Blitz3D Programming

forums.Blitz3D.Blitz3D Programming

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some addons for blitz3d (sticky)Bobysait65RemiD (2016)
Blitz3D open sourced! (sticky)marksibly_v2185xlsior (May)
.X models hard to texture??? (DirectX)gpete2RemiD (June)
What does a blitz3D exe file need to run on windows?A4E12A4E (June)
Please help, How would you do this?NotAGamer8NotAGamer (May)
animate texturesAmanda Dearheart10RemiD (May)
CreateLIght spoth.Yue5Yue (May)
b3d format?Caton3kfprimm (May)
Simulate Sheet Metal Bending...hollifd38RemiD (April)
Place text on my mesh or to the screen where my mesh is located...hollifd15RemiD (April)
Sonic Camera?Caton6Flanker (April)
Select 2 edges of model and display X Dimension and Y Dimension...hollifd2Bobysait (April)
Need some help making my models flat to the screen...hollifd13hollifd (April)
Wireframe certain objects, other objects shaded...hollifd8BlitzMan (April)
Functional difference between Blitz3D 1.106 and 1.108Juggernaut3Juggernaut (April)
[Solved] Shadows with AnimMesh supportRustyKristi162Juggernaut (April)
Re-Ordering Items in a TYPE...hollifd7Floyd (March)
Checking for KeyHit() and other stuff...hollifd5hollifd (March)
Move stuff, Save positions, Move again, then Move back to saved positions...hollifd14hollifd (March)
I need to remove directplay.Caton16Caton (March)
ZLib Compose txt file please?Caton6degac (March)
Help with placing 3d object with mouseCaton13Midimaster (March)
Screensaver kills my Blitz3D program...hollifd4gpete (March)
custom game data pack?Caton31Caton (March)
Trying to make a 3d map editor editorCaton2Matty (March)
Alt-Tab with keep runningPrym2Dan (March)
3D mesh with 2d viewCaton4Stevie G (March)
Object Follow Player Trick?Caton2Dan (March)
How to alpha blend 2d in blitz3ddigideath5digideath (March)
B3D?Caton5BlitzSupport (March)
Buiding Blitz3D from sourceEricE16EricE (March)
Networking with UDPKiyoshi7Kiyoshi (March)
Help with detecting other online player's radius3DRCzy13DRCzy (February)
Asteroids example file is brokenDdawg74712RemiD (2017)
Cursor Flash timingdna5Kryzon (2017)
Does not work with other symbolsXaker14936skidracer (2017)
topic removedCaton1Caton (2017)
Select Object ArrowsCaton19grable (2017)
interpolated TerrainX,TerrainY,TerrainZ??? what does this mean?gpete6Floyd (2017)
"Bone" or "Bones" this is not a B3D command???gpete3RemiD (2017)
Linepick and slowdowncash25RemiD (2017)
B3d anims- Gandalf's exporterK4RemiD (2017)
Repeating Keystrokesdna6grable (2017)
How Can I acces an object of the imported mesh?vinnicius19vinnicius (2017)
B3dSDKShufordTechnology11ShufordTechnology (2017)
Clearworldstayne7vinnicius (2017)
Making animation librariesAsh12Matty (2017)
Xors Binary File Encyption/Decryption [Solved]RustyKristi5dna (2017)
exiting animation loopRuz28RemiD (2017)
How to mask a texturevinnicius7vinnicius (2017)
Render Tweening - A must for 3d / A few QuestionsImperium5Imperium (2017)
Looking for a ProgrammerTheDave20169K (2017)
Scaling from a small resolution to a large resolutionKiyoshi8RemiD (2017)
Faster Loopdna47dna (2017)
Asian Text in a filedna7dna (2017)
Several ways to color a meshRemiD6K (2017)
Real basic FPS questionsPhodis16BlitzSupport (2017)
Problems using Blitz for a 2D plataformer.Leandro9K (2017)
Blitz3d fullcreen graphics mode and switching to windows screen. Blank screen.A4E6A4E (2017)
Blitz3D Update V1.106cs.s.petike8RustyKristi (2017)
stealth bug in grid plotting code for nms cloneneoshaman2neoshaman (2016)
Install Blitz3D and Ideal on Windows 7 x64Yue3Dan (2016)
Original Blitz Basic book...Wolfsong737Wolfsong73 (2016)
Bullet and tree problemsPhodis14Phodis (2016)
Blitz3D not workinggrindalf4RemiD (2016)
Moving the camera around with the mouseA51M15X19Ishm7920 (2016)
how does blitz3d workPolarix14steve_ancell (2016)
SETCUBEMODENaughty Alien7RemiD (2016)
Cubemapping intensity?t3K|Mac10RemiD (2016)
UpdateWorld RenderWordYue6RemiD (2016)
Ant+ and Blitz3DBlitzJockey3BlitzJockey (2016)
complete code-sources in blitz3dced6RemiD (2016)
Triplanar Texturing or Mapping Possible?RustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Size of the meshes.Yue5jfk EO-11110 (2016)
A little help please :)Phodis7jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Real time Strategy?Hotshot20059RemiD (2016)
Path calculation with non grid nodesRemiD17RemiD (2016)
Stuck in Projectionjfk EO-1111010jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Trying to paint my self made 3d meshHardcoal9RemiD (2016)
Blitz3D and Loading Resources?RustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
EntiyPickYue15Bobysait (2016)
Extract words from strings?Yue4Bobysait (2016)
Save scene?Yue18_PJ_ (2016)
Random Object Position Without OverlappingRustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Position Camera move Entity Mouse.Yue5Yue (2016)
Triangle Placing to match grid_PJ_29_PJ_ (2016)
Mmove Entity Mouse?Yue4Yue (2016)
Handle and ObjetcYue5Yue (2016)
Help me.Yue6Yue (2016)
Class Entity?Yue3Yue (2016)
Add objects in the sceneYue8_PJ_ (2016)
"Snake" segment logic_PJ_3_PJ_ (2016)
[Solved] DirectX SDK Oct 2006RustyKristi2RustyKristi (2016)
Normal Map with AlphaRustyKristi4jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Message for _PJ_ (locked)Guy Fawkes5BlitzSupport (2016)
How can I Peek data from MP3 using the LoadSound?dman12Kryzon (2016)
GameScript - Scripting for Blitz3DJohn J.54Yue (2016)
Brushes limit for a mesh?Ross C12_PJ_ (2016)
Volumetrics_PJ_6_PJ_ (2016)
Making multiple entities with same handleDodgeCodingOwner6RemiD (2016)
U/V positionsSpike31410Bobysait (2016)
Types blitz3d to c++?Caton3Kryzon (2016)
LoadAnimMesh()_PJ_11_PJ_ (2016)
Code structureWolfsong737Matty (2016)
Finding 3Dworld position of texture pixel (texel)?Beaker8RemiD (2016)
Shader Programming?Caton23RustyKristi (2016)
NaN?Craig H. Nisbet9virtlands (2016)
Simulating Simple Rigid Body Physics, Few BouncesRustyKristi10Bobysait (2016)
[Solved] Alpha Flag and Animated Sprites 3DRustyKristi10RemiD (2016)
[Solved] Per Object GlowRustyKristi68RemiD (2016)
image pixelssize and quad+texture pixelssizeRemiD12Kryzon (2016)
dplayx.dllYue12Rick Nasher (2016)
[Solved] Debug EntityPick Size Like Polygon ModeRustyKristi18RustyKristi (2016)
[Solved] Trigger Action on Specific Anim FrameRustyKristi4RemiD (2016)
How to properly attach mesh into specific bones?RustyKristi11RustyKristi (2016)
[Solved] Synchronizing Animate Time with FPSRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Determine a mesh is covered by other mesh (shade)?RustyKristi23RustyKristi (2016)
Any JSON library for B3D?RustyKristi10virtlands (2016)
Linepick with Separate Capsule MeshRustyKristi15RemiD (2016)
Particles and MultithreadingRustyKristi2RemiD (2016)
Switch texture layers with fadeRustyKristi23RemiD (2016)
Replacing Blitz3d collisions?Cubed Inc.10Bobysait (2016)
Removing only one from list - helpCaton7Midimaster (2016)
Alpha Texture ProblemRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Weld and Optimize Primitive/Mesh by CodeRustyKristi7RemiD (2016)
Puzzle AI?Caton7steve_ancell (2016)
Problem Entity Parent.Yue3Bobysait (2016)
Need help with flipped mesh and collisionRustyKristi4RustyKristi (2016)
[Solved] Flip ConfusionRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Patch ShowWindow code for No Console window HackRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
[Solved] 2D Bitmap fonts?? NOT SpritesRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
Noocraft Removing blocks with fire?Caton3Omnicode (2016)
[Solved] Read HTTP Stream on URLs with RedirectsRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
:( Help error.Yue6BlitzMan (2016)
ChannelPitch ?? [Solved]Yue2Yue (2016)
Unicode Solution? (No FastText)RustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
MessageBox with OpenUrl in Blitz3D?RustyKristi6RustyKristi (2016)
LoadSound file wav no workYue7xlsior (2016)
stopwatch?Yue20Yue (2016)
removedCaton5Caton (2016)
[Solved] ExecFile Website Joined String UrlRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
Problem playing .mp4 files with openmovie / drawmoMatty5col (2016)
B3D Exact Import/Export ProblemRustyKristi7RemiD (2016)
Load Resources/Assets from Bank?RustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Binary Search and ReplaceRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
Match primitive and imported mesh propertiesRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Slowly face enemy?NotAGamer3Stevie G (2016)
Problem EntityParent last Version 1.108c [Solved]Yue2Yue (2016)
Error Shadows. [Solved]Yue2Yue (2016)
Bug Error simple code. [Solved]Yue3Yue (2016)
tween# ?Yue3Yue (2016)
Port Forwarding with Blitz3DRustyKristi12RustyKristi (2016)
Key press or mouse clic simulationBiggy4jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Error Help me.Yue2Midimaster (2016)
Linepicking with spread projectilesRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Removing DirectPlay CodeRustyKristi42RustyKristi (2016)
B3D collision & Line pick with Physics LibraryRustyKristi7RustyKristi (2016)
Wind Waker shading styleNaughtical20Rick Nasher (2016)
SuggestionYue3Zethrax (2016)
How to change FUI to Devil GUIjhone2RustyKristi (2016)
Help Joint SliderYue4Yue (2016)
Problem Cars and Wheels.Yue6Yue (2016)
Get Constant Name?RustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
HUD Sprites?RustyKristi10RemiD (2016)
2D Filters in Blitz3DRustyKristi16RustyKristi (2016)
SuggestionYue4Yue (2016)
Now that Blitz3D is Free and OpenSource..RustyKristi12RustyKristi (2016)
Do something on a current animation frame?NotAGamer2RemiD (2016)
Smoother Antialias Fonts? (Not Image)RustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Master Volume?RustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
stereocam how to do it ?blicek6blicek (2016)
2D Grid on 3D MeshSilverDragon5RemiD (2016)
Diagonal split screenKiyoshi13Kiyoshi (2016)
please help about collisions problemNotAGamer5RemiD (2016)
Tom Speed's stuffmarkcw13Guy Fawkes (2016)
RPG Battle Game?Caton22Guy Fawkes (2016)
Looking for a ProgrammerTheDave20167TheDave2016 (2016)
Real Water questionSantiworld49Guy Fawkes (2016)
which it is a surface of a model ?Yue7Yue (2016)
Warp mesh ?Yue13Guy Fawkes (2016)
AlignToVectorYue18Yue (2016)
Collisions on map made of cubes with fps controlsPakz6Pakz (2016)
Book or manual for Blitz 3D?karmacomposer43fox95871 (2016)
Conways Game of Life - 3DBlitzplotter2Blitzplotter (2016)
Delete Objetc?Yue4Yue (2016)
My first code in Blitz3D is my "game of life"bashc9Blitzplotter (2016)
Start Screen: how to select with keys or mouseRubyEnemy14Dan (2016)
collision between two animated charactersIsac5Guy Fawkes (2016)
classic 2D tennis ball and mechanism questionhoyoyo806RemiD (2016)
No Work this code.Yue12Yue (2016)
Climb Up Ramp Collision?RustyKristi63RustyKristi (2016)
How do you delay the inputs of KeyDown?RubyEnemy7_PJ_ (2016)
Building Walls_PJ_6_PJ_ (2016)
api_copyimage ( ) keeps returning 0?Guy Fawkes3col (2016)
Surfaces, Triangles and Textures_PJ_8_PJ_ (2016)
Boundaries of cubeRubyEnemy5RustyKristi (2016)
PaceMaker to Blitz3D?RustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
Image MaskingRustyKristi10Kryzon (2016)
Hook Cam Pivot on Rigged Bone?RustyKristi5Matty (2016)
How to record a game session?andy_mc7RustyKristi (2016)
How do you restrict a camera and entity movement??RubyEnemy4Kryzon (2016)
Unable to read data file produced using Blitz3Dandy_mc4andy_mc (2016)
Need a chart or something to find out a position?AM12Kryzon (2016)
Single surface help !Filax33RemiD (2016)
entitytexture() framenumberRemiD6RemiD (2016)
..B3D IDE..Naughty Alien7_PJ_ (2016)
Bounding Box not working on LoadAnimMesh ( ) ?Guy Fawkes34RemiD (2016)
Changing Animation Speed on the Flystayne6Kryzon (2016)
Proper String Manipulation?Omnicode2Omnicode (2016)
compile with a commandline ?Prym11RemiD (2016)
surround gaming resolutions in 3D modetsmpaul2ThePaiva (2016)
Trying to find this one Blitz example code..Casaber5Casaber (2016)
Help, error!Heitor B. Lopes4Stevie G (2016)
BouldersCasaber3Bobysait (2016)
Faster alignment of billboardsKryzon10Flanker (2016)
Sin Wave - Floating Objects?Guy Fawkes8RemiD (2016)
Count Mesh Animations?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2016)
Model Movement and Character WeaponsTrip427RemiD (2016)
Circular Minimap?Guy Fawkes5RemiD (2016)
mirror code testAndy26Guy Fawkes (2016)
CUBEMAP THINGYNaughty Alien25RemiD (2016)
Align With Normals_PJ_14_PJ_ (2016)
Example of Best Graphics with B3D?Endive24_PJ_ (2016)
Problem with TextureBuffer() ?Guy Fawkes9RemiD (2016)
Problem with Fading in & out Window?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2016)
ChangeDir not working in Loop properly?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2016)
Hybird VLC Playback NOT WORKING!!!Caton2Matty (2016)
The Occlusion challengeRob173RemiD (2016)
Trisrendered - Is there a B3D Editor available?Chi3f Stadi7RemiD (2016)
Blitz3D Animation bug? (loadAnimSeq+multiple anim)gameproducer13RemiD (2016)
Windows 10 and 8 Publishing Tips?RustyKristi4RustyKristi (2016)
Animating Multiple Surface TexturesOmnicode5Omnicode (2016)
Sorting Types Instead of ArraysCanana5Floyd (2016)
having trouble with changing weaps (code)danio16Matty (2016)
Flip ( 0 ) ; on Windows 10Yue10Bobysait (2015)
with flip() without flip() ?RemiD7RemiD (2015)
how to get sound real addressdman4RemiD (2015)
registry in windows 7Jp19859Fielder (2015)
Unable to create 3d sceneJBR15JBR (2015)
MAV in blitz3d when using mod musicCaton5Matty (2015)
Hybrid ErrorCaton16Rick Nasher (2015)
sending a long string in chunks to a type fieldstayne11Bobysait (2015)
3D Spaceship with turretVolturna27Rick Nasher (2015)
negative UV coordinates ?RemiD4Kryzon (2015)
Saving / Loading / Picking B3D model?Guy Fawkes18RemiD (2015)
Quad With Transparency Mask Texture_PJ_14Bobysait (2015)
Building a B3D mesh?Diwanya3Bobysait (2015)
MOBA movementNotAGamer4Matty (2015)
Hi, I need some help with code ?Alis John5Midimaster (2015)
HideShadowReceiverYue1Yue (2015)
Parameter object personality functionYue4Yue (2015)
ReadWrite Bit maps_PJ_2Floyd (2015)
setbuffer problemstsmpaul4RemiD (2015)
Blitz3d compiler for xbox360?Caton12feeble1 (2015)
FastPointerYue4Yue (2015)
Optimize workYue7Wings (2015)
What about Decals?RustyKristi11Volturna (2015)
Playing Normal Animation Speed inside Game LoopRustyKristi7RustyKristi (2015)
Texture Skewed When Applied_PJ_8_PJ_ (2015)
Image does not exist ERRORFernhout10Fernhout (2015)
BLITZ3D TCP HELPCaton5Matty (2015)
Packing Blitz 3d games into a single .exeWigwam13Blitzplotter (2015)
WinBlitz3D Resizable Panel/GadgetRustyKristi3Blitzplotter (2015)
'Best' approach to mutliple reference of Types_PJ_5_PJ_ (2015)
Largest Heightmap/Terrain possible?Imperium31Guy Fawkes (2015)
[Solved]This does not work as I expect.Yue2Yue (2015)
Scene triangles.Yue7Rroff (2015)
Change the texture of a model.Yue3Yue (2015)
[SOLVED] Loading same mesh properly on entitiesRustyKristi17RustyKristi (2015)
as I can create a timer?Yue12Yue (2015)
Animated Mesh Centerstayne4Matty (2015)
Texture + Vertex Lighting helpRustyKristi10RustyKristi (2015)
syncAmanda Dearheart4Matty (2015)
Loading a level/stageNotAGamer4RemiD (2015)
range in file helpCaton5steve_ancell (2015)
stacked boxes, Help me please.Yue4Stevie G (2015)
Which is faster ?NotAGamer11Matty (2015)
does anybody have an english manual of Ashadow?NotAGamer3NotAGamer (2015)
Help to kick box.Yue6Yue (2015)
Grass png error.Yue2Yue (2015)
A quick question writeline vs writebyteGauge4Rroff (2015)
Health BarYue6Yue (2015)
Help LinePickYue7Yue (2015)
AI Questionstayne10RemiD (2015)
Camera Panning Using MouseRustyKristi5RustyKristi (2015)
What is the difference?Yue4Matty (2015)
Animate strange behavior.Yue4RemiD (2015)
get\name entity from file?Caton3steve_ancell (2015)
FreeFont on Draw3D2Yue3Yue (2015)
TotalVidMem() on Windows 10.Yue9steve_ancell (2015)
Tremendous problem , help.Yue3Yue (2015)
FreeEntity no delete.Yue7Yue (2015)
Perlin Noise routine_PJ_6Flanker (2015)
Looking for an alternative to TextvektorDex19vektorDex (2015)
YIQ2RGB_336steve_ancell (2015)
Creating a 3d editor in blitz3d helpCaton4Doggie (2015)
Windows 10 and Blitz3D full Screen.Yue13Yue (2015)
Problem Animate Player and Ragdoll.Yue1Yue (2015)
blitz3d boss intro cutsceneCaton5Matty (2015)
Some free terrain editor for Blitz3D?Yue19videz (2015)
questionCaton3_PJ_ (2015)
Error Type Objetc Help.Yue3Yue (2015)
._PJ_4steve_ancell (2015)
Fonts in Blitz3dCubed Inc.10wedoe (2015)
Ragdoll invest .Yue4KronosUK (2015)
HTTPSwedoe3wedoe (2015)
Arduinowedoe4wedoe (2015)
C++ Wrapper?EpicElrod5ThePaiva (2015)
QuestionCaton17ThePaiva (2015)
Change the center of the objectsYue3Yue (2015)
Blitz3D Zip File HelpCaton7Yasha (2015)
What is wrong here?EpicElrod5_PJ_ (2015)
Download for VS 6syntax4_PJ_ (2015)
Is BriskVM dead? How do I get hold of?videz22Spencer (2015)
Z-order QuestionTrek7Trek (2015)
Second Monitor Problems with Win 8.1RGR12RGR (2015)
Includng all folder filesEpicElrod16Dan (2015)
Me again. AirSprintSpeedEpicElrod1EpicElrod (2015)
Easy way to make menus?EpicElrod10Dan (2015)
Asteroids - Spaceship Movement CodeDavros16EpicElrod (2015)
BVH Demo - missingMikorians3Mikorians (2015)
recursive function performancesFlanker5127Flanker512 (2015)
Can you import custom textures to maplet?EpicElrod4TheGroominGuy (2015)
3D Character Modeling Software?TheGroominGuy12TheGroominGuy (2015)
HD Matirial packs for MapletEpicElrod7feeble1 (2015)
Why am I getting this B.SEpicElrod6stayne (2015)
Bullet Physics engine wrapper/tutorialEpicElrod2RemiD (2015)
Any engines?EpicElrod6RemiD (2015)
RemovedCaton1Caton (2015)
How do you make seeds?TheGroominGuy3TheGroominGuy (2015)
Ctrl A hidden image Revealer downloadDan1Dan (2015)
Auto Detect ResolutionEpicElrod7Rick Nasher (2015)
Can Blitz3D support .blend files?TheGroominGuy5TheGroominGuy (2015)
RemoveCaton1Caton (2015)
array HelpCaton3Matty (2015)
RemovedCaton1Caton (2015)
OpenAL Wraper where download?Yue11Dan (2015)
Where do I download this?TheGroominGuy3Rick Nasher (2015)
How should I do 2d level generation?Rooster6Rooster (2015)
Curved Surface (Surface Section of a Sphere)Davros6Kryzon (2015)
Blitz3d programs run on a tablet with Windows 8.1!RemiD9_PJ_ (2015)
Jet fighter simulationHardcoal9Hardcoal (2015)
Downloading a 3D modelHardcoal12Hardcoal (2015)
Vector tutorials?Yue3Matty (2015)
Alternative to FastExt?Cubed Inc.15RemiD (2015)
Black ScreenOmnicode8bytecode77 (2015)
PD Blitz? Give us the SDL too!Ching3ShadowTurtle (2015)
Working with Typesstayne7_PJ_ (2015)
how to render more in blitz3dCaton14Cubed Inc. (2015)
Help!Caton19Caton (2015)
How to hide sides of blocks that cannot be seen?Liimbix4RemiD (2015)
Cube map reflection demo!marksibly96Liimbix (2015)
Blitz3d confusing normal sound for 3d sound?Cubed Inc.13Rroff (2015)
Changing screen modes within a program?Cubed Inc.14Cubed Inc. (2015)
Trouble with fire effect.gerald3RemiD (2015)
Grass Has A SoulOmnicode11Rick Nasher (2015)
[deleted]Liimbix1Liimbix (2015)
ground TutorialYue2Rick Nasher (2015)
A note about linepick with a radiusRemiD9RGR (2015)
Snow, fire and bubbles.gerald1gerald (2015)
Trog discover fire, fire bad.gerald3gerald (2015)
Fire effect, bubble bath effect.gerald1gerald (2015)
Distance, positioning, need help pleaseRrtaya_Tsamsiyu3Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu (2015)
Camera Viewport Color GrayYue3Guy Fawkes (2015)
Where Sample User32.lib Full Blitz3D + Fastlibs W8Yue4Yue (2015)
Protean with Win 8.1Amanda Dearheart11steve_ancell (2015)
Abs()Irvau3Irvau (2015)
Example of radar minimap . [solved]Yue3Yue (2015)
Fire effect quits working doring 2nd level load.gerald1gerald (2015)
What am I doing wrongAmanda Dearheart8Amanda Dearheart (2015)
Google Maps style zoom functionAxel Wheeler7Matty (2015)
Objective-B3DYasha26eNano (2015)
Licence for free B3D ?blicek4Yasha (2015)
Bliz3D Maximal Resolution / 4K ScreenOsoko8Osoko (2015)
animated 3d model head turn on mouse moveNotAGamer3NotAGamer (2015)
Water reflection - Facing some problems.vinnicius5vinnicius (2015)
BlitzRift Download Linkvidez5Rick Nasher (2015)
Entity does not exsist [EntityName]Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu5stayne (2015)
Embedding files questionSir Gak23Blitzplotter (2015)
Pointers to type instances and fieldseNano5eNano (2015)
Saving WAV filesAxel Wheeler9Axel Wheeler (2015)
Efficient handling of animated models out of viewstayne3stayne (2015)
Real Blitz3d Decompiler?Caton32jfk EO-11110 (2015)
Native heightmap scalestayne15RemiD (2015)
Object / HandleYue3virtlands (2015)
destory object with id help?Caton9Zethrax (2015)
2D RPG helpGuy Fawkes33RemiD (2015)
Issue with api_GetModuleFileName Windows API funcZethrax4Zethrax (2015)
RLE CompressionNexinarus3Matty (2015)
Preloading assets without the busy cursor iconvidez33Blitzplotter (2015)
Removing modelsTomFeatherhill4TomFeatherhill (2015)
Illigal type conversion using NullFernhout6Fernhout (2015)
Blitz3d AnimTexture Mask HelpCaton7_PJ_ (2015)
A bit of help with AI (Tron Clone)Nexinarus8Nexinarus (2015)
noocraft help!Caton3Caton (2015)
Generate Random Position 2D Grid? (No Overlapping)videz5videz (2015)
Dim inside Type possible?2 Unlimited72 Unlimited (2015)
Icons and tabbingJimmy47videz (2015)
Memory banks versus integer dataYue9_PJ_ (2015)
Need Help with Double Precision Float VariablesRustyKristi10RustyKristi (2015)
Move over pixel distance over fixed amount of timeNennig1Nennig (2015)
Stuck with 1.106 and FastLibRustyKristi13videz (2015)
[RESOLVED] api_closehandle peculiar crashingMikorians5Mikorians (2015)
WinBlitz3D Events and Realtime Scene Updates??videz1videz (2014)
how do they do it sega???Caton29Blitzplotter (2014)
WinBlitz3D Toolbar MAV Issuevidez2videz (2014)
Mac advice?Jimmy4Jimmy (2014)
Blitz3D and C++ DLL coding questionvidez7videz (2014)
WB3D create a float spinner?Guy Fawkes13videz (2014)
chat tabsGiuliani13videz (2014)
Blitz3D VS Other programsFernhout11skidracer (2014)
read Pack file help!!!Caton17Zethrax (2014)
Bump mapping and lightTabb5RemiD (2014)
Where is the cube mapping demo?JaviCervera5JaviCervera (2014)
Problem with Alpha Blending in .b3d fileThePaiva6videz (2014)
how do I make a cutscene in a platform gameCaton15_33 (2014)
Supafly Blitz3D Window!!!JoshK37videz (2014)
blitz custom pack help!!!Caton12Caton (2014)
php in blitz3d?Caton5Guy Fawkes (2014)
Looking for Beta Blocker - old game by jnguyen327CrazyHorseStrong8Lane (2014)
Concern about Free EntityYue19Yue (2014)
coily object code help and bb questionCaton16RGR (2014)
3D acceleration depending on orientationTabb9RemiD (2014)
No go with Blitz3D and Windows 7?ErikT15RustyKristi (2014)
Grass/Foliage System HelpRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2014)
Over the Shoulder Camera HelpRustyKristi4RustyKristi (2014)
[Solved]Orbit camera around a rotating objectTabb5Tabb (2014)
python to blitz help!Caton4steve_ancell (2014)
World out of cubes - graphical issuesfunkmaster50008RemiD (2014)
It's No work.Yue4Yue (2014)
server in blitz3d?Caton19Caton (2014)
I do not remember the commandYue3Yue (2014)
Outputting Custom Type Object to String_PJ_4_PJ_ (2014)
object move for stepsCaton6Caton (2014)
need help with wld level 3d viewerCaton21Caton (2014)
Location error in bone.Yue10Yue (2014)
Need some help with thingsRrtaya_Tsamsiyu12Rrtaya_Tsamsiyu (2014)
Navigational Mesh? Anywone?NotAGamer8NotAGamer (2014)
weird thing with renderworld rendertimeRemiD30Rick Nasher (2014)
How to check a USB deviceStollentroll4Axel Wheeler (2014)
v1.108 Changelog / Patch notes?_PJ_3_PJ_ (2014)
No work!Yue5Yue (2014)
Is it Possible??Learning561410Yue (2014)
AligntoVector problemsTomFeatherhill5Floyd (2014)
Entity Does Not Exist Errornyybaseball9Leon Drake (2014)
What am I doing wrong?Yue1Yue (2014)
Question about making executable filesDoggie2Leon Drake (2014)
The different between .x and .b3d?Obliteration5Matty (2014)
Concerning 3DS files......Learning56143virtlands (2014)
using the 256 flag in LoadTexture commandNotAGamer7_PJ_ (2014)
Picked Surface / Triangle?Guy Fawkes2_PJ_ (2014)
[Modelling] Blitz3d Units to SketchUp InchesTomFeatherhill6TomFeatherhill (2014)
loading resouces from a zip help!Caton10Rroff (2014)
Refresh the Texture????NotAGamer5NotAGamer (2014)
I am wondering . . . . .Learning56145Learning5614 (2014)
I have a problem.......Learning561424H&K (2014)
[Physics] Setting 'Absolute' RotationTomFeatherhill3TomFeatherhill (2014)
Program to merge .b3d animationsMongoose2RemiD (2014)
Windows 10 : Fullscreen works perfect !!!Hellbend7xlsior (2014)
Resource Files???Learning56142Guy Fawkes (2014)
Y's Seven/memories of celceta/origins in Blitz3dNotAGamer4NotAGamer (2014)
Rotate an object based on the object it collidesTomFeatherhill15TomFeatherhill (2014)
Simple Bump mapping Without Fast extend libsNotAGamer7NotAGamer (2014)
Problem with LoadMaskedAnimTexture() ?Guy Fawkes2RGR (2014)
Logitech iFeel Haptic (FFB) Mouse UsageMikorians2Mikorians (2014)
Whatever happend to the *.b3d file format?bytecode7726_PJ_ (2014)
Memory usage on Blitz3DYue8_PJ_ (2014)
Totalvidemem?Yue7_PJ_ (2014)
get name of 64 bits programsrickavzstx1rickavzstx (2014)
Mp3 licence???D4NM4N28Cyntium (2014)
Multiple Linepicks?Cubed Inc.12Blitzplotter (2014)
terabit questionseferey5Prym (2014)
About (FreeEntity and EntityAlpha)vinnicius4Matty (2014)
EntityAutoFade??Yue14RemiD (2014)
LinePick?Yue1Yue (2014)
Can't get my collision to workfunkmaster50004funkmaster5000 (2014)
Simple Progress Bar?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2014)
A real antialias routineJoshK53rio29 (2014)
Problem changing screen resolution.Yue36Bobysait (2014)
Recursive functionsAngelOnFira4AngelOnFira (2014)
Treeparty?Guy Fawkes19Guy Fawkes (2014)
candy crush style grid candies that drop smoothly?andy_mc3andy_mc (2014)
adding glowPhoenixx5Phoenixx (2014)
Transparent Window?Guy Fawkes3Rick Nasher (2014)
Fastlibs memory leak debug mode ...Yue5Rick Nasher (2014)
Grass, Bush, Tree system..Rick Nasher19RemiD (2014)
I don't understand this...RemiD14Yue (2014)
Orbit Cam Rotation Problem?Guy Fawkes23Guy Fawkes (2014)
BlitzForest/Grass - Dense trees & grass renderingJohn J.52Rick Nasher (2014)
Fastpointer speedYue1Yue (2014)
Masking issue with tree texture?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2014)
OpenTCPStream in main loop ?Prym1Prym (2014)
Various textures on a model and lightsYue7Yue (2014)
Putting cubes in a typeAngelOnFira3Who was John Galt? (2014)
Blitz3D - now free and open source!!therevills5Rroff (2014)
This does not work for some reasonYue4Guy Fawkes (2014)
Return Array String from Function?Guy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2014)
How to CameraPick a CopyMesh with LoadAnimMesh?Guy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2014)
Create only one instance of a program?Guy Fawkes20Guy Fawkes (2014)
Writing a file into Program Files folderMarcell3Marcell (2014)
Reverse CameraProject()fox958713fox95871 (2014)
Extremely high triangle / poly count?Guy Fawkes6RemiD (2014)
Double RenderWorldYue20Yue (2014)
CopyRect and screen resolutionsYue1Yue (2014)
How toGuy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2014)
Deleting UDP messagesAngelOnFira2Wings (2014)
Problem with Right Click MenuGuy Fawkes4Guy Fawkes (2014)
LoadVED and Draw3D2Yue5Yue (2014)
Error while deleting an objectYue5Guy Fawkes (2014)
Detecting non-existent save data?Cubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2014)
Drag Image Within Frame_PJ_4_PJ_ (2014)
How to skin a window the NON-slow way?Guy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2014)
Memory Address /Pointers_PJ_2_PJ_ (2014)
Icon to Image problem - finally solved.John Blackledge11Nexinarus (2014)
Rotating Entity Child to another Entity ChildSpike3148Kryzon (2014)
Fade in / fade out?Guy Fawkes6_PJ_ (2014)
Streaming/Visibility algorithm [moved]Rawal1Rawal (2014)
Hex/string/float problem-Rick-6-Rick- (2014)
Render TweeningAngelOnFira4Nexinarus (2014)
TCP/UDP/IP Question[s]Adam Novagen14Prym (2014)
Rendering static image onto models?Cubed Inc.7Yasha (2014)
Hack a compiled .exe to run in Windowed mode?Chispon6xlsior (2014)
select / multi select / deselect a triangle?Guy Fawkes18Guy Fawkes (2014)
AI waypoint paths, Return to last node in pathAussie2Aussie (2014)
InputBoxes LibChispon1Chispon (2014)
Text-to-speech!ClayPigeon5Dan (2014)
Spherical travel and gimbal lock madnessKrischan4RGR (2014)
Problem with tabs?Guy Fawkes22Rroff (2014)
How to see if a TYPE object exists?Q5Rroff (2014)
Flush individual key?LamptonWorm15cryptadone (2014)
Blitz3d apps work properly on a pc with Windows 8RemiD6RemiD (2014)
Regarding performanceRroff11GW (2014)
Masked Texture from imageKronosUK5KronosUK (2014)
memory access violationAmanda Dearheart11Reans (2014)
How tile anim strip image on a mesh?vivaigiochi19Reans (2014)
Restarting Channels?Cubed Inc.5Cubed Inc. (2014)
load and apply textures to surfacesZmatrix6Rick Nasher (2014)
How does B3D set the quaternion rotation?PacMani17PacMani (2014)
Questions about FPSAngelOnFira7fox95871 (2014)
How to restart the program?modmcdl12modmcdl (2014)
WriteString(stream)AngelOnFira5Wings (2014)
Fix for Windows 8 fullscreen slowdown problem...marksibly22fox95871 (2014)
Trouble Smoothing out Screen Movement-Rick-3-Rick- (2014)
Controlled Deceleration-Rick-41-Rick- (2014)
Server HostsAngelOnFira7xlsior (2014)
Land and various texturesYue6Rick Nasher (2014)
Select / Deselect multiple objects?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2014)
Slowdown problem with a TYPENewbie319Midimaster (2014)
How to use bass and fx librariesdman1dman (2014)
Collisions - Prevent movement in certain directionfunkmaster50005funkmaster5000 (2014)
Creating executables?Cubed Inc.11Yue (2014)
Help with ball physics (2/1-2-D)?Guy Fawkes23Stevie G (2014)
Can Blitz create a sound?Sir Gak3mv333 (2014)
I need some help with types again?Newbie312Midimaster (2014)
Cel Shading a la Wind Waker?Cubed Inc.11fox95871 (2014)
CreateBankYue8RemiD (2014)
This returns an error in Windows 7?Yue3Floyd (2014)
Help with texture size of rendered video texture?Guy Fawkes27Guy Fawkes (2014)
Objetc TypeYue3Yue (2014)
Replacing Blitz3d collision with JV-ODE collisons?Cubed Inc.6Charrua (2014)
What makes a game look good?Dale Nation13Yan (2014)
latitude and longitude from a sphereHeliotrope14Mikorians (2014)
imagesfallegon4Kryzon (2014)
no work VertexColorYue4Mikorians (2014)
Tilted textwedoe2wedoe (2014)
Bumper floor after passing tires.??Yue9Rick Nasher (2014)
program instanceYue3John Blackledge (2014)
Need help: Fake Lights for a car?!?N_Gnom4Mikorians (2014)
GetBrushName$ ????Mikorians1Mikorians (2014)
Animate Command - how to choose certain sequences?Blitzplotter3Blitzplotter (2014)
Dx9? Is this real?K4Kryzon (2014)
Get Shortcut?John Blackledge6John Blackledge (2014)
Character Punching in 3DNexinarus4Nexinarus (2014)
Sending messages too fastAngelOnFira2Wings (2014)
Alpha textures white outline?Dale Nation4Mikorians (2014)
Blitz3D's Fontasdfasdf29Mikorians (2014)
Rect Coordinates?Guy Fawkes6Mikorians (2014)
Bump only commands in B3D?Yue4Yue (2014)
T.ED World editor availableD4NM4N3SilverCoin (2014)
Problem terrain.Yue6Yue (2014)
Video Encoding/DecodingClayPigeon3ClayPigeon (2014)
Having a bit of trouble here.Jammer4295Jammer429 (2014)
Can't update WB3D tabber?Guy Fawkes5John Blackledge (2014)
Buy Sprite library CandyART5557LineOf7s (2014)
Windows 8 strange things and 3d faster in windowWings97Yue (2014)
joypad issuesbloos_magoos1bloos_magoos (2014)
Simple AI HelpChispon4Chispon (2014)
How to align an entity(not a car) to terrain?Rick Nasher7Rick Nasher (2014)
Moving verticesDale Nation3Stevie G (2014)
grabbing an objects X and Y position on the screenAvestheFox3AvestheFox (2014)
FPS idea- but need helpMikorians15Mikorians (2014)
Narrow small doors, dumbbell collision help!Mikorians10Mikorians (2014)
camera textureyoshark2RemiD (2013)
animation and textureyoshark4yoshark (2013)
Open MOvie error!Yue3GfK (2013)
Rocket ExhaustAxel Wheeler14RemiD (2013)
Interesting question about repeated code usageCubed Inc.6Rroff (2013)
Problem with Scaling?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2013)
MAV when trying to add vertices triangles to surfaRemiD5RemiD (2013)
Widescreen correctionAdam Novagen12Guy Fawkes (2013) (John Blackledge may know) ?_PJ_6John Blackledge (2013)
Blitz sur le netPrym4Guy Fawkes (2013)
HDR control on an entity?Guy Fawkes11RemiD (2013)
Grabbing all the textures on a mesh?Guy Fawkes10John Blackledge (2013)
Edit "Close" Button?Guy Fawkes9_PJ_ (2013)
2d realtime image rotationbloos_magoos5_PJ_ (2013)
Create hidden window?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2013)
