some questions to HttpRequest()

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/some questions to HttpRequest()

Midimaster(Posted 2013) [#1]
I try to get the new HttpRequest() Class working. My problem is, that my code should run on HTML5 and ANDROID.

Until now I used MNET for both: HTML5 and ANDROID. Because of problems with Android 4 now I have to change something.

In future I want to use Mnet for HTML5 and Marks HttpRequest()for the Android http requests

Marks sample code (from the API doc) works perfect on my smartphone. It uses callbacks and therefore it implements IOnHttpRequestComplete() to the Class MyApp

Class MyApp Extends App Implements IOnHttpRequestComplete

I cannot do that, because the builder brings an error on HTML5 target.

Can I implement this to a new class AndroidComm instead of App:

Import mojo
Import mnet

#If TARGET="android"
	Import brl.httprequest

Class Game Extends App 
	Field Server:AndroidComm

	Method OnUpdate()
		If KeyHit( KEY_ESCAPE ) Error ""

Class AndroidComm Implements IOnHttpRequestComplete
	Field req:HttpRequest

	Method OnHttpRequestComplete:Void( req:HttpRequest )
		Print "Http GET complete!"
		Print "Status="+req.Status()
		Print "ResponseText="+req.ResponseText()


Or is it necessary, that the callbacks and UpdateAsyncEvents() must be in the App class?

marksibly(Posted 2013) [#2]
> Or is it necessary, that the callbacks and UpdateAsyncEvents() must be in the App class?

No, UpdateAsyncEvents and callbacks can be anywhere, so your approach should work.

You can also still call UpdateAsyncEvents on html5 too - it just wont do anything if there's nothing async happening.

Another 'quick and dirty' way to do it would be:

#If TARGET="html5"
Class Game Extends App
Class Game Extends App Implements IOnHttpRequestComplete
   Method OnCreate()...

But I think your way is nicer.

Midimaster(Posted 2013) [#3]
When I now use the HttpRequest() I get three more characters at the beginning of the answer:

Does this have todo anything with UTF8?

The php script only echos this string:
echo "THANK YOU";

If I call the php-script from the browser...
...I only get back

Do I do something wrong, or is it normal and I only have to cut away the three characters?

*** EDIT ***
solved: I had switched something in my text edit. That added the 4 bytes in front of every text and caused the problems...