Blitz3D Beginners Area

forums.Blitz3D.Blitz3D Beginners Area

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Beginners - Start Here (sticky)Zethrax12RustyKristi (2017)
Identify the parent list and parent index of a ...RemiD8Blitzplotter (June)
I'm a little rusty, please help with....Blitzplotter5Blitzplotter (June)
&Roidsdw8178dw817 (May)
Animation Tutorial (for Blitz 3d): REAL AnimationEn9297Blitzplotter (May)
run .exe-files on other machinesMimi25xlsior (May)
Rough image outlineNRJ5Midimaster (May)
When entity on pick modeHardcoal6RemiD (April)
Pressing Buttons to AnimateEn9297Midimaster (April)
Blitz3D: links to DLL function lists.Leafus10Leafus (April)
How to detect WriteProcessMemory?Hajt3virtlands (April)
60 frames per secondAmanda Dearheart8Amanda Dearheart (April)
Converting blitz3D to blitzmax problemPolarix4grable (March)
Something happening once in an if/while statement?Polarix11Stevie G (March)
ragdoll failure...RemiD4steve_ancell (March)
problem in elseif statementNRJ4Matty (March)
Duplicate variable namePolarix3Zethrax (March)
MAV with ChannelPlayingPolarix4Zethrax (March)
Textures for uv mappingNRJ5RemiD (March)
flag 128 cubemapPrym1Prym (February)
CreateSphere (100) Max ?Prym10Prym (February)
Managing Player fall and gravity.RemiD15BlitzMan (2017)
About LoadFont - "Fonts" folder or...vinnicius7grable (2017)
Mesh Twitching when beyond 20,000 in Z axis.Imperium14Imperium (2017)
Infinite rand?Polarix3Polarix (2017)
Load Texture : Flag 2 with Alpha Layer Crashes on Windows 7?Imperium2Imperium (2017)
collision mavPolarix9Polarix (2017)
Insert sysex into midilibmarcos jose1marcos jose (2017)
Scaled window modeFarflame15RemiD (2016)
copyentityPrym7RemiD (2016)
how to disable the filtering on textureRemiD18RemiD (2016)
Pathing_PJ_17_PJ_ (2016)
texture does not existPolarix5RemiD (2016)
In this example my bullets have problemsPhodis17Phodis (2016)
EntityColor_PJ_6Dan (2016)
Initial pixel resolution.Santiworld7jfk EO-11110 (2016)
How to create a bobbing camera while walking?dddx4Matty (2016)
what does 1.e-004 mean ?RemiD10Matty (2016)
why does this fail?Gauge5TomToad (2016)
Sword animation?sg_caboose4Rick Nasher (2016)
Making an object move with the camera?dddx3RemiD (2016)
Model animation and controlcollimic25RemiD (2016)
linepick under parent ?Prym5Prym (2016)
updatenormals() procedure logic ?RemiD9RemiD (2016)
Loading Blender Animation FilesBoxGuy5RustyKristi (2016)
custom camera FOV ?RemiD29gpete (2016)
Scaling down scene meshes/elements Pros and Cons?RustyKristi9Bobysait (2016)
Minesweeper / Microsoft Treasure Hunt Cloneloofadawg1loofadawg (2016)
Windows 10, AVI, Win32API playback problem[SOLVED]Mikorians6Mikorians (2016)
AppTitle(variable) [SOLVED]0x0030x00 (2016)
Include file path [SOLVED]Mikorians13Mikorians (2016)
'Invalid Image Handle'Flynn15_PJ_ (2016)
texture colors and vertices colors ?RemiD9RemiD (2016)
Directx limits?mindstorms31jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Smooth Noise Overview_PJ_1_PJ_ (2016)
why many pivots takes time to render ?RemiD4Bobysait (2016)
time a procedure takes in microseconds ? not milliRemiD11RemiD (2016)
Bank/Peek/Poke_PJ_14_PJ_ (2016)