Gouraud shading - Hardware basedImperium5RemiD (2013)
Animation ErrorInexperienced3Inexperienced (2013)
The Blitz3D 'Export Project' wants YOU!D4NM4N56Guy Fawkes (2013)
DirectX 9.0 Library ?ala_samodi128Rick Nasher (2013)
How to remove multiple occurences of text?Guy Fawkes8Guy Fawkes (2013)
How to color selected words in a sentence?Guy Fawkes8skidracer (2013)
Blitz3D C++ geometry codemarksibly67SLotman (2013)
Problem with Imagecollide.Newbie314Newbie31 (2013)
Broadcasting on a lan networkAngelOnFira9Guy Fawkes (2013)
Eureka...well maybe that overstating the caseBlitzplotter11virtlands (2013)
3D4GL.Ching18Kryzon (2013)
Second ViewportMajesticSpaceBen5Floyd (2013)
how to send a packet?ZaroSath4ZaroSath (2013)
3D collision problemDuff3Rick Nasher (2013)
Entity Does Not ExistMajesticSpaceBen3Rob the Great (2013)
Select Vs Nested If statementsZaroSath8dynaman (2013)
touchscreenluggage18RemiD (2013)
Pacemaker: 'userlib not found' ?GW7Ricky Smith (2013)
Asteroid FieldsKrischan61Rick Nasher (2013)
Easier keycodesKippykip3virtlands (2013)
BCF Gui editor Visual BCF for Free :)Filax19Doggie (2013)
Windows 8 machine Detect User.Yue8Yue (2013)
Obtaining MAC code from a computer in B3DBlitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2013)
Cubemap not working?Cubed Inc.13Omnicode (2013)
Obstical AvoidanceDicon4Omnicode (2013)
Movement in conjunction with mouselookMajesticSpaceBen2Yasha (2013)
Changing NetworkHeliotrope14Heliotrope (2013)
I'm back with pathfinding!psychicbottle1psychicbottle (2013)
Rand statement Int rangeAxel Wheeler11virtlands (2013)
HTMLview FreezingBergmann2GaryV (2013)
multiple cameras to texturesHardcoal5Hardcoal (2013)
Climbing WallsNexinarus15Nexinarus (2013)
Rumble force feedback libraryRifRaf14Rick Nasher (2013)
I need to make a multiplayer version of my gameJon Pool5RifRaf (2013)
Override Blitz Native Command and Then RevertRob the Great4Rob the Great (2013)
Alternative server listing optionsRifRaf1RifRaf (2013)
Aligning entity to another entity?Cubed Inc.8Cubed Inc. (2013)
Mouselook: Smooth up but not when looking down.Imperium10Imperium (2013)
FastImage - parenting issue ...necky1necky (2013)
Using a mesh as Parent to SpotlightImperium7RemiD (2013)
Blitz 3D TutorialsAngelOnFira2Imperium (2013)
Multitexturing on Blitz TerrainsDale Nation15Wings (2013)
Multi customization for 3D characterPhoenixx1Phoenixx (2013)
walking with running function addedPhoenixx4Phoenixx (2013)
Online image grabbingKiyoshi6Kiyoshi (2013)
DebugLog.txtYue3Imperium (2013)
2D - Circle to Line collision issuenecky10Kryzon (2013)
Preloading game contentZaroSath20ZaroSath (2013)
Memory BanksYue5Who was John Galt? (2013)
Multiple Collision Spheres?Cubed Inc.3RemiD (2013)
Detecting if VSYCN on or off?Imperium7jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Simulated semaphores & mutexes [ in Blitz3D ]virtlands5virtlands (2013)
Alpha - different UV set ...necky17jfk EO-11110 (2013)
blitz3d/blitzui programmer wanted (flat fee pay)atv5RemiD (2013)
BB3D 2.0 - how it should look likeXaron160angros47 (2013)
Semaphores & Mutexes for Blitz3Dvirtlands8virtlands (2013)
Program a door to move or animate it?Imperium18Yasha (2013)
Keyhit command issue?Cubed Inc.7jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Tiled2BB and IsometricSpike3142Spike314 (2013)
FastPointer + Dynamic Mesh = World ExplodesClayPigeon5ClayPigeon (2013)
Good Collision\Physics Engine for Blitz3D?Cubed Inc.18jfk EO-11110 (2013)
ExtractIcon?John Blackledge11Kryzon (2013)
Just thinkin bout thingsAngelOnFira2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Collisions not working?Cubed Inc.2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Problem water :(Yue2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
bullets in a gunCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
loads of cubesWarner24_PJ_ (2013)
VertexRed() etc._PJ_5_PJ_ (2013)
Bone root (Ragdoll)Yue12Yue (2013)
Problem with refractive glassYue4BIG BUG (2013)
Windowed / full screenBoiled Sweets29Imperium (2013)
I need help moving camera!AK476jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Windows 8 Pen + Touch = showstopper?Danny3_PJ_ (2013)
This is memory leak?Yue2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
LIghtmap y FadeEntityYue2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Virtual monitorKiyoshi10Yasha (2013)
Byte WrappingRob the Great10Charrua (2013)
Thinking of creating a sunYue10Yue (2013)
Drag and drop and LoadImageMickeGamer3MickeGamer (2013)
EngGraphics()Yue2_PJ_ (2013)
Help Variable Windows XP/7Yue27Yue (2013)
Height and width of Desktop?Yue8Yasha (2013)
Ultimate Unwrap 3D is a useful Blender -> B3DBlitzplotter1Blitzplotter (2013)
Clipping IssuesOmnicode6Omnicode (2013)
Random Access Types_PJ_5Rroff (2013)
CallFunction topic [ fastpointer.dll ]virtlands5virtlands (2013)
Get Drives Data & system info (for Blitz3D)virtlands1virtlands (2013)
Aligning to vertexes under 90 degrees?Cubed Inc.8Kryzon (2013)
Handling Rendered LayersOmnicode4Yasha (2013)
Error application, help me =(Alexander883Alexander88 (2013)
Lighting/Renderworld questionAxel Wheeler15Axel Wheeler (2013)
animation only while keydown...Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)12DRH (2013)
Callbacks possible?LamptonWorm14Yasha (2013)
Area of Triangles_PJ_10Kryzon (2013)
Client/Server and updating npc'sFerret10RemiD (2013)
Climbing BugSilverCoin10SilverCoin (2013)
How to trim a float to 2 significant placesBlitzplotter9_PJ_ (2013)
tile texture - one terrinwoolybuger6Kryzon (2013)
Did you know that ... End/RuntimeError OverrideBobysait9Yasha (2013)
Expecting Variable AssignmentJklinestiver13_PJ_ (2013)
ClampingJeeyD6JeeyD (2013)
Intercepting a moving target easily - VectorsKryzon16Axel Wheeler (2013)
How to do magic number in a file?Guy Fawkes5virtlands (2013)
Servant Engine released under the Zlib licenseLogBomb283Guy Fawkes (2013)
TotalVidMem() & AvailVidMem()_PJ_4_PJ_ (2013)
Intercept/Look-ahead questionAxel Wheeler42Bobysait (2013)
Multiplayer using directplayyoshark16_PJ_ (2013)
Random Numbers [using CRC logic]virtlands3virtlands (2013)
Basic sample sequencer - keeping in timeLamptonWorm10LamptonWorm (2013)
ReleaseChildren()K18Axel Wheeler (2013)
How to grab texture filenames off model recursive?Guy Fawkes23Bobysait (2013)
How does blitz3d compile this?Matty5Yasha (2013)
Circular FadeKryzon5Axel Wheeler (2013)
Simple Code Searchervirtlands6Bobysait (2013)
Permutationsvirtlands1virtlands (2013)
Extension counter program [___.ext]virtlands3virtlands (2013)
Delete?Yue6virtlands (2013)
Vertex Colors?Cubed Inc.7Matty (2013)
Saving and loading system in game?Cubed Inc.18Who was John Galt? (2013)
Color magnitude demoAxel Wheeler6virtlands (2013)
UTF8 Unicode Functionsvirtlands1virtlands (2013)
VarINTs & Varbitsvirtlands6virtlands (2013)
LAN PlayKnight #5114Axel Wheeler (2013)
Alpha issueCubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2013)
Resetting a variable?Cubed Inc.9Axel Wheeler (2013)
New game - Fatty...Kippykip4Kippykip (2013)
Help Error.Yue34Axel Wheeler (2013)
Aiming Firing Animation Charactervirtualjesus6virtualjesus (2013)
Making a Sky Box.. or how ever you make sky in Blitz3DFBEpyon10Kippykip (2013)
(API) Create ShortCut Function [Danilo Code]virtlands1virtlands (2013)
See all environment VARSvirtlands3virtlands (2013)
Procedural Space Ship DemoAxel Wheeler39Axel Wheeler (2013)
3D Animation: Mr Stickman doesn't like SpamKippykip6K (2013)
can someone try out my gameKippykip8Kippykip (2013)
Best data structure for variable dimension arrays?Axel Wheeler5Axel Wheeler (2013)
2D-3D games with blitz3d? like new super mario broKippykip3Kippykip (2013)
Why isn't this code working?Amanda Dearheart10Amanda Dearheart (2013)
Stacking alpha+color texturesgburgess8Rroff (2013)
Maths lib or dll for Blitz3DPrym11virtlands (2013)
Object does not exist!Yue7Yue (2013)
Dynamic spherical mappingMathieu A13RemiD (2013)
de Bruijn sequencesvirtlands3virtlands (2013)
UIC Live Stuffmk2y104virtlands (2013)
Stencil Mirror demoTom13RemiD (2013)
Blend FastEXt texture and FragMotion modelerYue2Yue (2013)
simple 2d swingingNexinarus21Nexinarus (2013)
BlitzMax with two faces ?blicek4ziggy (2013)
RotationJeeyD11JeeyD (2013)
The Dolly-Zoom effectKryzon5Kryzon (2013)
Error!Yue6Yue (2013)
Almost Perfected JumpingNexinarus6Nexinarus (2013)
Some help with b3d animations, please?Newbie312RemiD (2013)
How to detect a memory leak?Yue50JohnT (2012)
fake physics jumpingstanrol4stanrol (2012)
FE_BUMP!!Oster2Yue (2012)
Error Codes?Omnigalactic12GfK (2012)
Command animationsYue2Bobysait (2012)
Help pleaseYue3Yue (2012)
FAST TorchLightNeochrome18RemiD (2012)
Upx??Yue3bytecode77 (2012)
Level editor tools topicDRH4DRH (2012)
LoadTexture <> LodBrushYue3Bobysait (2012)
Passing arrarys to a functionAmanda Dearheart6Amanda Dearheart (2012)
api_GetWindowTextrickavzstx3Bobysait (2012)
Loading "areas" for an open world.psychicbottle28_PJ_ (2012)
Another ProblemAmanda Dearheart4Floyd (2012)
Is it safe to come out?John Blackledge20psychicbottle (2012)
BugsYue2xlsior (2012)
Characters on the brink of an abyss?Yue6Yasha (2012)
FastExtension Memory LeakSake90611Sake906 (2012)
Remind of a gameAmanda Dearheart3psychicbottle (2012)
minecraft like worldHeliotrope12GIB3D (2012)
Blitz3D save model.b3dblicek2Leon Drake (2012)
lighting Dot3D and Shadows.Yue1Yue (2012)
Help with calculating leap.Yue4Xero (2012)
Collision cylinder playerYue5Zethrax (2012)
New Motion Blur TechniqueClayPigeon1ClayPigeon (2012)
blurred entityAmanda Dearheart11Amanda Dearheart (2012)
blinking (flashing) textAmanda Dearheart4Amanda Dearheart (2012)
perlin noiseHeliotrope3Axel Wheeler (2012)
rendorworld erases my viewportAmanda Dearheart5Yasha (2012)
grid problemAmanda Dearheart8Amanda Dearheart (2012)
program files (x86)Yue8Yue (2012)
problem load MeshYue2Zethrax (2012)
"Anonymous" Type Identity?ClayPigeon4Kryzon (2012)
Procedural collapses of walls, rocks/dirt fallsRemiD3Hotshot2005 (2012)
As recall names of bones?Yue3Yue (2012)
Fast PointerYue3Yue (2012)
Manual mesh vs normalssilentworks3silentworks (2012)
Where Find BlitzDAta.dllYue3Ferret (2012)
Screen Coords to UV CoordsClayPigeon1ClayPigeon (2012)
TextFileAmanda Dearheart3PowerPC603 (2012)
regarding the handling of shadowsYue1Yue (2012)
annoying border artifacts inside texturecyberyoyo2cyberyoyo (2012)
move object to------Jack7Jack (2012)
camera scrollairborne1airborne (2012)
Decimal Flags?K4Yasha (2012)
How to paint fast brush-strokes / thick lines?Danny3Danny (2012)
Audio files: ogg, mp3, wav ...Yue7Yue (2012)
Help with ensignYue5Yasha (2012)
integersYue14Yasha (2012)
Help CheckQuad3D Draw3DYue1Yue (2012)
bb Windows 8Yue29Yue (2012)
I need help with a problemYue4Yue (2012)
Help with Update GammaYue4Yue (2012)
Overwriting Blitz functionsbytecode775D4NM4N (2012)
SeekFile helpYue11Yue (2012)
Enemy/Character spawning techniques?Cubed Inc.5DRH (2012)
Cubic EnvironmentYue1Yue (2012)
Help SkyBoxYue5Yasha (2012)
Help with Draw3D2 V.1.1 colored string.Yue4Yue (2012)
A* pathfinding....psychicbottle5RemiD (2012)
Lip-Sync?John Blackledge15Rroff (2012)
setup InstallYue2wmaass (2012)
Computers that don't support Windowed 3D?mk2y106mk2y10 (2012)
Why use B3D FormatCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7Leon Drake (2012)
FastPointerYue6Yue (2012)
I need some help with changing between b3d animsNewbie311Newbie31 (2012)
Physics Systemsxmlspy48Yue (2012)
perlin noiseHeliotrope4Charrua (2012)
Update V1.106 now available!marksibly29DRH (2012)
Movie playback speedchaos514Kryzon (2012)
Demos de ashadow Where??Yue1Yue (2012)
A program to animate models verticesYue6Yue (2012)
collisionstanrol6D4NM4N (2012)
Over-thinking it againAdam Novagen6D4NM4N (2012)
Character Keyframe Animation SystemChroma2Chroma (2012)
Pathfinder algorithmThePict6stanrol (2012)
how to do very large numbers?stanrol3Yasha (2012)
Any DLL to access USB port ?semar5stanrol (2012)
New to forum, need help with writepixelfast.DRH4Yasha (2012)
to any blender usersJack22Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
graphics modes failing in executableSlomas9PowerPC603 (2012)
dll voice??Yue5Guy Fawkes (2012)
Texture Coords_PJ_11_PJ_ (2012)
Memory-compressed audioAdam Novagen5Kryzon (2012)
Set entity rotation from a dllLagrange7Yasha (2012)
Scrolling text? (Cubed Inc.5Rob the Great (2012)
Program never finds EOF :(-=Darkheart=-8_PJ_ (2012)
DrawMovieAmanda Dearheart5Kryzon (2012)
Best collisions system?Cubed Inc.11RemiD (2012)
max size limit (memory access violation)yoshark7Rroff (2012)
Simple character shadowCubed Inc.20Yue (2012)
collision problem (fps game mode)yoshark4yoshark (2012)
animation sequences helpYue3Yue (2012)
SpiderMan SwingingGIB3D4Nexinarus (2012)
Why doesn't this work?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)8PowerPC603 (2012)
Collisions with moving objects?Cubed Inc.3PowerPC603 (2012)
Player getting stuck in corners?Cubed Inc.6Yasha (2012)
Image propertiesAmanda Dearheart4Amanda Dearheart (2012)
Font SizeJBR2Floyd (2012)
color depthAmanda Dearheart4K (2012)
Magic tip to improve the fps of a gameRemiD8_PJ_ (2012)
Using sine to convey a swaying motion?Cubed Inc.5Adam Novagen (2012)
Sphere intersecting triangleAdam Novagen6Adam Novagen (2012)
Exit button control with DLL ? (AppTitle)Raul10Raul (2012)
Animated DDS?Adam Novagen10K (2012)
sending text to an ip cameraSvenart3Rroff (2012)
Filetype issues.Nexinarus8Yasha (2012)
UDP Stream does not exist?Guy Fawkes2_PJ_ (2012)
getbrushtexture from uv channel 1Dannyk1Dannyk (2012)
Come test Spiky!mk2y1013Rroff (2012)
Tweening, Before actual 3D ProgrammingNexinarus1Nexinarus (2012)
Collisions with Entites and PlanesNexinarus18Nexinarus (2012)
Problem with positioning Vertices with Mouse.Guy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2012)
Problem with keydown keyhit combo?Guy Fawkes11Nexinarus (2012)
B3D: text on transparent texture and ?z-fighting?mearrin6915mearrin69 (2012)
Count all polys + triangles in 3D scene?Guy Fawkes5Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Making a good game setup?Cubed Inc.2Yasha (2012)
how to make a racetrack easy?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4RemiD (2012)
Problem with my child paint function?Guy Fawkes27LineOf7s (2012)
Game Saving?Cubed Inc.9Matty (2012)
How to load transparent Image?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2012)
A really nice GUICaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)6Guy Fawkes (2012)
cars aiCharrua17Slomas (2012)
Problem with Server / Client code?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2012)
Follow Interpolation?Guy Fawkes47Blitzplotter (2012)
Loading Audio into a BankClayPigeon4ClayPigeon (2012)
Problem with getting Mesh Hierarchy names?Guy Fawkes14Guy Fawkes (2012)
voice recognition helpWolf187012Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
camera range error workaround...Slomas17RemiD (2012)
When is it appropriate to use Types?Cubed Inc.20Charrua (2012)
physiks jumpstanrol2Midimaster (2012)
VertexTexCoords - Help needed.rIKmAN.6.rIKmAN. (2012)
Massive Freeroam EnvironmentClayPigeon16Bobysait (2012)
Different Lightmaps on Same MeshesClayPigeon5Bobysait (2012)
text color changeGauge4Rroff (2012)
Type feild variable problem?Cubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2012)
Microphone output / input?Guy Fawkes35Bobysait (2012)
Blitzbass - Combined with Rottnet - Need helpGuy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2012)
Starting BIG Project needed extensions!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7Rroff (2012)
instant replayszeek7Kryzon (2012)
IDEal problem!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)9Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Vertex Alpha from 3DS MaxRob the Great3Rob the Great (2012)
Mouselook makes camera constantly slide...?.rIKmAN.3.rIKmAN. (2012)
Texture Resourcefulness?ClayPigeon6Yasha (2012)
Sprite Sheets?En9292Kryzon (2012)
How do I make Random Objects Appear at Random?En9296En929 (2012)
Linepick on the inside of a cylinder.Zeotrope12Zeotrope (2012)
B-Windows - GUI SystemRichard Betson9GaryV (2012)
Sensors based pathfinding and behaviorsRemiD6NoOdle (2012)
FPS??Yue4Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Entity Pick Mode and AnimationsLostCargo12Ross C (2012)
Help Me Shadow FastEext LodYue2Yue (2012)
Problem with scaletexture?Guy Fawkes13_PJ_ (2012)
Framerate logicKiyoshi3Kiyoshi (2012)
Type parentingAdam Novagen13_PJ_ (2012)
Problem with WB3D_Spinner?Guy Fawkes44_PJ_ (2012)
libmysql.dllvivaigiochi11Yue (2012)
Raycasting Math HelpClayPigeon7ClayPigeon (2012)
real terrain elevation imagesSlomas5Krischan (2012)
isosceles trapezoid circleMusicianKool13MusicianKool (2012)
Function pointersNoobody63Bobysait (2012)
DDS format questionsAdam Novagen8Ross C (2012)
Texture blending with the alpha flagRoss C1Ross C (2012)
Weird bug with 1440x900 Res, GfxMode3DExistsIan Martin17Ross C (2012)
Freeze Problem with Save Function?Guy Fawkes16Midimaster (2012)
Reading a mesh's textures?Guy Fawkes4Guy Fawkes (2012)
Problem with gravity?Guy Fawkes20ando (2012)
Help me Mirror FastExtYue3Yue (2012)
Help with surface blendingRoss C3Ross C (2012)
My 3rd person camera code threadGuy Fawkes11Guy Fawkes (2012)
ShadowsMap LIghtMapYue8ClayPigeon (2012)
How to get current Disk Space Free?Danny6Danny (2012)
OPENAL32 LibYue2Yue (2012)
Error!! MAV unknownYue11Yue (2012)
Smooth mouse-controlled cameraCubed Inc.5Rroff (2012)
Move entity relative to camera with mouse help.Vertigo8Stevie G (2012)
Recursion limitsting10Mahan (2012)
Help Engine Shadow Devil.Yue17RemiD (2012)
Shadow Cater ReceiverYue3Yue (2012)
Oh No! Execution Suspends when re-sizing window?mk2y108xtremegamr (2012)
EntityAutoFade???Yue2Yasha (2012)
Alternatives for DeltaYaw?Cubed Inc.10Cubed Inc. (2012)
Inside object?Guy Fawkes21Ross C (2012)
FreeTexture!Yue10Ross C (2012)
Problem with vertex colorVertigo2Ross C (2012)
Problem with texture creation on some machinealain13jfk EO-11110 (2012)
Freeimage.dllYue5Yue (2012)
an easier way to create a large group of spheres?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)12Ching (2012)
SCARABChing2Ching (2012)
polarized 3d - anyone tried?Modded3Tom (2012)
Get entity's color?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2012)
text() not working right on some machines?Axel Wheeler18RifRaf (2012)
Small problem with multi object selectGuy Fawkes4Guy Fawkes (2012)
Compare two listsCyberPackRat5Matty (2012)
Help with object pickingGuy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2012)
Find TargetJack21Jack (2012)
UPXYue3Yue (2012)
Regarding Goto (YES I KNOW, DON'T SAY IT.)Adam Novagen8Yasha (2012)
Help with Lotus particle system.Yue3Yue (2012)
help CollisionTriangleYue1Yue (2012)
BlitzView IDE is Back from the Dead!!!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Angle between Old Vertex Normal New Vertex NormalSpike3145Spike314 (2012)
collision and movement problem,,,vivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2012)
Shadows DistanceYue7Yue (2012)
CopyI()RifRaf3RifRaf (2012)
UV helpSpike3143Spike314 (2012)
Problem with SMOOTH 3D Jumps?Guy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2012)
Help with GUI Ideas...mk2y1013jfk EO-11110 (2012)
Small problem with level editor scroll?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2012)
Gridmap API thoughts?mk2y103mk2y10 (2012)
2D Map ScrollingGuy Fawkes34Guy Fawkes (2012)
Game tricksKryzon11Guy Fawkes (2012)
Array index out of bounds?Guy Fawkes16Guy Fawkes (2012)
Strange behavior with animated TreeRifRaf18Guy Fawkes (2012)
How two realize an 8-dir scroll?vivaigiochi20Midimaster (2012)
Window Manipulation Projectmk2y102Guy Fawkes (2012)
Need help with my 2D level editorGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2012)
Help with mesh deformationRGF4Luis de la Cruz (2012)
problem with fast imagevivaigiochi9vivaigiochi (2012)
How to scroll map with player?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2012)
Problem with my shooter codeGuy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2012)
Window with scrollbar that displays sprites?Guy Fawkes35Ross C (2012)
object refuses to stay attached to cameraCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7K (2012)
Devil Engines and Game FreezeCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)14Rob the Great (2012)
Mirror and Water?? &#23731;Yue1Yue (2012)
A very foggy earth?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)12Guy Fawkes (2012)
How to get frame count of an image?Guy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2012)
Stencil Shadow Volume demoTom86Rroff (2012)
RottNet - Streaming files?Guy Fawkes8Guy Fawkes (2012)
Streaming music via Server?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2012)
ETNA 2.1 - ETNA used for 3D?Guy Fawkes21Guy Fawkes (2012)
Blitz3D with more features?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Ross C (2012)
Blitz3D-like commands in Blitz2D?Axel Wheeler4Axel Wheeler (2012)
tile-based collisionsK4K (2012)
Network Library?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2012)
Vector problemStollentroll7Kryzon (2012)
Help with file save & load?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2012)
problem with scaleimage and imagebuffervivaigiochi4add (2012)
Animating a non animated mesh in code?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Ross C (2012)
muzzleflash timingcash3cash (2012)
Type memory leakMusicianKool4MusicianKool (2011)
It deos not mtater...Krischan3xlsior (2011)
Blitz3D almost unusable on Windows7Vorderman73RGF (2011)
*.3ds to *.b3d converter?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Ross C (2011)
Finding the angle of a vectorRico4JBR (2011)
entitypoint (sorry for double post)Jack2Chroma (2011)
IDEal VS BlitzViewCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)5Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
Is SC compatible with MiniB3D ?semar6iamdaman13 (2011)
Question on creating pivot POINTJack3Kryzon (2011)
create input field on screen without input commandvivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2011)
Self organizing neural networkMusicianKool6Mr Snidesmin (2011)
Can B3d create more than just games?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)11Danny (2011)
IFfy question:Crinkle2big10p (2011)
My Cursor image doesn't show up over the mouse!!!!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Matty (2011)
ID the index of a mesh surface?Slomas3Slomas (2011)
i hate math.Paul "Taiphoz"9_PJ_ (2011)
64 bit windowsThePict8K (2011)
I also hate math.Adam Novagen3Paul "Taiphoz" (2011)
FX (effect) files for B3D?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)5Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
Do UV maps affect how cube maps are drawn?gburgess9gburgess (2011)
DemoYue9Yue (2011)
Part of my code is running twice, how?Crinkle7Axel Wheeler (2011)
How to work out loading percents?Crinkle5Adam Novagen (2011)
Selective menus not working?Crinkle1Crinkle (2011)
Agraphics3D alternative?Yue4RifRaf (2011)
Avoid Vertexnx/y/z Problemsjfk EO-111102Floyd (2011)
problem loading font (with Xors)Vorderman4Kryzon (2011)
Time for some fancy Math-uh-matics!Adam Novagen3Yasha (2011)
Data from ghost of Elvisjfk EO-111107Rroff (2011)
Working with filesvivaigiochi8_PJ_ (2011)
Getting new machine ?????Jack6Kryzon (2011)
Streaming engine, progressive loading of dataRemiD12Adam Novagen (2011)
Minecraft in blitz3D???andy_mc4andy_mc (2011)
Procedural terrain ideasRemiD4RemiD (2011)
Debugging Multithreaded Programsxtremegamr4Rroff (2011)
Gandaldf's B3dK4K (2011)
Got a tricky one for ya... Maybe.Adam Novagen6K (2011)
download an .asp page?vivaigiochi2tyoud (2011)
Question on LINEPICKJack11Ross C (2011)
JavaB3dLeon Drake16Leon Drake (2011)
Is there a graphics width limit?bridgeco9Rroff (2011)
publish apps on a web sitevivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2011)
Alternative methods for server listingsRifRaf9Rroff (2011)
Networking 101Adam Novagen13Adam Novagen (2011)
Windows 8Xaron10bytecode77 (2011)
Anyone monitiored a directory for updated filesBlitzplotter6Rroff (2011)
Windows7/Vista againJohn Blackledge47Rroff (2011)
Peggin' the JAdam Novagen6Adam Novagen (2011)
Any DirectPlay Tutorials?ThePict1ThePict (2011)
Blitz3D Programmers Manual. Better than stock man?Galdy7Kryzon (2011)
Error Windows 7Yue2RifRaf (2011)
Forcing anti aliasing in blitz3d?Cubed Inc.4Yue (2011)
how to close external applicationvivaigiochi2Adam Novagen (2011)
Search the code archive in seconds !semar24Yasha (2011)
Can't "include" subroutines?SuperRoboFan2Yasha (2011)
Blitzprinter DLLK6K (2011)
Particle system.Yue17stayne (2011)
Render Tweening and object syncingRifRaf4RifRaf (2011)
Site Web.Yue3Yue (2011)
End points of a thin cylinder between two EntitiesEric4Midimaster (2011)
Question about poking into the b3d dx lightsRifRaf7Kryzon (2011)
Networking HelpsuperStruct6PowerPC603 (2011)
DDS questionJohn Blackledge11John Blackledge (2011)
Ten Thoooooooooousand Quads?Adam Novagen9Adam Novagen (2011)
Help creating an ambient volumeRifRaf8RifRaf (2011)
max ide ?Paul "Taiphoz"4Yasha (2011)
Saving entitiesSlomas12Matty (2011)
Sprite Candy Collision Detection...NeilH3Ian Martin (2011)
Multiplayer Movement Interpolation improvementsRifRaf4BlitzSupport (2011)
UDP ProblemsSytzeZ6xlsior (2011)
example of briskvm script?vivaigiochi3vivaigiochi (2011)
routine to answer/reply to a telephon callvivaigiochi13vivaigiochi (2011)
Textures SoundsYue4John Blackledge (2011)
Multiple webcam streams..Oiduts Studios5Oiduts Studios (2011)
routine to show/edit/save a csv file like excel?vivaigiochi1vivaigiochi (2011)
Help Please!!Yue7Yue (2011)
The time is nowGraythe3Graythe (2011)
Has AntiAliasing EVER worked in B3D?Adam Novagen9big10p (2011)
Question about HideEntity commandCubed Inc.10John Blackledge (2011)
recompiling a blitz exe?Svenart13Rroff (2011)
VRAM textures blacking out? WhaaaaatAdam Novagen9Adam Novagen (2011)
directional button problemAvestheFox8Yasha (2011)
Another Day In Blitz3DKenshin Yurihara19Rroff (2011)
Win7 Virtualization question.RifRaf4RifRaf (2011)
Graphics Mode 3 Aspect Ratio QuestionAvestheFox4Kryzon (2011)
Navigation MeshKenshin Yurihara28Kryzon (2011)
Help or an idea for an 'invisible" draw pleasebashc6bashc (2011)
reading tile data problemAvestheFox8Graythe (2011)
Can an Exe retrieve its own filenameRifRaf11_PJ_ (2011)
Minecraft Clone?Chroma6stanrol (2011)
Anyone here still familiar with WB3D... ?Adam Novagen17Kev (2011)
Texture blurring problem?Chroma12Ross C (2011)
how to get a variable pointer?MusicianKool13MusicianKool (2011)
Why doesnt this work in full screen modeRifRaf10Kryzon (2011)
Stop Blitz from 'smoothing' textures?Treacle6Graythe (2011)
Linepick + Tform questionRifRaf1RifRaf (2011)
System32Yue4Yue (2011)
Positioning problem with my waypoint creator?Guy Fawkes15Guy Fawkes (2011)
Image to texure?Oiduts Studios4jfk EO-11110 (2011)
.cab integration?RRK10208Adam Novagen (2011)
Array index out of bounds for my Waypoint creator?Guy Fawkes5Yasha (2011)
3D textsystem - VERY FEW problemsGuy Fawkes13stayne (2011)
Formula to randomly position.... (locked)Guy Fawkes160simonh (2011)
Sending serial commandsOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2011)
... Have I completely lost my mind??Adam Novagen13Adam Novagen (2011)
Runtime Lightmapping QuestionClayPigeon6Rroff (2011)
Render tweening and stutter/jerkinessYasha8Rroff (2011)
Minimun Spannig Treelimdorn5Warpy (2011)
WritePixel argb formatJoeGr17Warner (2011)
Create filled triangles line by lineAxel Wheeler15Andy_A (2011)
Current position: x=NaN y=NaN z=NaNBlitzProg19Adam Novagen (2011)
Corvert .M2 to .MD2Mighty Raven13Gabriel (2011)
Digital Map Data?John Blackledge5Rob the Great (2011)
Can anyone help me with my scroll code please?bashc19bashc (2011)
which method is faster?Slomas3Matty (2011)
Gravity Shift TroubleClayPigeon7ClayPigeon (2011)
terrible graphical tearing on my laptopVorderman4Slomas (2011)
const pre-processed? Bug?Ross C4Yasha (2011)
Software TrackballRifRaf3RifRaf (2011)
changing game "scenes"?Cubed Inc.3Rroff (2011)
Masked TextureMoore15Ross C (2011)
Tokamak Water combined with water rippleGuy Fawkes11Gabriel (2011)
Problem with timer in text code?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2011)
Problem with Entity PickGuy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2011)
Object looking at other object? Linepick?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2011)
Simulating 3D splash when object dropped in water?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2011)
Climbing System for 3rd Person GamesClayPigeon15Guy Fawkes (2011)
Need help turning Bezier curve into waypoint bez..Guy Fawkes4Adam Novagen (2011)
SQL Database?Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2011)
Compile issue and snappingsting3sting (2011)
Terrain Texture Layers - The Solution (and code)John Blackledge5John Blackledge (2011)
Not a C64 emulator but its aliveJimmy22bashc (2011)
Color WHAT?Jimmy2Yasha (2011)
My 2D in 3D EditorHardcoal1Hardcoal (2011)
Magic key to speed of B3D?Jimmy44Kenshin Yurihara (2011)
Terrain Texture Layer questionJohn Blackledge42John Blackledge (2011)
dictionary hashvivaigiochi2Warner (2011)
Smoothing lasers?Jimmy4Jimmy (2011)
IncludeOnce command for blitz3dHardcoal5Hardcoal (2011)
Nested Types / Parented Types / WhateverAdam Novagen15Matty (2011)
Triangles and Vertices_PJ_3_PJ_ (2011)
Recursive RandomnessClayPigeon6_PJ_ (2011)
Double precision in B3D?Jimmy3Jimmy (2011)
Winblitz3d questionHardcoal3Hardcoal (2011)
dialogue system?vivaigiochi12vivaigiochi (2011)
Soon Establishing a blitz3d web siteHardcoal22Hardcoal (2011)
script and algorithmvivaigiochi2_PJ_ (2011)
Blender 2.5 Exporter A Possibility?QuickSilva1QuickSilva (2011)
Calculating UVMoore4Graythe (2011)
Help with waterMusicianKool8MusicianKool (2011)
One I just cannot figure outJack12MusicianKool (2011)
Is there a way to do pointers memory access?dman6Rroff (2011)
Line to circle collisionsBraincell6MusicianKool (2011)
Finding On Screen X, YMoore6Kryzon (2011)
Check if processes are runningSystem4 Studios6System4 Studios (2011)
what is the code for the mouse speeddman4jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Generate and load sound from memory bank, no HDDLamptonWorm7LamptonWorm (2011)
Rnd(0,1) creating higher numbers.sting6stanrol (2011)
Integer Noise Functions in B3DClayPigeon6ClayPigeon (2011)
FreeTexture() crashingrgdyman5Yasha (2011)
Creating An Extruded TriangleClyde6jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Easy way to rename file in blitz?Ross C15Adam Novagen (2011)
Animating sprites in 3d and 2d. Is it the same?Cubed Inc.20Gabriel (2011)
Please Send me Anyfile you want to uploadHardcoal1Hardcoal (2011)
Opening rar or zip from blitz3dHardcoal6Hardcoal (2011)
How to put your application for publish on blitzHardcoal3Hardcoal (2011)
How to change the pitch using bass.dll?dman1dman (2011)
Dotted line..Jimmy2Jimmy (2011)
Audio EffectsClayPigeon6_PJ_ (2011)
Verify Function, anyone got one?ThePict9_PJ_ (2011)
FreeEntity MAV'ingrgdyman7Adam Novagen (2011)
Duplicate variable name- glitch?Slomas5Adam Novagen (2011)
my setup xD.Yue10Yue (2011)
Posting data problem...SLotman4SLotman (2011)
Gui system out of blitz3d graphic windowHardcoal10Adam Novagen (2011)
Animated Mesh FormatClayPigeon6jfk EO-11110 (2011)
How to "Include" a file from a string?FearedMachina3Yasha (2011)
Challenge.Paul "Taiphoz"6Paul "Taiphoz" (2011)
ConcernsYue6Drak (2011)
water / sand simprefim5Rroff (2011)
Execute StringClayPigeon5Yasha (2011)
B3D slow on Win7?Vorderman12Vorderman (2011)
Reading buffer contentalain3Rroff (2011)
LOD for big entity groupslauri6lauri (2011)
Mouse noise?Jimmy12Kryzon (2011)
Animation from file with a different rigrgdyman3rgdyman (2011)
Ashadow not working on new system?Svenart2Yasha (2011)
Any way to access DX blending modes & z-buffer?Roland7Roland (2011)
Confused with Mesh and Texture Angles_PJ_15Ross C (2011)
how can I peek a word value?dman10Warner (2011)
viewing a rig using spheres.rgdyman3rgdyman (2011)
accurate surface detectionSlomas7Slomas (2011)
trying to draw a 2d line in 3ddman9dman (2011)
MAV when using Reading StringsSystem4 Studios3System4 Studios (2011)
SOS!! Help with using webcams!! :(mk2y103mk2y10 (2011)
Surface order changingrgdyman11rgdyman (2011)
Brighter Lights, Darker Shadowsxcessive5Vorderman (2011)
How are shadows done these days?Robert Cummings91Rroff (2011)
Image Based Collisions for 2D PlatformerClayPigeon5ClayPigeon (2011)
reduce space into a stringvivaigiochi5D4NM4N (2011)
function like STRTOK()?vivaigiochi3Rroff (2011)
ReadDir, but not hidden directoriesVignoli5xlsior (2011)
