| | | |
some addons for blitz3d (sticky) | Bobysait | 65 | RemiD (2016) |
Blitz3D open sourced! (sticky) | marksibly_v2 | 185 | xlsior (May) |
| | | |
.X models hard to texture??? (DirectX) | gpete | 2 | RemiD (June) |
What does a blitz3D exe file need to run on windows? | A4E | 12 | A4E (June) |
Please help, How would you do this? | NotAGamer | 8 | NotAGamer (May) |
animate textures | Amanda Dearheart | 10 | RemiD (May) |
CreateLIght spoth. | Yue | 5 | Yue (May) |
b3d format? | Caton | 3 | kfprimm (May) |
Simulate Sheet Metal Bending... | hollifd | 38 | RemiD (April) |
Place text on my mesh or to the screen where my mesh is located... | hollifd | 15 | RemiD (April) |
Sonic Camera? | Caton | 6 | Flanker (April) |
Select 2 edges of model and display X Dimension and Y Dimension... | hollifd | 2 | Bobysait (April) |
Need some help making my models flat to the screen... | hollifd | 13 | hollifd (April) |
Wireframe certain objects, other objects shaded... | hollifd | 8 | BlitzMan (April) |
Functional difference between Blitz3D 1.106 and 1.108 | Juggernaut | 3 | Juggernaut (April) |
[Solved] Shadows with AnimMesh support | RustyKristi | 162 | Juggernaut (April) |
Re-Ordering Items in a TYPE... | hollifd | 7 | Floyd (March) |
Checking for KeyHit() and other stuff... | hollifd | 5 | hollifd (March) |
Move stuff, Save positions, Move again, then Move back to saved positions... | hollifd | 14 | hollifd (March) |
I need to remove directplay. | Caton | 16 | Caton (March) |
ZLib Compose txt file please? | Caton | 6 | degac (March) |
Help with placing 3d object with mouse | Caton | 13 | Midimaster (March) |
Screensaver kills my Blitz3D program... | hollifd | 4 | gpete (March) |
custom game data pack? | Caton | 31 | Caton (March) |
Trying to make a 3d map editor editor | Caton | 2 | Matty (March) |
Alt-Tab with keep running | Prym | 2 | Dan (March) |
3D mesh with 2d view | Caton | 4 | Stevie G (March) |
Object Follow Player Trick? | Caton | 2 | Dan (March) |
How to alpha blend 2d in blitz3d | digideath | 5 | digideath (March) |
B3D? | Caton | 5 | BlitzSupport (March) |
Buiding Blitz3D from source | EricE | 16 | EricE (March) |
Networking with UDP | Kiyoshi | 7 | Kiyoshi (March) |
Help with detecting other online player's radius | 3DRCzy | 1 | 3DRCzy (February) |
Asteroids example file is broken | Ddawg747 | 12 | RemiD (2017) |
Cursor Flash timing | dna | 5 | Kryzon (2017) |
Does not work with other symbols | Xaker1493 | 6 | skidracer (2017) |
topic removed | Caton | 1 | Caton (2017) |
Select Object Arrows | Caton | 19 | grable (2017) |
interpolated TerrainX,TerrainY,TerrainZ??? what does this mean? | gpete | 6 | Floyd (2017) |
"Bone" or "Bones" this is not a B3D command??? | gpete | 3 | RemiD (2017) |
Linepick and slowdown | cash | 25 | RemiD (2017) |
B3d anims- Gandalf's exporter | K | 4 | RemiD (2017) |
Repeating Keystrokes | dna | 6 | grable (2017) |
How Can I acces an object of the imported mesh? | vinnicius | 19 | vinnicius (2017) |
B3dSDK | ShufordTechnology | 11 | ShufordTechnology (2017) |
Clearworld | stayne | 7 | vinnicius (2017) |
Making animation libraries | Ash | 12 | Matty (2017) |
Xors Binary File Encyption/Decryption [Solved] | RustyKristi | 5 | dna (2017) |
exiting animation loop | Ruz | 28 | RemiD (2017) |
How to mask a texture | vinnicius | 7 | vinnicius (2017) |
Render Tweening - A must for 3d / A few Questions | Imperium | 5 | Imperium (2017) |
Looking for a Programmer | TheDave2016 | 9 | K (2017) |
Scaling from a small resolution to a large resolution | Kiyoshi | 8 | RemiD (2017) |
Faster Loop | dna | 47 | dna (2017) |
Asian Text in a file | dna | 7 | dna (2017) |
Several ways to color a mesh | RemiD | 6 | K (2017) |
Real basic FPS questions | Phodis | 16 | BlitzSupport (2017) |
Problems using Blitz for a 2D plataformer. | Leandro | 9 | K (2017) |
Blitz3d fullcreen graphics mode and switching to windows screen. Blank screen. | A4E | 6 | A4E (2017) |
Blitz3D Update V1.106 | cs.s.petike | 8 | RustyKristi (2017) |
stealth bug in grid plotting code for nms clone | neoshaman | 2 | neoshaman (2016) |
Install Blitz3D and Ideal on Windows 7 x64 | Yue | 3 | Dan (2016) |
Original Blitz Basic book... | Wolfsong73 | 7 | Wolfsong73 (2016) |
Bullet and tree problems | Phodis | 14 | Phodis (2016) |
Blitz3D not working | grindalf | 4 | RemiD (2016) |
Moving the camera around with the mouse | A51M15X | 19 | Ishm7920 (2016) |
how does blitz3d work | Polarix | 14 | steve_ancell (2016) |
SETCUBEMODE | Naughty Alien | 7 | RemiD (2016) |
Cubemapping intensity? | t3K|Mac | 10 | RemiD (2016) |
UpdateWorld RenderWord | Yue | 6 | RemiD (2016) |
Ant+ and Blitz3D | BlitzJockey | 3 | BlitzJockey (2016) |
complete code-sources in blitz3d | ced | 6 | RemiD (2016) |
Triplanar Texturing or Mapping Possible? | RustyKristi | 5 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Size of the meshes. | Yue | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2016) |
A little help please :) | Phodis | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2016) |
Real time Strategy? | Hotshot2005 | 9 | RemiD (2016) |
Path calculation with non grid nodes | RemiD | 17 | RemiD (2016) |
Stuck in Projection | jfk EO-11110 | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2016) |
Trying to paint my self made 3d mesh | Hardcoal | 9 | RemiD (2016) |
Blitz3D and Loading Resources? | RustyKristi | 5 | RustyKristi (2016) |
EntiyPick | Yue | 15 | Bobysait (2016) |
Extract words from strings? | Yue | 4 | Bobysait (2016) |
Save scene? | Yue | 18 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Random Object Position Without Overlapping | RustyKristi | 5 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Position Camera move Entity Mouse. | Yue | 5 | Yue (2016) |
Triangle Placing to match grid | _PJ_ | 29 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Mmove Entity Mouse? | Yue | 4 | Yue (2016) |
Handle and Objetc | Yue | 5 | Yue (2016) |
Help me. | Yue | 6 | Yue (2016) |
Class Entity? | Yue | 3 | Yue (2016) |
Add objects in the scene | Yue | 8 | _PJ_ (2016) |
"Snake" segment logic | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2016) |
[Solved] DirectX SDK Oct 2006 | RustyKristi | 2 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Normal Map with Alpha | RustyKristi | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2016) |
Message for _PJ_ (locked) | Guy Fawkes | 5 | BlitzSupport (2016) |
How can I Peek data from MP3 using the LoadSound? | dman | 12 | Kryzon (2016) |
GameScript - Scripting for Blitz3D | John J. | 54 | Yue (2016) |
Brushes limit for a mesh? | Ross C | 12 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Volumetrics | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Making multiple entities with same handle | DodgeCodingOwner | 6 | RemiD (2016) |
U/V positions | Spike314 | 10 | Bobysait (2016) |
Types blitz3d to c++? | Caton | 3 | Kryzon (2016) |
LoadAnimMesh() | _PJ_ | 11 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Code structure | Wolfsong73 | 7 | Matty (2016) |
Finding 3Dworld position of texture pixel (texel)? | Beaker | 8 | RemiD (2016) |
Shader Programming? | Caton | 23 | RustyKristi (2016) |
NaN? | Craig H. Nisbet | 9 | virtlands (2016) |
Simulating Simple Rigid Body Physics, Few Bounces | RustyKristi | 10 | Bobysait (2016) |
[Solved] Alpha Flag and Animated Sprites 3D | RustyKristi | 10 | RemiD (2016) |
[Solved] Per Object Glow | RustyKristi | 68 | RemiD (2016) |
image pixelssize and quad+texture pixelssize | RemiD | 12 | Kryzon (2016) |
dplayx.dll | Yue | 12 | Rick Nasher (2016) |
[Solved] Debug EntityPick Size Like Polygon Mode | RustyKristi | 18 | RustyKristi (2016) |
[Solved] Trigger Action on Specific Anim Frame | RustyKristi | 4 | RemiD (2016) |
How to properly attach mesh into specific bones? | RustyKristi | 11 | RustyKristi (2016) |
[Solved] Synchronizing Animate Time with FPS | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Determine a mesh is covered by other mesh (shade)? | RustyKristi | 23 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Any JSON library for B3D? | RustyKristi | 10 | virtlands (2016) |
Linepick with Separate Capsule Mesh | RustyKristi | 15 | RemiD (2016) |
Particles and Multithreading | RustyKristi | 2 | RemiD (2016) |
Switch texture layers with fade | RustyKristi | 23 | RemiD (2016) |
Replacing Blitz3d collisions? | Cubed Inc. | 10 | Bobysait (2016) |
Removing only one from list - help | Caton | 7 | Midimaster (2016) |
Alpha Texture Problem | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Weld and Optimize Primitive/Mesh by Code | RustyKristi | 7 | RemiD (2016) |
Puzzle AI? | Caton | 7 | steve_ancell (2016) |
Problem Entity Parent. | Yue | 3 | Bobysait (2016) |
Need help with flipped mesh and collision | RustyKristi | 4 | RustyKristi (2016) |
[Solved] Flip Confusion | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Patch ShowWindow code for No Console window Hack | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
[Solved] 2D Bitmap fonts?? NOT Sprites | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Noocraft Removing blocks with fire? | Caton | 3 | Omnicode (2016) |
[Solved] Read HTTP Stream on URLs with Redirects | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
:( Help error. | Yue | 6 | BlitzMan (2016) |
ChannelPitch ?? [Solved] | Yue | 2 | Yue (2016) |
Unicode Solution? (No FastText) | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
MessageBox with OpenUrl in Blitz3D? | RustyKristi | 6 | RustyKristi (2016) |
LoadSound file wav no work | Yue | 7 | xlsior (2016) |
stopwatch? | Yue | 20 | Yue (2016) |
removed | Caton | 5 | Caton (2016) |
[Solved] ExecFile Website Joined String Url | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Problem playing .mp4 files with openmovie / drawmo | Matty | 5 | col (2016) |
B3D Exact Import/Export Problem | RustyKristi | 7 | RemiD (2016) |
Load Resources/Assets from Bank? | RustyKristi | 5 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Binary Search and Replace | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Match primitive and imported mesh properties | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Slowly face enemy? | NotAGamer | 3 | Stevie G (2016) |
Problem EntityParent last Version 1.108c [Solved] | Yue | 2 | Yue (2016) |
Error Shadows. [Solved] | Yue | 2 | Yue (2016) |
Bug Error simple code. [Solved] | Yue | 3 | Yue (2016) |
tween# ? | Yue | 3 | Yue (2016) |
Port Forwarding with Blitz3D | RustyKristi | 12 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Key press or mouse clic simulation | Biggy | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2016) |
Error Help me. | Yue | 2 | Midimaster (2016) |
Linepicking with spread projectiles | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Removing DirectPlay Code | RustyKristi | 42 | RustyKristi (2016) |
B3D collision & Line pick with Physics Library | RustyKristi | 7 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Wind Waker shading style | Naughtical | 20 | Rick Nasher (2016) |
Suggestion | Yue | 3 | Zethrax (2016) |
How to change FUI to Devil GUI | jhone | 2 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Help Joint Slider | Yue | 4 | Yue (2016) |
Problem Cars and Wheels. | Yue | 6 | Yue (2016) |
Get Constant Name? | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
HUD Sprites? | RustyKristi | 10 | RemiD (2016) |
2D Filters in Blitz3D | RustyKristi | 16 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Suggestion | Yue | 4 | Yue (2016) |
Now that Blitz3D is Free and OpenSource.. | RustyKristi | 12 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Do something on a current animation frame? | NotAGamer | 2 | RemiD (2016) |
Smoother Antialias Fonts? (Not Image) | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Master Volume? | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
stereocam how to do it ? | blicek | 6 | blicek (2016) |
2D Grid on 3D Mesh | SilverDragon | 5 | RemiD (2016) |
Diagonal split screen | Kiyoshi | 13 | Kiyoshi (2016) |
please help about collisions problem | NotAGamer | 5 | RemiD (2016) |
Tom Speed's stuff | markcw | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
RPG Battle Game? | Caton | 22 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
Looking for a Programmer | TheDave2016 | 7 | TheDave2016 (2016) |
Real Water question | Santiworld | 49 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
which it is a surface of a model ? | Yue | 7 | Yue (2016) |
Warp mesh ? | Yue | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
AlignToVector | Yue | 18 | Yue (2016) |
Collisions on map made of cubes with fps controls | Pakz | 6 | Pakz (2016) |
Book or manual for Blitz 3D? | karmacomposer | 43 | fox95871 (2016) |
Conways Game of Life - 3D | Blitzplotter | 2 | Blitzplotter (2016) |
Delete Objetc? | Yue | 4 | Yue (2016) |
My first code in Blitz3D is my "game of life" | bashc | 9 | Blitzplotter (2016) |
Start Screen: how to select with keys or mouse | RubyEnemy | 14 | Dan (2016) |
collision between two animated characters | Isac | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
classic 2D tennis ball and mechanism question | hoyoyo80 | 6 | RemiD (2016) |
No Work this code. | Yue | 12 | Yue (2016) |
Climb Up Ramp Collision? | RustyKristi | 63 | RustyKristi (2016) |
How do you delay the inputs of KeyDown? | RubyEnemy | 7 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Building Walls | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2016) |
api_copyimage ( ) keeps returning 0? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | col (2016) |
Surfaces, Triangles and Textures | _PJ_ | 8 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Boundaries of cube | RubyEnemy | 5 | RustyKristi (2016) |
PaceMaker to Blitz3D? | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Image Masking | RustyKristi | 10 | Kryzon (2016) |
Hook Cam Pivot on Rigged Bone? | RustyKristi | 5 | Matty (2016) |
How to record a game session? | andy_mc | 7 | RustyKristi (2016) |
How do you restrict a camera and entity movement?? | RubyEnemy | 4 | Kryzon (2016) |
Unable to read data file produced using Blitz3D | andy_mc | 4 | andy_mc (2016) |
Need a chart or something to find out a position? | AM | 12 | Kryzon (2016) |
Single surface help ! | Filax | 33 | RemiD (2016) |
entitytexture() framenumber | RemiD | 6 | RemiD (2016) |
..B3D IDE.. | Naughty Alien | 7 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Bounding Box not working on LoadAnimMesh ( ) ? | Guy Fawkes | 34 | RemiD (2016) |
Changing Animation Speed on the Fly | stayne | 6 | Kryzon (2016) |
Proper String Manipulation? | Omnicode | 2 | Omnicode (2016) |
compile with a commandline ? | Prym | 11 | RemiD (2016) |
surround gaming resolutions in 3D mode | tsmpaul | 2 | ThePaiva (2016) |
Trying to find this one Blitz example code.. | Casaber | 5 | Casaber (2016) |
Help, error! | Heitor B. Lopes | 4 | Stevie G (2016) |
Boulders | Casaber | 3 | Bobysait (2016) |
Faster alignment of billboards | Kryzon | 10 | Flanker (2016) |
Sin Wave - Floating Objects? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | RemiD (2016) |
Count Mesh Animations? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
Model Movement and Character Weapons | Trip42 | 7 | RemiD (2016) |
Circular Minimap? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | RemiD (2016) |
mirror code test | Andy | 26 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
CUBEMAP THINGY | Naughty Alien | 25 | RemiD (2016) |
Align With Normals | _PJ_ | 14 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Example of Best Graphics with B3D? | Endive | 24 | _PJ_ (2016) |
Problem with TextureBuffer() ? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | RemiD (2016) |
Problem with Fading in & out Window? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
ChangeDir not working in Loop properly? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2016) |
Hybird VLC Playback NOT WORKING!!! | Caton | 2 | Matty (2016) |
The Occlusion challenge | Rob | 173 | RemiD (2016) |
Trisrendered - Is there a B3D Editor available? | Chi3f Stadi | 7 | RemiD (2016) |
Blitz3D Animation bug? (loadAnimSeq+multiple anim) | gameproducer | 13 | RemiD (2016) |
Windows 10 and 8 Publishing Tips? | RustyKristi | 4 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Animating Multiple Surface Textures | Omnicode | 5 | Omnicode (2016) |
Sorting Types Instead of Arrays | Canana | 5 | Floyd (2016) |
having trouble with changing weaps (code) | danio | 16 | Matty (2016) |
Flip ( 0 ) ; on Windows 10 | Yue | 10 | Bobysait (2015) |
with flip() without flip() ? | RemiD | 7 | RemiD (2015) |
how to get sound real address | dman | 4 | RemiD (2015) |
registry in windows 7 | Jp1985 | 9 | Fielder (2015) |
Unable to create 3d scene | JBR | 15 | JBR (2015) |
MAV in blitz3d when using mod music | Caton | 5 | Matty (2015) |
Hybrid Error | Caton | 16 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
sending a long string in chunks to a type field | stayne | 11 | Bobysait (2015) |
3D Spaceship with turret | Volturna | 27 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
negative UV coordinates ? | RemiD | 4 | Kryzon (2015) |
Saving / Loading / Picking B3D model? | Guy Fawkes | 18 | RemiD (2015) |
Quad With Transparency Mask Texture | _PJ_ | 14 | Bobysait (2015) |
Building a B3D mesh? | Diwanya | 3 | Bobysait (2015) |
MOBA movement | NotAGamer | 4 | Matty (2015) |
Hi, I need some help with code ? | Alis John | 5 | Midimaster (2015) |
HideShadowReceiver | Yue | 1 | Yue (2015) |
Parameter object personality function | Yue | 4 | Yue (2015) |
ReadWrite Bit maps | _PJ_ | 2 | Floyd (2015) |
setbuffer problems | tsmpaul | 4 | RemiD (2015) |
Blitz3d compiler for xbox360? | Caton | 12 | feeble1 (2015) |
FastPointer | Yue | 4 | Yue (2015) |
Optimize work | Yue | 7 | Wings (2015) |
What about Decals? | RustyKristi | 11 | Volturna (2015) |
Playing Normal Animation Speed inside Game Loop | RustyKristi | 7 | RustyKristi (2015) |
Texture Skewed When Applied | _PJ_ | 8 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Image does not exist ERROR | Fernhout | 10 | Fernhout (2015) |
BLITZ3D TCP HELP | Caton | 5 | Matty (2015) |
Packing Blitz 3d games into a single .exe | Wigwam | 13 | Blitzplotter (2015) |
WinBlitz3D Resizable Panel/Gadget | RustyKristi | 3 | Blitzplotter (2015) |
'Best' approach to mutliple reference of Types | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Largest Heightmap/Terrain possible? | Imperium | 31 | Guy Fawkes (2015) |
[Solved]This does not work as I expect. | Yue | 2 | Yue (2015) |
Scene triangles. | Yue | 7 | Rroff (2015) |
Change the texture of a model. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
[SOLVED] Loading same mesh properly on entities | RustyKristi | 17 | RustyKristi (2015) |
as I can create a timer? | Yue | 12 | Yue (2015) |
Animated Mesh Center | stayne | 4 | Matty (2015) |
Texture + Vertex Lighting help | RustyKristi | 10 | RustyKristi (2015) |
sync | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | Matty (2015) |
Loading a level/stage | NotAGamer | 4 | RemiD (2015) |
range in file help | Caton | 5 | steve_ancell (2015) |
stacked boxes, Help me please. | Yue | 4 | Stevie G (2015) |
Which is faster ? | NotAGamer | 11 | Matty (2015) |
does anybody have an english manual of Ashadow? | NotAGamer | 3 | NotAGamer (2015) |
Help to kick box. | Yue | 6 | Yue (2015) |
Grass png error. | Yue | 2 | Yue (2015) |
A quick question writeline vs writebyte | Gauge | 4 | Rroff (2015) |
Health Bar | Yue | 6 | Yue (2015) |
Help LinePick | Yue | 7 | Yue (2015) |
AI Question | stayne | 10 | RemiD (2015) |
Camera Panning Using Mouse | RustyKristi | 5 | RustyKristi (2015) |
What is the difference? | Yue | 4 | Matty (2015) |
Animate strange behavior. | Yue | 4 | RemiD (2015) |
get\name entity from file? | Caton | 3 | steve_ancell (2015) |
FreeFont on Draw3D2 | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
TotalVidMem() on Windows 10. | Yue | 9 | steve_ancell (2015) |
Tremendous problem , help. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
FreeEntity no delete. | Yue | 7 | Yue (2015) |
Perlin Noise routine | _PJ_ | 6 | Flanker (2015) |
Looking for an alternative to Text | vektorDex | 19 | vektorDex (2015) |
YIQ2RGB | _33 | 6 | steve_ancell (2015) |
Creating a 3d editor in blitz3d help | Caton | 4 | Doggie (2015) |
Windows 10 and Blitz3D full Screen. | Yue | 13 | Yue (2015) |
Problem Animate Player and Ragdoll. | Yue | 1 | Yue (2015) |
blitz3d boss intro cutscene | Caton | 5 | Matty (2015) |
Some free terrain editor for Blitz3D? | Yue | 19 | videz (2015) |
question | Caton | 3 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Error Type Objetc Help. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
. | _PJ_ | 4 | steve_ancell (2015) |
Fonts in Blitz3d | Cubed Inc. | 10 | wedoe (2015) |
Ragdoll invest . | Yue | 4 | KronosUK (2015) |
HTTPS | wedoe | 3 | wedoe (2015) |
Arduino | wedoe | 4 | wedoe (2015) |
C++ Wrapper? | EpicElrod | 5 | ThePaiva (2015) |
Question | Caton | 17 | ThePaiva (2015) |
Change the center of the objects | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
Blitz3D Zip File Help | Caton | 7 | Yasha (2015) |
What is wrong here? | EpicElrod | 5 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Download for VS 6 | syntax | 4 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Is BriskVM dead? How do I get hold of? | videz | 22 | Spencer (2015) |
Z-order Question | Trek | 7 | Trek (2015) |
Second Monitor Problems with Win 8.1 | RGR | 12 | RGR (2015) |
Includng all folder files | EpicElrod | 16 | Dan (2015) |
Me again. AirSprintSpeed | EpicElrod | 1 | EpicElrod (2015) |
Easy way to make menus? | EpicElrod | 10 | Dan (2015) |
Asteroids - Spaceship Movement Code | Davros | 16 | EpicElrod (2015) |
BVH Demo - missing | Mikorians | 3 | Mikorians (2015) |
recursive function performances | Flanker512 | 7 | Flanker512 (2015) |
Can you import custom textures to maplet? | EpicElrod | 4 | TheGroominGuy (2015) |
3D Character Modeling Software? | TheGroominGuy | 12 | TheGroominGuy (2015) |
HD Matirial packs for Maplet | EpicElrod | 7 | feeble1 (2015) |
Why am I getting this B.S | EpicElrod | 6 | stayne (2015) |
Bullet Physics engine wrapper/tutorial | EpicElrod | 2 | RemiD (2015) |
Any engines? | EpicElrod | 6 | RemiD (2015) |
Removed | Caton | 1 | Caton (2015) |
How do you make seeds? | TheGroominGuy | 3 | TheGroominGuy (2015) |
Ctrl A hidden image Revealer download | Dan | 1 | Dan (2015) |
Auto Detect Resolution | EpicElrod | 7 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
Can Blitz3D support .blend files? | TheGroominGuy | 5 | TheGroominGuy (2015) |
Remove | Caton | 1 | Caton (2015) |
array Help | Caton | 3 | Matty (2015) |
Removed | Caton | 1 | Caton (2015) |
OpenAL Wraper where download? | Yue | 11 | Dan (2015) |
Where do I download this? | TheGroominGuy | 3 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
How should I do 2d level generation? | Rooster | 6 | Rooster (2015) |
Curved Surface (Surface Section of a Sphere) | Davros | 6 | Kryzon (2015) |
Blitz3d programs run on a tablet with Windows 8.1! | RemiD | 9 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Jet fighter simulation | Hardcoal | 9 | Hardcoal (2015) |
Downloading a 3D model | Hardcoal | 12 | Hardcoal (2015) |
Vector tutorials? | Yue | 3 | Matty (2015) |
Alternative to FastExt? | Cubed Inc. | 15 | RemiD (2015) |
Black Screen | Omnicode | 8 | bytecode77 (2015) |
PD Blitz? Give us the SDL too! | Ching | 3 | ShadowTurtle (2015) |
Working with Types | stayne | 7 | _PJ_ (2015) |
how to render more in blitz3d | Caton | 14 | Cubed Inc. (2015) |
Help! | Caton | 19 | Caton (2015) |
How to hide sides of blocks that cannot be seen? | Liimbix | 4 | RemiD (2015) |
Cube map reflection demo! | marksibly | 96 | Liimbix (2015) |
Blitz3d confusing normal sound for 3d sound? | Cubed Inc. | 13 | Rroff (2015) |
Changing screen modes within a program? | Cubed Inc. | 14 | Cubed Inc. (2015) |
Trouble with fire effect. | gerald | 3 | RemiD (2015) |
Grass Has A Soul | Omnicode | 11 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
[deleted] | Liimbix | 1 | Liimbix (2015) |
ground Tutorial | Yue | 2 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
A note about linepick with a radius | RemiD | 9 | RGR (2015) |
Snow, fire and bubbles. | gerald | 1 | gerald (2015) |
Trog discover fire, fire bad. | gerald | 3 | gerald (2015) |
Fire effect, bubble bath effect. | gerald | 1 | gerald (2015) |
Distance, positioning, need help please | Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu | 3 | Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu (2015) |
Camera Viewport Color Gray | Yue | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2015) |
Where Sample User32.lib Full Blitz3D + Fastlibs W8 | Yue | 4 | Yue (2015) |
Protean with Win 8.1 | Amanda Dearheart | 11 | steve_ancell (2015) |
Abs() | Irvau | 3 | Irvau (2015) |
Example of radar minimap . [solved] | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
Fire effect quits working doring 2nd level load. | gerald | 1 | gerald (2015) |
What am I doing wrong | Amanda Dearheart | 8 | Amanda Dearheart (2015) |
Google Maps style zoom function | Axel Wheeler | 7 | Matty (2015) |
Objective-B3D | Yasha | 26 | eNano (2015) |
Licence for free B3D ? | blicek | 4 | Yasha (2015) |
Bliz3D Maximal Resolution / 4K Screen | Osoko | 8 | Osoko (2015) |
animated 3d model head turn on mouse move | NotAGamer | 3 | NotAGamer (2015) |
Water reflection - Facing some problems. | vinnicius | 5 | vinnicius (2015) |
BlitzRift Download Link | videz | 5 | Rick Nasher (2015) |
Entity does not exsist [EntityName] | Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu | 5 | stayne (2015) |
Embedding files question | Sir Gak | 23 | Blitzplotter (2015) |
Pointers to type instances and fields | eNano | 5 | eNano (2015) |
Saving WAV files | Axel Wheeler | 9 | Axel Wheeler (2015) |
Efficient handling of animated models out of view | stayne | 3 | stayne (2015) |
Real Blitz3d Decompiler? | Caton | 32 | jfk EO-11110 (2015) |
Native heightmap scale | stayne | 15 | RemiD (2015) |
Object / Handle | Yue | 3 | virtlands (2015) |
destory object with id help? | Caton | 9 | Zethrax (2015) |
2D RPG help | Guy Fawkes | 33 | RemiD (2015) |
Issue with api_GetModuleFileName Windows API func | Zethrax | 4 | Zethrax (2015) |
RLE Compression | Nexinarus | 3 | Matty (2015) |
Preloading assets without the busy cursor icon | videz | 33 | Blitzplotter (2015) |
Removing models | TomFeatherhill | 4 | TomFeatherhill (2015) |
Illigal type conversion using Null | Fernhout | 6 | Fernhout (2015) |
Blitz3d AnimTexture Mask Help | Caton | 7 | _PJ_ (2015) |
A bit of help with AI (Tron Clone) | Nexinarus | 8 | Nexinarus (2015) |
noocraft help! | Caton | 3 | Caton (2015) |
Generate Random Position 2D Grid? (No Overlapping) | videz | 5 | videz (2015) |
Dim inside Type possible? | 2 Unlimited | 7 | 2 Unlimited (2015) |
Icons and tabbing | Jimmy | 47 | videz (2015) |
Memory banks versus integer data | Yue | 9 | _PJ_ (2015) |
Need Help with Double Precision Float Variables | RustyKristi | 10 | RustyKristi (2015) |
Move over pixel distance over fixed amount of time | Nennig | 1 | Nennig (2015) |
Stuck with 1.106 and FastLib | RustyKristi | 13 | videz (2015) |
[RESOLVED] api_closehandle peculiar crashing | Mikorians | 5 | Mikorians (2015) |
WinBlitz3D Events and Realtime Scene Updates?? | videz | 1 | videz (2014) |
how do they do it sega??? | Caton | 29 | Blitzplotter (2014) |
WinBlitz3D Toolbar MAV Issue | videz | 2 | videz (2014) |
Mac advice? | Jimmy | 4 | Jimmy (2014) |
Blitz3D and C++ DLL coding question | videz | 7 | videz (2014) |
WB3D create a float spinner? | Guy Fawkes | 13 | videz (2014) |
chat tabs | Giuliani | 13 | videz (2014) |
Blitz3D VS Other programs | Fernhout | 11 | skidracer (2014) |
read Pack file help!!! | Caton | 17 | Zethrax (2014) |
Bump mapping and light | Tabb | 5 | RemiD (2014) |
Where is the cube mapping demo? | JaviCervera | 5 | JaviCervera (2014) |
Problem with Alpha Blending in .b3d file | ThePaiva | 6 | videz (2014) |
how do I make a cutscene in a platform game | Caton | 15 | _33 (2014) |
Supafly Blitz3D Window!!! | JoshK | 37 | videz (2014) |
blitz custom pack help!!! | Caton | 12 | Caton (2014) |
php in blitz3d? | Caton | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Looking for Beta Blocker - old game by jnguyen327 | CrazyHorseStrong | 8 | Lane (2014) |
Concern about Free Entity | Yue | 19 | Yue (2014) |
coily object code help and bb question | Caton | 16 | RGR (2014) |
3D acceleration depending on orientation | Tabb | 9 | RemiD (2014) |
No go with Blitz3D and Windows 7? | ErikT | 15 | RustyKristi (2014) |
Grass/Foliage System Help | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2014) |
Over the Shoulder Camera Help | RustyKristi | 4 | RustyKristi (2014) |
[Solved]Orbit camera around a rotating object | Tabb | 5 | Tabb (2014) |
python to blitz help! | Caton | 4 | steve_ancell (2014) |
World out of cubes - graphical issues | funkmaster5000 | 8 | RemiD (2014) |
It's No work. | Yue | 4 | Yue (2014) |
server in blitz3d? | Caton | 19 | Caton (2014) |
I do not remember the command | Yue | 3 | Yue (2014) |
Outputting Custom Type Object to String | _PJ_ | 4 | _PJ_ (2014) |
object move for steps | Caton | 6 | Caton (2014) |
need help with wld level 3d viewer | Caton | 21 | Caton (2014) |
Location error in bone. | Yue | 10 | Yue (2014) |
Need some help with things | Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu | 12 | Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu (2014) |
Navigational Mesh? Anywone? | NotAGamer | 8 | NotAGamer (2014) |
weird thing with renderworld rendertime | RemiD | 30 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
How to check a USB device | Stollentroll | 4 | Axel Wheeler (2014) |
v1.108 Changelog / Patch notes? | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2014) |
No work! | Yue | 5 | Yue (2014) |
Is it Possible?? | Learning5614 | 10 | Yue (2014) |
AligntoVector problems | TomFeatherhill | 5 | Floyd (2014) |
Entity Does Not Exist Error | nyybaseball | 9 | Leon Drake (2014) |
What am I doing wrong? | Yue | 1 | Yue (2014) |
Question about making executable files | Doggie | 2 | Leon Drake (2014) |
The different between .x and .b3d? | Obliteration | 5 | Matty (2014) |
Concerning 3DS files...... | Learning5614 | 3 | virtlands (2014) |
using the 256 flag in LoadTexture command | NotAGamer | 7 | _PJ_ (2014) |
Picked Surface / Triangle? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | _PJ_ (2014) |
[Modelling] Blitz3d Units to SketchUp Inches | TomFeatherhill | 6 | TomFeatherhill (2014) |
loading resouces from a zip help! | Caton | 10 | Rroff (2014) |
Refresh the Texture???? | NotAGamer | 5 | NotAGamer (2014) |
I am wondering . . . . . | Learning5614 | 5 | Learning5614 (2014) |
I have a problem....... | Learning5614 | 24 | H&K (2014) |
[Physics] Setting 'Absolute' Rotation | TomFeatherhill | 3 | TomFeatherhill (2014) |
Program to merge .b3d animations | Mongoose | 2 | RemiD (2014) |
Windows 10 : Fullscreen works perfect !!! | Hellbend | 7 | xlsior (2014) |
Resource Files??? | Learning5614 | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Y's Seven/memories of celceta/origins in Blitz3d | NotAGamer | 4 | NotAGamer (2014) |
Rotate an object based on the object it collides | TomFeatherhill | 15 | TomFeatherhill (2014) |
Simple Bump mapping Without Fast extend libs | NotAGamer | 7 | NotAGamer (2014) |
Problem with LoadMaskedAnimTexture() ? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | RGR (2014) |
Logitech iFeel Haptic (FFB) Mouse Usage | Mikorians | 2 | Mikorians (2014) |
Whatever happend to the *.b3d file format? | bytecode77 | 26 | _PJ_ (2014) |
Memory usage on Blitz3D | Yue | 8 | _PJ_ (2014) |
Totalvidemem? | Yue | 7 | _PJ_ (2014) |
get name of 64 bits programs | rickavzstx | 1 | rickavzstx (2014) |
Mp3 licence??? | D4NM4N | 28 | Cyntium (2014) |
Multiple Linepicks? | Cubed Inc. | 12 | Blitzplotter (2014) |
terabit question | seferey | 5 | Prym (2014) |
About (FreeEntity and EntityAlpha) | vinnicius | 4 | Matty (2014) |
EntityAutoFade?? | Yue | 14 | RemiD (2014) |
LinePick? | Yue | 1 | Yue (2014) |
Can't get my collision to work | funkmaster5000 | 4 | funkmaster5000 (2014) |
Simple Progress Bar? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
A real antialias routine | JoshK | 53 | rio29 (2014) |
Problem changing screen resolution. | Yue | 36 | Bobysait (2014) |
Recursive functions | AngelOnFira | 4 | AngelOnFira (2014) |
Treeparty? | Guy Fawkes | 19 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
candy crush style grid candies that drop smoothly? | andy_mc | 3 | andy_mc (2014) |
adding glow | Phoenixx | 5 | Phoenixx (2014) |
Transparent Window? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
Fastlibs memory leak debug mode ... | Yue | 5 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
Grass, Bush, Tree system.. | Rick Nasher | 19 | RemiD (2014) |
I don't understand this... | RemiD | 14 | Yue (2014) |
Orbit Cam Rotation Problem? | Guy Fawkes | 23 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
BlitzForest/Grass - Dense trees & grass rendering | John J. | 52 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
Fastpointer speed | Yue | 1 | Yue (2014) |
Masking issue with tree texture? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
OpenTCPStream in main loop ? | Prym | 1 | Prym (2014) |
Various textures on a model and lights | Yue | 7 | Yue (2014) |
Putting cubes in a type | AngelOnFira | 3 | Who was John Galt? (2014) |
Blitz3D - now free and open source!! | therevills | 5 | Rroff (2014) |
This does not work for some reason | Yue | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Return Array String from Function? | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
How to CameraPick a CopyMesh with LoadAnimMesh? | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Create only one instance of a program? | Guy Fawkes | 20 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Writing a file into Program Files folder | Marcell | 3 | Marcell (2014) |
Reverse CameraProject() | fox95871 | 3 | fox95871 (2014) |
Extremely high triangle / poly count? | Guy Fawkes | 6 | RemiD (2014) |
Double RenderWorld | Yue | 20 | Yue (2014) |
CopyRect and screen resolutions | Yue | 1 | Yue (2014) |
How to | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Deleting UDP messages | AngelOnFira | 2 | Wings (2014) |
Problem with Right Click Menu | Guy Fawkes | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
LoadVED and Draw3D2 | Yue | 5 | Yue (2014) |
Error while deleting an object | Yue | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Detecting non-existent save data? | Cubed Inc. | 3 | Cubed Inc. (2014) |
Drag Image Within Frame | _PJ_ | 4 | _PJ_ (2014) |
How to skin a window the NON-slow way? | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Memory Address /Pointers | _PJ_ | 2 | _PJ_ (2014) |
Icon to Image problem - finally solved. | John Blackledge | 11 | Nexinarus (2014) |
Rotating Entity Child to another Entity Child | Spike314 | 8 | Kryzon (2014) |
Fade in / fade out? | Guy Fawkes | 6 | _PJ_ (2014) |
Streaming/Visibility algorithm [moved] | Rawal | 1 | Rawal (2014) |
Hex/string/float problem | -Rick- | 6 | -Rick- (2014) |
Render Tweening | AngelOnFira | 4 | Nexinarus (2014) |
TCP/UDP/IP Question[s] | Adam Novagen | 14 | Prym (2014) |
Rendering static image onto models? | Cubed Inc. | 7 | Yasha (2014) |
Hack a compiled .exe to run in Windowed mode? | Chispon | 6 | xlsior (2014) |
select / multi select / deselect a triangle? | Guy Fawkes | 18 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
AI waypoint paths, Return to last node in path | Aussie | 2 | Aussie (2014) |
InputBoxes Lib | Chispon | 1 | Chispon (2014) |
Text-to-speech! | ClayPigeon | 5 | Dan (2014) |
Spherical travel and gimbal lock madness | Krischan | 4 | RGR (2014) |
Problem with tabs? | Guy Fawkes | 22 | Rroff (2014) |
How to see if a TYPE object exists? | Q | 5 | Rroff (2014) |
Flush individual key? | LamptonWorm | 15 | cryptadone (2014) |
Blitz3d apps work properly on a pc with Windows 8 | RemiD | 6 | RemiD (2014) |
Regarding performance | Rroff | 11 | GW (2014) |
Masked Texture from image | KronosUK | 5 | KronosUK (2014) |
memory access violation | Amanda Dearheart | 11 | Reans (2014) |
How tile anim strip image on a mesh? | vivaigiochi | 19 | Reans (2014) |
Restarting Channels? | Cubed Inc. | 5 | Cubed Inc. (2014) |
load and apply textures to surfaces | Zmatrix | 6 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
How does B3D set the quaternion rotation? | PacMani | 17 | PacMani (2014) |
Questions about FPS | AngelOnFira | 7 | fox95871 (2014) |
How to restart the program? | modmcdl | 12 | modmcdl (2014) |
WriteString(stream) | AngelOnFira | 5 | Wings (2014) |
Fix for Windows 8 fullscreen slowdown problem... | marksibly | 22 | fox95871 (2014) |
Trouble Smoothing out Screen Movement | -Rick- | 3 | -Rick- (2014) |
Controlled Deceleration | -Rick- | 41 | -Rick- (2014) |
Server Hosts | AngelOnFira | 7 | xlsior (2014) |
Land and various textures | Yue | 6 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
Select / Deselect multiple objects? | Guy Fawkes | 1 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Slowdown problem with a TYPE | Newbie31 | 9 | Midimaster (2014) |
How to use bass and fx libraries | dman | 1 | dman (2014) |
Collisions - Prevent movement in certain direction | funkmaster5000 | 5 | funkmaster5000 (2014) |
Creating executables? | Cubed Inc. | 11 | Yue (2014) |
Help with ball physics (2/1-2-D)? | Guy Fawkes | 23 | Stevie G (2014) |
Can Blitz create a sound? | Sir Gak | 3 | mv333 (2014) |
I need some help with types again? | Newbie31 | 2 | Midimaster (2014) |
Cel Shading a la Wind Waker? | Cubed Inc. | 11 | fox95871 (2014) |
CreateBank | Yue | 8 | RemiD (2014) |
This returns an error in Windows 7? | Yue | 3 | Floyd (2014) |
Help with texture size of rendered video texture? | Guy Fawkes | 27 | Guy Fawkes (2014) |
Objetc Type | Yue | 3 | Yue (2014) |
Replacing Blitz3d collision with JV-ODE collisons? | Cubed Inc. | 6 | Charrua (2014) |
What makes a game look good? | Dale Nation | 13 | Yan (2014) |
latitude and longitude from a sphere | Heliotrope | 14 | Mikorians (2014) |
images | fallegon | 4 | Kryzon (2014) |
no work VertexColor | Yue | 4 | Mikorians (2014) |
Tilted text | wedoe | 2 | wedoe (2014) |
Bumper floor after passing tires.?? | Yue | 9 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
program instance | Yue | 3 | John Blackledge (2014) |
Need help: Fake Lights for a car?!? | N_Gnom | 4 | Mikorians (2014) |
GetBrushName$ ???? | Mikorians | 1 | Mikorians (2014) |
Animate Command - how to choose certain sequences? | Blitzplotter | 3 | Blitzplotter (2014) |
Dx9? Is this real? | K | 4 | Kryzon (2014) |
Get Shortcut? | John Blackledge | 6 | John Blackledge (2014) |
Character Punching in 3D | Nexinarus | 4 | Nexinarus (2014) |
Sending messages too fast | AngelOnFira | 2 | Wings (2014) |
Alpha textures white outline? | Dale Nation | 4 | Mikorians (2014) |
Blitz3D's Font | asdfasdf | 29 | Mikorians (2014) |
Rect Coordinates? | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Mikorians (2014) |
Bump only commands in B3D? | Yue | 4 | Yue (2014) |
T.ED World editor available | D4NM4N | 3 | SilverCoin (2014) |
Problem terrain. | Yue | 6 | Yue (2014) |
Video Encoding/Decoding | ClayPigeon | 3 | ClayPigeon (2014) |
Having a bit of trouble here. | Jammer429 | 5 | Jammer429 (2014) |
Can't update WB3D tabber? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | John Blackledge (2014) |
Buy Sprite library Candy | ART555 | 7 | LineOf7s (2014) |
Windows 8 strange things and 3d faster in window | Wings | 97 | Yue (2014) |
joypad issues | bloos_magoos | 1 | bloos_magoos (2014) |
Simple AI Help | Chispon | 4 | Chispon (2014) |
How to align an entity(not a car) to terrain? | Rick Nasher | 7 | Rick Nasher (2014) |
Moving vertices | Dale Nation | 3 | Stevie G (2014) |
grabbing an objects X and Y position on the screen | AvestheFox | 3 | AvestheFox (2014) |
FPS idea- but need help | Mikorians | 15 | Mikorians (2014) |
Narrow small doors, dumbbell collision help! | Mikorians | 10 | Mikorians (2014) |
camera texture | yoshark | 2 | RemiD (2013) |
animation and texture | yoshark | 4 | yoshark (2013) |
Open MOvie error! | Yue | 3 | GfK (2013) |
Rocket Exhaust | Axel Wheeler | 14 | RemiD (2013) |
Interesting question about repeated code usage | Cubed Inc. | 6 | Rroff (2013) |
Problem with Scaling? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
MAV when trying to add vertices triangles to surfa | RemiD | 5 | RemiD (2013) |
Widescreen correction | Adam Novagen | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
FreeImage.bb (John Blackledge may know) ? | _PJ_ | 6 | John Blackledge (2013) |
Blitz sur le net | Prym | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
HDR control on an entity? | Guy Fawkes | 11 | RemiD (2013) |
Grabbing all the textures on a mesh? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | John Blackledge (2013) |
Edit "Close" Button? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | _PJ_ (2013) |
2d realtime image rotation | bloos_magoos | 5 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Create hidden window? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
Gouraud shading - Hardware based | Imperium | 5 | RemiD (2013) |
Animation Error | Inexperienced | 3 | Inexperienced (2013) |
The Blitz3D 'Export Project' wants YOU! | D4NM4N | 56 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
DirectX 9.0 Library ? | ala_samodi | 128 | Rick Nasher (2013) |
How to remove multiple occurences of text? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
How to color selected words in a sentence? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | skidracer (2013) |
Blitz3D C++ geometry code | marksibly | 67 | SLotman (2013) |