"expecting end-of-file" error causes ?RemiD5Bobysait (2016)
A dll to know when there is a beat in a music ?RemiD18RemiD (2016)
Newton Physik Question about Water...Wolf18701Wolf1870 (2016)
Why am i getting this error?wiktorwiktor125RemiD (2016)
Texturing one side at a time?Polarix12Dan (2016)
Mouselook?Polarix5RemiD (2016)
Double pressing buttons and stopping sound?Polarix2RustyKristi (2016)
AddMesh and Reduce Draw Calls?RustyKristi10RustyKristi (2016)
What does Force High Color Textures flag do?RustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Texture seams visible from a distanceRustyKristi21RemiD (2016)
Set Mask Color for Loaded 3D Model TexturesRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
GROUPSPolarix27steve_ancell (2016)
Very frustrating problemPolarix4Bobysait (2016)
is there anyway to go over 2147483647Polarix4steve_ancell (2016)
weld verticesPaulo11RustyKristi (2016)
animated flagSantiworld3Santiworld (2016)
Files Handling?Hotshot20058Hotshot2005 (2016)
Help needed for a shooting game.Greetlock3Yue (2016)
what is the best way to add gravityRubiks1410Blitzplotter (2016)
Teleporting camera?Polarix3Zethrax (2016)
player in tunnelNRJ2Polarix (2016)
scan all entitys for optimizationSantiworld2Yue (2016)
FreeImage Userlib and Alpha TransparencyRustyKristi3RustyKristi (2016)
Dropping a bomb with deforming terrainBlitzplotter29Blitzplotter (2016)
Array problemsNexus62Nexus6 (2016)
Replicating Plane Thickness and position w/ CubeRustyKristi24RustyKristi (2016)
BAI in blitz3d?Caton8steve_ancell (2016)
List All Functions used in B3D SourceRustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Collision problems againgrindalf2RemiD (2016)
Convert Blitzcode to C++?fdfederation5fdfederation (2016)
Speed increase Dx7 and Modern videocardsPakz5RustyKristi (2016)
Global Error TrappingRustyKristi5RustyKristi (2016)
Collision problemsgrindalf10RemiD (2016)
Getting a negative readout from Millisecs()fox958716jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Switching safelyfox958715jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Creating a masked texturefox9587110jfk EO-11110 (2016)
Font issueJapaneseGameDev30003JapaneseGameDev3000 (2016)
3D level questionJapaneseGameDev30009JapaneseGameDev3000 (2016)
Thoughts about exporters/importers of an .obj fileRemiD7RemiD (2016)
C++ DX B3D Loader?Caton2RustyKristi (2016)
Newton ProblemWolf18703Wolf1870 (2016)
player interaction with tunnelNRJ2RemiD (2016)
How do you put 2 textures on spherePolarix5RustyKristi (2016)
stream does not exist errorDropTherapy6Matty (2016)
Entity not moving?Polarix2Midimaster (2016)
Scaling and Repeating Array Data_PJ_3_PJ_ (2016)
what is : Write data into a memory bankSantiworld3Santiworld (2016)
a basic question.Santiworld5RemiD (2016)
Too many parameters?JapaneseGameDev30006Matty (2016)
Embedded midisfox958716Midimaster (2016)
midi vs. mp3collimic9fox95871 (2016)
prob with framerate , and more xd ....danio12fox95871 (2016)
Frustum versus screensizefox958714fox95871 (2016)
why is this happening, player motion related issue?NRJ8RemiD (2016)
SQLiteXtwinstarX2RustyKristi (2016)
Updated MySQLThrain2RustyKristi (2016)