Questions about TypesSuperRoboFan5Ross C (2011)
Pseudorandom Number GeneratorClayPigeon15Krischan (2011)
Outputting An MPO FileAvestheFox3AvestheFox (2011)
Is there a way to draw lines on an image?dman4_PJ_ (2011)
File properties?vivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2011)
Sound functionsDoggie9Axel Wheeler (2011)
GUI programmingMadJack33K (2011)
drawimage from a string variableDicon5Axel Wheeler (2011)
Saving 3d SoundscapeSoggyP7Axel Wheeler (2011)
Turning an object around it's centre?Dicon5jfk EO-11110 (2011)
AvailVidMem ()Yue2Yue (2011)
undo/redo techniqueCharrua8Warner (2011)
EndGraphics??Yue3Yue (2011)
How do you keep control of a program?Crinkle33Yasha (2011)
Random values gives a pattern ...Sacha15Adam Novagen (2011)
Tweening... Again... Just shoot me now.Adam Novagen30K (2011)
Help TestYue2Rob the Great (2011)
Help Me VertexTextCoords!!!!Yue8Charrua (2011)
Windows MobileYue15D4NM4N (2011)
Audio glitch? Bug? Gremlin? Hardware issue??Adam Novagen13Adam Novagen (2011)
Load a JPG image with alpha enabledalain12D4NM4N (2011)
Change Resolution Caption.Yue13Yue (2011)
program has become too complicated for LOADFONT()Crinkle9Mahan (2011)
Catmull-Rom codeAxel Wheeler1Axel Wheeler (2011)
Smooth TransitionsAxel Wheeler7Axel Wheeler (2011)
Aply Deled lightmap to b3dFerret2Ferret (2011)
how to define UV for the following situation?Charrua4Charrua (2011)
Normal?? :/Yue10Charrua (2011)
Funcion!!!Yue3Yue (2011)
Where to find "Learn to program 2D games in Blitz"Galdy2mv333 (2011)
Shadow!!Yue3Yue (2011)
compare if two images are equalvivaigiochi11D4NM4N (2011)
Marching CubesClayPigeon9ClayPigeon (2011)
need some help finding sonic blitz3d unleashed srcGuy Fawkes4DaleM2011 (2011)
Sonic (in Blitz)DaleM20111DaleM2011 (2011)
Unusual Object Does Not Exist error_PJ_3_PJ_ (2011)
Faster version of Bresenham's line drawing alg?furbrain8Robert Cummings (2011)
Primitive mesh off center orientationFerret5Kryzon (2011)
Why is it finding a way to forget the root dir?Crinkle3_PJ_ (2011)
Planet atmosphere glowKrischan24Filax (2011)
TextureBuffer() problem on old graphic cardsalain7Axel Wheeler (2011)
How fast is Linepick on modern computers?Gun Ecstasy4Gun Ecstasy (2011)
Graphics3d and ClearWorld effect on memoryAxel Wheeler4Yue (2011)
B3D wont update the directory!Crinkle4Crinkle (2011)
openHeliotrope13Zethrax (2011)
Direct show+3dK4jfk EO-11110 (2011)
How to ExecFile things in "program files" on win7?Crinkle4xlsior (2011)
Attempting to update B3d Pipeline for 3ds max 2011Gun Ecstasy7Kryzon (2011)
Need help with b3d pipeline for 3dmax 9Ifq2003Ifq200 (2011)
Shadows???Yue9jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Create a 6 sided polygon from 8 3d pointsBlitzplotter1Blitzplotter (2011)
memory access violation running .exevivaigiochi5Floyd (2011)
Masking or Alpha Channel?ClayPigeon13Ross C (2011)
Silly question about userlibsjfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2011)
interesting observationjfk EO-1111018jfk EO-11110 (2011)
3d space...homeworld like..darklordz33Kepu (2011)
Graphics ModesYue4Yue (2010)
QuestionYue6D4NM4N (2010)
Verlet Integration: Constraint CollisionsClayPigeon13Serpent (2010)
anolog controls?Cubed Inc.2K (2010)
User Locater FunctionThePict3xlsior (2010)
binary to decimal??Yue9D4NM4N (2010)
parts of a TextureJack7K (2010)
Loading Progress?Yue4ClayPigeon (2010)
Function Draw Buttons.Yue1Yue (2010)
Windows 7 not executing B3D appRifRaf6RifRaf (2010)
memory bankYue4Matty (2010)
Crossword Creator?LedgerARC3LedgerARC (2010)
Solve static-vertices in stencil shd dilemmajfk EO-111108Yasha (2010)
a bad practice?Yue19Ferret (2010)
SoundYue5Yue (2010)
Hi, one question.Yue3Yue (2010)
Does ReadAvail work in Graphics 3D mode?Blitzplotter2Blitzplotter (2010)
Tips to avoid unexpected in blitz3DYue9RemiD (2010)
Bump Mapping_PJ_3Rroff (2010)
Rebooting particle system with a jump label.Yue4Yue (2010)
Dump keywords and variables ?jfk EO-111106jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Nvidia Drivers 260.99 Poor performance with B3D??Tab12Tab (2010)
help ShadowOffset(x,y,z)Yue2Yue (2010)
Jagged EdgesJohn Blackledge14Who was John Galt? (2010)
Transparency in MeshYue4D4NM4N (2010)
Help EntityParentYue5Yue (2010)
Shadow problemsYue5Yue (2010)
Alpha Questionjfk EO-1111011jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Fastextension work with animated skinned meshes?Robert Cummings10Yue (2010)
DrawText FastImageYue1Yue (2010)
Unexpected exit without output dataYue6Yue (2010)
Enganchar camara en FastExtYue10Yue (2010)
FastText library slowRob4Robert Cummings (2010)
Slow with hundreds of cubesPeb7Peb (2010)
Finding relationship ???Jack9Charrua (2010)
BoneAnims Vs. MultisurfaceAnimsK4Robert Cummings (2010)
How to do wii style cel shading?Robert Cummings15RifRaf (2010)
Error!!! Help me please!!!Yue6dynaman (2010)
Back using B3DRobert Cummings9Robert Cummings (2010)
Compiled a Blitz3D server on my bigcomp....Blitzplotter4Blitzplotter (2010)
Source of Buffer?_PJ_5Serpent (2010)
How to read a file on webpatmaba3RifRaf (2010)
Text drawn to sprite not working right.Crinkle4jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Sprite Compatibility - workaround?jfk EO-1111014jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Help loading a mesh FastExtYue1Yue (2010)
Minimize pauses the application, CPU still at 99%Sake90614jfk EO-11110 (2010)
trying to use the drawimage as a backgrounddman6jfk EO-11110 (2010)
orthografic camera reduce frame rate?vivaigiochi5vivaigiochi (2010)
FPS in modern machines.Yue3Yue (2010)
Scaled SphereJack3Jack (2010)
Stretch & Resize Blitz3D window ( awsum stuff )Stickman4jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Change Resolution Error ShadowsYue7Yue (2010)
Help Change GammaYue4Yue (2010)
How can i resize an image without loading it?dman23_PJ_ (2010)
Is DDS slower?jfk EO-1111011jfk EO-11110 (2010)
How to tell Byte size of MP3?_PJ_12_PJ_ (2010)
rem instructionvivaigiochi10Yue (2010)
Help Windows Full =(Yue7Yue (2010)
z-order wrong with high value of zoomvivaigiochi12vivaigiochi (2010)
fragmotion Vs 3dsmaxvivaigiochi13vivaigiochi (2010)
Accessing other drives than C:\K3K (2010)
Change screen resolution?Yue6Yue (2010)
Best way to display projectile pathRifRaf6RifRaf (2010)
Very poor TCP GET performanceImphenzia6Imphenzia (2010)
Help Please with Menu ShadowYue10Yue (2010)
Help MouseXSpeed() and MouseYSpeed()Yue5D4NM4N (2010)
Triangles separated within the same mesh?_PJ_6Yasha (2010)
Custom Types (Direct access)prefim11Yasha (2010)
loadanimseq and b3dpipelinevivaigiochi7SLotman (2010)
Resolution selected causes display to rotate 90degMatty4Rroff (2010)
basiC (just for fun)Yasha5Yasha (2010)
SaveBuffer of screencapture on desktop (path)jtassinari5_PJ_ (2010)
Arrays as arguments to functionsAlmo4_PJ_ (2010)
Help FindChild (Rotate Parent)Yue3_PJ_ (2010)
writing b3d filejhocking86 (2010)
B3D support Unicode?stanrol3Yasha (2010)
Controller input troublesCubed Inc.5Warner (2010)
gdi32 RradPixel values_PJ_3_PJ_ (2010)
BrokenBasic - is my program too complex for BB3D?Crinkle8_PJ_ (2010)
selecting one from a group of members of a TypeIan Martin11Ian Martin (2010)
Gnet master serverFerret5RifRaf (2010)
graphics3d - Unable to set graphics modejtassinari3jtassinari (2010)
trying to create a knob control in Blitz3ddman5jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Physics..Kenshin Yurihara13Kenshin Yurihara (2010)
Help FindChildYue4Yue (2010)
image, color, CGIjtassinari5jtassinari (2010)
Centre Of Gravity How?_PJ_7_PJ_ (2010)
how to create a progress bar for bass audio?dman2_PJ_ (2010)
declsAlmo4Almo (2010)
Blitz3d Xbox 360 controller compatibility?Cubed Inc.4Cubed Inc. (2010)
Using 3D For 2DKenshin Yurihara3D4NM4N (2010)
Dual Shock QuestionAlmo22Rroff (2010)
Memory management of textures in B3D...alain2Yasha (2010)
XBOXHeliotrope15vivaigiochi (2010)
A* DLL for b3dVirtech4Virtech (2010)
Unloading Objectspc_tek11pc_tek (2010)
Emailer- through proxy serverSlomas2Warner (2010)
isometric tile engineAmanda Dearheart6_PJ_ (2010)
Blitz3D on Vista/Win7mv3335Virtech (2010)
Feature RequestsAxel Wheeler80ClayPigeon (2010)
Import Unreal T3d into Blitz3dLeon Drake7Hotshot2005 (2010)
Vertical FOV and horizontal FOVOsoko2jfk EO-11110 (2010)
How to create a global array?dman4Warner (2010)
matrices and related operation?vivaigiochi3vivaigiochi (2010)
like no print() happenedstanrol7SabataRH (2010)
Any way to launch external programs?Crinkle4Crinkle (2010)
input/output usb conHeliotrope12Charrua (2010)
millisec vs waittimer problemFernhout9Fernhout (2010)
Line numbering strangenessYasha11Fernhout (2010)
Can you store a float in a 2D array?Blitzplotter19Blitzplotter (2010)
Version Control for Blitz3D?Axel Wheeler11Xaron (2010)
Global Vertex Positioncermit3cermit (2010)
Reducing polygons.Yue6Axel Wheeler (2010)
Anything new?Crinkle19Axel Wheeler (2010)
helpNike1Nike (2010)
HideImage???Yue14Yue (2010)
b3d viewer + 3dsmax skin operatorvivaigiochi12vivaigiochi (2010)
FPS (60)Yue5Pinete (2010)
FPS GunBDixon4Ross C (2010)
old robot arm sampleKepu4Kepu (2010)
Time Counterdoberdog9jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Looping .ogg files smoothly. Is it possible?QuickSilva24jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Help me (KeyUP)Yue7FBEpyon (2010)
HelpYue10Axel Wheeler (2010)
Tricky SituationBaystep Productions6BlitzSupport (2010)
How to find windows OS languageHujiklo8GfK (2010)
bank to texture !rickavzstx4jfk EO-11110 (2010)
OGG Loop PointsClayPigeon5ClayPigeon (2010)
Prevention of IntersectionClayPigeon13ClayPigeon (2010)
Copyentity() w/ animated meshSabataRH11SabataRH (2010)
3D space navigatorshawnus3xtremegamr (2010)
Tile-Based Platformer CollisionsClayPigeon11Warner (2010)
The Dreaded Cel Shading DilemmaRyudin3Ryudin (2010)
Wavelet noiseAxel Wheeler3Axel Wheeler (2010)
jumping and collisionNexinarus6Nexinarus (2010)
Sound ProblemsFintan6xtremegamr (2010)
Blitz - MySQL?Skel52Axel Wheeler (2010)
lights have no effect on meshscribbla11scribbla (2010)
Help with Swift Shadow systembanky14Kryzon (2010)
Data typespc_tek4pc_tek (2010)
Copy DIB to array?FlagDKT12FlagDKT (2010)
Converting an angle in 2d co-ords to 3d co-ordsRoss C5Ross C (2010)
Big Lines Coming From My MeshesWhats My Face5big10p (2010)
Image based collision detection and responsedmc10Serpent (2010)
Real 3D mouseAND1AND (2010)
lightning?jhocking25Knight #51 (2010)
how create 2d phisics with easytokvivaigiochi1vivaigiochi (2010)
Blender + AnimationWhats My Face10Kryzon (2010)
400 spritesAdam Novagen7Adam Novagen (2010)
Best data structure needed to create a game?vivaigiochi8Adam Novagen (2010)
rapid response IDE needed. is bmax the answer?stanrol16Adam Novagen (2010)
Passing a whole array to a functionBlitzplotter4Blitzplotter (2010)
function bug ?Leszek5Leon Drake (2010)
Just showing off something.MusicianKool5MusicianKool (2010)
Best Blitz3D GUI?Chroma8Blitzplotter (2010)
DirectX 7 to DirectX 8Whats My Face4Dreamora (2010)
Load3DSound_PJ_5jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Blitz3d magazinemethodman30002Floyd (2010)
Local Entity PositionBLaBZ5Stevie G (2010)
how to draw a bounding box throug a hierachyCharrua6_PJ_ (2010)
Shadows For a Large EnvironmentClayPigeon42_PJ_ (2010)
B3D Collisions & reflection_PJ_3_PJ_ (2010)
trigonometry the solution to spinning image?stanrol6Serpent (2010)
Odd camera rotation...what am I doing wrong?Vorderman4Vorderman (2010)
reading lines from .txt ->strange crashDimas9Dimas (2010)
increased Vertex functionalityMusicianKool3Dreamora (2010)
Blitz3D apps won't runrs227rs22 (2010) for bulletsfireshadow41269stanrol (2010)
Blitz Collisions + Verlet = Climbing Walls?ClayPigeon6ClayPigeon (2010)
De-Texturing? Removing Textures from VRAM_PJ_8_PJ_ (2010)
3D Text - Example and Meshesalain7_PJ_ (2010)
..connected vertices..Naughty Alien4puki (2010)
flashlight sfxAmanda Dearheart12_PJ_ (2010)
Applying texture on LoadMesh/LoadAnimMesh modelsilentworks3silentworks (2010)
View/Rewrite LoadTexture's CodeDoktor Zeus10Serpent (2010)
VPN ClientStamm2xlsior (2010)
Posting to a forum form Blitz?Nightmare3Nightmare (2010)
Unable to compile programs with 'Include's!Serpent7steve_ancell (2010)
dramatic fps drain when displaying 2d over 3dRGF19Blitzplotter (2010)
select casestanrol4Matty (2010)
Scoring a Input one letter at a timejigga6192Matty (2010)
Run a Blitz3D .exe by clicking on a data file?Cold Storage7Cold Storage (2010)
face drawing not visible second eyestanrol7Serpent (2010)
Help me! simple audio codemimox3mimox (2010)
isometric engineAmanda Dearheart3Amanda Dearheart (2010)
Concepts of modifying/scripting_PJ_15_PJ_ (2010)
Hide blitz exe from applications list?FlagDKT9FlagDKT (2010)
create rows and columns in an animstripDoggie16_PJ_ (2010)
Camera Frustum Culling?Craig H. Nisbet4_PJ_ (2010)
Update 1.105 now availablemarksibly37Blitzplotter (2010)
How to save images to a filestream?Doktor Zeus5Doktor Zeus (2010)
how to use texture on a cube entity?dman16dman (2010)
how can I draw while in setbuffer imagebuffer() ?dman4_PJ_ (2010)
Is there a way to put image frames together in onedman7_PJ_ (2010)
Poking Imagebuffers directly, it works! :)Tom17chi (2010)
Light limitJaydubeww5Jaydubeww (2010)
B3D file format & cube map storageMCP6MCP (2010)
Algorithm to compare two images..?FlagDKT6FlagDKT (2010)
Procedural tree generationMusicianKool16MusicianKool (2010)
Problem with 3d soundeos29_PJ_ (2010)
Entity Vector facing_PJ_8_PJ_ (2010)
Variables and Declares!Neochrome6MusicianKool (2010)
sprite controlled by mouseDimas5_PJ_ (2010)
Perlin CloudsMusicianKool12MusicianKool (2010)
problem loading files with windows 7RGF6RGF (2010)
Manually moving bones in codeDrak8puki (2010)
AlbaLynx - upcoming GUI for Xors3d and Blitz3dXors Team13Doggie (2010)
how do you get a child entities locationMusicianKool9MusicianKool (2010)
Collision questionJohn Blackledge15jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Character is Getting StuckWhats My Face2Kryzon (2010)
Texturing MeshThe_Yant8The_Yant (2010)
2d line intersection codeCraig H. Nisbet3big10p (2010)
Time countjtassinari3jtassinari (2010)
Tripling a polygon?Craig H. Nisbet4Charrua (2010)
integrating files with the exe?Dimas11Dimas (2010)
sprite questionjtassinari3jtassinari (2010)
Registry Editingblade0072_PJ_ (2010)
online games - is to hard?Santiworld4Who was John Galt? (2010)
Perlin noiseMusicianKool4Charrua (2010)
free source of Fire/Flame animationDimas2Jiffy (2010)
Array as Type FieldClayPigeon4Warner (2010)
Best Dynamic Lighting Setup?ClayPigeon31ClayPigeon (2010)
RenderWorld gives MAV_PJ_5Jiffy (2010)
B3d Pipeline v0.8Pudding11Kryzon (2010)
Quick questionMusicianKool5big10p (2010)
Renderworld doesnt cleaning background?Dimas2Dimas (2010)
Multiples sprites with same image...Dimas3Dimas (2010)
help with fast extjtassinari11MikhailV (2010)
can DIM be defined with types?Dimas6Warner (2010)
ferris wheelOiduts Studios11Midimaster (2010)
Would you like a Blitz3D section in BlitzMax ...Arowx4Stevie G (2010)
Advertisement ModelRifRaf31RifRaf (2010)
Falling When Running Into Two Walls At OnceWhats My Face5Warner (2010)
Rainbow Six Vegas/Gears of War cover systemSilverCoin6Gabriel (2010)
Models' Texture MovementClayPigeon18ClayPigeon (2010)
Read / write XML?Jaydubeww1Jaydubeww (2010)
Single-Surface particle thingies_PJ_33_PJ_ (2010)
3D MetaBallsOiduts Studios18groovylime (2010)
AddMesh - remove meshgroovylime4groovylime (2010)
Loading a Multitextured MeshAvestheFox44Leon Drake (2010)
fastest way to convert a bank to a texture?Serpent30Serpent (2010)
Multiplying and Dividing FASTER than Shr and Shl?Serpent8Serpent (2010)
problem when use filevivaigiochi4Serpent (2010)
Question About 3D TilesAvestheFox9AvestheFox (2010)
.wav format?FlagDKT14Gabriel (2010)
Movements relative to camera?FlagDKT9FlagDKT (2010)
Optionals parameters in DLL. How to?ZJP4ZJP (2010)
RAND functionGerard4Zethrax (2010)
Struggling with beziersRoss C16Charrua (2010)
execfile with use of cmdvivaigiochi8_PJ_ (2010)
What happened to rez's bounce thread?Ross C9_PJ_ (2010)
Internal Blitz3D StructuresSerpent6Serpent (2010)
Error checkingbig10p4stanrol (2010)
Video RecordingJerome Squalor8stanrol (2010)
bbsystemproperty in v105 works??Leon Drake3Leon Drake (2010)
detecting if a player has "stepped" ?Guy Fawkes24Guy Fawkes (2010)
Robot's chase player faster.....Guy Fawkes30Guy Fawkes (2010)
I have a little coding puzzle that I can't solveGIB3D14GIB3D (2010)
listener?Guy Fawkes101Who was John Galt? (2010)
Hemisphere_PJ_3_PJ_ (2010)
animation interpolation?Guy Fawkes21_PJ_ (2010)
FPS Code glitch?Guy Fawkes23Guy Fawkes (2010)
Wall RunningGIB3D16GIB3D (2010)
Texture Distance Blurring (disable?)AvestheFox6AvestheFox (2010)
water ripples?Guy Fawkes17Ross C (2010)
Randomise a list of objectsNeo Genesis103Kryzon (2010)
Get true rotation angle on X AxisKronosUK6KronosUK (2010)
Model Child infoMr. Slat8Mr. Slat (2010)
EntityDistance speed...FlagDKT10puki (2010)
migrate b3d application versus nintendo wii?vivaigiochi7AvestheFox (2010)
Texuring a PathwayWhats My Face12Leon Drake (2010)
cut/copy/paste into external application?vivaigiochi6Charrua (2010)
Walking + Gravity + AnimationWhats My Face10Kryzon (2010)
a curving construction method (not Bezier spline)Raul7Raul (2010)
Voice recognition?vivaigiochi7jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Passing Values to other programsaustin3austin (2010)
creating a knob control ?dman4Midimaster (2010)
Server Issueamitjf6vivaigiochi (2010)
urlencode a string?vivaigiochi3vivaigiochi (2010)
Screenshooting ProblemsSerpent19Serpent (2010)
Easiest way to put a 'file requester' into a progrMatty4Matty (2010)
Announcement: free world creatorCharrua7Charrua (2010)
Sprites Slower than Meshes?NewtSoup28NewtSoup (2010)
frameless exejtassinari15Yasha (2010)
3D Space AIRyudin10Serpent (2010)
those who are interested in DX9seferey5Rroff (2010)
Camera movement not in sync with playerA51M15X4lo-tekk (2010)
How to create a custom slider and knob controls?dman3Kryzon (2010)
how to read from a serial port?pimpom5Charrua (2010)
problem with render in far distancesSantiworld34MadJack (2010)
Determining existence of stream?Dip6NewtSoup (2010)
do any of you program in the sdk?kalix7kalix (2010)
Post Processingxtremegamr9Ross C (2010)
Query: painting onto modelsgburgess5gburgess (2010)
Creating antialiasing by the use of down sampling_3319_33 (2010)
Painting a triangle - VertexTexCoordssiread5Ross C (2010)
Trying to create a networkPowerPC60314jtassinari (2010)
Collision Response Not CorrectClayPigeon11ClayPigeon (2010)
help me on why BB3dstanrol3xlsior (2010)
Animating multiple objectsOiduts Studios24Oiduts Studios (2010)
XAGND3D Engine for Blitz3Dala_samodi27Doggie (2010)
userlibs not found?Guy Fawkes4BoneStan (2010)
Minimized Application stoppingNightPhoenix3jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Strange sprite behavour?Ross C11Ross C (2010)
Texture Fading Problemjfk EO-1111015jfk EO-11110 (2010)
"Expecting Wend"Cubed Inc.11Zethrax (2010)
Room NetworksClayPigeon22ClayPigeon (2010)
GetAsyncKeyState doesn't return letter/num keys?Andres2Warner (2010)
Endless Terrain, questionjtassinari3Ross C (2010)
fps & different CPUsjtassinari11_PJ_ (2010) problemvivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2010)
Question about collisionsSantiworld4Santiworld (2010)
Fuzzy Logicpatmaba16patmaba (2010)
Water algorithm messed up a bit?Guy Fawkes13Guy Fawkes (2010)
What's up w/ this dragobject code? ><Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2010)
lighting of imported meshesSlomas3Slomas (2010)
Detecting if an object is walking up/down a hill?Guy Fawkes5Slomas (2010)
What GUI does this use?Guy Fawkes31D4NM4N (2010)
Showing Text with the WaitKey() commandjigga6193D4NM4N (2010)
How to use a external DLL ?Gabriele6Gabriele (2010)
SCHNOK! 0.95 beta - Gui Editor for WinBlitz3DDanny33Charrua (2010)
problem in colormap generator?Guy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2010)
Problems reloading textures!Serpent9Serpent (2010)
Small demo of Matrix/Bone AnimationGrumpyOldMan91Kryzon (2010)
Keeping track of Random plotsjigga61910PowerPC603 (2010)
how to create explosions consuming limited resourcSantiworld5Kryzon (2010)
CreateMesh not displaying correctlyAxel Wheeler11jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Reading web Pages-Rick-12_PJ_ (2010)
Delete more than 1 file at the same time?Guy Fawkes35_PJ_ (2010)
Starwars-Like title?Guy Fawkes107JA2 (2010)
dds MAVOiduts Studios20Oiduts Studios (2010)
about mysqldump?vivaigiochi1vivaigiochi (2010)
Triggers (Trigger Events)3DMan8jfk EO-11110 (2010)
minimapMr. Slat11Dreamora (2010)
Blitz3D Update 1.104 Now Available (locked)marksibly1marksibly (2010)
MAVWhats My Face21D4NM4N (2010)
Help needed converting C# function for use in B3Dfurbrain3furbrain (2010)
Question..Mr. Slat8RGF (2010)
a* pathfindingRGF3RGF (2010)
BoundriesEn9292Warner (2010)
Organizing LevelsEn9294Yasha (2010)
Chat BotsOiduts Studios4Oiduts Studios (2010)
XP Pro 64bit + Blitz3dMadJack2Dreamora (2010)
Universe Code.Guy Fawkes5D4NM4N (2010)
Converting From .b3d to .x or .3dsWhats My Face5Dreamora (2010)
ResumeChannel not working?Guy Fawkes28Ginger Tea (2010)
FastLibs - FastExtensionKev14Dreamora (2010)
Algorithm glitch?Guy Fawkes12Matty (2010)
Augmented Realityjtassinari2wmaass (2009)
Can I tell blitz3d to compile an external bb file?dogzer15Gabriel (2009)
Title PageEn9293En929 (2009)
Count files in and folders in directory..Guy Fawkes5degac (2009)
Can I run a blitz3d app from a browser?dogzer25Guy Fawkes (2009)
Win32 API Calls - LPTSTR and LPCTSTR?Serpent9jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Flickering textures in fullscreenvibe3711jfk EO-11110 (2009)
What api decls would you use to...D4NM4N9jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Weapon SelectOiduts Studios7jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Save alpha channel from buffer to file?chi5chi (2009)
Open two windows in blitz3Ddogzer18Rroff (2009)
WindowsJack15BlitzSupport (2009)
Possible Bug - Buffers not working correctly?Serpent5Floyd (2009)
blitzmovie 1.3brickavzstx4rickavzstx (2009)
AnimMesh Collisions?wmaass2wmaass (2009)
'Searching' for games over a LAN networkSerpent8Serpent (2009)
Using ExecFile(URL) with GET method?Shifty Geezer3Shifty Geezer (2009)
OpenAL grief againImphenzia1Imphenzia (2009)
camera zoom and camera FOV (degrees)dogzer2chi (2009)
Different effects from Differen sides of an objectEn9294Leon Drake (2009)
Saving Type Fields-Rick-14D4NM4N (2009)
Mesh current animation frame - B3Dsemar7GIB3D (2009)
Brawler collisions, gameplay wiseneoshaman2neoshaman (2009)
Custom mesh exportingRifRaf6RifRaf (2009)
248 ComboBoxesIfq2005Ifq200 (2009)
Stiff b3d animationWigwam5Wigwam (2009)
Outlined 3D object - how to do it ?semar18ZJP (2009)
Roller CoasterOiduts Studios12Oiduts Studios (2009)
Blitz3D Update 1102 Now Available...marksibly23Rroff (2009)
Random Slowdown in GUIStevie G6RifRaf (2009)
correct way to finish-close a big game or program.Santiworld6_Skully (2009)
Surfaces and textures_PJ_7neoshaman (2009)
Terrain MeshesOiduts Studios6D4NM4N (2009)
I need some help with thisEn9294En929 (2009)
KeyHit QuestionGrayKnight2k3GrayKnight2k (2009)
Collision problemPowerPC6036PowerPC603 (2009)
Windows 7 HomeShadowTurtle13Chi3f Stadi (2009)
TooD - It's just Too Dimensional!Difference4Warner (2009)
CameraProject questionJohn Blackledge16John Blackledge (2009)
He attacks me, but it's boringsemar3skidracer (2009)
Flight PhysicsGIB3D1GIB3D (2009)
Gnet alternative opinionsRifRaf17RepeatUntil (2009)
Find TAB in a string?wmaass5Santiworld (2009)
Blitz3D Update 1.103 now available... (locked)marksibly1marksibly (2009)
Clients firewalls block them from joining netgame?WERDNA10WERDNA (2009)
How to deal with lag in a network game.WERDNA9Blitzplotter (2009)
Speed question regarding BanksKryzon12Charrua (2009)
game motor cyclebulat2D4NM4N (2009)
3D hexgridRGF5jtassinari (2009)
True-Type Fonts and "internal font name"?martonic13Kryzon (2009)
B3DEXT Animation system Bugged...FlagDKT6FlagDKT (2009)
AWC in developmentCharrua9Charrua (2009)
Game water wavesOiduts Studios13Knight #51 (2009)
Playing with bits and bytes in B3Dxtremegamr9Andy (2009)
child coordinates from AnimMeshsemar5Ross C (2009)
Network game using JoinNetGame, StartNetGame, etcWERDNA6_Skully (2009)
Multi TexturingOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2009)
Making A Proper Game Engine.WERDNA5_Skully (2009)
Waypoints instead of A* pathfinding - how to ?semar6Ross C (2009)
Can I Get Help with What I Tried to Do HereEn9292_Skully (2009)
StairsOiduts Studios5RifRaf (2009)
I'd buy it twice - wish listjtassinari56Nice_But_Dim (2009)
Adding verts - regular polygons_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
Blitz3D Update 1101 Now Available...marksibly29_PJ_ (2009)
Game timeOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2009)
Memory access violation on startupDrakeX9_PJ_ (2009)
grid?Guy Fawkes51Guy Fawkes (2009)
real time wall mirrorMidimaster19MikhailV (2009)
Aero Glass + Windowed Modechi4RGF (2009)
For Owners of Neverwinter Nights 2_PJ_2_PJ_ (2009)
2d over 3dRGF4Matty (2009)
DynamicGrass?Guy Fawkes17Ross C (2009)
Collision calls returning no value?John Blackledge10jfk EO-11110 (2009)
IS Game Design Software a TOP SECRETAmanda Dearheart22jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Blitz TCP\UDPxtremegamr9RifRaf (2009)
Self ShadowsColonel_Klink16Colonel_Klink (2009)
Audio Monitor - How?polygoon34LamptonWorm (2009)
Tree Party users?A51M15X2Charrua (2009)
camera screwup?Guy Fawkes27Guy Fawkes (2009)
tumbling diceAmanda Dearheart6Kryzon (2009)
Data Text FilesKyler4_PJ_ (2009)
How to mix graphic images and 3d imagesAmanda Dearheart3Midimaster (2009)
Why doesn't this code work?Amanda Dearheart8Amanda Dearheart (2009)
FarseerPhysics and constant SpeedHead1Head (2009)
PhysxOiduts Studios20Xors Team (2009)
B3D helpOiduts Studios13Oiduts Studios (2009)
Day night star cycle?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2009)
Jelly 3d viewerGorley6_PJ_ (2009)
Check out the MP3 scratching program in BASICdman6dman (2009)
DirectX VoiceRifRaf4jfk EO-11110 (2009)
In game voice sdkRifRaf1RifRaf (2009)
Higher-order functionsYasha4Yasha (2009)
hdr?Guy Fawkes5Kryzon (2009)
Vertex Alpha doesn't work anymore?FlagDKT4Wings (2009)
The Pirate EngineOiduts Studios10Oiduts Studios (2009)
Calculating Launch AngleStevie G5Warpy (2009)
.decls for saudio.dll (sound play dll)Mahan3Mahan (2009)
Animating Md2 style B3DsOiduts Studios14Oiduts Studios (2009)
frame animation name / range?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2009)
How can I compute which side of my cube is up?Blitzplotter20Blitzplotter (2009)
Muzzle flash questioncash6cash (2009)
Cartoon-style outlinesYasha3Yasha (2009)
can you create a custom control in Blitz3d ?dman2Guy Fawkes (2009)
camera problem?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2009)
ImagesCollide ProblemOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2009)
Finding Child coordinates relative to parent?Hosh13Blitzplotter (2009)
Function Rand bug with integer limitsBobysait14Kanati (2009)
Inflate Registry Keys_PJ_1_PJ_ (2009)
Dual Monitor Questionwmaass15Nigel Brown (2009)
Just broke my Blitz3D >:(Vorderman7_PJ_ (2009)
bbEnet vulnerability fixedMahan2GIB3D (2009)
Questions about 2d spritesmv3333Ginger Tea (2009)
Car wheel trackMike01011Mike0101 (2009)
File packing methodsRifRaf8RifRaf (2009)
RenderWorld slowdown problemWildCat8jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Network ProblemsOiduts Studios4Blitzplotter (2009)
how to do a waveform using BASS in Blitz3d ?dman2Blitzplotter (2009)
Improving my GUIOwlEpicurus1OwlEpicurus (2009)
Detecting Lag CheatingRifRaf2Mahan (2009)
MMORPG Network SetupLuke1113Mahan (2009)
Millisecs() alternatives ?RifRaf8Jasu (2009)
how to calculate screen position for a waveform ?dman1dman (2009)
System or movie volume control?Danny2Danny (2009)
DrawMovie Compatibility Questionjfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2009)
EXE on my website?Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
Blitz 3D is Not RespomdingPowerMeep7GfK (2009)
Slowdown when usiny EntityOrder on spritesVorderman8big10p (2009)
Calculator?Guy Fawkes5_PJ_ (2009)
Sound and Music Problems - help pleaseAvestheFox13Kryzon (2009)
Creating Reliable UDP MessagesGIB3D25GIB3D (2009)
Unwanted sprite rescaleJohn Blackledge7John Blackledge (2009)
Damage NumbersWhats My Face11Whats My Face (2009)
Input hangsWarner13Bobysait (2009)
Strange MAV on Vistaalain27mulawa1 (2009)
Memory access violation but OK in safe mode!mulawa14mulawa1 (2009)
collada supportAmanda Dearheart5skidracer (2009)
Inno Compiler Problem!WERDNA7WERDNA (2009)
boat wave ripple effectSung2Kryzon (2009)
TCPNike3Nike (2009)
BlitzPlay Lite ProblemGIB3D6GIB3D (2009)
CollLib v2.0 announcementMahan1Mahan (2009)
player_img overlaping tile\img - problemAvestheFox3AvestheFox (2009)
Saving Data To FileWhats My Face12Bobysait (2009)
Feature request for clearworld()RifRaf3RifRaf (2009)
Blitz3D garbage collectionRifRaf5RifRaf (2009)
blitz3d + virtualbox/VMWarejtassinari9WildCat (2009)
Corner of a rotated rectangleLedgerARC4Ross C (2009)
limits of dx lightsRifRaf7Matty (2009)
Speedy radar?MadJack21Kryzon (2009)
Multiple Processors?BLaBZ18Luke111 (2009)
Terrain questionAl Meyer3Al Meyer (2009)
Please Help.. webcambasic.rarbulat13Ross C (2009)
GPU Fan controlOiduts Studios5Oiduts Studios (2009)
Easy Question - RTSBLaBZ10xtremegamr (2009)
Webcam BasicLAB[au]18bulat (2009)
Resize Spritesheet?Guy Fawkes24Warner (2009)
Some updates in Xors3dXors Team12Gabriel (2009)
Blitz3D not as popular?BLaBZ74Xors Team (2009)
I need more bytesWhats My Face5Whats My Face (2009)
Intersepting moving targetJack17GIB3D (2009)
Copy bufferlicin5Bobysait (2009)
Typecasting replacement (sort of)Mahan4Mahan (2009)
Force Windows focus to Blitz?Shifty Geezer14Guy Fawkes (2009)
Lost my code again... BUTRoss C6Blitzplotter (2009)
Polys from a bitmapMadJack9MadJack (2009)
Gnet -Refresh Server PeriodPanno3Panno (2009)
Saving Debuglog Contentsasdfasdf4Beaker (2009)
UDP: Finding HostsNathaniel11SytzeZ (2009)
Weapon Model sticking into the groundA51M15X13Zethrax (2009)
Sprite Candy Texture Limitation...NeilH6NeilH (2009)
2D snow Need helpWERDNA4WERDNA (2009)
A use for Goto?Yasha20Wings (2009)
GNet Connecting To ServerWhats My Face3CodeOrc (2009)
Correcting monitor aspect ratiochi11chi (2009)
Better way to deal with memoryBobysait6ZJP (2009)
Ahhh Lag of the CenturyWhats My Face2Wings (2009)
NAT Punch Through - MultiplayerBLaBZ7Wings (2009)
Size of Entity in ViewBLaBZ3BLaBZ (2009)
heightmap anomaliesRGF7RGF (2009)
Golf cup - how to handle with hmap based terrain?wmaass5wmaass (2009)
CenterMesh keeping original position.RifRaf15jfk EO-11110 (2009)
drag n' drop?Guy Fawkes22Guy Fawkes (2009)
Card gameGuy Fawkes57Guy Fawkes (2009)
FastImage HUDGIB3D11GIB3D (2009)
BlitzPlay ProblemSystem4 Studios3System4 Studios (2009)
CharacterCreator ThreadGuy Fawkes178Guy Fawkes (2009)
Enitity controllsAussie4Aussie (2009)
blitzCC problembytecode7730ozzi789 (2009)
3ds grass modelA51M15X7A51M15X (2009)
GameScript/ScriptingBLaBZ15Rroff (2009)
overlapping sprites slow downcyberyoyo6jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Blitz3D Update V1.101QuickSilva16QuickSilva (2009)
setchildDareDevil2Zethrax (2009)
Blitz Default IDE problem/bug???Ross C16Ross C (2009)
Mesh load terrainGuy Fawkes45Krischan (2009)
array valuesRGF12Bobysait (2009)
Select an enemyRGF9Bobysait (2009)
Execfile and VistaRifRaf5Wings (2009)
3D Sound System (EAL?)Chroma7Rroff (2009)
Endless Terrain, questionjtassinari5jtassinari (2009)
Query:Best Method To Overcome Floating Point ErrorMatty7Chroma (2009)
Fastest B3D Particle Engine?Chroma15Hambone (2009)
consecutive variable namingRGF1RGF (2009)
Custom KeymappingChroma6Chroma (2009)
Here's how to disable filtering.Tom63Warner (2009)
BlitzPlay Lite DownloadSystem4 Studios10System4 Studios (2009)
Blitz3D folder marked as Read OnlyChroma4Warner (2009)
How would I go about writing an E-mail checker?WERDNA5WERDNA (2009)
Pakmaker HelpSystem4 Studios4LineOf7s (2009)
PlayMusic - what the..jfk EO-1111010WERDNA (2009)
Tamper proofing mediaRifRaf15RifRaf (2009)
MeshCullBox issuejfk EO-111107jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Waypoint editor test.Ross C17_PJ_ (2009)
Problem: Using camerapick to drag 3d entitiesRoss C48Guy Fawkes (2009)
WinBlitz3D events stop workingAndres5Guy Fawkes (2009)
Texture Splatting using a DLL?Kryzon14MikhailV (2009)
Path Finding?Guy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2009)
Is this a floating point error, or a bug?Ross C11Guy Fawkes (2009)
Relationship of Handle to Memory_PJ_10Guy Fawkes (2009)