Problem with Imagecollide. | Newbie31 | 4 | Newbie31 (2013) |
Broadcasting on a lan network | AngelOnFira | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
Eureka...well maybe that overstating the case | Blitzplotter | 11 | virtlands (2013) |
3D4GL. | Ching | 18 | Kryzon (2013) |
Second Viewport | MajesticSpaceBen | 5 | Floyd (2013) |
how to send a packet? | ZaroSath | 4 | ZaroSath (2013) |
3D collision problem | Duff | 3 | Rick Nasher (2013) |
Entity Does Not Exist | MajesticSpaceBen | 3 | Rob the Great (2013) |
Select Vs Nested If statements | ZaroSath | 8 | dynaman (2013) |
touchscreen | luggage | 18 | RemiD (2013) |
Pacemaker: 'userlib not found' ? | GW | 7 | Ricky Smith (2013) |
Asteroid Fields | Krischan | 61 | Rick Nasher (2013) |
Easier keycodes | Kippykip | 3 | virtlands (2013) |
BCF Gui editor Visual BCF for Free :) | Filax | 19 | Doggie (2013) |
Windows 8 machine Detect User. | Yue | 8 | Yue (2013) |
Obtaining MAC code from a computer in B3D | Blitzplotter | 6 | Blitzplotter (2013) |
Cubemap not working? | Cubed Inc. | 13 | Omnicode (2013) |
Obstical Avoidance | Dicon | 4 | Omnicode (2013) |
Movement in conjunction with mouselook | MajesticSpaceBen | 2 | Yasha (2013) |
Changing Network | Heliotrope | 14 | Heliotrope (2013) |
I'm back with pathfinding! | psychicbottle | 1 | psychicbottle (2013) |
Rand statement Int range | Axel Wheeler | 11 | virtlands (2013) |
HTMLview Freezing | Bergmann | 2 | GaryV (2013) |
multiple cameras to textures | Hardcoal | 5 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Climbing Walls | Nexinarus | 15 | Nexinarus (2013) |
Rumble force feedback library | RifRaf | 14 | Rick Nasher (2013) |
I need to make a multiplayer version of my game | Jon Pool | 5 | RifRaf (2013) |
Override Blitz Native Command and Then Revert | Rob the Great | 4 | Rob the Great (2013) |
Alternative server listing options | RifRaf | 1 | RifRaf (2013) |
Aligning entity to another entity? | Cubed Inc. | 8 | Cubed Inc. (2013) |
Mouselook: Smooth up but not when looking down. | Imperium | 10 | Imperium (2013) |
FastImage - parenting issue ... | necky | 1 | necky (2013) |
Using a mesh as Parent to Spotlight | Imperium | 7 | RemiD (2013) |
Blitz 3D Tutorials | AngelOnFira | 2 | Imperium (2013) |
Multitexturing on Blitz Terrains | Dale Nation | 15 | Wings (2013) |
Multi customization for 3D character | Phoenixx | 1 | Phoenixx (2013) |
walking with running function added | Phoenixx | 4 | Phoenixx (2013) |
Online image grabbing | Kiyoshi | 6 | Kiyoshi (2013) |
DebugLog.txt | Yue | 3 | Imperium (2013) |
2D - Circle to Line collision issue | necky | 10 | Kryzon (2013) |
Preloading game content | ZaroSath | 20 | ZaroSath (2013) |
Memory Banks | Yue | 5 | Who was John Galt? (2013) |
Multiple Collision Spheres? | Cubed Inc. | 3 | RemiD (2013) |
Detecting if VSYCN on or off? | Imperium | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Simulated semaphores & mutexes [ in Blitz3D ] | virtlands | 5 | virtlands (2013) |
Alpha - different UV set ... | necky | 17 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
blitz3d/blitzui programmer wanted (flat fee pay) | atv | 5 | RemiD (2013) |
BB3D 2.0 - how it should look like | Xaron | 160 | angros47 (2013) |
Semaphores & Mutexes for Blitz3D | virtlands | 8 | virtlands (2013) |
Program a door to move or animate it? | Imperium | 18 | Yasha (2013) |
Keyhit command issue? | Cubed Inc. | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Tiled2BB and Isometric | Spike314 | 2 | Spike314 (2013) |
FastPointer + Dynamic Mesh = World Explodes | ClayPigeon | 5 | ClayPigeon (2013) |
Good Collision\Physics Engine for Blitz3D? | Cubed Inc. | 18 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
ExtractIcon? | John Blackledge | 11 | Kryzon (2013) |
Just thinkin bout things | AngelOnFira | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Collisions not working? | Cubed Inc. | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Problem water :( | Yue | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
bullets in a gun | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 3 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013) |
loads of cubes | Warner | 24 | _PJ_ (2013) |
VertexRed() etc. | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Bone root (Ragdoll) | Yue | 12 | Yue (2013) |
Problem with refractive glass | Yue | 4 | BIG BUG (2013) |
Windowed / full screen | Boiled Sweets | 29 | Imperium (2013) |
I need help moving camera! | AK47 | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Windows 8 Pen + Touch = showstopper? | Danny | 3 | _PJ_ (2013) |
This is memory leak? | Yue | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
LIghtmap y FadeEntity | Yue | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2013) |
Virtual monitor | Kiyoshi | 10 | Yasha (2013) |
Byte Wrapping | Rob the Great | 10 | Charrua (2013) |
Thinking of creating a sun | Yue | 10 | Yue (2013) |
Drag and drop and LoadImage | MickeGamer | 3 | MickeGamer (2013) |
EngGraphics() | Yue | 2 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Help Variable Windows XP/7 | Yue | 27 | Yue (2013) |
Height and width of Desktop? | Yue | 8 | Yasha (2013) |
Ultimate Unwrap 3D is a useful Blender -> B3D | Blitzplotter | 1 | Blitzplotter (2013) |
Clipping Issues | Omnicode | 6 | Omnicode (2013) |
Random Access Types | _PJ_ | 5 | Rroff (2013) |
CallFunction topic [ fastpointer.dll ] | virtlands | 5 | virtlands (2013) |
Get Drives Data & system info (for Blitz3D) | virtlands | 1 | virtlands (2013) |
Aligning to vertexes under 90 degrees? | Cubed Inc. | 8 | Kryzon (2013) |
Handling Rendered Layers | Omnicode | 4 | Yasha (2013) |
Error application, help me =( | Alexander88 | 3 | Alexander88 (2013) |
Lighting/Renderworld question | Axel Wheeler | 15 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
animation only while keydown... | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 12 | DRH (2013) |
Callbacks possible? | LamptonWorm | 14 | Yasha (2013) |
Area of Triangles | _PJ_ | 10 | Kryzon (2013) |
Client/Server and updating npc's | Ferret | 10 | RemiD (2013) |
Climbing Bug | SilverCoin | 10 | SilverCoin (2013) |
How to trim a float to 2 significant places | Blitzplotter | 9 | _PJ_ (2013) |
tile texture - one terrin | woolybuger | 6 | Kryzon (2013) |
Did you know that ... End/RuntimeError Override | Bobysait | 9 | Yasha (2013) |
Expecting Variable Assignment | Jklinestiver | 13 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Clamping | JeeyD | 6 | JeeyD (2013) |
Intercepting a moving target easily - Vectors | Kryzon | 16 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
How to do magic number in a file? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | virtlands (2013) |
Servant Engine released under the Zlib license | LogBomb | 283 | Guy Fawkes (2013) |
TotalVidMem() & AvailVidMem() | _PJ_ | 4 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Intercept/Look-ahead question | Axel Wheeler | 42 | Bobysait (2013) |
Multiplayer using directplay | yoshark | 16 | _PJ_ (2013) |
Random Numbers [using CRC logic] | virtlands | 3 | virtlands (2013) |
Basic sample sequencer - keeping in time | LamptonWorm | 10 | LamptonWorm (2013) |
ReleaseChildren() | K | 18 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
How to grab texture filenames off model recursive? | Guy Fawkes | 23 | Bobysait (2013) |
How does blitz3d compile this? | Matty | 5 | Yasha (2013) |
Circular Fade | Kryzon | 5 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
Simple Code Searcher | virtlands | 6 | Bobysait (2013) |
Permutations | virtlands | 1 | virtlands (2013) |
Extension counter program [___.ext] | virtlands | 3 | virtlands (2013) |
Delete? | Yue | 6 | virtlands (2013) |
Vertex Colors? | Cubed Inc. | 7 | Matty (2013) |
Saving and loading system in game? | Cubed Inc. | 18 | Who was John Galt? (2013) |
Color magnitude demo | Axel Wheeler | 6 | virtlands (2013) |
UTF8 Unicode Functions | virtlands | 1 | virtlands (2013) |
VarINTs & Varbits | virtlands | 6 | virtlands (2013) |
LAN Play | Knight #51 | 14 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
Alpha issue | Cubed Inc. | 3 | Cubed Inc. (2013) |
Resetting a variable? | Cubed Inc. | 9 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
New game - Fatty... | Kippykip | 4 | Kippykip (2013) |
Help Error. | Yue | 34 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
Aiming Firing Animation Character | virtualjesus | 6 | virtualjesus (2013) |
Making a Sky Box.. or how ever you make sky in Blitz3D | FBEpyon | 10 | Kippykip (2013) |
(API) Create ShortCut Function [Danilo Code] | virtlands | 1 | virtlands (2013) |
See all environment VARS | virtlands | 3 | virtlands (2013) |
Procedural Space Ship Demo | Axel Wheeler | 39 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
3D Animation: Mr Stickman doesn't like Spam | Kippykip | 6 | K (2013) |
can someone try out my game | Kippykip | 8 | Kippykip (2013) |
Best data structure for variable dimension arrays? | Axel Wheeler | 5 | Axel Wheeler (2013) |
2D-3D games with blitz3d? like new super mario bro | Kippykip | 3 | Kippykip (2013) |
Why isn't this code working? | Amanda Dearheart | 10 | Amanda Dearheart (2013) |
Stacking alpha+color textures | gburgess | 8 | Rroff (2013) |
Maths lib or dll for Blitz3D | Prym | 11 | virtlands (2013) |
Object does not exist! | Yue | 7 | Yue (2013) |
Dynamic spherical mapping | Mathieu A | 13 | RemiD (2013) |
de Bruijn sequences | virtlands | 3 | virtlands (2013) |
UIC Live Stuff | mk2y10 | 4 | virtlands (2013) |
Stencil Mirror demo | Tom | 13 | RemiD (2013) |
Blend FastEXt texture and FragMotion modeler | Yue | 2 | Yue (2013) |
simple 2d swinging | Nexinarus | 21 | Nexinarus (2013) |
BlitzMax with two faces ? | blicek | 4 | ziggy (2013) |
Rotation | JeeyD | 11 | JeeyD (2013) |
The Dolly-Zoom effect | Kryzon | 5 | Kryzon (2013) |
Error! | Yue | 6 | Yue (2013) |
Almost Perfected Jumping | Nexinarus | 6 | Nexinarus (2013) |
Some help with b3d animations, please? | Newbie31 | 2 | RemiD (2013) |
How to detect a memory leak? | Yue | 50 | JohnT (2012) |
fake physics jumping | stanrol | 4 | stanrol (2012) |
FE_BUMP!! | Oster | 2 | Yue (2012) |
Error Codes? | Omnigalactic | 12 | GfK (2012) |
Command animations | Yue | 2 | Bobysait (2012) |
Help please | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
FAST TorchLight | Neochrome | 18 | RemiD (2012) |
Upx?? | Yue | 3 | bytecode77 (2012) |
Level editor tools topic | DRH | 4 | DRH (2012) |
LoadTexture <> LodBrush | Yue | 3 | Bobysait (2012) |
Passing arrarys to a function | Amanda Dearheart | 6 | Amanda Dearheart (2012) |
api_GetWindowText | rickavzstx | 3 | Bobysait (2012) |
Loading "areas" for an open world. | psychicbottle | 28 | _PJ_ (2012) |
Another Problem | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | Floyd (2012) |
Is it safe to come out? | John Blackledge | 20 | psychicbottle (2012) |
Bugs | Yue | 2 | xlsior (2012) |
Characters on the brink of an abyss? | Yue | 6 | Yasha (2012) |
FastExtension Memory Leak | Sake906 | 11 | Sake906 (2012) |
Remind of a game | Amanda Dearheart | 3 | psychicbottle (2012) |
minecraft like world | Heliotrope | 12 | GIB3D (2012) |
Blitz3D save model.b3d | blicek | 2 | Leon Drake (2012) |
lighting Dot3D and Shadows. | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
Help with calculating leap. | Yue | 4 | Xero (2012) |
Collision cylinder player | Yue | 5 | Zethrax (2012) |
New Motion Blur Technique | ClayPigeon | 1 | ClayPigeon (2012) |
blurred entity | Amanda Dearheart | 11 | Amanda Dearheart (2012) |
blinking (flashing) text | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | Amanda Dearheart (2012) |
perlin noise | Heliotrope | 3 | Axel Wheeler (2012) |
rendorworld erases my viewport | Amanda Dearheart | 5 | Yasha (2012) |
grid problem | Amanda Dearheart | 8 | Amanda Dearheart (2012) |
program files (x86) | Yue | 8 | Yue (2012) |
problem load Mesh | Yue | 2 | Zethrax (2012) |
"Anonymous" Type Identity? | ClayPigeon | 4 | Kryzon (2012) |
Procedural collapses of walls, rocks/dirt falls | RemiD | 3 | Hotshot2005 (2012) |
As recall names of bones? | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
Fast Pointer | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
Manual mesh vs normals | silentworks | 3 | silentworks (2012) |
Where Find BlitzDAta.dll | Yue | 3 | Ferret (2012) |
Screen Coords to UV Coords | ClayPigeon | 1 | ClayPigeon (2012) |
TextFile | Amanda Dearheart | 3 | PowerPC603 (2012) |
regarding the handling of shadows | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
annoying border artifacts inside texture | cyberyoyo | 2 | cyberyoyo (2012) |
move object to------ | Jack | 7 | Jack (2012) |
camera scroll | airborne | 1 | airborne (2012) |
Decimal Flags? | K | 4 | Yasha (2012) |
How to paint fast brush-strokes / thick lines? | Danny | 3 | Danny (2012) |
Audio files: ogg, mp3, wav ... | Yue | 7 | Yue (2012) |
Help with ensign | Yue | 5 | Yasha (2012) |
integers | Yue | 14 | Yasha (2012) |
Help CheckQuad3D Draw3D | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
bb Windows 8 | Yue | 29 | Yue (2012) |
I need help with a problem | Yue | 4 | Yue (2012) |
Help with Update Gamma | Yue | 4 | Yue (2012) |
Overwriting Blitz functions | bytecode77 | 5 | D4NM4N (2012) |
SeekFile help | Yue | 11 | Yue (2012) |
Enemy/Character spawning techniques? | Cubed Inc. | 5 | DRH (2012) |
Cubic Environment | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
Help SkyBox | Yue | 5 | Yasha (2012) |
Help with Draw3D2 V.1.1 colored string. | Yue | 4 | Yue (2012) |
A* pathfinding.... | psychicbottle | 5 | RemiD (2012) |
Lip-Sync? | John Blackledge | 15 | Rroff (2012) |
setup Install | Yue | 2 | wmaass (2012) |
Computers that don't support Windowed 3D? | mk2y10 | 6 | mk2y10 (2012) |
Why use B3D Format | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 7 | Leon Drake (2012) |
FastPointer | Yue | 6 | Yue (2012) |
I need some help with changing between b3d anims | Newbie31 | 1 | Newbie31 (2012) |
Physics Systems | xmlspy | 48 | Yue (2012) |
perlin noise | Heliotrope | 4 | Charrua (2012) |
Update V1.106 now available! | marksibly | 29 | DRH (2012) |
Movie playback speed | chaos51 | 4 | Kryzon (2012) |
Demos de ashadow Where?? | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
A program to animate models vertices | Yue | 6 | Yue (2012) |
collision | stanrol | 6 | D4NM4N (2012) |
Over-thinking it again | Adam Novagen | 6 | D4NM4N (2012) |
Character Keyframe Animation System | Chroma | 2 | Chroma (2012) |
Pathfinder algorithm | ThePict | 6 | stanrol (2012) |
how to do very large numbers? | stanrol | 3 | Yasha (2012) |
Any DLL to access USB port ? | semar | 5 | stanrol (2012) |
New to forum, need help with writepixelfast. | DRH | 4 | Yasha (2012) |
to any blender users | Jack | 22 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
graphics modes failing in executable | Slomas | 9 | PowerPC603 (2012) |
dll voice?? | Yue | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Texture Coords | _PJ_ | 11 | _PJ_ (2012) |
Memory-compressed audio | Adam Novagen | 5 | Kryzon (2012) |
Set entity rotation from a dll | Lagrange | 7 | Yasha (2012) |
Scrolling text? ( | Cubed Inc. | 5 | Rob the Great (2012) |
Program never finds EOF :( | -=Darkheart=- | 8 | _PJ_ (2012) |
DrawMovie | Amanda Dearheart | 5 | Kryzon (2012) |
Best collisions system? | Cubed Inc. | 11 | RemiD (2012) |
max size limit (memory access violation) | yoshark | 7 | Rroff (2012) |
Simple character shadow | Cubed Inc. | 20 | Yue (2012) |
collision problem (fps game mode) | yoshark | 4 | yoshark (2012) |
animation sequences help | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
SpiderMan Swinging | GIB3D | 4 | Nexinarus (2012) |
Why doesn't this work? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 8 | PowerPC603 (2012) |
Collisions with moving objects? | Cubed Inc. | 3 | PowerPC603 (2012) |
Player getting stuck in corners? | Cubed Inc. | 6 | Yasha (2012) |
Image properties | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | Amanda Dearheart (2012) |
Font Size | JBR | 2 | Floyd (2012) |
color depth | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | K (2012) |
Magic tip to improve the fps of a game | RemiD | 8 | _PJ_ (2012) |
Using sine to convey a swaying motion? | Cubed Inc. | 5 | Adam Novagen (2012) |
Sphere intersecting triangle | Adam Novagen | 6 | Adam Novagen (2012) |
Exit button control with DLL ? (AppTitle) | Raul | 10 | Raul (2012) |
Animated DDS? | Adam Novagen | 10 | K (2012) |
sending text to an ip camera | Svenart | 3 | Rroff (2012) |
Filetype issues. | Nexinarus | 8 | Yasha (2012) |
UDP Stream does not exist? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | _PJ_ (2012) |
getbrushtexture from uv channel 1 | Dannyk | 1 | Dannyk (2012) |
Come test Spiky! | mk2y10 | 13 | Rroff (2012) |
Tweening, Before actual 3D Programming | Nexinarus | 1 | Nexinarus (2012) |
Collisions with Entites and Planes | Nexinarus | 18 | Nexinarus (2012) |
Problem with positioning Vertices with Mouse. | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Problem with keydown keyhit combo? | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Nexinarus (2012) |
B3D: text on transparent texture and ?z-fighting? | mearrin69 | 15 | mearrin69 (2012) |
Count all polys + triangles in 3D scene? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Making a good game setup? | Cubed Inc. | 2 | Yasha (2012) |
how to make a racetrack easy? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | RemiD (2012) |
Problem with my child paint function? | Guy Fawkes | 27 | LineOf7s (2012) |
Game Saving? | Cubed Inc. | 9 | Matty (2012) |
How to load transparent Image? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
A really nice GUI | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
cars ai | Charrua | 17 | Slomas (2012) |
Problem with Server / Client code? | Guy Fawkes | 1 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Follow Interpolation? | Guy Fawkes | 47 | Blitzplotter (2012) |
Loading Audio into a Bank | ClayPigeon | 4 | ClayPigeon (2012) |
Problem with getting Mesh Hierarchy names? | Guy Fawkes | 14 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
voice recognition help | Wolf1870 | 12 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
camera range error workaround... | Slomas | 17 | RemiD (2012) |
When is it appropriate to use Types? | Cubed Inc. | 20 | Charrua (2012) |
physiks jump | stanrol | 2 | Midimaster (2012) |
VertexTexCoords - Help needed | .rIKmAN. | 6 | .rIKmAN. (2012) |
Massive Freeroam Environment | ClayPigeon | 16 | Bobysait (2012) |
Different Lightmaps on Same Meshes | ClayPigeon | 5 | Bobysait (2012) |
text color change | Gauge | 4 | Rroff (2012) |
Type feild variable problem? | Cubed Inc. | 3 | Cubed Inc. (2012) |
Microphone output / input? | Guy Fawkes | 35 | Bobysait (2012) |
Blitzbass - Combined with Rottnet - Need help | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Starting BIG Project needed extensions! | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 7 | Rroff (2012) |
instant replays | zeek | 7 | Kryzon (2012) |
IDEal problem! | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 9 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Vertex Alpha from 3DS Max | Rob the Great | 3 | Rob the Great (2012) |
Mouselook makes camera constantly slide...? | .rIKmAN. | 3 | .rIKmAN. (2012) |
Texture Resourcefulness? | ClayPigeon | 6 | Yasha (2012) |
Sprite Sheets? | En929 | 2 | Kryzon (2012) |
How do I make Random Objects Appear at Random? | En929 | 6 | En929 (2012) |
Linepick on the inside of a cylinder. | Zeotrope | 12 | Zeotrope (2012) |
B-Windows - GUI System | Richard Betson | 9 | GaryV (2012) |
Sensors based pathfinding and behaviors | RemiD | 6 | NoOdle (2012) |
FPS?? | Yue | 4 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Entity Pick Mode and Animations | LostCargo | 12 | Ross C (2012) |
Help Me Shadow FastEext Lod | Yue | 2 | Yue (2012) |
Problem with scaletexture? | Guy Fawkes | 13 | _PJ_ (2012) |
Framerate logic | Kiyoshi | 3 | Kiyoshi (2012) |
Type parenting | Adam Novagen | 13 | _PJ_ (2012) |
Problem with WB3D_Spinner? | Guy Fawkes | 44 | _PJ_ (2012) |
libmysql.dll | vivaigiochi | 11 | Yue (2012) |
Raycasting Math Help | ClayPigeon | 7 | ClayPigeon (2012) |
real terrain elevation images | Slomas | 5 | Krischan (2012) |
isosceles trapezoid circle | MusicianKool | 13 | MusicianKool (2012) |
Function pointers | Noobody | 63 | Bobysait (2012) |
DDS format questions | Adam Novagen | 8 | Ross C (2012) |
Texture blending with the alpha flag | Ross C | 1 | Ross C (2012) |
Weird bug with 1440x900 Res, GfxMode3DExists | Ian Martin | 17 | Ross C (2012) |
Freeze Problem with Save Function? | Guy Fawkes | 16 | Midimaster (2012) |
Reading a mesh's textures? | Guy Fawkes | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Problem with gravity? | Guy Fawkes | 20 | ando (2012) |
Help me Mirror FastExt | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
Help with surface blending | Ross C | 3 | Ross C (2012) |
My 3rd person camera code thread | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
ShadowsMap LIghtMap | Yue | 8 | ClayPigeon (2012) |
How to get current Disk Space Free? | Danny | 6 | Danny (2012) |
OPENAL32 Lib | Yue | 2 | Yue (2012) |
Error!! MAV unknown | Yue | 11 | Yue (2012) |
Smooth mouse-controlled camera | Cubed Inc. | 5 | Rroff (2012) |
Move entity relative to camera with mouse help. | Vertigo | 8 | Stevie G (2012) |
Recursion limit | sting | 10 | Mahan (2012) |
Help Engine Shadow Devil. | Yue | 17 | RemiD (2012) |
Shadow Cater Receiver | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
Oh No! Execution Suspends when re-sizing window? | mk2y10 | 8 | xtremegamr (2012) |
EntityAutoFade??? | Yue | 2 | Yasha (2012) |
Alternatives for DeltaYaw? | Cubed Inc. | 10 | Cubed Inc. (2012) |
Inside object? | Guy Fawkes | 21 | Ross C (2012) |
FreeTexture! | Yue | 10 | Ross C (2012) |
Problem with vertex color | Vertigo | 2 | Ross C (2012) |
Problem with texture creation on some machine | alain | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2012) |
Freeimage.dll | Yue | 5 | Yue (2012) |
an easier way to create a large group of spheres? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 12 | Ching (2012) |
SCARAB | Ching | 2 | Ching (2012) |
polarized 3d - anyone tried? | Modded | 3 | Tom (2012) |
Get entity's color? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
text() not working right on some machines? | Axel Wheeler | 18 | RifRaf (2012) |
Small problem with multi object select | Guy Fawkes | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Compare two lists | CyberPackRat | 5 | Matty (2012) |
Help with object picking | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Find Target | Jack | 21 | Jack (2012) |
UPX | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
Regarding Goto (YES I KNOW, DON'T SAY IT.) | Adam Novagen | 8 | Yasha (2012) |
Help with Lotus particle system. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2012) |
help CollisionTriangle | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
BlitzView IDE is Back from the Dead!!! | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Angle between Old Vertex Normal New Vertex Normal | Spike314 | 5 | Spike314 (2012) |
collision and movement problem,,, | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2012) |
Shadows Distance | Yue | 7 | Yue (2012) |
CopyI() | RifRaf | 3 | RifRaf (2012) |
UV help | Spike314 | 3 | Spike314 (2012) |
Problem with SMOOTH 3D Jumps? | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Help with GUI Ideas... | mk2y10 | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2012) |
Small problem with level editor scroll? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Gridmap API thoughts? | mk2y10 | 3 | mk2y10 (2012) |
2D Map Scrolling | Guy Fawkes | 34 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Game tricks | Kryzon | 11 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Array index out of bounds? | Guy Fawkes | 16 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Strange behavior with animated Tree | RifRaf | 18 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
How two realize an 8-dir scroll? | vivaigiochi | 20 | Midimaster (2012) |
Window Manipulation Project | mk2y10 | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Need help with my 2D level editor | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Help with mesh deformation | RGF | 4 | Luis de la Cruz (2012) |
problem with fast image | vivaigiochi | 9 | vivaigiochi (2012) |
How to scroll map with player? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Problem with my shooter code | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Window with scrollbar that displays sprites? | Guy Fawkes | 35 | Ross C (2012) |
object refuses to stay attached to camera | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 7 | K (2012) |
Devil Engines and Game Freeze | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 14 | Rob the Great (2012) |
Mirror and Water?? 岳 | Yue | 1 | Yue (2012) |
A very foggy earth? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
How to get frame count of an image? | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Stencil Shadow Volume demo | Tom | 86 | Rroff (2012) |
RottNet - Streaming files? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Streaming music via Server? | Guy Fawkes | 1 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
ETNA 2.1 - ETNA used for 3D? | Guy Fawkes | 21 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
SOMETHING WRONG WITH CAMERA ROTATION! | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Ross C (2012) |
Blitz3D with more features? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Ross C (2012) |
Blitz3D-like commands in Blitz2D? | Axel Wheeler | 4 | Axel Wheeler (2012) |
tile-based collisions | K | 4 | K (2012) |
Network Library? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
Vector problem | Stollentroll | 7 | Kryzon (2012) |
Help with file save & load? | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2012) |
problem with scaleimage and imagebuffer | vivaigiochi | 4 | add (2012) |
Animating a non animated mesh in code? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Ross C (2012) |
muzzleflash timing | cash | 3 | cash (2012) |
Type memory leak | MusicianKool | 4 | MusicianKool (2011) |
It deos not mtater... | Krischan | 3 | xlsior (2011) |
Blitz3D almost unusable on Windows7 | Vorderman | 73 | RGF (2011) |
*.3ds to *.b3d converter? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Ross C (2011) |
Finding the angle of a vector | Rico | 4 | JBR (2011) |
entitypoint (sorry for double post) | Jack | 2 | Chroma (2011) |
IDEal VS BlitzView | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 5 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011) |
Is SC compatible with MiniB3D ? | semar | 6 | iamdaman13 (2011) |
Question on creating pivot POINT | Jack | 3 | Kryzon (2011) |
create input field on screen without input command | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Self organizing neural network | MusicianKool | 6 | Mr Snidesmin (2011) |
Can B3d create more than just games? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 11 | Danny (2011) |
IFfy question: | Crinkle | 2 | big10p (2011) |
My Cursor image doesn't show up over the mouse!!!! | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Matty (2011) |
ID the index of a mesh surface? | Slomas | 3 | Slomas (2011) |
i hate math. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 9 | _PJ_ (2011) |
64 bit windows | ThePict | 8 | K (2011) |
I also hate math. | Adam Novagen | 3 | Paul "Taiphoz" (2011) |
FX (effect) files for B3D? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 5 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011) |
Do UV maps affect how cube maps are drawn? | gburgess | 9 | gburgess (2011) |
Demo | Yue | 9 | Yue (2011) |
Part of my code is running twice, how? | Crinkle | 7 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
How to work out loading percents? | Crinkle | 5 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Selective menus not working? | Crinkle | 1 | Crinkle (2011) |
Agraphics3D alternative? | Yue | 4 | RifRaf (2011) |
Avoid Vertexnx/y/z Problems | jfk EO-11110 | 2 | Floyd (2011) |
problem loading font (with Xors) | Vorderman | 4 | Kryzon (2011) |
Time for some fancy Math-uh-matics! | Adam Novagen | 3 | Yasha (2011) |
Data from ghost of Elvis | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | Rroff (2011) |
Working with files | vivaigiochi | 8 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Getting new machine ????? | Jack | 6 | Kryzon (2011) |
Streaming engine, progressive loading of data | RemiD | 12 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Minecraft in blitz3D??? | andy_mc | 4 | andy_mc (2011) |
Procedural terrain ideas | RemiD | 4 | RemiD (2011) |
Debugging Multithreaded Programs | xtremegamr | 4 | Rroff (2011) |
Gandaldf's B3d | K | 4 | K (2011) |
Got a tricky one for ya... Maybe. | Adam Novagen | 6 | K (2011) |
download an .asp page? | vivaigiochi | 2 | tyoud (2011) |
Question on LINEPICK | Jack | 11 | Ross C (2011) |
JavaB3d | Leon Drake | 16 | Leon Drake (2011) |
Is there a graphics width limit? | bridgeco | 9 | Rroff (2011) |
publish apps on a web site | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Alternative methods for server listings | RifRaf | 9 | Rroff (2011) |
Networking 101 | Adam Novagen | 13 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Windows 8 | Xaron | 10 | bytecode77 (2011) |
Anyone monitiored a directory for updated files | Blitzplotter | 6 | Rroff (2011) |
Windows7/Vista again | John Blackledge | 47 | Rroff (2011) |
Peggin' the J | Adam Novagen | 6 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Any DirectPlay Tutorials? | ThePict | 1 | ThePict (2011) |
Blitz3D Programmers Manual. Better than stock man? | Galdy | 7 | Kryzon (2011) |
Error Windows 7 | Yue | 2 | RifRaf (2011) |
Forcing anti aliasing in blitz3d? | Cubed Inc. | 4 | Yue (2011) |
how to close external application | vivaigiochi | 2 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Search the code archive in seconds ! | semar | 24 | Yasha (2011) |
Can't "include" subroutines? | SuperRoboFan | 2 | Yasha (2011) |
Blitzprinter DLL | K | 6 | K (2011) |
Particle system. | Yue | 17 | stayne (2011) |
Render Tweening and object syncing | RifRaf | 4 | RifRaf (2011) |
Site Web. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2011) |
End points of a thin cylinder between two Entities | Eric | 4 | Midimaster (2011) |
Question about poking into the b3d dx lights | RifRaf | 7 | Kryzon (2011) |
Networking Help | superStruct | 6 | PowerPC603 (2011) |
DDS question | John Blackledge | 11 | John Blackledge (2011) |
Ten Thoooooooooousand Quads? | Adam Novagen | 9 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Help creating an ambient volume | RifRaf | 8 | RifRaf (2011) |
max ide ? | Paul "Taiphoz" | 4 | Yasha (2011) |
Saving entities | Slomas | 12 | Matty (2011) |
Sprite Candy Collision Detection... | NeilH | 3 | Ian Martin (2011) |
Multiplayer Movement Interpolation improvements | RifRaf | 4 | BlitzSupport (2011) |
UDP Problems | SytzeZ | 6 | xlsior (2011) |
example of briskvm script? | vivaigiochi | 3 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
routine to answer/reply to a telephon call | vivaigiochi | 13 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Textures Sounds | Yue | 4 | John Blackledge (2011) |
Multiple webcam streams.. | Oiduts Studios | 5 | Oiduts Studios (2011) |
routine to show/edit/save a csv file like excel? | vivaigiochi | 1 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Help Please!! | Yue | 7 | Yue (2011) |
The time is now | Graythe | 3 | Graythe (2011) |
Has AntiAliasing EVER worked in B3D? | Adam Novagen | 9 | big10p (2011) |
Question about HideEntity command | Cubed Inc. | 10 | John Blackledge (2011) |
recompiling a blitz exe? | Svenart | 13 | Rroff (2011) |
VRAM textures blacking out? Whaaaaat | Adam Novagen | 9 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
directional button problem | AvestheFox | 8 | Yasha (2011) |
Another Day In Blitz3D | Kenshin Yurihara | 19 | Rroff (2011) |
Win7 Virtualization question. | RifRaf | 4 | RifRaf (2011) |
Graphics Mode 3 Aspect Ratio Question | AvestheFox | 4 | Kryzon (2011) |
Navigation Mesh | Kenshin Yurihara | 28 | Kryzon (2011) |
Help or an idea for an 'invisible" draw please | bashc | 6 | bashc (2011) |
reading tile data problem | AvestheFox | 8 | Graythe (2011) |
Can an Exe retrieve its own filename | RifRaf | 11 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Minecraft Clone? | Chroma | 6 | stanrol (2011) |
Anyone here still familiar with WB3D... ? | Adam Novagen | 17 | Kev (2011) |
Texture blurring problem? | Chroma | 12 | Ross C (2011) |
how to get a variable pointer? | MusicianKool | 13 | MusicianKool (2011) |
Why doesnt this work in full screen mode | RifRaf | 10 | Kryzon (2011) |
Stop Blitz from 'smoothing' textures? | Treacle | 6 | Graythe (2011) |
Linepick + Tform question | RifRaf | 1 | RifRaf (2011) |
System32 | Yue | 4 | Yue (2011) |
Positioning problem with my waypoint creator? | Guy Fawkes | 15 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Image to texure? | Oiduts Studios | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
.cab integration? | RRK1020 | 8 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Array index out of bounds for my Waypoint creator? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Yasha (2011) |
3D textsystem - VERY FEW problems | Guy Fawkes | 13 | stayne (2011) |
Formula to randomly position.... (locked) | Guy Fawkes | 160 | simonh (2011) |
Sending serial commands | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2011) |
... Have I completely lost my mind?? | Adam Novagen | 13 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Runtime Lightmapping Question | ClayPigeon | 6 | Rroff (2011) |
Render tweening and stutter/jerkiness | Yasha | 8 | Rroff (2011) |
Minimun Spannig Tree | limdorn | 5 | Warpy (2011) |
WritePixel argb format | JoeGr | 17 | Warner (2011) |
Create filled triangles line by line | Axel Wheeler | 15 | Andy_A (2011) |
Current position: x=NaN y=NaN z=NaN | BlitzProg | 19 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Corvert .M2 to .MD2 | Mighty Raven | 13 | Gabriel (2011) |
Digital Map Data? | John Blackledge | 5 | Rob the Great (2011) |
Can anyone help me with my scroll code please? | bashc | 19 | bashc (2011) |
which method is faster? | Slomas | 3 | Matty (2011) |
Gravity Shift Trouble | ClayPigeon | 7 | ClayPigeon (2011) |
terrible graphical tearing on my laptop | Vorderman | 4 | Slomas (2011) |
const pre-processed? Bug? | Ross C | 4 | Yasha (2011) |
Software Trackball | RifRaf | 3 | RifRaf (2011) |
changing game "scenes"? | Cubed Inc. | 3 | Rroff (2011) |
Masked Texture | Moore | 15 | Ross C (2011) |
Tokamak Water combined with water ripple | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Gabriel (2011) |
Problem with timer in text code? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Problem with Entity Pick | Guy Fawkes | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Object looking at other object? Linepick? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Simulating 3D splash when object dropped in water? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Climbing System for 3rd Person Games | ClayPigeon | 15 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Need help turning Bezier curve into waypoint bez.. | Guy Fawkes | 4 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
SQL Database? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2011) |
Compile issue and snapping | sting | 3 | sting (2011) |
Terrain Texture Layers - The Solution (and code) | John Blackledge | 5 | John Blackledge (2011) |
Not a C64 emulator but its alive | Jimmy | 22 | bashc (2011) |
Color WHAT? | Jimmy | 2 | Yasha (2011) |
My 2D in 3D Editor | Hardcoal | 1 | Hardcoal (2011) |
Magic key to speed of B3D? | Jimmy | 44 | Kenshin Yurihara (2011) |
Terrain Texture Layer question | John Blackledge | 42 | John Blackledge (2011) |
dictionary hash | vivaigiochi | 2 | Warner (2011) |
Smoothing lasers? | Jimmy | 4 | Jimmy (2011) |
IncludeOnce command for blitz3d | Hardcoal | 5 | Hardcoal (2011) |
Nested Types / Parented Types / Whatever | Adam Novagen | 15 | Matty (2011) |
Triangles and Vertices | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Recursive Randomness | ClayPigeon | 6 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Double precision in B3D? | Jimmy | 3 | Jimmy (2011) |
Winblitz3d question | Hardcoal | 3 | Hardcoal (2011) |
dialogue system? | vivaigiochi | 12 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Soon Establishing a blitz3d web site | Hardcoal | 22 | Hardcoal (2011) |
script and algorithm | vivaigiochi | 2 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Blender 2.5 Exporter A Possibility? | QuickSilva | 1 | QuickSilva (2011) |
Calculating UV | Moore | 4 | Graythe (2011) |
Help with water | MusicianKool | 8 | MusicianKool (2011) |
One I just cannot figure out | Jack | 12 | MusicianKool (2011) |
Is there a way to do pointers memory access? | dman | 6 | Rroff (2011) |
Line to circle collisions | Braincell | 6 | MusicianKool (2011) |
Finding On Screen X, Y | Moore | 6 | Kryzon (2011) |
Check if processes are running | System4 Studios | 6 | System4 Studios (2011) |
what is the code for the mouse speed | dman | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
Generate and load sound from memory bank, no HDD | LamptonWorm | 7 | LamptonWorm (2011) |
Rnd(0,1) creating higher numbers. | sting | 6 | stanrol (2011) |
Integer Noise Functions in B3D | ClayPigeon | 6 | ClayPigeon (2011) |
FreeTexture() crashing | rgdyman | 5 | Yasha (2011) |
Creating An Extruded Triangle | Clyde | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
Easy way to rename file in blitz? | Ross C | 15 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Animating sprites in 3d and 2d. Is it the same? | Cubed Inc. | 20 | Gabriel (2011) |
Please Send me Anyfile you want to upload | Hardcoal | 1 | Hardcoal (2011) |
Opening rar or zip from blitz3d | Hardcoal | 6 | Hardcoal (2011) |
How to put your application for publish on blitz | Hardcoal | 3 | Hardcoal (2011) |
How to change the pitch using bass.dll? | dman | 1 | dman (2011) |
Dotted line.. | Jimmy | 2 | Jimmy (2011) |
Audio Effects | ClayPigeon | 6 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Verify Function, anyone got one? | ThePict | 9 | _PJ_ (2011) |
FreeEntity MAV'ing | rgdyman | 7 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Duplicate variable name- glitch? | Slomas | 5 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
my setup xD. | Yue | 10 | Yue (2011) |
Posting data problem... | SLotman | 4 | SLotman (2011) |
Gui system out of blitz3d graphic window | Hardcoal | 10 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Animated Mesh Format | ClayPigeon | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
How to "Include" a file from a string? | FearedMachina | 3 | Yasha (2011) |
Challenge. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 6 | Paul "Taiphoz" (2011) |
Concerns | Yue | 6 | Drak (2011) |
water / sand sim | prefim | 5 | Rroff (2011) |
Execute String | ClayPigeon | 5 | Yasha (2011) |
B3D slow on Win7? | Vorderman | 12 | Vorderman (2011) |
Reading buffer content | alain | 3 | Rroff (2011) |
LOD for big entity groups | lauri | 6 | lauri (2011) |
Mouse noise? | Jimmy | 12 | Kryzon (2011) |
Animation from file with a different rig | rgdyman | 3 | rgdyman (2011) |
Ashadow not working on new system? | Svenart | 2 | Yasha (2011) |
Any way to access DX blending modes & z-buffer? | Roland | 7 | Roland (2011) |
Confused with Mesh and Texture Angles | _PJ_ | 15 | Ross C (2011) |
how can I peek a word value? | dman | 10 | Warner (2011) |
viewing a rig using spheres. | rgdyman | 3 | rgdyman (2011) |
accurate surface detection | Slomas | 7 | Slomas (2011) |
trying to draw a 2d line in 3d | dman | 9 | dman (2011) |
MAV when using Reading Strings | System4 Studios | 3 | System4 Studios (2011) |
SOS!! Help with using webcams!! :( | mk2y10 | 3 | mk2y10 (2011) |
Surface order changing | rgdyman | 11 | rgdyman (2011) |
Brighter Lights, Darker Shadows | xcessive | 5 | Vorderman (2011) |
How are shadows done these days? | Robert Cummings | 91 | Rroff (2011) |
Image Based Collisions for 2D Platformer | ClayPigeon | 5 | ClayPigeon (2011) |
reduce space into a string | vivaigiochi | 5 | D4NM4N (2011) |
function like STRTOK()? | vivaigiochi | 3 | Rroff (2011) |
ReadDir, but not hidden directories | Vignoli | 5 | xlsior (2011) |
Questions about Types | SuperRoboFan | 5 | Ross C (2011) |
Pseudorandom Number Generator | ClayPigeon | 15 | Krischan (2011) |
Outputting An MPO File | AvestheFox | 3 | AvestheFox (2011) |
Is there a way to draw lines on an image? | dman | 4 | _PJ_ (2011) |
File properties? | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2011) |
Sound functions | Doggie | 9 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
GUI programming | MadJack | 33 | K (2011) |
drawimage from a string variable | Dicon | 5 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
Saving 3d Soundscape | SoggyP | 7 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
Turning an object around it's centre? | Dicon | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
AvailVidMem () | Yue | 2 | Yue (2011) |
undo/redo technique | Charrua | 8 | Warner (2011) |
EndGraphics?? | Yue | 3 | Yue (2011) |
How do you keep control of a program? | Crinkle | 33 | Yasha (2011) |
Random values gives a pattern ... | Sacha | 15 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Tweening... Again... Just shoot me now. | Adam Novagen | 30 | K (2011) |
Help Test | Yue | 2 | Rob the Great (2011) |
