Monkey2 Talk

forums.Community.Monkey2 Talk

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This forum has moved! (sticky)marksibly1marksibly (2016)
BUG: Problem compiling from some foldersziggy2Unknown (2016)
recommended IDE for monkey 2?RedGTurtlepa3Danilo (2016)
Where is TED2?APC5taumel (2016)
Instaling Monkey2 on Mac - Fatal ERRORAPC9APC (2016)
What can monkey2 better than cpp?malublu24EdzUp (2016)
Cant compile on mac V Master2AdamStrange4therevills (2016)
MSVC Build?muddy_shoes3muddy_shoes (2016)
Collision module and performancepeterigz3peterigz (2016)
General (Roadmap) StatusDanilo29taumel (2016)
Pyro 2Playniax19Playniax (2016)
Image on Screen?Hotshot11therevills (2016)
Will there be Game Library added to Monkey 2?Hotshot10Neuro (2016)
A little parallax side scrolling testLeo Santos14Jesse (2016)
It's time to move it on over to the Monkey 2 site.Richard Betson4MonkeyPlotter (2016)
V009 pushed...marksibly10Danilo (2016)
Loading assets?Richard Betson5therevills (2016)
How do I do it in MX2?Richard Betson33Richard Betson (2016)
How to do Integer scaling in new Window classLeo Santos13marksibly (2016)
When to convert MX1 code?Richard Betson12Richard Betson (2016)
Mojo StatusLeo Santos26Nobuyuki (2016)
Importing lots of assetsLeo Santos16therevills (2016)
Maybe useful for cross platform requester'sdawlane1dawlane (2016)
Void not enforced?therevills6Leo Santos (2016)
Print works without brackets...therevills2dawlane (2016)
EmscriptenRichard Betson1Richard Betson (2016)
Monkeyroids: Return of the Chimp!therevills4Richard Betson (2016)
Expecting end of line - mx2cc_windows.exe (fixed)therevills5therevills (2016)
Creating new arraysLeo Santos6Leo Santos (2016)
List remove not working? v0.008 (fixed)therevills8therevills (2016)
error:'l_x' was not declared in this scope (fixed)therevills3marksibly (2016)
% # mx2cc_windows.exe has stopped working (fixed)therevills4therevills (2016)
mx2cc_windows.exe Entry Point Not Found (fixed)therevills10marksibly (2016)
MX2_CPP_OPTS_DESKTOP/MX2_LD_OPTS_DESKTOP Questiondawlane3dawlane (2016)
Conway's Game of Lifeimpixi1impixi (2016)
fatal error: std_geom_2affinemat3.h: No such filetherevills6therevills (2016)
Can't build module using symlinkLeo Santos1Leo Santos (2016)
(BUG) Loop counter initialisationimpixi1impixi (2016)
Constructor inheritance woesLeo Santos6Gerry Quinn (2016)
VoxelsGW_22taumel (2016)
Monky2 Linux build errors.Richard Betson9Richard Betson (2016)
MX2 isnt portable - yet?therevills3therevills (2016)
Blog Post - Update time! Posted on April 7th, 2016therevills33therevills (2016)
How to disallow default 'New' Constructor?Danilo37Danilo (2016)
C++ build errorsDanilo4marksibly (2016)
Pyro ReviewRaz5Holt (2016)
Using mojo2?GW_10taumel (2016)
MX2 MonkeyDocDanilo20marksibly (2016)
Non-Copyable Structs with Constructor parametersDanilo6Shinkiro1 (2016)
Does M2 really need a custom IDE?Leo Santos13malublu (2016)
Build system and importDanilo18Danilo (2016)
Exporting functions, classes .. like ctagsShinkiro11Shinkiro1 (2016)