External Compilation Error Checking_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
Decorator Download LinkSystem4 Studios3Guy Fawkes (2009)
Alpha channel problemBrad Davis9Ross C (2009)
Frame Limiting & Render Tweening_PJ_15Warner (2009)
File Explorer Directories only_PJ_9_PJ_ (2009)
Need help adding 1 block.Guy Fawkes13Guy Fawkes (2009)
GNet questionGIB3D4BlitzSupport (2009)
OZCollide collision detection libraryChroma1Chroma (2009)
Need help w/ multiples of different enemies.Guy Fawkes12Flemmonk (2009)
Water/Terrain Z-AxisChroma4Chroma (2009)
get bitrateGuy Fawkes24Guy Fawkes (2009)
Need help destroying gui entities..Guy Fawkes25_PJ_ (2009)
Rendering to the Windows Desktop?Adam Novagen14Adam Novagen (2009)
Help screen-sized sprites..Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2009)
Mouse button helper function for y'all!Ross C5Ross C (2009)
Collisions Problemamitjf4amitjf (2009)
Multiplayer packetsRifRaf24Guy Fawkes (2009)
Need help with character creator.Guy Fawkes139Ginger Tea (2009)
Two fdunctions or use some globals?_PJ_10Guy Fawkes (2009)
Easy way to check if mesh is behind camera.Ross C18Ross C (2009)
Type Confusion (Again)fireshadow41265fireshadow4126 (2009)
Viewport dimensions_PJ_4_PJ_ (2009)
Explosion Forces (repelling)RifRaf5RifRaf (2009)
HP Bar above head?Guy Fawkes80Kryzon (2009)
File encryptionSake9067Sake906 (2009)
Type Confusionfireshadow41263fireshadow4126 (2009)
Rendering To ImageBufferWhats My Face7Flemmonk (2009)
Need help with jump codeGuy Fawkes15Ross C (2009)
Windows APIxtremegamr28Warner (2009)
Millisecs and max integer valueSytzeZ8_PJ_ (2009)
BlitzGet Delux and Rerouted addressesRifRaf5RifRaf (2009)
Lightmappingsniper_boy1476Naughty Alien (2009)
Music streamingNike9Guy Fawkes (2009)
What does AddMesh do?_PJ_5jfk EO-11110 (2009)
"Breathing" style mesh deforming code_PJ_38Guy Fawkes (2009)
Execfile() webfile, auto saving ?RifRaf5RifRaf (2009)
free applicationGorley3Nike (2009)
Scaling a Texture and keeping it in placeKryzon2Kryzon (2009)
Bank Allocation on program endRifRaf3RifRaf (2009)
Water ripple?Guy Fawkes2puki (2009)
Camera EntityInView help...FlagDKT3Charrua (2009)
Functions in TypesElendia Starman13_Skully (2009)
SaveBuffer as PNG or JPEG?DheDarkhCustard8big10p (2009)
DebugLogGIB3D4Charrua (2009)
Keydown, and lost window focusRifRaf5Warner (2009)
IDEal bugGIB3D5GIB3D (2009)
Blitz3D now can control a WiiMote! (I hope)Charrua11ZJP (2009)
Point - Box intersection routine?Kryzon5Kryzon (2009)
Is LightRange and lighting screwed up?puki9Drak (2009)
DirectX Performance TipsKryzon27puki (2009)
Flight Sim Jitters Solved (Tentatively)Chroma7Chroma (2009)
3d animatorGorley3Happy Sammy (2009)
Did we achieve triangle/vertice lit recognition?puki15ShadowTurtle (2009)
Need help with using mesh with newton physics...Guy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2009)
B3D Collisions EntityCollided()_PJ_6_PJ_ (2009)
Operating SystemNike32ShadowTurtle (2009)
joystick second analog stickRifRaf7RifRaf (2009)
Mask Weirdness Readpixel vs Readpixelfast_Skully6_PJ_ (2009)
Community Projects_PJ_5AJ00200 (2009)
Idea: MMOG in Blitz with php and sqlBraincell24AJ00200 (2009)
EntityBox collisions_PJ_5_PJ_ (2009)
Bot AIRifRaf6_PJ_ (2009)
Blonde Moment?_Skully8cyberyoyo (2009)
create cube parentdman8_PJ_ (2009)
Yaay triangle questions! :DAdam Novagen23AJ00200 (2009)
beta version up (locked)marksibly74AJ00200 (2009)
Playsound random volumeRifRaf5_PJ_ (2009)
Blitz 3D for 2DRetroRusty6Kryzon (2009)
Weird Light Effects_PJ_5_PJ_ (2009)
How to sync PlaySound ?semar4Guy Fawkes (2009)
deform an entitySantiworld20Ross C (2009)
E-mailerNike21Nike (2009)
Tapered Cylinder request_PJ_7Nate the Great (2009)
Need help with B3Ds Internal Works...Guy Fawkes4_PJ_ (2009)
Tweaking an exampleWigwam1Wigwam (2009)
Problem with newton jump code?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2009)
Default IDE slow down using VistaQuickSilva10QuickSilva (2009)
DDS Texture format?_PJ_15_PJ_ (2009)
possible contract work- UKshawnus8shawnus (2009)
Generate LOD modelsSake9064Sake906 (2009)
Physx Wrapper?Guy Fawkes10Ross C (2009)
align vectors to a planes normalWarner4Ross C (2009)
Creating bones in codeYasha22Yasha (2009)
Need help with walk speed value changeGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2009)
Entityalpha MAV please check itFlagDKT6MadJack (2009)
EntityBlend on Animated MeshScherererer3Scherererer (2009)
Yet another 2D screen coords in 3D question_PJ_6_PJ_ (2009)
Strange object behaviorRifRaf7Stevie G (2009)
Save Blitz3D objects to 3DSSake9062Nate the Great (2009)
Collision Problem.WERDNA16cash (2009)
Santa's Slay_Skully28Nate the Great (2009)
Rect / Oval with LockBufferXaron5Xaron (2009)
Saving Data Blues.Clyde2Warner (2009)
Pom Pom Using Cylinders As Lines.Clyde6Clyde (2009)
Entity Not Found_PJ_7_PJ_ (2009)
New member here.Ifq2004Ifq200 (2009)
Types - Iterate Fields_PJ_6_PJ_ (2009)
Texture woes - I am about to go MAL over this!!!Adam Novagen8Ross C (2009)
Logic issue with entites and BlitzXMLnrasool3nrasool (2009)
Game-rendered cutscenesAdam Novagen12Adam Novagen (2009)
How to use the Windows standard OpenFile Dialog ?semar5nrasool (2009)
For Loop Problems.WERDNA4RifRaf (2009)
Quarternions, Entity*() Angles and Gimbal Locks_PJ_11_PJ_ (2009)
About EntityDistance()Mortiis8GIB3D (2009)
How, pray tell, do you blur-i-fy?thelizardking10Ked (2009)
Texture qualitynawi15Kryzon (2009)
Adjusting a triangles normal?JA211big10p (2009)
BlitzPlay ProRifRaf5LineOf7s (2009)
Audio Sequencing - How To ?semar9semar (2009)
animation pausing when looping?cyberyoyo7Warner (2009)
SpriteCandy - collision check order (+ zdepth)LamptonWorm3LamptonWorm (2009)
Free shadowDareDevil4DareDevil (2009)
Removing texture blurLamptonWorm16Ross C (2009)
eugh, camerapick is slooooowwwwVorderman14Kryzon (2009)
How to use a Database from within Blitz3D ?semar8semar (2009)
MouseX/Y Values are quite fond of positives...thelizardking9GIB3D (2009)
Pivot lag?Sake90613Ross C (2009)
An issue with loadAnimMesh or freeEntity?dena4FlagDKT (2009)
Basic Tile CollisionLamptonWorm9LamptonWorm (2009)
sort functionSantiworld5big10p (2009)
Crayon Physic Game - ProblemsLeszek1Leszek (2009)
Custom lobbyRifRaf4RifRaf (2009)
Can you spot the problem?RifRaf7RifRaf (2009)
Camera control. I'm going bald...Adam Novagen35nrasool (2009)
QHull dllPicklesworth4Filax (2009)
Remove vertex? (clean mesh)LamptonWorm14LamptonWorm (2009)
Merge Animations? (MD2, X or B3D) run + shootLamptonWorm5LamptonWorm (2009)
Multiple Camera, one sprite, different textureLamptonWorm3LamptonWorm (2009)
Platform Collision Test with Pushable ObjectsPhyst9Gabriel (2009)
Testing Angle of Surface When CollidedKnight #515Knight #51 (2009)
3D Editor Gizmo??DreamLoader2Ross C (2009)
System Cloth & WeaponsLeszek4Matty (2009)
Um... Too much? Or too old?Adam Novagen13Adam Novagen (2009)
Convert to a single surfaceFlagDKT12Ross C (2009)
Question about the 4 point bezier splineRoss C3Ross C (2009)
Music sheet, notes, and the likesemar5semar (2009)
Function pointer?ZJP6ZJP (2009)
portal-style portalsWigwam12GIB3D (2009)
Endless terrainMike01016Guy Fawkes (2009)
to make an terrain editor?DreamLoader5Adam Novagen (2009) Alien4Ross C (2009)
UV Clamp problemFlagDKT10Ross C (2009)
DLL with LCC-32. Howto....ZJP7ZJP (2009)
Windows API - ExtractIcon, render icon to image?Mr Snidesmin2BlitzSupport (2009)
Online highscore doesn`t workBlitzblaster34pac (2009)
Reading from the alpha channel using ReadPixelFastVorderman8jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Millisecs() and rolloverDip6Dip (2009)
Skidmark alignment...Tab7Ross C (2009)
Multiple B3D in to oneNaughty Alien10D4NM4N (2009)
Weapon system / Bullets problemMortiis7Ross C (2009)
CubemapsKnight #5114Kryzon (2009)
Blitz3D Randomness (Hopefully) (locked)Knight #513BlitzSupport (2009)
Holograms with Blitz3DNebula38Knight #51 (2009)
B3D Mesh formatGIB3D7GIB3D (2009)
The 'stencil shadow' thread 3 | DSS_1.0Finalbytecode77127Robert Cummings (2009)
html form+php from blitz?vivaigiochi3RepeatUntil (2009)
Traffic system in a game?Pongo7Pongo (2009)
M.A.V with a DECLSZJP8ZJP (2009)
Talking To Computer AILuke11111jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Reuse of textures in .x files666 (2009)
Windows GDI w/ DirectXKnight #515Knight #51 (2009)
blitz+httpvivaigiochi4SabataRH (2009)
Adding touchlines to a sports fieldFry Crayola11Ross C (2009)
Odd question, regarding Env Reflection MapsRifRaf3RifRaf (2009)
create image from a bank?CloseToPerfect5jfk EO-11110 (2009)
CopyMesh questionAdam Novagen4Warner (2009)
FindChild/GetChild query.Ross C13Ross C (2009)
tokamak version 1.2.3ping2SilverCoin (2009)
(Interesting!) Frame Limiting done better!Kryzon25epiblitikos (2009)
Freeimage DLL?Adam Novagen4Adam Novagen (2009)
How to stop Mp3 being converted to wav?Crinkle11LineOf7s (2009)
sending messages to players on same lan networkCloseToPerfect5Mahan (2009)
Best way to walk on a mesh?Swifty7RifRaf (2009)
Size of taskbarVirtech9John Blackledge (2009)
Size of window borderVirtech5Virtech (2009)
Rob's and Halo's Normal Map Demos - where to get?Kryzon14MikhailV (2009)
running a blitz exe in the command lineGavin1112Adam Novagen (2009)
Colormap generator?Guy Fawkes2stayne (2009)
3d Wizard? (locked)Guy Fawkes41BlitzSupport (2009)
Bass.dll and BlitzBasic3Ddman8Kryzon (2009)
How to create a futurist cell shading effect ?patmaba7Adam Novagen (2009)
PLEASE help need Save ObjectGuy Fawkes5Ross C (2009)
Buying B3D now?Snixx27Kryzon (2009)
invalid gadget? o.oGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2009)
Realistic Jump?Guy Fawkes8Adam Novagen (2009)
How to return KB, MB, Bytes.. etc..Guy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2009)
Great game... rotten graphics - HELP!NeilH7GIB3D (2009)
Help instr incorrectGuy Fawkes2Warner (2009)
Collisions/Slope/Linepick help !!!!FlagDKT22fox95871 (2009)
Name above the player's head?Guy Fawkes8Matty (2009)
Getting a hWnd from a Texture or a Bank BufferZJP9Gabriel (2009)
Types vs. Banks: Speed vs. Space?Adam Novagen12jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Getting Pitch/Yaw/Roll of a collided triangleAdam Novagen4Adam Novagen (2009)
Collision check between 2 dynamic objectsMortiis12Mortiis (2009)
ColladaAmanda Dearheart5Adam Novagen (2009)
3D Curved lineswmaass10wmaass (2009)
Help: XNetGuy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
Pick in a collectionjtassinari3jtassinari (2009)
Imphenzia?Guy Fawkes31Adam Novagen (2009)
Railed Camera tips?Adam Novagen3Adam Novagen (2009)
Of Gamepads and JoysticksAdam Novagen5Ginger Tea (2009)
Nuclear Glory Collision DLLSake90615Kryzon (2009)
Microsoft Compound Document File FormatSacha3Subirenihil (2009)
usb powermtnhome3d2xlsior (2009)
Camera range and animated models.wmaass11wmaass (2009)
Music still playing in minimized window...TrionWork7TrionWork (2009)
Blitz 3d apps - crash on first time startupchaos514Zeotrope (2009)
uniform rnd() results across the entire range?Pongo3Pongo (2009)
know vertex x#,y#,z# in animating meshRGF5RGF (2009)
Hardware profiling?Adam Novagen3Adam Novagen (2009)
Bilinear ResamplingKrischan4Subirenihil (2009)
directx and multiple textures65Gabriel (2009)
Basic Wandering AIstayne13stayne (2009)
Reading a JPG image ...Sacha9Sacha (2009)
Help get CD infoGuy Fawkes7Mahan (2009)
Alpha Texture Blending (Direct3D 9)Wings6Wings (2009)
Need help with terrainsSwifty7Swifty (2009)
Flac wont readGuy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
What's in update 1.100BLaBZ9FlagDKT (2009)
Sprite FadeBLaBZ6John Blackledge (2009)
Help request file probGuy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
MiniB3DJBR4JBR (2009)
Cant get this to workOiduts Studios22Sacha (2009)
RingbufferAndy6kenshin (2009)
To WarnerGuy Fawkes19_PJ_ (2009)
ShootingSpaceMan944SpaceMan94 (2009)
Help function doesnt return valueGuy Fawkes18Guy Fawkes (2009)
Banks vs ArraysBLaBZ3Jasu (2009)
Implementing flexible logic?hockings11hockings (2009)
Type Slowing Game DownBLaBZ7Warner (2009)
Using Shell32 to read thumbs.dbSacha7Guy Fawkes (2009)
Help: Get dreamplayer filename?Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
String compression adviceMadJack8Andy (2009)
Help loop fixGuy Fawkes6Guy Fawkes (2009)
How to return millisecs of song in ImphenziaGuy Fawkes165Abrexxes (2009)
Help Code crashingGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2009)
JV-ODE destroy bugCraig H. Nisbet2VIP3R (2009)
Help Millisecs to timeGuy Fawkes2Warner (2009)
Collisions and HideEntity issuezortzblatz2lo-tekk (2009)
Create exe with exe?BLaBZ3Warner (2009)
Placing trees onto terrainOiduts Studios5Oiduts Studios (2009)
Blitz3D Meshes and Animation_PJ_5_PJ_ (2009)
Sprites Appear FadedBLaBZ2GIB3D (2009)
When tile-based worlds collide...Adam Novagen17Wings (2009)
EXE file format info... mind blowingNate the Great9SytzeZ (2009)
stumpedOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2009)
NEED QUICK HELPOiduts Studios7Oiduts Studios (2009)
I'm looking for helpfireshadow41267Jasu (2009)
Encrypt/Protect Images and External FilesBLaBZ14Ross C (2009)
Entity TextureBLaBZ6Ross C (2009)
Blitz3D and Vista; Computer says 'no'GfK13smilertoo (2009)
Finding a picture size ...Sacha7Sacha (2009)
Basic Delta Timing ExplainedQuickSilva8Wings (2009)
Stranded 2 now open sourceAbrexxes2Wings (2009)
Can someone refresh me on indexing surfaces pleasepuki11puki (2009)
How to get input from guitar hero guitars with PCNate the Great9Ginger Tea (2009)
Looking for Terrain creation software.Swifty11Swifty (2009)
selecting a particular type.Pongo3Pongo (2009)
Ashadow and fogSvenart7D4NM4N (2009)
Blitz3D & Vista x64Dazza7BlitzSupport (2009)
Weird issw with TurnEntity (Possibly Float issue)_PJ_4_PJ_ (2009)
Anyone with more than a 3 button mouse?Pongo6_PJ_ (2009)
Convert pitch/yaw/roll to Vectorbytecode7719bytecode77 (2009)
Different type of loopGIB3D12GIB3D (2009)
Strange Float ScrewupMortiis19Mortiis (2009)
T.ed scene wont loadchrisnorris0072chrisnorris007 (2009)
Get pitch/yaw/roll from a rotation matrixbytecode775bytecode77 (2009)
In a bit of a fog...Adam Novagen4Ross C (2009)
ExecFile in fullscreenHappyCat14jfk EO-11110 (2009)
importing leadwerks worldstudio levelchrisnorris0072Mortiis (2009)
Pixels to 3D coordinatesfireshadow412615fireshadow4126 (2009)
Ctrl+C and all thatAdam Novagen3Adam Novagen (2009)
window buttons refreshSacha3Sacha (2009)
hiding entities in a single cameraWigwam15Wigwam (2009)
Particle system and editor in the works(Screen)poopla5Wiebo (2009)
Need BVH code reader for Blitz3Dbingman4ZJP (2009)
Fullscreen minimized game - context menu problem.TrionWork5TrionWork (2009)
Execfile help!SabataRH7Litobyte (2009)
Updated my loadmesh functionRoss C3Ross C (2009)
accelerations/deceleration codeCraig H. Nisbet4Ross C (2009)
Am I missing something?!H. T. U.12H. T. U. (2009)
WinBlitz3d version 1.1, dated 21/05/07??GrumpyOldMan6_PJ_ (2009)
Converting Color to Another in RGB styleMortiis10Mortiis (2009)
Windows 7GrosseBuse2Ginger Tea (2009)
Platformer systemic edge grabingneoshaman25neoshaman (2009)
issue with players updatingchrisnorris00712GIB3D (2009)
udp WAYYYY slowchrisnorris0075Gabriel (2009)
problem with types, i'm officially confusedmtnhome3d8H. T. U. (2009)
Alpha vs Mask issueNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2009)
DevilGUI Position WindowGuy Fawkes2BoneStan (2009)
coplanar trianglesWarner12Warner (2009)
Highlight image border, make image act like buttonGuy Fawkes13_PJ_ (2009)
slider problemGuy Fawkes3FlagDKT (2009)
network help:someone please check this code outchrisnorris0076Matty (2009)
Anisotropic filter?Mr. Slat5Mustang (2009)
level editor - best as a separate program?MadJack17MadJack (2009)
Devil gui isnt working right..Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
SeedRnd creates pattern?!H. T. U.8Ryudin (2009)
animating characters during network updatechrisnorris0074Ross C (2009)
Controlling the application speed, How?Mortiis15Guy Fawkes (2009)
HELP / NETWORKING - Simple chat program:Crinkle2Wings (2009)
Devil GUIGuy Fawkes3Charrua (2009)
Help fast forward, rewind functionGuy Fawkes8Guy Fawkes (2009)
Problem with keeping multiple mesh surfaces...OrcSlayer3OrcSlayer (2009)
Help Dreamplayer 2.5Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
Verlet BlobBuggy24Buggy (2009)
does exist a complete B3D file format information?Charrua6Charrua (2009)
Network Ports - which to use?Matty11Matty (2009)
Help with Wb3d_ButtonStateGuy Fawkes9_PJ_ (2009)
Help Project slow downGuy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
Will there ever be updatesfred0132Kryzon (2009)
Help add play time to particleGuy Fawkes40Guy Fawkes (2009)
Problems using TCP Networking - Ghost Characterschrisnorris0077Guy Fawkes (2009)
How to determine song total length in minutesGuy Fawkes31Buggy (2008)
3DSMax animations have different speed in Blitz3D?Kryzon5Kryzon (2008)
Verlet RopeBuggy4Buggy (2008)
FreeImage Module Library?System4 Studios10System4 Studios (2008)
Help loop slow downGuy Fawkes61Guy Fawkes (2008)
Video playbackSake9063markcw (2008)
Terrain alternative?Sake90613Sake906 (2008)
Bloom filter and entityalpha ?!FlagDKT5FlagDKT (2008)
Disco Lights?Guy Fawkes8Ross C (2008)
How to create good menu-system?PowerPC60325Nate the Great (2008)
Max resolutionEmerGki6t3K|Mac (2008)
Winblitz3d and Dreamotion3d????GrumpyOldMan11GrumpyOldMan (2008)
Web Server Cookiesxtremegamr6D4NM4N (2008)
Help: mcisendstring play movieGuy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2008)
SubtractMesh?H. T. U.6H. T. U. (2008)
Pitch, Yaw, Roll align HelpFlagDKT5FlagDKT (2008)
Looking for Unofficial BlitzBasic PreProcessormarkcw10Nate the Great (2008)
Help checkmark wb3d menuGuy Fawkes2John Blackledge (2008)
Help Something wrong w/ Const WB3D_EVENT_DRAGDROPGuy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2008)
WB3D HelpGuy Fawkes4John Blackledge (2008)
Sprite tearing on 8800GTXVorderman9Vorderman (2008) and directshowmarkcw2markcw (2008)
BufferDirty commandStephane7Stephane (2008)
MD3 loader for B3DNaughty Alien9Kryzon (2008)
Chat/ProgrammingChrister4xtremegamr (2008)
Vuzix IWEAR VR920dsp12310Kryzon (2008)
Pulse SignsEmerGki5Kryzon (2008)
Need Blitzmovie 1.2Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2008)
MD2 issueNaughty Alien14Kryzon (2008)
Help crater functionGuy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2008)
Fun With Types_PJ_4Gabriel (2008)
Help need hex chartGuy Fawkes11Guy Fawkes (2008)
TCP....UDP...DirectPlay.....?????Knight #512LineOf7s (2008)
Wb3d lock window in positionGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2008)
Help WM_PaintGuy Fawkes13Guy Fawkes (2008)
Get pixel data outside of blitz3d windowmk2y1012markcw (2008)
Help wb3d drag eventGuy Fawkes2Knight #51 (2008)
ALE MapsAmanda Dearheart7Ross C (2008)
strange Function behaviour?!FlagDKT10FlagDKT (2008)
wb3d drag filesGuy Fawkes13Guy Fawkes (2008)
Need help: Interact program with phpweather 2.2.2Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2008)
Help watch video with blitzbasicGuy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2008)
variables and executable programssyntax14chi (2008)
Mouse arrow movement systemthelizardking4thelizardking (2008)
fmod helpGuy Fawkes11Bobysait (2008)
Function that returns a type_3339Bobysait (2008)
Board Game Clone?YellBellzDotCom25Knight #51 (2008)
fmod licensingGuy Fawkes4LineOf7s (2008)
Car Gears and VelocitySantiworld3EmerGki (2008)
Cubemap orderNaughty Alien7Naughty Alien (2008)
Problems with full screeneos21Bobysait (2008)
WB3D get file nameGuy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2008)
Analogue controller turningRoss C6Ross C (2008)
WB3D Menu selectGuy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2008)
Dead Chaos won't run on my machine!!!Amanda Dearheart18big10p (2008)
How do i change the icon at the top of the page?KillerX10Kryzon (2008)
milkshape3D/easytokRroff1Rroff (2008)
Anyone here use Giles?Dicon11Ross C (2008)
how to tokamak detect object not moving again?bulat2Tom (2008)
DDS texturesJohn Blackledge16Tom (2008)
A new shadow systemBraincell12Zeotrope (2008)
Blitz3d and vista strange tcpip firewall bugg.Wings7Wings (2008)
Blitz3D coordinates limit?Sake9064Ross C (2008)
New softwearNike8Nike (2008)
Reflections with bumpMikhailV20Moraldi (2008)
Blitz's ODE Deleting a Trimeshsyntax1syntax (2008)
Importing 3dstudio scene into Blitz 3DDicon29Dicon (2008)
3d animation questionandy_mc9Kryzon (2008)
Feature Request - For the debuggerhockings4Ross C (2008)
XInput test... please try and help out!SLotman16SLotman (2008)
How do I read from a config fileandy_mc17Kryzon (2008)
Collisions problemsjtassinari4IPete2 (2008)
Blitz To Game System QuestionKnight #5115mtnhome3d (2008)
Sprite thrusters lag me!Ryudin6Jasu (2008)
Blitz3D Polymorphism/IncapsulationKnight #513Knight #51 (2008)
2D with Blitz3DUhfgood15cyberyoyo (2008)
Molebox packer alternative ?Filax20Nikko (2008)
Infanite Parameters in a FunctionKnight #5111Knight #51 (2008)
Game Engines???Knight #5129andy_mc (2008)
detecting a 3d conical range in front of an entityCraig H. Nisbet8puki (2008)
send filepanton2Matty (2008)
Making a low poly lego brickBlitzplotter17Blitzplotter (2008)
ol' YALstayne4stayne (2008)
Slow turn to point at entity?Ryudin5Ross C (2008)
Blitz 3D game content (Models)Craig H. Nisbet14Blitzplotter (2008)
Camera angles and handlingNate the Great3Stevie G (2008)
Timer Questionjimmyx4GIB3D (2008)
Save png/compressed image?(tu) ENAY4(tu) ENAY (2008)
Seperating the digits of a numberAndy3Andy (2008)
How to scale masked images??Danny6Danny (2008)
Adding to a type while processing....JBR3Stevie G (2008)
Registry Accesswmaass1wmaass (2008)
Pivot Point centeringNaughty Alien27Ross C (2008)
MAV (Debug point to RenderWorldEmerGki7EmerGki (2008)
ClearWorld error?SLotman7Warner (2008)
there's any good(fast...) debug ide for blitz?vivaigiochi3chi (2008)
How to apply two textures to two sides of a cubeBlitzplotter8Blitzplotter (2008)
Texture Map Correction for spherical mappingKrischan51Ross C (2008)
Simulate TypingOiduts Studios8Knight #51 (2008)
Neat TypeWriter EffectKnight #511Knight #51 (2008)
INI Chr Size?boomboom4Knight #51 (2008)
Question About Blitz3DWERDNA5WERDNA (2008)
Painting tris/facesSabataRH3SabataRH (2008)
fullscreen mirrorPax11Kryzon (2008)
Hide apppanton5panton (2008)
Creating a 3D GridGIB3D13GIB3D (2008)
Game ProjectKnight #5138andy_mc (2008)
Meshes Not Working with LoadMeshEmerGki9EmerGki (2008)
Found some Free SkyboxesFuller9John Blackledge (2008)
Blitz ScreenSaver HelpKnight #5110PowerPC603 (2008)
Fake volumetric cloudsbingman4puki (2008)
Gears O' War (or other non-Nintendo) camera effectthelizardking11Kryzon (2008)
Arraysmtnhome3d3mtnhome3d (2008)
[help] spline like pathing interpolation codeDefoc88Naughty Alien (2008)
File Streams - Appending to File_PJ_7bytecode77 (2008)
slowing down a loop?Sph!nx11Sph!nx (2008)
New tutorials on YouTube - platform game engineandy_mc1andy_mc (2008)
Best global menu templatesAxel Wheeler5Axel Wheeler (2008)
Sticky?Knight #518Knight #51 (2008)
verlets......for beginners.Knight #515Knight #51 (2008)
Vector HelpKnight #5117Knight #51 (2008)
Delete files to Recycle Bin?Danny15Kev (2008)
Verlet Car Physics Help (PLEASSSSSEEEE)Knight #514Knight #51 (2008)
AVG flagging my program as a TrojanLiberator15Liberator (2008)
Verlet Car Physics IssueRidil2Knight #51 (2008)
banksKnight #518GIB3D (2008)
normalmapping with 2 lights?Svenart5Svenart (2008)
File HelpKnight #513Knight #51 (2008)
Flip command and GPU temperatureMoraldi11SLotman (2008)
Entity PickingKnight #516gameproducer (2008)
Xors3d not working!!!!Ben(t)17gameproducer (2008)
How does Direct X do it?Nate the Great11Xzider (2008)
Online Play??Knight #5112Xzider (2008)
How to handle gun shots?gameproducer22Kryzon (2008)
Ban(g)ks!Moraldi5Moraldi (2008)
Car PhysicsNate the Great9Ridil (2008)
Please help me align this :)FlagDKT4Stevie G (2008)
JFKs AVI declsDoggie44pac (2008)
B3D Pipeline export questionNaughty Alien4IPete2 (2008)
Loading BSP'sKnight #5115Knight #51 (2008)
Vista and Monitor Power SavingHenrik8Henrik (2008)
Tformvector helpFlagDKT8FlagDKT (2008)
memory acces violationSantiworld6Santiworld (2008)
Mesh Terrain -> HeightmapTab5Tab (2008)
New game ENTITY ReleasedSwifty6Naughty Alien (2008)
Creating a .dll helpQuickSilva5QuickSilva (2008)
Code Forums (AAAHHHHH!!!!!)Knight #515Knight #51 (2008)
Yahtzee Clone programmingBlitzblaster1Blitzblaster (2008)
Media Managementxmlspy1xmlspy (2008)
2D Array HelpKnight #517Knight #51 (2008)
Any F-UI users ?Ricky Smith13xmlspy (2008)
Need help with Devil Shadow Systemrtk1rtk (2008)
Protecting game Media when publishing Open-Source?Kryzon22Kryzon (2008)
Only 1 listener?SLotman8Nate the Great (2008)
mysql dll?vivaigiochi2IPete2 (2008)
Keyboard buffer problem(?)ervin3ervin (2008)
List Of MeshesAl Meyer4Al Meyer (2008)
Line-to-Square CollisionBuggy3Jasu (2008)
What's a Good 3d Animation Program?Sir Gak13Kalisme (2008)
Raycasting, but not sending a ray step by step?bytecode7715Kalisme (2008)
Collisions: What do you recommend?Sake9066Nate the Great (2008)
Free file uploader on (2008)
Tire brakes trace on roadNaughty Alien10IPete2 (2008)
Car physics - Friction-Naughty Alien3Naughty Alien (2008)
Car speed calculusNaughty Alien6Santiworld (2008)
Heat DistortionZeotrope14Beaker (2008)
Saving game profiles under Vista problemMadJack6GfK (2008)
Free3DSound missing?xmlspy12Ben(t) (2008)
Camera questionervin11ervin (2008)
To many lights?Mr. Slat7bytecode77 (2008)
file browserBen(t)2Kryzon (2008)
MeshCullBox: hidden command?! where's the docs?Kryzon7Kryzon (2008)
best terrain editor for blitz?vivaigiochi16mtnhome3d (2008)
Prime FinderGIB3D10Buggy (2008)
HUD elements placement regardless screen typeNaughty Alien5Sir Gak (2008)
load textures from internetaugGa5Ross C (2008)
sprite scale helpmtnhome3d3mtnhome3d (2008)
converning the .label clause_332Beaker (2008)
Soccer table from Blitz to the net - how?XE8002t3K|Mac (2008)
Terrain problem - height & smoothnessCakeMonitor10Axel Wheeler (2008)
image/texture inversion-negativeMr Snidesmin4Mr Snidesmin (2008)
Server CollisionsLinaxys3srcoder (2008)
CameraZoomEmerGki4EmerGki (2008)
Devil Physic Engine 0.3bbytecode7715Play (2008)
lighting a 3d world studio mapBen(t)14Ben(t) (2008)
Wrapping Common Dialog messages?Kryzon3Kryzon (2008)
Question about JV-ode vs. Blitz-odesyntax2VIP3R (2008)
Painting Decals onto Textured Meshes, how to?Kryzon12Nate the Great (2008)
Help! 256 flag + crashing on ATIMadJack11MadJack (2008)
3d Point'n'click (ie. Sam and Max) pathfinding?JustLuke5xlsior (2008)
Entitydistance(A,B)Zeotrope8Stevie G (2008)
Help with b3d animation internalsBillp5Billp (2008)
Level editor - .b3d exporterpanton4Kryzon (2008)
gun animationpanton4Kryzon (2008)
Creating a mesh from quake/radiant .map brushesRroff5Rroff (2008)
Breakable Limbs, How?Mortiis7Mortiis (2008)
b3d world scaleJoss Adley13Chroma (2008)
Saving Cildren using b3dfile.bbBillp3Billp (2008)
Triangle sorting / blending questionRoland8Roland (2008)
Initialization Checksboomboom4Zeotrope (2008)
B3D vs Torque: Development time?mrtricks22GfK (2008)
save/open window in blitzmtnhome3d5mtnhome3d (2008)
Blending animationsLamptonWorm4GfK (2008)
Reading from Blitz3D into DX9 (is this possible?)Kryzon12Gabriel (2008)
Locking B3D scaled window to certain sizesQuickSilva3QuickSilva (2008)
IDE for Blitz23v35Tab (2008)
Publish Exe to web?YellBellzDotCom3chi (2008)
Browser Embedders?YellBellzDotCom5YellBellzDotCom (2008)
bisectmesh() function?Axel Wheeler13Axel Wheeler (2008)
VARDX7.DLLVorderman13Sledge (2008)
Turret TargetingGIB3D14srcoder (2008)
Help with normals...Vertigo6srcoder (2008)
Image CollisionGIB3D6GIB3D (2008)
T.ED Terrain Issuesiamdaman137D4NM4N (2008)
Pointentity ProblemBuggy34Bailius Maximus (2008)
.b3d mesh animationBen(t)13t3K|Mac (2008)
Entity accessNaughty Alien17SytzeZ (2008)
CameraZoom questionAxel Wheeler10Axel Wheeler (2008)
EntityInView with typesspriteman15Sledge (2008)
Particle plane/Objects on scene intersectionNaughty Alien3Axel Wheeler (2008)
Pausing and Resuming an Animation using Animate?FlagDKT12IPete2 (2008)
using timer to change levelsdena3dena (2008)
bouncingBen(t)9Charrua (2008)
2 Collision ProblemsKryzon6Kryzon (2008)
B3DViewer 2.0 BetaFilax29System4 Studios (2008)
Select and move grid snapped obj problemLamptonWorm3LamptonWorm (2008)
ActiveX and B3dIPete26nanahuatzin (2008)
2D WorldGIB3D2GIB3D (2008)
Custom Type Name errorNaughty Alien2Floyd (2008)
Draw3D 3.2 (+ Physix V 1.0)Abrexxes17cyberyoyo (2008)
New commands for blitz3d!bytecode7733bytecode77 (2008)
rippleschwaga13bytecode77 (2008)
SpriteCandy - HUD_GetObjectX on Groups?Mortiis4Uncle (2008)
Need 2d functions_3316_33 (2008)
Collision ProblemsBillp3Vertigo (2008)
Clipboard MAV & pointer question.D4NM4N4markcw (2008)
Need help with OSAKITLink17Link (2008)
Masking Problemmkg5Ross C (2008)
EntityFX 16Naughty Alien2Naughty Alien (2008)
MiniMap - How to...panton4Xaron (2008)
embed a blitz3d game onto a website using HTMLLink15Sphinx (2008)
Type object selection using camera pickspriteman6Ross C (2008)
Blitz's TCP idles very long before sending data...bytecode7711Vertigo (2008)
TerrainDetailJohn Blackledge7John Blackledge (2008)
Tomb Raider styleNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2008)
Looking for a programmer include Sprite CandyBlitzblaster7Mortiis (2008)
Sound file lengthNaughty Alien2Ginger Tea (2008)
Animated images...IPete23IPete2 (2008)
Memory Leak - common problems, tracking downLamptonWorm5LamptonWorm (2008)
Ray PickNaughty Alien8Naughty Alien (2008)
Texture index and maskNaughty Alien8John Blackledge (2008)
Simple File Open Dialog?LamptonWorm4LamptonWorm (2008)
Circle movement.spriteman4Stevie G (2008)
Collision detection libraryNaughty Alien8Naughty Alien (2008)
Save mesh+children+textures to single mesh+textureLamptonWorm4LamptonWorm (2008)
import b3d into 3dsmax?vivaigiochi4vivaigiochi (2008)
Finding all entities within a radiusSwifty9Ross C (2008)
BlitzBasic3DAndrew Mann211D4NM4N (2008)
Good physics engineBen(t)19Ben(t) (2008)
looking for dsvideolibPax1Pax (2008)
I would pay £200 for Blitz3d DX9!Neochrome129Sledge (2008)
The "ping" network command_336_33 (2008)
ScaleMesh and Animated B3D ModelsMortiis9nawi (2008)
MMorpg or MMofps in Blitz3dpanton17Wings (2008)
Bigger Integers in BlitzSytzeZ8Ross C (2008)
PhysxRroff12Rroff (2008)
Single Surface! AHHG!!Neochrome11Stevie G (2008)
need help in a math problemCharrua3Charrua (2008)
disappointed in Blitz 3D bookrod5411rod54 (2008)
Tile texture on mesh?LamptonWorm14LamptonWorm (2008)
Numeric keypadGerard6Ginger Tea (2008)
Appending data to a file_334_33 (2008)
Uv mapping how it works in blitz3d?Azaratur7Azaratur (2008)
Progress update.Swifty3Swifty (2008)
Brush chunk and number of textures?JoshK2Ross C (2008)
blitz 3d fliping direct x modelCraig H. Nisbet5Craig H. Nisbet (2008)
Can I mention eBay auction? (locked)Tobo1Tobo (2008)
Create a texture with alpha?Sake9068Sake906 (2008)
TCP to fileblackbag2D4NM4N (2008)
gui troublesmtnhome3d8Stevie G (2008)
Ambient Occlusion SimulateDareDevil49Tab (2008)
Hide Entity from specific CameraLamptonWorm10Ross C (2008)
Another Triangle thing :-/TeraBit10Ross C (2008)
Linepick animated meshLamptonWorm6Ross C (2008)
ExecFile commandGerard7Gerard (2008)
That Black Light demo - anyone know how it works?Vorderman7markcw (2008)
PC speaker beep_337mtnhome3d (2008)
When window lost focus, joysick became weirdamitjf4amitjf (2008)
api_GetWindowTextplash7Kev (2008)
Screensavers: intercept screen shutdown eventsalain2alain (2008)
Problems wrapping a dllbytecode7715bytecode77 (2008)
Need help for Renderware, RWX filesLinaxys1Linaxys (2008)
Download Levels From The Webboomboom17bytecode77 (2008)
Distance value between pivot and entity surfaceNaughty Alien12boomboom (2008)
Hunted Blitz3d source code (no media)*12* (2008)
Rotate TriangleTeraBit9TeraBit (2008)
Strange problems with full vs demo, need helpLedgerARC11mtnhome3d (2008)
Accessing BackBuffer() = slow(?!)Kryzon18Kryzon (2008)
Possible createtexture bug in blitzMatty7PowerPC603 (2008)
Enemy AI'sChurch4puki (2008)
Enemy AI ProgrammingChurch2KillerX (2008)
For...Next helpJerome Squalor3Jerome Squalor (2008)
black smokeBen(t)8Ben(t) (2008)
reposted from Blitzmax / Blender export prob.Dicon4D4NM4N (2008)
blitzcc.exe has stopped working?CopperCircle10CopperCircle (2008)
Multiple ViewPorts and SkyBoxesSLotman2SLotman (2008)
Creation of multiple meshes and textures.Dicon6Dicon (2008)
Robs Normal Mapping Statue code and demo?IPete222Chroma (2008)
The creation of a multi-player-online game...Swifty4Swifty (2008)
[Help] Theorizing Motion BlurKryzon22Kryzon (2008)
Space Sim Backgrounds/SkyboxRexRhino6Axel Wheeler (2008)