Help Me VertexTextCoords!!!! | Yue | 8 | Charrua (2011) |
Windows Mobile | Yue | 15 | D4NM4N (2011) |
Audio glitch? Bug? Gremlin? Hardware issue?? | Adam Novagen | 13 | Adam Novagen (2011) |
Load a JPG image with alpha enabled | alain | 12 | D4NM4N (2011) |
Change Resolution Caption. | Yue | 13 | Yue (2011) |
program has become too complicated for LOADFONT() | Crinkle | 9 | Mahan (2011) |
Catmull-Rom code | Axel Wheeler | 1 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
Smooth Transitions | Axel Wheeler | 7 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
Aply Deled lightmap to b3d | Ferret | 2 | Ferret (2011) |
how to define UV for the following situation? | Charrua | 4 | Charrua (2011) |
Normal?? :/ | Yue | 10 | Charrua (2011) |
Funcion!!! | Yue | 3 | Yue (2011) |
Where to find "Learn to program 2D games in Blitz" | Galdy | 2 | mv333 (2011) |
Shadow!! | Yue | 3 | Yue (2011) |
compare if two images are equal | vivaigiochi | 11 | D4NM4N (2011) |
Marching Cubes | ClayPigeon | 9 | ClayPigeon (2011) |
need some help finding sonic blitz3d unleashed src | Guy Fawkes | 4 | DaleM2011 (2011) |
Sonic (in Blitz) | DaleM2011 | 1 | DaleM2011 (2011) |
Unusual Object Does Not Exist error | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Faster version of Bresenham's line drawing alg? | furbrain | 8 | Robert Cummings (2011) |
Primitive mesh off center orientation | Ferret | 5 | Kryzon (2011) |
Why is it finding a way to forget the root dir? | Crinkle | 3 | _PJ_ (2011) |
Planet atmosphere glow | Krischan | 24 | Filax (2011) |
TextureBuffer() problem on old graphic cards | alain | 7 | Axel Wheeler (2011) |
How fast is Linepick on modern computers? | Gun Ecstasy | 4 | Gun Ecstasy (2011) |
Graphics3d and ClearWorld effect on memory | Axel Wheeler | 4 | Yue (2011) |
B3D wont update the directory! | Crinkle | 4 | Crinkle (2011) |
open | Heliotrope | 13 | Zethrax (2011) |
Direct show+3d | K | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
How to ExecFile things in "program files" on win7? | Crinkle | 4 | xlsior (2011) |
Attempting to update B3d Pipeline for 3ds max 2011 | Gun Ecstasy | 7 | Kryzon (2011) |
Need help with b3d pipeline for 3dmax 9 | Ifq200 | 3 | Ifq200 (2011) |
Shadows??? | Yue | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
Create a 6 sided polygon from 8 3d points | Blitzplotter | 1 | Blitzplotter (2011) |
memory access violation running .exe | vivaigiochi | 5 | Floyd (2011) |
Masking or Alpha Channel? | ClayPigeon | 13 | Ross C (2011) |
Silly question about userlibs | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
interesting observation | jfk EO-11110 | 18 | jfk EO-11110 (2011) |
3d space...homeworld like.. | darklordz | 33 | Kepu (2011) |
Graphics Modes | Yue | 4 | Yue (2010) |
Question | Yue | 6 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Verlet Integration: Constraint Collisions | ClayPigeon | 13 | Serpent (2010) |
anolog controls? | Cubed Inc. | 2 | K (2010) |
User Locater Function | ThePict | 3 | xlsior (2010) |
binary to decimal?? | Yue | 9 | D4NM4N (2010) |
parts of a Texture | Jack | 7 | K (2010) |
Loading Progress? | Yue | 4 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
Function Draw Buttons. | Yue | 1 | Yue (2010) |
Windows 7 not executing B3D app | RifRaf | 6 | RifRaf (2010) |
memory bank | Yue | 4 | Matty (2010) |
Crossword Creator? | LedgerARC | 3 | LedgerARC (2010) |
Solve static-vertices in stencil shd dilemma | jfk EO-11110 | 8 | Yasha (2010) |
a bad practice? | Yue | 19 | Ferret (2010) |
Sound | Yue | 5 | Yue (2010) |
Hi, one question. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2010) |
Does ReadAvail work in Graphics 3D mode? | Blitzplotter | 2 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
Tips to avoid unexpected in blitz3D | Yue | 9 | RemiD (2010) |
Bump Mapping | _PJ_ | 3 | Rroff (2010) |
Rebooting particle system with a jump label. | Yue | 4 | Yue (2010) |
Dump keywords and variables ? | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Nvidia Drivers 260.99 Poor performance with B3D?? | Tab | 12 | Tab (2010) |
help ShadowOffset(x,y,z) | Yue | 2 | Yue (2010) |
Jagged Edges | John Blackledge | 14 | Who was John Galt? (2010) |
Transparency in Mesh | Yue | 4 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Help EntityParent | Yue | 5 | Yue (2010) |
Shadow problems | Yue | 5 | Yue (2010) |
Alpha Question | jfk EO-11110 | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Fastextension work with animated skinned meshes? | Robert Cummings | 10 | Yue (2010) |
DrawText FastImage | Yue | 1 | Yue (2010) |
Unexpected exit without output data | Yue | 6 | Yue (2010) |
Enganchar camara en FastExt | Yue | 10 | Yue (2010) |
FastText library slow | Rob | 4 | Robert Cummings (2010) |
Slow with hundreds of cubes | Peb | 7 | Peb (2010) |
Finding relationship ??? | Jack | 9 | Charrua (2010) |
BoneAnims Vs. MultisurfaceAnims | K | 4 | Robert Cummings (2010) |
How to do wii style cel shading? | Robert Cummings | 15 | RifRaf (2010) |
Error!!! Help me please!!! | Yue | 6 | dynaman (2010) |
Back using B3D | Robert Cummings | 9 | Robert Cummings (2010) |
Compiled a Blitz3D server on my bigcomp.... | Blitzplotter | 4 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
Source of Buffer? | _PJ_ | 5 | Serpent (2010) |
How to read a file on web | patmaba | 3 | RifRaf (2010) |
Text drawn to sprite not working right. | Crinkle | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Sprite Compatibility - workaround? | jfk EO-11110 | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Help loading a mesh FastExt | Yue | 1 | Yue (2010) |
Minimize pauses the application, CPU still at 99% | Sake906 | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
trying to use the drawimage as a background | dman | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
orthografic camera reduce frame rate? | vivaigiochi | 5 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
FPS in modern machines. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2010) |
Scaled Sphere | Jack | 3 | Jack (2010) |
Stretch & Resize Blitz3D window ( awsum stuff ) | Stickman | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Change Resolution Error Shadows | Yue | 7 | Yue (2010) |
Help Change Gamma | Yue | 4 | Yue (2010) |
How can i resize an image without loading it? | dman | 23 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Is DDS slower? | jfk EO-11110 | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
How to tell Byte size of MP3? | _PJ_ | 12 | _PJ_ (2010) |
rem instruction | vivaigiochi | 10 | Yue (2010) |
Help Windows Full =( | Yue | 7 | Yue (2010) |
z-order wrong with high value of zoom | vivaigiochi | 12 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
fragmotion Vs 3dsmax | vivaigiochi | 13 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
Accessing other drives than C:\ | K | 3 | K (2010) |
Change screen resolution? | Yue | 6 | Yue (2010) |
Best way to display projectile path | RifRaf | 6 | RifRaf (2010) |
Very poor TCP GET performance | Imphenzia | 6 | Imphenzia (2010) |
Help Please with Menu Shadow | Yue | 10 | Yue (2010) |
Help MouseXSpeed() and MouseYSpeed() | Yue | 5 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Triangles separated within the same mesh? | _PJ_ | 6 | Yasha (2010) |
Custom Types (Direct access) | prefim | 11 | Yasha (2010) |
loadanimseq and b3dpipeline | vivaigiochi | 7 | SLotman (2010) |
Resolution selected causes display to rotate 90deg | Matty | 4 | Rroff (2010) |
basiC (just for fun) | Yasha | 5 | Yasha (2010) |
SaveBuffer of screencapture on desktop (path) | jtassinari | 5 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Arrays as arguments to functions | Almo | 4 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Help FindChild (Rotate Parent) | Yue | 3 | _PJ_ (2010) |
writing b3d file | jhocking | 8 | 6 (2010) |
B3D support Unicode? | stanrol | 3 | Yasha (2010) |
Controller input troubles | Cubed Inc. | 5 | Warner (2010) |
gdi32 RradPixel values | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2010) |
BrokenBasic - is my program too complex for BB3D? | Crinkle | 8 | _PJ_ (2010) |
selecting one from a group of members of a Type | Ian Martin | 11 | Ian Martin (2010) |
Gnet master server | Ferret | 5 | RifRaf (2010) |
graphics3d - Unable to set graphics mode | jtassinari | 3 | jtassinari (2010) |
trying to create a knob control in Blitz3d | dman | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Physics.. | Kenshin Yurihara | 13 | Kenshin Yurihara (2010) |
Help FindChild | Yue | 4 | Yue (2010) |
image, color, CGI | jtassinari | 5 | jtassinari (2010) |
Centre Of Gravity How? | _PJ_ | 7 | _PJ_ (2010) |
how to create a progress bar for bass audio? | dman | 2 | _PJ_ (2010) |
decls | Almo | 4 | Almo (2010) |
Blitz3d Xbox 360 controller compatibility? | Cubed Inc. | 4 | Cubed Inc. (2010) |
Using 3D For 2D | Kenshin Yurihara | 3 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Dual Shock Question | Almo | 22 | Rroff (2010) |
Memory management of textures in B3D... | alain | 2 | Yasha (2010) |
XBOX | Heliotrope | 15 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
A* DLL for b3d | Virtech | 4 | Virtech (2010) |
Unloading Objects | pc_tek | 11 | pc_tek (2010) |
Emailer- through proxy server | Slomas | 2 | Warner (2010) |
isometric tile engine | Amanda Dearheart | 6 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Blitz3D on Vista/Win7 | mv333 | 5 | Virtech (2010) |
Feature Requests | Axel Wheeler | 80 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
Import Unreal T3d into Blitz3d | Leon Drake | 7 | Hotshot2005 (2010) |
Vertical FOV and horizontal FOV | Osoko | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
How to create a global array? | dman | 4 | Warner (2010) |
matrices and related operation? | vivaigiochi | 3 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
like no print() happened | stanrol | 7 | SabataRH (2010) |
Any way to launch external programs? | Crinkle | 4 | Crinkle (2010) |
input/output usb con | Heliotrope | 12 | Charrua (2010) |
millisec vs waittimer problem | Fernhout | 9 | Fernhout (2010) |
Line numbering strangeness | Yasha | 11 | Fernhout (2010) |
Can you store a float in a 2D array? | Blitzplotter | 19 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
Version Control for Blitz3D? | Axel Wheeler | 11 | Xaron (2010) |
Global Vertex Position | cermit | 3 | cermit (2010) |
Reducing polygons. | Yue | 6 | Axel Wheeler (2010) |
Anything new? | Crinkle | 19 | Axel Wheeler (2010) |
help | Nike | 1 | Nike (2010) |
HideImage??? | Yue | 14 | Yue (2010) |
b3d viewer + 3dsmax skin operator | vivaigiochi | 12 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
FPS (60) | Yue | 5 | Pinete (2010) |
FPS Gun | BDixon | 4 | Ross C (2010) |
old robot arm sample | Kepu | 4 | Kepu (2010) |
Time Counter | doberdog | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Looping .ogg files smoothly. Is it possible? | QuickSilva | 24 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Help me (KeyUP) | Yue | 7 | FBEpyon (2010) |
Help | Yue | 10 | Axel Wheeler (2010) |
Tricky Situation | Baystep Productions | 6 | BlitzSupport (2010) |
How to find windows OS language | Hujiklo | 8 | GfK (2010) |
bank to texture ! | rickavzstx | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
OGG Loop Points | ClayPigeon | 5 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
Prevention of Intersection | ClayPigeon | 13 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
Copyentity() w/ animated mesh | SabataRH | 11 | SabataRH (2010) |
3D space navigator | shawnus | 3 | xtremegamr (2010) |
Tile-Based Platformer Collisions | ClayPigeon | 11 | Warner (2010) |
The Dreaded Cel Shading Dilemma | Ryudin | 3 | Ryudin (2010) |
Wavelet noise | Axel Wheeler | 3 | Axel Wheeler (2010) |
jumping and collision | Nexinarus | 6 | Nexinarus (2010) |
Sound Problems | Fintan | 6 | xtremegamr (2010) |
Blitz - MySQL? | Skel | 52 | Axel Wheeler (2010) |
lights have no effect on mesh | scribbla | 11 | scribbla (2010) |
Help with Swift Shadow system | banky | 14 | Kryzon (2010) |
Data types | pc_tek | 4 | pc_tek (2010) |
Copy DIB to array? | FlagDKT | 12 | FlagDKT (2010) |
Converting an angle in 2d co-ords to 3d co-ords | Ross C | 5 | Ross C (2010) |
Big Lines Coming From My Meshes | Whats My Face | 5 | big10p (2010) |
Image based collision detection and response | dmc | 10 | Serpent (2010) |
Real 3D mouse | AND | 1 | AND (2010) |
lightning? | jhocking | 25 | Knight #51 (2010) |
how create 2d phisics with easytok | vivaigiochi | 1 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
Blender + Animation | Whats My Face | 10 | Kryzon (2010) |
400 sprites | Adam Novagen | 7 | Adam Novagen (2010) |
Best data structure needed to create a game? | vivaigiochi | 8 | Adam Novagen (2010) |
rapid response IDE needed. is bmax the answer? | stanrol | 16 | Adam Novagen (2010) |
Passing a whole array to a function | Blitzplotter | 4 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
function bug ? | Leszek | 5 | Leon Drake (2010) |
Just showing off something. | MusicianKool | 5 | MusicianKool (2010) |
Best Blitz3D GUI? | Chroma | 8 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
DirectX 7 to DirectX 8 | Whats My Face | 4 | Dreamora (2010) |
Load3DSound | _PJ_ | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Blitz3d magazine | methodman3000 | 2 | Floyd (2010) |
Local Entity Position | BLaBZ | 5 | Stevie G (2010) |
how to draw a bounding box throug a hierachy | Charrua | 6 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Shadows For a Large Environment | ClayPigeon | 42 | _PJ_ (2010) |
B3D Collisions & reflection | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2010) |
trigonometry the solution to spinning image? | stanrol | 6 | Serpent (2010) |
Odd camera rotation...what am I doing wrong? | Vorderman | 4 | Vorderman (2010) |
reading lines from .txt ->strange crash | Dimas | 9 | Dimas (2010) |
increased Vertex functionality | MusicianKool | 3 | Dreamora (2010) |
Blitz3D apps won't run | rs22 | 7 | rs22 (2010) |
for...next for bullets | fireshadow4126 | 9 | stanrol (2010) |
Blitz Collisions + Verlet = Climbing Walls? | ClayPigeon | 6 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
De-Texturing? Removing Textures from VRAM | _PJ_ | 8 | _PJ_ (2010) |
3D Text - Example and Meshes | alain | 7 | _PJ_ (2010) |
..connected vertices.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | puki (2010) |
flashlight sfx | Amanda Dearheart | 12 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Applying texture on LoadMesh/LoadAnimMesh model | silentworks | 3 | silentworks (2010) |
View/Rewrite LoadTexture's Code | Doktor Zeus | 10 | Serpent (2010) |
VPN Client | Stamm | 2 | xlsior (2010) |
Posting to a forum form Blitz? | Nightmare | 3 | Nightmare (2010) |
Unable to compile programs with 'Include's! | Serpent | 7 | steve_ancell (2010) |
dramatic fps drain when displaying 2d over 3d | RGF | 19 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
select case | stanrol | 4 | Matty (2010) |
Scoring a Input one letter at a time | jigga619 | 2 | Matty (2010) |
Run a Blitz3D .exe by clicking on a data file? | Cold Storage | 7 | Cold Storage (2010) |
face drawing not visible second eye | stanrol | 7 | Serpent (2010) |
Help me! simple audio code | mimox | 3 | mimox (2010) |
isometric engine | Amanda Dearheart | 3 | Amanda Dearheart (2010) |
Concepts of modifying/scripting | _PJ_ | 15 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Hide blitz exe from applications list? | FlagDKT | 9 | FlagDKT (2010) |
create rows and columns in an animstrip | Doggie | 16 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Camera Frustum Culling? | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Update 1.105 now available | marksibly | 37 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
How to save images to a filestream? | Doktor Zeus | 5 | Doktor Zeus (2010) |
how to use texture on a cube entity? | dman | 16 | dman (2010) |
how can I draw while in setbuffer imagebuffer() ? | dman | 4 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Is there a way to put image frames together in one | dman | 7 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Poking Imagebuffers directly, it works! :) | Tom | 17 | chi (2010) |
Light limit | Jaydubeww | 5 | Jaydubeww (2010) |
B3D file format & cube map storage | MCP | 6 | MCP (2010) |
Algorithm to compare two images..? | FlagDKT | 6 | FlagDKT (2010) |
Procedural tree generation | MusicianKool | 16 | MusicianKool (2010) |
Problem with 3d sound | eos | 29 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Entity Vector facing | _PJ_ | 8 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Variables and Declares! | Neochrome | 6 | MusicianKool (2010) |
sprite controlled by mouse | Dimas | 5 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Perlin Clouds | MusicianKool | 12 | MusicianKool (2010) |
problem loading files with windows 7 | RGF | 6 | RGF (2010) |
Manually moving bones in code | Drak | 8 | puki (2010) |
AlbaLynx - upcoming GUI for Xors3d and Blitz3d | Xors Team | 13 | Doggie (2010) |
how do you get a child entities location | MusicianKool | 9 | MusicianKool (2010) |
Collision question | John Blackledge | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Character is Getting Stuck | Whats My Face | 2 | Kryzon (2010) |
Texturing Mesh | The_Yant | 8 | The_Yant (2010) |
2d line intersection code | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | big10p (2010) |
Time count | jtassinari | 3 | jtassinari (2010) |
Tripling a polygon? | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | Charrua (2010) |
integrating files with the exe? | Dimas | 11 | Dimas (2010) |
sprite question | jtassinari | 3 | jtassinari (2010) |
Registry Editing | blade007 | 2 | _PJ_ (2010) |
online games - is to hard? | Santiworld | 4 | Who was John Galt? (2010) |
Perlin noise | MusicianKool | 4 | Charrua (2010) |
free source of Fire/Flame animation | Dimas | 2 | Jiffy (2010) |
Array as Type Field | ClayPigeon | 4 | Warner (2010) |
Best Dynamic Lighting Setup? | ClayPigeon | 31 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
RenderWorld gives MAV | _PJ_ | 5 | Jiffy (2010) |
B3d Pipeline v0.8 | Pudding | 11 | Kryzon (2010) |
Quick question | MusicianKool | 5 | big10p (2010) |
Renderworld doesnt cleaning background? | Dimas | 2 | Dimas (2010) |
Multiples sprites with same image... | Dimas | 3 | Dimas (2010) |
help with fast ext | jtassinari | 11 | MikhailV (2010) |
can DIM be defined with types? | Dimas | 6 | Warner (2010) |
ferris wheel | Oiduts Studios | 11 | Midimaster (2010) |
Would you like a Blitz3D section in BlitzMax ... | Arowx | 4 | Stevie G (2010) |
Advertisement Model | RifRaf | 31 | RifRaf (2010) |
Falling When Running Into Two Walls At Once | Whats My Face | 5 | Warner (2010) |
Rainbow Six Vegas/Gears of War cover system | SilverCoin | 6 | Gabriel (2010) |
Models' Texture Movement | ClayPigeon | 18 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
Read / write XML? | Jaydubeww | 1 | Jaydubeww (2010) |
Single-Surface particle thingies | _PJ_ | 33 | _PJ_ (2010) |
3D MetaBalls | Oiduts Studios | 18 | groovylime (2010) |
AddMesh - remove mesh | groovylime | 4 | groovylime (2010) |
Loading a Multitextured Mesh | AvestheFox | 44 | Leon Drake (2010) |
fastest way to convert a bank to a texture? | Serpent | 30 | Serpent (2010) |
Multiplying and Dividing FASTER than Shr and Shl? | Serpent | 8 | Serpent (2010) |
problem when use file | vivaigiochi | 4 | Serpent (2010) |
Question About 3D Tiles | AvestheFox | 9 | AvestheFox (2010) |
.wav format? | FlagDKT | 14 | Gabriel (2010) |
Movements relative to camera? | FlagDKT | 9 | FlagDKT (2010) |
Optionals parameters in DLL. How to? | ZJP | 4 | ZJP (2010) |
RAND function | Gerard | 4 | Zethrax (2010) |
Struggling with beziers | Ross C | 16 | Charrua (2010) |
execfile with use of cmd | vivaigiochi | 8 | _PJ_ (2010) |
What happened to rez's bounce thread? | Ross C | 9 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Internal Blitz3D Structures | Serpent | 6 | Serpent (2010) |
Error checking | big10p | 4 | stanrol (2010) |
Video Recording | Jerome Squalor | 8 | stanrol (2010) |
bbsystemproperty in v105 works?? | Leon Drake | 3 | Leon Drake (2010) |
detecting if a player has "stepped" ? | Guy Fawkes | 24 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
Robot's chase player faster..... | Guy Fawkes | 30 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
I have a little coding puzzle that I can't solve | GIB3D | 14 | GIB3D (2010) |
listener? | Guy Fawkes | 101 | Who was John Galt? (2010) |
Hemisphere | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2010) |
animation interpolation? | Guy Fawkes | 21 | _PJ_ (2010) |
FPS Code glitch? | Guy Fawkes | 23 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
Wall Running | GIB3D | 16 | GIB3D (2010) |
Texture Distance Blurring (disable?) | AvestheFox | 6 | AvestheFox (2010) |
water ripples? | Guy Fawkes | 17 | Ross C (2010) |
Randomise a list of objects | Neo Genesis10 | 3 | Kryzon (2010) |
Get true rotation angle on X Axis | KronosUK | 6 | KronosUK (2010) |
Model Child info | Mr. Slat | 8 | Mr. Slat (2010) |
EntityDistance speed... | FlagDKT | 10 | puki (2010) |
migrate b3d application versus nintendo wii? | vivaigiochi | 7 | AvestheFox (2010) |
Texuring a Pathway | Whats My Face | 12 | Leon Drake (2010) |
cut/copy/paste into external application? | vivaigiochi | 6 | Charrua (2010) |
Walking + Gravity + Animation | Whats My Face | 10 | Kryzon (2010) |
a curving construction method (not Bezier spline) | Raul | 7 | Raul (2010) |
Voice recognition? | vivaigiochi | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Passing Values to other programs | austin | 3 | austin (2010) |
creating a knob control ? | dman | 4 | Midimaster (2010) |
Server Issue | amitjf | 6 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
urlencode a string? | vivaigiochi | 3 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
Screenshooting Problems | Serpent | 19 | Serpent (2010) |
Easiest way to put a 'file requester' into a progr | Matty | 4 | Matty (2010) |
Announcement: free world creator | Charrua | 7 | Charrua (2010) |
Sprites Slower than Meshes? | NewtSoup | 28 | NewtSoup (2010) |
frameless exe | jtassinari | 15 | Yasha (2010) |
3D Space AI | Ryudin | 10 | Serpent (2010) |
those who are interested in DX9 | seferey | 5 | Rroff (2010) |
Camera movement not in sync with player | A51M15X | 4 | lo-tekk (2010) |
How to create a custom slider and knob controls? | dman | 3 | Kryzon (2010) |
how to read from a serial port? | pimpom | 5 | Charrua (2010) |
problem with render in far distances | Santiworld | 34 | MadJack (2010) |
Determining existence of stream? | Dip | 6 | NewtSoup (2010) |
do any of you program in the sdk? | kalix | 7 | kalix (2010) |
Post Processing | xtremegamr | 9 | Ross C (2010) |
Query: painting onto models | gburgess | 5 | gburgess (2010) |
Creating antialiasing by the use of down sampling | _33 | 19 | _33 (2010) |
Painting a triangle - VertexTexCoords | siread | 5 | Ross C (2010) |
Trying to create a network | PowerPC603 | 14 | jtassinari (2010) |
Collision Response Not Correct | ClayPigeon | 11 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
help me on why BB3d | stanrol | 3 | xlsior (2010) |
Animating multiple objects | Oiduts Studios | 24 | Oiduts Studios (2010) |
XAGND3D Engine for Blitz3D | ala_samodi | 27 | Doggie (2010) |
userlibs not found? | Guy Fawkes | 4 | BoneStan (2010) |
Minimized Application stopping | NightPhoenix | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Strange sprite behavour? | Ross C | 11 | Ross C (2010) |
Texture Fading Problem | jfk EO-11110 | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
"Expecting Wend" | Cubed Inc. | 11 | Zethrax (2010) |
Room Networks | ClayPigeon | 22 | ClayPigeon (2010) |
GetAsyncKeyState doesn't return letter/num keys? | Andres | 2 | Warner (2010) |
Endless Terrain, question | jtassinari | 3 | Ross C (2010) |
fps & different CPUs | jtassinari | 11 | _PJ_ (2010) |
ftplib.bb problem | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
Question about collisions | Santiworld | 4 | Santiworld (2010) |
Fuzzy Logic | patmaba | 16 | patmaba (2010) |
Water algorithm messed up a bit? | Guy Fawkes | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
What's up w/ this dragobject code? >< | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
lighting of imported meshes | Slomas | 3 | Slomas (2010) |
Detecting if an object is walking up/down a hill? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Slomas (2010) |
What GUI does this use? | Guy Fawkes | 31 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Showing Text with the WaitKey() command | jigga619 | 3 | D4NM4N (2010) |
How to use a external DLL ? | Gabriele | 6 | Gabriele (2010) |
SCHNOK! 0.95 beta - Gui Editor for WinBlitz3D | Danny | 33 | Charrua (2010) |
problem in colormap generator? | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2010) |
Problems reloading textures! | Serpent | 9 | Serpent (2010) |
Small demo of Matrix/Bone Animation | GrumpyOldMan | 91 | Kryzon (2010) |
Keeping track of Random plots | jigga619 | 10 | PowerPC603 (2010) |
how to create explosions consuming limited resourc | Santiworld | 5 | Kryzon (2010) |
CreateMesh not displaying correctly | Axel Wheeler | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
Reading web Pages | -Rick- | 12 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Delete more than 1 file at the same time? | Guy Fawkes | 35 | _PJ_ (2010) |
Starwars-Like title? | Guy Fawkes | 107 | JA2 (2010) |
dds MAV | Oiduts Studios | 20 | Oiduts Studios (2010) |
about mysqldump? | vivaigiochi | 1 | vivaigiochi (2010) |
Triggers (Trigger Events) | 3DMan | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2010) |
minimap | Mr. Slat | 11 | Dreamora (2010) |
Blitz3D Update 1.104 Now Available (locked) | marksibly | 1 | marksibly (2010) |
MAV | Whats My Face | 21 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Help needed converting C# function for use in B3D | furbrain | 3 | furbrain (2010) |
Question.. | Mr. Slat | 8 | RGF (2010) |
a* pathfinding | RGF | 3 | RGF (2010) |
Boundries | En929 | 2 | Warner (2010) |
Organizing Levels | En929 | 4 | Yasha (2010) |
Chat Bots | Oiduts Studios | 4 | Oiduts Studios (2010) |
XP Pro 64bit + Blitz3d | MadJack | 2 | Dreamora (2010) |
Universe Code. | Guy Fawkes | 5 | D4NM4N (2010) |
Converting From .b3d to .x or .3ds | Whats My Face | 5 | Dreamora (2010) |
ResumeChannel not working? | Guy Fawkes | 28 | Ginger Tea (2010) |
FastLibs - FastExtension | Kev | 14 | Dreamora (2010) |
Algorithm glitch? | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Matty (2010) |
Augmented Reality | jtassinari | 2 | wmaass (2009) |
Can I tell blitz3d to compile an external bb file? | dogzer | 15 | Gabriel (2009) |
Title Page | En929 | 3 | En929 (2009) |
Count files in and folders in directory.. | Guy Fawkes | 5 | degac (2009) |
Can I run a blitz3d app from a browser? | dogzer | 25 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Win32 API Calls - LPTSTR and LPCTSTR? | Serpent | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Flickering textures in fullscreen | vibe37 | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
What api decls would you use to... | D4NM4N | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Weapon Select | Oiduts Studios | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Save alpha channel from buffer to file? | chi | 5 | chi (2009) |
Open two windows in blitz3D | dogzer | 18 | Rroff (2009) |
Windows | Jack | 15 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
Possible Bug - Buffers not working correctly? | Serpent | 5 | Floyd (2009) |
blitzmovie 1.3b | rickavzstx | 4 | rickavzstx (2009) |
AnimMesh Collisions? | wmaass | 2 | wmaass (2009) |
'Searching' for games over a LAN network | Serpent | 8 | Serpent (2009) |
Using ExecFile(URL) with GET method? | Shifty Geezer | 3 | Shifty Geezer (2009) |
OpenAL grief again | Imphenzia | 1 | Imphenzia (2009) |
camera zoom and camera FOV (degrees) | dogzer | 2 | chi (2009) |
Different effects from Differen sides of an object | En929 | 4 | Leon Drake (2009) |
Saving Type Fields | -Rick- | 14 | D4NM4N (2009) |
Mesh current animation frame - B3D | semar | 7 | GIB3D (2009) |
Brawler collisions, gameplay wise | neoshaman | 2 | neoshaman (2009) |
Custom mesh exporting | RifRaf | 6 | RifRaf (2009) |
248 ComboBoxes | Ifq200 | 5 | Ifq200 (2009) |
Stiff b3d animation | Wigwam | 5 | Wigwam (2009) |
Outlined 3D object - how to do it ? | semar | 18 | ZJP (2009) |
Roller Coaster | Oiduts Studios | 12 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Blitz3D Update 1102 Now Available... | marksibly | 23 | Rroff (2009) |
Random Slowdown in GUI | Stevie G | 6 | RifRaf (2009) |
correct way to finish-close a big game or program. | Santiworld | 6 | _Skully (2009) |
Surfaces and textures | _PJ_ | 7 | neoshaman (2009) |
Terrain Meshes | Oiduts Studios | 6 | D4NM4N (2009) |
I need some help with this | En929 | 4 | En929 (2009) |
KeyHit Question | GrayKnight2k | 3 | GrayKnight2k (2009) |
Collision problem | PowerPC603 | 6 | PowerPC603 (2009) |
Windows 7 Home | ShadowTurtle | 13 | Chi3f Stadi (2009) |
TooD - It's just Too Dimensional! | Difference | 4 | Warner (2009) |
CameraProject question | John Blackledge | 16 | John Blackledge (2009) |
He attacks me, but it's boring | semar | 3 | skidracer (2009) |
Flight Physics | GIB3D | 1 | GIB3D (2009) |
Gnet alternative opinions | RifRaf | 17 | RepeatUntil (2009) |
Find TAB in a string? | wmaass | 5 | Santiworld (2009) |
Blitz3D Update 1.103 now available... (locked) | marksibly | 1 | marksibly (2009) |
Clients firewalls block them from joining netgame? | WERDNA | 10 | WERDNA (2009) |
How to deal with lag in a network game. | WERDNA | 9 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
Speed question regarding Banks | Kryzon | 12 | Charrua (2009) |
game motor cycle | bulat | 2 | D4NM4N (2009) |
3D hexgrid | RGF | 5 | jtassinari (2009) |
True-Type Fonts and "internal font name"? | martonic | 13 | Kryzon (2009) |
B3DEXT Animation system Bugged... | FlagDKT | 6 | FlagDKT (2009) |
AWC in development | Charrua | 9 | Charrua (2009) |
Game water waves | Oiduts Studios | 13 | Knight #51 (2009) |
Playing with bits and bytes in B3D | xtremegamr | 9 | Andy (2009) |
child coordinates from AnimMesh | semar | 5 | Ross C (2009) |
Network game using JoinNetGame, StartNetGame, etc | WERDNA | 6 | _Skully (2009) |
Multi Texturing | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Making A Proper Game Engine. | WERDNA | 5 | _Skully (2009) |
Waypoints instead of A* pathfinding - how to ? | semar | 6 | Ross C (2009) |
Can I Get Help with What I Tried to Do Here | En929 | 2 | _Skully (2009) |
Stairs | Oiduts Studios | 5 | RifRaf (2009) |
I'd buy it twice - wish list | jtassinari | 56 | Nice_But_Dim (2009) |
Adding verts - regular polygons | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Blitz3D Update 1101 Now Available... | marksibly | 29 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Game time | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Memory access violation on startup | DrakeX | 9 | _PJ_ (2009) |
grid? | Guy Fawkes | 51 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
real time wall mirror | Midimaster | 19 | MikhailV (2009) |
Aero Glass + Windowed Mode | chi | 4 | RGF (2009) |
For Owners of Neverwinter Nights 2 | _PJ_ | 2 | _PJ_ (2009) |
2d over 3d | RGF | 4 | Matty (2009) |
DynamicGrass? | Guy Fawkes | 17 | Ross C (2009) |
Collision calls returning no value? | John Blackledge | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
IS Game Design Software a TOP SECRET | Amanda Dearheart | 22 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Blitz TCP\UDP | xtremegamr | 9 | RifRaf (2009) |
Self Shadows | Colonel_Klink | 16 | Colonel_Klink (2009) |
Audio Monitor - How? | polygoon | 34 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
Tree Party users? | A51M15X | 2 | Charrua (2009) |
camera screwup? | Guy Fawkes | 27 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
tumbling dice | Amanda Dearheart | 6 | Kryzon (2009) |
Data Text Files | Kyler | 4 | _PJ_ (2009) |
How to mix graphic images and 3d images | Amanda Dearheart | 3 | Midimaster (2009) |
Why doesn't this code work? | Amanda Dearheart | 8 | Amanda Dearheart (2009) |
FarseerPhysics and constant Speed | Head | 1 | Head (2009) |
Physx | Oiduts Studios | 20 | Xors Team (2009) |
B3D help | Oiduts Studios | 13 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Day night star cycle? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Jelly 3d viewer | Gorley | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Check out the MP3 scratching program in BASIC | dman | 6 | dman (2009) |
DirectX Voice | RifRaf | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
In game voice sdk | RifRaf | 1 | RifRaf (2009) |
Higher-order functions | Yasha | 4 | Yasha (2009) |
hdr? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Kryzon (2009) |
Vertex Alpha doesn't work anymore? | FlagDKT | 4 | Wings (2009) |
The Pirate Engine | Oiduts Studios | 10 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Calculating Launch Angle | Stevie G | 5 | Warpy (2009) |
.decls for saudio.dll (sound play dll) | Mahan | 3 | Mahan (2009) |
Animating Md2 style B3Ds | Oiduts Studios | 14 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
frame animation name / range? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
How can I compute which side of my cube is up? | Blitzplotter | 20 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
Muzzle flash question | cash | 6 | cash (2009) |
Cartoon-style outlines | Yasha | 3 | Yasha (2009) |
can you create a custom control in Blitz3d ? | dman | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
camera problem? | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
ImagesCollide Problem | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Finding Child coordinates relative to parent? | Hosh | 13 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
Function Rand bug with integer limits | Bobysait | 14 | Kanati (2009) |
Inflate Registry Keys | _PJ_ | 1 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Dual Monitor Question | wmaass | 15 | Nigel Brown (2009) |
Just broke my Blitz3D >:( | Vorderman | 7 | _PJ_ (2009) |
bbEnet vulnerability fixed | Mahan | 2 | GIB3D (2009) |
Questions about 2d sprites | mv333 | 3 | Ginger Tea (2009) |
Car wheel track | Mike0101 | 1 | Mike0101 (2009) |
File packing methods | RifRaf | 8 | RifRaf (2009) |
RenderWorld slowdown problem | WildCat | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Network Problems | Oiduts Studios | 4 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
how to do a waveform using BASS in Blitz3d ? | dman | 2 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
Improving my GUI | OwlEpicurus | 1 | OwlEpicurus (2009) |
Detecting Lag Cheating | RifRaf | 2 | Mahan (2009) |
MMORPG Network Setup | Luke111 | 3 | Mahan (2009) |
Millisecs() alternatives ? | RifRaf | 8 | Jasu (2009) |
how to calculate screen position for a waveform ? | dman | 1 | dman (2009) |
System or movie volume control? | Danny | 2 | Danny (2009) |
DrawMovie Compatibility Question | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
EXE on my website? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Blitz 3D is Not Respomding | PowerMeep | 7 | GfK (2009) |
Slowdown when usiny EntityOrder on sprites | Vorderman | 8 | big10p (2009) |
Calculator? | Guy Fawkes | 5 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Sound and Music Problems - help please | AvestheFox | 13 | Kryzon (2009) |
Creating Reliable UDP Messages | GIB3D | 25 | GIB3D (2009) |
Unwanted sprite rescale | John Blackledge | 7 | John Blackledge (2009) |
Damage Numbers | Whats My Face | 11 | Whats My Face (2009) |
Input hangs | Warner | 13 | Bobysait (2009) |
Strange MAV on Vista | alain | 27 | mulawa1 (2009) |
Memory access violation but OK in safe mode! | mulawa1 | 4 | mulawa1 (2009) |
collada support | Amanda Dearheart | 5 | skidracer (2009) |
Inno Compiler Problem! | WERDNA | 7 | WERDNA (2009) |
boat wave ripple effect | Sung | 2 | Kryzon (2009) |
TCP | Nike | 3 | Nike (2009) |
BlitzPlay Lite Problem | GIB3D | 6 | GIB3D (2009) |
CollLib v2.0 announcement | Mahan | 1 | Mahan (2009) |
player_img overlaping tile\img - problem | AvestheFox | 3 | AvestheFox (2009) |
Saving Data To File | Whats My Face | 12 | Bobysait (2009) |
Feature request for clearworld() | RifRaf | 3 | RifRaf (2009) |
Blitz3D garbage collection | RifRaf | 5 | RifRaf (2009) |
blitz3d + virtualbox/VMWare | jtassinari | 9 | WildCat (2009) |
Corner of a rotated rectangle | LedgerARC | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
limits of dx lights | RifRaf | 7 | Matty (2009) |
Speedy radar? | MadJack | 21 | Kryzon (2009) |
Multiple Processors? | BLaBZ | 18 | Luke111 (2009) |
Terrain question | Al Meyer | 3 | Al Meyer (2009) |
Please Help.. webcambasic.rar | bulat | 13 | Ross C (2009) |
GPU Fan control | Oiduts Studios | 5 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Easy Question - RTS | BLaBZ | 10 | xtremegamr (2009) |
Webcam Basic | LAB[au] | 18 | bulat (2009) |
Resize Spritesheet? | Guy Fawkes | 24 | Warner (2009) |
Some updates in Xors3d | Xors Team | 12 | Gabriel (2009) |
Blitz3D not as popular? | BLaBZ | 74 | Xors Team (2009) |
I need more bytes | Whats My Face | 5 | Whats My Face (2009) |
Intersepting moving target | Jack | 17 | GIB3D (2009) |
Copy buffer | licin | 5 | Bobysait (2009) |
Typecasting replacement (sort of) | Mahan | 4 | Mahan (2009) |
Force Windows focus to Blitz? | Shifty Geezer | 14 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Lost my code again... BUT | Ross C | 6 | Blitzplotter (2009) |
Polys from a bitmap | MadJack | 9 | MadJack (2009) |
Gnet -Refresh Server Period | Panno | 3 | Panno (2009) |
Saving Debuglog Contents | asdfasdf | 4 | Beaker (2009) |
UDP: Finding Hosts | Nathaniel | 11 | SytzeZ (2009) |
Weapon Model sticking into the ground | A51M15X | 13 | Zethrax (2009) |
Sprite Candy Texture Limitation... | NeilH | 6 | NeilH (2009) |
2D snow Need help | WERDNA | 4 | WERDNA (2009) |
A use for Goto? | Yasha | 20 | Wings (2009) |
GNet Connecting To Server | Whats My Face | 3 | CodeOrc (2009) |
Correcting monitor aspect ratio | chi | 11 | chi (2009) |
Better way to deal with memory | Bobysait | 6 | ZJP (2009) |
Ahhh Lag of the Century | Whats My Face | 2 | Wings (2009) |
NAT Punch Through - Multiplayer | BLaBZ | 7 | Wings (2009) |
Size of Entity in View | BLaBZ | 3 | BLaBZ (2009) |
heightmap anomalies | RGF | 7 | RGF (2009) |
Golf cup - how to handle with hmap based terrain? | wmaass | 5 | wmaass (2009) |
CenterMesh keeping original position. | RifRaf | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
drag n' drop? | Guy Fawkes | 22 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Card game | Guy Fawkes | 57 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
FastImage HUD | GIB3D | 11 | GIB3D (2009) |
BlitzPlay Problem | System4 Studios | 3 | System4 Studios (2009) |
CharacterCreator Thread | Guy Fawkes | 178 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Enitity controlls | Aussie | 4 | Aussie (2009) |
blitzCC problem | bytecode77 | 30 | ozzi789 (2009) |
3ds grass model | A51M15X | 7 | A51M15X (2009) |
GameScript/Scripting | BLaBZ | 15 | Rroff (2009) |
overlapping sprites slow down | cyberyoyo | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Blitz3D Update V1.101 | QuickSilva | 16 | QuickSilva (2009) |
setchild | DareDevil | 2 | Zethrax (2009) |
Blitz Default IDE problem/bug??? | Ross C | 16 | Ross C (2009) |
Mesh load terrain | Guy Fawkes | 45 | Krischan (2009) |
array values | RGF | 12 | Bobysait (2009) |
Select an enemy | RGF | 9 | Bobysait (2009) |
Execfile and Vista | RifRaf | 5 | Wings (2009) |
3D Sound System (EAL?) | Chroma | 7 | Rroff (2009) |
Endless Terrain, question | jtassinari | 5 | jtassinari (2009) |
Query:Best Method To Overcome Floating Point Error | Matty | 7 | Chroma (2009) |
Fastest B3D Particle Engine? | Chroma | 15 | Hambone (2009) |
consecutive variable naming | RGF | 1 | RGF (2009) |
Custom Keymapping | Chroma | 6 | Chroma (2009) |
Here's how to disable filtering. | Tom | 63 | Warner (2009) |
BlitzPlay Lite Download | System4 Studios | 10 | System4 Studios (2009) |
Blitz3D folder marked as Read Only | Chroma | 4 | Warner (2009) |
How would I go about writing an E-mail checker? | WERDNA | 5 | WERDNA (2009) |
Pakmaker Help | System4 Studios | 4 | LineOf7s (2009) |
PlayMusic - what the.. | jfk EO-11110 | 10 | WERDNA (2009) |
Tamper proofing media | RifRaf | 15 | RifRaf (2009) |
MeshCullBox issue | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Waypoint editor test. | Ross C | 17 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Problem: Using camerapick to drag 3d entities | Ross C | 48 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
WinBlitz3D events stop working | Andres | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Texture Splatting using a DLL? | Kryzon | 14 | MikhailV (2009) |
Path Finding? | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Is this a floating point error, or a bug? | Ross C | 11 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Relationship of Handle to Memory | _PJ_ | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
External Compilation Error Checking | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Decorator Download Link | System4 Studios | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Alpha channel problem | Brad Davis | 9 | Ross C (2009) |
Frame Limiting & Render Tweening | _PJ_ | 15 | Warner (2009) |
File Explorer Directories only | _PJ_ | 9 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Need help adding 1 block. | Guy Fawkes | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