Raknet MAVs in a functionThrain3Thrain (2016)
Will my program work on all modern PCs???JapaneseGameDev30005Gauge (2016)
Deleting .bmp imagepfaber1110_PJ_ (2016)
How do I format text output to screen...hollifd4Midimaster (2016)
Shadow Not visible_PJ_4_PJ_ (2016)
Strange AlphaSantiworld7Santiworld (2016)
WinPhonePrym7Gauge (2016)
How do I write a " to a text filehollifd4hollifd (2016)
Draw boxes and lines, move them, and zoomhollifd32hollifd (2016)
Why 'Y' parameter?_PJ_6_PJ_ (2016)
Any way to supply a default input when using INPUThollifd9Matty (2016)
Ground texture is missingDerRichie19845DerRichie1984 (2016)
Meshes are not drawn correctly (invisible walls)DerRichie19844DerRichie1984 (2016)
Sine wave at an angle_PJ_4_PJ_ (2016)
How do I pan (change ORIGIN) by dragging mouse...hollifd3RGR (2016)
don't run low level command (exec f)vivaigiochi4Prym (2016)
Edit a 2D line...hollifd3hollifd (2016)
How do you make a 2-sided texturePolarix6Bobysait (2016)
Line() function and frame rate behaviour1Garrett5RemiD (2016)
Message fade-effectColeE2RemiD (2016)
Need a light mapping toolNRJ10NRJ (2016)
What is going on here?ColeE3ColeE (2016)
How to turn a sphere inside-out?Polarix4Guy Fawkes (2016)
Scrolling maze gameDeano5RemiD (2016)
SetBuffer BackBuffer()ColeE16RemiD (2016)
Is this method as efficient as possible?ColeE30Guy Fawkes (2016)
What is my error?ColeE7Omnicode (2016)
entity doesn't existNRJ5NRJ (2016)
Help for my program?JadenReichelt11JadenReichelt (2016)
Advantages of several surfaces vs several meshes ?RemiD8RemiD (2016)
what does this meanspear3024B (2016)
Blitz3D install path = ?Tektoy14Dan (2016)
ReadLine not see CyrillicXaker149321Dan (2016)
creating a proper 3d player93104RemiD (2016)
3d model interactionNRJ12Rick Nasher (2016)
Need help to desactivate a collider pleaseRemiD7RemiD (2016)
Gravity, LoadAnimMesh, Future Goals!CuteNCreamy15Guy Fawkes (2016)
Quill3D working again?gpete2Floyd (2016)
Two Entity collision response?funkmaster500017RemiD (2016)
Messing with arraysJBR6JBR (2016)
Play sound on collision problem?NRJ9NRJ (2016)
Passing Object Pointers to FunctionsIrvau12Spencer (2016)
custom model format?Caton5RemiD (2016)
Problem with executable file and full screen modeRooster29steve_ancell (2015)
Comprehensive list of screen resolutionsfox958719RemiD (2015)
Running Blitz3d on a smartphonefox9587115fox95871 (2015)
AnimMesh creationCreator_ZMS3Matty (2015)
read/write pixel fast work out colours?tsmpaul4Zethrax (2015)
math questionstayne11stayne (2015)
File not found - possible bug in Readfile/OpenfileRocys5Matty (2015)
Unable to Set Graphics ModeJamie16RemiD (2015)
Making Money?Creator_ZMS5steve_ancell (2015)
FPS Engine creationEpicElrod10jfk EO-11110 (2015)
Translate TrianglesArgandos5Floyd (2015)
Can you add b3d to b3d modelstux2RemiD (2015)
Save Mesh to Destination possible?Argandos5Argandos (2015)
Get paid taking SurveysReans7Rick Nasher (2015)
Copying UV Coordinates (.X Files)RustyKristi4RustyKristi (2015)
Exit commandPrym11steve_ancell (2015)
Rebounding Trig_PJ_4Matty (2015)
Hi I need to ask a question?unixos6RemiD (2015)
Visual BlitzHotshot20058_PJ_ (2015)
Compiling Blitz3D from SourceRustyKristi6Blitzplotter (2015)