Normal mappingAzaratur9Axel Wheeler (2008)
Character animation.Hambone4Hambone (2008)
Network for a MMOFPSpanton6Xaron (2008)
Raknet- ERRORpanton10panton (2008)
CD Covers How to use 5000 Surfaces, is it possibleRob Pearmain7Ross C (2008)
Binary not operation???Mr Snidesmin4Floyd (2008)
In-Game IconsBuggy9Buggy (2008)
Lightwave B3d ExportLostCargo16TeraBit (2008)
Grabbing the screen imagechwaga7mtnhome3d (2008)
Carrying variables from a VC++ applicationchwaga4chwaga (2008)
(API) applying current visual style to windowbytecode775bytecode77 (2008)
antialiasJerome Squalor14Jerome Squalor (2008)
DirectXJerome Squalor4Jerome Squalor (2008)
My exe wants to know its name!bytecode776bytecode77 (2008)
Can anyone explain to me "render tween"?Azaratur4John Blackledge (2008)
Hide/Show and Position ProblemBuggy10John Blackledge (2008)
Trouble with startnetgameLedgerARC4YellBellzDotCom (2008)
SystemProperty for My Documents?Gillissie3Gillissie (2008)
is there a dll for wiimote for b3d?Charrua4Charrua (2008)
can't see cubemapping with vga SYS 650vivaigiochi3GfK (2008)
obscure mathamatics problemKalisme4Bobysait (2008)
TFormVector in mathCraig H. Nisbet2Ross C (2008)
Help check this ideaNack6_33 (2008)
Mirroring Collision Shapes in Sprite Candy?mkg2ShadowTurtle (2008)
Ambient OcclusionDareDevil14_33 (2008)
Why dosent DX9 work?Chaosspear7Chaosspear (2008)
Light and camera with B3D pipelinegotelin12IPete2 (2008)
Disable z-sorting?_332Ross C (2008)
Large (2D) levelsHeaddy18Headdy (2008)
3D Scaleing (Help)Christer7Riskjockey (2008)
Help with Entity OrderDheDarkhCustard2Ross C (2008)
Render larger than screen?Danny7Danny (2008)
function to rotate a vectorCraig H. Nisbet3Floyd (2008)
Request for simple, fast A* code!chwaga5John Blackledge (2008)
step with a file read variablesting8Warner (2008)
PartnershipBaystep Productions3Baystep Productions (2008)
point in 3d triangleWarner5Warner (2008)
x360 support/configmtnhome3d10Pongo (2008)
Rent a coder: camera routineAl Meyer18SabataRH (2008)
floting-point camerazoom distortionH. T. U.27H. T. U. (2008)
weired... debug issue.Paul "Taiphoz"15Paul "Taiphoz" (2008)
Shadows with Fastext Lib...Tab2Naughty Alien (2008)
TCP-ing from client(s) to a serverBlitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2008)
Looking for Blitz3D Material Editormarkcw4markcw (2008)
Bounding Box WireNaughty Alien13Stevie G (2008)
Perlin Noise functionCraig H. Nisbet2Gabriel (2008)
Programming robots/spiders using TCPbytecode774nawi (2008)
GNet Download?Gabriel3Gabriel (2008)
Low Resolution FullscreenReda Borchardt6Ross C (2008)
Findchild types?Jerome Squalor2Zethrax (2008)
Which Sprite Library?Headdy14Headdy (2008)
Walking sound for my FPSpanton7panton (2008)
3d World Studio (locked)panton1panton (2008)
Function G2(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, Radius)Staton_Richardson20Ice9 (2008)
Looking for Ultimate Single Surface Collectionmarkcw10markcw (2008)
3D world Creatorpanton12Moraldi (2008)
Byte per byte download is slow!bytecode778bytecode77 (2008)
Blitz doesn't like downloading PHP filesbytecode776bytecode77 (2008)
Spotlight effectBankie3Bankie (2008)
Texturing splattering on terrain using blending.Wings20Wings (2008)
Flip hortizonial spriteNack8Nack (2008)
Shading Terrains?amitjf6amitjf (2008)
Some questions - Making an online gameMortiis5Vertigo (2008)
camera orbitBob132Moraldi (2008)
Heightmapsstayne21Wings (2008)
Create a compression systemAzaratur9Snarkbait (2008)
Grab the screenNaughty Alien5Naughty Alien (2008)
I need an expert in 3dsmax! (locked)Azaratur1Azaratur (2008)
Visual basic graphic engine (locked)Azaratur3Azaratur (2008)
Sprite Candy collisionsmkg1mkg (2008)
Modelling Problem? (locked)amitjf1amitjf (2008)
Simple scripting libraryBaystep Productions1Baystep Productions (2008)
Creating a sound system - How tocyberyoyo4cyberyoyo (2008)
YAL helpNexus68Nack (2008)
Programming PokerMortiis10Mortiis (2008)
Lnk files/shortcutsNicstt2Kev (2008)
Drawing triangles quicklyamitjf19Axel Wheeler (2008)
CameraClsColor replacementNaughty Alien10Ross C (2008)
Looking for Grayscaling Effect?Baystep Productions4Ross C (2008)
Blitz3d upgradeDicon5GfK (2008)
Server questionFarflame7Farflame (2008)
Radial Gradient?JA217jfk EO-11110 (2008)
freeentity on a copied mesh?stayne5stayne (2008)
Blitz3D and VistaAmanda Dearheart10LiamShearer (2008)
Alpha vertex terrain stuffRob Farley28Wings (2008)
more collision questions`Link3Link (2008)
Addmesh only add poly infos ?Bobysait5puki (2008)
I game like MystK1.25K1.2 (2008)
Moving an object is not smooth.. why?alain8Bobysait (2008)
Screen RatioNaughty Alien6_33 (2008)
More boring zooming questions...hollifd14Ross C (2008)
Space Movement HelpRimmsy2mtnhome3d (2008)
DEM/DTM map loadingamitjf1amitjf (2008)
Compiler related question_334_33 (2008)
Game Ideas?Jerome Squalor9andy_mc (2008)
networkingmtnhome3d4Wings (2008)
multi playerJerome Squalor3Jerome Squalor (2008)
How to run WndProc?amitjf9Kev (2008)
TCP in B3D RoxBlitzplotter1Blitzplotter (2008)
Devil ShderAzaratur4Azaratur (2008)
not a mesh errormtnhome3d3Stevie G (2008)
3 Blur effekts by Janseferey7Play (2008)
RPG-type damage calculationsstayne14Terry B. (2008)
Memory resident executables?ervin6ervin (2008)
Has anyone ever used BulletML with blitz?Roland11Haddad (2008)
usbJerome Squalor3Jerome Squalor (2008)
Sprite in front of the camerademuvi2Ross C (2008)
Screen Shatter EffectJA211Yo! Wazzup? (2008)
Split ScreenAmanda Dearheart4amitjf (2008)
How to know if a triangle is facing the camera?Uncle11JoeGr (2008)
Best physics solution?chwaga11chwaga (2008)
dont laughOiduts Studios20Oiduts Studios (2008)
B3D lipsyncNaughty Alien11Naughty Alien (2008)
cube mapBen(t)2mtnhome3d (2008)
game/particle candyOiduts Studios4Ross C (2008)
particle candyOiduts Studios4Oiduts Studios (2008)
System startupbytecode773bytecode77 (2008)
Find autostart directory?bytecode771bytecode77 (2008)
Aplication launched via GPO on a domain.Lord_Troll6Yo! Wazzup? (2008)
.X > ..3dsCodeOrc4ZJP (2008)
Looking for imagine libraryUncle2Uncle (2008)
creating a online gameOiduts Studios7LineOf7s (2008)
Types scanNaughty Alien6Naughty Alien (2008)
decrypting help!!blade0072H. T. U. (2008)
H20stayne9stayne (2008)
Free character entity from Type collectionNaughty Alien10Naughty Alien (2008)
Calling Blitz FunctionNack6markcw (2008)
Masking vs alpha. Performance increase?Ross C7t3K|Mac (2008)
Protean IDE crashes when opening a menu itembytecode7722bytecode77 (2008)
Test my laser cannon pleaseRoss C27Oiduts Studios (2008)
Color changing help.Ross C8Ross C (2008)
anything wrong?Oiduts Studios5H. T. U. (2008)
How to return the WAN IP?stayne2GfK (2008)
B3D PIpeline Online HelpBobysait1Bobysait (2008)
Need help with gnetpanton3CodeOrc (2008)
BlitzPlay Pro v 2.2Naughty Alien9boomboom (2008)
Angle IssueNack4Floyd (2008)
If/EndIf for IDE autoindentCurtastic3Curtastic (2008)
CountVertices question..FlagDKT13big10p (2008)
Can you wireframe a single object?puki8puki (2008)
planet orbit algverfum4GfK (2008)
Is there a way to put my game on my ipod?nerdy_kid7nerdy_kid (2008)
FPSNet by JeremyLiamShearer3RepeatUntil (2008)
Are trig tables still quickerandy_mc11Danny (2008)
please, help with car physics..Santiworld6Santiworld (2008)
Paint\DrawJerome Squalor4Jerome Squalor (2008)
why dosent work?Santiworld5puki (2008)
Question about EntityPitchgilk3Floyd (2008)
Sphere LineNack2Jasu (2008)
My CubeMapping Doesn't look rightFBEpyon13FBEpyon (2008)
Ireegular shaped object collision detectionLink10Link (2008)
smaller codeOiduts Studios15MaximilianPs (2008)
What's the math behind DELTAYAW?FlagDKT3FlagDKT (2008)
I wish i could see Collision Spheresnerdy_kid10Ross C (2008)
hot to slowly rotate one object towards anotherD_Town_Tony4D_Town_Tony (2008)
TCP Server doesn't workpanton10panton (2008)
Global child positionsRoss C4Ross C (2008)
Effificient particles in 2Dandy_mc5andy_mc (2008)
CUbe Mapping issuesJerome Squalor7Jerome Squalor (2008)
B3D animationsNaughty Alien13Ross C (2008)
programming a share-it keygenMadJack3MadJack (2008)
SetAnimKeyNack3Nack (2008)
Removing Blitz 3D Startup WindowQuickSilva3markcw (2008)
Voxel Landscapes_332Dreamora (2008)
Need to work on 2 screens_3311Blitzplotter (2008)
GizmoAzaratur14LineOf7s (2008)
UpdateNormals()JBR4JBR (2008)
Brisk VM2 how to..._339_33 (2008)
Packing DLLNack6Armor Nick (2008)
strange happeningsmtnhome3d12mtnhome3d (2008)
winblitz3D ListViewNack4Nack (2008)
Memory Access ViolationWolRon26WolRon (2008)
Has anyone wrapped this Wii Remote Lib?Roland4Roland (2008)
more fun with vectors...whooohoooCraig H. Nisbet4big10p (2008)
vector mirroring or bouncing?Craig H. Nisbet2Craig H. Nisbet (2008)
Masking or occluding image strips in real time?Avrigus15Ross C (2008)
UpdateWorld x ?Santiworld9Santiworld (2008)
Outlining meshesNack11Stevie G (2008)
2 Step Forwards, 1 Step Backboomboom11boomboom (2008)
TCP and UDP => How do I push?bytecode7711Dreamora (2008)
UDP MultiplayerKillerX9KillerX (2008)
Accessing the name of a "Child"Hosh4nawi (2008)
Detail mapsNaughty Alien6Dreamora (2008)
Translating a 2D circle into a 3D enviromentMaximusPrimal2Stevie G (2008)
Hue Shift (like photoshop) EffectRoland12sswift (2008)
BASS.DLL -- looping a sound?Roland8Roland (2008)
Resize Animated MeshNTense7jfk EO-11110 (2008)
bullet mode helpmtnhome3d6mtnhome3d (2008)
Saving a PNG?John Pickford22markcw (2008)
saving imageOiduts Studios17Shifty Geezer (2008)
whats wrongOiduts Studios7WolRon (2008)
dataOiduts Studios8WolRon (2008)
whiteOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2008)
How Can you Tell if Mouse is outside Window?Midnight8Oiduts Studios (2008)
Draw3D (by hectic)Abrexxes54Abrexxes (2008)
Writing bitsringwraith16ringwraith (2008)
BRAIN FART GUYS! HELPNeochrome19Neochrome (2008)
Render to texture - Speed testRoss C16Dreamora (2008)
dont make fun of me (locked)Oiduts Studios4tonyg (2008)
OMG! Shadow system update!sswift59sswift (2008)
Linepick Radiuscash2Zethrax (2008)
Hey Mark!sswift13Dreamora (2008)
traingle rotation anglesSanctus6big10p (2008)
damage effectcash2jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Window always on top?bytecode7711chi (2008)
Walking through walls collision problemringwraith8ringwraith (2008)
Moving objectsOiduts Studios11Ross C (2008)
Need help on a System Call - $25 reward! :)Midnight12nrasool (2008)
gnet problems...Barton1Barton (2008)
AIJerome Squalor19mtnhome3d (2008)
Character Animation Systemboomboom2Doggie (2008)
If/then statement problemChad7Stevie G (2008)
Blitz MasteringNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2008)
protecting my projects CD/DVDs:)ThomasD17Ross C (2008)
Tree Menuboomboom2big10p (2008)
Path Makernerdy_kid7nerdy_kid (2008)
Alpha water problemringwraith10ringwraith (2008)
MeshTerrainYringwraith11ringwraith (2008)
reverse camera projectLeon Drake10Leon Drake (2008)
IA crash with evertinghSantiworld2puki (2008)
renderingDoggie3Doggie (2008)
Want to clarify AddMeshNack4Shambler (2008)
help with BSPNeochrome4Neochrome (2008)
How to make Smart Guys...nerdy_kid5Jsoren (2008)
shadow helpmtnhome3d1mtnhome3d (2008)
Web Server Hangsasdfasdf6Spencer (2008)
Need help with ICONpanton5panton (2008)
Texture Width/HeightNack6Nack (2008)
List all available LAN IP's using subnet maskbytecode777Chi3f Stadi (2008)
Draw3D v3.1Abrexxes11cyberyoyo (2008)
Tip borne from frustration...Ross C1Ross C (2008)
Jumpy AnimationChad3Chad (2008)
Texture scaling (bicubic needed)FlagDKT1FlagDKT (2008)
Calling a Blitz exe from Vbasic 6.0caviedes7nerdy_kid (2008)
Anmiated character control..Naughty Alien15jfk EO-11110 (2008)
another entityvisible questioncash8GfK (2008)
is EntityVisible what's REALLY slow?syntax8jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Scripting languageNack7Koriolis (2008)
Exclude a mesh from a lightFlagDKT16Ross C (2008)
UniCode GUIboomboom3boomboom (2008)
Turn points arround the center by x degrees?bytecode773bytecode77 (2008)
Tom Speed Render To Texture Demonrasool3nrasool (2008)
escape charactors for Blitz strings?Craig H. Nisbet8Jellon (2008)
AcceptTCPStream() does return zero!bytecode776bytecode77 (2008)
mipmap distanceEmerGki5FlagDKT (2008)
List LAN hosters? - Maybee HostIP()?bytecode775bytecode77 (2008)
Loading imageservin5ervin (2008)
Devil Gui Tutorials?IPete212IPete2 (2008)
.b3ds and strange trismtnhome3d15John Blackledge (2008)
Reading file from internet..Chimeara11Zethrax (2008)
Help with editorSpike3145Spike314 (2008)
Making A ButtonLink8Ross C (2008)
Viruses/malware - even spam - turned into 3D artpuki3mtnhome3d (2008)
Writing to internet FilesChimeara2Ked (2008)
Particle systems on modelsringwraith5Ross C (2008)
after good old blitzUISpike3148markcw (2008)
Delta Timing need helpQuickSilva6QuickSilva (2008)
3d math help+DOT3... i think?Ross C5Ross C (2008)
Breaking complex polys into quadsMadJack2MadJack (2008)
help with rendering to texturemtnhome3d5mtnhome3d (2008)
cubemap water by Rob (request)plash4plash (2008)
Alpha problemsRoss C20IPete2 (2008)
Not a Number debuggingJasu4Jasu (2008)
Sprite Candy - Image Packer ProblemMortiis4Dreamora (2008)
Dll to extend blitz3dBillp3Billp (2008)
Texture loaded, but TexturePath$() not returning..Ross C5jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Sound InputWhats My Face3OJay (2008)
Controling Processesmk2y103puki (2008)
Data Compressionringwraith6Snarkbait (2008)
Dynamic Health Bar using Sprite Candy, How?Mortiis3tonyg (2008)
Global Variables alphabetically sorted in debug..semar2Stevie G (2008)
PoineEntityJerome Squalor3Jerome Squalor (2008)
Get RGB values in Sprite Candymkg6Ross C (2008)
Distanceringwraith18ringwraith (2008)
Anyone figured out the perfect camzoom for skyboxiD4NM4N5Zethrax (2008)
Why chalk blue?Whats My Face4Whats My Face (2008)
Packaging AssetsPaulus6GrahamK (2008)
Dx9Nice_But_Dim19SabataRH (2008)
Swift Shadow TransparencyNaughty Alien2Naughty Alien (2008)
Cubemapping a snaking riverRoss C5Ross C (2008)
Make a curve...Tab15Tab (2008)
How to track pixels?CopperCircle10Andy (2008)
Ashadow expertsSabataRH4SabataRH (2008)
Web Cam & Blitz3dCyberPackRat6CyberPackRat (2008)
Creating a selection box rectangle in Blitz3D?Kozmi4markcw (2008)
movie edittingchwaga2jfk EO-11110 (2008)
nearest cubecash6cash (2008)
Entityparent similar function helpFlagDKT6FlagDKT (2008)
CreateMirror vs EntityOrderjfk EO-1111012Sledge (2008)
How do banks use the momory?bytecode7710Jasu (2008)
CommandLine() bad for opening files...bytecode7712bytecode77 (2008)
Ensuring cubemaps are going to work.Damien Sturdy3Damien Sturdy (2008)
Problem with Draw3D and bitmap fontscyberyoyo5DareDevil (2008)
ClearWorld and Includes??Naughty Alien18D4NM4N (2008)
How to Animate and .X file?EmerGki5EmerGki (2008)
Parent of a vertexsyntax11Leon Drake (2008)
copy and paste o.Oblade00711D4NM4N (2008)
SpeularJerome Squalor4puki (2008)
Network Coderingwraith39Wings (2008)
Resizeable windowmode and immediately maximize!bytecode778bytecode77 (2008)
The 3D gridBLaBZ11FBEpyon (2008)
Writing a wrapper for a DLLCraig H. Nisbet15Dreamora (2008)
alpha with images?aristid5Dreamora (2008)
How to make a blitz dllJerome Squalor6.rIKmAN. (2008)
3d model from video feedLane5Ross C (2008)
CopyEntity/CopyMesh messNaughty Alien3Sledge (2008)
Baking texturesDicon3Filax (2008)
Entityparent bug?FlagDKT3FlagDKT (2008)
Help function to know a triangle-box intersectionpatmaba8Jasu (2008)
.declsJerome Squalor7.rIKmAN. (2008)
Bug with 2D experimentChaduke3Chaduke (2008)
Blendshapes / Morphing Meshes?SausageOfDoom5SausageOfDoom (2008)
EnvMap questionFlagDKT4Ross C (2008)
camerapick questioncash4Matty (2008)
@MadJackNaughty Alien1Naughty Alien (2008)
Project a small alphablended circle shadowFlagDKT4FlagDKT (2008)
What do you want from Bass 2.4 ?Abrexxes5Blitzplotter (2008)
Texturing cubesNack16Blitzplotter (2008)
Problem creating installer...JA23JA2 (2008)
Title Bar Icon...JA25JA2 (2008)
Animating in 3DS Max 9syntax5syntax (2008)
DeltaYaw()Jerome Squalor4Dreamora (2008)
OmniMap api - Anyone ?IPete21IPete2 (2008)
GetChildJerome Squalor8cash (2007)
Selecting Tris with in a CubeMoore7deps (2007)
Do i need to call 'bbBeginBlitz3D' to use... (locked)Kale Kold1Kale Kold (2007)
Convert true color image to -- a few colors --bytecode775bytecode77 (2007)
Does this work?Jerome Squalor8_33 (2007)
B3D Files and LightmapsMoore3Moore (2007)
line pick (locked)Ben(t)1Ben(t) (2007)
Real 3DJerome Squalor11Ked (2007)
jfk's B3D exporterringwraith5ringwraith (2007)
elevators (how the heck do they work?)Ben(t)19Ben(t) (2007)
Blitz UI editing - Need help (you do the hard bit)Picklesworth6Spacechimp (2007)
Enable BackFaceCullingNaughty Alien11Stevie G (2007)
TFORM!!?? (locked)Jerome Squalor1Jerome Squalor (2007)
'Windows - No Disk' Bug?boomboom4Kev (2007)
Trigger systemNaughty Alien5Naughty Alien (2007)
Need online helpXtremeCoder2Matty (2007)
Animated Texture with DDSMortiis15_33 (2007)
Current music volumeEkix9Ekix (2007)
Particles getting deletedPete Carter3Pete Carter (2007)
"Snapping" bones to meshesxtremegamr14t3K|Mac (2007)
WinBlitz3Dbig10p14big10p (2007)
Creating a high score tableTobo2Yan (2007)
Child PositionNack3Nack (2007)
Erratic Sprite Behaviorstayne14lo-tekk (2007)
MonitorJerome Squalor4GfK (2007)
Entityblend = 2, no alphaVorderman4Vorderman (2007)
Aligning a shadow to a meshVorderman6Vorderman (2007)
Texture accessNaughty Alien4Ross C (2007)
Bone animation_3316syntax (2007)
Finally .. Flash in Blitz!!PsychicParrot49cash (2007)
Fading Fog + Skymap ?!Danny7Danny (2007)
Willing to pay for decent 3d platform source.Vertigo6IPete2 (2007)
BSPJerome Squalor6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
ClearSurface Functionringwraith8Danny (2007)
GetMatElement MatToEulerBobysait1Bobysait (2007)
multiople textures + closed mesh_336_33 (2007)
Cube inside to meshAzaratur5Azaratur (2007)
This is driving me madIon4markcw (2007)
Alpha textureBob1315Gillissie (2007)
Forcing Anti-Aliasing for B3D stuffDock35Dreamora (2007)
User 32 - Workspace Sizeboomboom6Kev (2007)
B3D PipelineBlitz3dCoder17Naughty Alien (2007)
Jagged Terrain Edgesstayne5Leon Drake (2007)
How to implement license keys for Games?KuRiX26KuRiX2 (2007)
A little TCP problem (reusing streams)...ChrML37Litobyte (2007)
BlitzMovieboomboom4boomboom (2007)
Alternative Sound Engine?Uncle3Uncle (2007)
need OUT, INP substitutesjfk EO-1111010Panno (2007)
Format helpAzaratur4Azaratur (2007)
LightingBen(t)10Ben(t) (2007)
Entity within BOXNaughty Alien5Naughty Alien (2007)
Mesh outlineMoraldi15Moraldi (2007)
Entity does not existJBazarra7JBazarra (2007)
specularRuz33Pongo (2007)
Ultimate Tricky Mesh Question of the WeekRoland12Roland (2007)
Texture LODNaughty Alien8Dreamora (2007)
Maths genius needed...JA23JA2 (2007)
new b3d software protector demoKev6Kev (2007)
Separating a line of cubes?JA24JA2 (2007)
EntityShininessChroma5Chroma (2007)
Can a LinePick be null yet return coords?puki13Stevie G (2007)
CameraViewport - why is cam height ineffective?puki10Stevie G (2007)
PackB3DLibboomboom6t3K|Mac (2007)
Help with .declsVertigo3Vertigo (2007)
EntityInViewbig10p11big10p (2007)
Cartoon shadingJerome Squalor17JustLuke (2007)
FlipmeshJerome Squalor9Stevie G (2007)
2D Boundaries in 3D?Ion10big10p (2007)
Pathfinding test pleaseRoss C7Ross C (2007)
Help with 2d Shadow / Light CodeRoland4Ross C (2007)
ReadByte problemsweebo5Gabriel (2007)
kernel32.decls and comdlg32.declsRoss C4Sledge (2007)
File Packingboomboom6boomboom (2007)
VERY basic networking code?bytecode7726cash (2007)
Question for Tom concerning DXTC_335_33 (2007)
Problem with hardware lightsBillp9Dreamora (2007)
My brain hurts!!Jerome Squalor7Stevie G (2007)
collide helpJerome Squalor2Stevie G (2007)
Movie problemalain6alain (2007)
FPS Gunflarecash2Sledge (2007)
c++ b3d loader?FlagDKT5(tu) sinu (2007)
Best way to do collisions in 2d platformerRoland12Ross C (2007)
Upload changes to an AnimTexture_333_33 (2007)
waypoint creation on the fly?stayne4Stevie G (2007)
analog padsPete Carter10Pongo (2007)
Returning the correct typeYellBellzDotCom10PowerPC603 (2007)
k-netlib issuestayne7Stu_ovine (2007)
Problem with the new BufferDirty() commandMr.Waterlily6Mr.Waterlily (2007)
Z-order problem with alpha terrainringwraith7ringwraith (2007)
Division by zerobig10p11big10p (2007)
LightConeAnglesStevie G11Stevie G (2007)
3D tranformations with math onlyCraig H. Nisbet6big10p (2007)
Help with blitz arraysRoss C3Ross C (2007)
Pathfinding ideas!Ross C9Ross C (2007)
Pathfinding with waypoints, instead of grid.Ross C17Ross C (2007)
Terrain tiled UVWlicin2D4NM4N (2007)
bump mappingchwaga20chwaga (2007)
particle candy issuestayne2stayne (2007)
2d 3d draw..cash5Abrexxes (2007)
A flashlight - How to do perspective projection?bytecode7714bytecode77 (2007)
Need Some Helpstayne21stayne (2007)
another timer questionstayne7_33 (2007)
Advice needed on LightMeshNewbunkle3puki (2007)
2D Collisionsmintybreath5mintybreath (2007)
Encrypt / bDecrypt issues_3312bytecode77 (2007)
Sswift EntityScale functions_PJ_15big10p (2007)
Single Surface GUI - good | bad idea?Techlord11_33 (2007)
userlib questionwmaass3wmaass (2007)
Sin,Cos,Tan,ASin,ACos,ATan,ATan2Jerome Squalor9syntax (2007)
handling soundscash6Hujiklo (2007)
timer questionstayne2Stevie G (2007)
closest objectcash4cash (2007)
Angle/Mouse CoordsJerome Squalor8Rob Farley (2007)
specific trianglesEviltoes6Subirenihil (2007)
entity movementEviltoes5Nexus6 (2007)
deadend removal need helpSchragnasher3Schragnasher (2007)
Calculate UV Coords on Sprite from Mouse CoordsMatty5Matty (2007)
Surface from X/Y/Z Points.Tab13MadJack (2007)
Reading an imagewmaass4wmaass (2007)
Radiosity BumpmappingJoshK9bytecode77 (2007)
how to print on a ticket printer?Dimas3Dimas (2007)
Network FPS Code for you playing pleasuresrcoder7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Problems with Angles. Math/Pro/Maya guru's neededVertigo13Vertigo (2007)
Best format?Azaratur10boomboom (2007)
Surface texture seamservin13RifRaf (2007)
ParentEntity not stiffJerome Squalor8Ross C (2007)
On target?Jerome Squalor9Ross C (2007)
ReturnJerome Squalor5boomboom (2007)
B3d - auto run on boot up - and not minimise!!?IPete218John Blackledge (2007)
downloadpanton4_33 (2007)
D.I.Y. 2D LinePickbig10p10big10p (2007)
Moving Blitz Windowboomboom5Kev (2007)
Lighting EffectBLaBZ2Uncle (2007)
Camera and spritesMr. Slat11big10p (2007)
data from textEviltoes6PowerPC603 (2007)
The 24 Hour Pong Making Contest!Techlord45Jerome Squalor (2007)
Loading Videosmintybreath11Pete Carter (2007)
Online Examplepanton2CodeOrc (2007)
Render Tweening and Frame LimitingBLaBZ5BLaBZ (2007)
OpenFile does not work on a networkDimas2Dimas (2007)
Bloomsyntax3Tab (2007)
Third Person Muzzle FlashGabriel9OrcSlayer (2007)
Game server_336_33 (2007)
Not Drawing uneededmintybreath15mintybreath (2007)
Converting MP3s?Boiled Sweets10Boiled Sweets (2007)
Stumbled Upon this Timing MethodChroma3Vorderman (2007)
Place Entity on TerrainBLaBZ3BLaBZ (2007)
Draggable objectMr. Slat12Moraldi (2007)
Help Animating ModelYellBellzDotCom7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
(for the pros) Random errors, help, ideas?Vertigo21SLotman (2007)
Optimizing the game package - > PNG into JPG+PNGAJirenius13Rroff (2007)
throwing a bombBlitzplotter13Blitzplotter (2007)
"baking" animated entity?Gillissie13Matty (2007)
input problemsEviltoes2Vertigo (2007)
backbuffer() address ?RifRaf2Gabriel (2007)
2d-in-3d map editor?tonyg6Moraldi (2007)
Poly to poly collisions using B3DChroma8Stevie G (2007)
Beta 2 of v1.99 doesn't work with FastText-UnicodePinete20John Blackledge (2007)
CPU & RAMMr. Slat8Mr. Slat (2007)
Network librarypanton3panton (2007)
Help with TYPES. Pulling hair here.Vertigo9Matty (2007)
Let down by my enemiescash5cash (2007)
simple LAN lag issuesyntax8Vertigo (2007)
Brain StumperBuggy8Buggy (2007)
MMorpg connectionpanton12Wings (2007)
Bullet directionmintybreath19mintybreath (2007)
Top cam panmintybreath7LarsG (2007)
Game Timing Part 2Chroma3Chroma (2007)
OOP in Blitz3d-Nice LingoBLaBZ4BLaBZ (2007)
Does anyone know what the function 'Object' does?xtremegamr6syntax (2007)
B3D Update 199 doesn't update?Chroma3Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Joystick input consistencyChroma4Blitzplotter (2007)
hide triangle of animated meshYellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2007)
3D object manipulationMoraldi3Moraldi (2007)
Intense Doppler Effect?Chroma5Chroma (2007)
3D in red/blue filter glassesNeochrome21Chroma (2007)
B3D and Windows Media Center OS?IPete26IPete2 (2007)
How to get the shortest way off screen?Sokurah3Sokurah (2007)
quick questioncash7Pete Carter (2007)
Texture filtering off?John Pickford6big10p (2007)
Having a problem with velocity direction...Chroma3Chroma (2007)
Tforming Rotation?Craig H. Nisbet5Stevie G (2007)
How to make Xbox360 game with BlitzBasicsniper_boy14714Wings (2007)
Light Intensity?Chroma1Chroma (2007)
Tips PleaseBLaBZ9Techlord (2007)
Playing Video Major SlowdownMortiis6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Help Wanted. Testing Network Pong.Techlord14Pepsi (2007)
Is this Timing Code sound?Chroma8Chroma (2007)
antihacking vs cheat engineblade00714blade007 (2007)
Taking videosmintybreath9jfk EO-11110 (2007)
k-netlib splinesSpike3142Spike314 (2007)
Random code speed up?CopperCircle7CopperCircle (2007)
FindChild()Jerome Squalor11cash (2007)
Inventory againcash3D4NM4N (2007)
Text() and ViewPort() bug?Mr.Waterlily2Mr.Waterlily (2007)
Perpendicular vectorsFlagDKT8FlagDKT (2007)
Need help with this code here..System4 Studios3System4 Studios (2007)
Heightmap from numerical dataNaughty Alien18Naughty Alien (2007)
Sound bug with "text" commandgameproducer8gameproducer (2007)
Window losing focusFarflame6Farflame (2007)
Tokamak convexAzaratur2Azaratur (2007)
tri-hex'eschwaga9chwaga (2007)
determining entity count?Gillissie5Gillissie (2007)
Entity Name (handle)danjo3danjo (2007)
Questions about blitz3d?Pete Carter13Pete Carter (2007)
smoothMr. Slat5Mr. Slat (2007)
mirrorMr. Slat13Mr. Slat (2007)
Videoschwaga3jfk EO-11110 (2007)
A few questions for the vetspoopla4poopla (2007)
b3d trajectory animationchwaga6chwaga (2007)
advanced collision detectionblade0075blade007 (2007)
Help with math errorsGhoula4Ghoula (2007)
Triangulating a surface_337Difference (2007)
launching a browser from blitzchwaga6Filax (2007)
Paid Work - Wrap DLLboomboom5boomboom (2007)
How does lightmapping actually work??bytecode7719chwaga (2007)
Userlib and Win api calls????AJirenius6VIP3R (2007)
PauseMortiis9Mortiis (2007)
Maskimage() helpmintybreath4mintybreath (2007)
Changing graphics mode at run-timeFarflame10Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Tool UIJoey6Joey (2007)
Finding the closestJerome Squalor10Tom (2007)
Car controlPete Carter4Pete Carter (2007)
How to warp entities ("temporally no collisions")gameproducer12gameproducer (2007)
Pete Carter - YALNexus65Pete Carter (2007)
Specific vector scalingbig10p5big10p (2007)
sprite candy gui cant reappearslenkar3slenkar (2007)
Anyone solved this problem. Normal lightningWings10Wings (2007)
HideEntity<-->EntityAlpha 0 differenciesNaughty Alien7Gabriel (2007)
Blitz spherical terrain ?Filax4Stevie G (2007)
entityradiuscash3Stevie G (2007)
Accurate 3D Pong PhysicsTechlord10Techlord (2007)
Loading thousands of mesh trees, fast?nazca17Sir Gak (2007)
Tricky trigbig10p11big10p (2007)
DirectPlay Hurts:(Techlord3Techlord (2007)
Blitz and VistaCraig H. Nisbet4Sir Gak (2007)
Surface Transparency problemLane4Rob Farley (2007)
PLZ Help 3d grid.Nice_But_Dim7Bankie (2007)
B3D V1.99Abrexxes13Jack (2007)
MoveEntity the odd one outbig10p1big10p (2007)
Videoboomboom12boomboom (2007)
BIG number help, possible array bug.Vertigo4Floyd (2007)
Asteroids type movementCraig H. Nisbet5Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Blitz runs on Parallels (osx)?Danny7Wings (2007)
3D world creator woes!Neochrome10John Blackledge (2007)
List available drivesMr.Waterlily6Mr.Waterlily (2007)
TFormJerome Squalor3Gabriel (2007)
MORE PONG HELP?! yes please. :)mintybreath7mintybreath (2007)
BSP TexturesNeochrome10Neochrome (2007)
Cube Mapping AlphaMortiis4EmerGki (2007)
Sound Channel volume inconsistencyDrackbolt18lo-tekk (2007)
Surface cloned(?) problem with CopyEntity/CopyMeshgameproducer11gameproducer (2007)
SpikinessMatt Merkulov4Matt Merkulov (2007)
Black startup window thingyYahfree12chi (2007)
blending images?blade0075Stevie G (2007)
Pong Help 2mintybreath7mintybreath (2007)
math programingCraig H. Nisbet3caff_ (2007)
the source if my int problem: My networkFuller9Techlord (2007)
Can Blitz work with Teamspeak or Ventrilo?-=Darkheart=-3-=Darkheart=- (2007)
Character shadingNaughty Alien14Pete Carter (2007)
Best Compression for a Blitz3D Network Messages?Techlord19Techlord (2007)
How Blitz knows what Milkshape groups to texture?gameproducer7gameproducer (2007)
TFormNormal not working?big10p12big10p (2007)
ToolBars [WB3D]Yahfree10Yahfree (2007)
mouse velocity help!blade0076blade007 (2007)
Stencil BufferNeochrome6bytecode77 (2007)
User32.decls?Boiled Sweets24Subirenihil (2007)
glass effectNice_But_Dim14carpman (2007)
Bizarre behaviour!_333_33 (2007)
B3d_DX9 Postprocess Code...redflux3redflux (2007)
Dynamic Objects and Character Physics?Gabriel4Gabriel (2007)
OpenTCPStream returns 0no nickname4Wings (2007)
Oblivion style Detail Lowdetail map help.Wings9Wings (2007)
Shadows for animated .b3d objects? (paying $$$)gameproducer17sswift (2007)
load .b3d'sEviltoes9Eviltoes (2007)
Model of solar system - where to find?Sokurah1Sokurah (2007)
searching for spain based blitz3d programmerFiNegirO4FiNegirO (2007)
A few questions.Eviltoes12Eviltoes (2007)
Bug???big10p6big10p (2007)
Get desktop res?big10p5big10p (2007)
LoadBSP - Any worth/use in Blitz3dMatty6Matty (2007)
Interaction with 2 typesMr. Sandman9Mr. Sandman (2007)
hmm... interpreting complex text command?Fuller3Fuller (2007)
Type TroubleH. T. U.20Subirenihil (2007)
'Jerky'shadowsNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2007)
quick hideentity questioncash2Staton_Richardson (2007)
Gfx DriverMr. Slat2Mr. Slat (2007)
Limiting the crosshairMortiis8Gillissie (2007)
Base-n ConverterTechlord5Techlord (2007)
Iterate through child entities_333_33 (2007)
How do B3D collisions work, internally?big10p4H. T. U. (2007)
Page Curl Effect...JA24JA2 (2007)
Memory access violationMr. Slat7Mr. Slat (2007)
world assemblerpanton5Doggie (2007)
activate animation dont workpanton5b32 (2007)
Lightmapping and Smoothing Groups?Gabriel2big10p (2007)
Try these physics.JoshK16bytecode77 (2007)
Devil Shadow SystemSubirenihil20bytecode77 (2007)
4 kinds of textures on 1 meshJan_7Jan_ (2007)
b3d animationpanton5panton (2007)
Telnet RPG + Webb outputWings4Wings (2007)
mmorpg worldpanton5ckob (2007)
blitzget issues..ckob5ckob (2007)
ImagesCollide Replacementmaverick694Sledge (2007)
Tron styl trails...IPete29IPete2 (2007)
Dogfights Camera ShakeChroma4IPete2 (2007)
animate 3dspanton2Matty (2007)
Inventory List ChecksTechlord3Techlord (2007)
Raycasting Evenly in Arbitrary Hemisphere?Gabriel7Gabriel (2007)
B3D Joystick supportNaughty Alien10IPete2 (2007)
Anti Aliasingboomboom4bytecode77 (2007)
max .bb file sizeNeochrome3Neochrome (2007)
Cyborg: An AI-Interchange Network ModelTechlord3Gabriel (2007)
B3d Pipeline update (locked)Pudding39puki (2007)
Using a 360 padJohn Pickford2big10p (2007)
Edit .b3d files?martonic10ervin (2007)
Where are those B3d Dx9 engines?eye5Danny (2007)
Is it possible to put a blitz3d exe on an xbox360?sniper_boy1478Abrexxes (2007)
Pixel format bug?SLotman5Rob Farley (2007)
way points and nodes from mesh?Pete Carter19Pete Carter (2007)
Solid Boxes sometimes not workingFarflame6Farflame (2007)
Text images n stuff - WinBlitz3dYahfree20Yahfree (2007)
Problems with the editorFarflame11Farflame (2007)
Overlaying textures on top of one another?Bukky8Gillissie (2007)
Animated textureNaughty Alien1Naughty Alien (2007)
I'm trying to get 30FPS even_3322_33 (2007)
sprite candy for an isometric gameslenkar6Uncle (2007)
animations and keydowncash6blade007 (2007)
Freeing textures after you apply them to a mesh..nazca4slenkar (2007)
Strange Behaviour On ScreenJBR20Stevie G (2007)
Highscores help!blade0077blade007 (2007)
FontWidth()? Don't make me laugh!Adam Novagen9Adam Novagen (2007)
Maths - cube entitys in a circle?IPete23IPete2 (2007)
3DS Max Biped/Bone (FBX) animationMeowZ6MeowZ (2007)
Blitz3D - animation in general - any tips?puki3IPete2 (2007)
2D to 3D world designerChaosspear2Stevie G (2007)
LoadAnimSeq - are we sure exactly what it does?puki3Naughty Alien (2007)
Ray->Box intersectionbytecode777bytecode77 (2007)
simple collision detectionIKG5IKG (2007)
Double clicking - WinBlitz3DYahfree4Kev (2007)
mathematicsDareDevil5bytecode77 (2007)