GNet question | GIB3D | 4 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
OZCollide collision detection library | Chroma | 1 | Chroma (2009) |
Need help w/ multiples of different enemies. | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Flemmonk (2009) |
Water/Terrain Z-Axis | Chroma | 4 | Chroma (2009) |
get bitrate | Guy Fawkes | 24 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Need help destroying gui entities.. | Guy Fawkes | 25 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Rendering to the Windows Desktop? | Adam Novagen | 14 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Help screen-sized sprites.. | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Mouse button helper function for y'all! | Ross C | 5 | Ross C (2009) |
Collisions Problem | amitjf | 4 | amitjf (2009) |
Multiplayer packets | RifRaf | 24 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Need help with character creator. | Guy Fawkes | 139 | Ginger Tea (2009) |
Two fdunctions or use some globals? | _PJ_ | 10 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Easy way to check if mesh is behind camera. | Ross C | 18 | Ross C (2009) |
Type Confusion (Again) | fireshadow4126 | 5 | fireshadow4126 (2009) |
Viewport dimensions | _PJ_ | 4 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Explosion Forces (repelling) | RifRaf | 5 | RifRaf (2009) |
HP Bar above head? | Guy Fawkes | 80 | Kryzon (2009) |
File encryption | Sake906 | 7 | Sake906 (2009) |
Type Confusion | fireshadow4126 | 3 | fireshadow4126 (2009) |
Rendering To ImageBuffer | Whats My Face | 7 | Flemmonk (2009) |
Need help with jump code | Guy Fawkes | 15 | Ross C (2009) |
Windows API | xtremegamr | 28 | Warner (2009) |
Millisecs and max integer value | SytzeZ | 8 | _PJ_ (2009) |
BlitzGet Delux and Rerouted addresses | RifRaf | 5 | RifRaf (2009) |
Lightmapping | sniper_boy147 | 6 | Naughty Alien (2009) |
Music streaming | Nike | 9 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
What does AddMesh do? | _PJ_ | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
"Breathing" style mesh deforming code | _PJ_ | 38 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Execfile() webfile, auto saving ? | RifRaf | 5 | RifRaf (2009) |
free application | Gorley | 3 | Nike (2009) |
Scaling a Texture and keeping it in place | Kryzon | 2 | Kryzon (2009) |
Bank Allocation on program end | RifRaf | 3 | RifRaf (2009) |
Water ripple? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | puki (2009) |
Camera EntityInView help... | FlagDKT | 3 | Charrua (2009) |
Functions in Types | Elendia Starman | 13 | _Skully (2009) |
SaveBuffer as PNG or JPEG? | DheDarkhCustard | 8 | big10p (2009) |
DebugLog | GIB3D | 4 | Charrua (2009) |
Keydown, and lost window focus | RifRaf | 5 | Warner (2009) |
IDEal bug | GIB3D | 5 | GIB3D (2009) |
Blitz3D now can control a WiiMote! (I hope) | Charrua | 11 | ZJP (2009) |
Point - Box intersection routine? | Kryzon | 5 | Kryzon (2009) |
Is LightRange and lighting screwed up? | puki | 9 | Drak (2009) |
DirectX Performance Tips | Kryzon | 27 | puki (2009) |
Flight Sim Jitters Solved (Tentatively) | Chroma | 7 | Chroma (2009) |
3d animator | Gorley | 3 | Happy Sammy (2009) |
Did we achieve triangle/vertice lit recognition? | puki | 15 | ShadowTurtle (2009) |
Need help with using mesh with newton physics... | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
B3D Collisions EntityCollided() | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Operating System | Nike | 32 | ShadowTurtle (2009) |
joystick second analog stick | RifRaf | 7 | RifRaf (2009) |
Mask Weirdness Readpixel vs Readpixelfast | _Skully | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Community Projects | _PJ_ | 5 | AJ00200 (2009) |
Idea: MMOG in Blitz with php and sql | Braincell | 24 | AJ00200 (2009) |
EntityBox collisions | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Bot AI | RifRaf | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Blonde Moment? | _Skully | 8 | cyberyoyo (2009) |
create cube parent | dman | 8 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Yaay triangle questions! :D | Adam Novagen | 23 | AJ00200 (2009) |
beta version up (locked) | marksibly | 74 | AJ00200 (2009) |
Playsound random volume | RifRaf | 5 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Blitz 3D for 2D | RetroRusty | 6 | Kryzon (2009) |
Weird Light Effects | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2009) |
How to sync PlaySound ? | semar | 4 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
deform an entity | Santiworld | 20 | Ross C (2009) |
E-mailer | Nike | 21 | Nike (2009) |
Tapered Cylinder request | _PJ_ | 7 | Nate the Great (2009) |
Need help with B3Ds Internal Works... | Guy Fawkes | 4 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Tweaking an example | Wigwam | 1 | Wigwam (2009) |
Problem with newton jump code? | Guy Fawkes | 1 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Default IDE slow down using Vista | QuickSilva | 10 | QuickSilva (2009) |
DDS Texture format? | _PJ_ | 15 | _PJ_ (2009) |
possible contract work- UK | shawnus | 8 | shawnus (2009) |
Generate LOD models | Sake906 | 4 | Sake906 (2009) |
Physx Wrapper? | Guy Fawkes | 10 | Ross C (2009) |
align vectors to a planes normal | Warner | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
Creating bones in code | Yasha | 22 | Yasha (2009) |
Need help with walk speed value change | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Entityalpha MAV please check it | FlagDKT | 6 | MadJack (2009) |
EntityBlend on Animated Mesh | Scherererer | 3 | Scherererer (2009) |
Yet another 2D screen coords in 3D question | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Strange object behavior | RifRaf | 7 | Stevie G (2009) |
Save Blitz3D objects to 3DS | Sake906 | 2 | Nate the Great (2009) |
Collision Problem. | WERDNA | 16 | cash (2009) |
Santa's Slay | _Skully | 28 | Nate the Great (2009) |
Rect / Oval with LockBuffer | Xaron | 5 | Xaron (2009) |
Saving Data Blues. | Clyde | 2 | Warner (2009) |
Pom Pom Using Cylinders As Lines. | Clyde | 6 | Clyde (2009) |
Entity Not Found | _PJ_ | 7 | _PJ_ (2009) |
New member here. | Ifq200 | 4 | Ifq200 (2009) |
Types - Iterate Fields | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Texture woes - I am about to go MAL over this!!! | Adam Novagen | 8 | Ross C (2009) |
Logic issue with entites and BlitzXML | nrasool | 3 | nrasool (2009) |
Game-rendered cutscenes | Adam Novagen | 12 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
How to use the Windows standard OpenFile Dialog ? | semar | 5 | nrasool (2009) |
For Loop Problems. | WERDNA | 4 | RifRaf (2009) |
Quarternions, Entity*() Angles and Gimbal Locks | _PJ_ | 11 | _PJ_ (2009) |
About EntityDistance() | Mortiis | 8 | GIB3D (2009) |
How, pray tell, do you blur-i-fy? | thelizardking | 10 | Ked (2009) |
Texture quality | nawi | 15 | Kryzon (2009) |
Adjusting a triangles normal? | JA2 | 11 | big10p (2009) |
BlitzPlay Pro | RifRaf | 5 | LineOf7s (2009) |
Audio Sequencing - How To ? | semar | 9 | semar (2009) |
animation pausing when looping? | cyberyoyo | 7 | Warner (2009) |
SpriteCandy - collision check order (+ zdepth) | LamptonWorm | 3 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
Free shadow | DareDevil | 4 | DareDevil (2009) |
Removing texture blur | LamptonWorm | 16 | Ross C (2009) |
eugh, camerapick is slooooowwww | Vorderman | 14 | Kryzon (2009) |
How to use a Database from within Blitz3D ? | semar | 8 | semar (2009) |
MouseX/Y Values are quite fond of positives... | thelizardking | 9 | GIB3D (2009) |
Pivot lag? | Sake906 | 13 | Ross C (2009) |
An issue with loadAnimMesh or freeEntity? | dena | 4 | FlagDKT (2009) |
Basic Tile Collision | LamptonWorm | 9 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
sort function | Santiworld | 5 | big10p (2009) |
Crayon Physic Game - Problems | Leszek | 1 | Leszek (2009) |
Custom lobby | RifRaf | 4 | RifRaf (2009) |
Can you spot the problem? | RifRaf | 7 | RifRaf (2009) |
Camera control. I'm going bald... | Adam Novagen | 35 | nrasool (2009) |
QHull dll | Picklesworth | 4 | Filax (2009) |
Remove vertex? (clean mesh) | LamptonWorm | 14 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
Merge Animations? (MD2, X or B3D) run + shoot | LamptonWorm | 5 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
Multiple Camera, one sprite, different texture | LamptonWorm | 3 | LamptonWorm (2009) |
Platform Collision Test with Pushable Objects | Physt | 9 | Gabriel (2009) |
Testing Angle of Surface When Collided | Knight #51 | 5 | Knight #51 (2009) |
3D Editor Gizmo?? | DreamLoader | 2 | Ross C (2009) |
System Cloth & Weapons | Leszek | 4 | Matty (2009) |
Um... Too much? Or too old? | Adam Novagen | 13 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Convert to a single surface | FlagDKT | 12 | Ross C (2009) |
Question about the 4 point bezier spline | Ross C | 3 | Ross C (2009) |
Music sheet, notes, and the like | semar | 5 | semar (2009) |
Function pointer? | ZJP | 6 | ZJP (2009) |
portal-style portals | Wigwam | 12 | GIB3D (2009) |
Endless terrain | Mike0101 | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
to make an terrain editor? | DreamLoader | 5 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
..im stuck..help.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
UV Clamp problem | FlagDKT | 10 | Ross C (2009) |
DLL with LCC-32. Howto.... | ZJP | 7 | ZJP (2009) |
Windows API - ExtractIcon, render icon to image? | Mr Snidesmin | 2 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
Online highscore doesn`t work | Blitzblaster | 3 | 4pac (2009) |
Reading from the alpha channel using ReadPixelFast | Vorderman | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Millisecs() and rollover | Dip | 6 | Dip (2009) |
Skidmark alignment... | Tab | 7 | Ross C (2009) |
Multiple B3D in to one | Naughty Alien | 10 | D4NM4N (2009) |
Weapon system / Bullets problem | Mortiis | 7 | Ross C (2009) |
Cubemaps | Knight #51 | 14 | Kryzon (2009) |
Blitz3D Randomness (Hopefully) (locked) | Knight #51 | 3 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
Holograms with Blitz3D | Nebula | 38 | Knight #51 (2009) |
B3D Mesh format | GIB3D | 7 | GIB3D (2009) |
The 'stencil shadow' thread 3 | DSS_1.0Final | bytecode77 | 127 | Robert Cummings (2009) |
html form+php from blitz? | vivaigiochi | 3 | RepeatUntil (2009) |
Traffic system in a game? | Pongo | 7 | Pongo (2009) |
M.A.V with a DECLS | ZJP | 8 | ZJP (2009) |
Talking To Computer AI | Luke111 | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Reuse of textures in .x files | 6 | 6 | 6 (2009) |
Windows GDI w/ DirectX | Knight #51 | 5 | Knight #51 (2009) |
blitz+http | vivaigiochi | 4 | SabataRH (2009) |
Adding touchlines to a sports field | Fry Crayola | 11 | Ross C (2009) |
Odd question, regarding Env Reflection Maps | RifRaf | 3 | RifRaf (2009) |
create image from a bank? | CloseToPerfect | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
CopyMesh question | Adam Novagen | 4 | Warner (2009) |
FindChild/GetChild query. | Ross C | 13 | Ross C (2009) |
tokamak version 1.2.3 | ping | 2 | SilverCoin (2009) |
(Interesting!) Frame Limiting done better! | Kryzon | 25 | epiblitikos (2009) |
Freeimage DLL? | Adam Novagen | 4 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
How to stop Mp3 being converted to wav? | Crinkle | 11 | LineOf7s (2009) |
sending messages to players on same lan network | CloseToPerfect | 5 | Mahan (2009) |
Best way to walk on a mesh? | Swifty | 7 | RifRaf (2009) |
Size of taskbar | Virtech | 9 | John Blackledge (2009) |
Size of window border | Virtech | 5 | Virtech (2009) |
Rob's and Halo's Normal Map Demos - where to get? | Kryzon | 14 | MikhailV (2009) |
running a blitz exe in the command line | Gavin111 | 2 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Colormap generator? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | stayne (2009) |
3d Wizard? (locked) | Guy Fawkes | 41 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
Bass.dll and BlitzBasic3D | dman | 8 | Kryzon (2009) |
How to create a futurist cell shading effect ? | patmaba | 7 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
PLEASE help need Save Object | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Ross C (2009) |
Buying B3D now? | Snixx | 27 | Kryzon (2009) |
invalid gadget? o.o | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Realistic Jump? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
How to return KB, MB, Bytes.. etc.. | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Great game... rotten graphics - HELP! | NeilH | 7 | GIB3D (2009) |
Help instr incorrect | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Warner (2009) |
Collisions/Slope/Linepick help !!!! | FlagDKT | 22 | fox95871 (2009) |
Name above the player's head? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Matty (2009) |
Getting a hWnd from a Texture or a Bank Buffer | ZJP | 9 | Gabriel (2009) |
Types vs. Banks: Speed vs. Space? | Adam Novagen | 12 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
Getting Pitch/Yaw/Roll of a collided triangle | Adam Novagen | 4 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Collision check between 2 dynamic objects | Mortiis | 12 | Mortiis (2009) |
Collada | Amanda Dearheart | 5 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
3D Curved lines | wmaass | 10 | wmaass (2009) |
Help: XNet | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Pick in a collection | jtassinari | 3 | jtassinari (2009) |
Imphenzia? | Guy Fawkes | 31 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Railed Camera tips? | Adam Novagen | 3 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Of Gamepads and Joysticks | Adam Novagen | 5 | Ginger Tea (2009) |
Nuclear Glory Collision DLL | Sake906 | 15 | Kryzon (2009) |
Microsoft Compound Document File Format | Sacha | 3 | Subirenihil (2009) |
usb power | mtnhome3d | 2 | xlsior (2009) |
Camera range and animated models. | wmaass | 11 | wmaass (2009) |
Music still playing in minimized window... | TrionWork | 7 | TrionWork (2009) |
Blitz 3d apps - crash on first time startup | chaos51 | 4 | Zeotrope (2009) |
uniform rnd() results across the entire range? | Pongo | 3 | Pongo (2009) |
know vertex x#,y#,z# in animating mesh | RGF | 5 | RGF (2009) |
Hardware profiling? | Adam Novagen | 3 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
Bilinear Resampling | Krischan | 4 | Subirenihil (2009) |
directx and multiple textures | 6 | 5 | Gabriel (2009) |
Basic Wandering AI | stayne | 13 | stayne (2009) |
Reading a JPG image ... | Sacha | 9 | Sacha (2009) |
Help get CD info | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Mahan (2009) |
Alpha Texture Blending (Direct3D 9) | Wings | 6 | Wings (2009) |
Need help with terrains | Swifty | 7 | Swifty (2009) |
Flac wont read | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
What's in update 1.100 | BLaBZ | 9 | FlagDKT (2009) |
Sprite Fade | BLaBZ | 6 | John Blackledge (2009) |
Help request file prob | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
MiniB3D | JBR | 4 | JBR (2009) |
Cant get this to work | Oiduts Studios | 22 | Sacha (2009) |
Ringbuffer | Andy | 6 | kenshin (2009) |
To Warner | Guy Fawkes | 19 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Shooting | SpaceMan94 | 4 | SpaceMan94 (2009) |
Help function doesnt return value | Guy Fawkes | 18 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Banks vs Arrays | BLaBZ | 3 | Jasu (2009) |
Implementing flexible logic? | hockings | 11 | hockings (2009) |
Type Slowing Game Down | BLaBZ | 7 | Warner (2009) |
Using Shell32 to read thumbs.db | Sacha | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Help: Get dreamplayer filename? | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
String compression advice | MadJack | 8 | Andy (2009) |
Help loop fix | Guy Fawkes | 6 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
How to return millisecs of song in Imphenzia | Guy Fawkes | 165 | Abrexxes (2009) |
Help Code crashing | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
JV-ODE destroy bug | Craig H. Nisbet | 2 | VIP3R (2009) |
Help Millisecs to time | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Warner (2009) |
Collisions and HideEntity issue | zortzblatz | 2 | lo-tekk (2009) |
Create exe with exe? | BLaBZ | 3 | Warner (2009) |
Placing trees onto terrain | Oiduts Studios | 5 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
Blitz3D Meshes and Animation | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Sprites Appear Faded | BLaBZ | 2 | GIB3D (2009) |
When tile-based worlds collide... | Adam Novagen | 17 | Wings (2009) |
EXE file format info... mind blowing | Nate the Great | 9 | SytzeZ (2009) |
stumped | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
NEED QUICK HELP | Oiduts Studios | 7 | Oiduts Studios (2009) |
I'm looking for help | fireshadow4126 | 7 | Jasu (2009) |
Encrypt/Protect Images and External Files | BLaBZ | 14 | Ross C (2009) |
Entity Texture | BLaBZ | 6 | Ross C (2009) |
Blitz3D and Vista; Computer says 'no' | GfK | 13 | smilertoo (2009) |
Finding a picture size ... | Sacha | 7 | Sacha (2009) |
Basic Delta Timing Explained | QuickSilva | 8 | Wings (2009) |
Stranded 2 now open source | Abrexxes | 2 | Wings (2009) |
Can someone refresh me on indexing surfaces please | puki | 11 | puki (2009) |
How to get input from guitar hero guitars with PC | Nate the Great | 9 | Ginger Tea (2009) |
Looking for Terrain creation software. | Swifty | 11 | Swifty (2009) |
selecting a particular type. | Pongo | 3 | Pongo (2009) |
Ashadow and fog | Svenart | 7 | D4NM4N (2009) |
Blitz3D & Vista x64 | Dazza | 7 | BlitzSupport (2009) |
Weird issw with TurnEntity (Possibly Float issue) | _PJ_ | 4 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Anyone with more than a 3 button mouse? | Pongo | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Convert pitch/yaw/roll to Vector | bytecode77 | 19 | bytecode77 (2009) |
Different type of loop | GIB3D | 12 | GIB3D (2009) |
Strange Float Screwup | Mortiis | 19 | Mortiis (2009) |
T.ed scene wont load | chrisnorris007 | 2 | chrisnorris007 (2009) |
Get pitch/yaw/roll from a rotation matrix | bytecode77 | 5 | bytecode77 (2009) |
In a bit of a fog... | Adam Novagen | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
ExecFile in fullscreen | HappyCat | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2009) |
importing leadwerks worldstudio level | chrisnorris007 | 2 | Mortiis (2009) |
Pixels to 3D coordinates | fireshadow4126 | 15 | fireshadow4126 (2009) |
Ctrl+C and all that | Adam Novagen | 3 | Adam Novagen (2009) |
window buttons refresh | Sacha | 3 | Sacha (2009) |
hiding entities in a single camera | Wigwam | 15 | Wigwam (2009) |
Particle system and editor in the works(Screen) | poopla | 5 | Wiebo (2009) |
Need BVH code reader for Blitz3D | bingman | 4 | ZJP (2009) |
Fullscreen minimized game - context menu problem. | TrionWork | 5 | TrionWork (2009) |
Execfile help! | SabataRH | 7 | Litobyte (2009) |
Updated my loadmesh function | Ross C | 3 | Ross C (2009) |
accelerations/deceleration code | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
Am I missing something?! | H. T. U. | 12 | H. T. U. (2009) |
WinBlitz3d version 1.1, dated 21/05/07?? | GrumpyOldMan | 6 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Converting Color to Another in RGB style | Mortiis | 10 | Mortiis (2009) |
Windows 7 | GrosseBuse | 2 | Ginger Tea (2009) |
Platformer systemic edge grabing | neoshaman | 25 | neoshaman (2009) |
issue with players updating | chrisnorris007 | 12 | GIB3D (2009) |
udp WAYYYY slow | chrisnorris007 | 5 | Gabriel (2009) |
problem with types, i'm officially confused | mtnhome3d | 8 | H. T. U. (2009) |
Alpha vs Mask issue | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2009) |
DevilGUI Position Window | Guy Fawkes | 2 | BoneStan (2009) |
coplanar triangles | Warner | 12 | Warner (2009) |
Highlight image border, make image act like button | Guy Fawkes | 13 | _PJ_ (2009) |
slider problem | Guy Fawkes | 3 | FlagDKT (2009) |
network help:someone please check this code out | chrisnorris007 | 6 | Matty (2009) |
Anisotropic filter? | Mr. Slat | 5 | Mustang (2009) |
level editor - best as a separate program? | MadJack | 17 | MadJack (2009) |
Devil gui isnt working right.. | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
SeedRnd creates pattern?! | H. T. U. | 8 | Ryudin (2009) |
animating characters during network update | chrisnorris007 | 4 | Ross C (2009) |
Controlling the application speed, How? | Mortiis | 15 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
HELP / NETWORKING - Simple chat program: | Crinkle | 2 | Wings (2009) |
Devil GUI | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Charrua (2009) |
Help fast forward, rewind function | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Problem with keeping multiple mesh surfaces... | OrcSlayer | 3 | OrcSlayer (2009) |
Help Dreamplayer 2.5 | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Verlet Blob | Buggy | 24 | Buggy (2009) |
does exist a complete B3D file format information? | Charrua | 6 | Charrua (2009) |
Network Ports - which to use? | Matty | 11 | Matty (2009) |
Help with Wb3d_ButtonState | Guy Fawkes | 9 | _PJ_ (2009) |
Help Project slow down | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Will there ever be updates | fred01 | 32 | Kryzon (2009) |
Help add play time to particle | Guy Fawkes | 40 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
Problems using TCP Networking - Ghost Characters | chrisnorris007 | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2009) |
How to determine song total length in minutes | Guy Fawkes | 31 | Buggy (2008) |
3DSMax animations have different speed in Blitz3D? | Kryzon | 5 | Kryzon (2008) |
Verlet Rope | Buggy | 4 | Buggy (2008) |
FreeImage Module Library? | System4 Studios | 10 | System4 Studios (2008) |
Help loop slow down | Guy Fawkes | 61 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Video playback | Sake906 | 3 | markcw (2008) |
Terrain alternative? | Sake906 | 13 | Sake906 (2008) |
Bloom filter and entityalpha ?! | FlagDKT | 5 | FlagDKT (2008) |
Disco Lights? | Guy Fawkes | 8 | Ross C (2008) |
How to create good menu-system? | PowerPC603 | 25 | Nate the Great (2008) |
Max resolution | EmerGki | 6 | t3K|Mac (2008) |
Winblitz3d and Dreamotion3d???? | GrumpyOldMan | 11 | GrumpyOldMan (2008) |
Web Server Cookies | xtremegamr | 6 | D4NM4N (2008) |
Help: mcisendstring play movie | Guy Fawkes | 1 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
SubtractMesh? | H. T. U. | 6 | H. T. U. (2008) |
Pitch, Yaw, Roll align Help | FlagDKT | 5 | FlagDKT (2008) |
Looking for Unofficial BlitzBasic PreProcessor | markcw | 10 | Nate the Great (2008) |
Help checkmark wb3d menu | Guy Fawkes | 2 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Help Something wrong w/ Const WB3D_EVENT_DRAGDROP | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
WB3D Help | Guy Fawkes | 4 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Sprite tearing on 8800GTX | Vorderman | 9 | Vorderman (2008) |
dx8sdk.zip and directshow | markcw | 2 | markcw (2008) |
BufferDirty command | Stephane | 7 | Stephane (2008) |
MD3 loader for B3D | Naughty Alien | 9 | Kryzon (2008) |
Chat/Programming | Christer | 4 | xtremegamr (2008) |
Vuzix IWEAR VR920 | dsp123 | 10 | Kryzon (2008) |
Pulse Signs | EmerGki | 5 | Kryzon (2008) |
Need Blitzmovie 1.2 | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
MD2 issue | Naughty Alien | 14 | Kryzon (2008) |
Help crater function | Guy Fawkes | 12 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Fun With Types | _PJ_ | 4 | Gabriel (2008) |
Help need hex chart | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
TCP....UDP...DirectPlay.....????? | Knight #51 | 2 | LineOf7s (2008) |
Wb3d lock window in position | Guy Fawkes | 7 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Help WM_Paint | Guy Fawkes | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Get pixel data outside of blitz3d window | mk2y10 | 12 | markcw (2008) |
Help wb3d drag event | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Knight #51 (2008) |
ALE Maps | Amanda Dearheart | 7 | Ross C (2008) |
strange Function behaviour?! | FlagDKT | 10 | FlagDKT (2008) |
wb3d drag files | Guy Fawkes | 13 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Need help: Interact program with phpweather 2.2.2 | Guy Fawkes | 2 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Help watch video with blitzbasic | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
variables and executable programs | syntax | 14 | chi (2008) |
Mouse arrow movement system | thelizardking | 4 | thelizardking (2008) |
fmod help | Guy Fawkes | 11 | Bobysait (2008) |
Function that returns a type | _33 | 39 | Bobysait (2008) |
Board Game Clone? | YellBellzDotCom | 25 | Knight #51 (2008) |
fmod licensing | Guy Fawkes | 4 | LineOf7s (2008) |
Car Gears and Velocity | Santiworld | 3 | EmerGki (2008) |
Cubemap order | Naughty Alien | 7 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Problems with full screen | eos | 21 | Bobysait (2008) |
WB3D get file name | Guy Fawkes | 3 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Analogue controller turning | Ross C | 6 | Ross C (2008) |
WB3D Menu select | Guy Fawkes | 5 | Guy Fawkes (2008) |
Dead Chaos won't run on my machine!!! | Amanda Dearheart | 18 | big10p (2008) |
How do i change the icon at the top of the page? | KillerX | 10 | Kryzon (2008) |
milkshape3D/easytok | Rroff | 1 | Rroff (2008) |
Anyone here use Giles? | Dicon | 11 | Ross C (2008) |
how to tokamak detect object not moving again? | bulat | 2 | Tom (2008) |
DDS textures | John Blackledge | 16 | Tom (2008) |
A new shadow system | Braincell | 12 | Zeotrope (2008) |
Blitz3d and vista strange tcpip firewall bugg. | Wings | 7 | Wings (2008) |
Blitz3D coordinates limit? | Sake906 | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
New softwear | Nike | 8 | Nike (2008) |
Reflections with bump | MikhailV | 20 | Moraldi (2008) |
Blitz's ODE Deleting a Trimesh | syntax | 1 | syntax (2008) |
Importing 3dstudio scene into Blitz 3D | Dicon | 29 | Dicon (2008) |
3d animation question | andy_mc | 9 | Kryzon (2008) |
Feature Request - For the debugger | hockings | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
XInput test... please try and help out! | SLotman | 16 | SLotman (2008) |
How do I read from a config file | andy_mc | 17 | Kryzon (2008) |
Collisions problems | jtassinari | 4 | IPete2 (2008) |
Blitz To Game System Question | Knight #51 | 15 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Sprite thrusters lag me! | Ryudin | 6 | Jasu (2008) |
Blitz3D Polymorphism/Incapsulation | Knight #51 | 3 | Knight #51 (2008) |
2D with Blitz3D | Uhfgood | 15 | cyberyoyo (2008) |
Molebox packer alternative ? | Filax | 20 | Nikko (2008) |
Infanite Parameters in a Function | Knight #51 | 11 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Game Engines??? | Knight #51 | 29 | andy_mc (2008) |
detecting a 3d conical range in front of an entity | Craig H. Nisbet | 8 | puki (2008) |
send file | panton | 2 | Matty (2008) |
Making a low poly lego brick | Blitzplotter | 17 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
ol' YAL | stayne | 4 | stayne (2008) |
Slow turn to point at entity? | Ryudin | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
Blitz 3D game content (Models) | Craig H. Nisbet | 14 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Camera angles and handling | Nate the Great | 3 | Stevie G (2008) |
Timer Question | jimmyx | 4 | GIB3D (2008) |
Save png/compressed image? | (tu) ENAY | 4 | (tu) ENAY (2008) |
Seperating the digits of a number | Andy | 3 | Andy (2008) |
How to scale masked images?? | Danny | 6 | Danny (2008) |
Adding to a type while processing.... | JBR | 3 | Stevie G (2008) |
Registry Access | wmaass | 1 | wmaass (2008) |
Pivot Point centering | Naughty Alien | 27 | Ross C (2008) |
MAV (Debug point to RenderWorld | EmerGki | 7 | EmerGki (2008) |
ClearWorld error? | SLotman | 7 | Warner (2008) |
there's any good(fast...) debug ide for blitz? | vivaigiochi | 3 | chi (2008) |
How to apply two textures to two sides of a cube | Blitzplotter | 8 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Texture Map Correction for spherical mapping | Krischan | 51 | Ross C (2008) |
Simulate Typing | Oiduts Studios | 8 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Neat TypeWriter Effect | Knight #51 | 1 | Knight #51 (2008) |
INI Chr Size? | boomboom | 4 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Question About Blitz3D | WERDNA | 5 | WERDNA (2008) |
Painting tris/faces | SabataRH | 3 | SabataRH (2008) |
fullscreen mirror | Pax | 11 | Kryzon (2008) |
Hide app | panton | 5 | panton (2008) |
Creating a 3D Grid | GIB3D | 13 | GIB3D (2008) |
Game Project | Knight #51 | 38 | andy_mc (2008) |
Meshes Not Working with LoadMesh | EmerGki | 9 | EmerGki (2008) |
Found some Free Skyboxes | Fuller | 9 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Blitz ScreenSaver Help | Knight #51 | 10 | PowerPC603 (2008) |
Fake volumetric clouds | bingman | 4 | puki (2008) |
Gears O' War (or other non-Nintendo) camera effect | thelizardking | 11 | Kryzon (2008) |
Arrays | mtnhome3d | 3 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
[help] spline like pathing interpolation code | Defoc8 | 8 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
File Streams - Appending to File | _PJ_ | 7 | bytecode77 (2008) |
slowing down a loop? | Sph!nx | 11 | Sph!nx (2008) |
New tutorials on YouTube - platform game engine | andy_mc | 1 | andy_mc (2008) |
Best global menu templates | Axel Wheeler | 5 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
Sticky? | Knight #51 | 8 | Knight #51 (2008) |
verlets......for beginners. | Knight #51 | 5 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Vector Help | Knight #51 | 17 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Delete files to Recycle Bin? | Danny | 15 | Kev (2008) |
Verlet Car Physics Help (PLEASSSSSEEEE) | Knight #51 | 4 | Knight #51 (2008) |
AVG flagging my program as a Trojan | Liberator | 15 | Liberator (2008) |
Verlet Car Physics Issue | Ridil | 2 | Knight #51 (2008) |
banks | Knight #51 | 8 | GIB3D (2008) |
normalmapping with 2 lights? | Svenart | 5 | Svenart (2008) |
File Help | Knight #51 | 3 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Flip command and GPU temperature | Moraldi | 11 | SLotman (2008) |
Entity Picking | Knight #51 | 6 | gameproducer (2008) |
Xors3d not working!!!! | Ben(t) | 17 | gameproducer (2008) |
How does Direct X do it? | Nate the Great | 11 | Xzider (2008) |
Online Play?? | Knight #51 | 12 | Xzider (2008) |
How to handle gun shots? | gameproducer | 22 | Kryzon (2008) |
Ban(g)ks! | Moraldi | 5 | Moraldi (2008) |
Car Physics | Nate the Great | 9 | Ridil (2008) |
Please help me align this :) | FlagDKT | 4 | Stevie G (2008) |
JFKs AVI decls | Doggie | 4 | 4pac (2008) |
B3D Pipeline export question | Naughty Alien | 4 | IPete2 (2008) |
Loading BSP's | Knight #51 | 15 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Vista and Monitor Power Saving | Henrik | 8 | Henrik (2008) |
Tformvector help | FlagDKT | 8 | FlagDKT (2008) |
memory acces violation | Santiworld | 6 | Santiworld (2008) |
Mesh Terrain -> Heightmap | Tab | 5 | Tab (2008) |
New game ENTITY Released | Swifty | 6 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Creating a .dll help | QuickSilva | 5 | QuickSilva (2008) |
Code Forums (AAAHHHHH!!!!!) | Knight #51 | 5 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Yahtzee Clone programming | Blitzblaster | 1 | Blitzblaster (2008) |
Media Management | xmlspy | 1 | xmlspy (2008) |
2D Array Help | Knight #51 | 7 | Knight #51 (2008) |
Any F-UI users ? | Ricky Smith | 13 | xmlspy (2008) |
Need help with Devil Shadow System | rtk | 1 | rtk (2008) |
Protecting game Media when publishing Open-Source? | Kryzon | 22 | Kryzon (2008) |
Only 1 listener? | SLotman | 8 | Nate the Great (2008) |
mysql dll? | vivaigiochi | 2 | IPete2 (2008) |
Keyboard buffer problem(?) | ervin | 3 | ervin (2008) |
List Of Meshes | Al Meyer | 4 | Al Meyer (2008) |
Line-to-Square Collision | Buggy | 3 | Jasu (2008) |
What's a Good 3d Animation Program? | Sir Gak | 13 | Kalisme (2008) |
Raycasting, but not sending a ray step by step? | bytecode77 | 15 | Kalisme (2008) |
Collisions: What do you recommend? | Sake906 | 6 | Nate the Great (2008) |
Free file uploader on www.dev-ch.de | bytecode77 | 2 | mongia2 (2008) |
Tire brakes trace on road | Naughty Alien | 10 | IPete2 (2008) |
Car physics - Friction- | Naughty Alien | 3 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Car speed calculus | Naughty Alien | 6 | Santiworld (2008) |
Heat Distortion | Zeotrope | 14 | Beaker (2008) |
Saving game profiles under Vista problem | MadJack | 6 | GfK (2008) |
Free3DSound missing? | xmlspy | 12 | Ben(t) (2008) |
Camera question | ervin | 11 | ervin (2008) |
To many lights? | Mr. Slat | 7 | bytecode77 (2008) |
file browser | Ben(t) | 2 | Kryzon (2008) |
MeshCullBox: hidden command?! where's the docs? | Kryzon | 7 | Kryzon (2008) |
best terrain editor for blitz? | vivaigiochi | 16 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Prime Finder | GIB3D | 10 | Buggy (2008) |
HUD elements placement regardless screen type | Naughty Alien | 5 | Sir Gak (2008) |
load textures from internet | augGa | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
sprite scale help | mtnhome3d | 3 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
converning the .label clause | _33 | 2 | Beaker (2008) |
Soccer table from Blitz to the net - how? | XE800 | 2 | t3K|Mac (2008) |
Terrain problem - height & smoothness | CakeMonitor | 10 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
image/texture inversion-negative | Mr Snidesmin | 4 | Mr Snidesmin (2008) |
Server Collisions | Linaxys | 3 | srcoder (2008) |
CameraZoom | EmerGki | 4 | EmerGki (2008) |
Devil Physic Engine 0.3b | bytecode77 | 15 | Play (2008) |
lighting a 3d world studio map | Ben(t) | 14 | Ben(t) (2008) |
Wrapping Common Dialog messages? | Kryzon | 3 | Kryzon (2008) |
Question about JV-ode vs. Blitz-ode | syntax | 2 | VIP3R (2008) |
Painting Decals onto Textured Meshes, how to? | Kryzon | 12 | Nate the Great (2008) |
Help! 256 flag + crashing on ATI | MadJack | 11 | MadJack (2008) |
3d Point'n'click (ie. Sam and Max) pathfinding? | JustLuke | 5 | xlsior (2008) |
Entitydistance(A,B) | Zeotrope | 8 | Stevie G (2008) |
Help with b3d animation internals | Billp | 5 | Billp (2008) |
Level editor - .b3d exporter | panton | 4 | Kryzon (2008) |
gun animation | panton | 4 | Kryzon (2008) |
Creating a mesh from quake/radiant .map brushes | Rroff | 5 | Rroff (2008) |
Breakable Limbs, How? | Mortiis | 7 | Mortiis (2008) |
b3d world scale | Joss Adley | 13 | Chroma (2008) |
Saving Cildren using b3dfile.bb | Billp | 3 | Billp (2008) |
Triangle sorting / blending question | Roland | 8 | Roland (2008) |
Initialization Checks | boomboom | 4 | Zeotrope (2008) |
B3D vs Torque: Development time? | mrtricks | 22 | GfK (2008) |
save/open window in blitz | mtnhome3d | 5 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Blending animations | LamptonWorm | 4 | GfK (2008) |
Reading from Blitz3D into DX9 (is this possible?) | Kryzon | 12 | Gabriel (2008) |
Locking B3D scaled window to certain sizes | QuickSilva | 3 | QuickSilva (2008) |
IDE for Blitz | 23v | 35 | Tab (2008) |
Publish Exe to web? | YellBellzDotCom | 3 | chi (2008) |
Browser Embedders? | YellBellzDotCom | 5 | YellBellzDotCom (2008) |
bisectmesh() function? | Axel Wheeler | 13 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
VARDX7.DLL | Vorderman | 13 | Sledge (2008) |
Turret Targeting | GIB3D | 14 | srcoder (2008) |
Help with normals... | Vertigo | 6 | srcoder (2008) |
Image Collision | GIB3D | 6 | GIB3D (2008) |
T.ED Terrain Issues | iamdaman13 | 7 | D4NM4N (2008) |
Pointentity Problem | Buggy | 34 | Bailius Maximus (2008) |
.b3d mesh animation | Ben(t) | 13 | t3K|Mac (2008) |
Entity access | Naughty Alien | 17 | SytzeZ (2008) |
CameraZoom question | Axel Wheeler | 10 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
EntityInView with types | spriteman | 15 | Sledge (2008) |
Particle plane/Objects on scene intersection | Naughty Alien | 3 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
Pausing and Resuming an Animation using Animate? | FlagDKT | 12 | IPete2 (2008) |
using timer to change levels | dena | 3 | dena (2008) |
bouncing | Ben(t) | 9 | Charrua (2008) |
2 Collision Problems | Kryzon | 6 | Kryzon (2008) |
B3DViewer 2.0 Beta | Filax | 29 | System4 Studios (2008) |
Select and move grid snapped obj problem | LamptonWorm | 3 | LamptonWorm (2008) |
ActiveX and B3d | IPete2 | 6 | nanahuatzin (2008) |
2D World | GIB3D | 2 | GIB3D (2008) |
Custom Type Name error | Naughty Alien | 2 | Floyd (2008) |
Draw3D 3.2 (+ Physix V 1.0) | Abrexxes | 17 | cyberyoyo (2008) |
New commands for blitz3d! | bytecode77 | 33 | bytecode77 (2008) |
ripples | chwaga | 13 | bytecode77 (2008) |
SpriteCandy - HUD_GetObjectX on Groups? | Mortiis | 4 | Uncle (2008) |
Need 2d functions | _33 | 16 | _33 (2008) |
Collision Problems | Billp | 3 | Vertigo (2008) |
Clipboard MAV & pointer question. | D4NM4N | 4 | markcw (2008) |
Need help with OSAKIT | Link | 17 | Link (2008) |
Masking Problem | mkg | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
EntityFX 16 | Naughty Alien | 2 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
MiniMap - How to... | panton | 4 | Xaron (2008) |
embed a blitz3d game onto a website using HTML | Link | 15 | Sphinx (2008) |
Type object selection using camera pick | spriteman | 6 | Ross C (2008) |
Blitz's TCP idles very long before sending data... | bytecode77 | 11 | Vertigo (2008) |
TerrainDetail | John Blackledge | 7 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Tomb Raider style | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Looking for a programmer include Sprite Candy | Blitzblaster | 7 | Mortiis (2008) |
Sound file length | Naughty Alien | 2 | Ginger Tea (2008) |
Animated images... | IPete2 | 3 | IPete2 (2008) |
Memory Leak - common problems, tracking down | LamptonWorm | 5 | LamptonWorm (2008) |
Ray Pick | Naughty Alien | 8 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Texture index and mask | Naughty Alien | 8 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Simple File Open Dialog? | LamptonWorm | 4 | LamptonWorm (2008) |
Circle movement. | spriteman | 4 | Stevie G (2008) |
Collision detection library | Naughty Alien | 8 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Save mesh+children+textures to single mesh+texture | LamptonWorm | 4 | LamptonWorm (2008) |
import b3d into 3dsmax? | vivaigiochi | 4 | vivaigiochi (2008) |
Finding all entities within a radius | Swifty | 9 | Ross C (2008) |
BlitzBasic3D | Andrew Mann2 | 11 | D4NM4N (2008) |
Good physics engine | Ben(t) | 19 | Ben(t) (2008) |
looking for dsvideolib | Pax | 1 | Pax (2008) |
I would pay £200 for Blitz3d DX9! | Neochrome | 129 | Sledge (2008) |
The "ping" network command | _33 | 6 | _33 (2008) |
ScaleMesh and Animated B3D Models | Mortiis | 9 | nawi (2008) |
MMorpg or MMofps in Blitz3d | panton | 17 | Wings (2008) |
Bigger Integers in Blitz | SytzeZ | 8 | Ross C (2008) |
Physx | Rroff | 12 | Rroff (2008) |
Single Surface! AHHG!! | Neochrome | 11 | Stevie G (2008) |
need help in a math problem | Charrua | 3 | Charrua (2008) |
disappointed in Blitz 3D book | rod54 | 11 | rod54 (2008) |
Tile texture on mesh? | LamptonWorm | 14 | LamptonWorm (2008) |
Numeric keypad | Gerard | 6 | Ginger Tea (2008) |
Appending data to a file | _33 | 4 | _33 (2008) |
Uv mapping how it works in blitz3d? | Azaratur | 7 | Azaratur (2008) |
Progress update. | Swifty | 3 | Swifty (2008) |
Brush chunk and number of textures? | JoshK | 2 | Ross C (2008) |
blitz 3d fliping direct x model | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | Craig H. Nisbet (2008) |
Can I mention eBay auction? (locked) | Tobo | 1 | Tobo (2008) |
Create a texture with alpha? | Sake906 | 8 | Sake906 (2008) |
TCP to file | blackbag | 2 | D4NM4N (2008) |
gui troubles | mtnhome3d | 8 | Stevie G (2008) |
Ambient Occlusion Simulate | DareDevil | 49 | Tab (2008) |
Hide Entity from specific Camera | LamptonWorm | 10 | Ross C (2008) |
Another Triangle thing :-/ | TeraBit | 10 | Ross C (2008) |
Linepick animated mesh | LamptonWorm | 6 | Ross C (2008) |
ExecFile command | Gerard | 7 | Gerard (2008) |
That Black Light demo - anyone know how it works? | Vorderman | 7 | markcw (2008) |
PC speaker beep | _33 | 7 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
When window lost focus, joysick became weird | amitjf | 4 | amitjf (2008) |
api_GetWindowText | plash | 7 | Kev (2008) |
Screensavers: intercept screen shutdown events | alain | 2 | alain (2008) |
Problems wrapping a dll | bytecode77 | 15 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Need help for Renderware, RWX files | Linaxys | 1 | Linaxys (2008) |
Download Levels From The Web | boomboom | 17 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Distance value between pivot and entity surface | Naughty Alien | 12 | boomboom (2008) |
Hunted Blitz3d source code (no media) | * | 12 | * (2008) |
Rotate Triangle | TeraBit | 9 | TeraBit (2008) |
Strange problems with full vs demo, need help | LedgerARC | 11 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Accessing BackBuffer() = slow(?!) | Kryzon | 18 | Kryzon (2008) |
Possible createtexture bug in blitz | Matty | 7 | PowerPC603 (2008) |
Enemy AI's | Church | 4 | puki (2008) |
Enemy AI Programming | Church | 2 | KillerX (2008) |
For...Next help | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
black smoke | Ben(t) | 8 | Ben(t) (2008) |
reposted from Blitzmax / Blender export prob. | Dicon | 4 | D4NM4N (2008) |
