Quickly put together my June OneGameAMonth game over a couple of days, and it's a simple affair but hopefully at least slightly fun. Also the version I've put up is free, so it costs nothing to have a look and see if you get a little enjoyment from it.
The June theme word is "educational" so this game is based on times tables, but if you know them then it's actually more like speed and accuracy of finding the answers in the grid and not making a mis-tap and losing your combo. Sixty seconds to score as many points as you can, so give it a go will only take up a minute of your time assuming you just play it the once and don't want to play it more.
Is it worth expanding at all? I was going to put in timer regeneration between rounds and a proper high score table (as in my last few games) to make it more gamey. Maybe take out the easier sums as time goes on too, or speed up the timer - but it's really more about speed and score than the times tables themselves, unless you don't know them.