Breakout 2000 or Arkanoid with WAVES
Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Breakout 2000 or Arkanoid with WAVES
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Because of Paul - "Taiphoz"'s Power Up Discussion for his Hexanoid type game I was inspired to hack together some code for an idea I had. Originally written in Blitz Basic many moons ago I have resurrected some of it in Monkey. There are no graphics to import or anything just copy / paste / execute. Admittedly the waves are more of a gimmick but I wanted to test it to see if I could breath new life into the genre. Ideas not implemented are capsules that rise the lava level, temporary freeze the lava, make the the lava nearly flat and calm etc.. Other ideas would be you are at the bottom of a volcano shaft and you have to bust your way up through all the time the lava is slowly rising and as it rises so do you. If you hit the ceiling - instant death. As you rise through the shaft more bricks / obstacles appear. Kind of and endless runner game but in breakout form. Shafts could branch out depending which shaft you break through first. Plus maybe the paddle could tilt based on the lava beneath it. That code is ugly / buggy but and not terribly complicated to implement but may inspire someone. If anybody feels like rewriting <grin> and adding features I would love to see it. Could be a community project even (???) Most of all, tell me what you think of the concept of a moving liquid floor. Initially I was going for the whole Temptest 2000 / Llamatron treatment. Try it out in HTML5 This one has an actual graphic image for the lava. ![]() Strict Import mojo Class MyApp Extends App Field mx:Int , my:Int Field wave:Int[640] Field ballx:Float Field bally:Float Field ballspeedx:Float Field ballspeedy:Float Field balldirx:Int Field balldiry:Int Field fireball:Int Field timer:Int Field toggle:Int = 1 Field freq:float Field ht:Int Field st:Float Field volume:Int Field speed:Int Method OnCreate:Int() st = 0 ht = 32 freq = 0.1 volume = 445 speed = 2 ballx = 100 bally = 100 balldirx = 1 balldiry = 1 ballspeedx = 2 ballspeedy = 2 fireball = 0 timer = 0 For Local i:Int = 0 To 639 wave[i] = volume Next SetUpdateRate(60) Return(0) End Method OnUpdate:Int() If fireball timer = timer -1 If timer = 0 fireball = 0 End if End If ballx += ((ballspeedx+fireball)*balldirx) bally += ((ballspeedy+fireball)*balldiry) If ballx >= 638 ballx = 638 balldirx = -1 End If If ballx <= 1 ballx = 1 balldirx = 1 End If If bally >= wave[ballx] bally = wave[ballx]-2 fireball += 2 If fireball > 6 fireball = 6 End if timer = 180 balldiry = -1 End If If balldiry > 0 If bally >= wave[mx]-32 And bally <= wave[mx]-24 And ballx > mx - 32 And ballx < mx + 32 balldiry = -balldiry If ballx > mx - 32 And ballx < mx - 24 Then ballspeedx = 4 If ballx >= mx - 24 And ballx < mx - 16 Then ballspeedx = 3 If ballx >= mx - 16 And ballx < mx - 8 Then ballspeedx = 2 If ballx >= mx - 8 And ballx <= mx + 8 Then ballspeedx = 1 If ballx >= mx + 24 And ballx < mx + 32 Then ballspeedx = 4 If ballx >= mx + 16 And ballx < mx + 24 Then ballspeedx = 3 If ballx >= mx + 8 And ballx < mx + 16 Then ballspeedx = 2 End If End If If bally <= 0 Then balldiry = 1 mx = MouseX() If KeyHit(KEY_UP) Then ht += 1 If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) Then ht -= 1 If KeyHit(KEY_LEFT) Then freq -= .1 If KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT) Then freq += .1 If KeyHit(KEY_MINUS) Then volume += 1 If KeyHit(KEY_EQUALS) Then volume -= 1 If KeyHit(KEY_Q) Then speed -= 1 If KeyHit(KEY_W) Then speed += 1 If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then toggle = 1 - toggle If KeyHit(KEY_1) st = 0 ht = 32 freq = 0.1 volume = 445 speed = 2 End If If KeyHit(KEY_2) st = 0 ht = 115 freq = .09 volume = 300 speed = 7 End If If KeyHit(KEY_3) st = 0 ht = 73 freq = .09 volume = 405 speed = 2 End If If KeyHit(KEY_4) st = 0 ht = 60 freq = .4 volume = 417 speed = 3 End If If KeyHit(KEY_5) st = 0 ht = 44 freq = 0.3 volume = 375 speed = 3 End If If KeyHit(KEY_6) st = 0 ht = 1 freq = 0 volume = 469 speed = 1 End If If speed = 0 Then speed = 1 For Local j:Int = 1 To speed st = st + freq wave[639] = Sin(st)*ht + volume For Local i:Int = 0 To 638 wave[i] = wave[i+1] Next Next Return(0) End Method OnRender:Int() Cls(0,0,0) SetColor(127+Rnd(64),0,0) For Local i:Int = 0 To 639 DrawLine(i,wave[i],i,480) next SetColor(127,127,127) DrawLine(0,volume,639,volume) DrawRect(635,Sin(90)*ht + volume - 2,4,4) DrawRect(635,Sin(-90)*ht + volume - 2,4,4) SetColor(255,255,255) If toggle DrawText("Mouse X: "+mx,0,0) DrawText("Wave Height: "+ht,0,13) DrawText("Wave Frequency: "+freq,0,26) DrawText("Liquid Volume: "+volume,0,39) DrawText("Wave Speed: "+speed,0,51) DrawText("Presets Press 1 - 6",300,0) DrawText("Space Bar to toggle text",300,13) DrawText("Press UP / DOWN to Increase / Decrease wave height",0,78) DrawText("Press LEFT / RIGHT to Decrease / Increase wave frequency",0,91) DrawText("Press - / + to Lower / Raise the liquid volume",0,104) DrawText("Wave Speed Q / W to Decrease / Increase speed",0,117) DrawText("Ball X Speed: "+ballspeedx,300,26) DrawText("Ball Y Speed: "+ballspeedy,300,39) End if SetColor(127,127,127) DrawRect(mx-32,wave[mx]-32,8,16) DrawRect(mx+24,wave[mx]-32,8,16) SetColor(159,159,159) DrawRect(mx-24,wave[mx]-32,8,16) DrawRect(mx+16,wave[mx]-32,8,16) SetColor(191,191,191) DrawRect(mx-16,wave[mx]-32,8,16) DrawRect(mx+8,wave[mx]-32,8,16) SetColor(255,255,255) DrawRect(mx-8,wave[mx]-32,16,16) If fireball SetColor(255,0,0) Else SetColor(127,127,255) End If DrawRect(ballx-2,bally-2,4,4) Return(0) End End Class Function Main:Int() New MyApp Return(0) End Function |
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yeah it was a really good suggestion and it gave me a load of ideas, which I now have in motion. really good seeing an example of it, you should throw that into the code section as well I am sure it would be handy for some one at some stage in the future. |
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That's cool. I can't wait to play / buy the finished product. I copied the code to the other forum, I guess that would have been a better place for it. ;) |
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Pretty cool and those are some good ideas for a game. |
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aye its really good laddie |
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I had thought of doing something like this with a dynamic sand dune floor that would be built up somehow over time, maybe by falling fragments that you missed catching. |