MX2 Extern Enum Import ProblemDanilo2marksibly (2016)
MX2 Library Init functionDanilo3Danilo (2016)
Assignment operator overloadingDanilo16Gerry Quinn (2016)
New Website!marksibly65Shinkiro1 (2016)
mx2cc command line for IDETibit9Tibit (2016)
MX2 bugs (github master 2016-03-27)Danilo16Danilo (2016)
Simple Examplesimpixi25impixi (2016)
32 bit math?marksibly18dawlane (2016)
Mojo2,Monkey2 ?Paul - Taiphoz5Nobuyuki (2016)
External c/c++impixi3impixi (2016)
Any news?Danilo66Danilo (2016)
Notepad++ with MX2Goodlookinguy2ImmutableOctet(SKNG) (2016)
Bringing up the bit shift syntax issue again..Nobuyuki7Nobuyuki (2016)
MX2 ClassesDanilo37dmaz (2016)
MX2 ShadersrIKmAN9ImmutableOctet(SKNG) (2016)
MX2 for Desktop Application ProgrammingDanilo26rebelas (2016)
MX2 language file for GeSHiDanilo1Danilo (2016)
MX2 Community Forum openedDanilo18GC-Martijn (2016)
MX2 source documentation format?Danilo2Shinkiro1 (2016)
Beginner's thoughts on MonkeyLeo Santos27Gerry Quinn (2016)
2d overlay on 3djulesd4Hezkore (2016)
question about plansk.o.g.2Danilo (2016)
Small update...marksibly26Danilo (2016)
Atom Editor, hackable to it's coreShinkiro117wiebow (2016)
Xmas demo out!marksibly234Pharmhaus (2016)
Pyramid of Doom ?GC-Martijn21DruggedBunny (2016)
Compile Error emscriptenk.o.g.4k.o.g. (2016)
Patreon page up!marksibly204marksibly (2016)
Release date and pricing....patbou9Playniax (2016)
Syntax Highlighting in forum posts with MX2?Paul - Taiphoz2Derron (2016)
Monkey2 status ?GC-Martijn124skid (2016)
comments passing, sounds, image stutterabakobo3Danilo (2015)
Swift - open sourcedegac6Samah (2015)
README FIRST!!!!!marksibly62Nobuyuki (2015)
Visual Studio Code as IDEdopeyrulz37Richard Betson (2015)
Game TimingChroma4Nobuyuki (2015)
multiple tasksskid3GC-Martijn (2015)
Loose Lipsskid11skid (2015)
Is Monkey-X 2 a update or a new product entirely?Twonty5tiresius (2015)
Monkey 2 Windows Runtimerebelas3rIKmAN (2015)
When will it be availiablekingawsm3Danilo (2015)
What are the chances for BRL supported 3D?tiresius32Qube (2015)
C++ 3rd party lib support?Skn312rebelas (2015)
Scintilla Text EditorJoshKlint31Skn3 (2015)
A little update...marksibly80Danilo (2015)
Tail call optimization for recursiondmaz2Gerry Quinn (2015)
ShaderFrogrIKmAN2GW_ (2015)
open source modelskid16dmaz (2015)
What openGL version is mx2?EdzUp2GC-Martijn (2015)
Monkey X2 and Linux.Richard Betson61Richard Betson (2015)
Syntax wishlist/ideasShinkiro1138Samah (2015)
C to monkey2 converter 95% readyGC-Martijn38GC-Martijn (2015)
Feature Request: Have Rnd() use a different PRNGNobuyuki2Samah (2015)
64bitRichard Betson4Richard Betson (2015)
Patreon reward version released!marksibly62Amon (2015)
Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows MarketPlace?Amon8skid (2015)
Enum: Please explaindegac13Nobuyuki (2015)
sdl2 why does mx2 have that ?GC-Martijn6Neuro (2015)
Benefits of Monkey / BMX 2, for meJoshKlint41ziggy (2015)
Wo 64 Patrons!skid2GC-Martijn (2015)
Linking to DLLs / Runtime Binaries?therevills3therevills (2015)
Check loaded module functionk.o.g.2Samah (2015)
