Monkey app not working in iOS 7
Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Monkey app not working in iOS 7
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I have Crime Solitaire available for iPad and I'm getting loads of people telling me it doesn't work (it tries to start, then drops back to the home screen) since the update to iOS7. My own iPad is playing silly buggers and refusing to see any wifi networks, so I can't update it to iOS7 to investigate it myself. I believe Crime Solitaire was compiled with XCode 4.1, no idea which Monkey version. Am I going to have to fanny about and recompile with the latest version of XCode? I've had customers try everything google suggests (uninstall/reinstall, reset iPad etc), but nothing seems to help. Or do Monkey apps simply not work on iOS7? |
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What about getting updated to XCode 4.6.3 instead of XCode 5? Try it out there and see how it goes. You may be running an old version of Monkey, so try getting one of the newer versions and compile using that. If you do get XCode 5, follow the thread here: There may be something useful in this thread as well: |
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Yes you will have to build against XCode 5 so you can compile for ios7. Having updated I have noticed a number of apps that start and then crash under ios7. There is also a thread on Xcode 5 as I was finding a few issues but can now get monkey building for Xcode 5 and compiling for Ios 7 Gary |
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Really? Why haven't Apple heard of backwards compatibility?? <insert random swear words here> Thanks for the info. |
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Just upgraded to iOS7. Whoever designed these icons should be put against a wall and shot. Then shot again to make sure. iOS7 is a vile-looking excuse for an OS. I haven't even got around to checking any functionality yet. |
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@GfK: Man, you have me laughing pretty hard over here. Its not that you are going through this that makes it funny, but just the fact of how something as simple as changing the icons can make people react to the OS :P It may be a great OS otherwise, but if it looks like a child put it together, then most wouldn't bother using it. I love the way you put it: Whoever designed these icons should be put against a wall and shot. Then shot again to make sure. Keep it straight and to the point! On topic: I hope that you find going through the upgrade, you can fix your problem! It still seems to me that XCode 4.6.3 can still build apps for iOS 7, just not the new features of it. Again, I may be wrong. I also don't have a new enough device that can run iOS7 to test on either. :/ |
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Yeah - the free version of Crime Solitaire works perfectly - because I built that more recently than the full version. Even so, my Mac is way overdue an update so I'm currently downloading XCode 5, which is nigh on 2GB. And that's after downloading a 500MB OS update - TWICE - because it managed to corrupt it the first time. It isn't going well. People knock Microsoft/Windows, but I don't get any of this crap with it! |
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Oh, and about the icons. They are truly awful. The Game Center one looks like it was done by somebody who just discovered the Bevel layer effect in Photoshop. Facetime and Messages look like they were drawn in someone's coffee break (and designed by the tea lady). As for the Newsstand icon, Stevie Wonder (or his guide dog) playing with MSPaint springs to mind. There's just no coherence at all. And yes, my current hatred of iOS7 might only be based on the aesthetics, but if somebody in a large chair and stroking a cat at Apple has signed this off as acceptable, it does not bode well for the rest of it. Oh, and Apple Maps is still there. Which alone would have been bad enough. |
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What are others seeing? Are all monkey apps broken in ios7, or just some? I dont have ios7. Could anyone do me a massive favour and check if my apps (listed below) still run? They are small downloads.. |
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Can iOS7 be even installed on an iPad2? I didn't update, but now I'm also worried about my games... (Escape from Alcatraz is probably fine since I compiled it this year, but I'm worried about my Poker game, which was made ages ago) |
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Can iOS7 be even installed on an iPad2? Looks like it: Scroll right down to the bottom of the page. iOS 7 is compatible with: * iPhone 4 * iPhone 4s * iPhone 5 * iPhone 5c * iPhone 5s * iPod touch 5th generation 16GB * iPod touch 5th generation 32GB/64GB * iPad 2 * iPad with Retina display * iPad mini |
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What are others seeing? Are all monkey apps broken in ios7, or just some? Well it wasn't written in Monkey, but Words with Friends suffered from problems (screen rotation not working) when people upgraded to ios7. I really haven't done that much with Monkey, but for something like this to stop working between ios versions is a complete mystery to me. And from what I read (it's not my iPad), it's extremely difficult to downgrade once you've gone to the latest version. If someone like Zynga can have problems, you'd have to assume there are a hell of a lot of apps that now don't run as intended. |
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"Really? Why haven't Apple heard of backwards compatibility??" Overheard at Apple: "You mean that when Microsoft make cosmetic changes to their OS and go to all the trouble of advertising and stuff, they still let users stay with their old OS for free without any problems? That's insane!" |