blitzcc.exe has stopped working? | CopperCircle | 10 | CopperCircle (2008) |
Multiple ViewPorts and SkyBoxes | SLotman | 2 | SLotman (2008) |
Creation of multiple meshes and textures. | Dicon | 6 | Dicon (2008) |
Robs Normal Mapping Statue code and demo? | IPete2 | 22 | Chroma (2008) |
The creation of a multi-player-online game... | Swifty | 4 | Swifty (2008) |
[Help] Theorizing Motion Blur | Kryzon | 22 | Kryzon (2008) |
Space Sim Backgrounds/Skybox | RexRhino | 6 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
Normal mapping | Azaratur | 9 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
Character animation. | Hambone | 4 | Hambone (2008) |
Network for a MMOFPS | panton | 6 | Xaron (2008) |
Raknet- ERROR | panton | 10 | panton (2008) |
CD Covers How to use 5000 Surfaces, is it possible | Rob Pearmain | 7 | Ross C (2008) |
Binary not operation??? | Mr Snidesmin | 4 | Floyd (2008) |
In-Game Icons | Buggy | 9 | Buggy (2008) |
Lightwave B3d Export | LostCargo | 16 | TeraBit (2008) |
Grabbing the screen image | chwaga | 7 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Carrying variables from a VC++ application | chwaga | 4 | chwaga (2008) |
(API) applying current visual style to window | bytecode77 | 5 | bytecode77 (2008) |
antialias | Jerome Squalor | 14 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
DirectX | Jerome Squalor | 4 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
My exe wants to know its name! | bytecode77 | 6 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Can anyone explain to me "render tween"? | Azaratur | 4 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Hide/Show and Position Problem | Buggy | 10 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Trouble with startnetgame | LedgerARC | 4 | YellBellzDotCom (2008) |
SystemProperty for My Documents? | Gillissie | 3 | Gillissie (2008) |
is there a dll for wiimote for b3d? | Charrua | 4 | Charrua (2008) |
can't see cubemapping with vga SYS 650 | vivaigiochi | 3 | GfK (2008) |
obscure mathamatics problem | Kalisme | 4 | Bobysait (2008) |
TFormVector in math | Craig H. Nisbet | 2 | Ross C (2008) |
Help check this idea | Nack | 6 | _33 (2008) |
Mirroring Collision Shapes in Sprite Candy? | mkg | 2 | ShadowTurtle (2008) |
Ambient Occlusion | DareDevil | 14 | _33 (2008) |
Why dosent DX9 work? | Chaosspear | 7 | Chaosspear (2008) |
Light and camera with B3D pipeline | gotelin | 12 | IPete2 (2008) |
Disable z-sorting? | _33 | 2 | Ross C (2008) |
Large (2D) levels | Headdy | 18 | Headdy (2008) |
3D Scaleing (Help) | Christer | 7 | Riskjockey (2008) |
Help with Entity Order | DheDarkhCustard | 2 | Ross C (2008) |
Render larger than screen? | Danny | 7 | Danny (2008) |
function to rotate a vector | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | Floyd (2008) |
Request for simple, fast A* code! | chwaga | 5 | John Blackledge (2008) |
step with a file read variable | sting | 8 | Warner (2008) |
Partnership | Baystep Productions | 3 | Baystep Productions (2008) |
point in 3d triangle | Warner | 5 | Warner (2008) |
x360 support/config | mtnhome3d | 10 | Pongo (2008) |
Rent a coder: camera routine | Al Meyer | 18 | SabataRH (2008) |
floting-point camerazoom distortion | H. T. U. | 27 | H. T. U. (2008) |
weired... debug issue. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 15 | Paul "Taiphoz" (2008) |
Shadows with Fastext Lib... | Tab | 2 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
TCP-ing from client(s) to a server | Blitzplotter | 6 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Looking for Blitz3D Material Editor | markcw | 4 | markcw (2008) |
Bounding Box Wire | Naughty Alien | 13 | Stevie G (2008) |
Perlin Noise function | Craig H. Nisbet | 2 | Gabriel (2008) |
Programming robots/spiders using TCP | bytecode77 | 4 | nawi (2008) |
GNet Download? | Gabriel | 3 | Gabriel (2008) |
Low Resolution Fullscreen | Reda Borchardt | 6 | Ross C (2008) |
Findchild types? | Jerome Squalor | 2 | Zethrax (2008) |
Which Sprite Library? | Headdy | 14 | Headdy (2008) |
Walking sound for my FPS | panton | 7 | panton (2008) |
3d World Studio (locked) | panton | 1 | panton (2008) |
Function G2(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, Radius) | Staton_Richardson | 20 | Ice9 (2008) |
Looking for Ultimate Single Surface Collection | markcw | 10 | markcw (2008) |
3D world Creator | panton | 12 | Moraldi (2008) |
Byte per byte download is slow! | bytecode77 | 8 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Blitz doesn't like downloading PHP files | bytecode77 | 6 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Spotlight effect | Bankie | 3 | Bankie (2008) |
Texturing splattering on terrain using blending. | Wings | 20 | Wings (2008) |
Flip hortizonial sprite | Nack | 8 | Nack (2008) |
Shading Terrains? | amitjf | 6 | amitjf (2008) |
Some questions - Making an online game | Mortiis | 5 | Vertigo (2008) |
camera orbit | Bob13 | 2 | Moraldi (2008) |
Heightmaps | stayne | 21 | Wings (2008) |
Create a compression system | Azaratur | 9 | Snarkbait (2008) |
Grab the screen | Naughty Alien | 5 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
I need an expert in 3dsmax! (locked) | Azaratur | 1 | Azaratur (2008) |
Visual basic graphic engine (locked) | Azaratur | 3 | Azaratur (2008) |
Sprite Candy collisions | mkg | 1 | mkg (2008) |
Modelling Problem? (locked) | amitjf | 1 | amitjf (2008) |
Simple scripting library | Baystep Productions | 1 | Baystep Productions (2008) |
Creating a sound system - How to | cyberyoyo | 4 | cyberyoyo (2008) |
YAL help | Nexus6 | 8 | Nack (2008) |
Programming Poker | Mortiis | 10 | Mortiis (2008) |
Lnk files/shortcuts | Nicstt | 2 | Kev (2008) |
Drawing triangles quickly | amitjf | 19 | Axel Wheeler (2008) |
CameraClsColor replacement | Naughty Alien | 10 | Ross C (2008) |
Looking for Grayscaling Effect? | Baystep Productions | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
Blitz3d upgrade | Dicon | 5 | GfK (2008) |
Server question | Farflame | 7 | Farflame (2008) |
Radial Gradient? | JA2 | 17 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
freeentity on a copied mesh? | stayne | 5 | stayne (2008) |
Blitz3D and Vista | Amanda Dearheart | 10 | LiamShearer (2008) |
Alpha vertex terrain stuff | Rob Farley | 28 | Wings (2008) |
more collision questions` | Link | 3 | Link (2008) |
Addmesh only add poly infos ? | Bobysait | 5 | puki (2008) |
I game like Myst | K1.2 | 5 | K1.2 (2008) |
Moving an object is not smooth.. why? | alain | 8 | Bobysait (2008) |
Screen Ratio | Naughty Alien | 6 | _33 (2008) |
More boring zooming questions... | hollifd | 14 | Ross C (2008) |
Space Movement Help | Rimmsy | 2 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
DEM/DTM map loading | amitjf | 1 | amitjf (2008) |
Compiler related question | _33 | 4 | _33 (2008) |
Game Ideas? | Jerome Squalor | 9 | andy_mc (2008) |
networking | mtnhome3d | 4 | Wings (2008) |
multi player | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
How to run WndProc? | amitjf | 9 | Kev (2008) |
TCP in B3D Rox | Blitzplotter | 1 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Devil Shder | Azaratur | 4 | Azaratur (2008) |
not a mesh error | mtnhome3d | 3 | Stevie G (2008) |
APPLYING TO TRANSPARENCIAS IMAGES | demuvi | 3 | markcw (2008) |
3 Blur effekts by Jan | seferey | 7 | Play (2008) |
RPG-type damage calculations | stayne | 14 | Terry B. (2008) |
Memory resident executables? | ervin | 6 | ervin (2008) |
Has anyone ever used BulletML with blitz? | Roland | 11 | Haddad (2008) |
usb | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
Sprite in front of the camera | demuvi | 2 | Ross C (2008) |
Screen Shatter Effect | JA2 | 11 | Yo! Wazzup? (2008) |
Split Screen | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | amitjf (2008) |
How to know if a triangle is facing the camera? | Uncle | 11 | JoeGr (2008) |
Best physics solution? | chwaga | 11 | chwaga (2008) |
dont laugh | Oiduts Studios | 20 | Oiduts Studios (2008) |
B3D lipsync | Naughty Alien | 11 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
cube map | Ben(t) | 2 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
game/particle candy | Oiduts Studios | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
particle candy | Oiduts Studios | 4 | Oiduts Studios (2008) |
System startup | bytecode77 | 3 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Find autostart directory? | bytecode77 | 1 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Aplication launched via GPO on a domain. | Lord_Troll | 6 | Yo! Wazzup? (2008) |
.X > ..3ds | CodeOrc | 4 | ZJP (2008) |
Looking for imagine library | Uncle | 2 | Uncle (2008) |
creating a online game | Oiduts Studios | 7 | LineOf7s (2008) |
Types scan | Naughty Alien | 6 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
decrypting help!! | blade007 | 2 | H. T. U. (2008) |
H20 | stayne | 9 | stayne (2008) |
Free character entity from Type collection | Naughty Alien | 10 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Calling Blitz Function | Nack | 6 | markcw (2008) |
Masking vs alpha. Performance increase? | Ross C | 7 | t3K|Mac (2008) |
Protean IDE crashes when opening a menu item | bytecode77 | 22 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Test my laser cannon please | Ross C | 27 | Oiduts Studios (2008) |
Color changing help. | Ross C | 8 | Ross C (2008) |
anything wrong? | Oiduts Studios | 5 | H. T. U. (2008) |
How to return the WAN IP? | stayne | 2 | GfK (2008) |
B3D PIpeline Online Help | Bobysait | 1 | Bobysait (2008) |
Need help with gnet | panton | 3 | CodeOrc (2008) |
BlitzPlay Pro v 2.2 | Naughty Alien | 9 | boomboom (2008) |
Angle Issue | Nack | 4 | Floyd (2008) |
If/EndIf for IDE autoindent | Curtastic | 3 | Curtastic (2008) |
CountVertices question.. | FlagDKT | 13 | big10p (2008) |
Can you wireframe a single object? | puki | 8 | puki (2008) |
planet orbit alg | verfum | 4 | GfK (2008) |
Is there a way to put my game on my ipod? | nerdy_kid | 7 | nerdy_kid (2008) |
FPSNet by Jeremy | LiamShearer | 3 | RepeatUntil (2008) |
Are trig tables still quicker | andy_mc | 11 | Danny (2008) |
please, help with car physics.. | Santiworld | 6 | Santiworld (2008) |
Paint\Draw | Jerome Squalor | 4 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
why dosent work? | Santiworld | 5 | puki (2008) |
Question about EntityPitch | gilk | 3 | Floyd (2008) |
Sphere Line | Nack | 2 | Jasu (2008) |
My CubeMapping Doesn't look right | FBEpyon | 13 | FBEpyon (2008) |
Ireegular shaped object collision detection | Link | 10 | Link (2008) |
smaller code | Oiduts Studios | 15 | MaximilianPs (2008) |
What's the math behind DELTAYAW? | FlagDKT | 3 | FlagDKT (2008) |
I wish i could see Collision Spheres | nerdy_kid | 10 | Ross C (2008) |
hot to slowly rotate one object towards another | D_Town_Tony | 4 | D_Town_Tony (2008) |
TCP Server doesn't work | panton | 10 | panton (2008) |
Global child positions | Ross C | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
Effificient particles in 2D | andy_mc | 5 | andy_mc (2008) |
CUbe Mapping issues | Jerome Squalor | 7 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
B3D animations | Naughty Alien | 13 | Ross C (2008) |
programming a share-it keygen | MadJack | 3 | MadJack (2008) |
SetAnimKey | Nack | 3 | Nack (2008) |
Removing Blitz 3D Startup Window | QuickSilva | 3 | markcw (2008) |
Voxel Landscapes | _33 | 2 | Dreamora (2008) |
Need to work on 2 screens | _33 | 11 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Gizmo | Azaratur | 14 | LineOf7s (2008) |
UpdateNormals() | JBR | 4 | JBR (2008) |
Brisk VM2 how to... | _33 | 9 | _33 (2008) |
Packing DLL | Nack | 6 | Armor Nick (2008) |
strange happenings | mtnhome3d | 12 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
winblitz3D ListView | Nack | 4 | Nack (2008) |
Memory Access Violation | WolRon | 26 | WolRon (2008) |
Has anyone wrapped this Wii Remote Lib? | Roland | 4 | Roland (2008) |
more fun with vectors...whooohooo | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | big10p (2008) |
vector mirroring or bouncing? | Craig H. Nisbet | 2 | Craig H. Nisbet (2008) |
Masking or occluding image strips in real time? | Avrigus | 15 | Ross C (2008) |
UpdateWorld x ? | Santiworld | 9 | Santiworld (2008) |
Outlining meshes | Nack | 11 | Stevie G (2008) |
2 Step Forwards, 1 Step Back | boomboom | 11 | boomboom (2008) |
TCP and UDP => How do I push? | bytecode77 | 11 | Dreamora (2008) |
UDP Multiplayer | KillerX | 9 | KillerX (2008) |
Accessing the name of a "Child" | Hosh | 4 | nawi (2008) |
Detail maps | Naughty Alien | 6 | Dreamora (2008) |
Translating a 2D circle into a 3D enviroment | MaximusPrimal | 2 | Stevie G (2008) |
Hue Shift (like photoshop) Effect | Roland | 12 | sswift (2008) |
BASS.DLL -- looping a sound? | Roland | 8 | Roland (2008) |
Resize Animated Mesh | NTense | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
bullet mode help | mtnhome3d | 6 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Saving a PNG? | John Pickford | 22 | markcw (2008) |
saving image | Oiduts Studios | 17 | Shifty Geezer (2008) |
whats wrong | Oiduts Studios | 7 | WolRon (2008) |
data | Oiduts Studios | 8 | WolRon (2008) |
white | Oiduts Studios | 3 | Oiduts Studios (2008) |
How Can you Tell if Mouse is outside Window? | Midnight | 8 | Oiduts Studios (2008) |
Draw3D (by hectic) | Abrexxes | 54 | Abrexxes (2008) |
Writing bits | ringwraith | 16 | ringwraith (2008) |
BRAIN FART GUYS! HELP | Neochrome | 19 | Neochrome (2008) |
Render to texture - Speed test | Ross C | 16 | Dreamora (2008) |
dont make fun of me (locked) | Oiduts Studios | 4 | tonyg (2008) |
OMG! Shadow system update! | sswift | 59 | sswift (2008) |
Linepick Radius | cash | 2 | Zethrax (2008) |
Hey Mark! | sswift | 13 | Dreamora (2008) |
traingle rotation angles | Sanctus | 6 | big10p (2008) |
damage effect | cash | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
Window always on top? | bytecode77 | 11 | chi (2008) |
Walking through walls collision problem | ringwraith | 8 | ringwraith (2008) |
Moving objects | Oiduts Studios | 11 | Ross C (2008) |
Need help on a System Call - $25 reward! :) | Midnight | 12 | nrasool (2008) |
gnet problems... | Barton | 1 | Barton (2008) |
AI | Jerome Squalor | 19 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Character Animation System | boomboom | 2 | Doggie (2008) |
If/then statement problem | Chad | 7 | Stevie G (2008) |
Blitz Mastering | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
protecting my projects CD/DVDs:) | ThomasD | 17 | Ross C (2008) |
Tree Menu | boomboom | 2 | big10p (2008) |
Path Maker | nerdy_kid | 7 | nerdy_kid (2008) |
Alpha water problem | ringwraith | 10 | ringwraith (2008) |
MeshTerrainY | ringwraith | 11 | ringwraith (2008) |
reverse camera project | Leon Drake | 10 | Leon Drake (2008) |
IA crash with evertingh | Santiworld | 2 | puki (2008) |
rendering | Doggie | 3 | Doggie (2008) |
Want to clarify AddMesh | Nack | 4 | Shambler (2008) |
help with BSP | Neochrome | 4 | Neochrome (2008) |
How to make Smart Guys... | nerdy_kid | 5 | Jsoren (2008) |
shadow help | mtnhome3d | 1 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Web Server Hangs | asdfasdf | 6 | Spencer (2008) |
Need help with ICON | panton | 5 | panton (2008) |
Texture Width/Height | Nack | 6 | Nack (2008) |
List all available LAN IP's using subnet mask | bytecode77 | 7 | Chi3f Stadi (2008) |
Draw3D v3.1 | Abrexxes | 11 | cyberyoyo (2008) |
Tip borne from frustration... | Ross C | 1 | Ross C (2008) |
Jumpy Animation | Chad | 3 | Chad (2008) |
Texture scaling (bicubic needed) | FlagDKT | 1 | FlagDKT (2008) |
Calling a Blitz exe from Vbasic 6.0 | caviedes | 7 | nerdy_kid (2008) |
Anmiated character control.. | Naughty Alien | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
another entityvisible question | cash | 8 | GfK (2008) |
is EntityVisible what's REALLY slow? | syntax | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
Scripting language | Nack | 7 | Koriolis (2008) |
Exclude a mesh from a light | FlagDKT | 16 | Ross C (2008) |
UniCode GUI | boomboom | 3 | boomboom (2008) |
Turn points arround the center by x degrees? | bytecode77 | 3 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Tom Speed Render To Texture Demo | nrasool | 3 | nrasool (2008) |
escape charactors for Blitz strings? | Craig H. Nisbet | 8 | Jellon (2008) |
AcceptTCPStream() does return zero! | bytecode77 | 6 | bytecode77 (2008) |
mipmap distance | EmerGki | 5 | FlagDKT (2008) |
List LAN hosters? - Maybee HostIP()? | bytecode77 | 5 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Loading images | ervin | 5 | ervin (2008) |
Devil Gui Tutorials? | IPete2 | 12 | IPete2 (2008) |
.b3ds and strange tris | mtnhome3d | 15 | John Blackledge (2008) |
Reading file from internet.. | Chimeara | 11 | Zethrax (2008) |
Help with editor | Spike314 | 5 | Spike314 (2008) |
Making A Button | Link | 8 | Ross C (2008) |
Viruses/malware - even spam - turned into 3D art | puki | 3 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
Writing to internet Files | Chimeara | 2 | Ked (2008) |
Particle systems on models | ringwraith | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
after good old blitzUI | Spike314 | 8 | markcw (2008) |
Delta Timing need help | QuickSilva | 6 | QuickSilva (2008) |
3d math help+DOT3... i think? | Ross C | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
Breaking complex polys into quads | MadJack | 2 | MadJack (2008) |
help with rendering to texture | mtnhome3d | 5 | mtnhome3d (2008) |
cubemap water by Rob (request) | plash | 4 | plash (2008) |
Alpha problems | Ross C | 20 | IPete2 (2008) |
Not a Number debugging | Jasu | 4 | Jasu (2008) |
Sprite Candy - Image Packer Problem | Mortiis | 4 | Dreamora (2008) |
Dll to extend blitz3d | Billp | 3 | Billp (2008) |
Texture loaded, but TexturePath$() not returning.. | Ross C | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
Sound Input | Whats My Face | 3 | OJay (2008) |
Controling Processes | mk2y10 | 3 | puki (2008) |
Data Compression | ringwraith | 6 | Snarkbait (2008) |
Dynamic Health Bar using Sprite Candy, How? | Mortiis | 3 | tonyg (2008) |
Global Variables alphabetically sorted in debug.. | semar | 2 | Stevie G (2008) |
PoineEntity | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Jerome Squalor (2008) |
Get RGB values in Sprite Candy | mkg | 6 | Ross C (2008) |
Distance | ringwraith | 18 | ringwraith (2008) |
Anyone figured out the perfect camzoom for skyboxi | D4NM4N | 5 | Zethrax (2008) |
Why chalk blue? | Whats My Face | 4 | Whats My Face (2008) |
Packaging Assets | Paulus | 6 | GrahamK (2008) |
Dx9 | Nice_But_Dim | 19 | SabataRH (2008) |
Swift Shadow Transparency | Naughty Alien | 2 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Cubemapping a snaking river | Ross C | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
Make a curve... | Tab | 15 | Tab (2008) |
How to track pixels? | CopperCircle | 10 | Andy (2008) |
Ashadow experts | SabataRH | 4 | SabataRH (2008) |
Web Cam & Blitz3d | CyberPackRat | 6 | CyberPackRat (2008) |
Creating a selection box rectangle in Blitz3D? | Kozmi | 4 | markcw (2008) |
movie editting | chwaga | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2008) |
nearest cube | cash | 6 | cash (2008) |
Entityparent similar function help | FlagDKT | 6 | FlagDKT (2008) |
CreateMirror vs EntityOrder | jfk EO-11110 | 12 | Sledge (2008) |
How do banks use the momory? | bytecode77 | 10 | Jasu (2008) |
CommandLine() bad for opening files... | bytecode77 | 12 | bytecode77 (2008) |
Ensuring cubemaps are going to work. | Damien Sturdy | 3 | Damien Sturdy (2008) |
Problem with Draw3D and bitmap fonts | cyberyoyo | 5 | DareDevil (2008) |
ClearWorld and Includes?? | Naughty Alien | 18 | D4NM4N (2008) |
How to Animate and .X file? | EmerGki | 5 | EmerGki (2008) |
Parent of a vertex | syntax | 11 | Leon Drake (2008) |
copy and paste o.O | blade007 | 11 | D4NM4N (2008) |
Speular | Jerome Squalor | 4 | puki (2008) |
Network Code | ringwraith | 39 | Wings (2008) |
Resizeable windowmode and immediately maximize! | bytecode77 | 8 | bytecode77 (2008) |
The 3D grid | BLaBZ | 11 | FBEpyon (2008) |
Writing a wrapper for a DLL | Craig H. Nisbet | 15 | Dreamora (2008) |
alpha with images? | aristid | 5 | Dreamora (2008) |
How to make a blitz dll | Jerome Squalor | 6 | .rIKmAN. (2008) |
3d model from video feed | Lane | 5 | Ross C (2008) |
CopyEntity/CopyMesh mess | Naughty Alien | 3 | Sledge (2008) |
Baking textures | Dicon | 3 | Filax (2008) |
Entityparent bug? | FlagDKT | 3 | FlagDKT (2008) |
Help function to know a triangle-box intersection | patmaba | 8 | Jasu (2008) |
.decls | Jerome Squalor | 7 | .rIKmAN. (2008) |
Bug with 2D experiment | Chaduke | 3 | Chaduke (2008) |
Blendshapes / Morphing Meshes? | SausageOfDoom | 5 | SausageOfDoom (2008) |
EnvMap question | FlagDKT | 4 | Ross C (2008) |
camerapick question | cash | 4 | Matty (2008) |
@MadJack | Naughty Alien | 1 | Naughty Alien (2008) |
Project a small alphablended circle shadow | FlagDKT | 4 | FlagDKT (2008) |
What do you want from Bass 2.4 ? | Abrexxes | 5 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Texturing cubes | Nack | 16 | Blitzplotter (2008) |
Problem creating installer... | JA2 | 3 | JA2 (2008) |
Title Bar Icon... | JA2 | 5 | JA2 (2008) |
Animating in 3DS Max 9 | syntax | 5 | syntax (2008) |
DeltaYaw() | Jerome Squalor | 4 | Dreamora (2008) |
OmniMap api - Anyone ? | IPete2 | 1 | IPete2 (2008) |
GetChild | Jerome Squalor | 8 | cash (2007) |
Selecting Tris with in a Cube | Moore | 7 | deps (2007) |
Do i need to call 'bbBeginBlitz3D' to use... (locked) | Kale Kold | 1 | Kale Kold (2007) |
Convert true color image to -- a few colors -- | bytecode77 | 5 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Does this work? | Jerome Squalor | 8 | _33 (2007) |
B3D Files and Lightmaps | Moore | 3 | Moore (2007) |
line pick (locked) | Ben(t) | 1 | Ben(t) (2007) |
Real 3D | Jerome Squalor | 11 | Ked (2007) |
jfk's B3D exporter | ringwraith | 5 | ringwraith (2007) |
elevators (how the heck do they work?) | Ben(t) | 19 | Ben(t) (2007) |
Blitz UI editing - Need help (you do the hard bit) | Picklesworth | 6 | Spacechimp (2007) |
Enable BackFaceCulling | Naughty Alien | 11 | Stevie G (2007) |
TFORM!!?? (locked) | Jerome Squalor | 1 | Jerome Squalor (2007) |
'Windows - No Disk' Bug? | boomboom | 4 | Kev (2007) |
Trigger system | Naughty Alien | 5 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Need online help | XtremeCoder | 2 | Matty (2007) |
Animated Texture with DDS | Mortiis | 15 | _33 (2007) |
Current music volume | Ekix | 9 | Ekix (2007) |
Particles getting deleted | Pete Carter | 3 | Pete Carter (2007) |
"Snapping" bones to meshes | xtremegamr | 14 | t3K|Mac (2007) |
WinBlitz3D | big10p | 14 | big10p (2007) |
Creating a high score table | Tobo | 2 | Yan (2007) |
Child Position | Nack | 3 | Nack (2007) |
Erratic Sprite Behavior | stayne | 14 | lo-tekk (2007) |
Monitor | Jerome Squalor | 4 | GfK (2007) |
Entityblend = 2, no alpha | Vorderman | 4 | Vorderman (2007) |
Aligning a shadow to a mesh | Vorderman | 6 | Vorderman (2007) |
Texture access | Naughty Alien | 4 | Ross C (2007) |
Bone animation | _33 | 16 | syntax (2007) |
Finally .. Flash in Blitz!! | PsychicParrot | 49 | cash (2007) |
Fading Fog + Skymap ?! | Danny | 7 | Danny (2007) |
Willing to pay for decent 3d platform source. | Vertigo | 6 | IPete2 (2007) |
BSP | Jerome Squalor | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
ClearSurface Function | ringwraith | 8 | Danny (2007) |
GetMatElement MatToEuler | Bobysait | 1 | Bobysait (2007) |
multiople textures + closed mesh | _33 | 6 | _33 (2007) |
Cube inside to mesh | Azaratur | 5 | Azaratur (2007) |
This is driving me mad | Ion | 4 | markcw (2007) |
Alpha texture | Bob13 | 15 | Gillissie (2007) |
Forcing Anti-Aliasing for B3D stuff | Dock | 35 | Dreamora (2007) |
User 32 - Workspace Size | boomboom | 6 | Kev (2007) |
B3D Pipeline | Blitz3dCoder | 17 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Jagged Terrain Edges | stayne | 5 | Leon Drake (2007) |
How to implement license keys for Games? | KuRiX2 | 6 | KuRiX2 (2007) |
A little TCP problem (reusing streams)... | ChrML | 37 | Litobyte (2007) |
BlitzMovie | boomboom | 4 | boomboom (2007) |
Alternative Sound Engine? | Uncle | 3 | Uncle (2007) |
need OUT, INP substitutes | jfk EO-11110 | 10 | Panno (2007) |
Format help | Azaratur | 4 | Azaratur (2007) |
Lighting | Ben(t) | 10 | Ben(t) (2007) |
Entity within BOX | Naughty Alien | 5 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Mesh outline | Moraldi | 15 | Moraldi (2007) |
Entity does not exist | JBazarra | 7 | JBazarra (2007) |
specular | Ruz | 33 | Pongo (2007) |
Ultimate Tricky Mesh Question of the Week | Roland | 12 | Roland (2007) |
Texture LOD | Naughty Alien | 8 | Dreamora (2007) |
Maths genius needed... | JA2 | 3 | JA2 (2007) |
new b3d software protector demo | Kev | 6 | Kev (2007) |
Separating a line of cubes? | JA2 | 4 | JA2 (2007) |
EntityShininess | Chroma | 5 | Chroma (2007) |
Can a LinePick be null yet return coords? | puki | 13 | Stevie G (2007) |
CameraViewport - why is cam height ineffective? | puki | 10 | Stevie G (2007) |
PackB3DLib | boomboom | 6 | t3K|Mac (2007) |
Help with .decls | Vertigo | 3 | Vertigo (2007) |
EntityInView | big10p | 11 | big10p (2007) |
Cartoon shading | Jerome Squalor | 17 | JustLuke (2007) |
Flipmesh | Jerome Squalor | 9 | Stevie G (2007) |
2D Boundaries in 3D? | Ion | 10 | big10p (2007) |
Pathfinding test please | Ross C | 7 | Ross C (2007) |
Help with 2d Shadow / Light Code | Roland | 4 | Ross C (2007) |
ReadByte problems | weebo | 5 | Gabriel (2007) |
kernel32.decls and comdlg32.decls | Ross C | 4 | Sledge (2007) |
File Packing | boomboom | 6 | boomboom (2007) |
VERY basic networking code? | bytecode77 | 26 | cash (2007) |
Question for Tom concerning DXTC | _33 | 5 | _33 (2007) |
Problem with hardware lights | Billp | 9 | Dreamora (2007) |
My brain hurts!! | Jerome Squalor | 7 | Stevie G (2007) |
collide help | Jerome Squalor | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
Movie problem | alain | 6 | alain (2007) |
FPS Gunflare | cash | 2 | Sledge (2007) |
c++ b3d loader? | FlagDKT | 5 | (tu) sinu (2007) |
Best way to do collisions in 2d platformer | Roland | 12 | Ross C (2007) |
Upload changes to an AnimTexture | _33 | 3 | _33 (2007) |
waypoint creation on the fly? | stayne | 4 | Stevie G (2007) |
analog pads | Pete Carter | 10 | Pongo (2007) |
Returning the correct type | YellBellzDotCom | 10 | PowerPC603 (2007) |
k-netlib issue | stayne | 7 | Stu_ovine (2007) |
Problem with the new BufferDirty() command | Mr.Waterlily | 6 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
Z-order problem with alpha terrain | ringwraith | 7 | ringwraith (2007) |
Division by zero | big10p | 11 | big10p (2007) |
LightConeAngles | Stevie G | 11 | Stevie G (2007) |
3D tranformations with math only | Craig H. Nisbet | 6 | big10p (2007) |
Help with blitz arrays | Ross C | 3 | Ross C (2007) |
Pathfinding ideas! | Ross C | 9 | Ross C (2007) |
Pathfinding with waypoints, instead of grid. | Ross C | 17 | Ross C (2007) |
Terrain tiled UVW | licin | 2 | D4NM4N (2007) |
bump mapping | chwaga | 20 | chwaga (2007) |
particle candy issue | stayne | 2 | stayne (2007) |
2d 3d draw.. | cash | 5 | Abrexxes (2007) |
A flashlight - How to do perspective projection? | bytecode77 | 14 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Need Some Help | stayne | 21 | stayne (2007) |
another timer question | stayne | 7 | _33 (2007) |
Advice needed on LightMesh | Newbunkle | 3 | puki (2007) |
2D Collisions | mintybreath | 5 | mintybreath (2007) |
Encrypt / bDecrypt issues | _33 | 12 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Sswift EntityScale functions | _PJ_ | 15 | big10p (2007) |
Single Surface GUI - good | bad idea? | Techlord | 11 | _33 (2007) |
userlib question | wmaass | 3 | wmaass (2007) |
Sin,Cos,Tan,ASin,ACos,ATan,ATan2 | Jerome Squalor | 9 | syntax (2007) |
handling sounds | cash | 6 | Hujiklo (2007) |
timer question | stayne | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
closest object | cash | 4 | cash (2007) |
Angle/Mouse Coords | Jerome Squalor | 8 | Rob Farley (2007) |
specific triangles | Eviltoes | 6 | Subirenihil (2007) |
entity movement | Eviltoes | 5 | Nexus6 (2007) |
deadend removal need help | Schragnasher | 3 | Schragnasher (2007) |
Calculate UV Coords on Sprite from Mouse Coords | Matty | 5 | Matty (2007) |
Surface from X/Y/Z Points. | Tab | 13 | MadJack (2007) |
Reading an image | wmaass | 4 | wmaass (2007) |
Radiosity Bumpmapping | JoshK | 9 | bytecode77 (2007) |
how to print on a ticket printer? | Dimas | 3 | Dimas (2007) |
Network FPS Code for you playing pleasure | srcoder | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Problems with Angles. Math/Pro/Maya guru's needed | Vertigo | 13 | Vertigo (2007) |
Best format? | Azaratur | 10 | boomboom (2007) |
Surface texture seams | ervin | 13 | RifRaf (2007) |
ParentEntity not stiff | Jerome Squalor | 8 | Ross C (2007) |
On target? | Jerome Squalor | 9 | Ross C (2007) |
Return | Jerome Squalor | 5 | boomboom (2007) |
B3d - auto run on boot up - and not minimise!!? | IPete2 | 18 | John Blackledge (2007) |
download | panton | 4 | _33 (2007) |
D.I.Y. 2D LinePick | big10p | 10 | big10p (2007) |
Moving Blitz Window | boomboom | 5 | Kev (2007) |
Lighting Effect | BLaBZ | 2 | Uncle (2007) |
Camera and sprites | Mr. Slat | 11 | big10p (2007) |
data from text | Eviltoes | 6 | PowerPC603 (2007) |
The 24 Hour Pong Making Contest! | Techlord | 45 | Jerome Squalor (2007) |
Loading Videos | mintybreath | 11 | Pete Carter (2007) |
Online Example | panton | 2 | CodeOrc (2007) |
Render Tweening and Frame Limiting | BLaBZ | 5 | BLaBZ (2007) |
OpenFile does not work on a network | Dimas | 2 | Dimas (2007) |
Bloom | syntax | 3 | Tab (2007) |
Third Person Muzzle Flash | Gabriel | 9 | OrcSlayer (2007) |
Game server | _33 | 6 | _33 (2007) |
Not Drawing uneeded | mintybreath | 15 | mintybreath (2007) |
Converting MP3s? | Boiled Sweets | 10 | Boiled Sweets (2007) |
Stumbled Upon this Timing Method | Chroma | 3 | Vorderman (2007) |
Place Entity on Terrain | BLaBZ | 3 | BLaBZ (2007) |
Draggable object | Mr. Slat | 12 | Moraldi (2007) |
Help Animating Model | YellBellzDotCom | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
(for the pros) Random errors, help, ideas? | Vertigo | 21 | SLotman (2007) |
Optimizing the game package - > PNG into JPG+PNG | AJirenius | 13 | Rroff (2007) |
throwing a bomb | Blitzplotter | 13 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
"baking" animated entity? | Gillissie | 13 | Matty (2007) |
input problems | Eviltoes | 2 | Vertigo (2007) |
backbuffer() address ? | RifRaf | 2 | Gabriel (2007) |
2d-in-3d map editor? | tonyg | 6 | Moraldi (2007) |
Poly to poly collisions using B3D | Chroma | 8 | Stevie G (2007) |
Beta 2 of v1.99 doesn't work with FastText-Unicode | Pinete | 20 | John Blackledge (2007) |
CPU & RAM | Mr. Slat | 8 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
Network library | panton | 3 | panton (2007) |
Help with TYPES. Pulling hair here. | Vertigo | 9 | Matty (2007) |
Let down by my enemies | cash | 5 | cash (2007) |
simple LAN lag issue | syntax | 8 | Vertigo (2007) |
Brain Stumper | Buggy | 8 | Buggy (2007) |
MMorpg connection | panton | 12 | Wings (2007) |
Bullet direction | mintybreath | 19 | mintybreath (2007) |
Top cam pan | mintybreath | 7 | LarsG (2007) |
Game Timing Part 2 | Chroma | 3 | Chroma (2007) |
OOP in Blitz3d-Nice Lingo | BLaBZ | 4 | BLaBZ (2007) |
Does anyone know what the function 'Object' does? | xtremegamr | 6 | syntax (2007) |
B3D Update 199 doesn't update? | Chroma | 3 | Yo! Wazzup? (2007) |
Joystick input consistency | Chroma | 4 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
hide triangle of animated mesh | YellBellzDotCom | 3 | YellBellzDotCom (2007) |
3D object manipulation | Moraldi | 3 | Moraldi (2007) |
Intense Doppler Effect? | Chroma | 5 | Chroma (2007) |
3D in red/blue filter glasses | Neochrome | 21 | Chroma (2007) |
B3D and Windows Media Center OS? | IPete2 | 6 | IPete2 (2007) |
How to get the shortest way off screen? | Sokurah | 3 | Sokurah (2007) |
quick question | cash | 7 | Pete Carter (2007) |
Texture filtering off? | John Pickford | 6 | big10p (2007) |
Having a problem with velocity direction... | Chroma | 3 | Chroma (2007) |
Tforming Rotation? | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | Stevie G (2007) |
How to make Xbox360 game with BlitzBasic | sniper_boy147 | 14 | Wings (2007) |
Light Intensity? | Chroma | 1 | Chroma (2007) |
Tips Please | BLaBZ | 9 | Techlord (2007) |
Playing Video Major Slowdown | Mortiis | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Help Wanted. Testing Network Pong. | Techlord | 14 | Pepsi (2007) |
Is this Timing Code sound? | Chroma | 8 | Chroma (2007) |
antihacking vs cheat engine | blade007 | 14 | blade007 (2007) |
Taking videos | mintybreath | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
k-netlib splines | Spike314 | 2 | Spike314 (2007) |
Random code speed up? | CopperCircle | 7 | CopperCircle (2007) |
FindChild() | Jerome Squalor | 11 | cash (2007) |
Inventory again | cash | 3 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Text() and ViewPort() bug? | Mr.Waterlily | 2 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
Perpendicular vectors | FlagDKT | 8 | FlagDKT (2007) |
Need help with this code here.. | System4 Studios | 3 | System4 Studios (2007) |
Heightmap from numerical data | Naughty Alien | 18 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Sound bug with "text" command | gameproducer | 8 | gameproducer (2007) |
Window losing focus | Farflame | 6 | Farflame (2007) |
Tokamak convex | Azaratur | 2 | Azaratur (2007) |
tri-hex'es | chwaga | 9 | chwaga (2007) |
determining entity count? | Gillissie | 5 | Gillissie (2007) |
Entity Name (handle) | danjo | 3 | danjo (2007) |
Questions about blitz3d? | Pete Carter | 13 | Pete Carter (2007) |
smooth | Mr. Slat | 5 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
mirror | Mr. Slat | 13 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
Videos | chwaga | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
A few questions for the vets | poopla | 4 | poopla (2007) |
b3d trajectory animation | chwaga | 6 | chwaga (2007) |
advanced collision detection | blade007 | 5 | blade007 (2007) |
Help with math errors | Ghoula | 4 | Ghoula (2007) |
Triangulating a surface | _33 | 7 | Difference (2007) |
launching a browser from blitz | chwaga | 6 | Filax (2007) |
Paid Work - Wrap DLL | boomboom | 5 | boomboom (2007) |
How does lightmapping actually work?? | bytecode77 | 19 | chwaga (2007) |
Userlib and Win api calls???? | AJirenius | 6 | VIP3R (2007) |
Pause | Mortiis | 9 | Mortiis (2007) |
Maskimage() help | mintybreath | 4 | mintybreath (2007) |
Changing graphics mode at run-time | Farflame | 10 | Yo! Wazzup? (2007) |
Tool UI | Joey | 6 | Joey (2007) |
Finding the closest | Jerome Squalor | 10 | Tom (2007) |
Car control | Pete Carter | 4 | Pete Carter (2007) |
How to warp entities ("temporally no collisions") | gameproducer | 12 | gameproducer (2007) |
Pete Carter - YAL | Nexus6 | 5 | Pete Carter (2007) |
Specific vector scaling | big10p | 5 | big10p (2007) |
sprite candy gui cant reappear | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2007) |
Anyone solved this problem. Normal lightning | Wings | 10 | Wings (2007) |
HideEntity<-->EntityAlpha 0 differencies | Naughty Alien | 7 | Gabriel (2007) |
Blitz spherical terrain ? | Filax | 4 | Stevie G (2007) |
entityradius | cash | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
Accurate 3D Pong Physics | Techlord | 10 | Techlord (2007) |
Loading thousands of mesh trees, fast? | nazca | 17 | Sir Gak (2007) |
Tricky trig | big10p | 11 | big10p (2007) |
DirectPlay Hurts:( | Techlord | 3 | Techlord (2007) |
Blitz and Vista | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | Sir Gak (2007) |
Surface Transparency problem | Lane | 4 | Rob Farley (2007) |
PLZ Help 3d grid. | Nice_But_Dim | 7 | Bankie (2007) |
B3D V1.99 | Abrexxes | 13 | Jack (2007) |
MoveEntity the odd one out | big10p | 1 | big10p (2007) |
Video | boomboom | 12 | boomboom (2007) |
BIG number help, possible array bug. | Vertigo | 4 | Floyd (2007) |
Asteroids type movement | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | Yo! Wazzup? (2007) |
Blitz runs on Parallels (osx)? | Danny | 7 | Wings (2007) |
3D world creator woes! | Neochrome | 10 | John Blackledge (2007) |
List available drives | Mr.Waterlily | 6 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
TForm | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Gabriel (2007) |
MORE PONG HELP?! yes please. :) | mintybreath | 7 | mintybreath (2007) |
BSP Textures | Neochrome | 10 | Neochrome (2007) |
Cube Mapping Alpha | Mortiis | 4 | EmerGki (2007) |
Sound Channel volume inconsistency | Drackbolt | 18 | lo-tekk (2007) |
Surface cloned(?) problem with CopyEntity/CopyMesh | gameproducer | 11 | gameproducer (2007) |
Spikiness | Matt Merkulov | 4 | Matt Merkulov (2007) |
Black startup window thingy | Yahfree | 12 | chi (2007) |
blending images? | blade007 | 5 | Stevie G (2007) |
Pong Help 2 | mintybreath | 7 | mintybreath (2007) |
math programing | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | caff_ (2007) |
the source if my int problem: My network | Fuller | 9 | Techlord (2007) |
Can Blitz work with Teamspeak or Ventrilo? | -=Darkheart=- | 3 | -=Darkheart=- (2007) |
Character shading | Naughty Alien | 14 | Pete Carter (2007) |
Best Compression for a Blitz3D Network Messages? | Techlord | 19 | Techlord (2007) |
How Blitz knows what Milkshape groups to texture? | gameproducer | 7 | gameproducer (2007) |
TFormNormal not working? | big10p | 12 | big10p (2007) |
ToolBars [WB3D] | Yahfree | 10 | Yahfree (2007) |
mouse velocity help! | blade007 | 6 | blade007 (2007) |
Stencil Buffer | Neochrome | 6 | bytecode77 (2007) |
User32.decls? | Boiled Sweets | 24 | Subirenihil (2007) |
glass effect | Nice_But_Dim | 14 | carpman (2007) |
Bizarre behaviour! | _33 | 3 | _33 (2007) |
B3d_DX9 Postprocess Code... | redflux | 3 | redflux (2007) |
Dynamic Objects and Character Physics? | Gabriel | 4 | Gabriel (2007) |
OpenTCPStream returns 0 | no nickname | 4 | Wings (2007) |
Oblivion style Detail Lowdetail map help. | Wings | 9 | Wings (2007) |
Shadows for animated .b3d objects? (paying $$$) | gameproducer | 17 | sswift (2007) |
load .b3d's | Eviltoes | 9 | Eviltoes (2007) |
Model of solar system - where to find? | Sokurah | 1 | Sokurah (2007) |
searching for spain based blitz3d programmer | FiNegirO | 4 | FiNegirO (2007) |
A few questions. | Eviltoes | 12 | Eviltoes (2007) |
Bug??? | big10p | 6 | big10p (2007) |
Get desktop res? | big10p | 5 | big10p (2007) |
LoadBSP - Any worth/use in Blitz3d | Matty | 6 | Matty (2007) |
Interaction with 2 types | Mr. Sandman | 9 | Mr. Sandman (2007) |
hmm... interpreting complex text command? | Fuller | 3 | Fuller (2007) |
Type Trouble | H. T. U. | 20 | Subirenihil (2007) |
'Jerky'shadows | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
quick hideentity question | cash | 2 | Staton_Richardson (2007) |
Gfx Driver | Mr. Slat | 2 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
Limiting the crosshair | Mortiis | 8 | Gillissie (2007) |
Base-n Converter | Techlord | 5 | Techlord (2007) |
Iterate through child entities | _33 | 3 | _33 (2007) |
How do B3D collisions work, internally? | big10p | 4 | H. T. U. (2007) |
Page Curl Effect... | JA2 | 4 | JA2 (2007) |
Memory access violation | Mr. Slat | 7 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
world assembler | panton | 5 | Doggie (2007) |
activate animation dont work | panton | 5 | b32 (2007) |
Lightmapping and Smoothing Groups? | Gabriel | 2 | big10p (2007) |
Try these physics. | JoshK | 16 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Devil Shadow System | Subirenihil | 20 | bytecode77 (2007) |
4 kinds of textures on 1 mesh | Jan_ | 7 | Jan_ (2007) |
b3d animation | panton | 5 | panton (2007) |
Telnet RPG + Webb output | Wings | 4 | Wings (2007) |
mmorpg world | panton | 5 | ckob (2007) |
blitzget issues.. | ckob | 5 | ckob (2007) |
ImagesCollide Replacement | maverick69 | 4 | Sledge (2007) |
Tron styl trails... | IPete2 | 9 | IPete2 (2007) |
Dogfights Camera Shake | Chroma | 4 | IPete2 (2007) |
animate 3ds | panton | 2 | Matty (2007) |
Inventory List Checks | Techlord | 3 | Techlord (2007) |
Raycasting Evenly in Arbitrary Hemisphere? | Gabriel | 7 | Gabriel (2007) |
B3D Joystick support | Naughty Alien | 10 | IPete2 (2007) |
Anti Aliasing | boomboom | 4 | bytecode77 (2007) |
max .bb file size | Neochrome | 3 | Neochrome (2007) |
Cyborg: An AI-Interchange Network Model | Techlord | 3 | Gabriel (2007) |
B3d Pipeline update (locked) | Pudding | 39 | puki (2007) |
Using a 360 pad | John Pickford | 2 | big10p (2007) |
Edit .b3d files? | martonic | 10 | ervin (2007) |
Where are those B3d Dx9 engines? | eye | 5 | Danny (2007) |
Is it possible to put a blitz3d exe on an xbox360? | sniper_boy147 | 8 | Abrexxes (2007) |
Pixel format bug? | SLotman | 5 | Rob Farley (2007) |
way points and nodes from mesh? | Pete Carter | 19 | Pete Carter (2007) |
Solid Boxes sometimes not working | Farflame | 6 | Farflame (2007) |
Text images n stuff - WinBlitz3d | Yahfree | 20 | Yahfree (2007) |
Problems with the editor | Farflame | 11 | Farflame (2007) |
Overlaying textures on top of one another? | Bukky | 8 | Gillissie (2007) |
Animated texture | Naughty Alien | 1 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
I'm trying to get 30FPS even | _33 | 22 | _33 (2007) |
sprite candy for an isometric game | slenkar | 6 | Uncle (2007) |
animations and keydown | cash | 6 | blade007 (2007) |
Freeing textures after you apply them to a mesh.. | nazca | 4 | slenkar (2007) |
Strange Behaviour On Screen | JBR | 20 | Stevie G (2007) |
Highscores help! | blade007 | 7 | blade007 (2007) |