formatting on screenColeE2Stevie G (2015)
waypoint questionstayne3stayne (2015)
EntityX, Y, and Z return NaNColeE3ColeE (2015)
problem with collisions detectionRemiD11RemiD (2015)
BVH to Blitz (MoCap) [RESOLVED]Mikorians20Mikorians (2015)
Animation troublesTrigger10002RemiD (2015)
Affine Texture Mappingwilliampigmeu5Yasha (2015)
Question about CreateTimer & WaitTimer.Rooster3Rooster (2015)
Problem with LoadAnimImageRooster5xlsior (2015)
Snow, bubbles and fire, all out of control.gerald2Mikorians (2015)
Blitz3D IDE HelpEren12RemiD (2015)
Different languageEren6Flanker512 (2015)
Scrolling text helpEren15Eren (2015)
Help with movement bugRooster6RemiD (2015)
Moved, wrong section.Rick Nasher1Rick Nasher (2015)
Bmp for ParticleHardcoal8Hardcoal (2015)
Catch game up to missed frames realtime?Kippykip3RemiD (2015)
How to open .b3d files?AlphaHedge_YT15RemiD (2015)
bug in my code and i don't see why... (short code)RemiD4Who was John Galt? (2015)
Collisions with no responses?Irvau4Irvau (2015)
Collisions and meshes?kantuno6Irvau (2015)
Got fire to run but won't reload level, problems.gerald4Irvau (2015)
Text highlightingEren8RemiD (2015)
How to collide light with an entity?Liimbix2RemiD (2015)
Program isn't updating a variable that changes?Liimbix4Liimbix (2015)
How to internally return the value of a CameraPickLiimbix2RemiD (2015)
Collisions not updating?Liimbix1Liimbix (2015)
Bubble bath effect, fire effect.gerald4gerald (2015)
Movement and the Camerakantuno2Midimaster (2015)
Third person controllerHorax6Horax (2015)
If block not workingDarkseid2.09steve_ancell (2015)
fire effect quits working; entity does not existgerald3gerald (2015)
Amazing 3d Graphics In Blitz3d !Th3Professional9hoyoyo80 (2015)
Race track, load as another terrain map?Erroll5Erroll (2015)
Explain DX Lighting, Dynamic Shadows and Lightmaphoyoyo8019hoyoyo80 (2015)
Anybody can share their game art/code ?hoyoyo803hoyoyo80 (2015)
min max allowed value of entityorder ?RemiD9RemiD (2015)
.b3d file wont loadTrigger100023Trigger1000 (2015)
Help with type instances - yet again. *sigh*Irvau11Irvau (2015)
How do u manage texturing with FastExt effect?hoyoyo802videz (2015)
Help with accessing multiple types from entities?Irvau13Guy Fawkes (2015)
Error in Blitz 3d !!Th3Professional17Guy Fawkes (2015)
Name of gameEren3Eren (2015)
Day timerkantuno3kantuno (2015)
Binary color separation trick [RESOLVED]Mikorians6Guy Fawkes (2015)
MD2, CopyEntity, and Alpha troubleMikorians9Mikorians (2015)
Rotate Clamped TextureVolturna3Volturna (2015)
3D Begginner Help?ChaseHatesEggs5RemiD (2015)
Lost Light Effect on Created MeshesVolturna13Volturna (2015)
How to make 1000 Cubes ?ChaseHatesEggs15ChaseHatesEggs (2015)
rendering time impacted by cameraviewport ?RemiD10Mikorians (2015)
What if I want multiple variables?iHateMath17Mikorians (2015)
Help with Spherical Gravity and rotationVladHQ7Rick Nasher (2015)
Changing texturesTrigger10003Blitzplotter (2015)
New and need help and ask a question?programmerbliz4Zethrax (2015)
Simple timer for quitMrOnlineCoder5_PJ_ (2015)
Help with mouselook function.Irvau11RemiD (2015)
Help with basic coding?DUO_pro977Blitzplotter (2015)
