How fast is creating games with iOS?
Monkey Targets Forums/iOS/How fast is creating games with iOS?
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Sorry, this might be off-topic, I'm not yet owning a Mac. What "build time" could I get from a current Macbook pro together with an iPad Air? The last thing I actually tried with Monkey was compiling for Android (Huawei 8500) on an Athlon X2. That took 20 seconds each time I changed something little, especially adb took ages for starting (installing) the game. I'm trying to find a solution (anything, android/ios/glfw/metro) that is fun using :) Thanks a lot for any tip! |
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iOS compiles pretty fast at least generating the XCode project. You will continue from XCode there then anyway which usually compiles a few seconds, too - depending on your project of course. Personally I just finish my games using the HTML5 and Desktop targets and only do the native device builds as soon as I'm done with the game. |
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As Xaron I 95% of the time use HTML 5, periodicity running Android builds to check things are working. If you're using android specific externs just use an #IF TARGET= so compile want fail on different targets |
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First compilation for a specific target takes some time here on Mac OS X. Usually 10 to 15 seconds with GLFW, Android, and Flash. Compiling again after doing some changes is much faster. As an example, using Mark's OpenGL test: 2 seconds with GLFW (Mac), 5 seconds with Android. Both from hitting F5 to see it running on Device. If browser is already running, HTML starts almost instantly. Flash round about 2 seconds for subsequent compilations. |
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Compare that with Unity and you will LOVE the compile times of Monkey. ;) |
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I agree with the others that HTML5 gives you the fastest way to test your games. The earlier I am into a project the more often I will test on Android and iOS. |