FontWidth()? Don't make me laugh! | Adam Novagen | 9 | Adam Novagen (2007) |
Maths - cube entitys in a circle? | IPete2 | 3 | IPete2 (2007) |
3DS Max Biped/Bone (FBX) animation | MeowZ | 6 | MeowZ (2007) |
Blitz3D - animation in general - any tips? | puki | 3 | IPete2 (2007) |
2D to 3D world designer | Chaosspear | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
LoadAnimSeq - are we sure exactly what it does? | puki | 3 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Ray->Box intersection | bytecode77 | 7 | bytecode77 (2007) |
simple collision detection | IKG | 5 | IKG (2007) |
Double clicking - WinBlitz3D | Yahfree | 4 | Kev (2007) |
mathematics | DareDevil | 5 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Counting unique colors in an image | Mr.Waterlily | 19 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
Shadow Command | CodeOrc | 16 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Ray->Sphere intersection? | bytecode77 | 22 | bytecode77 (2007) |
make an quad point to camera blitz3d | Wings | 10 | Wings (2007) |
gui's | slenkar | 8 | slenkar (2007) |
going from 3dsmax8 to .b3d? | Bukky | 5 | Gabriel (2007) |
VextexCoords problem | Vignoli | 3 | Vignoli (2007) |
Sprites are Extreme slow on my Gaming PC why ? | Wings | 11 | Wings (2007) |
Keyboard hooks | _33 | 3 | _33 (2007) |
POST file to web server | Gillissie | 5 | Yahfree (2007) |
Advanced help Finding & using the Blitz CAPS ptr? | Neochrome | 3 | Neochrome (2007) |
Breaking the 64k limit. | Vertigo | 3 | Danny (2007) |
Fast replacement for Line command? | big10p | 22 | big10p (2007) |
Method for triangulating a polygon? | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
Isometric line of sight | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2007) |
Read NUMLOCK / CAPSLOCK from keyboard controller | _33 | 12 | _33 (2007) |
CreateMirror() problem? | MeowZ | 4 | _33 (2007) |
How to Make a Quad pont at Camera | Wings | 8 | Wings (2007) |
Copy an Image to a Texture | _33 | 12 | Stevie G (2007) |
need to compare pointers | slenkar | 2 | Chroma (2007) |
checking for a range of numbers | slenkar | 4 | slenkar (2007) |
Collision with the ground? | Bukky | 6 | Bukky (2007) |
Shrinking vector | big10p | 3 | big10p (2007) |
Relative angle between 2 vectors | big10p | 15 | big10p (2007) |
mmorpg | cactus1805 | 17 | Damien Sturdy (2007) |
Adding a shadow to my game? | Bukky | 8 | Rroff (2007) |
So what's the best Physics Lib for B3D these days? | Chroma | 19 | Chroma (2007) |
Help needed with BBCruncher | Shifty Geezer | 1 | Shifty Geezer (2007) |
Help | mintybreath | 7 | mintybreath (2007) |
Calculation turning circle radius | big10p | 4 | big10p (2007) |
LightMapping Techniques | Nack | 2 | Vertigo (2007) |
AddAnimSeq b3d | Nack | 5 | Nack (2007) |
Integer to RGB | Naughty Alien | 6 | GfK (2007) |
Code Help | mintybreath | 3 | mintybreath (2007) |
Type performance questions | _33 | 1 | _33 (2007) |
Method for keeping time | Yahfree | 59 | Yahfree (2007) |
Clothing a character in Blitz3d? | Bukky | 9 | Tom (2007) |
Help with Vehicle entering | mintybreath | 4 | puki (2007) |
TYPE data delete | Naughty Alien | 3 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
entitypickmode problem | Mr. Slat | 13 | b32 (2007) |
Sqr is faster than / | Subirenihil | 10 | Defoc8 (2007) |
Compression | JBR | 2 | Rroff (2007) |
A math question, I suppose | _33 | 12 | H&K (2007) |
Widescreens | Mr. Slat | 7 | Mr. Slat (2007) |
get color | blade007 | 7 | blade007 (2007) |
chameleon | Chaosspear | 3 | Chaosspear (2007) |
lightmapping question | jfk EO-11110 | 26 | Leto (2007) |
Windows API File selector? | Shifty Geezer | 2 | Shifty Geezer (2007) |
Animating B3D without vertex manipulation...how? | OrcSlayer | 16 | b32 (2007) |
Cam Code Help | CodeOrc | 3 | Rroff (2007) |
decompiler | blade007 | 24 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
can anybody convert this java into Blitz3D | DREAM | 13 | Subirenihil (2007) |
Why is this going so slow | Chaosspear | 8 | Chaosspear (2007) |
Building chars from floats | _33 | 12 | _33 (2007) |
EntityRadius and scaling | Zingzingzip | 5 | Zingzingzip (2007) |
Disable render tweening when positioning | Boiled Sweets | 9 | Hujiklo (2007) |
Will the patch 1.99 be released? | Carolinaaa | 2 | GfK (2007) |
Precognition? | PoliteProgrammer | 3 | Paul "Taiphoz" (2007) |
AlignToVector | Jerome Squalor | 3 | Jerome Squalor (2007) |
DeltaYaw/entity rotation problem | JustLuke | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
Is there any Pseudo Random Generator ? | semar | 4 | semar (2007) |
networked game questions | cash | 7 | b32 (2007) |
Anyone set Anisotropic Filtering in their drivers? | _33 | 6 | _33 (2007) |
da manual | blade007 | 3 | blade007 (2007) |
Why is EntityPitch 0-90? | Boiled Sweets | 2 | Boiled Sweets (2007) |
Disable Tweening | HNPhan | 30 | Boiled Sweets (2007) |
AnimTexture | Nack | 4 | Nack (2007) |
Type content copying | _33 | 12 | John Blackledge (2007) |
Help wanted: wobbly head/"bobblehead" effect code? | JustLuke | 5 | JustLuke (2007) |
trainers?(note the question mark) | blade007 | 13 | Who was John Galt? (2007) |
Tri Tri Intersection ? | jfk EO-11110 | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Tool for - Deleting choosen polys from a mesh | bytecode77 | 12 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
SaveImageDDS thread | markcw | 30 | markcw (2007) |
Server Lag? | NewtSoup | 9 | Vertigo (2007) |
Textures | cash | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Limit CameraPick to the CameraRange ?? | jfk EO-11110 | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Pointentity VS DeltaYAW | cash | 2 | GfK (2007) |
EntityID, EntityExists | BIG BUG | 2 | Beaker (2007) |
display caps | _33 | 11 | _33 (2007) |
Plane with custom number of segments | Naughty Alien | 6 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Get Triangle normals | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Unicode? | Nack | 1 | Nack (2007) |
WritePixelFast to a texture | big10p | 10 | _33 (2007) |
Sprite Candy | Jerome Squalor | 41 | Bailius Maximus (2007) |
model viewer, command line use, request to expert | muddle | 11 | Barnabius (2007) |
Planar Mapping ? | jfk EO-11110 | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Desktop | Jerome Squalor | 6 | Ked (2007) |
WriteLine | Nack | 4 | Floyd (2007) |
Update 1.99 | proud2bme | 13 | proud2bme (2007) |
Good Programming | Jonathan Nguyen | 3 | Jonathan Nguyen (2007) |
How to know when player click on close icon?? | Pinete | 3 | Pinete (2007) |
(2D Only) Tiling screen | PoliteProgrammer | 7 | smilertoo (2007) |
custom sliding collision | Robert Cummings | 3 | Robert Cummings (2007) |
Number of polygons (locked) | Moraldi | 1 | Moraldi (2007) |
WinBlitz3D and its future | Kev | 14 | Yahfree (2007) |
Euler rotation ==> Quaternion rotation | bytecode77 | 12 | bytecode77 (2007) |
get absolute rotational values from entityPitch? | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | GfK (2007) |
mappy with bordered tiles? | SilentAssaSIN | 4 | tonyg (2007) |
SystemProperty("Direct3DDevice7")? | MeowZ | 3 | MeowZ (2007) |
Quick question.. | Yahfree | 8 | Kev (2007) |
Test file download lib please | @rtur | 4 | Yeshu777 (2007) |
Hiding entities | Moraldi | 5 | Moraldi (2007) |
"Unlimited World" | xmlspy | 13 | Subirenihil (2007) |
Deformation order in bone meshes? | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | Tom (2007) |
Help with subdivide function... | JA2 | 5 | JA2 (2007) |
Sprite Candy GUI | Naughty Alien | 2 | Barnabius (2007) |
Bumpmaps | Eviltoes | 12 | _33 (2007) |
Text() ruins my hopes and dreams | bytecode77 | 11 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Problem with array of custom type | alain | 3 | alain (2007) |
In game scripting | Leon Drake | 3 | Leon Drake (2007) |
Returning from a function | Aries | 4 | Aries (2007) |
My VirtualGL lib again - showcase&cry for help | bytecode77 | 21 | BlitzSupport (2007) |
Russian Characters with System Fonts? | (tu) ENAY | 3 | (tu) ENAY (2007) |
256 tex flag crash | MadJack | 8 | MadJack (2007) |
Keyboard handling of held keys | _33 | 10 | _33 (2007) |
Screen Saver | Jerome Squalor | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
16 bit graphics? | Mr.Waterlily | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Finding My Documents | Makepool | 6 | b32 (2007) |
Forcing Blitz to stop! | IPete2 | 5 | IPete2 (2007) |
2D in 3D mesh | Brendane | 3 | Brendane (2007) |
What happens when...? | IPete2 | 6 | IPete2 (2007) |
Reflection | Jerome Squalor | 12 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
help (locked) | Saz | 1 | Saz (2007) |
How to create images on desktop | sniper_boy147 | 11 | b32 (2007) |
Bouncing Using Translate | Neochrome | 2 | Neochrome (2007) |
Shadow Mapping - I made it! | bytecode77 | 26 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
How to create transparent texture | sniper_boy147 | 2 | Gabriel (2007) |
CollisionTriangle | BlitzBasic303 | 5 | BlitzBasic303 (2007) |
Terrain mesh | Nexus6 | 4 | H&K (2007) |
Rotate local xyz around global position (help) | Danny | 9 | Danny (2007) |
using exponents with float | _33 | 12 | _33 (2007) |
CopyRect issue | Brendane | 3 | Brendane (2007) |
toying with banks | _33 | 1 | _33 (2007) |
AShadow Lib : Refractive Water Question | OverDozing | 14 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
wierd problem when compiling? | Gurra | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Push object away from explosion center with tForm | Neochrome | 7 | Neochrome (2007) |
Non Square Sprites? | EvilMeowChi | 6 | Dreamora (2007) |
Parent Pivots | Buggy | 6 | Buggy (2007) |
Keyboard Scanning | Blitzplotter | 3 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
Animation strange issue. | Vertigo | 8 | Danny (2007) |
how can i make the sprites dissapear? | Gurra | 4 | H&K (2007) |
Stonehenge 3D - great work Mr Blackledge! | IPete2 | 29 | John Blackledge (2007) |
Backface Culling | Buggy | 6 | Buggy (2007) |
Rendering mesh instances differently | Zingzingzip | 5 | Zingzingzip (2007) |
Font Creator? | Chaosspear | 8 | Mortiis (2007) |
MAV when resolution change. | TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) | 6 | nrasool (2007) |
Cube mapping problem | Ion | 6 | Gabriel (2007) |
AI Library (why not a community project ?) | Filax | 11 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Sprite Transparency | Jerome Squalor | 6 | Jerome Squalor (2007) |
Postscript fonts? | IPete2 | 1 | IPete2 (2007) |
Uhhhhh.... | kfprimm | 5 | kfprimm (2007) |
BlitzXML memory leak? | xmlspy | 2 | xmlspy (2007) |
Neep help with a file sending program | XtremeCoder | 4 | XtremeCoder (2007) |
Widescreen support | John Pickford | 10 | John Pickford (2007) |
Triangle fill routine + ZBuffer (Where's the bug?) | bytecode77 | 9 | puki (2007) |
Whats so slow here? (Triangle fill routine) | bytecode77 | 15 | _33 (2007) |
.DDS support for LoadAnimTexture() | Mortiis | 3 | Mortiis (2007) |
Arteria Gaming downloading problems | Moraldi | 5 | yertari (2007) |
Multiple key presses | Moraldi | 10 | Bobysait (2007) |
disabling backface culling | Eviltoes | 5 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Publishing your game! | EmerGki | 3 | Ross C (2007) |
Ball bouncing | jad | 13 | Eviltoes (2007) |
Making different sized textured walls | Bankie | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
Alpha'd sprites & EntityOrder performance hit | big10p | 8 | big10p (2007) |
Bumpmap texture | _33 | 2 | _33 (2007) |
Issues with Alpha Textures. | Vertigo | 2 | IPete2 (2007) |
Massive terrains | xmlspy | 9 | Rob Farley (2007) |
Cameras & Movement | 3DMan | 11 | 3DMan (2007) |
nPoly / vector based FlooFill ? How or where? | Danny | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
mass/gravity question | kochOn | 18 | sswift (2007) |
Refraction? - Simple - No shaders | bytecode77 | 8 | DareDevil (2007) |
unnamed game test 2 + questions | Kev | 7 | Buggy (2007) |
Save To Jpg/ compressed Png (not freeImage) | Danny | 14 | Danny (2007) |
CameraPick() and animated mesh | jayparker | 6 | KimoTech (2007) |
heightmap textures | Eviltoes | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
vram issue with cube texture | syntax | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
How to get the bone a vertex is assigned to ? | jfk EO-11110 | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
whats 'w' in uvw? | bytecode77 | 3 | bytecode77 (2007) |
memory leak? Weirdness, slowdown... | _33 | 5 | _33 (2007) |
How do I create a loop-around world? | Sokurah | 8 | Sokurah (2007) |
Pivots/re-centering mesh | Bnesiba | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Best speeds in 'blitting' | Shifty Geezer | 7 | Danny (2007) |
Fog and Alpha channel in Add or Multiply blendmode | jfk EO-11110 | 2 | t3K|Mac (2007) |
CopySurface(src, dest, left, right, top bottom) | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | puki (2007) |
Pick Random Object? | Trader3564 | 3 | GfK (2007) |
Main Game Loop | Buggy | 11 | Buggy (2007) |
Cool Missile Trails | Buggy | 19 | Buggy (2007) |
Selecting Edges of triagles | Craig H. Nisbet | 3 | Craig H. Nisbet (2007) |
Stencil Shadow | Naughty Alien | 7 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Rendering half screen | syntax | 10 | cyberyoyo (2007) |
Blitz3D Framework - IDEal, any good? | Trader3564 | 4 | Trader3564 (2007) |
Vertex/triangle limit per surface? | OrcSlayer | 20 | big10p (2007) |
SurfacePickmode() ? | jfk EO-11110 | 5 | Pepsi (2007) |
Getting the normal of a triangle from Blitz3D? | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | big10p (2007) |
Recursion question | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | H&K (2007) |
UnParenting | xmlspy | 2 | GfK (2007) |
Window position in windowed mode | Pinete | 4 | JoeGr (2007) |
Bumpmap example | Naughty Alien | 2 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Using a bank instead of a string | _33 | 30 | _33 (2007) |
Need an animated .b3d | JoshK | 4 | Tom (2007) |
RPG combat system. | Vertigo | 11 | Jasu (2007) |
Debugger question | Farflame | 6 | Jasu (2007) |
specular mapping | syntax | 2 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Point on the surface of a sphere | siread | 10 | DJWoodgate (2007) |
alpha mapped characters | IPete2 | 2 | IPete2 (2007) |
Techniques to create a limited time trial version | Carolinaaa | 24 | GfK (2007) |
RPG Inventory question. | Vertigo | 1 | Vertigo (2007) |
PositionTexture broken in 1.98? | DJWoodgate | 4 | big10p (2007) |
Blitz3D to Irrlicht | verfum | 3 | verfum (2007) |
object occlusion | David819 | 13 | John J. (2007) |
ultimate bubble generator :-P | Trader3564 | 5 | Trader3564 (2007) |
Convert Blitz3d to Xbox360 | msx123 | 24 | JustLuke (2007) |
Anyone Know Executable Format??? | mk2y10 | 10 | Buggy (2007) |
Direct play comands | David819 | 6 | David819 (2007) |
Steering wheel, force feedback etc? | Mustang | 24 | Pepsi (2007) |
What's happened in last years? | Giano | 12 | Armitage 1982 (2007) |
Entity turning code with max rate... | OrcSlayer | 10 | GfK (2007) |
Is there a way to get dc from backbuffer? | Jin | 7 | Jin (2007) |
Realtime image processing (locked) | ZJP | 1 | ZJP (2007) |
So here is a stupid question... | IPete2 | 13 | _33 (2007) |
Iterate trough all entities | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
toolbar img. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
DSS alpha version 1.37a | DareDevil | 6 | puki (2007) |
Tricky Math: Auto-Scale Thumbnails to Fit in Grid | Roland | 12 | Jasu (2007) |
Double side enabling | Naughty Alien | 4 | amitjf (2007) |
CreateListener Problem | jfk EO-11110 | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Fake Volumetric Clouds | bingman | 7 | Pongo (2007) |
Using the ScanLine() command | QuickSilva | 6 | QuickSilva (2007) |
pixies - sprites with zero filtering | skidracer | 15 | slenkar (2007) |
Ragdoll and Physics? | Chroma | 3 | Ricky Smith (2007) |
Cutting / sectionning a closed mesh | _33 | 6 | _33 (2007) |
Lighwave lights to Blitz3d | tvtom | 3 | tvtom (2007) |
LoadMesh vs LoadAnimMesh | xmlspy | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
DeadEnd-Online FPS | panton | 6 | Xzider (2007) |
Something with terrains | amitjf | 2 | amitjf (2007) |
Linepick collision | Naughty Alien | 7 | Moraldi (2007) |
vertex axis | SideExtreme | 3 | SideExtreme (2007) |
Grass placement | Naughty Alien | 34 | t3K|Mac (2007) |
platypus PSP?? (locked) | Akat | 1 | Akat (2007) |
Cant seem to start a game from WinXP | slenkar | 7 | slenkar (2007) |
B3D_AppBase.dll - Helps Prevent MAV | DGuy | 9 | DGuy (2007) |
Find ur ip | amitjf | 13 | amitjf (2007) |
a lathe function! | kochOn | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Windowed to FullScreen without losing resources | Pinete | 6 | Pinete (2007) |
Creating file | amitjf | 3 | b32 (2007) |
How to know when users clicks on another window? | Pinete | 3 | Pinete (2007) |
Selecting Vertexs with terrains... | Flame | 2 | b32 (2007) |
Center of a quad? | kochOn | 4 | kochOn (2007) |
Program just quits | cyberyoyo | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Terrain out of X,Y,Z | Naughty Alien | 2 | b32 (2007) |
dual monitors | jhocking | 10 | Trader3564 (2007) |
ResetEntity | Moraldi | 6 | Moraldi (2007) |
Animation Control Library | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Clamp UVs versus Multiply Blendmode !?! | jfk EO-11110 | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Text on sprite | Swifty | 6 | Swifty (2007) |
Surface Order Keeps changin! (help) | Danny | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
What do you use for websites | Chaosspear | 16 | b32 (2007) |
Sprites B3d | seferey | 4 | Trader3564 (2007) |
Info - B3D manual has breached the 1K barrier | puki | 17 | Trader3564 (2007) |
B3D Programmers Manual | Synchronist | 7 | Trader3564 (2007) |
Simple control problem...why does this happen? | OrcSlayer | 6 | OrcSlayer (2007) |
Walking on a mesh | Moraldi | 6 | Moraldi (2007) |
Unicode text string problems | (tu) ENAY | 4 | (tu) ENAY (2007) |
Copy Protection/Serial Key | Makepool | 9 | Kev (2007) |
Simple AI... | JA2 | 5 | JA2 (2007) |
Dear angel martinez | seferey | 2 | Tranz (2007) |
getting the 2d cords of a 3d object | Swifty | 3 | Matty (2007) |
How to put 3D object on top of Sprite Candy Hud ? | semar | 6 | semar (2007) |
Which model format would you use for this? | OrcSlayer | 7 | OrcSlayer (2007) |
How to get this to work right | killertomato | 3 | GfK (2007) |
aInput | kochOn | 4 | kochOn (2007) |
Strange hardware breaking bug! | cyberyoyo | 13 | vivaigiochi (2007) |
Blitz3D MMORPG help | thelizardking | 14 | Gabriel (2007) |
mesh inside mesh? | vivaigiochi | 4 | Carrot (2007) |
Windowed <-> Fullscreen | AJirenius | 5 | Kev (2007) |
Commands in My Engine | ala_samodi | 19 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
B3D Pipeline Scene Root disable | Naughty Alien | 7 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Plays Help to shoots | Blackeffekt | 3 | Blackeffekt (2007) |
Simulating a hanging chain | PoliteProgrammer | 11 | bytecode77 (2007) |
3D Online Chess Engine | CodeOrc | 1 | CodeOrc (2007) |
Which File Packer do you recommend? | Nordvall | 19 | popcade (2007) |
2D Sprite Muzzle Flash | LineOf7s | 8 | LineOf7s (2007) |
Fullscreen Motion Blur for any resolution? | Mortiis | 5 | Mortiis (2007) |
Metaphysical save text file problems | GrumpyOldMan | 10 | GrumpyOldMan (2007) |
FPS stair climbing... | JA2 | 11 | Shambler (2007) |
LoadAnimSeq - is there a limit? | IPete2 | 9 | IPete2 (2007) |
What should I use for large 2d games | Chaosspear | 12 | Rob Farley (2007) |
CameraRange Problem | jfk EO-11110 | 10 | big10p (2007) |
Simulation GetKey() without flush? | Mr.Waterlily | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
whats wrong with this linepick? | danjo | 3 | danjo (2007) |
Memory Access Violation in Screensaver | Fuller | 33 | Fuller (2007) |
Collision Avoidance Demo? | OrcSlayer | 3 | OrcSlayer (2007) |
very very weird blitz3d bug... | bytecode77 | 13 | Yo! Wazzup? (2007) |
Changedir "c:" is doing nothing | Vignoli | 5 | Vignoli (2007) |
cameraproject problem | vivaigiochi | 5 | vivaigiochi (2007) |
BliztGet issue when download image | zoom* | 8 | zoom* (2007) |
Single Surface Particles and Z-Order Problems... | t3K|Mac | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
3rd-Person Camera | Mattizzle | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Setting Window to scale mode question | QuickSilva | 3 | QuickSilva (2007) |
Music Visualizations | mk2y10 | 3 | Boiled Sweets (2007) |
Sprite Candy Users | Naughty Alien | 7 | RifRaf (2007) |
BMax 2D graphics in Blitz3D | MixailV | 8 | TygerWulf (2007) |
Collision detection | Moraldi | 3 | Moraldi (2007) |
ray-intersect-quad? | bytecode77 | 7 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Blitz3d Install Files | TygerWulf | 11 | TygerWulf (2007) |
Using Pipeline lib with OOP structures | verfum | 6 | IPete2 (2007) |
WinBlitz3D just got browser gadgets | Kev | 24 | Kev (2007) |
3D Object as a part of HUD Help | Naughty Alien | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
cockpit camera orientation probs | Vorderman | 9 | Stevie G (2007) |
3dsmax and b3d animation | vivaigiochi | 9 | IPete2 (2007) |
Game Demo | Moraldi | 7 | Ked (2007) |
B3D Animation ? | IPete2 | 13 | Mattizzle (2007) |
Texture issues. | Vertigo | 2 | skidracer (2007) |
Get External Window Boundaries | Fuller | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
input$() with num-keypad???? | Dimas | 4 | TygerWulf (2007) |
Using bloomfiltering in a FPS. | Foolish Frost | 5 | Barbapapa (2007) |
NormalMap & Lightmap | Naughty Alien | 2 | IPete2 (2007) |
PNG -> DDS = better framerates? | MadJack | 17 | MadJack (2007) |
Vertex lighting. | Vertigo | 16 | Vertigo (2007) |
help with sprites always in front of camera | SoggyP | 6 | b32 (2007) |
Get text on screen | Rgamer | 5 | Mattizzle (2007) |
Shooter game. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 21 | big10p (2007) |
Old Code Not Compiling | Miraj | 4 | Miraj (2007) |
Backing up folders/files | Farflame | 4 | Farflame (2007) |
Oyi oyi penguins ahoy (locked) | D4NM4N | 1 | D4NM4N (2007) |
About animations...simple question. | OrcSlayer | 4 | OrcSlayer (2007) |
bezier splines | jimmyx | 7 | Stevie G (2007) |
WinBlitz3D - Images? | EPS | 3 | EPS (2007) |
Recycle .B3D animations | xmlspy | 11 | (tu) sinu (2007) |
Surfaces or UVs or something... | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2007) |
WinBlitz3D | Ked | 2 | Kev (2007) |
GDI TextOut and Unicode | Jin | 15 | popcade (2007) |
Cant remove server from Gnet | slenkar | 2 | t3K|Mac (2007) |
UDP port help needed | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2007) |
Loading single wire meshes | William Drescher | 2 | Mustang (2007) |
Reading UDP stream | Jasu | 7 | Jasu (2007) |
Moved picked xyz location... | JA2 | 3 | JA2 (2007) |
Camera window | Moraldi | 7 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
WinBlitz3D and/or Schnok - How do you pause? | GrumpyOldMan | 5 | Kev (2007) |
TCP Question | Robert M Jolly | 4 | Robert M Jolly (2007) |
specular highlight on a road - can it be done? | Vorderman | 28 | Pinete (2007) |
Undocumented commandes | Bobysait | 6 | bytecode77 (2007) |
DirectX 9.0 Engine for Blitz3D | ala_samodi | 15 | Pinete (2007) |
LAN/Internet Chat Help | Ked | 15 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
bsp or octree? | El Neil | 6 | El Neil (2007) |
Blitzmax Spiral Screensaver | Damien Sturdy | 1 | Damien Sturdy (2007) |
Clouds | ingenium | 6 | Chad (2007) |
2D in 3D - Revisited | Darkuni | 20 | MixailV (2007) |
using up ram when saving to file... | Swifty | 3 | Swifty (2007) |
cant get x,y,z co-ords of child | slenkar | 12 | b32 (2007) |
double precision | Abram | 10 | Abram (2007) |
Change between cameras | Chad | 6 | REJLA (2007) |
AI Programming strategies | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | Matty (2007) |
Where has WinBlitz3D Gone?? | Chaos | 9 | Kev (2007) |
Archive da forums | * | 4 | * (2007) |
3d Crosshair help! | Mortiis | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
BlitzPlay lib | Naughty Alien | 40 | Chroma (2007) |
The Best MouseLook Code. | Chroma | 13 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Algorithm - shader, normal, tangent, bitangent? | GrumpyOldMan | 2 | Pinete (2007) |
rotating stuff, having troubles... | DREAM | 3 | DREAM (2007) |
PasteImageFromClipboard() | JoeGr | 16 | JoeGr (2007) |
Shadow Systems DX7 | tsmpaul | 8 | tsmpaul (2007) |
Ellipse - Box collision woes | Bankie | 15 | Stevie G (2007) |
Internet radio | Naughty Alien | 7 | Rroff (2007) |
Anyone here using that JV_ODE? | Craig H. Nisbet | 6 | Damien Sturdy (2007) |
Procedural dynamic textures | caff_ | 8 | .Squid (2007) |
old code new update ? | Paul "Taiphoz" | 8 | GfK (2007) |
I need a tool | Chaosspear | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Load a Vector Image? | CopperCircle | 5 | CopperCircle (2007) |
Is there an alpha dll for use in 2d mode and.... | DREAM | 7 | Pinete (2007) |
keyboard affecting maths ? | b32 | 1 | b32 (2007) |
Scale 3d object from image width and height ? | Filax | 9 | Filax (2007) |
Lineofsight3d help | ace33 | 6 | fredborg (2007) |
image display issues | Gillissie | 5 | Matty (2007) |
Include syntax..? | mrbombermillzy | 15 | mrbombermillzy (2007) |
How to get a zero | xmlspy | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
PointEntity function | Naughty Alien | 3 | Matty (2007) |
DX8 to B3D Converter | FreetimeCoder | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Hullo! | Foolish Frost | 11 | Tom (2007) |
Best platform character (player) control ? | IPete2 | 2 | Gabriel (2007) |
DeltaYaw | lo-tekk | 3 | lo-tekk (2007) |
I'm not sure how to explain this? | DREAM | 7 | DREAM (2007) |
CountGFXModes() Trouble | Makepool | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Can this be done? | Chroma | 6 | sswift (2007) |
Blitz3D Collision Example Fix (better way?) | kerrill | 5 | Sledge (2007) |
HHelp with Working with Mesh Tris | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2007) |
Strange memory access error | Mr.Waterlily | 12 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
Bending a pipe by 'x' degrees? | Chaos | 14 | Chaos (2007) |
polygon to polygon collision | Chroma | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
DreamFX - When's it get released? | Subirenihil | 3 | Subirenihil (2007) |
Wings 3d to Ultimate Unwrap3D to b3d | Blitzplotter | 4 | lo-tekk (2007) |
Best GUI | Moraldi | 10 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Agiea physics dll? | bytecode77 | 13 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Modelling programs (locked) | seferey | 1 | seferey (2007) |
WinBlitz3D v1.1 demo | Kev | 17 | Ked (2007) |
Texture splatting + vertex alpha problem | Pinete | 11 | Pinete (2007) |
Pivot/model open/close door? | Chad | 6 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Mesh seams question? | Stevie G | 8 | big10p (2007) |
Animated models suck FPS | xmlspy | 4 | Pinete (2007) |
Blitz3D ugly shading prob (help) | Danny | 16 | Danny (2007) |
Phil Jones' pitch and roll example | Chad | 7 | Chad (2007) |
6DoF Demo | Chroma | 6 | Chroma (2007) |
estimating an area | Andy | 3 | Andy (2007) |
DeltaRoll - anyone? | Boiled Sweets | 6 | Boiled Sweets (2007) |
Texture sizes | xmlspy | 4 | Mustang (2007) |
Removing textures from meshes | xmlspy | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
Intense math question | Chroma | 4 | Chroma (2007) |
many objects in one level/zones? | b32 | 7 | b32 (2007) |
Writepixel command | David819 | 9 | David819 (2007) |
Texture Alpha | EmerGki | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
How to disable the screen-saver when running blitz | Jin | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Windows Vista 64 bits | Carolinaaa | 11 | MikeP (Dark Mist Software) (2007) |
LoadAnimImage | Zach3D | 5 | GfK (2007) |
Tank Simulator | sonokong | 10 | b32 (2007) |
Problem with gile[s] and Panorama | Pinete | 5 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Make words fly out of a cylinder... | Blitzplotter | 3 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
infinitive far clipplane? | bytecode77 | 9 | LAB[au] (2007) |
GNET "failed to add server" everytime | Fuller | 7 | Fuller (2007) |
Hot swapping resolution? | OrcSlayer | 8 | Stevie G (2007) |
Mesh editor. | Vertigo | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Types question - unused fields | xmlspy | 5 | Beaker (2007) |
AnimImage Creator (locked) | Ked | 1 | Ked (2007) |
checking shadow tutorial compatability | Kalisme | 2 | Stevie G (2007) |
'Hitman' like volumetric light | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Full WinBlitz3D FREE | Kev | 126 | Ked (2007) |
Solar Eclipse model?! | sonokong | 29 | _PJ_ (2007) |
WinBlitz3d Events Help | Ricky Smith | 22 | Kev (2007) |
howto make keystone with Blitz3d? | Raistlin | 8 | Raistlin (2007) |
A droplet for the community | Moraldi | 18 | Moraldi (2007) |
"Cartoon shading" with cubemaps - how? | JustLuke | 5 | JustLuke (2007) |
3d tilemaps - a possbility? | caff_ | 7 | Neo Genesis10 (2007) |
PickedNX question | jfk EO-11110 | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Problem with scaled windowed mode | Carolinaaa | 7 | Neo Genesis10 (2007) |
Opposite of EntityAutoFade() | xmlspy | 4 | xmlspy (2007) |
Is it possible to "clamp" a spherical map? (locked) | JustLuke | 1 | JustLuke (2007) |
Animation and pointer issue. | Vertigo | 6 | lo-tekk (2007) |
A real puzzler | John Blackledge | 12 | Gillissie (2007) |
A billowing flag? | Chroma | 5 | sonokong (2007) |
Animated meshes and sprites | _PJ_ | 4 | Ross C (2007) |
Milkshape to .B3D pipeline | Chroma | 3 | Gabriel (2007) |
Vehicle Steering | EmerGki | 11 | _PJ_ (2007) |
FTP - Download entire folder | _PJ_ | 5 | _PJ_ (2007) |
Contacting Jeppe Nielsen | Pinete | 1 | Pinete (2007) |
Terrain with vertexalpha Zshort problem | Pinete | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
TForm Functions | Zach3D | 7 | Gabriel (2007) |
Pickable objects | Moraldi | 9 | Moraldi (2007) |
XLNT 2 gui - Force 'home' with a textbox? | Zethrax | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Saving a buffer as jpeg | Gillissie | 4 | Gillissie (2007) |
pseudo volume rendering | shawnus | 8 | Stevie G (2007) |
How to work out the xyz coords of 2d screen? | Boiled Sweets | 5 | Moraldi (2007) |
Trisrendered() | El Neil | 8 | Subirenihil (2007) |
Mesh/surface limit (JFK, one 4 u i think) | D4NM4N | 8 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Starforce Problems... | Barton | 11 | Barton (2007) |
Collision testing | Mattizzle | 6 | Vertigo (2007) |
Shoot em up smooth player movement code? | Boiled Sweets | 6 | Ross C (2007) |
Decals | Chroma | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Newton Wrapper? | Picklesworth | 13 | Blitzplotter (2007) |
Name limit on meshes | D4NM4N | 3 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Release the source to the Blitz3D engine | N | 145 | Damien Sturdy (2007) |
CopyMesh/CopyEntity and Textures | xmlspy | 4 | Ross C (2007) |
Need some help from Vista users. | Paolo | 11 | Paolo (2007) |
Types within Types | xmlspy | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
comparison error | impersonalis | 14 | Dreamora (2007) |
Command to find an entities parent? | Ross C | 2 | Ross C (2007) |
execfile | cash | 7 | Dirk Krause (2007) |
Vista and B3D? | IPete2 | 2 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Verlets and mass | Nexus6 | 4 | Stevie G (2007) |
Raiders of the lost Brushes | jfk EO-11110 | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Circle to rotated Rectangle - 2d collisions | Stevie G | 3 | Stevie G (2007) |
Ashadow B3D caster doubt | Pinete | 6 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Garbage Collection Question | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Yet another B3D format question... | jfk EO-11110 | 1 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
need help with joining a net game | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2007) |
.b3d get child? | Chroma | 6 | cash (2007) |
Pickedentity query | Nexus6 | 9 | Vertigo (2007) |
Database Generation | Colvette | 6 | Colvette (2007) |
TrueType Font Widths | EPS | 9 | Subirenihil (2007) |
Untouched Image, or not? | Mr.Waterlily | 9 | cyberyoyo (2007) |
Free brushes | b32 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
View frustum culling | LAB[au] | 9 | LAB[au] (2007) |
SCHNOK! 0.96 beta - small update | Danny | 26 | Mikele (2007) |
Has any one been able to implement HDRI or shaders | eye | 4 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Mirror? | kochOn | 2 | big10p (2007) |
Best way to cloth a character? | andy_mc | 10 | andy_mc (2007) |
Open a webpage... | JA2 | 9 | JazzieB (2007) |
entityautofade | Mr Snidesmin | 3 | Mr Snidesmin (2007) |
PlaySound | Naughty Alien | 7 | LineOf7s (2007) |
AntiAlias True | Naughty Alien | 13 | Gabriel (2007) |
Window in Blitz3D? | Ked | 3 | Ked (2007) |
How to check if app is in window mode or not? | Mr.Waterlily | 3 | Mr.Waterlily (2007) |
Fullscreen window with no titlebar? | Beaker | 7 | Yan (2007) |
How Render Tweening Works? | Gabriel | 10 | Gabriel (2007) |
Findong out which way a triangle is pointing | gburgess | 25 | bytecode77 (2007) |
endgraphics error | Mr Snidesmin | 5 | John Blackledge (2007) |
oh not collisions again. apparently not. | Mr Snidesmin | 2 | Mr Snidesmin (2007) |
Problems hacking properties | jfk EO-11110 | 8 | Ricky Smith (2007) |
3Dstereo apps in Blitz3D? | FiNegirO | 9 | Dr. Wildrick (2007) |
ColoredText System | Zach3D | 3 | Zach3D (2007) |
Alpha grass on to the alpha terrain | Pinete | 9 | Pinete (2007) |
Multiplayer game??? | sonokong | 6 | b32 (2007) |
Can Blitz detect non-standard mouse buttons? | PoliteProgrammer | 4 | b32 (2007) |
blitz3d+3dsmax+materials | vivaigiochi | 4 | IPete2 (2007) |
fastest HDR Filter | jfk EO-11110 | 26 | IPete2 (2007) |
Bloomfilter out of alignment | Leto | 12 | Warren (2007) |
BlitzPlay internet use.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | b32 (2007) |
>> Devil-Engines forum opened again! << | bytecode77 | 3 | puki (2007) |
Telephone Comands | Afke | 13 | Afke (2007) |
Round() Command missing? | t3K|Mac | 17 | Bobysait (2007) |
2D bloom filter possible? | QuickSilva | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
SetCubeMode not working? | AJirenius | 4 | Sledge (2007) |
Fastest method to compare numbers? | CopperCircle | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Moving Platforms | Moraldi | 29 | b32 (2007) |
Not understanding Etna | Fuller | 12 | RepeatUntil (2007) |
compile vs exe | mindstorms | 14 | mindstorms (2007) |
Plugin for 3D Canvas | Lagrange | 4 | Lagrange (2007) |
About Update V198 | Afke | 3 | Afke (2007) |
Xemacs mode for Blitz3D. | oofoe | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Sswift's Shadow System | caff_ | 10 | caff_ (2007) |
Picking an object | Nexus6 | 6 | Nexus6 (2007) |
upgrade beyond directx 7 | ThomasD | 7 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Anyone heard of that Phyicslib? | t3K|Mac | 5 | bytecode77 (2007) |
Draw an iamge with a preset palette? | CopperCircle | 3 | CopperCircle (2007) |
entity and its child | vivaigiochi | 8 | vivaigiochi (2007) |
B3D and Vista - what's the official word? | bye | 15 | sonokong (2007) |
get start menu path | jfk EO-11110 | 12 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Texture splatting and B3D pipeline | Pinete | 5 | Pinete (2007) |
B3d titlebar | D4NM4N | 3 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Open With... | Fuller | 10 | Fuller (2007) |
Use animation from another mesh? | thelizardking | 7 | Naughty Alien (2007) |
Blitz3D DirectX 10?? C'mon! | thelizardking | 42 | D4NM4N (2007) |
Help with positioning gun | Xzider | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
Fantastic Textures for free (non-commercial) | Danny | 4 | Fuller (2007) |
Amounts of polys | AJirenius | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2007) |
blitz types to c++? | mindstorms | 14 | mindstorms (2007) |
Need paid programmer for multiplayer game | SideBurn | 4 | sonokong (2007) |
Collision Vertex/Poly list | humanspacecraft | 1 | humanspacecraft (2006) |
Playing MPG? | Boiled Sweets | 2 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Open Server | Fuller | 3 | Fuller (2006) |
Tom DX7 dll | Pinete | 8 | Pinete (2006) |
LoadImage loading to VRAM? | t3K|Mac | 9 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Type pointer | Moraldi | 5 | Moraldi (2006) |
xbox 360 controller | syntax | 5 | syntax (2006) |
Deletefile can't delete this exe? | jfk EO-11110 | 18 | Subirenihil (2006) |
Min size of blitz window | jfk EO-11110 | 13 | markcw (2006) |
PHYSIC jointloop? | humanspacecraft | 11 | humanspacecraft (2006) |
Tracing a 2d line noob question.... ^^ | OverDozing | 1 | OverDozing (2006) |
dissappearing model | Doggie | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Highlights w/ Vertex Lighting?? | Danny | 10 | Danny (2006) |
how do i pick terrain with mouse | Smurfpuss | 6 | talentraspel (2006) |
Infinite Terrain | EmerGki | 9 | EmerGki (2006) |
linepick a mesh within a mesh | cash | 12 | Matty (2006) |
Direct Client2Client behind NAT w/o router config! | Andy UK | 8 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Help! Tell me what's happening here! | Hujiklo | 7 | Hujiklo (2006) |
Object animation not loading | SkyCube | 6 | Barliesque (2006) |
EntityHidden(), BufferWidth()...lotsa new commands | JoshK | 73 | Mikele (2006) |
Mesh intersect problem (Visual matter). | OverDozing | 11 | Andy (2006) |
Is it possible to. . . | Mr Snidesmin | 7 | Mr Snidesmin (2006) |
Blitz point lighting | Mr Snidesmin | 3 | Vorderman (2006) |
B3D vs 3DS and X | OrcSlayer | 9 | bytecode77 (2006) |
quest: convert Bin String to Hex | Lane | 3 | Lane (2006) |
Wait for ExecFile to finish? | CopperCircle | 9 | BlackJumper (2006) |
TerraEd Question. | OverDozing | 2 | OverDozing (2006) |
RuntimeError command | Moraldi | 7 | Curtastic (2006) |
CameraProject with split screen ? | angel martinez | 3 | Stevie G (2006) |
DOT3 bumpmapping | slenkar | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
dds questions | D4NM4N | 3 | Ice9 (2006) |
x file animation prob | D4NM4N | 4 | b32 (2006) |
A.I. discussion | sonokong | 11 | Wings (2006) |
Vertex paint in max | Naughty Alien | 3 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Poor Collision | EmerGki | 3 | EmerGki (2006) |
Glow effect in 2D mode? | andy_mc | 9 | bytecode77 (2006) |
SpritesCubers | Neochrome | 5 | b32 (2006) |
Looping through entities | Mr Snidesmin | 14 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
Texture problem with AddMesh... | JA2 | 8 | JA2 (2006) |
Gaussian Blur | JBR | 3 | Mr Snidesmin (2006) |
Why cant I download the the full version (locked) | luke101 | 8 | skidracer (2006) |
Devils Child - hadow system and mesh manipulation? | GrumpyOldMan | 3 | GrumpyOldMan (2006) |
Deleting types | Moraldi | 4 | Moraldi (2006) |
Which holds for faster maths? | D4NM4N | 5 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Octree Recursion | Craig H. Nisbet | 5 | patmaba (2006) |
DX9 Render | xmlspy | 2 | xmlspy (2006) |
file formats | Gord | 10 | Adam Novagen (2006) |
What's a better Blitz Editor | Craig H. Nisbet | 36 | Ross C (2006) |
2D Ball Physics and Collisions | Head | 13 | Stevie G (2006) |
return in a for next loop | b32 | 13 | GfK (2006) |
Partly Transparent Sprites | PoliteProgrammer | 5 | AJirenius (2006) |
Tweening | Moraldi | 9 | Moraldi (2006) |
Collision woes | Rob Farley | 5 | Binary_Moon (2006) |
Coldet - collision normals problem | caff_ | 14 | b32 (2006) |
TCP Coding with external app | Jaime | 8 | Wings (2006) |
TCP/IP INTERNET GAME | Ked | 5 | Ked (2006) |
Quaternions Test | Bobysait | 9 | Bobysait (2006) |
Displaying 2D before 3D | yerrel | 6 | Subirenihil (2006) |
terrain normals | Kalisme | 5 | Stevie G (2006) |
Parameters missing | Drekinn | 5 | Stevie G (2006) |
flat vertex lighting code? | Kalisme | 2 | b32 (2006) |
Grass demo | Moraldi | 5 | Moraldi (2006) |
Shadow System 1.4 test | bytecode77 | 20 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Help with compiling to DLL | Fuller | 3 | Fuller (2006) |
DDS DXT1 bleeding edges on lightmap | jfk EO-11110 | 11 | chi (2006) |
blitz terrain texture tiling question | Kalisme | 6 | b32 (2006) |
Netcode - How to design | AJirenius | 23 | Buggy (2006) |
blitz and remote desktop/citrix | shawnus | 10 | shawnus (2006) |
Need Help With ALE | LKFX | 3 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
How to do really fast EntityVisible commands | JoshK | 12 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
You go squish NOW!!!! please.... | thelizardking | 15 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Animation speed seems to change? Need help | SirGorto | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
is vertex visible ? | b32 | 11 | b32 (2006) |
Type of a type | iamdaman13 | 14 | octothorpe (2006) |
3D tetris using collisions | Nmuta | 9 | Nmuta (2006) |
Align To Vector Whoes | Neochrome | 8 | Neochrome (2006) |
Call For Authors | Morbius | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Simple rotation problem | Nmuta | 5 | Nmuta (2006) |
andreymans fx lib? where? | t3K|Mac | 13 | miez (2006) |
Windows 2000 causing MAV with net commands | Carolinaaa | 2 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Need someone to build us a demo | HarryH | 10 | John Pickford (2006) |
rotating two pieces to face each other | Nmuta | 4 | semar (2006) |
Tangent normal mapping fixed | JoshK | 83 | AntonyWells (2006) |
