editor.

Does think like Render To Texture, DrawTexturedPolygon, FBO cannot be included in Mojo this time?
I think it's something that can be done on every platform, but even if it was only supported in GLFW it would be an incredible features to play with. I saw a lot of people asking for this and seeing how dizzy a DrawTexturedPolygon function grow in the BlitzMax archive I would prefer to have this out of the box with Monkey.

Thanks for any answers ;)

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2011) [#2]
I have been attempting to port over C/C++ libs (miniB3D) and it's a bit different and more difficult than BlitzMax.

My reasoning is that since things are compiled in it's own language, you shouldn't really need a 'glue' file. But since monkey is a GC language, you need something to keep an eye on the imported library. It's during the trans-coding that Monkey will start to wrap strange GC functions around your non-GC code.

I was working a little with Mark on this, but I haven't had the time to investigate fully.

Additionally, we need a way for monkey to include pre-compiled static libs during compile time.

Here's some notes on my OSX attempts. On Win7 I've been using MINGW, which isn't officially supported by Monkey. a side note, you can add "functions" easily enough. SO if you want to add a render-to-texture function you may be able to write it in it's native code for each platform, and return a monkey-ed image object.

Armitage1982(Posted 2011) [#3]
More difficult than BlitzMax, hip...

Additionally, we need a way for monkey to include pre-compiled static libs during compile time.

That would be a nice feature indeed! a side note, you can add "functions" easily enough. SO if you want to add a render-to-texture function you may be able to write it in it's native code for each platform, and return a monkey-ed image object.

Like in BlitzMax I suppose. But I think it's basic enough to be officially supported. Native code is still a bit hard for me. You give me a good motivation to search for specific C/C++ code :)