Counting unique colors in an imageMr.Waterlily19Mr.Waterlily (2007)
Shadow CommandCodeOrc16Naughty Alien (2007)
Ray->Sphere intersection?bytecode7722bytecode77 (2007)
make an quad point to camera blitz3dWings10Wings (2007)
gui'sslenkar8slenkar (2007)
going from 3dsmax8 to .b3d?Bukky5Gabriel (2007)
VextexCoords problemVignoli3Vignoli (2007)
Sprites are Extreme slow on my Gaming PC why ?Wings11Wings (2007)
Keyboard hooks_333_33 (2007)
POST file to web serverGillissie5Yahfree (2007)
Advanced help Finding & using the Blitz CAPS ptr?Neochrome3Neochrome (2007)
Breaking the 64k limit.Vertigo3Danny (2007)
Fast replacement for Line command?big10p22big10p (2007)
Method for triangulating a polygon?Craig H. Nisbet3Stevie G (2007)
Isometric line of sightslenkar3slenkar (2007)
Read NUMLOCK / CAPSLOCK from keyboard controller_3312_33 (2007)
CreateMirror() problem?MeowZ4_33 (2007)
How to Make a Quad pont at CameraWings8Wings (2007)
Copy an Image to a Texture_3312Stevie G (2007)
need to compare pointersslenkar2Chroma (2007)
checking for a range of numbersslenkar4slenkar (2007)
Collision with the ground?Bukky6Bukky (2007)
Shrinking vectorbig10p3big10p (2007)
Relative angle between 2 vectorsbig10p15big10p (2007)
mmorpgcactus180517Damien Sturdy (2007)
Adding a shadow to my game?Bukky8Rroff (2007)
So what's the best Physics Lib for B3D these days?Chroma19Chroma (2007)
Help needed with BBCruncherShifty Geezer1Shifty Geezer (2007)
Helpmintybreath7mintybreath (2007)
Calculation turning circle radiusbig10p4big10p (2007)
LightMapping TechniquesNack2Vertigo (2007)
AddAnimSeq b3dNack5Nack (2007)
Integer to RGBNaughty Alien6GfK (2007)
Code Helpmintybreath3mintybreath (2007)
Type performance questions_331_33 (2007)
Method for keeping timeYahfree59Yahfree (2007)
Clothing a character in Blitz3d?Bukky9Tom (2007)
Help with Vehicle enteringmintybreath4puki (2007)
TYPE data deleteNaughty Alien3Naughty Alien (2007)
entitypickmode problemMr. Slat13b32 (2007)
Sqr is faster than /Subirenihil10Defoc8 (2007)
CompressionJBR2Rroff (2007)
A math question, I suppose_3312H&K (2007)
WidescreensMr. Slat7Mr. Slat (2007)
get colorblade0077blade007 (2007)
chameleonChaosspear3Chaosspear (2007)
lightmapping questionjfk EO-1111026Leto (2007)
Windows API File selector?Shifty Geezer2Shifty Geezer (2007)
Animating B3D without vertex (2007)
Cam Code HelpCodeOrc3Rroff (2007)
decompilerblade00724jfk EO-11110 (2007)
can anybody convert this java into Blitz3DDREAM13Subirenihil (2007)
Why is this going so slowChaosspear8Chaosspear (2007)
Building chars from floats_3312_33 (2007)
EntityRadius and scalingZingzingzip5Zingzingzip (2007)
Disable render tweening when positioningBoiled Sweets9Hujiklo (2007)
Will the patch 1.99 be released?Carolinaaa2GfK (2007)
Precognition?PoliteProgrammer3Paul "Taiphoz" (2007)
AlignToVectorJerome Squalor3Jerome Squalor (2007)
DeltaYaw/entity rotation problemJustLuke3Stevie G (2007)
Is there any Pseudo Random Generator ?semar4semar (2007)
networked game questionscash7b32 (2007)
Anyone set Anisotropic Filtering in their drivers?_336_33 (2007)
da manualblade0073blade007 (2007)
Why is EntityPitch 0-90?Boiled Sweets2Boiled Sweets (2007)
Disable TweeningHNPhan30Boiled Sweets (2007)
AnimTextureNack4Nack (2007)
Type content copying_3312John Blackledge (2007)
Help wanted: wobbly head/"bobblehead" effect code?JustLuke5JustLuke (2007)
trainers?(note the question mark)blade00713Who was John Galt? (2007)
Tri Tri Intersection ?jfk EO-111109jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Tool for - Deleting choosen polys from a meshbytecode7712jfk EO-11110 (2007)
SaveImageDDS threadmarkcw30markcw (2007)
Server Lag?NewtSoup9Vertigo (2007)
Texturescash3jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Limit CameraPick to the CameraRange ??jfk EO-111105jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Pointentity VS DeltaYAWcash2GfK (2007)
EntityID, EntityExistsBIG BUG2Beaker (2007)
display caps_3311_33 (2007)
Plane with custom number of segmentsNaughty Alien6Naughty Alien (2007)
Get Triangle normalsjfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Unicode?Nack1Nack (2007)
WritePixelFast to a texturebig10p10_33 (2007)
Sprite CandyJerome Squalor41Bailius Maximus (2007)
model viewer, command line use, request to expertmuddle11Barnabius (2007)
Planar Mapping ?jfk EO-111104jfk EO-11110 (2007)
DesktopJerome Squalor6Ked (2007)
WriteLineNack4Floyd (2007)
Update 1.99proud2bme13proud2bme (2007)
Good ProgrammingJonathan Nguyen3Jonathan Nguyen (2007)
How to know when player click on close icon??Pinete3Pinete (2007)
(2D Only) Tiling screenPoliteProgrammer7smilertoo (2007)
custom sliding collisionRobert Cummings3Robert Cummings (2007)
Number of polygons (locked)Moraldi1Moraldi (2007)
WinBlitz3D and its futureKev14Yahfree (2007)
Euler rotation ==> Quaternion rotationbytecode7712bytecode77 (2007)
get absolute rotational values from entityPitch?Craig H. Nisbet3GfK (2007)
mappy with bordered tiles?SilentAssaSIN4tonyg (2007)
SystemProperty("Direct3DDevice7")?MeowZ3MeowZ (2007)
Quick question..Yahfree8Kev (2007)
Test file download lib please@rtur4Yeshu777 (2007)
Hiding entitiesMoraldi5Moraldi (2007)
"Unlimited World"xmlspy13Subirenihil (2007)
Deformation order in bone meshes?Craig H. Nisbet4Tom (2007)
Help with subdivide function...JA25JA2 (2007)
Sprite Candy GUINaughty Alien2Barnabius (2007)
BumpmapsEviltoes12_33 (2007)
Text() ruins my hopes and dreamsbytecode7711D4NM4N (2007)
Problem with array of custom typealain3alain (2007)
In game scriptingLeon Drake3Leon Drake (2007)
Returning from a functionAries4Aries (2007)
My VirtualGL lib again - showcase&cry for helpbytecode7721BlitzSupport (2007)
Russian Characters with System Fonts?(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2007)
256 tex flag crashMadJack8MadJack (2007)
Keyboard handling of held keys_3310_33 (2007)
Screen SaverJerome Squalor7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
16 bit graphics?Mr.Waterlily5jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Finding My DocumentsMakepool6b32 (2007)
Forcing Blitz to stop!IPete25IPete2 (2007)
2D in 3D meshBrendane3Brendane (2007)
What happens when...?IPete26IPete2 (2007)
ReflectionJerome Squalor12jfk EO-11110 (2007)
help (locked)Saz1Saz (2007)
How to create images on desktopsniper_boy14711b32 (2007)
Bouncing Using TranslateNeochrome2Neochrome (2007)
Shadow Mapping - I made it!bytecode7726Naughty Alien (2007)
How to create transparent texturesniper_boy1472Gabriel (2007)
CollisionTriangleBlitzBasic3035BlitzBasic303 (2007)
Terrain meshNexus64H&K (2007)
Rotate local xyz around global position (help)Danny9Danny (2007)
using exponents with float_3312_33 (2007)
CopyRect issueBrendane3Brendane (2007)
toying with banks_331_33 (2007)
AShadow Lib : Refractive Water QuestionOverDozing14Naughty Alien (2007)
wierd problem when compiling?Gurra7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Push object away from explosion center with tFormNeochrome7Neochrome (2007)
Non Square Sprites?EvilMeowChi6Dreamora (2007)
Parent PivotsBuggy6Buggy (2007)
Keyboard ScanningBlitzplotter3Blitzplotter (2007)
Animation strange issue.Vertigo8Danny (2007)
how can i make the sprites dissapear?Gurra4H&K (2007)
Stonehenge 3D - great work Mr Blackledge!IPete229John Blackledge (2007)
Backface CullingBuggy6Buggy (2007)
Rendering mesh instances differentlyZingzingzip5Zingzingzip (2007)
Font Creator?Chaosspear8Mortiis (2007)
MAV when resolution change.TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)6nrasool (2007)
Cube mapping problemIon6Gabriel (2007)
AI Library (why not a community project ?)Filax11D4NM4N (2007)
Sprite TransparencyJerome Squalor6Jerome Squalor (2007)
Postscript fonts?IPete21IPete2 (2007)
Uhhhhh....kfprimm5kfprimm (2007)
BlitzXML memory leak?xmlspy2xmlspy (2007)
Neep help with a file sending programXtremeCoder4XtremeCoder (2007)
Widescreen supportJohn Pickford10John Pickford (2007)
Triangle fill routine + ZBuffer (Where's the bug?)bytecode779puki (2007)
Whats so slow here? (Triangle fill routine)bytecode7715_33 (2007)
.DDS support for LoadAnimTexture()Mortiis3Mortiis (2007)
Arteria Gaming downloading problemsMoraldi5yertari (2007)
Multiple key pressesMoraldi10Bobysait (2007)
disabling backface cullingEviltoes5D4NM4N (2007)
Publishing your game!EmerGki3Ross C (2007)
Ball bouncingjad13Eviltoes (2007)
Making different sized textured wallsBankie2Stevie G (2007)
Alpha'd sprites & EntityOrder performance hitbig10p8big10p (2007)
Bumpmap texture_332_33 (2007)
Issues with Alpha Textures.Vertigo2IPete2 (2007)
Massive terrainsxmlspy9Rob Farley (2007)
Cameras & Movement3DMan113DMan (2007)
nPoly / vector based FlooFill ? How or where?Danny2Stevie G (2007)
mass/gravity questionkochOn18sswift (2007)
Refraction? - Simple - No shadersbytecode778DareDevil (2007)
unnamed game test 2 + questionsKev7Buggy (2007)
Save To Jpg/ compressed Png (not freeImage)Danny14Danny (2007)
CameraPick() and animated meshjayparker6KimoTech (2007)
heightmap texturesEviltoes6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
vram issue with cube texturesyntax2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
How to get the bone a vertex is assigned to ?jfk EO-111105jfk EO-11110 (2007)
whats 'w' in uvw?bytecode773bytecode77 (2007)
memory leak? Weirdness, slowdown..._335_33 (2007)
How do I create a loop-around world?Sokurah8Sokurah (2007)
Pivots/re-centering meshBnesiba9jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Best speeds in 'blitting'Shifty Geezer7Danny (2007)
Fog and Alpha channel in Add or Multiply blendmodejfk EO-111102t3K|Mac (2007)
CopySurface(src, dest, left, right, top bottom)jfk EO-111106puki (2007)
Pick Random Object?Trader35643GfK (2007)
Main Game LoopBuggy11Buggy (2007)
Cool Missile TrailsBuggy19Buggy (2007)
Selecting Edges of triaglesCraig H. Nisbet3Craig H. Nisbet (2007)
Stencil ShadowNaughty Alien7Naughty Alien (2007)
Rendering half screensyntax10cyberyoyo (2007)
Blitz3D Framework - IDEal, any good?Trader35644Trader3564 (2007)
Vertex/triangle limit per surface?OrcSlayer20big10p (2007)
SurfacePickmode() ?jfk EO-111105Pepsi (2007)
Getting the normal of a triangle from Blitz3D?Craig H. Nisbet5big10p (2007)
Recursion questionjfk EO-111106H&K (2007)
UnParentingxmlspy2GfK (2007)
Window position in windowed modePinete4JoeGr (2007)
Bumpmap exampleNaughty Alien2bytecode77 (2007)
Using a bank instead of a string_3330_33 (2007)
Need an animated .b3dJoshK4Tom (2007)
RPG combat system.Vertigo11Jasu (2007)
Debugger questionFarflame6Jasu (2007)
specular mappingsyntax2Naughty Alien (2007)
Point on the surface of a spheresiread10DJWoodgate (2007)
alpha mapped charactersIPete22IPete2 (2007)
Techniques to create a limited time trial versionCarolinaaa24GfK (2007)
RPG Inventory question.Vertigo1Vertigo (2007)
PositionTexture broken in 1.98?DJWoodgate4big10p (2007)
Blitz3D to Irrlichtverfum3verfum (2007)
object occlusionDavid81913John J. (2007)
ultimate bubble generator :-PTrader35645Trader3564 (2007)
Convert Blitz3d to Xbox360msx12324JustLuke (2007)
Anyone Know Executable Format???mk2y1010Buggy (2007)
Direct play comandsDavid8196David819 (2007)
Steering wheel, force feedback etc?Mustang24Pepsi (2007)
What's happened in last years?Giano12Armitage 1982 (2007)
Entity turning code with max rate...OrcSlayer10GfK (2007)
Is there a way to get dc from backbuffer?Jin7Jin (2007)
Realtime image processing (locked)ZJP1ZJP (2007)
So here is a stupid question...IPete213_33 (2007)
Iterate trough all entitiesjfk EO-111106Naughty Alien (2007)
toolbar img.Paul "Taiphoz"2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
DSS alpha version 1.37aDareDevil6puki (2007)
Tricky Math: Auto-Scale Thumbnails to Fit in GridRoland12Jasu (2007)
Double side enablingNaughty Alien4amitjf (2007)
CreateListener Problemjfk EO-111108jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Fake Volumetric Cloudsbingman7Pongo (2007)
Using the ScanLine() commandQuickSilva6QuickSilva (2007)
pixies - sprites with zero filteringskidracer15slenkar (2007)
Ragdoll and Physics?Chroma3Ricky Smith (2007)
Cutting / sectionning a closed mesh_336_33 (2007)
Lighwave lights to Blitz3dtvtom3tvtom (2007)
LoadMesh vs LoadAnimMeshxmlspy4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
DeadEnd-Online FPSpanton6Xzider (2007)
Something with terrainsamitjf2amitjf (2007)
Linepick collisionNaughty Alien7Moraldi (2007)
vertex axisSideExtreme3SideExtreme (2007)
Grass placementNaughty Alien34t3K|Mac (2007)
platypus PSP?? (locked)Akat1Akat (2007)
Cant seem to start a game from WinXPslenkar7slenkar (2007)
B3D_AppBase.dll - Helps Prevent MAVDGuy9DGuy (2007)
Find ur ipamitjf13amitjf (2007)
a lathe function!kochOn2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Windowed to FullScreen without losing resourcesPinete6Pinete (2007)
Creating fileamitjf3b32 (2007)
How to know when users clicks on another window?Pinete3Pinete (2007)
Selecting Vertexs with terrains...Flame2b32 (2007)
Center of a quad?kochOn4kochOn (2007)
Program just quitscyberyoyo13jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Terrain out of X,Y,ZNaughty Alien2b32 (2007)
dual monitorsjhocking10Trader3564 (2007)
ResetEntityMoraldi6Moraldi (2007)
Animation Control LibraryNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2007)
Clamp UVs versus Multiply Blendmode !?!jfk EO-111109jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Text on spriteSwifty6Swifty (2007)
Surface Order Keeps changin! (help)Danny6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
What do you use for websitesChaosspear16b32 (2007)
Sprites B3dseferey4Trader3564 (2007)
Info - B3D manual has breached the 1K barrierpuki17Trader3564 (2007)
B3D Programmers ManualSynchronist7Trader3564 (2007)
Simple control problem...why does this happen?OrcSlayer6OrcSlayer (2007)
Walking on a meshMoraldi6Moraldi (2007)
Unicode text string problems(tu) ENAY4(tu) ENAY (2007)
Copy Protection/Serial KeyMakepool9Kev (2007)
Simple AI...JA25JA2 (2007)
Dear angel martinezseferey2Tranz (2007)
getting the 2d cords of a 3d objectSwifty3Matty (2007)
How to put 3D object on top of Sprite Candy Hud ?semar6semar (2007)
Which model format would you use for this?OrcSlayer7OrcSlayer (2007)
How to get this to work rightkillertomato3GfK (2007)
aInputkochOn4kochOn (2007)
Strange hardware breaking bug!cyberyoyo13vivaigiochi (2007)
Blitz3D MMORPG helpthelizardking14Gabriel (2007)
mesh inside mesh?vivaigiochi4Carrot (2007)
Windowed <-> FullscreenAJirenius5Kev (2007)
Commands in My Engineala_samodi19Naughty Alien (2007)
B3D Pipeline Scene Root disableNaughty Alien7Naughty Alien (2007)
Plays Help to shootsBlackeffekt3Blackeffekt (2007)
Simulating a hanging chainPoliteProgrammer11bytecode77 (2007)
3D Online Chess EngineCodeOrc1CodeOrc (2007)
Which File Packer do you recommend?Nordvall19popcade (2007)
2D Sprite Muzzle FlashLineOf7s8LineOf7s (2007)
Fullscreen Motion Blur for any resolution?Mortiis5Mortiis (2007)
Metaphysical save text file problemsGrumpyOldMan10GrumpyOldMan (2007)
FPS stair climbing...JA211Shambler (2007)
LoadAnimSeq - is there a limit?IPete29IPete2 (2007)
What should I use for large 2d gamesChaosspear12Rob Farley (2007)
CameraRange Problemjfk EO-1111010big10p (2007)
Simulation GetKey() without flush?Mr.Waterlily8jfk EO-11110 (2007)
whats wrong with this linepick?danjo3danjo (2007)
Memory Access Violation in ScreensaverFuller33Fuller (2007)
Collision Avoidance Demo?OrcSlayer3OrcSlayer (2007)
very very weird blitz3d bug...bytecode7713Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Changedir "c:" is doing nothingVignoli5Vignoli (2007)
cameraproject problemvivaigiochi5vivaigiochi (2007)
BliztGet issue when download imagezoom*8zoom* (2007)
Single Surface Particles and Z-Order Problems...t3K|Mac5jfk EO-11110 (2007)
3rd-Person CameraMattizzle14jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Setting Window to scale mode questionQuickSilva3QuickSilva (2007)
Music Visualizationsmk2y103Boiled Sweets (2007)
Sprite Candy UsersNaughty Alien7RifRaf (2007)
BMax 2D graphics in Blitz3DMixailV8TygerWulf (2007)
Collision detectionMoraldi3Moraldi (2007)
ray-intersect-quad?bytecode777bytecode77 (2007)
Blitz3d Install FilesTygerWulf11TygerWulf (2007)
Using Pipeline lib with OOP structuresverfum6IPete2 (2007)
WinBlitz3D just got browser gadgetsKev24Kev (2007)
3D Object as a part of HUD HelpNaughty Alien3Stevie G (2007)
cockpit camera orientation probsVorderman9Stevie G (2007)
3dsmax and b3d animationvivaigiochi9IPete2 (2007)
Game DemoMoraldi7Ked (2007)
B3D Animation ?IPete213Mattizzle (2007)
Texture issues.Vertigo2skidracer (2007)
Get External Window BoundariesFuller4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
input$() with num-keypad????Dimas4TygerWulf (2007)
Using bloomfiltering in a FPS.Foolish Frost5Barbapapa (2007)
NormalMap & LightmapNaughty Alien2IPete2 (2007)
PNG -> DDS = better framerates?MadJack17MadJack (2007)
Vertex lighting.Vertigo16Vertigo (2007)
help with sprites always in front of cameraSoggyP6b32 (2007)
Get text on screenRgamer5Mattizzle (2007)
Shooter game.Paul "Taiphoz"21big10p (2007)
Old Code Not CompilingMiraj4Miraj (2007)
Backing up folders/filesFarflame4Farflame (2007)
Oyi oyi penguins ahoy (locked)D4NM4N1D4NM4N (2007)
About animations...simple question.OrcSlayer4OrcSlayer (2007)
bezier splinesjimmyx7Stevie G (2007)
WinBlitz3D - Images?EPS3EPS (2007)
Recycle .B3D animationsxmlspy11(tu) sinu (2007)
Surfaces or UVs or something..._PJ_5_PJ_ (2007)
WinBlitz3DKed2Kev (2007)
GDI TextOut and UnicodeJin15popcade (2007)
Cant remove server from Gnetslenkar2t3K|Mac (2007)
UDP port help neededslenkar3slenkar (2007)
Loading single wire meshesWilliam Drescher2Mustang (2007)
Reading UDP streamJasu7Jasu (2007)
Moved picked xyz location...JA23JA2 (2007)
Camera windowMoraldi7Naughty Alien (2007)
WinBlitz3D and/or Schnok - How do you pause?GrumpyOldMan5Kev (2007)
TCP QuestionRobert M Jolly4Robert M Jolly (2007)
specular highlight on a road - can it be done?Vorderman28Pinete (2007)
Undocumented commandesBobysait6bytecode77 (2007)
DirectX 9.0 Engine for Blitz3Dala_samodi15Pinete (2007)
LAN/Internet Chat HelpKed15Blitzplotter (2007)
bsp or octree?El Neil6El Neil (2007)
Blitzmax Spiral ScreensaverDamien Sturdy1Damien Sturdy (2007)
Cloudsingenium6Chad (2007)
2D in 3D - RevisitedDarkuni20MixailV (2007)
using up ram when saving to file...Swifty3Swifty (2007)
cant get x,y,z co-ords of childslenkar12b32 (2007)
double precisionAbram10Abram (2007)
Change between camerasChad6REJLA (2007)
AI Programming strategiesCraig H. Nisbet5Matty (2007)
Where has WinBlitz3D Gone??Chaos9Kev (2007)
Archive da forums*4* (2007)
3d Crosshair help!Mortiis4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
BlitzPlay libNaughty Alien40Chroma (2007)
The Best MouseLook Code.Chroma13bytecode77 (2007)
Algorithm - shader, normal, tangent, bitangent?GrumpyOldMan2Pinete (2007)
rotating stuff, having troubles...DREAM3DREAM (2007)
PasteImageFromClipboard()JoeGr16JoeGr (2007)
Shadow Systems DX7tsmpaul8tsmpaul (2007)
Ellipse - Box collision woesBankie15Stevie G (2007)
Internet radioNaughty Alien7Rroff (2007)
Anyone here using that JV_ODE?Craig H. Nisbet6Damien Sturdy (2007)
Procedural dynamic texturescaff_8.Squid (2007)
old code new update ?Paul "Taiphoz"8GfK (2007)
I need a toolChaosspear6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Load a Vector Image?CopperCircle5CopperCircle (2007)
Is there an alpha dll for use in 2d mode and....DREAM7Pinete (2007)
keyboard affecting maths ?b321b32 (2007)
Scale 3d object from image width and height ?Filax9Filax (2007)
Lineofsight3d helpace336fredborg (2007)
image display issuesGillissie5Matty (2007)
Include syntax..?mrbombermillzy15mrbombermillzy (2007)
How to get a zeroxmlspy3Stevie G (2007)
PointEntity functionNaughty Alien3Matty (2007)
DX8 to B3D ConverterFreetimeCoder7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Hullo!Foolish Frost11Tom (2007)
Best platform character (player) control ?IPete22Gabriel (2007)
DeltaYawlo-tekk3lo-tekk (2007)
I'm not sure how to explain this?DREAM7DREAM (2007)
CountGFXModes() TroubleMakepool8jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Can this be done?Chroma6sswift (2007)
Blitz3D Collision Example Fix (better way?)kerrill5Sledge (2007)
HHelp with Working with Mesh Tris_PJ_3_PJ_ (2007)
Strange memory access errorMr.Waterlily12Mr.Waterlily (2007)
Bending a pipe by 'x' degrees?Chaos14Chaos (2007)
polygon to polygon collisionChroma13jfk EO-11110 (2007)
DreamFX - When's it get released?Subirenihil3Subirenihil (2007)
Wings 3d to Ultimate Unwrap3D to b3dBlitzplotter4lo-tekk (2007)
Best GUIMoraldi10Naughty Alien (2007)
Agiea physics dll?bytecode7713bytecode77 (2007)
Modelling programs (locked)seferey1seferey (2007)
WinBlitz3D v1.1 demoKev17Ked (2007)
Texture splatting + vertex alpha problemPinete11Pinete (2007)
Pivot/model open/close door?Chad6D4NM4N (2007)
Mesh seams question?Stevie G8big10p (2007)
Animated models suck FPSxmlspy4Pinete (2007)
Blitz3D ugly shading prob (help)Danny16Danny (2007)
Phil Jones' pitch and roll exampleChad7Chad (2007)
6DoF DemoChroma6Chroma (2007)
estimating an areaAndy3Andy (2007)
DeltaRoll - anyone?Boiled Sweets6Boiled Sweets (2007)
Texture sizesxmlspy4Mustang (2007)
Removing textures from meshesxmlspy2Stevie G (2007)
Intense math questionChroma4Chroma (2007)
many objects in one level/zones?b327b32 (2007)
Writepixel commandDavid8199David819 (2007)
Texture AlphaEmerGki6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
How to disable the screen-saver when running blitzJin5jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Windows Vista 64 bitsCarolinaaa11MikeP (Dark Mist Software) (2007)
LoadAnimImageZach3D5GfK (2007)
Tank Simulatorsonokong10b32 (2007)
Problem with gile[s] and PanoramaPinete5D4NM4N (2007)
Make words fly out of a cylinder...Blitzplotter3Blitzplotter (2007)
infinitive far clipplane?bytecode779LAB[au] (2007)
GNET "failed to add server" everytimeFuller7Fuller (2007)
Hot swapping resolution?OrcSlayer8Stevie G (2007)
Mesh editor.Vertigo6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Types question - unused fieldsxmlspy5Beaker (2007)
AnimImage Creator (locked)Ked1Ked (2007)
checking shadow tutorial compatabilityKalisme2Stevie G (2007)
'Hitman' like volumetric lightNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2007)
Full WinBlitz3D FREEKev126Ked (2007)
Solar Eclipse model?!sonokong29_PJ_ (2007)
WinBlitz3d Events HelpRicky Smith22Kev (2007)
howto make keystone with Blitz3d?Raistlin8Raistlin (2007)
A droplet for the communityMoraldi18Moraldi (2007)
"Cartoon shading" with cubemaps - how?JustLuke5JustLuke (2007)
3d tilemaps - a possbility?caff_7Neo Genesis10 (2007)
PickedNX questionjfk EO-111109jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Problem with scaled windowed modeCarolinaaa7Neo Genesis10 (2007)
Opposite of EntityAutoFade()xmlspy4xmlspy (2007)
Is it possible to "clamp" a spherical map? (locked)JustLuke1JustLuke (2007)
Animation and pointer issue.Vertigo6lo-tekk (2007)
A real puzzlerJohn Blackledge12Gillissie (2007)
A billowing flag?Chroma5sonokong (2007)
Animated meshes and sprites_PJ_4Ross C (2007)
Milkshape to .B3D pipelineChroma3Gabriel (2007)
Vehicle SteeringEmerGki11_PJ_ (2007)
FTP - Download entire folder_PJ_5_PJ_ (2007)
Contacting Jeppe NielsenPinete1Pinete (2007)
Terrain with vertexalpha Zshort problemPinete8jfk EO-11110 (2007)
TForm FunctionsZach3D7Gabriel (2007)
Pickable objectsMoraldi9Moraldi (2007)
XLNT 2 gui - Force 'home' with a textbox?Zethrax8jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Saving a buffer as jpegGillissie4Gillissie (2007)
pseudo volume renderingshawnus8Stevie G (2007)
How to work out the xyz coords of 2d screen?Boiled Sweets5Moraldi (2007)
Trisrendered()El Neil8Subirenihil (2007)
Mesh/surface limit (JFK, one 4 u i think)D4NM4N8bytecode77 (2007)
Starforce Problems...Barton11Barton (2007)
Collision testingMattizzle6Vertigo (2007)
Shoot em up smooth player movement code?Boiled Sweets6Ross C (2007)
DecalsChroma4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Newton Wrapper?Picklesworth13Blitzplotter (2007)
Name limit on meshesD4NM4N3D4NM4N (2007)
Release the source to the Blitz3D engineN145Damien Sturdy (2007)
CopyMesh/CopyEntity and Texturesxmlspy4Ross C (2007)
Need some help from Vista users.Paolo11Paolo (2007)
Types within Typesxmlspy3Stevie G (2007)
comparison errorimpersonalis14Dreamora (2007)
Command to find an entities parent?Ross C2Ross C (2007)
execfilecash7Dirk Krause (2007)
Vista and B3D?IPete22bytecode77 (2007)
Verlets and massNexus64Stevie G (2007)
Raiders of the lost Brushesjfk EO-1111010jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Circle to rotated Rectangle - 2d collisionsStevie G3Stevie G (2007)
Ashadow B3D caster doubtPinete6bytecode77 (2007)
Garbage Collection Questionjfk EO-111107jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Yet another B3D format question...jfk EO-111101jfk EO-11110 (2007)
need help with joining a net gameslenkar3slenkar (2007)
.b3d get child?Chroma6cash (2007)
Pickedentity queryNexus69Vertigo (2007)
Database GenerationColvette6Colvette (2007)
TrueType Font WidthsEPS9Subirenihil (2007)
Untouched Image, or not?Mr.Waterlily9cyberyoyo (2007)
Free brushesb323jfk EO-11110 (2007)
View frustum cullingLAB[au]9LAB[au] (2007)
SCHNOK! 0.96 beta - small updateDanny26Mikele (2007)
Has any one been able to implement HDRI or shaderseye4bytecode77 (2007)
Mirror?kochOn2big10p (2007)
Best way to cloth a character?andy_mc10andy_mc (2007)
Open a webpage...JA29JazzieB (2007)
entityautofadeMr Snidesmin3Mr Snidesmin (2007)
PlaySoundNaughty Alien7LineOf7s (2007)
AntiAlias TrueNaughty Alien13Gabriel (2007)
Window in Blitz3D?Ked3Ked (2007)
How to check if app is in window mode or not?Mr.Waterlily3Mr.Waterlily (2007)
Fullscreen window with no titlebar?Beaker7Yan (2007)
How Render Tweening Works?Gabriel10Gabriel (2007)
Findong out which way a triangle is pointinggburgess25bytecode77 (2007)
endgraphics errorMr Snidesmin5John Blackledge (2007)
oh not collisions again. apparently not.Mr Snidesmin2Mr Snidesmin (2007)
Problems hacking propertiesjfk EO-111108Ricky Smith (2007)
3Dstereo apps in Blitz3D?FiNegirO9Dr. Wildrick (2007)
ColoredText SystemZach3D3Zach3D (2007)
Alpha grass on to the alpha terrainPinete9Pinete (2007)
Multiplayer game???sonokong6b32 (2007)
Can Blitz detect non-standard mouse buttons?PoliteProgrammer4b32 (2007)
blitz3d+3dsmax+materialsvivaigiochi4IPete2 (2007)
fastest HDR Filterjfk EO-1111026IPete2 (2007)
Bloomfilter out of alignmentLeto12Warren (2007)
BlitzPlay internet use..Naughty Alien4b32 (2007)
>> Devil-Engines forum opened again! <<bytecode773puki (2007)
Telephone ComandsAfke13Afke (2007)
Round() Command missing?t3K|Mac17Bobysait (2007)
2D bloom filter possible?QuickSilva10jfk EO-11110 (2007)
SetCubeMode not working?AJirenius4Sledge (2007)
Fastest method to compare numbers?CopperCircle2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Moving PlatformsMoraldi29b32 (2007)
Not understanding EtnaFuller12RepeatUntil (2007)
compile vs exemindstorms14mindstorms (2007)
Plugin for 3D CanvasLagrange4Lagrange (2007)
About Update V198Afke3Afke (2007)
Xemacs mode for Blitz3D.oofoe3jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Sswift's Shadow Systemcaff_10caff_ (2007)
Picking an objectNexus66Nexus6 (2007)
upgrade beyond directx 7ThomasD7bytecode77 (2007)
Anyone heard of that Phyicslib?t3K|Mac5bytecode77 (2007)
Draw an iamge with a preset palette?CopperCircle3CopperCircle (2007)
entity and its childvivaigiochi8vivaigiochi (2007)
B3D and Vista - what's the official word?bye15sonokong (2007)
get start menu pathjfk EO-1111012jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Texture splatting and B3D pipelinePinete5Pinete (2007)
B3d titlebarD4NM4N3D4NM4N (2007)
Open With...Fuller10Fuller (2007)
Use animation from another mesh?thelizardking7Naughty Alien (2007)
Blitz3D DirectX 10?? C'mon!thelizardking42D4NM4N (2007)
Help with positioning gunXzider7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Fantastic Textures for free (non-commercial)Danny4Fuller (2007)
Amounts of polysAJirenius10jfk EO-11110 (2007)
blitz types to c++?mindstorms14mindstorms (2007)
Need paid programmer for multiplayer gameSideBurn4sonokong (2007)
Collision Vertex/Poly listhumanspacecraft1humanspacecraft (2006)
Playing MPG?Boiled Sweets2D4NM4N (2006)
Open ServerFuller3Fuller (2006)
Tom DX7 dllPinete8Pinete (2006)
LoadImage loading to VRAM?t3K|Mac9t3K|Mac (2006)
Type pointerMoraldi5Moraldi (2006)
xbox 360 controllersyntax5syntax (2006)
Deletefile can't delete this exe?jfk EO-1111018Subirenihil (2006)
Min size of blitz windowjfk EO-1111013markcw (2006)
PHYSIC jointloop?humanspacecraft11humanspacecraft (2006)
Tracing a 2d line noob question.... ^^OverDozing1OverDozing (2006)
dissappearing modelDoggie2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Highlights w/ Vertex Lighting??Danny10Danny (2006)
how do i pick terrain with mouseSmurfpuss6talentraspel (2006)
Infinite TerrainEmerGki9EmerGki (2006)
linepick a mesh within a meshcash12Matty (2006)
Direct Client2Client behind NAT w/o router config!Andy UK8t3K|Mac (2006)
Help! Tell me what's happening here!Hujiklo7Hujiklo (2006)
Object animation not loadingSkyCube6Barliesque (2006)
EntityHidden(), BufferWidth()...lotsa new commandsJoshK73Mikele (2006)
Mesh intersect problem (Visual matter).OverDozing11Andy (2006)
Is it possible to. . .Mr Snidesmin7Mr Snidesmin (2006)
Blitz point lightingMr Snidesmin3Vorderman (2006)
B3D vs 3DS and XOrcSlayer9bytecode77 (2006)
quest: convert Bin String to HexLane3Lane (2006)
Wait for ExecFile to finish?CopperCircle9BlackJumper (2006)
TerraEd Question.OverDozing2OverDozing (2006)
RuntimeError commandMoraldi7Curtastic (2006)
CameraProject with split screen ?angel martinez3Stevie G (2006)
DOT3 bumpmappingslenkar2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
dds questionsD4NM4N3Ice9 (2006)
x file animation probD4NM4N4b32 (2006)
A.I. discussionsonokong11Wings (2006)
Vertex paint in maxNaughty Alien3Naughty Alien (2006)
Poor CollisionEmerGki3EmerGki (2006)
Glow effect in 2D mode?andy_mc9bytecode77 (2006)
SpritesCubersNeochrome5b32 (2006)
Looping through entitiesMr Snidesmin14Ricky Smith (2006)
Texture problem with AddMesh...JA28JA2 (2006)
Gaussian BlurJBR3Mr Snidesmin (2006)
Why cant I download the the full version (locked)luke1018skidracer (2006)
Devils Child - hadow system and mesh manipulation?GrumpyOldMan3GrumpyOldMan (2006)
Deleting typesMoraldi4Moraldi (2006)
Which holds for faster maths?D4NM4N5D4NM4N (2006)
Octree RecursionCraig H. Nisbet5patmaba (2006)
DX9 Renderxmlspy2xmlspy (2006)
file formatsGord10Adam Novagen (2006)
What's a better Blitz EditorCraig H. Nisbet36Ross C (2006)
2D Ball Physics and CollisionsHead13Stevie G (2006)
return in a for next loopb3213GfK (2006)
Partly Transparent SpritesPoliteProgrammer5AJirenius (2006)
TweeningMoraldi9Moraldi (2006)
Collision woesRob Farley5Binary_Moon (2006)
Coldet - collision normals problemcaff_14b32 (2006)
TCP Coding with external appJaime8Wings (2006)
Quaternions TestBobysait9Bobysait (2006)
Displaying 2D before 3Dyerrel6Subirenihil (2006)
terrain normalsKalisme5Stevie G (2006)
Parameters missingDrekinn5Stevie G (2006)
flat vertex lighting code?Kalisme2b32 (2006)
Grass demoMoraldi5Moraldi (2006)
Shadow System 1.4 testbytecode7720bytecode77 (2006)
Help with compiling to DLLFuller3Fuller (2006)
DDS DXT1 bleeding edges on lightmapjfk EO-1111011chi (2006)
blitz terrain texture tiling questionKalisme6b32 (2006)
Netcode - How to designAJirenius23Buggy (2006)
blitz and remote desktop/citrixshawnus10shawnus (2006)
Need Help With ALELKFX3t3K|Mac (2006)
How to do really fast EntityVisible commandsJoshK12t3K|Mac (2006)
You go squish NOW!!!! please....thelizardking15Sir Gak (2006)
Animation speed seems to change? Need helpSirGorto4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
is vertex visible ?b3211b32 (2006)
Type of a typeiamdaman1314octothorpe (2006)
3D tetris using collisionsNmuta9Nmuta (2006)
Align To Vector WhoesNeochrome8Neochrome (2006)
Call For AuthorsMorbius7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Simple rotation problemNmuta5Nmuta (2006)
andreymans fx lib? where?t3K|Mac13miez (2006)
Windows 2000 causing MAV with net commandsCarolinaaa2t3K|Mac (2006)
Need someone to build us a demoHarryH10John Pickford (2006)
rotating two pieces to face each otherNmuta4semar (2006)
Tangent normal mapping fixedJoshK83AntonyWells (2006)
freeing texturesslenkar7(tu) sinu (2006)
Interactive Fictionsonokong8sonokong (2006)
Avoiding shaking with gravityxmlspy4xmlspy (2006)
Paint the AlphachannelAJirenius22mr.keks (2006)
amigatunes from www (locked)Panno1Panno (2006)
B3D Pipelinesmilertoo4OJay (2006)
Window FocusLiberator2markcw (2006)
Rezise Window Defaultalloidgames3alloidgames (2006)