pre-empting feedback on first buildSkn38Richard Betson (2015)
possibility to use { and } bracketsGC-Martijn34Samah (2015)
Better error handling in official modules.EdzUp4EdzUp (2015)
line continuationdmaz15Samah (2015)
Unions, anon Structure, fixed-length StringsDanilo5PixelPaladin (2015)
Interface method with variable argumentsSkn310Skn3 (2015)
Cyclic GenericsSamah7marksibly (2015)
Pointers vs ReferencesJoshKlint6ziggy (2015)
Ref counting for resource classesziggy4Samah (2015)
Progress report...marksibly66Danilo (2015)
Language featuresmarksibly318PixelPaladin (2015)
How do I get Monkey 2?Hotshot6Hotshot (2015)
Creature - 2D Animation Software (locked)werton1werton (2015)
When is the first monkey2 beta ready ?GC-Martijn5tiresius (2015)
Languages and cars (locked)JoshKlint1JoshKlint (2015)
Game and Killer Language Features?dmaz16Nobuyuki (2015)
Monkey2 or MonkeyX2 or BlitzX or ????therevills93taumel (2015)
Goals and Modulesdegac8degac (2015)
Why BlitzMax rocksJoshKlint3Richard Betson (2015)
Android TargetRichard Betson3Richard Betson (2015)
Metal?Raph10dawlane (2015)
JavaScript / ES2015Danilo11itto (2015)
DocsShinkiro113Dabz (2015)
Mark, watch thisJoshKlint31Nobuyuki (2015)
A general thought on a clear visionRaph28Samah (2015)
Im excited....Dabz3Samah (2015)
sfxtaumel6Skn3 (2015)
Module app hooksSkn39CopperCircle (2015)
PIXMAPRichard Betson13k.o.g. (2015)
Inline code..EdzUp55Danilo (2015)
Number of targets?therevills16marksibly (2015)
@Mark: a pondering question?EdzUp4EdzUp (2015)
Module statement, With statementNobuyuki12Nobuyuki (2015)
BreakpointsJoshKlint11ziggy (2015)
portability questionEdzUp15ziggy (2015)
Random questions about Monkey 2Hezkore1Hezkore (2015)
IDE independent DebuggerShagwana7skid (2015)
Function for add icons of our programsartidomedesX10dawlane (2015)
Pointersabakobo41Samah (2015)
Random thoughts and ideas...marksibly34marksibly (2015)
Function returning multiple valuesJoshKlint7marksibly (2015)
just a generic language, or more?MikeHart25abakobo (2015)
Saddened by the loss of HTML5Steve Ancell21abakobo (2015)
MySqlRichard Betson13Richard Betson (2015)
Need Monkey-X developer for small project (locked)lwm1lwm (2015)
Language suggestionsJoshKlint6Samah (2015)
Threads and Unsigned Types?amando5GW_ (2015)
simple a 3d engineEdzUp69Richard Betson (2015)
Values/structs?marksibly16Samah (2015)
Networking plans and scalability?Richard Betson8Richard Betson (2015)
Build systemmarksibly36Skn3 (2015)
Some questionsamando5EdzUp (2015)
Reading image data.Steve Ancell4Nobuyuki (2015)
Issues and problemsmarksibly22Gerry Quinn (2015)
Approx time frame?Neuro12degac (2015)
Please make GC optionalJaviCervera28JaviCervera (2015)
MonkeyC / BlitzCMikeHart15nullterm (2015)
Escape charactersSkn319dmaz (2015)
IDE and automatic SDK setup etctherevills22dmaz (2015)
SuggestionsJoshKlint5Pharmhaus (2015)
on-line modulebosh771bosh77 (2015)
Auto enumerationShagwana9impixi (2015)
New type primitives? Bit shift definitions?Nobuyuki7Samah (2015)
Backwards compatiablity?therevills6Soap (2015)
Steamtherevills3Shagwana (2015)