32 bits : how many colors ?RemiD9Matty (2015)
How to create a shinny black cube?Rick Nasher14Rick Nasher (2015)
Byte madnessJimmy17Jimmy (2015)
3D object loads as white cubeTrigger100010RemiD (2015)
[Resolved] Hide Startup Window on Fullscreenvidez14Jimmy (2015)
Best B3D Water Entity System made?videz7videz (2014)
[Resolved] WinBlitz3D Tabber Example??videz1videz (2014)
Suggestion for Network + Physics libvidez6videz (2014)
2D Image ArrayThe Coder Cult2_PJ_ (2014)
Lightmapping partial success, need final advice!RustyKristi13RustyKristi (2014)
Making Fog and Skybox showRustyKristi3videz (2014)
How can I create grass like this?videz5videz (2014)
Help running Tokamak exampleRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2014)
Blitz3D 101 (Frameworks/Tool List)videz4videz (2014)
Adding Normal maps to meshvidez5videz (2014)
Blitz3D OO, Other Questionszoqfotpik5zoqfotpik (2014)
[Solved] FastExt Shadow Receiver Mesh IssueRustyKristi6RustyKristi (2014)
Blending Fastext Shadows with B3D LightmapsRustyKristi6RustyKristi (2014)
Correcting Entity Rotation In GameRustyKristi13RustyKristi (2014)
getangle3d how to do that?Pakz12Mikorians (2014)
EOFKillsgaurd11Killsgaurd (2014)
Blitz Collision vs Other Library (Collision only)RustyKristi8RemiD (2014)
error 'else' without 'if'Rooster7Zethrax (2014)
So fast you can't believe it!Mikorians4Mikorians (2014)
.3DS models white?Killsgaurd3Killsgaurd (2014)
Types of .Obj and .mtlKillsgaurd4Killsgaurd (2014)
Best way to add Normal maps to models and terrain?RustyKristi1RustyKristi (2014)
[Solved] Loading Terrain FilesRustyKristi5RustyKristi (2014)
LoadAnimImageeatkoalas6Matty (2014)
2D and 3D in blitz3dblicek4blicek (2014)
Need Help in Projecting Entity Rotation in NetworkRustyKristi1RustyKristi (2014)
Help a moddeler/designer understand programming :(Pez2634MarkG (2014)
Mouse Coord over 1536x864Volturna20steve_ancell (2014)
Remove textureMikorians1Mikorians (2014)
Any way to speed up SaveBuffer?codermax7_PJ_ (2014)
How to include accents to the texts?Tonim5RemiD (2014)
Interprocess comm - newbie queryMikorians12Mikorians (2014)
write b3d files from codePrym6Prym (2014)
general 3d game errorsEren4RemiD (2014)
Few thousand Tris in world gets slow.Pakz7Pakz (2014)
'Custom delay'Eren23Matty (2014)
b3d-pipeline link dissolving - help us puddingMikorians3Guy Fawkes (2014)
Lusher FoliageMikorians35Rick Nasher (2014)
Collision detector?Obliteration7Obliteration (2014)
Few question...Obliteration3Obliteration (2014)
It that Error on Blitz3D?Obliteration4Obliteration (2014)
Text problemObliteration7Mikorians (2014)
A little help with collision?Obliteration4Obliteration (2014)
Blitz3D is honored!Learning561413RemiD (2014)
Complete collision, but how to 'walk'?Obliteration1Obliteration (2014)
"True Random" C prog ConversionMikorians36Mikorians (2014)
How will Hardwired help meNexus63Mikorians (2014)
Masked textureKiyoshi6Mikorians (2014)
Big textures? or small but many?NotAGamer5Mikorians (2014)
Error on my Blitz3DObliteration11Obliteration (2014)
openTCPstream in loop ?Prym31Prym (2014)
TCP\IP server-clientILonion7ILonion (2014)
CCTV and MonitorObliteration11Obliteration (2014)