Additive/Blending Problem with backgroundFuller22Fuller (2006)
Tutorials for new Blitz3D Manualskidracer41jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Counting Brush Textures?Ross C9Ross C (2006)
store texture in vramOsoko10Stevie G (2006)
Creating ViewPortFuller6Fuller (2006)
Knowing if a brush exists?Ross C2mr.keks (2006)
biped+pivot with meshvivaigiochi3vivaigiochi (2006)
cam frustum calcul...OverDozing11Stevie G (2006)
Udp streams questionCarolinaaa4Wings (2006)
Stucture of Blitz3d meshMr Snidesmin10Ross C (2006)
Animation and BlenderZach3D2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
PathfindingYellBellzDotCom9Filax (2006)
fullscreen FXb326ZJP (2006)
Anyone got a good maths head?D4NM4N14BlackJumper (2006)
Maplet-style CSG FunctionsKimoTech12jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Dissolve Image?CopperCircle7CopperCircle (2006)
transparency bitmap problemOsoko7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Fake shadow..Naughty Alien4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Make 3ds object smallerjimmyx3t3K|Mac (2006)
mesh copy/clone qmarkcw5markcw (2006)
String to VariableFuller3Fuller (2006)
Object Follow Pathjimmyx5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Swift's vs Devil's Shadow Sysxmlspy13jfk EO-11110 (2006)
EVAL-type command?gburgess3gburgess (2006)
Flickering spritesAJirenius3GfK (2006)
AvailVidMem()mickybhai5Ice9 (2006)
Opening a web browser from a B3D app?John Pickford9xmlspy (2006)
3 axis object movementFuller4b32 (2006)
Problems Picking typescash5b32 (2006)
Texture Size QuestionOverDozing5Matty (2006)
Pass a Mesh from blitz3d to a DLL linked to dx?Mr Snidesmin4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Enable stereo flipping move for stereo glassesandy_mc8andy_mc (2006)
UpdateDareDevil2Moraldi (2006)
SpriteControl - Generated Sprites Alpha issueKryzon13Ross C (2006)
Item Inventory PositionZach3D4Zach3D (2006)
Getting a hWnd from a PID??plash8Kev (2006)
Mesh position synchro problemOverDozing8Dreamora (2006)
Getting the real path to a dos type field.plash2b32 (2006)
End-of-Program MessageAdam Novagen2b32 (2006)
Flexible (and free) Particlesystem to be tweaked?AJirenius2asdfasdf (2006)
3D Inventory SystemZach3D7Ross C (2006)
md2 sizeD4NM4N10D4NM4N (2006)
NaNEmerGki10Floyd (2006)
UPnP in BlitzCakeMonitor1CakeMonitor (2006)
Play video on sprite?OverDozing3OverDozing (2006)
Particles, plz helpDavid8197Naughty Alien (2006)
Task priority?FlagDKT3Dreamora (2006)
frustrum culling (camera inside shadow volume) ?bytecode777b32 (2006)
Returning values from functionsPoliteProgrammer4PoliteProgrammer (2006)
Opposite of FindClass$plash8Kev (2006)
Transfering Lots of data quickly in a net gameasdfasdf5Baystep Productions (2006)
AligntoVector on a B3d animated boneFlagDKT4FlagDKT (2006)
16:9 RatioNaughty Alien6Morbius (2006)
center pivots to objectsOsoko15b32 (2006)
"Draw" spells/shapes using mouse - Anyone?gameproducer10gameproducer (2006)
CameraPick picking most recent entityFuller5Fuller (2006)
E-MU 0404 = no sound in B3Dstayne4kevin8084 (2006)
SpaceShip Modelsthelizardking6carpman (2006)
Defringe.exeNexic2Gabriel (2006)
Blitz3D and Resource HackFourtyTwo19Jeppe Nielsen (2006)
How to get the name of an collided entity ?Osoko2b32 (2006)
Some VB value type..plash4kevin8084 (2006)
Blender ModelsPoliteProgrammer7JoeGr (2006)
flocking sheepMadJack14Danny (2006)
Fastest Technique? 'elseif' or 'or'OverDozing7MadJack (2006)
CD-R Disc Copying toFuller6Fuller (2006)
pixelated textures?bytecode778bytecode77 (2006)
Animating 3drt modelsMorbius4kevin8084 (2006)
best way to shadowmap a terrain with objectsstayne3Danny (2006)
Millisecs() and highest integer valueMarcell8Zethrax (2006)
Picking areas of a texture on a meshChaduke12Chaduke (2006)
detect a keypressAmanda Dearheart10Moraldi (2006)
Anybody can help me with linepick ?Filax15Damien Sturdy (2006)
save system for Blitz3d?MadJack6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Coldet + ODE + Blitz?Warren4Warren (2006)
What became of this?PoliteProgrammer59Graythe (2006)
Custom FontsMakepool3Stevie G (2006)
Has anyone used this?RetroRusty11Damien Sturdy (2006)
create decls files?bytecode7712b32 (2006)
Elastic turning!gingerprince5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Bezier Camera pathwayNaughty Alien2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Check for focusbye2kevin8084 (2006)
Alpha ChannelJoeGr8Graythe (2006)
Rotation around a point on a virtual sphere...OverDozing5Moraldi (2006)
video capture in blitz ?b323b32 (2006)
Whip Dynamics - Tokamak?Yeshu7776Yeshu777 (2006)
rotate,scale a lineFuller2kevin8084 (2006)
B3D lightmapsD4NM4N3Damien Sturdy (2006)
Frustum CullingEmerGki17bytecode77 (2006)
Myst MovementFuller10kevin8084 (2006)
2D vectors?gingerprince4Stevie G (2006)
blitzODE: weld 2 bodiesbytecode774bytecode77 (2006)
collision mesh vs maskedspritevivaigiochi3thelizardking (2006)
System uptimeKing Dave2GfK (2006)
Racetracks!Ash_UK29Damien Sturdy (2006)
Surface/Brush data available??Danny6Danny (2006)
Devil Particle System | 1.0fbytecode775Doggie (2006)
One mesh with 3 texture paths, according VramOsoko6Ross C (2006)
Need opinions: Best occlusion method.OrcSlayer17jfk EO-11110 (2006)
weird terrain issuestayne6stayne (2006)
PhP Login Helpalloidgames3alloidgames (2006)
Crash when leaving screensaverKimoTech14Graythe (2006)
Mouse Dragging An EntityPaulus5Paulus (2006)
What do you use to control the system volumepuki22jfk EO-11110 (2006)
turn off blurring of textures?jhocking6bytecode77 (2006)
Change Texture ColorKuRiX11KuRiX (2006)
Parent/Child Type Structuringspriteman10spriteman (2006)
CountSurfaceBaystep Productions7Baystep Productions (2006)
FindChild not working within For loopjhocking4jhocking (2006)
Collisions?vivaigiochi4Stevie G (2006)
MAV on ODE_dBodyAddForce()bytecode775KuRiX (2006)
Agonizing slowdowns...OrcSlayer9OrcSlayer (2006)
PickedEntity seems not constant, helpOsoko7slenkar (2006)
Textureblend 2 masked textures?Boiled Sweets5Boiled Sweets (2006)
we all got hacked!bytecode775OJay (2006)
alpha problemstayne15stayne (2006)
Plane or terrain?jeffmorris6Andy (2006)
Network functions please...Subirenihil56Subirenihil (2006)
TFormPoint?DareDevil4Ross C (2006)
'Stencil shadow' thread 2 (locked)bytecode7774bytecode77 (2006)
Getting bass.decls to work - HELP!Boiled Sweets12Boiled Sweets (2006)
Incidental effect from dds texturesGrumpyOldMan6Damien Sturdy (2006)
AMT Singlemesh...Single Surface?OrcSlayer3OrcSlayer (2006)
The effect of vidram on stabilityKnotz6Beaker (2006)
Animation ProblemPoliteProgrammer4Ricky Smith (2006)
BlitzCC questionWarren3Warren (2006)
rendering 2d alphaD4NM4N4Dreamora (2006)
Can someone check this triangle intersection code?sswift9patmaba (2006)
how to create an automatic installation for the pgOsoko10Osoko (2006)
3d Elite style radarJon_E_54Jon_E_5 (2006)
blitzplay prostayne3OJay (2006)
The fastest ShadowSystem - underwater simulation?FlagDKT21sswift (2006)
terrain multitexturingstayne27stayne (2006)
nebula / space freaks look inTom8Defoc8 (2006)
media exportstayne1stayne (2006)
The blues...Chroma2QuickSilva (2006)
Changes between Blitz3D versionsrobleong3robleong (2006)
rotating a boned b3dstayne4stayne (2006)
Wavefront obj file format save functionpatmaba2Floyd (2006)
Network Code/Libstayne1stayne (2006)
Buy Blitplay ProBarton20stayne (2006)
debug enabled executable errorsangel martinez4Stevie G (2006)
Close processBaystep Productions14Baystep Productions (2006)
need Fast function -> Point behind the cameraFlagDKT8FlagDKT (2006)
WinBlitz3D: Limit Min Sizing HelpPepsi3Pepsi (2006)
Need alignment math help!Finjogi13Defoc8 (2006)
Octree's?!Defoc81Defoc8 (2006)
Animating a door...Chroma17jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Background GalaxyJBR17stayne (2006)
Winblitz???Bnesiba3Kev (2006)
COPYENTITY b3d animmesh strange behaviour?FlagDKT7MadJack (2006)
Texture flags from a b3d modelFlagDKT7Tom (2006)
Program EndNaughty Alien8Naughty Alien (2006)
Stumped...Chroma5Chroma (2006)
(Math)Texture Flags from a numberFlagDKT9jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Get the Color of a triangle?Chroma21Chroma (2006)
Little/Large People Paradoxonjfk EO-111109jfk EO-11110 (2006)
DDS questionjfk EO-111106jfk EO-11110 (2006)
CopyEntity/Mesh & Vertex Lighting problemDanny4Danny (2006)
What's the formula for B3D Sphere mapping?Gabriel1Gabriel (2006)
GNET php coding / Alt-TabBanshee6Banshee (2006)
Blitz inline asmbytecode775Baystep Productions (2006)
Path File NamesMoraldi3Moraldi (2006)
3dsmax8+unwrap (locked)vivaigiochi4kevin8084 (2006)
Anyone still usingRetroRusty16Curtastic (2006)
Railgun effect...OrcSlayer21OrcSlayer (2006)
Problems in isolating a bugjfk EO-111109Graythe (2006)
Texture Size power of 2Bobysait8Bobysait (2006)
Future of Blitz3DIan Thompson50Damien Sturdy (2006)
Seeking with an MP3 filekRUZe2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Map EditorRetroRusty2smilertoo (2006)
LightsaberPoliteProgrammer17jfk EO-11110 (2006)
TurnEntity problem!Boiled Sweets10Stevie G (2006)
PositionMesh Problem with animated B3Djfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2006)
TypeinsideType ..what's wrong?FlagDKT16FlagDKT (2006)
bump mapping questionstayne4Gabriel (2006)
3D models and where to get themPoliteProgrammer25KimoTech (2006)
PixiesJoeGr3JoeGr (2006)
Custom GeometryChroma7Chroma (2006)
Open/Draw movie in Blitz3DNaughty Alien4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Screensaver probsFuller8Boiled Sweets (2006)
CreateTexture maskBoiled Sweets14jfk EO-11110 (2006)
find y position on meshmarkcw4markcw (2006)
Returning ArraysBnesiba4b32 (2006)
Question...smooth undulation?OrcSlayer6Defoc8 (2006)
To the one who did the GNET2Paolo8RepeatUntil (2006)
Shadows 101YellBellzDotCom17YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Transparency IssuePoliteProgrammer12Gabriel (2006)
multitextureBnesiba5Bobysait (2006)
Lightmapping on the Fly?YellBellzDotCom6YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Suggestions for using bitmap fontsLeto6markcw (2006)
Getting proper rebound...OrcSlayer3OrcSlayer (2006)
cumemapping Qbytecode775bytecode77 (2006)
Movie problemAfke6Dreamora (2006)
ModelsRyudin3Ryudin (2006)
Createsurface()Bnesiba7Ricky Smith (2006)
UV mapping problemFuller4Tom (2006)
The 'Stencil shadow' thread (locked)bytecode7799bytecode77 (2006)
Swift's shadow sys headachexmlspy32Tom (2006)
DirectplayDrackbolt11kevin8084 (2006)
Mouse emulating joystick challengeCancerboy15Cancerboy (2006)
Child true xyz positionxmlspy3PowerPC603 (2006)
CSG talkChroma5Pepsi (2006)
Falling leavesjvc10JoeGr (2006)
MouseXYZSpeed() weirdnessAdsAdamJ5AdsAdamJ (2006)
Bobble HeadsDoggie1Doggie (2006)
Any ideas on this?Baystep Productions14JoeGr (2006)
Actionscript?plash7kevin8084 (2006)
Camera as mirror?jeffmorris8jeffmorris (2006)
Joy?(port) problem?jeffmorris3jeffmorris (2006)
3d/2d windowBnesiba3Kev (2006)
Selling gamesFuller2Gabriel (2006)
Paying Blitz programmer to make 2d Fighter Game:Marvel1Marvel (2006)
tokamak convex bodies?bytecode771bytecode77 (2006)
2d line in 3d - small errorChroma5Chroma (2006)
Animate command Problems?YellBellzDotCom5jhocking (2006)
Regenerate B3D filesBobysait10Tom (2006)
Bout to shoot myselfChroma2Danny (2006)
Saving a .b3d with a brush?Chroma7kevin8084 (2006)
b3d format explain ?Bobysait7Bobysait (2006)
3d asteroids movement?Boiled Sweets9Morbius (2006)
RPG GameZach3D8YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Question about b3d bones...OrcSlayer5OrcSlayer (2006)
Making a 2D RPG have questonsluke1016Madcap13 (2006)
animated meshesBnesiba8kevin8084 (2006)
The uglyest model competitionbytecode778Shambler (2006)
StarWars Scrolling Text - How To ?semar12Danny (2006)
autogenerate island meshckob2Bobysait (2006)
Camera clipping problem?jeffmorris8jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Exporting multiple meshes into 1 .b3d modelChroma15jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Gile(s)Mike010122IPete2 (2006)
PointEntity and TFormPointDareDevil16Ross C (2006)
Moving car and camera together?jeffmorris2Boiled Sweets (2006)
Removing a face from a surface?Chroma3Stevie G (2006)
Blitz-Backdropozak3ozak (2006)
ODE Physics LibraryPerturbatio15Damien Sturdy (2006)
Making a model appear to be black and white?!?DH3John Pickford (2006)
Tile BasedBaystep Productions9Baystep Productions (2006)
Driving Codejeffmorris4Bobysait (2006)
ChatroomZach3D3kfprimm (2006)
get element from String$Bobysait4Rroff (2006)
DDS questionNaughty Alien14Naughty Alien (2006)
Light Range is messed upxmlspy6Danny (2006)
A little help with linepickxmlspy5Bobysait (2006)
How slow is this functionxmlspy7Bobysait (2006)
Too many pivots?xmlspy5Warren (2006)
3D World Studio TexturesZach3D4kevin8084 (2006)
Download Blitz3DZach3D5kevin8084 (2006)
Simple CSGOdds On1Odds On (2006)
Lights and geometryxmlspy5IPete2 (2006)
Return a valid line.Bobysait1Bobysait (2006)
Data Files in Blitz3D?FourtyTwo36jfk EO-11110 (2006)
3 algorithms for shadow volumes!bytecode779b32 (2006)
Fast & simple MandelbrotFinjogi6bytecode77 (2006)
Rob's Cubed Demoxmlspy4xmlspy (2006)
Scale the whole screen?yours9yours (2006)
Blitz3D Update 198 Now Available...marksibly41Bobysait (2006)
Head TrackingNigel Brown2LAB[au] (2006)
New Source for BBGUIkevin80843kevin8084 (2006)
Problems with Elite Style GameNewbunkle7Newbunkle (2006)
Save image as JPG?John Blackledge11John Blackledge (2006)
ModifyTerrain problemMr Snidesmin7Mr Snidesmin (2006)
How would I do this using matrix math?Tom2Stevie G (2006)
Equippable ItemsYellBellzDotCom11YellBellzDotCom (2006)
New DDS test, please try!Tom75kevin8084 (2006)
How to only render part of a meshRad Gravity21Damien Sturdy (2006)
Sound FX creationslenkar3LineOf7s (2006)
TerraEd Pro Topic 01Filax44Bobysait (2006)
Hidepointer is acting weirdChroma7Chroma (2006)
B3D PSP portAkat12Akat (2006)
Thing I forgotamitjf3amitjf (2006)
TFP libary by marksibbly?bytecode776bytecode77 (2006)
How is Modulate2X Working Underneath?Gabriel12Red Ocktober (2006)
Anyone else have vertew color Wings3d probs?Fuller6Fuller (2006)
Sprite Candy gui in viewportslenkar5Moraldi (2006)
BlitzGL - Here you are!KimoTech1KimoTech (2006)
Wouldn't it be great to have a DX8 B3D? (locked)puki27skidracer (2006)
TFormPoint for animated meshesbytecode7718bytecode77 (2006)
Hardware bump mapping demoTom28puki (2006)
Question On Camera ZoomRed Ocktober13markcw (2006)
blitz3d & C++DareDevil4H&K (2006)
The folder the program was run fromnawi4fredborg (2006)
Moving along a railFuller9Fuller (2006)
BlitzGL - Here it is!bytecode7715popcade (2006)
HelicopterMr. Bean7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Compare Blitz VS C++ performance on logicNikko26Finjogi (2006)
Particle Candy QuestionOrcSlayer4OrcSlayer (2006)
Can't Connect TCPalloidgames4alloidgames (2006)
Render to Texture & DDS CopySurfaceTom6Zmatrix (2006)
Mathmatical challenge - 'flipping the vector'puki16puki (2006)
Problem with loading/savingFarflame3fredborg (2006)
Texture a mesh?(tu) sinu5(tu) sinu (2006)
New Blitz3D Update Available!marksibly101t3K|Mac (2006)
Who kept copy of Verlet?popcade3Stevie G (2006)
blitz3d models qualityjimmyx13skyfire1 (2006)
Hitscan question...OrcSlayer9Subirenihil (2006)
Resolution RatiosMakepool2Damien Sturdy (2006)
Sprite Candy just got betterCodeGit45OrcSlayer (2006)
Wraparound scroller only goes one wayBungee5Bungee (2006)
copyentity with animated, blended objects problemMadJack7MadJack (2006)
Problem with PlaySound...OrcSlayer7OrcSlayer (2006)
Some performance questions...OrcSlayer27OrcSlayer (2006)
Image Priorityspriteman12big10p (2006)
BlitzGL death?bytecode7714bytecode77 (2006)
Render to Texture demoTom41Mustang (2006)
Dynamic Variablesmickybhai3octothorpe (2006)
3DS model to Biltz 3djimmyx3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
getting trouble on Flip 0bytecode779bytecode77 (2006)
Function to load DDS in "already made" modelsPaolo10Dreamora (2006)
Online MultiPlayerStevie G6Damien Sturdy (2006)
Full Blitz3d Game open source release?Rambus6Naughty Alien (2006)
Whats the problem with 24bitD4NM4N19AbbaRue (2006)
Running from another program make erroramitjf6Wings (2006)
compass movementMike01014Naughty Alien (2006)
One of the questions from the FAQ section.SopiSoft3SopiSoft (2006)
AI Movement on groundxmlspy6xmlspy (2006)
VertexAlpha problem!!! Plzz helpKimoTech13KimoTech (2006)
Terrain TilingFuller2Zmatrix (2006)
Collisionxmlspy6b32 (2006)
TurnEntity codeDrey2Stevie G (2006)
CommandLine$()xmlspy7xmlspy (2006)
Mutltiple Maskingamitjf2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
MoveEntity improvementbytecode7717markcw (2006)
blitz .exe/non-debugg modeBnesiba5Bnesiba (2006)
Using the sprite controlSkyCube3Pinete (2006)
Normal map resource question...Liberator4Liberator (2006)
Strings / Ropes, Etc.Roland8Roland (2006)
Looking for simple scripting language for editor..Odds On2(tu) sinu (2006)
Animated Models, seqs vs singlemeshxmlspy6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
rendering 2D cameraBnesiba10Bnesiba (2006)
Gameboy or DS game?Fuller2Picklesworth (2006)
type and codevivaigiochi4b32 (2006)
Entity FadeMoraldi4John J. (2006)
NormalmapMike01016Mike0101 (2006)
Normla maps on 3D objectsShifty Geezer6Shifty Geezer (2006)
mav on renderworld()b328b32 (2006)
Using CameraZoom to keep objects in viewJohn Pickford9John Pickford (2006)
MeshY like TerrainY?xmlspy6Matty (2006)
Intel Chipsets Crash My GameJohn Pickford16RGR (2006)
LinePickxmlspy9big10p (2006)
UDP over localhostBanshee2Banshee (2006)
EntityRadius - y radiusxmlspy3xmlspy (2006)
Universal sandbox?bytecode779ShadowTurtle (2006)
DeleteFileChalky11RFBcsa (2006)
How do you make a .dll or .declFuller4Fuller (2006)
Key startingenium5ingenium (2006)
Question about .b3d and animations.OrcSlayer4(tu) sinu (2006)
In search of BlitzPlay ProCakeMonitor14DH (2006)
Odd use for TerrainMedia GeneratorFuller3Fuller (2006)
array problam(i think so)amitjf7boomboom (2006)
Inverse CameraProjectREJLA2b32 (2006)
FAO: Mark/Skid, Glasnost!Tom18Phalastos (2006)
White/grey outlines on PNG spritesNexic4simonh (2006)
Get File in stringxmlspy3xmlspy (2006)
Win32 Open/Savexmlspy6Kev (2006)
LoadDDS, please test.Tom79Paolo (2006)
strange sound bugVorderman7yinch (2006)
EasyTOK version 1.1Filax119Filax (2006)
NormalMapping in entity with multisubobjectPinete8Pinete (2006)
Save heightmap from Mesh-terrain.. Please help..KimoTech5wmaass (2006)
Rob cubemap demoAkat9KimoTech (2006)
Error Opening/Closing filealloidgames5KimoTech (2006)
Texture part tilingSteve018Steve0 (2006)
capturing soundAndy UK3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
problem calculating timeFiNegirO14b32 (2006)
Sprite Candy as 3D Game GUIxmlspy3QuickSilva (2006)
No . or .. on NextFilexmlspy6Byteemoz (2006)
Reading a string value with no quotesChaduke3Damien Sturdy (2006)
Camera Problems...OrcSlayer15OrcSlayer (2006)
Movement probsFuller4Fuller (2006)
2D collisions for adventure gamesErikT14Snader (2006)
Base64 Encoder for large E-Mail attachmentsPanno1Panno (2006)
reading z bufferb3211b32 (2006)
Trouble with startnetgameFuller5Fuller (2006)
Question about multitexturing...OrcSlayer13OrcSlayer (2006)
Generating Freeword3D Road mesh from ASCII data?Andy UK14Tom (2006)
Plotting a 3d point on a 2d graph with perspective (locked)Ryan Burnside1Ryan Burnside (2006)
Internet game: ShopsFuller8Fuller (2006)
3D MeasurementsAsh_UK9Ash_UK (2006)
Splashing a car into water - how to do it?Vorderman7Danny (2006)
Supercam functionxmlspy5Pinete (2006)
Max6 to B3dMike01014Ricky Smith (2006)
Need help for this bug I'm having.Paolo5Paolo (2006)
middle point formulamaximo7big10p (2006)
Saving animation sequencesBillp6b32 (2006)
OpenTcpStream Writes but not ReadsKuRiX5KuRiX (2006)
BasicGL for BlitzProger148KimoTech (2006)
Pathfinding using waypoints helpRoss C11Danny (2006)
camera viewvivaigiochi2Stevie G (2006)
Can't load objectsAsh_UK5Stevie G (2006)
Poly CountGrovesy11Rroff (2006)
Addressing another type within same typeSwifty11AdsAdamJ (2006)
Sum ErrorEmerGki6H&K (2006)
B3D's Entity Rotationxmlspy12(tu) sinu (2006)
Mesh DimensionsAsh_UK3Ash_UK (2006)
Cameraproject ProblemAsh_UK7Ash_UK (2006)
SkidracerChroma11Stevie G (2006)
Have a look at this (animated model) would you?Sledge14Sledge (2006)
RTS Formationsboomboom8OJay (2006)
PokeFloat bank,offset,valueWayne2VIP3R (2006)
algorithmic artSteven Noyce15Steven Noyce (2006)
LoadSegTerrain Function - For everyone.Chroma13Chroma (2006)
Dynamic Image ScalingRoland1Roland (2006)
Terraedit proNielsporter7Filax (2006)
Masking with 2 textures?Chroma4Chroma (2006)
BlitzccBitBrain4BitBrain (2006)
List functions for storing types(tu) sinu4Jams (2006)
Linepick with rotating entities?GR3GR (2006)
Does anyone have this from the archives?Chroma3Chroma (2006)
Question about Lotus Particle System...OrcSlayer6OrcSlayer (2006)
I'm stuck...Chroma6(tu) sinu (2006)
Applying Shadow MapsChroma6Ross C (2006)
level editor with 3D tiles.Vertigo21(tu) sinu (2006)
Result of passing a type?9572AD7Sir Gak (2006)
Best way to do 3d HUD?Chroma13Mustang (2006)
Drawing Program Problemalloidgames4Steven Noyce (2006)
Console QuestionConan11jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Image + TCP ConnectionKed3Ked (2006)
Extracting rotation from matrixJohn J.3John J. (2006)
Lotus Particle System - free to use?Vorderman4Naughty Alien (2006)
weld vertexMike01012Tom (2006)
Character animation?Chroma12Jaime (2006)
WinBlitz3D Lite Version Now AvailableKev27Kev (2006)
save images as JPG?Dimas6markcw (2006)
Nuclear Glory Collisionsgrimx3Dustin (2006)
Milkshape and Freeworld QuestionsFuller11Chroma (2006)
how to collide with water type objects?D_Town_Tony16Sledge (2006)
Copyentity maintain animations??Pinete9Pinete (2006)
AIgrimx2markcw (2006)
Scancode for the Right Control Key?Chroma2Stevie G (2006)
couple of silly B3D questions...Vorderman36Sledge (2006)
looking for fast bloomfilterPinete7Naughty Alien (2006)
Maplet-MovementMinecrawler4Damien Sturdy (2006)
Help adapting FredBorg DOF Effect to any camzoomPinete6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
multiple textures on one cubeOh-Hello14Steven Noyce (2006)
Animations without using mesh deform?Vertigo8Iamhere (2006)
Limited WinBlitz3D Interested?Kev12Ricky Smith (2006)
3ds max lighting helpGrovesy5Grovesy (2006)
Can blitz start with no Mouse?D4NM4N10jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Carmack's Reverse - (stencil shadows) here it is.Braincell32Chroma (2006)
early look at wrapping decal systemKalisme4Pinete (2006)
Is Lua also important to us?Happy Sammy2Naughty Alien (2006)
Tile Studio + B3Dalloidgames4LineOf7s (2006)
Community Lightcycles project?Chroma20LineOf7s (2006)
pixel perfect 3d GUI?bytecode7716Ross C (2006)
Camera FOVChroma4Stevie G (2006)
mesh child objects...Rroff4Rroff (2006)
Modelling foam - calling all ace codersMadJack11Steven Noyce (2006)
Cubemapped Water...OrcSlayer20jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Base Font?alloidgames2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
blitz collisionsD4NM4N12MadJack (2006)
Bloom Filter/Tron GlowChroma2Bouncer (2006)
Need help with function...OrcSlayer7OrcSlayer (2006)
Blooming BSP!!Andy UK37Chroma (2006)
shadow mesh vertex alpha probemKalisme5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
2D Line IntersectionOtus2BlackJumper (2006)
FreeImage Lib for B3dRoland10Roland (2006)
DDSD4NM4N8Mustang (2006)
Need help: find the exit of the laberinth code!Dimas7smilertoo (2006)
GetEnv$("Programfiles")slenkar2GfK (2006)
Finding oldest instance of an entity?OrcSlayer13OrcSlayer (2006)
Select Random Typexmlspy3Matty (2006)
image editorSteven Noyce7Steven Noyce (2006)
Russian FontsBarton5Barton (2006)
How to apply Bump and Specular maps?Chroma6Ross C (2006)
REQ: More control over renderstatesTom43DareDevil (2006)
Opening doorGrovesy5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
The Command Line FunctionRiverRatt7Andy (2006)
Quaternions and Some QuestionsKuRiX5Sir Gak (2006)
Could not run "Stencil Shadow System"?Happy Sammy4Happy Sammy (2006)
Checking if a UDP packet has arrived?yours7t3K|Mac (2006)
Shadow volumeDareDevil94bytecode77 (2006)
Jumping instead of Walking :(matthews_304Riddle (2006)
EntityinView for AIxmlspy2GfK (2006)
Linepick/camerapickMakepool14big10p (2006)
Character Animation (locked)xmlspy1xmlspy (2006)
Pivots at Box cornerNaughty Alien5Naughty Alien (2006)
jfk EO-11110 - please readHappy Sammy2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
DrawAlpha commandSir Gak5Sir Gak (2006)
Check to see if an entity can see another(tu) sinu12Beaker (2006)
How to use "updateNormals and VertexNormals"?Happy Sammy6Happy Sammy (2006)
Identify an enemy in Bucle + Type (code provided)matthews_307Stevie G (2006)
Raknet questionFarflame8Farflame (2006)
Data maps v/s external maps.matthews_307Rroff (2006)
Collisions - Do I Have This Right?Red Ocktober16Red Ocktober (2006)
Exit not crash...Liberator8Liberator (2006)
MaskImageZach3D16Sir Gak (2006)
how to avoid map overlap the main scene?matthews_303Sir Gak (2006)
How to hide mouse cursor in windowed mode?Boiled Sweets8Akat (2006)
"Include" not working :'(matthews_304matthews_30 (2006)
convert 1 enemy into 5 enemies?matthews_309n8r2k (2006)
Snake EffectChevron4RGR (2006)
Help combining code to obtain a amazing DOF effectPinete6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
LinepickMike010110jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Inventory System, psudocode?matthews_306lo-tekk (2006)
collision inside a map?matthews_305matthews_30 (2006)
Stencil shadow rendering(question to tom)bytecode774bytecode77 (2006)
My Enemies Are Flashing :(matthews_3020matthews_30 (2006)
Embed Internet explorerDifference40RGR (2006)
Entity dimensionsnecky30Ross C (2006)
Laggy ImagesZach3D2Ross C (2006)
GameZach3D7Ross C (2006)
Screensaver?Boiled Sweets17Boiled Sweets (2006)
TimersZach3D2Ross C (2006)
Animated PicturesZach3D2Zach3D (2006)
Best way to use functions?matthews_3015jhocking (2006)
freeimage not working :(matthews_305matthews_30 (2006)
Change lightmap texture.Ross C7Ross C (2006)
Lightmap and Texturing IssuesMakepool6Makepool (2006)
3d co-ords to 2d?Boiled Sweets4Boiled Sweets (2006)
Rare Graphics GlitchStevie G17Stevie G (2006)
note pad?RiverRatt2Rroff (2006)
modify mouse pointer?matthews_308matthews_30 (2006)
Blitz Collision issueStevie G13Stevie G (2006)
Hiding Unused Meshesxmlspy9Steven Noyce (2006)
PNG Image Based GUIxmlspy10Stevie G (2006)
B3D Window inside VB Expressxmlspy2KuRiX (2006)
How can I know the frame of an animation?Pinete2Rob Farley (2006)
EasyTOK blind-man and guide-dogAkat5Akat (2006)
Connecting DirectPlayRegeneratez4Regeneratez (2006)
Alpha map usageMoraldi8jfk EO-11110 (2006)
EasyTok - need helpHappy Sammy3Filax (2006)
Working with BSP'sChevron5John Blackledge (2006)
File Validationthalamus4Matty (2006)
Yet Another Array Type questionSabataRH9RGR (2006)
call a b3d routine before user close the windowPanno3Panno (2006)
Smoothing out waypointsQuickSilva5QuickSilva (2006)
Projectedx() etcTFT (der Falke)4jhocking (2006)
Need function to draw wide linesDimas3Dimas (2006)
direct chat progScherererer5Scherererer (2006)
Max shadow map texture size?Stevie G6Stevie G (2006)
Graphics 2D and FlipShifty Geezer12Shifty Geezer (2006)
Cubemapped entities in 16bit mode (?)Paolo13Ross C (2006)
Frames Of AnimationEmerGki19EmerGki (2006)
Type problem.Alienforce4Alienforce (2006)
B3D File Formatcarpman5carpman (2006)
Nasty bitmap font bug : won't draw from backbufferShifty Geezer13Shifty Geezer (2006)
Please Help -Publishing of my GameBarton10boomboommax (2006)
Making Blitz Games Onlinealloidgames4alloidgames (2006)
True RND (locked)xmlspy20Matty (2006)
Findind B3d File TexturesKuRiX22Damien Sturdy (2006)
Changing a .b3d texture on-the-flypuki14Ruz (2006)
4 cameras lookamitjf7John Pickford (2006)
Stack Space - Does it vary from PC to PCMatty13Damien Sturdy (2006)
Shadows - for animated 3D modelsxmlspy7xmlspy (2006)
OptimizeMesh() ... ?jfk EO-1111013kfprimm (2006)
unfold/unwrapb3213b32 (2006)
.wad libraryJoshK2KuRiX (2006)
create a shadow volumebytecode7743jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Align Entity to Normalboomboom8boomboom (2006)
ChessMr. Bean31Andy (2006)
Default Include Folder?Red Ocktober4Red Ocktober (2006)
Change Sprite xy handlexmlspy2Steven Noyce (2006)
FAO Skid <bump>Tom8Tom (2006)
Double Quad ... DLL / EXERGR1RGR (2006)
ExecFileBlitzplotter3Blitzplotter (2006)
Problem with terrain + collision (meshes)Pax5Pax (2006)
Dualview?????4Wayne (2006)
FPS testerBlitzplotter5Blitzplotter (2006)
Bluetooth.Colvette2wmaass (2006)
Moria Dungeon Crawler GameSir Gak4Sir Gak (2006)
How to get an array sizesplinux10octothorpe (2006)
Determining TypeBloaterPaste3BloaterPaste (2006)
LoadImage has flags?Picklesworth5splinux (2006)
How can I convert from a UV to a world coord?Vorderman3Beaker (2006)
blitz3d bugbytecode7730bytecode77 (2006)
Type Field holding handle? Array of handles?bigfoot4(tu) sinu (2006)
UDP?asdfasdf3Wings (2006)
Only runs in debug mode?SirGorto8John Blackledge (2006)
Creating boxes of child's sizePinete3Pinete (2006)
Tachyon Storm new screenFilax14Boiled Sweets (2006)
Importing .mov filesSkyCube5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Download file from internetxmlspy4MR2007 (2006)
Speeding up readpixelfast?Pongo13jfk EO-11110 (2006)
CameraZoom and FOV distortionBoiled Sweets4Mustang (2006)
What kind of movie file could be played in B3D? (locked)Happy Sammy1Happy Sammy (2006)
Calling a exe from another exe?Happy Sammy22Happy Sammy (2006)
Is it possible to disable ALT+TAB temperarily?Happy Sammy8Baystep Productions (2006)
testing it out (locked)seferey1seferey (2006)
Problems withasdfasdf2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
WinBlitz3D full GUI intergration to blitz3dKev39Kev (2006)
Alpha problemnawi6nawi (2006)
Animation problamamitjf3GfK (2006)
Could APE(Auto. Physics Editor) use with EasyTok?Happy Sammy4Happy Sammy (2006)
EntityVisible() ProblemRogue Vector5Sir Gak (2006)
HELP!!DareDevil7Sir Gak (2006)
Using a dLL to createseferey5Ross C (2006)
Car Lights on the groundKuRiX21KuRiX (2006)
Torque like cloudsNmuta14Nmuta (2006)
Detecting MACBaystep Productions13Space_guy (2006)
ClearList is very convenient. (locked)sswift1sswift (2006)
Read vertexDareDevil5DareDevil (2006)
Align myPlayerGauge6Gauge (2006)
PathfindingZach3D5Sledge (2006)
Linepick alternative.. some idea?Pinete2Matty (2006)
facial animationdena7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Hardcoding an external rendering engine?Picklesworth3Hambone (2006)
texuring a cubeChevron7octothorpe (2006)
LoadSprite Not WorkingTyler14Tyler (2006)
Help with elite programming problem*18* (2006)
Making it fly like Starfighter 3000JBR3JBR (2006)
Callbacks which Blitz3D and BlitzPlus can't do?Happy Sammy3Red Ocktober (2006)
Jitterbug Blues (or debugging's smoother than not)Shifty Geezer16Shifty Geezer (2006)
How to check if a file exist and erase it?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2006)
Need lockedbuffer version of this...Shifty Geezer6Shifty Geezer (2006)
KeyDown and MoveEntity QuestionRed Ocktober20Red Ocktober (2006)
DOT3 & LightmapNaughty Alien3Naughty Alien (2006)
Every Blitz3D CommandZach3D4OJay (2006)
collision in a 2D tilemap with Blitz3Dmatthews_301matthews_30 (2006)
collision required for diablo like game?matthews_3010matthews_30 (2006)
Format Number Correctly. Use FlipString?asdfasdf3asdfasdf (2006)
Model / Animation advice neededBioHazard13Ricky Smith (2006)
Jump Routinexmlspy8xmlspy (2006)
Problems with TlistSonic4Ross C (2006)
How to grab desktopBoiled Sweets9Boiled Sweets (2006)
Dynamic Light problem..Naughty Alien6D4NM4N (2006)
Object rotate according to terrainZach3D5D4NM4N (2006)
TooTing The OOP Horn AgainRed Ocktober22DH (2006)
Problems with Tlist.contains() (locked)Sonic1Sonic (2006)
How to direct access to the Blitz memory?Happy Sammy6Happy Sammy (2006)
Camera Scrolling Problemasdfasdf3asdfasdf (2006)
A few questionsZach3D2octothorpe (2006)
Spherical reflection controlDustin3Dustin (2006)
Problems loading a created meshBillp8Barliesque (2006)
How to not light an object?Picklesworth5Picklesworth (2006)
Home made Random Function?Stevie G14Pongo (2006)
Need help to verify font displayImphenzia10Imphenzia (2006)
About EasyTok and 3d modellerHappy Sammy7Happy Sammy (2006)
Display Jittersyours9Red Ocktober (2006)
AI and AttackingZach3D4octothorpe (2006)
Click and moveZach3D4Zach3D (2006)
Extracting a rotation from 3D pointsJohn J.12Stevie G (2006)
Quick Texture/Memory QuestionRed Ocktober4Red Ocktober (2006)
Legality of using the Blitz3D demo_PJ_6_PJ_ (2006)
