Arrays as inputs
Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Arrays as inputs
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This works:Local test:SpecificationHandler = New SpecificationHandler() Local requirements:IClassParser[2] requirements[0] = New ClassEndsWith("Run") requirements[1] = New ClassBeginsWith("Run") test.TestFilter(New AllClassesThat(requirements), New MethodBeginsWith("Test"), New PrintLog) This does not, compile error. Local test:SpecificationHandler = New SpecificationHandler() test.TestFilter(New AllClassesThat([New ClassEndsWith("Run"), New ClassBeginsWith("Run")]), New MethodBeginsWith("Test"), New PrintLog) We addressed something similar before, but is the error on the second example really needed? |
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what kind of error? this one works: Strict Function Main:Int() Local a:beta = New beta([New alpha(2,7),New alpha(6,5)],[New alpha(20,30),New alpha(550,1000)]) a.display() Return 1 End Function Class alpha Field d:Int = 3 Field f:Int = 4 Method New(d:Int, f:Int) Self.d = d Self.f = f End Method End Class Class beta Field a1:alpha[] Field b1:alpha[] Method New(a:alpha[],b:alpha[]) a1 = a b1 = b End Method Method display:Void() Print a1[0].d Print a1[0].f Print b1[0].d Print b1[0].f Print a1[1].d Print a1[1].f Print b1[1].d Print b1[1].f End Method End Class Monkey 67b . |
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I did the same, with the exception that the classes added where using the same interface, but where not of the same core type. |