freeing textures | slenkar | 7 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Interactive Fiction | sonokong | 8 | sonokong (2006) |
Avoiding shaking with gravity | xmlspy | 4 | xmlspy (2006) |
Paint the Alphachannel | AJirenius | 22 | mr.keks (2006) |
amigatunes from www (locked) | Panno | 1 | Panno (2006) |
B3D Pipeline | smilertoo | 4 | OJay (2006) |
Window Focus | Liberator | 2 | markcw (2006) |
Rezise Window Default | alloidgames | 3 | alloidgames (2006) |
Additive/Blending Problem with background | Fuller | 22 | Fuller (2006) |
Tutorials for new Blitz3D Manual | skidracer | 41 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Counting Brush Textures? | Ross C | 9 | Ross C (2006) |
store texture in vram | Osoko | 10 | Stevie G (2006) |
Creating ViewPort | Fuller | 6 | Fuller (2006) |
Knowing if a brush exists? | Ross C | 2 | mr.keks (2006) |
biped+pivot with mesh | vivaigiochi | 3 | vivaigiochi (2006) |
cam frustum calcul... | OverDozing | 11 | Stevie G (2006) |
Udp streams question | Carolinaaa | 4 | Wings (2006) |
Stucture of Blitz3d mesh | Mr Snidesmin | 10 | Ross C (2006) |
Animation and Blender | Zach3D | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Pathfinding | YellBellzDotCom | 9 | Filax (2006) |
fullscreen FX | b32 | 6 | ZJP (2006) |
Anyone got a good maths head? | D4NM4N | 14 | BlackJumper (2006) |
Maplet-style CSG Functions | KimoTech | 12 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Dissolve Image? | CopperCircle | 7 | CopperCircle (2006) |
transparency bitmap problem | Osoko | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Fake shadow.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Make 3ds object smaller | jimmyx | 3 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
mesh copy/clone q | markcw | 5 | markcw (2006) |
String to Variable | Fuller | 3 | Fuller (2006) |
Object Follow Path | jimmyx | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Swift's vs Devil's Shadow Sys | xmlspy | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
EVAL-type command? | gburgess | 3 | gburgess (2006) |
Flickering sprites | AJirenius | 3 | GfK (2006) |
AvailVidMem() | mickybhai | 5 | Ice9 (2006) |
Opening a web browser from a B3D app? | John Pickford | 9 | xmlspy (2006) |
3 axis object movement | Fuller | 4 | b32 (2006) |
Problems Picking types | cash | 5 | b32 (2006) |
Texture Size Question | OverDozing | 5 | Matty (2006) |
Pass a Mesh from blitz3d to a DLL linked to dx? | Mr Snidesmin | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Enable stereo flipping move for stereo glasses | andy_mc | 8 | andy_mc (2006) |
Update | DareDevil | 2 | Moraldi (2006) |
SpriteControl - Generated Sprites Alpha issue | Kryzon | 13 | Ross C (2006) |
Item Inventory Position | Zach3D | 4 | Zach3D (2006) |
Getting a hWnd from a PID?? | plash | 8 | Kev (2006) |
Mesh position synchro problem | OverDozing | 8 | Dreamora (2006) |
Getting the real path to a dos type field. | plash | 2 | b32 (2006) |
End-of-Program Message | Adam Novagen | 2 | b32 (2006) |
Flexible (and free) Particlesystem to be tweaked? | AJirenius | 2 | asdfasdf (2006) |
3D Inventory System | Zach3D | 7 | Ross C (2006) |
md2 size | D4NM4N | 10 | D4NM4N (2006) |
NaN | EmerGki | 10 | Floyd (2006) |
UPnP in Blitz | CakeMonitor | 1 | CakeMonitor (2006) |
Play video on sprite? | OverDozing | 3 | OverDozing (2006) |
Particles, plz help | David819 | 7 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Task priority? | FlagDKT | 3 | Dreamora (2006) |
frustrum culling (camera inside shadow volume) ? | bytecode77 | 7 | b32 (2006) |
Returning values from functions | PoliteProgrammer | 4 | PoliteProgrammer (2006) |
Opposite of FindClass$ | plash | 8 | Kev (2006) |
Transfering Lots of data quickly in a net game | asdfasdf | 5 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
AligntoVector on a B3d animated bone | FlagDKT | 4 | FlagDKT (2006) |
16:9 Ratio | Naughty Alien | 6 | Morbius (2006) |
center pivots to objects | Osoko | 15 | b32 (2006) |
"Draw" spells/shapes using mouse - Anyone? | gameproducer | 10 | gameproducer (2006) |
CameraPick picking most recent entity | Fuller | 5 | Fuller (2006) |
E-MU 0404 = no sound in B3D | stayne | 4 | kevin8084 (2006) |
SpaceShip Models | thelizardking | 6 | carpman (2006) |
Defringe.exe | Nexic | 2 | Gabriel (2006) |
Blitz3D and Resource Hack | FourtyTwo | 19 | Jeppe Nielsen (2006) |
How to get the name of an collided entity ? | Osoko | 2 | b32 (2006) |
Some VB value type.. | plash | 4 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Blender Models | PoliteProgrammer | 7 | JoeGr (2006) |
flocking sheep | MadJack | 14 | Danny (2006) |
Fastest Technique? 'elseif' or 'or' | OverDozing | 7 | MadJack (2006) |
CD-R Disc Copying to | Fuller | 6 | Fuller (2006) |
pixelated textures? | bytecode77 | 8 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Animating 3drt models | Morbius | 4 | kevin8084 (2006) |
best way to shadowmap a terrain with objects | stayne | 3 | Danny (2006) |
Millisecs() and highest integer value | Marcell | 8 | Zethrax (2006) |
Picking areas of a texture on a mesh | Chaduke | 12 | Chaduke (2006) |
detect a keypress | Amanda Dearheart | 10 | Moraldi (2006) |
Anybody can help me with linepick ? | Filax | 15 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
save system for Blitz3d? | MadJack | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Coldet + ODE + Blitz? | Warren | 4 | Warren (2006) |
What became of this? | PoliteProgrammer | 59 | Graythe (2006) |
Custom Fonts | Makepool | 3 | Stevie G (2006) |
Has anyone used this? | RetroRusty | 11 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
create decls files? | bytecode77 | 12 | b32 (2006) |
Elastic turning! | gingerprince | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Bezier Camera pathway | Naughty Alien | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Check for focus | bye | 2 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Alpha Channel | JoeGr | 8 | Graythe (2006) |
Rotation around a point on a virtual sphere... | OverDozing | 5 | Moraldi (2006) |
video capture in blitz ? | b32 | 3 | b32 (2006) |
Whip Dynamics - Tokamak? | Yeshu777 | 6 | Yeshu777 (2006) |
rotate,scale a line | Fuller | 2 | kevin8084 (2006) |
B3D lightmaps | D4NM4N | 3 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Frustum Culling | EmerGki | 17 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Myst Movement | Fuller | 10 | kevin8084 (2006) |
2D vectors? | gingerprince | 4 | Stevie G (2006) |
blitzODE: weld 2 bodies | bytecode77 | 4 | bytecode77 (2006) |
collision mesh vs maskedsprite | vivaigiochi | 3 | thelizardking (2006) |
System uptime | King Dave | 2 | GfK (2006) |
Racetracks! | Ash_UK | 29 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Surface/Brush data available?? | Danny | 6 | Danny (2006) |
Devil Particle System | 1.0f | bytecode77 | 5 | Doggie (2006) |
One mesh with 3 texture paths, according Vram | Osoko | 6 | Ross C (2006) |
Need opinions: Best occlusion method. | OrcSlayer | 17 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
weird terrain issue | stayne | 6 | stayne (2006) |
PhP Login Help | alloidgames | 3 | alloidgames (2006) |
Crash when leaving screensaver | KimoTech | 14 | Graythe (2006) |
Mouse Dragging An Entity | Paulus | 5 | Paulus (2006) |
What do you use to control the system volume | puki | 22 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
turn off blurring of textures? | jhocking | 6 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Change Texture Color | KuRiX | 11 | KuRiX (2006) |
Parent/Child Type Structuring | spriteman | 10 | spriteman (2006) |
CountSurface | Baystep Productions | 7 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
FindChild not working within For loop | jhocking | 4 | jhocking (2006) |
Collisions? | vivaigiochi | 4 | Stevie G (2006) |
MAV on ODE_dBodyAddForce() | bytecode77 | 5 | KuRiX (2006) |
Agonizing slowdowns... | OrcSlayer | 9 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
PickedEntity seems not constant, help | Osoko | 7 | slenkar (2006) |
Textureblend 2 masked textures? | Boiled Sweets | 5 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
we all got hacked! | bytecode77 | 5 | OJay (2006) |
alpha problem | stayne | 15 | stayne (2006) |
Plane or terrain? | jeffmorris | 6 | Andy (2006) |
Network functions please... | Subirenihil | 56 | Subirenihil (2006) |
TFormPoint? | DareDevil | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
'Stencil shadow' thread 2 (locked) | bytecode77 | 74 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Getting bass.decls to work - HELP! | Boiled Sweets | 12 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Incidental effect from dds textures | GrumpyOldMan | 6 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
AMT Singlemesh...Single Surface? | OrcSlayer | 3 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
The effect of vidram on stability | Knotz | 6 | Beaker (2006) |
Animation Problem | PoliteProgrammer | 4 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
BlitzCC question | Warren | 3 | Warren (2006) |
rendering 2d alpha | D4NM4N | 4 | Dreamora (2006) |
Can someone check this triangle intersection code? | sswift | 9 | patmaba (2006) |
how to create an automatic installation for the pg | Osoko | 10 | Osoko (2006) |
3d Elite style radar | Jon_E_5 | 4 | Jon_E_5 (2006) |
blitzplay pro | stayne | 3 | OJay (2006) |
The fastest ShadowSystem - underwater simulation? | FlagDKT | 21 | sswift (2006) |
terrain multitexturing | stayne | 27 | stayne (2006) |
nebula / space freaks look in | Tom | 8 | Defoc8 (2006) |
media export | stayne | 1 | stayne (2006) |
The blues... | Chroma | 2 | QuickSilva (2006) |
Changes between Blitz3D versions | robleong | 3 | robleong (2006) |
rotating a boned b3d | stayne | 4 | stayne (2006) |
Wavefront obj file format save function | patmaba | 2 | Floyd (2006) |
Network Code/Lib | stayne | 1 | stayne (2006) |
Buy Blitplay Pro | Barton | 20 | stayne (2006) |
debug enabled executable errors | angel martinez | 4 | Stevie G (2006) |
Close process | Baystep Productions | 14 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
need Fast function -> Point behind the camera | FlagDKT | 8 | FlagDKT (2006) |
WinBlitz3D: Limit Min Sizing Help | Pepsi | 3 | Pepsi (2006) |
Need alignment math help! | Finjogi | 13 | Defoc8 (2006) |
Octree's?! | Defoc8 | 1 | Defoc8 (2006) |
Animating a door... | Chroma | 17 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Background Galaxy | JBR | 17 | stayne (2006) |
Winblitz??? | Bnesiba | 3 | Kev (2006) |
COPYENTITY b3d animmesh strange behaviour? | FlagDKT | 7 | MadJack (2006) |
Texture flags from a b3d model | FlagDKT | 7 | Tom (2006) |
Program End | Naughty Alien | 8 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Stumped... | Chroma | 5 | Chroma (2006) |
(Math)Texture Flags from a number | FlagDKT | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Get the Color of a triangle? | Chroma | 21 | Chroma (2006) |
Little/Large People Paradoxon | jfk EO-11110 | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
DDS question | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
CopyEntity/Mesh & Vertex Lighting problem | Danny | 4 | Danny (2006) |
What's the formula for B3D Sphere mapping? | Gabriel | 1 | Gabriel (2006) |
GNET php coding / Alt-Tab | Banshee | 6 | Banshee (2006) |
Blitz inline asm | bytecode77 | 5 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
Path File Names | Moraldi | 3 | Moraldi (2006) |
3dsmax8+unwrap (locked) | vivaigiochi | 4 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Anyone still using | RetroRusty | 16 | Curtastic (2006) |
Railgun effect... | OrcSlayer | 21 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Problems in isolating a bug | jfk EO-11110 | 9 | Graythe (2006) |
Texture Size power of 2 | Bobysait | 8 | Bobysait (2006) |
Future of Blitz3D | Ian Thompson | 50 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Seeking with an MP3 file | kRUZe | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Map Editor | RetroRusty | 2 | smilertoo (2006) |
Lightsaber | PoliteProgrammer | 17 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
TurnEntity problem! | Boiled Sweets | 10 | Stevie G (2006) |
PositionMesh Problem with animated B3D | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
TypeinsideType ..what's wrong? | FlagDKT | 16 | FlagDKT (2006) |
bump mapping question | stayne | 4 | Gabriel (2006) |
3D models and where to get them | PoliteProgrammer | 25 | KimoTech (2006) |
Pixies | JoeGr | 3 | JoeGr (2006) |
Custom Geometry | Chroma | 7 | Chroma (2006) |
Open/Draw movie in Blitz3D | Naughty Alien | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Screensaver probs | Fuller | 8 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
CreateTexture mask | Boiled Sweets | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
find y position on mesh | markcw | 4 | markcw (2006) |
Returning Arrays | Bnesiba | 4 | b32 (2006) |
Question...smooth undulation? | OrcSlayer | 6 | Defoc8 (2006) |
To the one who did the GNET2 | Paolo | 8 | RepeatUntil (2006) |
Shadows 101 | YellBellzDotCom | 17 | YellBellzDotCom (2006) |
Transparency Issue | PoliteProgrammer | 12 | Gabriel (2006) |
multitexture | Bnesiba | 5 | Bobysait (2006) |
Lightmapping on the Fly? | YellBellzDotCom | 6 | YellBellzDotCom (2006) |
Suggestions for using bitmap fonts | Leto | 6 | markcw (2006) |
Getting proper rebound... | OrcSlayer | 3 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
cumemapping Q | bytecode77 | 5 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Movie problem | Afke | 6 | Dreamora (2006) |
Models | Ryudin | 3 | Ryudin (2006) |
Createsurface() | Bnesiba | 7 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
UV mapping problem | Fuller | 4 | Tom (2006) |
The 'Stencil shadow' thread (locked) | bytecode77 | 99 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Swift's shadow sys headache | xmlspy | 32 | Tom (2006) |
Directplay | Drackbolt | 11 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Mouse emulating joystick challenge | Cancerboy | 15 | Cancerboy (2006) |
Child true xyz position | xmlspy | 3 | PowerPC603 (2006) |
CSG talk | Chroma | 5 | Pepsi (2006) |
Falling leaves | jvc | 10 | JoeGr (2006) |
MouseXYZSpeed() weirdness | AdsAdamJ | 5 | AdsAdamJ (2006) |
Bobble Heads | Doggie | 1 | Doggie (2006) |
Any ideas on this? | Baystep Productions | 14 | JoeGr (2006) |
Actionscript? | plash | 7 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Camera as mirror? | jeffmorris | 8 | jeffmorris (2006) |
Joy?(port) problem? | jeffmorris | 3 | jeffmorris (2006) |
3d/2d window | Bnesiba | 3 | Kev (2006) |
Selling games | Fuller | 2 | Gabriel (2006) |
Paying Blitz programmer to make 2d Fighter Game: | Marvel | 1 | Marvel (2006) |
tokamak convex bodies? | bytecode77 | 1 | bytecode77 (2006) |
2d line in 3d - small error | Chroma | 5 | Chroma (2006) |
Animate command Problems? | YellBellzDotCom | 5 | jhocking (2006) |
Regenerate B3D files | Bobysait | 10 | Tom (2006) |
Bout to shoot myself | Chroma | 2 | Danny (2006) |
Saving a .b3d with a brush? | Chroma | 7 | kevin8084 (2006) |
b3d format explain ? | Bobysait | 7 | Bobysait (2006) |
3d asteroids movement? | Boiled Sweets | 9 | Morbius (2006) |
RPG Game | Zach3D | 8 | YellBellzDotCom (2006) |
Question about b3d bones... | OrcSlayer | 5 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Making a 2D RPG have questons | luke101 | 6 | Madcap13 (2006) |
animated meshes | Bnesiba | 8 | kevin8084 (2006) |
The uglyest model competition | bytecode77 | 8 | Shambler (2006) |
StarWars Scrolling Text - How To ? | semar | 12 | Danny (2006) |
autogenerate island mesh | ckob | 2 | Bobysait (2006) |
Camera clipping problem? | jeffmorris | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Exporting multiple meshes into 1 .b3d model | Chroma | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Gile(s) | Mike0101 | 22 | IPete2 (2006) |
PointEntity and TFormPoint | DareDevil | 16 | Ross C (2006) |
Moving car and camera together? | jeffmorris | 2 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Removing a face from a surface? | Chroma | 3 | Stevie G (2006) |
Blitz-Backdrop | ozak | 3 | ozak (2006) |
ODE Physics Library | Perturbatio | 15 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Making a model appear to be black and white?!? | DH | 3 | John Pickford (2006) |
Tile Based | Baystep Productions | 9 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
Driving Code | jeffmorris | 4 | Bobysait (2006) |
Chatroom | Zach3D | 3 | kfprimm (2006) |
get element from String$ | Bobysait | 4 | Rroff (2006) |
DDS question | Naughty Alien | 14 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Light Range is messed up | xmlspy | 6 | Danny (2006) |
A little help with linepick | xmlspy | 5 | Bobysait (2006) |
How slow is this function | xmlspy | 7 | Bobysait (2006) |
Too many pivots? | xmlspy | 5 | Warren (2006) |
3D World Studio Textures | Zach3D | 4 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Download Blitz3D | Zach3D | 5 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Simple CSG | Odds On | 1 | Odds On (2006) |
Lights and geometry | xmlspy | 5 | IPete2 (2006) |
Return a valid line. | Bobysait | 1 | Bobysait (2006) |
Data Files in Blitz3D? | FourtyTwo | 36 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
3 algorithms for shadow volumes! | bytecode77 | 9 | b32 (2006) |
Fast & simple Mandelbrot | Finjogi | 6 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Rob's Cubed Demo | xmlspy | 4 | xmlspy (2006) |
Scale the whole screen? | yours | 9 | yours (2006) |
Blitz3D Update 198 Now Available... | marksibly | 41 | Bobysait (2006) |
Head Tracking | Nigel Brown | 2 | LAB[au] (2006) |
New Source for BBGUI | kevin8084 | 3 | kevin8084 (2006) |
Problems with Elite Style Game | Newbunkle | 7 | Newbunkle (2006) |
Save image as JPG? | John Blackledge | 11 | John Blackledge (2006) |
ModifyTerrain problem | Mr Snidesmin | 7 | Mr Snidesmin (2006) |
How would I do this using matrix math? | Tom | 2 | Stevie G (2006) |
Equippable Items | YellBellzDotCom | 11 | YellBellzDotCom (2006) |
New DDS test, please try! | Tom | 75 | kevin8084 (2006) |
How to only render part of a mesh | Rad Gravity | 21 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Sound FX creation | slenkar | 3 | LineOf7s (2006) |
TerraEd Pro Topic 01 | Filax | 44 | Bobysait (2006) |
Hidepointer is acting weird | Chroma | 7 | Chroma (2006) |
B3D PSP port | Akat | 12 | Akat (2006) |
Thing I forgot | amitjf | 3 | amitjf (2006) |
TFP libary by marksibbly? | bytecode77 | 6 | bytecode77 (2006) |
How is Modulate2X Working Underneath? | Gabriel | 12 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
Anyone else have vertew color Wings3d probs? | Fuller | 6 | Fuller (2006) |
Sprite Candy gui in viewport | slenkar | 5 | Moraldi (2006) |
BlitzGL - Here you are! | KimoTech | 1 | KimoTech (2006) |
Wouldn't it be great to have a DX8 B3D? (locked) | puki | 27 | skidracer (2006) |
TFormPoint for animated meshes | bytecode77 | 18 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Hardware bump mapping demo | Tom | 28 | puki (2006) |
Question On Camera Zoom | Red Ocktober | 13 | markcw (2006) |
blitz3d & C++ | DareDevil | 4 | H&K (2006) |
The folder the program was run from | nawi | 4 | fredborg (2006) |
Moving along a rail | Fuller | 9 | Fuller (2006) |
BlitzGL - Here it is! | bytecode77 | 15 | popcade (2006) |
Helicopter | Mr. Bean | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Compare Blitz VS C++ performance on logic | Nikko | 26 | Finjogi (2006) |
Particle Candy Question | OrcSlayer | 4 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Can't Connect TCP | alloidgames | 4 | alloidgames (2006) |
Render to Texture & DDS CopySurface | Tom | 6 | Zmatrix (2006) |
Mathmatical challenge - 'flipping the vector' | puki | 16 | puki (2006) |
Problem with loading/saving | Farflame | 3 | fredborg (2006) |
Texture a mesh? | (tu) sinu | 5 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
New Blitz3D Update Available! | marksibly | 101 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Who kept copy of Verlet? | popcade | 3 | Stevie G (2006) |
blitz3d models quality | jimmyx | 13 | skyfire1 (2006) |
Hitscan question... | OrcSlayer | 9 | Subirenihil (2006) |
Resolution Ratios | Makepool | 2 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Sprite Candy just got better | CodeGit | 45 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Wraparound scroller only goes one way | Bungee | 5 | Bungee (2006) |
copyentity with animated, blended objects problem | MadJack | 7 | MadJack (2006) |
Problem with PlaySound... | OrcSlayer | 7 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Some performance questions... | OrcSlayer | 27 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Image Priority | spriteman | 12 | big10p (2006) |
BlitzGL death? | bytecode77 | 14 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Render to Texture demo | Tom | 41 | Mustang (2006) |
Dynamic Variables | mickybhai | 3 | octothorpe (2006) |
3DS model to Biltz 3d | jimmyx | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
getting trouble on Flip 0 | bytecode77 | 9 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Function to load DDS in "already made" models | Paolo | 10 | Dreamora (2006) |
Online MultiPlayer | Stevie G | 6 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Full Blitz3d Game open source release? | Rambus | 6 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Whats the problem with 24bit | D4NM4N | 19 | AbbaRue (2006) |
Running from another program make error | amitjf | 6 | Wings (2006) |
compass movement | Mike0101 | 4 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
One of the questions from the FAQ section. | SopiSoft | 3 | SopiSoft (2006) |
AI Movement on ground | xmlspy | 6 | xmlspy (2006) |
VertexAlpha problem!!! Plzz help | KimoTech | 13 | KimoTech (2006) |
Terrain Tiling | Fuller | 2 | Zmatrix (2006) |
Collision | xmlspy | 6 | b32 (2006) |
TurnEntity code | Drey | 2 | Stevie G (2006) |
CommandLine$() | xmlspy | 7 | xmlspy (2006) |
Mutltiple Masking | amitjf | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
MoveEntity improvement | bytecode77 | 17 | markcw (2006) |
blitz .exe/non-debugg mode | Bnesiba | 5 | Bnesiba (2006) |
Using the sprite control | SkyCube | 3 | Pinete (2006) |
Normal map resource question... | Liberator | 4 | Liberator (2006) |
Strings / Ropes, Etc. | Roland | 8 | Roland (2006) |
Looking for simple scripting language for editor.. | Odds On | 2 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Animated Models, seqs vs singlemesh | xmlspy | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
rendering 2D camera | Bnesiba | 10 | Bnesiba (2006) |
Gameboy or DS game? | Fuller | 2 | Picklesworth (2006) |
type and code | vivaigiochi | 4 | b32 (2006) |
Entity Fade | Moraldi | 4 | John J. (2006) |
Normalmap | Mike0101 | 6 | Mike0101 (2006) |
Normla maps on 3D objects | Shifty Geezer | 6 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
mav on renderworld() | b32 | 8 | b32 (2006) |
Using CameraZoom to keep objects in view | John Pickford | 9 | John Pickford (2006) |
MeshY like TerrainY? | xmlspy | 6 | Matty (2006) |
Intel Chipsets Crash My Game | John Pickford | 16 | RGR (2006) |
LinePick | xmlspy | 9 | big10p (2006) |
UDP over localhost | Banshee | 2 | Banshee (2006) |
EntityRadius - y radius | xmlspy | 3 | xmlspy (2006) |
Universal sandbox? | bytecode77 | 9 | ShadowTurtle (2006) |
DeleteFile | Chalky | 11 | RFBcsa (2006) |
How do you make a .dll or .decl | Fuller | 4 | Fuller (2006) |
Key start | ingenium | 5 | ingenium (2006) |
Question about .b3d and animations. | OrcSlayer | 4 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
In search of BlitzPlay Pro | CakeMonitor | 14 | DH (2006) |
Odd use for TerrainMedia Generator | Fuller | 3 | Fuller (2006) |
array problam(i think so) | amitjf | 7 | boomboom (2006) |
Inverse CameraProject | REJLA | 2 | b32 (2006) |
FAO: Mark/Skid, Glasnost! | Tom | 18 | Phalastos (2006) |
White/grey outlines on PNG sprites | Nexic | 4 | simonh (2006) |
Get File in string | xmlspy | 3 | xmlspy (2006) |
Win32 Open/Save | xmlspy | 6 | Kev (2006) |
LoadDDS, please test. | Tom | 79 | Paolo (2006) |
strange sound bug | Vorderman | 7 | yinch (2006) |
EasyTOK version 1.1 | Filax | 119 | Filax (2006) |
NormalMapping in entity with multisubobject | Pinete | 8 | Pinete (2006) |
Save heightmap from Mesh-terrain.. Please help.. | KimoTech | 5 | wmaass (2006) |
Rob cubemap demo | Akat | 9 | KimoTech (2006) |
Error Opening/Closing file | alloidgames | 5 | KimoTech (2006) |
Texture part tiling | Steve0 | 18 | Steve0 (2006) |
capturing sound | Andy UK | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
problem calculating time | FiNegirO | 14 | b32 (2006) |
Sprite Candy as 3D Game GUI | xmlspy | 3 | QuickSilva (2006) |
No . or .. on NextFile | xmlspy | 6 | Byteemoz (2006) |
Reading a string value with no quotes | Chaduke | 3 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Camera Problems... | OrcSlayer | 15 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Movement probs | Fuller | 4 | Fuller (2006) |
2D collisions for adventure games | ErikT | 14 | Snader (2006) |
Base64 Encoder for large E-Mail attachments | Panno | 1 | Panno (2006) |
reading z buffer | b32 | 11 | b32 (2006) |
Trouble with startnetgame | Fuller | 5 | Fuller (2006) |
Question about multitexturing... | OrcSlayer | 13 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Generating Freeword3D Road mesh from ASCII data? | Andy UK | 14 | Tom (2006) |
Plotting a 3d point on a 2d graph with perspective (locked) | Ryan Burnside | 1 | Ryan Burnside (2006) |
Internet game: Shops | Fuller | 8 | Fuller (2006) |
3D Measurements | Ash_UK | 9 | Ash_UK (2006) |
Splashing a car into water - how to do it? | Vorderman | 7 | Danny (2006) |
Supercam function | xmlspy | 5 | Pinete (2006) |
Max6 to B3d | Mike0101 | 4 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
Need help for this bug I'm having. | Paolo | 5 | Paolo (2006) |
middle point formula | maximo | 7 | big10p (2006) |
Saving animation sequences | Billp | 6 | b32 (2006) |
OpenTcpStream Writes but not Reads | KuRiX | 5 | KuRiX (2006) |
BasicGL for Blitz | Proger | 148 | KimoTech (2006) |
Pathfinding using waypoints help | Ross C | 11 | Danny (2006) |
camera view | vivaigiochi | 2 | Stevie G (2006) |
Can't load objects | Ash_UK | 5 | Stevie G (2006) |
Poly Count | Grovesy | 11 | Rroff (2006) |
Addressing another type within same type | Swifty | 11 | AdsAdamJ (2006) |
Sum Error | EmerGki | 6 | H&K (2006) |
B3D's Entity Rotation | xmlspy | 12 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Mesh Dimensions | Ash_UK | 3 | Ash_UK (2006) |
Cameraproject Problem | Ash_UK | 7 | Ash_UK (2006) |
Skidracer | Chroma | 11 | Stevie G (2006) |
Have a look at this (animated model) would you? | Sledge | 14 | Sledge (2006) |
RTS Formations | boomboom | 8 | OJay (2006) |
PokeFloat bank,offset,value | Wayne | 2 | VIP3R (2006) |
algorithmic art | Steven Noyce | 15 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
LoadSegTerrain Function - For everyone. | Chroma | 13 | Chroma (2006) |
Dynamic Image Scaling | Roland | 1 | Roland (2006) |
Terraedit pro | Nielsporter | 7 | Filax (2006) |
Masking with 2 textures? | Chroma | 4 | Chroma (2006) |
Blitzcc | BitBrain | 4 | BitBrain (2006) |
List functions for storing types | (tu) sinu | 4 | Jams (2006) |
Linepick with rotating entities? | GR | 3 | GR (2006) |
Does anyone have this from the archives? | Chroma | 3 | Chroma (2006) |
Question about Lotus Particle System... | OrcSlayer | 6 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
I'm stuck... | Chroma | 6 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Applying Shadow Maps | Chroma | 6 | Ross C (2006) |
level editor with 3D tiles. | Vertigo | 21 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Result of passing a type? | 9572AD | 7 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Best way to do 3d HUD? | Chroma | 13 | Mustang (2006) |
Drawing Program Problem | alloidgames | 4 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
Console Question | Conan | 11 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Image + TCP Connection | Ked | 3 | Ked (2006) |
Extracting rotation from matrix | John J. | 3 | John J. (2006) |
Lotus Particle System - free to use? | Vorderman | 4 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
weld vertex | Mike0101 | 2 | Tom (2006) |
Character animation? | Chroma | 12 | Jaime (2006) |
WinBlitz3D Lite Version Now Available | Kev | 27 | Kev (2006) |
save images as JPG? | Dimas | 6 | markcw (2006) |
Nuclear Glory Collisions | grimx | 3 | Dustin (2006) |
Milkshape and Freeworld Questions | Fuller | 11 | Chroma (2006) |
how to collide with water type objects? | D_Town_Tony | 16 | Sledge (2006) |
Copyentity maintain animations?? | Pinete | 9 | Pinete (2006) |
AI | grimx | 2 | markcw (2006) |
Scancode for the Right Control Key? | Chroma | 2 | Stevie G (2006) |
couple of silly B3D questions... | Vorderman | 36 | Sledge (2006) |
looking for fast bloomfilter | Pinete | 7 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Maplet-Movement | Minecrawler | 4 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Help adapting FredBorg DOF Effect to any camzoom | Pinete | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
multiple textures on one cube | Oh-Hello | 14 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
Animations without using mesh deform? | Vertigo | 8 | Iamhere (2006) |
Limited WinBlitz3D Interested? | Kev | 12 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
3ds max lighting help | Grovesy | 5 | Grovesy (2006) |
Can blitz start with no Mouse? | D4NM4N | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Carmack's Reverse - (stencil shadows) here it is. | Braincell | 32 | Chroma (2006) |
early look at wrapping decal system | Kalisme | 4 | Pinete (2006) |
Is Lua also important to us? | Happy Sammy | 2 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Tile Studio + B3D | alloidgames | 4 | LineOf7s (2006) |
Community Lightcycles project? | Chroma | 20 | LineOf7s (2006) |
pixel perfect 3d GUI? | bytecode77 | 16 | Ross C (2006) |
Camera FOV | Chroma | 4 | Stevie G (2006) |
mesh child objects... | Rroff | 4 | Rroff (2006) |
Modelling foam - calling all ace coders | MadJack | 11 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
Cubemapped Water... | OrcSlayer | 20 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Base Font? | alloidgames | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
blitz collisions | D4NM4N | 12 | MadJack (2006) |
Bloom Filter/Tron Glow | Chroma | 2 | Bouncer (2006) |
Need help with function... | OrcSlayer | 7 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Blooming BSP!! | Andy UK | 37 | Chroma (2006) |
shadow mesh vertex alpha probem | Kalisme | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
2D Line Intersection | Otus | 2 | BlackJumper (2006) |
FreeImage Lib for B3d | Roland | 10 | Roland (2006) |
DDS | D4NM4N | 8 | Mustang (2006) |
Need help: find the exit of the laberinth code! | Dimas | 7 | smilertoo (2006) |
GetEnv$("Programfiles") | slenkar | 2 | GfK (2006) |
Finding oldest instance of an entity? | OrcSlayer | 13 | OrcSlayer (2006) |
Select Random Type | xmlspy | 3 | Matty (2006) |
image editor | Steven Noyce | 7 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
Russian Fonts | Barton | 5 | Barton (2006) |
How to apply Bump and Specular maps? | Chroma | 6 | Ross C (2006) |
REQ: More control over renderstates | Tom | 43 | DareDevil (2006) |
Opening door | Grovesy | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
The Command Line Function | RiverRatt | 7 | Andy (2006) |
Quaternions and Some Questions | KuRiX | 5 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Could not run "Stencil Shadow System"? | Happy Sammy | 4 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Checking if a UDP packet has arrived? | yours | 7 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Shadow volume | DareDevil | 94 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Jumping instead of Walking :( | matthews_30 | 4 | Riddle (2006) |
EntityinView for AI | xmlspy | 2 | GfK (2006) |
Linepick/camerapick | Makepool | 14 | big10p (2006) |
Character Animation (locked) | xmlspy | 1 | xmlspy (2006) |
Pivots at Box corner | Naughty Alien | 5 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
jfk EO-11110 - please read | Happy Sammy | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
DrawAlpha command | Sir Gak | 5 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Check to see if an entity can see another | (tu) sinu | 12 | Beaker (2006) |
How to use "updateNormals and VertexNormals"? | Happy Sammy | 6 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Identify an enemy in Bucle + Type (code provided) | matthews_30 | 7 | Stevie G (2006) |
Raknet question | Farflame | 8 | Farflame (2006) |
Data maps v/s external maps. | matthews_30 | 7 | Rroff (2006) |
Collisions - Do I Have This Right? | Red Ocktober | 16 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
Exit not crash... | Liberator | 8 | Liberator (2006) |
MaskImage | Zach3D | 16 | Sir Gak (2006) |
how to avoid map overlap the main scene? | matthews_30 | 3 | Sir Gak (2006) |
How to hide mouse cursor in windowed mode? | Boiled Sweets | 8 | Akat (2006) |
"Include" not working :'( | matthews_30 | 4 | matthews_30 (2006) |
convert 1 enemy into 5 enemies? | matthews_30 | 9 | n8r2k (2006) |
Snake Effect | Chevron | 4 | RGR (2006) |
Help combining code to obtain a amazing DOF effect | Pinete | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Linepick | Mike0101 | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Inventory System, psudocode? | matthews_30 | 6 | lo-tekk (2006) |
collision inside a map? | matthews_30 | 5 | matthews_30 (2006) |
Stencil shadow rendering(question to tom) | bytecode77 | 4 | bytecode77 (2006) |
My Enemies Are Flashing :( | matthews_30 | 20 | matthews_30 (2006) |
Embed Internet explorer | Difference | 40 | RGR (2006) |
Entity dimensions | necky | 30 | Ross C (2006) |
Laggy Images | Zach3D | 2 | Ross C (2006) |
Game | Zach3D | 7 | Ross C (2006) |
Screensaver? | Boiled Sweets | 17 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Timers | Zach3D | 2 | Ross C (2006) |
Animated Pictures | Zach3D | 2 | Zach3D (2006) |
Best way to use functions? | matthews_30 | 15 | jhocking (2006) |
freeimage not working :( | matthews_30 | 5 | matthews_30 (2006) |
Change lightmap texture. | Ross C | 7 | Ross C (2006) |
Lightmap and Texturing Issues | Makepool | 6 | Makepool (2006) |
3d co-ords to 2d? | Boiled Sweets | 4 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Rare Graphics Glitch | Stevie G | 17 | Stevie G (2006) |
note pad? | RiverRatt | 2 | Rroff (2006) |
modify mouse pointer? | matthews_30 | 8 | matthews_30 (2006) |
Blitz Collision issue | Stevie G | 13 | Stevie G (2006) |
Hiding Unused Meshes | xmlspy | 9 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
PNG Image Based GUI | xmlspy | 10 | Stevie G (2006) |
B3D Window inside VB Express | xmlspy | 2 | KuRiX (2006) |
How can I know the frame of an animation? | Pinete | 2 | Rob Farley (2006) |
EasyTOK blind-man and guide-dog | Akat | 5 | Akat (2006) |
Connecting DirectPlay | Regeneratez | 4 | Regeneratez (2006) |
Alpha map usage | Moraldi | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
EasyTok - need help | Happy Sammy | 3 | Filax (2006) |
Working with BSP's | Chevron | 5 | John Blackledge (2006) |
File Validation | thalamus | 4 | Matty (2006) |
Yet Another Array Type question | SabataRH | 9 | RGR (2006) |
call a b3d routine before user close the window | Panno | 3 | Panno (2006) |
Smoothing out waypoints | QuickSilva | 5 | QuickSilva (2006) |
Projectedx() etc | TFT (der Falke) | 4 | jhocking (2006) |
Need function to draw wide lines | Dimas | 3 | Dimas (2006) |
direct chat prog | Scherererer | 5 | Scherererer (2006) |
Max shadow map texture size? | Stevie G | 6 | Stevie G (2006) |
Graphics 2D and Flip | Shifty Geezer | 12 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
Cubemapped entities in 16bit mode (?) | Paolo | 13 | Ross C (2006) |
Frames Of Animation | EmerGki | 19 | EmerGki (2006) |
Type problem. | Alienforce | 4 | Alienforce (2006) |
B3D File Format | carpman | 5 | carpman (2006) |
Nasty bitmap font bug : won't draw from backbuffer | Shifty Geezer | 13 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
Please Help -Publishing of my Game | Barton | 10 | boomboommax (2006) |
Making Blitz Games Online | alloidgames | 4 | alloidgames (2006) |
True RND (locked) | xmlspy | 20 | Matty (2006) |
Findind B3d File Textures | KuRiX | 22 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Changing a .b3d texture on-the-fly | puki | 14 | Ruz (2006) |
4 cameras look | amitjf | 7 | John Pickford (2006) |
Stack Space - Does it vary from PC to PC | Matty | 13 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Shadows - for animated 3D models | xmlspy | 7 | xmlspy (2006) |
OptimizeMesh() ... ? | jfk EO-11110 | 13 | kfprimm (2006) |
unfold/unwrap | b32 | 13 | b32 (2006) |
.wad library | JoshK | 2 | KuRiX (2006) |
create a shadow volume | bytecode77 | 43 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Align Entity to Normal | boomboom | 8 | boomboom (2006) |
Chess | Mr. Bean | 31 | Andy (2006) |
Default Include Folder? | Red Ocktober | 4 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
Change Sprite xy handle | xmlspy | 2 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
FAO Skid <bump> | Tom | 8 | Tom (2006) |
Double Quad ... DLL / EXE | RGR | 1 | RGR (2006) |
ExecFile | Blitzplotter | 3 | Blitzplotter (2006) |
Problem with terrain + collision (meshes) | Pax | 5 | Pax (2006) |
Dualview? | ???? | 4 | Wayne (2006) |
FPS tester | Blitzplotter | 5 | Blitzplotter (2006) |
Bluetooth. | Colvette | 2 | wmaass (2006) |
Moria Dungeon Crawler Game | Sir Gak | 4 | Sir Gak (2006) |
How to get an array size | splinux | 10 | octothorpe (2006) |
Determining Type | BloaterPaste | 3 | BloaterPaste (2006) |
LoadImage has flags? | Picklesworth | 5 | splinux (2006) |
How can I convert from a UV to a world coord? | Vorderman | 3 | Beaker (2006) |
blitz3d bug | bytecode77 | 30 | bytecode77 (2006) |
Type Field holding handle? Array of handles? | bigfoot | 4 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
UDP? | asdfasdf | 3 | Wings (2006) |
Only runs in debug mode? | SirGorto | 8 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Creating boxes of child's size | Pinete | 3 | Pinete (2006) |
Tachyon Storm new screen | Filax | 14 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Importing .mov files | SkyCube | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Download file from internet | xmlspy | 4 | MR2007 (2006) |
Speeding up readpixelfast? | Pongo | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
CameraZoom and FOV distortion | Boiled Sweets | 4 | Mustang (2006) |
What kind of movie file could be played in B3D? (locked) | Happy Sammy | 1 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Calling a exe from another exe? | Happy Sammy | 22 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Is it possible to disable ALT+TAB temperarily? | Happy Sammy | 8 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
testing it out (locked) | seferey | 1 | seferey (2006) |
Problems with | asdfasdf | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
WinBlitz3D full GUI intergration to blitz3d | Kev | 39 | Kev (2006) |
Alpha problem | nawi | 6 | nawi (2006) |
Animation problam | amitjf | 3 | GfK (2006) |
Could APE(Auto. Physics Editor) use with EasyTok? | Happy Sammy | 4 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
EntityVisible() Problem | Rogue Vector | 5 | Sir Gak (2006) |
HELP!! | DareDevil | 7 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Using a dLL to create | seferey | 5 | Ross C (2006) |
Car Lights on the ground | KuRiX | 21 | KuRiX (2006) |
Torque like clouds | Nmuta | 14 | Nmuta (2006) |
Detecting MAC | Baystep Productions | 13 | Space_guy (2006) |
ClearList is very convenient. (locked) | sswift | 1 | sswift (2006) |
Read vertex | DareDevil | 5 | DareDevil (2006) |
Align myPlayer | Gauge | 6 | Gauge (2006) |
Pathfinding | Zach3D | 5 | Sledge (2006) |
Linepick alternative.. some idea? | Pinete | 2 | Matty (2006) |
facial animation | dena | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Hardcoding an external rendering engine? | Picklesworth | 3 | Hambone (2006) |
texuring a cube | Chevron | 7 | octothorpe (2006) |
LoadSprite Not Working | Tyler | 14 | Tyler (2006) |
Help with elite programming problem | * | 18 | * (2006) |
Making it fly like Starfighter 3000 | JBR | 3 | JBR (2006) |
Callbacks which Blitz3D and BlitzPlus can't do? | Happy Sammy | 3 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
Jitterbug Blues (or debugging's smoother than not) | Shifty Geezer | 16 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
How to check if a file exist and erase it? | Happy Sammy | 3 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Need lockedbuffer version of this... | Shifty Geezer | 6 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
KeyDown and MoveEntity Question | Red Ocktober | 20 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
DOT3 & Lightmap | Naughty Alien | 3 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Every Blitz3D Command | Zach3D | 4 | OJay (2006) |
collision in a 2D tilemap with Blitz3D | matthews_30 | 1 | matthews_30 (2006) |
collision required for diablo like game? | matthews_30 | 10 | matthews_30 (2006) |
Format Number Correctly. Use FlipString? | asdfasdf | 3 | asdfasdf (2006) |
Model / Animation advice needed | BioHazard | 13 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
Jump Routine | xmlspy | 8 | xmlspy (2006) |
Problems with Tlist | Sonic | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