POINTENTITYNaughty Alien9_PJ_ (2006)
blended texturesSteven Noyce5Steven Noyce (2006)
Strange Run-Time errorRicky Smith4Ricky Smith (2006)
How do I make sea look like this?John Pickford35John Pickford (2006)
Collision Problamamitjf12Stevie G (2006)
B3D DX9+Ian Thompson53Dreamora (2006)
md5 checksum?????3???? (2006)
3D Animated Charactersxmlspy3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
X Transformation matrixD4NM4N2big10p (2006)
Help New export Ase To B3DDareDevil4DareDevil (2006)
Connected my XBox Controller, need some help...WedgeBob8WedgeBob (2006)
BlitzModellerRiddle21n8r2k (2006)
Quake 3 -Non ID Bsp CompilerDoggie3Doggie (2006)
Renderworld errorCousin Gilgamesh6Cousin Gilgamesh (2006)
Outlines and zorderPicklesworth4octothorpe (2006)
Realisitic movement in space using a joystickmy_name_is_alex_hello__3my_name_is_alex_hello__ (2006)
How to move a child nearer to its parent?Boiled Sweets13octothorpe (2006)
1280/1024=1?Osoko8Osoko (2006)
Children of children?Boiled Sweets5_PJ_ (2006)
3D VR HeadsetMErren25MErren (2006)
To a Blitz3D Developer: Terrain LOD & VertexColorsKimoTech4ckob (2006)
loadBSP ????Doggie15Doggie (2006)
How to load a 3ds and mask it?Boiled Sweets6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Animated Sprite textures vs Alpha_PJ_4big10p (2006)
Bump MappingW5Ross C (2006)
Help with AlignToVectorRoland12Sir Gak (2006)
Using mouse to move objectamitjf10n8r2k (2006)
Copy A.MyType to B.MyTypeNeraj7Neraj (2006)
AI queryNicstt4Nicstt (2006)
BLITZCC HELPNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2006)
GetAmbientLight?_PJ_8_PJ_ (2006)
online lobbyChevron5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
No Globals???_PJ_7octothorpe (2006)
CopyEntity questionRoss C19Panno (2006)
Setting vertex normalsbig10p4big10p (2006)
What factors greatly affect fps(frame per sec)?Happy Sammy32skyfire1 (2006)
Z-Order problems with EntityAlpha?!Picklesworth7Picklesworth (2006)
Surfaces?Boiled Sweets52Boiled Sweets (2006)
Blitz3D - UV(W)?KimoTech6FreetimeCoder (2006)
B3D trees with smooth alpha leafs3DFish11Pongo (2006)
Japanese localisation@rtur10@rtur (2006)
Converting RGB <--> HSVJohn Pickford4Ross C (2006)
Grainy camera effectGrovesy12Stevie G (2006)
Reflective water problemckob13Picklesworth (2006)
memory access violationDareDevil8Sir Gak (2006)
Mesh versus animMeshcyberyoyo9cyberyoyo (2006)
FireMr. Bean15Mr. Bean (2006)
LIGHTS ON/OFFNaughty Alien4DJWoodgate (2006)
entityOrder problemscyberyoyo5cyberyoyo (2006)
TerraEd 2.5 updateFilax66Murphy (2006)
Fluid/Path-building thingy-jigAdsAdamJ12AdsAdamJ (2006)
FatGUIkochOn7kochOn (2006)
Hex and DecimalJack3SheepOnMintSauce (2006)
FPS example + Tokamak ragdollVorderman9Happy Sammy (2006)
More (Specific) Help With Online-Nessalloidgames15alloidgames (2006)
3D questionjfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Loading fontsShifty Geezer13_PJ_ (2006)
TriangleVertex() , 3rd var is in clockwise order?Braincell7t3K|Mac (2006)
Max Number of vars passed to a function?Stevie G13jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Porting a Blitz Programmed Game to Pocket PCWedgeBob18WedgeBob (2006)
Sending emailsFarflame3Farflame (2006)
Yaw Pitch & Roll to MatrixRoland3Roland (2006)
Advice for 'player' in a FPSBoiled Sweets24Vorderman (2006)
How does Blitz handle mesh/collisions?Boiled Sweets4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Community 3D ProjectSir Gak63Riddle (2006)
HelpMakingOnlineGamealloidgames6alloidgames (2006)
tablet/laptop pc compatibilityAmanda Dearheart4podperson (2006)
Pixel perfect questionRoss C20Ross C (2006)
trying to get decal lighting working.... need helpKalisme2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
question about level lightingKalisme7Ross C (2006)
DUDV?wmaass1wmaass (2006)
How to check if model is static or animatedxmlspy4xmlspy (2006)
SmokeMr. Bean3Boiled Sweets (2006)
Animated sprite slow downGrovesy3Ross C (2006)
3d tilesFarflame2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
10/3=3??!!ICECAP10ShadowTurtle (2006)
bumpmaps and cubemapsSteven Noyce2Ross C (2006)
CopyImage problemCakeMonitor14big10p (2006)
Corrupt textures on 3d entitiesBlitzplotter5Blitzplotter (2006)
Object smoothingTVISARL4DJWoodgate (2006)
How to deactivate clipping for an object?Pinete5Robert Cummings (2006)
Tokamak Car PhysicsCraig H. Nisbet10ICECAP (2006)
ADDING B3D ANIMSEQNaughty Alien10Ricky Smith (2006)
Sprite Candy... Anyone using it to make a game?!?Kozmi7Rob Buckley (2006)
Launch External Program in Background?Roland4Roland (2006)
Still no LoadMusic() command?Russell12John Blackledge (2006)
Remove the pop up windowxmlspy2Hambone (2006)
Midi Files...DroolBucket11DroolBucket (2006)
Exported B3D animation problemPinete7Pinete (2006)
Read DWF Autoca filepatmaba2GitTech (2006)
recommend DLLS for general speedup?MadJack8Dreamora (2006)
need help with normalmapping (again)Kalisme11skyfire1 (2006)
Extracting data from file?David81917David819 (2006)
camera collision????6WolRon (2006)
Object.'type' ?Tin-cat5Tin-cat (2006)
How do I set various difficulty settings?WedgeBob8WedgeBob (2006)
B3D 3d-SoundMurphy7Murphy (2006)
Tippy Platform (physics test)Picklesworth6Picklesworth (2006)
halo's bump mapsTin-cat1Tin-cat (2006)
"Hard" maths: angle between 2 triangles ??Braincell10Stevie G (2006)
entity shininessD4NM4N3D4NM4N (2006)
Mirroring a vectorbig10p12big10p (2006)
Create individual profiles for AIChad7Chad (2006)
Align shadow to a terrain?Giano3Giano (2006)
Dynamic lightsystem with shadows!ChrML37Stevie G (2006)
3ds Materials & NamesRoland9John Blackledge (2006)
Code w/ animation creates "Illegal Memory Address"WedgeBob15WedgeBob (2006)
LiftsChing8Ching (2006)
questions about volumetric shadowsKalisme2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
offsetting a fileDH9octothorpe (2006)
Client/Server Networking ProblemsPoita6octothorpe (2006)
Best Terrain Systemxmlspy5Baystep Productions (2006)
User defined type within typeCousin Gilgamesh5octothorpe (2006)
Blitzvision3D - Truevision3D wrapperseyhajin12Gabriel (2006)
aligning a entity ot the normal of a collisionCraig H. Nisbet4Ross C (2006)
Best way to create planet atmosphers?OrcSlayer90Shambler (2006)
Vertex positionsRoss C9Ross C (2006)
IconsFreetimeCoder14FreetimeCoder (2006)
Bowling game?jeffmorris22Pineapple (2006)
Help finding camera "up" & "forwards"Roland7Roland (2006)
round camera viewmrjh13Avrigus (2006)
Slow Down unknownBaystep Productions12WolRon (2006)
Interest in a new GUI?kochOn5Barliesque (2006)
Detect a change in color?CopperCircle11big10p (2006)
Yes for the 1,000,000th time!!Craig H. Nisbet9Ross C (2006)
Distortion problemSwifty5lo-tekk (2006)
Can TerraGen Worlds be used in Blitz 3D Programs?WedgeBob15WedgeBob (2006)
Getting a possible parentwithout getting an errorD4NM4N5D4NM4N (2006)
Cinema 4DFlo0120Pete Carter (2006)
3D math questionCraig H. Nisbet11mrjh (2006)
Creating a 3d objectChevron6octothorpe (2006)
Memory Violation on meshloadoclanis3Dreamora (2006)
Align to vectorCraig H. Nisbet8mrjh (2006)
SndLib problemsnawi1nawi (2006)
AI collisionsTyler5Tyler (2006)
Converting boned LW to B3D?t3K|Mac7t3K|Mac (2006)
Is Specular + Dot3 + colored lights possible?Howitzer4Howitzer (2006)
Bmp Magnify sphere effectjimmyx9puki (2006)
working example of entitypick?Craig H. Nisbet2Jeppe Nielsen (2006)
OggVorbis Quesiontmaverick695John Blackledge (2006)
Question about readfileJohnMil4John Blackledge (2006)
Media View replacementGiano9Giano (2006)
day 2 night function from kainseferey9skyfire1 (2006)
Two blitz apps communicatingJasu5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
QueryObject in Blitz3D?CopperCircle3CopperCircle (2006)
EntityVisible/Line Of SightJohnMil2Naughty Alien (2006)
Mandelbrot Fractal CodeFilax30mrjh (2006)
Window Position...BMA4BMA (2006)
Memory leak using CreateImage and FreeImageFoppy11John Blackledge (2006)
refresh my mind-trigonometryKalisme2WolRon (2006)
Unicode in Blitz3D, possible?popcade4VP (2006)
Can't we hack AntiAliasing?Shifty Geezer3Shifty Geezer (2006)
Detecting the state of an exec'ed fileD4NM4N13John Blackledge (2006)
Secondary Texture SetBanshee11Ross C (2006)
Blender Users (locked)Amanda Dearheart1Amanda Dearheart (2006)
LoadBrush Rotate 180 Degreesjimmyx15jimmyx (2006)
Lights those doesn't affect to the groundPinete9Alienforce (2006)
Copyright (locked)Flo011Flo01 (2006)
entity not positionedzyd8John Blackledge (2006)
Should I clear textures before overwriting?Shifty Geezer3OJay (2006)
KeyDown Problem!!!kochOn8kochOn (2006)
Odd VertexColor BehaviourMidnight4Midnight (2006)
Running a Blitz3D program from visual basic????3???? (2006)
FindSurface on cloned Brush behaviour?octothorpe3octothorpe (2006)
Inverse of maskimageDrDerekDoctors3Beaker (2006)
Simcity style managementAdsAdamJ10octothorpe (2006)
Biovison .BVH export ??Alienforce3Alienforce (2006)
Blitz3D game content pack for sale! (locked)gameproducer1gameproducer (2006)
3d tiling system?David81911octothorpe (2006)
mana-genetic dna simdena7dena (2006)
CreateBank() Error Checkdeckbottom6Gabriel (2006)
How does a 'child' differ from an 'entity'?puki12octothorpe (2006)
Mean Shift Image Filters?CopperCircle14Shifty Geezer (2006)
why is TEXT so slow...? and ZOOMing help?Vorderman17Vorderman (2006)
CallDLLnews_reader2LAB[au] (2006)
Accessing Files from a ZIPasdfasdf2Poita (2006)
Is there a 3rd party lighting system for Blitz?puki5OJay (2006)
Circuit schematic wire layout algo?octothorpe4big10p (2006)
soon-to-be-button too slow...RRK10205RRK1020 (2006)
UDP Server?asdfasdf3asdfasdf (2006)
Switching Between Animated ActionsLangford2Langford (2006)
Play Half of an AnimationLangford2Langford (2006)
Poly Reduction FunctionStevie G5John J. (2006)
XLNT ii - File requester?IPete22jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Gnet Tutorials?ckob6ckob (2006)
Align to floorGrovesy8Jams (2006)
Tiles In TerrainEmerGki6EmerGki (2006)
Blitz unit scale using CreateCubepuki5Sir Gak (2006)
Paint TerrainEmerGki14DJWoodgate (2006)
Substract texture blend?Braincell2Shifty Geezer (2006)
A way to do splines?ICECAP6Sweenie (2006)
Word balloonssting5Barliesque (2006)
Sky IssuesLKFX11Mustang (2006)
resize/scale imageDroolBucket2Matty (2006)
Shape editorGrovesy7Ross C (2006)
Lasers on PlanesBlitz1236John J. (2006)
Using LinePickangel martinez12Ross C (2006)
Terrain texture blending questionAvrigus4JoshK (2006)
Multiple WebCams?CopperCircle11jhocking (2006)
Bone-vertex-weight questionIamhere11Iamhere (2006)
character affected by lightmapjhocking29JoshK (2006)
Set Hinge point in B3d ?jwe4Poita (2006)
Trees and LandscapesLKFX7angel martinez (2006)
Worm - Tunnel Effectjimmyx7Shifty Geezer (2006)
CopyEntityColvette19Colvette (2006)
Reading from a memory addressD4NM4N9Seldon (2006)
Where do i find the web thingi for blitz?ICECAP10John Blackledge (2006)
Bone ProblemLKFX12LKFX (2006)
Sprite AlphaColvette4Ross C (2006)
Assigning Type Value to Global VariableRoland7octothorpe (2006)
2.5D?asdfasdf15jhocking (2006)
AA artefactsShifty Geezer7Sir Gak (2006)
size of arrays?(tu) sinu7(tu) sinu (2006)
Type Arrays.Colvette5Colvette (2006)
How to package network data?Vorderman6Damien Sturdy (2006)
Network SynchronizingPoita12Poita (2006)
Help! Code makes game quit instead of restartingWedgeBob5octothorpe (2006)
Fog of WarPoita5Poita (2006)
Mouse pointer moving in 3D plane?Poita13Poita (2006)
tcp server problemflounder220014KuRiX (2006)
Pointless Circle thingy...Rob Farley13Shifty Geezer (2006)
LoadAnimTextureNaughty Alien2big10p (2006)
Linepick and animated md2'sRoss C13jfk EO-11110 (2006)
ConversionBaystep Productions5Iamhere (2006)
scaling and coordinates headache:_PJ_12_PJ_ (2006)
Driving Game (WIP)jeffmorris28_PJ_ (2006)
Using C++ or VB made DLLs.Smurftra5Smurftra (2006)
Merging animation sequencesCakeMonitor11Barliesque (2006)
Shield effectsfishy5fishy (2006)
Animation test & question?!?!?Dustin4WolRon (2006)
CameraClsMode zbuffer questionsDH14DH (2006)
Info about DOT3 or bumpmapping..Pinete13Ross C (2006)
coder required? sea gameSideBurn3Rob Farley (2006)
Resize texture ?Filax5Filax (2006)
Parallax Effect, background not visibleWedgeBob11WedgeBob (2006)
Copy and Paste string/datacermit3cermit (2006)
FlipMesh/Negative ValuesLittle Olive5Little Olive (2006)
looking for b3d animations they dont work inIamhere1Iamhere (2006)
surface -> triangle?Mustang15Mustang (2006)
linepick doesn't work with anim meshes...?????Pinete12Ross C (2006)
VRAM requirementsShifty Geezer9smilertoo (2006)
nested types and deleting them.Pongo6big10p (2006)
Set Alpha?Joestick4Joestick (2006)
Getting FPS?MikeP (Dark Mist Software)3WolRon (2006)
A 'cartoon water' demoPaolo12Paolo (2006)
.PNG and ImagesBlack Hydra3Black Hydra (2006)
Hotspot Typesspriteman3spriteman (2006)
Entitypickmode affects childs entities?Pinete7octothorpe (2006)
WinAPI GUI Anyone?Joey9Joey (2006)
Texture alphaFerret5FredMe (2006)
Maya Models CoordinatesTyler7Tyler (2006)
Writing a .b3dRoss C5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Save .b3dRoss C4Ross C (2006)
setting alpha on part of an object?ryan scott13ryan scott (2006)
Texture SpinNeochrome7Neochrome (2006)
Graphics distortion problemt3K|Mac23t3K|Mac (2006)
Exporting issues (locked)RifRaf1RifRaf (2006)
"Impact Radar" ala shooter, HELP!Pinete17Pinete (2006)
I need some verificationSpacemonkey2Ross C (2006)
Image from a bufferyiftafr8yiftafr (2006)
BasicGLEmerGki5IPete2 (2006)
3D SoundsBaystep Productions3Baystep Productions (2006)
Problem with app in non-debug modeJoeGr2John Blackledge (2006)
Spherical Reflection MapingCrazidemon14Sir Gak (2006)
EasyTOK Version 1.0 (locked)Filax76Filax (2006)
Why does this work?Braincell4Braincell (2006)
shader?stayne3stayne (2006)
Blitz Images and DLL's?CopperCircle8CopperCircle (2006)
Dealing with micro and sound FXOsoko3Shifty Geezer (2006)
Landscaping ProblemsCousin Gilgamesh11Wayne (2006)
Unlit meshesjfk EO-111105jfk EO-11110 (2006)
IF'S from hellDroolBucket9Sledge (2006)
Multi-TextureEmerGki2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
.bsp importChevron4Chevron (2006)
Jobs?DroolBucket18jhocking (2006)
Teach Me toseferey10seferey (2006)
^2 speed questionjfk EO-111107BlackJumper (2006)
bezier curve problemChevron5Chevron (2006)
Getting desktop colour depthBoiled Sweets5poopla (2006)
creating a mesh terrain editorskyfire13skyfire1 (2006)
texture size 2048 questionjfk EO-111107RifRaf (2006)
Problem with Gile[s] exporting shapes.. HELP!Pinete7Pinete (2006)
Widescreen display?fredborg11WedgeBob (2005)
.B3D file format questionjfk EO-1111014jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Director Xtradena6saoudi (2005)
GetBrushTexurejfk EO-111101jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Debugging modeDroolBucket4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Blitz 3D Docs Update?QuickSilva7t3K|Mac (2005)
Free FPS shell! Code?!?Kozmi10t3K|Mac (2005)
BVM question - Multiply context or remapping?poopla4WolRon (2005)
I was reallly bored so,,,,RRK102011Sir Gak (2005)
Floating point innacuracy or something else?OrcSlayer6OrcSlayer (2005)
looking for someone to do contract workryan scott2EmerGki (2005)
BlitzCC.exe trying to use networkJake L.2Andy (2005)
3D sprites on scrolling 2D backgroundsShifty Geezer2Rob Farley (2005)
Tiled Maps?Poita6Poita (2005)
IsometricsBaystep Productions5Mustang (2005)
saturation/desaturation effectskyfire13VP (2005)
How fast is Blitz3D`s 2D mode?QuickSilva6Gabriel (2005)
Hey rob permain?(tu) sinu1(tu) sinu (2005)
Question About Viewdistance...OrcSlayer8Andy (2005)
My throttle/speed code, what is up with this...OrcSlayer10octothorpe (2005)
Is this a symptom of a bad bank addressMatty6Matty (2005)
Advance Shading and shininessseferey2Baystep Productions (2005)
How to add a triangle from outside of blitz?Braincell1Braincell (2005)
server talk headachemalicnite8octothorpe (2005)
Help!Idaho Razor13big10p (2005)
Best way to create racing tracksAsh_UK5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Parenting Problemjfk EO-111107jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Multitextured meshFerret7big10p (2005)
3d math questionCraig H. Nisbet6(tu) sinu (2005)
Weird texture problem!jfk EO-111108DH (2005)
Math FunctionsDubious Drewski5Matty (2005)
Collision detection on large meshesGrovesy6BlackJumper (2005)
EntityParent Problem!!!L_Draven3L_Draven (2005)
Texture Flag 4 questionjfk EO-111103jfk EO-11110 (2005)
String to hex?Picklesworth5Picklesworth (2005)
can someone test this model animation in blitzmaximo14Beaker (2005)
Retro game sounds or plain Note generationsBoulderdash1Boulderdash (2005)
BIG fps dif. 40 vs 360 fps what's happening?Boulderdash7Boulderdash (2005)
rubik's cubestayne11stayne (2005)
More verlet stuffAdsAdamJ10John J. (2005)
Problem with Graphics3D and two monitorsPinete5DQ (2005)
Can anyone notice the problem with this code?Ash_UK9Ash_UK (2005)
changing GetWebImage() into a texture?Dock4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Userlibs and nonexistent DLLsPicklesworth2Ferret (2005)
Lattice Deformation?Gurney4Gurney (2005)
hook to [x] on blitzwindowPanno7Panno (2005)
Cars aligned with trackAsh_UK9ryan scott (2005)
Need Help to understand how this worksDavid81913David819 (2005)
light refraction questionstayne4Mustang (2005)
objects of the same kind.ckob4ckob (2005)
Painting WallsBaystep Productions4Baystep Productions (2005)
Cars overtakingAsh_UK3Ash_UK (2005)
Collision library screenpoopla9poopla (2005)
X,Z to U,VFerret5Ferret (2005)
shadow questionstayne3poopla (2005)
Realistic 'rope' physics?AdsAdamJ9poopla (2005)
Pivot problemAsh_UK9Ash_UK (2005)
Who uses RottNet?CakeMonitor2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
How could i do this?Ash_UK7octothorpe (2005)
Neatest file requester?Vorderman9Damien Sturdy (2005)
Any Shadow Solutions for animated mesheseye22Ricky Smith (2005)
Multiple vertex lightsFerret9Danny (2005)
Third person cameras..xmlspy8callahan614 (2005)
camera on rails control schemeryan scott5daaan (2005)
Measuring Render TimeKuRiX27jfk EO-11110 (2005)
copy/steammalicnite6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Clipping objectsAsh_UK5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
ODE QuestionJeroen6Shifty Geezer (2005)
Designing Level in 3D MaxRafiq4Naughty Alien (2005)
Collisions get sticky at certain angles.callahan6142Stevie G (2005)
Chroma keyChevron5Chevron (2005)
Car engineAsh_UK8VP (2005)
AVI manipulationChevron15John Blackledge (2005)
Building a TCP library, advice appreciatedpoopla4DH (2005)
Converting QBasic Code to Blitz 3DWedgeBob9VP (2005)
RottNet groupsCakeMonitor2CakeMonitor (2005)
Passworded screensaverGraythe17Graythe (2005)
nextfile$ orderChevron6Chevron (2005)
Create DLL with Blitz3d?Nikko5Nikko (2005)
creating unique image handlesChevron5Chevron (2005)
Reducing CPU usageBoulderdash4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
UserLibs using VB.NETPetBom15LostCargo (2005)
How avoid to excced max num of particles?Pinete5Pinete (2005)
Executables mostly zero bytes?Boulderdash14OJay (2005)
Searching for a particle systemjfk EO-111102jhocking (2005)
Widescreen + GUI = :(Dock13sswift (2005)
VWait not working?big10p40jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Bug with Linedrawing in buffer?Marcell17VP (2005)
Code not working :-(Ash_UK7Ash_UK (2005)
New QuestionBaystep Productions11jhocking (2005)
One quick question hereseferey4Graythe (2005)
Run Game ErrorEmerGki4KuRiX (2005)
DX8 to B3D Converter?Billamu2Beaker (2005)
Application path is where?Boulderdash7Boulderdash (2005)
physics not working "right"flounder220017flounder22001 (2005)
Vertex coords of a child when loadanimmesh.. HELP!Pinete5Pinete (2005)
EntityDistance of Child objects_PJ_3_PJ_ (2005)
Dxf loader?John Blackledge8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Return Values?Cousin Gilgamesh3Cousin Gilgamesh (2005)
Blitz3D buffer and C++ ?Filax14seyhajin (2005)
Reading from a serial portD4NM4N9WolRon (2005)
want to do mmorpgKalisme8Zethrax (2005)
Alpha HUDBaystep Productions10Jeppe Nielsen (2005)
Get string from dllFerret7Ferret (2005)
Any FPS project completed ??Alienforce7Alienforce (2005)
Need Acceleration Code for 3D Asteroid'sh GameTechlord11Techlord (2005)
Accessing "children" in a .b3d modelChroma10jhocking (2005)
VertexTexCoords...Mustang8Mustang (2005)
Casting.Colvette5Colvette (2005)
where to startmalicnite14jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Black edge on Alpha Masking?Dock17Dock (2005)
This question has been asked a bijillion times... (locked)ICECAP1ICECAP (2005)
2 Analogue Controllers...Colvette4Picklesworth (2005)
2 USB Mice?Colvette7Bouncer (2005)
streaming mp3bingman2tonyg (2005)
Updating a b3d texture?Boiled Sweets5Boiled Sweets (2005)
Load Order WrongEmerGki5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Transparency wierdnessShifty Geezer20Shifty Geezer (2005)
Wierd Problemasdfasdf6John Blackledge (2005)
Wiping transictionsSeldon4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
realistic "space" physics?AdsAdamJ5Picklesworth (2005)
About my First projectseferey26seferey (2005)
DirectPlay - Through Server?KimoTech2KuRiX (2005)
Alpha Problems when attached to joint...Black Hydra10Ross C (2005)
Retro!! Pseudo 3D in 2d how was it done?Andy UK8popcade (2005)
Can 3dsound command work with a findchildnrasool7LAB[au] (2005)
Dear viperseferey9VIP3R (2005)
clsmalicnite3malicnite (2005)
Garbage Collection (locked)Space Fractal1Space Fractal (2005)
Why does it do this?????4_PJ_ (2005)
Sharpen 2D ?jfk EO-111106jfk EO-11110 (2005)
How i can get Desktop size ?Filax9jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Lightbulb ?cash8Pinete (2005)
How to create lightable box?Shifty Geezer7big10p (2005)
How to obtain the color of a triangle in a .b3d?Pinete10Pinete (2005)
mirror problemSideExtreme3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
getting an rgb value with a linepickskyfire18Pinete (2005)
making a level, howryan scott6cash (2005)
Anyone know why?DH10Ross C (2005)
Multiple textures on multiple surface entitiesBoiled Sweets4big10p (2005)
Animate FunctionRafiq6Rafiq (2005)
FAO: SkidracerTom1Tom (2005)
Collisions (bah!)_PJ_13_PJ_ (2005)
Particles spawning other particles?AdsAdamJ5AdsAdamJ (2005)
What would be the best method?????4octothorpe (2005)
Texture splattingJoshK6N (2005)
Picking EllipsoidsBerbank2Berbank (2005)
Saving JPEG in BBexplosive3explosive (2005)
How to arrange Anim Textures on bitmap?Dock6John Blackledge (2005)
MAV on new computerjhocking23Damien Sturdy (2005)
Flying with the mouseChroma4Chroma (2005)
A quick questionseferey8Gabriel (2005)
Combining Lightmaps, Vertex Alpha & FullBrightGabriel5Gabriel (2005)
Blitz 1.91John Blackledge3John Blackledge (2005)
TCP and UDP streams / buffersChaduke2BIG BUG (2005)
RakNetBaystep Productions3KuRiX (2005)
Maximum collision objects?Boiled Sweets15jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Multiple mice?Bouncer2LAB[au] (2005)
Voronoi / DelaunayLAB[au]1LAB[au] (2005)
Main loop/Movie FPSNaughty Alien5Naughty Alien (2005)
Any help on how to make a 3D modeler?kochOn10kochOn (2005)
Eloquent way to iterate in Basic?octothorpe7octothorpe (2005)
Container Classesoctothorpe8BlackJumper (2005)
Just come back, but old stuff runs slowlyEuphoria21Euphoria (2005)
Object and Handle Commandsbluecarrot1621Techlord (2005)
confused about stencil shadows and blitz3dKalisme3Naughty Alien (2005)
Strange Graphics ErrorMr.Bob9417big10p (2005)
NetworkBaystep Productions11Andy (2005)
Jpg /Png exportD4NM4N22VP (2005)
.b3d format - animation and texturing on-the-flypuki7puki (2005)
grapple gun?asdfasdf3Shambler (2005)
Tcp Stream Problemmsx1235msx123 (2005)
Can you see why this isn't working?Chroma11Chroma (2005)
Manual Animation ?cash9cash (2005)
Delay command - what is it good forMatty5big10p (2005)
Fake mirrorsAndy2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Blitzmax webpage client (locked)smilertoo1smilertoo (2005)
Freeing single-surface "sprites" (quads)octothorpe12octothorpe (2005)
Is this how loopsound should work?Matty5Matty (2005)
Skidmark Scatter AchesTopknot8Topknot (2005)
Altering Vertice ColorsChroma2Stevie G (2005)
unable to create 3d sceneRed16jhocking (2005)
MipmapsDock5Dock (2005)
ResizeImagesting4Rck (2005)
How about some thoughts on landscapes (locked)Jack32BlitzSupport (2005)
Another MipMap questionStevie G6Stevie G (2005)
Animations with .b3d!Black Hydra4jhocking (2005)
Custom arrays using banksJams5octothorpe (2005)
Blitz terrainD4NM4N9D4NM4N (2005)
RGB and video settings questionsemar3semar (2005)
Winlitz3D: How to color a button? (help)Danny2John Blackledge (2005)
Dynamic ArraysGrovesy4Grovesy (2005)
Flip MeshGrovesy14Grovesy (2005)
Starfoce CD ProtectionBarton2VP (2005)
Emulate sending of DirectInput messages?.rIKmAN.3VP (2005)
UDP packet sizeLAB[au]10Techlord (2005)
WinBlitz3D?John Blackledge19Pedro (2005)
OCR in Blitz?.rIKmAN.8octothorpe (2005)
VRAM Vs RAMD4NM4N4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
B3D To .mapletasdfasdf3jhocking (2005)
DrawMovie with rotation ?BlackJumper4BlackJumper (2005)
Need help with camera/Clipping Cam rangeMighty Raven4Beaker (2005)
Smoke only showing white?Chroma6John Blackledge (2005)
Blitzsys File RequesterJoeGr16JoeGr (2005)
Loading .OGG filessemar11semar (2005)
Gmax Exporter to B3DEmerGki5jhocking (2005)
Texture has a 'border'D4NM4N2D4NM4N (2005)
Sprite detectionJack5Jack (2005)
blitzsys dllGrovesy6markcw (2005)
Help manipulating player meshesCakeMonitor3RifRaf (2005)
Mesh DeformBanshee25Barliesque (2005)
trap all input?Rook Zimbabwe9VP (2005)
Can a cameras view be bigger than the screen?D4NM4N6VP (2005)
Blitz terrain shadingFinjogi5puki (2005)
Grid meshesBaystep Productions4puki (2005)
problem flipping spritescyberyoyo3big10p (2005)
Wierd texture problemsShifty Geezer19Stevie G (2005)
Inverting/Flipping a boned character?Dock6Danny (2005)
normalmapping problemKalisme5Kalisme (2005)
Hide an entity to a specific mesh.daaan8daaan (2005)
Writing B3D From and back into Blitz3DGurney16jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Problem with b3d and chidlmsx1233John Pickford (2005)
LOD codeAdsAdamJ9Matty (2005)
"" WantedHappy Sammy6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Need code for an object swinging on a line3DFish113DFish (2005)
BlitzScript3DTechlord111Techlord (2005)
memory leakdena6TomToad (2005)
Questions regarding team projects and C++ DllsHowitzer7Stuart Morgan (2005)
Bones and JV-ODEEmerGki4VIP3R (2005)
need a normalmapped modelKalisme2Kalisme (2005)
Many questions about collisionsFinjogi12KuRiX (2005)
EntityPosition of a child loaded wth LoadAnimMesh?Gabriel17jhocking (2005)
Texture in Objects. Loadanimmeshmsx1234John Pickford (2005)
Experiencing 'coders block' - particle system.VP9big10p (2005)
CameraZoom does not get tweenedDamien Sturdy4Damien Sturdy (2005)
is shadowmapping possible?Kalisme3BlackD (2005)
Known problems with Sphere>Poly collisions?Gabriel3Gabriel (2005)
movemouse problemsRoss C4Ross C (2005)
Collision of two moving entitiesJeroen11Sledge (2005)
Mark's frametweening code - 60fps or 20fps?Vorderman18VP (2005)
One Big Texture Vs Multiple Small TexturesKuRiX8Mustang (2005)
ZoningBaystep Productions11Baystep Productions (2005)
Pointer to functionGrovesy9octothorpe (2005)
Collisions without collisionsStevie G5Stevie G (2005)
How can blitz load these?Xzider2jhocking (2005)
Texture UV QuestionKuRiX10KuRiX (2005)
Nested animations - Help!taxlerendiosk2Ricky Smith (2005)
Illegal Instruction? - Any ideas?John Pickford25Damien Sturdy (2005)
Blitz editorFarflame5BlackD (2005)
non-square pixel resolutions (and widescreen)Dock5Finjogi (2005)
ScaleMesh() QuestionJohn Blackledge18John Blackledge (2005)
DateDiff/DateAdd functionsGraythe9Graythe (2005)
timer questiondena3dena (2005)
Accessing Stored Data from another game.rIKmAN.7.rIKmAN. (2005)
mouse troublesJeroen6jhocking (2005)
Cubemap creation for normal mapping?Finjogi2Ross C (2005)
directly access to MySQLregaa5Barliesque (2005)
hmm animated meshes and childsPanno6Panno (2005)
Lightmap in b3d blues - JFK,Mark, Anyone?D4NM4N5Tom (2005)
alpha/intersect with AnimMeshNeraj12t3K|Mac (2005)
Code2Doc botherPicklesworth4RepeatUntil (2005)
EmitSound Problemsasdfasdf4EmerGki (2005)
point enitityNexus68Nexus6 (2005)
Collision texturesBaystep Productions5Ross C (2005)
OR Blending Method for Multitexturing?Trip423Damien Sturdy (2005)
X files and colorD4NM4N5Shambler (2005)
animated mesh distortionslenkar4big10p (2005)
Window with scrollbarasdfasdf2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
TokamakBaystep Productions6streb2001 (2005)
Texture Swapping on Copies of EntitiesTrip423TeraBit (2005)
Coder needed - Near(ish) BrightonGrovesy8steve_ancell (2005)
Using japanese/korean text ?MagicalTux12tumi (2005)
Bezier stuffJBR3JBR (2005)
Execfilesolitaire18John Blackledge (2005)
Scripting many levelsGrovesy9lo-tekk (2005)
anyone have 3ds export code?Kalisme2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Animation and .3DSRafiq6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
How to make a type NullPicklesworth7Picklesworth (2005)
Online ProgrammingS_Seth22Chano (2005)
Duplicate a Type?Picklesworth2Beaker (2005)
Disable intial GFX window?Blaine4Blaine (2005)
Good Scale Neededasdfasdf4John Blackledge (2005)
trouble withFreeEntitydena8dena (2005)
Multiple processors - multiple instances of an appMatty14Damien Sturdy (2005)
re. the Stunt Car MAV - loading B3DsVorderman17VP (2005)
What is AlignToVector doing under the hood?Gabriel9Jeppe Nielsen (2005)
FPS Beginner HelpRafiq4Rafiq (2005)
AligntoVectorcash7Baystep Productions (2005)
Accurate collision detection with animated meshesMatty3IPete2 (2005)
Lua debugging?null_term1null_term (2005)
rotate entity around parent using only mouse, helpmaximo5daaan (2005)
can this effect be done in blitz3d?skyfire110sswift (2005)
NEED help with animated normalmapped objectsKalisme7Zmatrix (2005)
Mesh ExporterRob Farley4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Vertex colorNaughty Alien1Naughty Alien (2005)
waypointscash6puki (2005)
CreateProcessSpiri2WolRon (2005)
This doesnt seem right, re: memory banksBoulderdash5big10p (2005)
Animation Texture Size QuestionNexic3Nexic (2005)
Help Painting Road SurfaceKuRiX12KuRiX (2005)
Big Texture Sizes Non SquareKuRiX6Mustang (2005)
Fast Vertex ManipulationDamien Sturdy10Clarks (2005)
Pivot and meshGrovesy4Grovesy (2005)
quads / spritesMr Snidesmin10jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Blitzplay AckInUse commandFarflame15KuRiX (2005)
Inde Ed usersD4NM4N4MikeHart (2005)
Asked a million times.Baystep Productions9Baystep Productions (2005)
One Texture used twiceKuRiX3KuRiX (2005)
'dynamic mesh deformation' code?markcw18Mr Snidesmin (2005)
UU3D website is down..BlackD9BlackD (2005)
One more pseudo-stencilShadow code ...Paolo16jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Is this useful for anything?big10p6Damien Sturdy (2005)
Need some math helpJack9Jack (2005)
Thrusters?asdfasdf6DH (2005)
TFormVector/TFormPointMakepool4fredborg (2005)
Non constant movementNeochrome1Neochrome (2005)
compare typesmaximo10big10p (2005)
Any body knowBaystep Productions5Baystep Productions (2005)
real time cutscenesskyfire16Naughty Alien (2005)
My first project available for criticismVP3VP (2005)
Blitz3D QuaternionsJoshK12Tom (2005)
Object-Based Programming w/ Blitz3D: A web course.Techlord32VP (2005)
in game timers with blitz3dskyfire130BlackD (2005)
Alpha Mask loading for Sprite ControlBlackD4BlackD (2005)
A new .b3d is neededAntonyWells19Robert Cummings (2005)
Good Water Engine Neededasdfasdf17asdfasdf (2005)
paint texture onto meshckob3ckob (2005)
Drag & DropBanshee9jfk EO-11110 (2005)
can .pak files work with b3dseferey10jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Frames Problem....Barton4slenkar (2005)
WinBlitz3D HELP needed (kevin?)Danny12Danny (2005)
Read file questionFarflame6Banshee (2005)
Jerkovision!Boiled Sweets12Banshee (2005)
Need Helpseferey3big10p (2005)
windy grass. . .Mr Snidesmin13Mr Snidesmin (2005)
Anyone have Adam Gore's MD2 exporter for 3ds Max?Gabriel5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
problem with fontmongia24jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Blitz3D incompatible with FRAPS ??Barton5Vorderman (2005)
Limit on sprites?ICECAP10Banshee (2005)
Multi Joystics?ICECAP2Matty (2005)
i need some animation codeskyfire17skyfire1 (2005)
PointEntity and Quad RollFilax6Stevie G (2005)
Some 3D text functionslo-tekk1lo-tekk (2005)
Avi Texture!Play21Paolo (2005)
alpha fading effectskyfire17jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Pathfinding in a 3d point'n'click adventure?JustLuke2jfk EO-11110 (2005)

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