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Can iOS7 be even installed on an iPad2? It can if you stand right next to your router for two hours while it does the business. The wifi range on my iPad has totally disappeared, and it hasn't improved any with iOS7. It's probably bust. Overheard at Apple: "You mean that when Microsoft make cosmetic changes to their OS and go to all the trouble of advertising and stuff, they still let users stay with their old OS for free without any problems? That's insane!" Ah, so what you're implying is that Apple deliberately screw it up because it's a free upgrade? I also especially like how they constantly fanny about with the layout of Xcode, so that every snag you hit with it (and there's been plenty), no amount of googling will help as the solutions everybody posted before are all largely irrelevant, as nothing is where it used to be, or called what it used to be called.Anyway, my Mac is switched off again. Until the next iOS update where Apple bugger up the whole shooting match. Again. |
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Our games work, but they've been built with Monkey version of at least v65. We also didn't use any bad coding habits like some people do to get correct rotation for game center, so this could help. |
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GfK: if your iPad is still under warranty give it back to service. They will give you a new one (even if you're not in the USA, you get the same treatment). I had 2 iPads "repaired" that way and one iPhone. No way you should suffer from bad wifi. |
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Nah, it's not under warranty, and to be honest I prefer to use laptops now so the iPad doesn't get used much, other than the occasional bit of testing. I have an iPod4 somewhere, too, which gets used even less than that. |
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I thought I was going mental. Hallucinating, if you will. When I was faffing on with my iPad last night (well, at 3 this morning), I *thought* I kept seeing the icons on the home screen move. Dismissed as over-tiredness. Noticed it again this morning, and investigated further, and the icons DO move a few pixels either way as you tilt the iPad. Know what troubles me? Somebody has actually sat down and wasted time making it do that, for no purpose at all. WHY??? |
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If it's any help, which it probably isn't, my apps run fine on iOS7. C3ntipong, SpikeDislike2, Hoppy Bobby and BlastTrax were all coded and compiled using Monkey v68c (or thereabouts), with XCode 4.1 (I think), but set for iOS6+ I'm guessing it's less to do with Monkey, and more to do with old XCode stuff being depreciated. Try upping your base-SDK, and see if it works any better. If nothing else, older-devices now get "The last version available", which helps when you need to make an OS Specific update like this. |
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the icons DO move a few pixels either way as you tilt the iPad. Know what troubles me? Somebody has actually sat down and wasted time making it do that, for no purpose at all. WHY??? chuckle... Apple is no longer immune to design fail, apparently. |
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Steve Jobs is no longer is around to scold the idiots for making bad choices. Its a fear that most Apple users had since he passed away. I hope they turn that around soon and get back to being Apple. |
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My game runs fine on iOS 7 too, I compiled it with xcode 4.6. @Gfk The icons move to give depth to the whole thing, like parallax layers do in 2D games. You can turn it off btw. Personally I don't get how people are complaining so much about iOS7? Yeah, there are some icons that are a bit off, but overall the experience is pretty consistent and actually I think it is better than iOS 6. But yeah, change is hard :P |
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It actually looks like windows mobile 8! The whole 'flattening' of the UI, not sure I like it and well hacked off that chess with friends doesn't work. I don't think Zynga have had problems, just been lazy. I found my apps worked fine but yes not everything works but I don't think it's a monkey specific issue. Gary |
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>> GfK said: >> --------- >> Even so, my Mac is way overdue an update so I'm currently downloading >> XCode 5, which is nigh on 2GB. And that's after downloading a 500MB OS >> update - TWICE - because it managed to corrupt it the first time. Ditto. Fun and games... |
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After upgrading from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion, and XCode 4.x to XCode 5, I got the following error when building in monkey: TRANS FAILED: Error executing 'xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator', return code=16640 I fixed it by opening project in XCode and setting the target iOS to 5.x rather than 3.x |
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@quantum yep thats the work around. |
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Hmm...I've set the deployment target to 4.3 here - is that not available on xcode5 for everyone? Also, I've pushed the latest ios target to github develop branch if you want to give that a try. |
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Sorry, yes 4.3 is available and works in XCode 5. |
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@mark it depends on what SDKs you have. So as you upgrade XCode it keeps the old SDKs. So some might have 3.x, 4.x or later. Gary |
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It can if you stand right next to your router for two hours while it does the business. The wifi range on my iPad has totally disappeared, and it hasn't improved any with iOS7. It's probably bust. Can't you download the update with iTunes on Mac (leaving the iPad connected on USB) and then just update the bloody thing? I remember doing this way some time ago... |
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Still takes about 45 mins to install, even though it says "20 mins remaining". |
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well, my friend tells me that our apps (compiled with monkey 56, 60 and 70 respectively) work ok on ios7. So there's not a universal breakage thing. It's more subtle than that. |