How to grab desktop | Boiled Sweets | 9 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Dynamic Light problem.. | Naughty Alien | 6 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Object rotate according to terrain | Zach3D | 5 | D4NM4N (2006) |
TooTing The OOP Horn Again | Red Ocktober | 22 | DH (2006) |
Problems with Tlist.contains() (locked) | Sonic | 1 | Sonic (2006) |
How to direct access to the Blitz memory? | Happy Sammy | 6 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Camera Scrolling Problem | asdfasdf | 3 | asdfasdf (2006) |
A few questions | Zach3D | 2 | octothorpe (2006) |
Spherical reflection control | Dustin | 3 | Dustin (2006) |
Problems loading a created mesh | Billp | 8 | Barliesque (2006) |
How to not light an object? | Picklesworth | 5 | Picklesworth (2006) |
Home made Random Function? | Stevie G | 14 | Pongo (2006) |
Need help to verify font display | Imphenzia | 10 | Imphenzia (2006) |
About EasyTok and 3d modeller | Happy Sammy | 7 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
Display Jitters | yours | 9 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
AI and Attacking | Zach3D | 4 | octothorpe (2006) |
Click and move | Zach3D | 4 | Zach3D (2006) |
Extracting a rotation from 3D points | John J. | 12 | Stevie G (2006) |
Quick Texture/Memory Question | Red Ocktober | 4 | Red Ocktober (2006) |
Legality of using the Blitz3D demo | _PJ_ | 6 | _PJ_ (2006) |
POINTENTITY | Naughty Alien | 9 | _PJ_ (2006) |
blended textures | Steven Noyce | 5 | Steven Noyce (2006) |
Strange Run-Time error | Ricky Smith | 4 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
How do I make sea look like this? | John Pickford | 35 | John Pickford (2006) |
Collision Problam | amitjf | 12 | Stevie G (2006) |
B3D DX9+ | Ian Thompson | 53 | Dreamora (2006) |
md5 checksum? | ???? | 3 | ???? (2006) |
3D Animated Characters | xmlspy | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
X Transformation matrix | D4NM4N | 2 | big10p (2006) |
Help New export Ase To B3D | DareDevil | 4 | DareDevil (2006) |
Connected my XBox Controller, need some help... | WedgeBob | 8 | WedgeBob (2006) |
BlitzModeller | Riddle | 21 | n8r2k (2006) |
Quake 3 -Non ID Bsp Compiler | Doggie | 3 | Doggie (2006) |
Renderworld error | Cousin Gilgamesh | 6 | Cousin Gilgamesh (2006) |
Outlines and zorder | Picklesworth | 4 | octothorpe (2006) |
Realisitic movement in space using a joystick | my_name_is_alex_hello__ | 3 | my_name_is_alex_hello__ (2006) |
How to move a child nearer to its parent? | Boiled Sweets | 13 | octothorpe (2006) |
1280/1024=1? | Osoko | 8 | Osoko (2006) |
Children of children? | Boiled Sweets | 5 | _PJ_ (2006) |
3D VR Headset | MErren | 25 | MErren (2006) |
To a Blitz3D Developer: Terrain LOD & VertexColors | KimoTech | 4 | ckob (2006) |
loadBSP ???? | Doggie | 15 | Doggie (2006) |
How to load a 3ds and mask it? | Boiled Sweets | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Animated Sprite textures vs Alpha | _PJ_ | 4 | big10p (2006) |
Bump Mapping | W | 5 | Ross C (2006) |
Help with AlignToVector | Roland | 12 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Using mouse to move object | amitjf | 10 | n8r2k (2006) |
Copy A.MyType to B.MyType | Neraj | 7 | Neraj (2006) |
AI query | Nicstt | 4 | Nicstt (2006) |
BLITZCC HELP | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
GetAmbientLight? | _PJ_ | 8 | _PJ_ (2006) |
online lobby | Chevron | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
No Globals??? | _PJ_ | 7 | octothorpe (2006) |
CopyEntity question | Ross C | 19 | Panno (2006) |
Setting vertex normals | big10p | 4 | big10p (2006) |
What factors greatly affect fps(frame per sec)? | Happy Sammy | 32 | skyfire1 (2006) |
Z-Order problems with EntityAlpha?! | Picklesworth | 7 | Picklesworth (2006) |
Surfaces? | Boiled Sweets | 52 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Blitz3D - UV(W)? | KimoTech | 6 | FreetimeCoder (2006) |
B3D trees with smooth alpha leafs | 3DFish | 11 | Pongo (2006) |
Japanese localisation | @rtur | 10 | @rtur (2006) |
Converting RGB <--> HSV | John Pickford | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
Grainy camera effect | Grovesy | 12 | Stevie G (2006) |
Reflective water problem | ckob | 13 | Picklesworth (2006) |
memory access violation | DareDevil | 8 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Mesh versus animMesh | cyberyoyo | 9 | cyberyoyo (2006) |
Fire | Mr. Bean | 15 | Mr. Bean (2006) |
LIGHTS ON/OFF | Naughty Alien | 4 | DJWoodgate (2006) |
entityOrder problems | cyberyoyo | 5 | cyberyoyo (2006) |
TerraEd 2.5 update | Filax | 66 | Murphy (2006) |
Fluid/Path-building thingy-jig | AdsAdamJ | 12 | AdsAdamJ (2006) |
FatGUI | kochOn | 7 | kochOn (2006) |
Hex and Decimal | Jack | 3 | SheepOnMintSauce (2006) |
FPS example + Tokamak ragdoll | Vorderman | 9 | Happy Sammy (2006) |
More (Specific) Help With Online-Ness | alloidgames | 15 | alloidgames (2006) |
3D question | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Loading fonts | Shifty Geezer | 13 | _PJ_ (2006) |
TriangleVertex() , 3rd var is in clockwise order? | Braincell | 7 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Max Number of vars passed to a function? | Stevie G | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Porting a Blitz Programmed Game to Pocket PC | WedgeBob | 18 | WedgeBob (2006) |
Sending emails | Farflame | 3 | Farflame (2006) |
Yaw Pitch & Roll to Matrix | Roland | 3 | Roland (2006) |
Advice for 'player' in a FPS | Boiled Sweets | 24 | Vorderman (2006) |
How does Blitz handle mesh/collisions? | Boiled Sweets | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Community 3D Project | Sir Gak | 63 | Riddle (2006) |
HelpMakingOnlineGame | alloidgames | 6 | alloidgames (2006) |
tablet/laptop pc compatibility | Amanda Dearheart | 4 | podperson (2006) |
Pixel perfect question | Ross C | 20 | Ross C (2006) |
trying to get decal lighting working.... need help | Kalisme | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
question about level lighting | Kalisme | 7 | Ross C (2006) |
DUDV? | wmaass | 1 | wmaass (2006) |
How to check if model is static or animated | xmlspy | 4 | xmlspy (2006) |
Smoke | Mr. Bean | 3 | Boiled Sweets (2006) |
Animated sprite slow down | Grovesy | 3 | Ross C (2006) |
3d tiles | Farflame | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
10/3=3??!! | ICECAP | 10 | ShadowTurtle (2006) |
bumpmaps and cubemaps | Steven Noyce | 2 | Ross C (2006) |
CopyImage problem | CakeMonitor | 14 | big10p (2006) |
Corrupt textures on 3d entities | Blitzplotter | 5 | Blitzplotter (2006) |
Object smoothing | TVISARL | 4 | DJWoodgate (2006) |
How to deactivate clipping for an object? | Pinete | 5 | Robert Cummings (2006) |
Tokamak Car Physics | Craig H. Nisbet | 10 | ICECAP (2006) |
ADDING B3D ANIMSEQ | Naughty Alien | 10 | Ricky Smith (2006) |
Sprite Candy... Anyone using it to make a game?!? | Kozmi | 7 | Rob Buckley (2006) |
Launch External Program in Background? | Roland | 4 | Roland (2006) |
Still no LoadMusic() command? | Russell | 12 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Remove the pop up window | xmlspy | 2 | Hambone (2006) |
Midi Files... | DroolBucket | 11 | DroolBucket (2006) |
Exported B3D animation problem | Pinete | 7 | Pinete (2006) |
Read DWF Autoca file | patmaba | 2 | GitTech (2006) |
recommend DLLS for general speedup? | MadJack | 8 | Dreamora (2006) |
need help with normalmapping (again) | Kalisme | 11 | skyfire1 (2006) |
Extracting data from file? | David819 | 17 | David819 (2006) |
camera collision | ???? | 6 | WolRon (2006) |
Object.'type' ? | Tin-cat | 5 | Tin-cat (2006) |
How do I set various difficulty settings? | WedgeBob | 8 | WedgeBob (2006) |
B3D 3d-Sound | Murphy | 7 | Murphy (2006) |
Tippy Platform (physics test) | Picklesworth | 6 | Picklesworth (2006) |
halo's bump maps | Tin-cat | 1 | Tin-cat (2006) |
"Hard" maths: angle between 2 triangles ?? | Braincell | 10 | Stevie G (2006) |
entity shininess | D4NM4N | 3 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Mirroring a vector | big10p | 12 | big10p (2006) |
Create individual profiles for AI | Chad | 7 | Chad (2006) |
Align shadow to a terrain? | Giano | 3 | Giano (2006) |
Dynamic lightsystem with shadows! | ChrML | 37 | Stevie G (2006) |
3ds Materials & Names | Roland | 9 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Code w/ animation creates "Illegal Memory Address" | WedgeBob | 15 | WedgeBob (2006) |
Lifts | Ching | 8 | Ching (2006) |
questions about volumetric shadows | Kalisme | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
offsetting a file | DH | 9 | octothorpe (2006) |
Client/Server Networking Problems | Poita | 6 | octothorpe (2006) |
Best Terrain System | xmlspy | 5 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
User defined type within type | Cousin Gilgamesh | 5 | octothorpe (2006) |
Blitzvision3D - Truevision3D wrapper | seyhajin | 12 | Gabriel (2006) |
aligning a entity ot the normal of a collision | Craig H. Nisbet | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
Best way to create planet atmosphers? | OrcSlayer | 90 | Shambler (2006) |
Vertex positions | Ross C | 9 | Ross C (2006) |
Icons | FreetimeCoder | 14 | FreetimeCoder (2006) |
Bowling game? | jeffmorris | 22 | Pineapple (2006) |
Help finding camera "up" & "forwards" | Roland | 7 | Roland (2006) |
round camera view | mrjh | 13 | Avrigus (2006) |
Slow Down unknown | Baystep Productions | 12 | WolRon (2006) |
Interest in a new GUI? | kochOn | 5 | Barliesque (2006) |
Detect a change in color? | CopperCircle | 11 | big10p (2006) |
Yes for the 1,000,000th time!! | Craig H. Nisbet | 9 | Ross C (2006) |
Distortion problem | Swifty | 5 | lo-tekk (2006) |
Can TerraGen Worlds be used in Blitz 3D Programs? | WedgeBob | 15 | WedgeBob (2006) |
Getting a possible parentwithout getting an error | D4NM4N | 5 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Cinema 4D | Flo01 | 20 | Pete Carter (2006) |
3D math question | Craig H. Nisbet | 11 | mrjh (2006) |
Creating a 3d object | Chevron | 6 | octothorpe (2006) |
Memory Violation on meshload | oclanis | 3 | Dreamora (2006) |
Align to vector | Craig H. Nisbet | 8 | mrjh (2006) |
SndLib problems | nawi | 1 | nawi (2006) |
AI collisions | Tyler | 5 | Tyler (2006) |
Converting boned LW to B3D? | t3K|Mac | 7 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Is Specular + Dot3 + colored lights possible? | Howitzer | 4 | Howitzer (2006) |
Bmp Magnify sphere effect | jimmyx | 9 | puki (2006) |
working example of entitypick? | Craig H. Nisbet | 2 | Jeppe Nielsen (2006) |
OggVorbis Quesiont | maverick69 | 5 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Question about readfile | JohnMil | 4 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Media View replacement | Giano | 9 | Giano (2006) |
day 2 night function from kain | seferey | 9 | skyfire1 (2006) |
Two blitz apps communicating | Jasu | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
QueryObject in Blitz3D? | CopperCircle | 3 | CopperCircle (2006) |
EntityVisible/Line Of Sight | JohnMil | 2 | Naughty Alien (2006) |
Mandelbrot Fractal Code | Filax | 30 | mrjh (2006) |
Window Position... | BMA | 4 | BMA (2006) |
Memory leak using CreateImage and FreeImage | Foppy | 11 | John Blackledge (2006) |
refresh my mind-trigonometry | Kalisme | 2 | WolRon (2006) |
Unicode in Blitz3D, possible? | popcade | 4 | VP (2006) |
Can't we hack AntiAliasing? | Shifty Geezer | 3 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
Detecting the state of an exec'ed file | D4NM4N | 13 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Secondary Texture Set | Banshee | 11 | Ross C (2006) |
Blender Users (locked) | Amanda Dearheart | 1 | Amanda Dearheart (2006) |
LoadBrush Rotate 180 Degrees | jimmyx | 15 | jimmyx (2006) |
Lights those doesn't affect to the ground | Pinete | 9 | Alienforce (2006) |
Copyright (locked) | Flo01 | 1 | Flo01 (2006) |
entity not positioned | zyd | 8 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Should I clear textures before overwriting? | Shifty Geezer | 3 | OJay (2006) |
KeyDown Problem!!! | kochOn | 8 | kochOn (2006) |
Odd VertexColor Behaviour | Midnight | 4 | Midnight (2006) |
Running a Blitz3D program from visual basic | ???? | 3 | ???? (2006) |
FindSurface on cloned Brush behaviour? | octothorpe | 3 | octothorpe (2006) |
Inverse of maskimage | DrDerekDoctors | 3 | Beaker (2006) |
Simcity style management | AdsAdamJ | 10 | octothorpe (2006) |
Biovison .BVH export ?? | Alienforce | 3 | Alienforce (2006) |
Blitz3D game content pack for sale! (locked) | gameproducer | 1 | gameproducer (2006) |
3d tiling system? | David819 | 11 | octothorpe (2006) |
mana-genetic dna sim | dena | 7 | dena (2006) |
CreateBank() Error Check | deckbottom | 6 | Gabriel (2006) |
How does a 'child' differ from an 'entity'? | puki | 12 | octothorpe (2006) |
Mean Shift Image Filters? | CopperCircle | 14 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
why is TEXT so slow...? and ZOOMing help? | Vorderman | 17 | Vorderman (2006) |
CallDLL | news_reader | 2 | LAB[au] (2006) |
Accessing Files from a ZIP | asdfasdf | 2 | Poita (2006) |
Is there a 3rd party lighting system for Blitz? | puki | 5 | OJay (2006) |
Circuit schematic wire layout algo? | octothorpe | 4 | big10p (2006) |
soon-to-be-button too slow... | RRK1020 | 5 | RRK1020 (2006) |
UDP Server? | asdfasdf | 3 | asdfasdf (2006) |
Switching Between Animated Actions | Langford | 2 | Langford (2006) |
Play Half of an Animation | Langford | 2 | Langford (2006) |
Poly Reduction Function | Stevie G | 5 | John J. (2006) |
XLNT ii - File requester? | IPete2 | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Gnet Tutorials? | ckob | 6 | ckob (2006) |
Align to floor | Grovesy | 8 | Jams (2006) |
Tiles In Terrain | EmerGki | 6 | EmerGki (2006) |
Blitz unit scale using CreateCube | puki | 5 | Sir Gak (2006) |
Paint Terrain | EmerGki | 14 | DJWoodgate (2006) |
Substract texture blend? | Braincell | 2 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
A way to do splines? | ICECAP | 6 | Sweenie (2006) |
Word balloons | sting | 5 | Barliesque (2006) |
Sky Issues | LKFX | 11 | Mustang (2006) |
resize/scale image | DroolBucket | 2 | Matty (2006) |
Shape editor | Grovesy | 7 | Ross C (2006) |
Lasers on Planes | Blitz123 | 6 | John J. (2006) |
Using LinePick | angel martinez | 12 | Ross C (2006) |
Terrain texture blending question | Avrigus | 4 | JoshK (2006) |
Multiple WebCams? | CopperCircle | 11 | jhocking (2006) |
Bone-vertex-weight question | Iamhere | 11 | Iamhere (2006) |
character affected by lightmap | jhocking | 29 | JoshK (2006) |
Set Hinge point in B3d ? | jwe | 4 | Poita (2006) |
Trees and Landscapes | LKFX | 7 | angel martinez (2006) |
Worm - Tunnel Effect | jimmyx | 7 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
CopyEntity | Colvette | 19 | Colvette (2006) |
Reading from a memory address | D4NM4N | 9 | Seldon (2006) |
Where do i find the web thingi for blitz? | ICECAP | 10 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Bone Problem | LKFX | 12 | LKFX (2006) |
Sprite Alpha | Colvette | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
Assigning Type Value to Global Variable | Roland | 7 | octothorpe (2006) |
2.5D? | asdfasdf | 15 | jhocking (2006) |
AA artefacts | Shifty Geezer | 7 | Sir Gak (2006) |
size of arrays? | (tu) sinu | 7 | (tu) sinu (2006) |
Type Arrays. | Colvette | 5 | Colvette (2006) |
How to package network data? | Vorderman | 6 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
Network Synchronizing | Poita | 12 | Poita (2006) |
Help! Code makes game quit instead of restarting | WedgeBob | 5 | octothorpe (2006) |
Fog of War | Poita | 5 | Poita (2006) |
Mouse pointer moving in 3D plane? | Poita | 13 | Poita (2006) |
tcp server problem | flounder22001 | 4 | KuRiX (2006) |
Pointless Circle thingy... | Rob Farley | 13 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
LoadAnimTexture | Naughty Alien | 2 | big10p (2006) |
Linepick and animated md2's | Ross C | 13 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Conversion | Baystep Productions | 5 | Iamhere (2006) |
scaling and coordinates headache: | _PJ_ | 12 | _PJ_ (2006) |
Driving Game (WIP) | jeffmorris | 28 | _PJ_ (2006) |
Using C++ or VB made DLLs. | Smurftra | 5 | Smurftra (2006) |
Merging animation sequences | CakeMonitor | 11 | Barliesque (2006) |
Shield effects | fishy | 5 | fishy (2006) |
Animation test & question?!?!? | Dustin | 4 | WolRon (2006) |
CameraClsMode zbuffer questions | DH | 14 | DH (2006) |
Info about DOT3 or bumpmapping.. | Pinete | 13 | Ross C (2006) |
coder required? sea game | SideBurn | 3 | Rob Farley (2006) |
Resize texture ? | Filax | 5 | Filax (2006) |
Parallax Effect, background not visible | WedgeBob | 11 | WedgeBob (2006) |
Copy and Paste string/data | cermit | 3 | cermit (2006) |
FlipMesh/Negative Values | Little Olive | 5 | Little Olive (2006) |
looking for b3d animations they dont work in | Iamhere | 1 | Iamhere (2006) |
surface -> triangle? | Mustang | 15 | Mustang (2006) |
linepick doesn't work with anim meshes...????? | Pinete | 12 | Ross C (2006) |
VRAM requirements | Shifty Geezer | 9 | smilertoo (2006) |
nested types and deleting them. | Pongo | 6 | big10p (2006) |
Set Alpha? | Joestick | 4 | Joestick (2006) |
Getting FPS? | MikeP (Dark Mist Software) | 3 | WolRon (2006) |
A 'cartoon water' demo | Paolo | 12 | Paolo (2006) |
.PNG and Images | Black Hydra | 3 | Black Hydra (2006) |
Hotspot Types | spriteman | 3 | spriteman (2006) |
Entitypickmode affects childs entities? | Pinete | 7 | octothorpe (2006) |
WinAPI GUI Anyone? | Joey | 9 | Joey (2006) |
Texture alpha | Ferret | 5 | FredMe (2006) |
Maya Models Coordinates | Tyler | 7 | Tyler (2006) |
Writing a .b3d | Ross C | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
Save .b3d | Ross C | 4 | Ross C (2006) |
setting alpha on part of an object? | ryan scott | 13 | ryan scott (2006) |
Texture Spin | Neochrome | 7 | Neochrome (2006) |
Graphics distortion problem | t3K|Mac | 23 | t3K|Mac (2006) |
Exporting issues (locked) | RifRaf | 1 | RifRaf (2006) |
"Impact Radar" ala shooter, HELP! | Pinete | 17 | Pinete (2006) |
I need some verification | Spacemonkey | 2 | Ross C (2006) |
Image from a buffer | yiftafr | 8 | yiftafr (2006) |
BasicGL | EmerGki | 5 | IPete2 (2006) |
3D Sounds | Baystep Productions | 3 | Baystep Productions (2006) |
Problem with app in non-debug mode | JoeGr | 2 | John Blackledge (2006) |
Spherical Reflection Maping | Crazidemon | 14 | Sir Gak (2006) |
EasyTOK Version 1.0 (locked) | Filax | 76 | Filax (2006) |
Why does this work? | Braincell | 4 | Braincell (2006) |
shader? | stayne | 3 | stayne (2006) |
Blitz Images and DLL's? | CopperCircle | 8 | CopperCircle (2006) |
Dealing with micro and sound FX | Osoko | 3 | Shifty Geezer (2006) |
Landscaping Problems | Cousin Gilgamesh | 11 | Wayne (2006) |
Unlit meshes | jfk EO-11110 | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
IF'S from hell | DroolBucket | 9 | Sledge (2006) |
Multi-Texture | EmerGki | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2006) |
.bsp import | Chevron | 4 | Chevron (2006) |
Jobs? | DroolBucket | 18 | jhocking (2006) |
Teach Me to | seferey | 10 | seferey (2006) |
^2 speed question | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | BlackJumper (2006) |
bezier curve problem | Chevron | 5 | Chevron (2006) |
Getting desktop colour depth | Boiled Sweets | 5 | poopla (2006) |
creating a mesh terrain editor | skyfire1 | 3 | skyfire1 (2006) |
texture size 2048 question | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | RifRaf (2006) |
Problem with Gile[s] exporting shapes.. HELP! | Pinete | 7 | Pinete (2006) |
Widescreen display? | fredborg | 11 | WedgeBob (2005) |
.B3D file format question | jfk EO-11110 | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Director Xtra | dena | 6 | saoudi (2005) |
GetBrushTexure | jfk EO-11110 | 1 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Debugging mode | DroolBucket | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Blitz 3D Docs Update? | QuickSilva | 7 | t3K|Mac (2005) |
Free FPS shell! Code?!? | Kozmi | 10 | t3K|Mac (2005) |
BVM question - Multiply context or remapping? | poopla | 4 | WolRon (2005) |
I was reallly bored so,,,, | RRK1020 | 11 | Sir Gak (2005) |
Floating point innacuracy or something else? | OrcSlayer | 6 | OrcSlayer (2005) |
looking for someone to do contract work | ryan scott | 2 | EmerGki (2005) |
BlitzCC.exe trying to use network | Jake L. | 2 | Andy (2005) |
3D sprites on scrolling 2D backgrounds | Shifty Geezer | 2 | Rob Farley (2005) |
Tiled Maps? | Poita | 6 | Poita (2005) |
Isometrics | Baystep Productions | 5 | Mustang (2005) |
saturation/desaturation effect | skyfire1 | 3 | VP (2005) |
How fast is Blitz3D`s 2D mode? | QuickSilva | 6 | Gabriel (2005) |
Hey rob permain? | (tu) sinu | 1 | (tu) sinu (2005) |
Question About Viewdistance... | OrcSlayer | 8 | Andy (2005) |
My throttle/speed code, what is up with this... | OrcSlayer | 10 | octothorpe (2005) |
Is this a symptom of a bad bank address | Matty | 6 | Matty (2005) |
Advance Shading and shininess | seferey | 2 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
How to add a triangle from outside of blitz? | Braincell | 1 | Braincell (2005) |
server talk headache | malicnite | 8 | octothorpe (2005) |
Help! | Idaho Razor | 13 | big10p (2005) |
Best way to create racing tracks | Ash_UK | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Parenting Problem | jfk EO-11110 | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Multitextured mesh | Ferret | 7 | big10p (2005) |
3d math question | Craig H. Nisbet | 6 | (tu) sinu (2005) |
Weird texture problem! | jfk EO-11110 | 8 | DH (2005) |
Math Functions | Dubious Drewski | 5 | Matty (2005) |
Collision detection on large meshes | Grovesy | 6 | BlackJumper (2005) |
EntityParent Problem!!! | L_Draven | 3 | L_Draven (2005) |
Texture Flag 4 question | jfk EO-11110 | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
String to hex? | Picklesworth | 5 | Picklesworth (2005) |
can someone test this model animation in blitz | maximo | 14 | Beaker (2005) |
Retro game sounds or plain Note generations | Boulderdash | 1 | Boulderdash (2005) |
BIG fps dif. 40 vs 360 fps what's happening? | Boulderdash | 7 | Boulderdash (2005) |
rubik's cube | stayne | 11 | stayne (2005) |
More verlet stuff | AdsAdamJ | 10 | John J. (2005) |
Problem with Graphics3D and two monitors | Pinete | 5 | DQ (2005) |
Can anyone notice the problem with this code? | Ash_UK | 9 | Ash_UK (2005) |
changing GetWebImage() into a texture? | Dock | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Userlibs and nonexistent DLLs | Picklesworth | 2 | Ferret (2005) |
Lattice Deformation? | Gurney | 4 | Gurney (2005) |
hook to [x] on blitzwindow | Panno | 7 | Panno (2005) |
Cars aligned with track | Ash_UK | 9 | ryan scott (2005) |
Need Help to understand how this works | David819 | 13 | David819 (2005) |
light refraction question | stayne | 4 | Mustang (2005) |
objects of the same kind. | ckob | 4 | ckob (2005) |
Painting Walls | Baystep Productions | 4 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
Cars overtaking | Ash_UK | 3 | Ash_UK (2005) |
Collision library screen | poopla | 9 | poopla (2005) |
X,Z to U,V | Ferret | 5 | Ferret (2005) |
shadow question | stayne | 3 | poopla (2005) |
Realistic 'rope' physics? | AdsAdamJ | 9 | poopla (2005) |
Pivot problem | Ash_UK | 9 | Ash_UK (2005) |
Who uses RottNet? | CakeMonitor | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
How could i do this? | Ash_UK | 7 | octothorpe (2005) |
Neatest file requester? | Vorderman | 9 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
Any Shadow Solutions for animated meshes | eye | 22 | Ricky Smith (2005) |
Multiple vertex lights | Ferret | 9 | Danny (2005) |
Third person cameras.. | xmlspy | 8 | callahan614 (2005) |
camera on rails control scheme | ryan scott | 5 | daaan (2005) |
Measuring Render Time | KuRiX | 27 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
copy/steam | malicnite | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Clipping objects | Ash_UK | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
ODE Question | Jeroen | 6 | Shifty Geezer (2005) |
Designing Level in 3D Max | Rafiq | 4 | Naughty Alien (2005) |
Collisions get sticky at certain angles. | callahan614 | 2 | Stevie G (2005) |
Chroma key | Chevron | 5 | Chevron (2005) |
Car engine | Ash_UK | 8 | VP (2005) |
AVI manipulation | Chevron | 15 | John Blackledge (2005) |
Building a TCP library, advice appreciated | poopla | 4 | DH (2005) |
Converting QBasic Code to Blitz 3D | WedgeBob | 9 | VP (2005) |
RottNet groups | CakeMonitor | 2 | CakeMonitor (2005) |
Passworded screensaver | Graythe | 17 | Graythe (2005) |
nextfile$ order | Chevron | 6 | Chevron (2005) |
Create DLL with Blitz3d? | Nikko | 5 | Nikko (2005) |
creating unique image handles | Chevron | 5 | Chevron (2005) |
Reducing CPU usage | Boulderdash | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
UserLibs using VB.NET | PetBom | 15 | LostCargo (2005) |
How avoid to excced max num of particles? | Pinete | 5 | Pinete (2005) |
Executables mostly zero bytes? | Boulderdash | 14 | OJay (2005) |
Searching for a particle system | jfk EO-11110 | 2 | jhocking (2005) |
Widescreen + GUI = :( | Dock | 13 | sswift (2005) |
VWait not working? | big10p | 40 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Bug with Linedrawing in buffer? | Marcell | 17 | VP (2005) |
Code not working :-( | Ash_UK | 7 | Ash_UK (2005) |
New Question | Baystep Productions | 11 | jhocking (2005) |
One quick question here | seferey | 4 | Graythe (2005) |
Run Game Error | EmerGki | 4 | KuRiX (2005) |
DX8 to B3D Converter? | Billamu | 2 | Beaker (2005) |
Application path is where? | Boulderdash | 7 | Boulderdash (2005) |
physics not working "right" | flounder22001 | 7 | flounder22001 (2005) |
Vertex coords of a child when loadanimmesh.. HELP! | Pinete | 5 | Pinete (2005) |
EntityDistance of Child objects | _PJ_ | 3 | _PJ_ (2005) |
Dxf loader? | John Blackledge | 8 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Return Values? | Cousin Gilgamesh | 3 | Cousin Gilgamesh (2005) |
Blitz3D buffer and C++ ? | Filax | 14 | seyhajin (2005) |
Reading from a serial port | D4NM4N | 9 | WolRon (2005) |
want to do mmorpg | Kalisme | 8 | Zethrax (2005) |
Alpha HUD | Baystep Productions | 10 | Jeppe Nielsen (2005) |
Get string from dll | Ferret | 7 | Ferret (2005) |
Any FPS project completed ?? | Alienforce | 7 | Alienforce (2005) |
Need Acceleration Code for 3D Asteroid'sh Game | Techlord | 11 | Techlord (2005) |
Accessing "children" in a .b3d model | Chroma | 10 | jhocking (2005) |
VertexTexCoords... | Mustang | 8 | Mustang (2005) |
Casting. | Colvette | 5 | Colvette (2005) |
where to start | malicnite | 14 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Black edge on Alpha Masking? | Dock | 17 | Dock (2005) |
This question has been asked a bijillion times... (locked) | ICECAP | 1 | ICECAP (2005) |
2 Analogue Controllers... | Colvette | 4 | Picklesworth (2005) |
2 USB Mice? | Colvette | 7 | Bouncer (2005) |
streaming mp3 | bingman | 2 | tonyg (2005) |
Updating a b3d texture? | Boiled Sweets | 5 | Boiled Sweets (2005) |
Load Order Wrong | EmerGki | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Transparency wierdness | Shifty Geezer | 20 | Shifty Geezer (2005) |
Wierd Problem | asdfasdf | 6 | John Blackledge (2005) |
Wiping transictions | Seldon | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
realistic "space" physics? | AdsAdamJ | 5 | Picklesworth (2005) |
About my First project | seferey | 26 | seferey (2005) |
DirectPlay - Through Server? | KimoTech | 2 | KuRiX (2005) |
Alpha Problems when attached to joint... | Black Hydra | 10 | Ross C (2005) |
Retro!! Pseudo 3D in 2d how was it done? | Andy UK | 8 | popcade (2005) |
Can 3dsound command work with a findchild | nrasool | 7 | LAB[au] (2005) |
Dear viper | seferey | 9 | VIP3R (2005) |
cls | malicnite | 3 | malicnite (2005) |
Garbage Collection (locked) | Space Fractal | 1 | Space Fractal (2005) |
Why does it do this? | ???? | 4 | _PJ_ (2005) |
Sharpen 2D ? | jfk EO-11110 | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
How i can get Desktop size ? | Filax | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Lightbulb ? | cash | 8 | Pinete (2005) |
How to create lightable box? | Shifty Geezer | 7 | big10p (2005) |
How to obtain the color of a triangle in a .b3d? | Pinete | 10 | Pinete (2005) |
mirror problem | SideExtreme | 3 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
getting an rgb value with a linepick | skyfire1 | 8 | Pinete (2005) |
making a level, how | ryan scott | 6 | cash (2005) |
Anyone know why? | DH | 10 | Ross C (2005) |
Multiple textures on multiple surface entities | Boiled Sweets | 4 | big10p (2005) |
Animate Function | Rafiq | 6 | Rafiq (2005) |
FAO: Skidracer | Tom | 1 | Tom (2005) |
Collisions (bah!) | _PJ_ | 13 | _PJ_ (2005) |
Particles spawning other particles? | AdsAdamJ | 5 | AdsAdamJ (2005) |
What would be the best method? | ???? | 4 | octothorpe (2005) |
Texture splatting | JoshK | 6 | N (2005) |
Picking Ellipsoids | Berbank | 2 | Berbank (2005) |
Saving JPEG in BB | explosive | 3 | explosive (2005) |
How to arrange Anim Textures on bitmap? | Dock | 6 | John Blackledge (2005) |
MAV on new computer | jhocking | 23 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
Flying with the mouse | Chroma | 4 | Chroma (2005) |
A quick question | seferey | 8 | Gabriel (2005) |
Combining Lightmaps, Vertex Alpha & FullBright | Gabriel | 5 | Gabriel (2005) |
Blitz 1.91 | John Blackledge | 3 | John Blackledge (2005) |
TCP and UDP streams / buffers | Chaduke | 2 | BIG BUG (2005) |
RakNet | Baystep Productions | 3 | KuRiX (2005) |
Maximum collision objects? | Boiled Sweets | 15 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Multiple mice? | Bouncer | 2 | LAB[au] (2005) |
Voronoi / Delaunay | LAB[au] | 1 | LAB[au] (2005) |
Main loop/Movie FPS | Naughty Alien | 5 | Naughty Alien (2005) |
Any help on how to make a 3D modeler? | kochOn | 10 | kochOn (2005) |
Eloquent way to iterate in Basic? | octothorpe | 7 | octothorpe (2005) |
Container Classes | octothorpe | 8 | BlackJumper (2005) |
Just come back, but old stuff runs slowly | Euphoria | 21 | Euphoria (2005) |
Object and Handle Commands | bluecarrot16 | 21 | Techlord (2005) |
confused about stencil shadows and blitz3d | Kalisme | 3 | Naughty Alien (2005) |
Strange Graphics Error | Mr.Bob94 | 17 | big10p (2005) |
Network | Baystep Productions | 11 | Andy (2005) |
Jpg /Png export | D4NM4N | 22 | VP (2005) |
.b3d format - animation and texturing on-the-fly | puki | 7 | puki (2005) |
grapple gun? | asdfasdf | 3 | Shambler (2005) |
Tcp Stream Problem | msx123 | 5 | msx123 (2005) |
Can you see why this isn't working? | Chroma | 11 | Chroma (2005) |
Manual Animation ? | cash | 9 | cash (2005) |
Delay command - what is it good for | Matty | 5 | big10p (2005) |
Fake mirrors | Andy | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Blitzmax webpage client (locked) | smilertoo | 1 | smilertoo (2005) |
Freeing single-surface "sprites" (quads) | octothorpe | 12 | octothorpe (2005) |
Is this how loopsound should work? | Matty | 5 | Matty (2005) |
Skidmark Scatter Aches | Topknot | 8 | Topknot (2005) |
Altering Vertice Colors | Chroma | 2 | Stevie G (2005) |
unable to create 3d scene | Red | 16 | jhocking (2005) |
Mipmaps | Dock | 5 | Dock (2005) |
ResizeImage | sting | 4 | Rck (2005) |
How about some thoughts on landscapes (locked) | Jack | 32 | BlitzSupport (2005) |
Another MipMap question | Stevie G | 6 | Stevie G (2005) |
Animations with .b3d! | Black Hydra | 4 | jhocking (2005) |
Custom arrays using banks | Jams | 5 | octothorpe (2005) |
Blitz terrain | D4NM4N | 9 | D4NM4N (2005) |
RGB and video settings question | semar | 3 | semar (2005) |
Winlitz3D: How to color a button? (help) | Danny | 2 | John Blackledge (2005) |
Dynamic Arrays | Grovesy | 4 | Grovesy (2005) |
Flip Mesh | Grovesy | 14 | Grovesy (2005) |
Starfoce CD Protection | Barton | 2 | VP (2005) |
Emulate sending of DirectInput messages? | .rIKmAN. | 3 | VP (2005) |
UDP packet size | LAB[au] | 10 | Techlord (2005) |
WinBlitz3D? | John Blackledge | 19 | Pedro (2005) |
OCR in Blitz? | .rIKmAN. | 8 | octothorpe (2005) |
VRAM Vs RAM | D4NM4N | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
B3D To .maplet | asdfasdf | 3 | jhocking (2005) |
DrawMovie with rotation ? | BlackJumper | 4 | BlackJumper (2005) |
Need help with camera/Clipping Cam range | Mighty Raven | 4 | Beaker (2005) |
Smoke only showing white? | Chroma | 6 | John Blackledge (2005) |
Blitzsys File Requester | JoeGr | 16 | JoeGr (2005) |
Loading .OGG files | semar | 11 | semar (2005) |
Gmax Exporter to B3D | EmerGki | 5 | jhocking (2005) |
Texture has a 'border' | D4NM4N | 2 | D4NM4N (2005) |
Sprite detection | Jack | 5 | Jack (2005) |
blitzsys dll | Grovesy | 6 | markcw (2005) |
Help manipulating player meshes | CakeMonitor | 3 | RifRaf (2005) |
Mesh Deform | Banshee | 25 | Barliesque (2005) |
trap all input? | Rook Zimbabwe | 9 | VP (2005) |
Can a cameras view be bigger than the screen? | D4NM4N | 6 | VP (2005) |
Blitz terrain shading | Finjogi | 5 | puki (2005) |
Grid meshes | Baystep Productions | 4 | puki (2005) |
problem flipping sprites | cyberyoyo | 3 | big10p (2005) |
Wierd texture problems | Shifty Geezer | 19 | Stevie G (2005) |
Inverting/Flipping a boned character? | Dock | 6 | Danny (2005) |
normalmapping problem | Kalisme | 5 | Kalisme (2005) |
Hide an entity to a specific mesh. | daaan | 8 | daaan (2005) |
Writing B3D From and back into Blitz3D | Gurney | 16 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Problem with b3d and chidl | msx123 | 3 | John Pickford (2005) |
LOD code | AdsAdamJ | 9 | Matty (2005) |
"msBVHImporter1.01.zip" Wanted | Happy Sammy | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Need code for an object swinging on a line | 3DFish | 11 | 3DFish (2005) |
BlitzScript3D | Techlord | 111 | Techlord (2005) |
memory leak | dena | 6 | TomToad (2005) |
Questions regarding team projects and C++ Dlls | Howitzer | 7 | Stuart Morgan (2005) |
Bones and JV-ODE | EmerGki | 4 | VIP3R (2005) |
need a normalmapped model | Kalisme | 2 | Kalisme (2005) |
Many questions about collisions | Finjogi | 12 | KuRiX (2005) |
EntityPosition of a child loaded wth LoadAnimMesh? | Gabriel | 17 | jhocking (2005) |
Texture in Objects. Loadanimmesh | msx123 | 4 | John Pickford (2005) |
Experiencing 'coders block' - particle system. | VP | 9 | big10p (2005) |
CameraZoom does not get tweened | Damien Sturdy | 4 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
is shadowmapping possible? | Kalisme | 3 | BlackD (2005) |
Known problems with Sphere>Poly collisions? | Gabriel | 3 | Gabriel (2005) |
movemouse problems | Ross C | 4 | Ross C (2005) |
Collision of two moving entities | Jeroen | 11 | Sledge (2005) |
Mark's frametweening code - 60fps or 20fps? | Vorderman | 18 | VP (2005) |
One Big Texture Vs Multiple Small Textures | KuRiX | 8 | Mustang (2005) |
Zoning | Baystep Productions | 11 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
Pointer to function | Grovesy | 9 | octothorpe (2005) |
Collisions without collisions | Stevie G | 5 | Stevie G (2005) |
How can blitz load these? | Xzider | 2 | jhocking (2005) |
Texture UV Question | KuRiX | 10 | KuRiX (2005) |
Nested animations - Help! | taxlerendiosk | 2 | Ricky Smith (2005) |
Illegal Instruction? - Any ideas? | John Pickford | 25 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
Blitz editor | Farflame | 5 | BlackD (2005) |
non-square pixel resolutions (and widescreen) | Dock | 5 | Finjogi (2005) |
ScaleMesh() Question | John Blackledge | 18 | John Blackledge (2005) |
DateDiff/DateAdd functions | Graythe | 9 | Graythe (2005) |
timer question | dena | 3 | dena (2005) |
Accessing Stored Data from another game | .rIKmAN. | 7 | .rIKmAN. (2005) |
mouse troubles | Jeroen | 6 | jhocking (2005) |
Cubemap creation for normal mapping? | Finjogi | 2 | Ross C (2005) |
directly access to MySQL | regaa | 5 | Barliesque (2005) |
hmm animated meshes and childs | Panno | 6 | Panno (2005) |
Lightmap in b3d blues - JFK,Mark, Anyone? | D4NM4N | 5 | Tom (2005) |
alpha/intersect with AnimMesh | Neraj | 12 | t3K|Mac (2005) |
Code2Doc bother | Picklesworth | 4 | RepeatUntil (2005) |
EmitSound Problems | asdfasdf | 4 | EmerGki (2005) |
point enitity | Nexus6 | 8 | Nexus6 (2005) |
Collision textures | Baystep Productions | 5 | Ross C (2005) |
OR Blending Method for Multitexturing? | Trip42 | 3 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
X files and color | D4NM4N | 5 | Shambler (2005) |
animated mesh distortion | slenkar | 4 | big10p (2005) |
Window with scrollbar | asdfasdf | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Tokamak | Baystep Productions | 6 | streb2001 (2005) |
Texture Swapping on Copies of Entities | Trip42 | 3 | TeraBit (2005) |
Coder needed - Near(ish) Brighton | Grovesy | 8 | steve_ancell (2005) |
Using japanese/korean text ? | MagicalTux | 12 | tumi (2005) |
Bezier stuff | JBR | 3 | JBR (2005) |
Execfile | solitaire | 18 | John Blackledge (2005) |
Scripting many levels | Grovesy | 9 | lo-tekk (2005) |
anyone have 3ds export code? | Kalisme | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Animation and .3DS | Rafiq | 6 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
How to make a type Null | Picklesworth | 7 | Picklesworth (2005) |
Online Programming | S_Seth | 22 | Chano (2005) |
Duplicate a Type? | Picklesworth | 2 | Beaker (2005) |
Disable intial GFX window? | Blaine | 4 | Blaine (2005) |
Good Scale Needed | asdfasdf | 4 | John Blackledge (2005) |
trouble withFreeEntity | dena | 8 | dena (2005) |
Multiple processors - multiple instances of an app | Matty | 14 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
re. the Stunt Car MAV - loading B3Ds | Vorderman | 17 | VP (2005) |
What is AlignToVector doing under the hood? | Gabriel | 9 | Jeppe Nielsen (2005) |
FPS Beginner Help | Rafiq | 4 | Rafiq (2005) |
AligntoVector | cash | 7 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
Accurate collision detection with animated meshes | Matty | 3 | IPete2 (2005) |
Lua debugging? | null_term | 1 | null_term (2005) |
rotate entity around parent using only mouse, help | maximo | 5 | daaan (2005) |
can this effect be done in blitz3d? | skyfire1 | 10 | sswift (2005) |
NEED help with animated normalmapped objects | Kalisme | 7 | Zmatrix (2005) |
Mesh Exporter | Rob Farley | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Vertex color | Naughty Alien | 1 | Naughty Alien (2005) |
waypoints | cash | 6 | puki (2005) |
CreateProcess | Spiri | 2 | WolRon (2005) |
This doesnt seem right, re: memory banks | Boulderdash | 5 | big10p (2005) |
Animation Texture Size Question | Nexic | 3 | Nexic (2005) |
Help Painting Road Surface | KuRiX | 12 | KuRiX (2005) |
Big Texture Sizes Non Square | KuRiX | 6 | Mustang (2005) |
Fast Vertex Manipulation | Damien Sturdy | 10 | Clarks (2005) |
Pivot and mesh | Grovesy | 4 | Grovesy (2005) |
quads / sprites | Mr Snidesmin | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Blitzplay AckInUse command | Farflame | 15 | KuRiX (2005) |
Inde Ed users | D4NM4N | 4 | MikeHart (2005) |
Asked a million times. | Baystep Productions | 9 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
One Texture used twice | KuRiX | 3 | KuRiX (2005) |
'dynamic mesh deformation' code? | markcw | 18 | Mr Snidesmin (2005) |
UU3D website is down.. | BlackD | 9 | BlackD (2005) |
One more pseudo-stencilShadow code ... | Paolo | 16 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Is this useful for anything? | big10p | 6 | Damien Sturdy (2005) |
Need some math help | Jack | 9 | Jack (2005) |
Thrusters? | asdfasdf | 6 | DH (2005) |
TFormVector/TFormPoint | Makepool | 4 | fredborg (2005) |
Non constant movement | Neochrome | 1 | Neochrome (2005) |
compare types | maximo | 10 | big10p (2005) |
Any body know | Baystep Productions | 5 | Baystep Productions (2005) |
real time cutscenes | skyfire1 | 6 | Naughty Alien (2005) |
My first project available for criticism | VP | 3 | VP (2005) |
Blitz3D Quaternions | JoshK | 12 | Tom (2005) |
Object-Based Programming w/ Blitz3D: A web course. | Techlord | 32 | VP (2005) |
in game timers with blitz3d | skyfire1 | 30 | BlackD (2005) |
Alpha Mask loading for Sprite Control | BlackD | 4 | BlackD (2005) |
A new .b3d is needed | AntonyWells | 19 | Robert Cummings (2005) |
Good Water Engine Needed | asdfasdf | 17 | asdfasdf (2005) |
paint texture onto mesh | ckob | 3 | ckob (2005) |
Drag & Drop | Banshee | 9 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
can .pak files work with b3d | seferey | 10 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Frames Problem.... | Barton | 4 | slenkar (2005) |
WinBlitz3D HELP needed (kevin?) | Danny | 12 | Danny (2005) |
Read file question | Farflame | 6 | Banshee (2005) |
Jerkovision! | Boiled Sweets | 12 | Banshee (2005) |
Need Help | seferey | 3 | big10p (2005) |
windy grass. . . | Mr Snidesmin | 13 | Mr Snidesmin (2005) |
Anyone have Adam Gore's MD2 exporter for 3ds Max? | Gabriel | 5 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
problem with font | mongia2 | 4 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Blitz3D incompatible with FRAPS ?? | Barton | 5 | Vorderman (2005) |
Limit on sprites? | ICECAP | 10 | Banshee (2005) |
Multi Joystics? | ICECAP | 2 | Matty (2005) |
i need some animation code | skyfire1 | 7 | skyfire1 (2005) |
PointEntity and Quad Roll | Filax | 6 | Stevie G (2005) |
Some 3D text functions | lo-tekk | 1 | lo-tekk (2005) |
Avi Texture! | Play | 21 | Paolo (2005) |
alpha fading effect | skyfire1 | 7 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |
Pathfinding in a 3d point'n'click adventure? | JustLuke | 2 | jfk EO-11110 (2005) |