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Yikes... is there anyway to downgrade back to iOS5? I installed iOS7 on my iPad2, and the thing is bloody horrid... ...I even get some slowdowns here and there, which *never* happened on iOS5. I tested my apps, and they all worked, without glitches. And, *oh joy* - now I have to use XCode 5 to test anything I write on my iPad. And to have XCode 5, I need OSX 10.8 (I'm on 10.7). So here it goes again, downloading GBs of data just to be able to do something I was already able to... Apple: a love/hate relationship :P Edit: AAARG! XCode 5 completely removed IOS4.3/5 emulators!!!! Damn you Apple!!!! |
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> @mark it depends on what SDKs you have. So as you upgrade XCode it keeps the old SDKs. So some might have 3.x, 4.x or later. Not sure about this... My understanding is that 'base SDK' contains all the headers/libs your apps compiles against, while deployment target controls the 'output format' of your app's exe (so it can run on iOS vXYZ etc) and various compiler warnings/errors etc if you attempt to use stuff not supported in iOS versions>deployment target. So in general, you always use latest base SDK, and set deployment target according to your app's OS requirements. This is how I have the current iOS target setup here - base sdk is "Latest (iOS 7.0)" while deployment target is "iOS 4.3", and everything is building/running fine on 4.3 and later devices. But perhaps older SDKs are required for older deployment targets for some reason? Seems unlikely to me, but who knows...? Is anyone with xcode5 NOT able to set their deployment target to 4.3? |
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I'm still using XCode 4.6.3 and Monkey 066b, is that going to be safe for iOS or should I upgrade either? Don't really want to learn a new XCode just yet, although I guess I need it to set new icon sizes for iOS7 but they are not mandatory yet are they? |
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@Grey Alien For what it's worth, I published 2 games built with Monkey 66b and Xcode 4.6.? a week before the official iOS rollout. Both work fine in iOS7. The only thing I did differently was including PNGs for new icon sizes in the package (manually, since the old XCode doesn't know anything about new icon requirements). Then I did a stupid thing - upgraded my testing device to iOS7. Now I have to upgrade both XCode and OS X. Bummer :( Off-topic: nice to see I am not the only one still using Monkey 66b. That was a nice stable release that I extended with so much additional code, that upgrading it now will break many things. |
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@secondgrear Interesting thx. Including the icons manually anyway was an interesting leap of faith, do they work on iOS7 OK then? So now you've upgraded to iOS7 and need to upgrade XCode I guess you probably should upgrade 66b as the latest one uses the correct lowest SDK of 4.3 right? |
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Don't really want to learn a new XCode just yet, although I guess I need it to set new icon sizes for iOS7 but they are not mandatory yet are they? I'm not sure if they're mandatory or not (probably not), but I cannot fathom why you can't just say to Xcode; "look, here's a 1024x1024 icon - go create all the other icons you need from it". Because I find that adding in all the icons, one by one, is a pain in the ass and I really don't understand why it has to be done like that when in the majority of cases, you want all the icons to use the same image anyway. |
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Here is what happened with my apps: the first one was submitted with old icon sizes only. They accepted it, however I received an automated e-mail informing me that the app package didn't have icons for iOS7. The app looks normal in iOS7 - the icon was borderless, so the new corner "radius" was not an issue. The OS just takes closest icon by size and resizes it to fit iOS7 requirements. I included iOS7 icons in the second app (just by adding needed PNGs and referencing them in the corresponding array in plist). There was no e-mail and the app got accepted (submitted before but accepted after iOS7 launch date). As far as 66b goes, I hope I can still use it if I manually change SDK version in XCode. Anyway, I always use XCode to fine-tune the app after Monkey creates the project. |
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Does any of you know if there is any hope to install iOS4/5 emulators with XCode 5? |
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From what I've read on the subject, apparently not. |
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I honestly don't think it's worth supporting older than iOS 6. Prior to the release of iOS 7, 94% of people were running iOS 6. After 1 week iOS 7 installed user base was at 50%, and after 2 weeks it was at 60%. At least those are the figures we pass on at work. Disclaimer: I work for Apple, though I can't help with your dislike for iOS 7 :) |
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That is very good to know. Thanks for that tidbit matt! I'll remember that basically for iOS its current version and last version; no need to go further back :) |
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I honestly don't think it's worth supporting older than iOS 6 That approach will exclude the loyal Apple customers that bought and are still using the iPad 1. v5 seems like a nice choice to me, as it supports xcassets and runs on the iPad 1. |
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Ok thanks for the icon info all. I just Monkey 076a is out with the correct iOS target set for Xcode 5, so maybe I'll just upgrade. |
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I honestly don't think it's worth supporting older than iOS 6. It's just not a matter of 'supporting', but just making sure it will also work - at least on a basic level - on devices with iOS 4/5/6, so those users can at least try my apps. Even if they all sum to 1%, I think it's still valid - 1% of apple users is a lot of people :) Disclaimer: I work for Apple, though I can't help with your dislike for iOS 7 :) I know it's a personal taste... but can't that bar on the screen bottom be translucid? That's whats bother me the most so far on iOS7! And by bar on screen bottom, I mean this one: ![]() I really hate it opaque like that... |