Deleting UDP messagesAngelOnFira3Matty (2014)
Timer for Cooldown skillGiuliani4Giuliani (2014)
Types.Aussie14Aussie (2014)
"Walking" and looking around the meshObliteration3Obliteration (2014)
EnititypickJammer4295Aussie (2014)
Cannonballkantuno3dynaman (2014)
key down on cellphone?Rabies7xlsior (2014)
Help with a 3D Maze type game.Kedumba6Krischan (2014)
Help needed . . . . .Learning56143Guy Fawkes (2014)
Pointentity backwards with milkshape animation.gerald6gerald (2014)
CLS problemEren2RemiD (2014)
MouseLookEren6Eren (2014)
image and pixelPrym3Prym (2014)
Blitz3D doesn't works on my PC with Windows 7Lord Saibot40RGR (2014)
Type memory leaks questionTalavar4Yasha (2014)
Variable Type MismatchTalavar2Talavar (2014)
Constant string arrays - how?2 Unlimited12 Unlimited (2014)
first try at creating avatarbluatigro10RemiD (2014)
texures creating and savingbluatigro2Bobysait (2014)
some questionsbluatigro6RemiD (2014)
Changing B3D lookdna10dna (2014)
Alpha Transparent TexturesYellBellzDotCom16vinnicius (2014)
Just a new guyJoe Joe4Joe Joe (2014)
Can you add a .ico for a blitz3d game?dragonslayer20424Yue (2014)
Movement issueEren10Matty (2014)
Types And EntitydistanceNewbie3121Newbie31 (2014)
Return floatILonion9ILonion (2014)
Controlling animation; start and stop character.gerald7Guy Fawkes (2014)
Bigger font?JBR15JBR (2014)
Sky issuesEren6Guy Fawkes (2014)
Trouble drawingGuy Fawkes12Guy Fawkes (2014)
Help with Changing between levels 3dNewbie317Kryzon (2014)
ac3d moels in bliz 3d?gerald13Doggie (2014)
Blitz3D supported resolutionsMakis12Osoko (2014)
Animations and collisions?gerald2RemiD (2014)
location of a collision?gerald7gerald (2014)
Smooth Backdrop ScrollingLeftyGuitar8LeftyGuitar (2014)
Beginners Community Project - Space InvadersSoggyP106LeftyGuitar (2014)
Help Understanding LoadAnimTexture ParametersJillinger10gerald (2014)
Help with ETNA UserbaseGuy Fawkes16Guy Fawkes (2014)
Error - 'Else' without 'if'Jillinger4Hardcoal (2014)
Blitz3D Lesson4 ErrorJillinger8Jillinger (2014)
Illegal memory addressEren2Yasha (2014)
IP adressPrym4Rick Nasher (2014)
3D Painter for Objects - Paint right on 'em -Good!Mikorians59Guy Fawkes (2014)
NewbyGazza698Hotshot2005 (2014)
Key repeat?collimic5cryptadone (2014)
Testheletrobe9cryptadone (2014)
Read/WritePixelFast_PJ_7cryptadone (2014)
freeEntity meshxrickavzstx9RemiD (2014)
Oval center keeps changing helplonewolf222JBR (2014)
Error writing file - new installPakz7AngelOnFira (2014)
For loop questionRemiD6RemiD (2014)
Saving and Loading?Hotshot20057AngelOnFira (2014)
3d coordinates to 2d coordinates if the point is bRemiD17RemiD (2014)
how to send string to website ( php script ) ?Prym5Prym (2014)
collisions and gravityPrym5Prym (2014)
BlitzPlus: mouse trouble (locked)Darkseid2.01Darkseid2.0 (2014)
Physics Engines: Which is the fastest?Rick Nasher6Rick Nasher (2014)
Texting and speedGauge4Kryzon (2014)
Multiple UV MapsDark One7fox95871 (2014)
IsInside function for bounding meshesMikorians3Stevie G (2014)
MeshDepth problemMikorians5Mikorians (2014)
Custom Type PersistenceMikorians4Mikorians (2014)
"Entity does not exist"fdfederation4Mikorians (2014)
Blitz3D or BlitzMax - Own 3D nowMikorians37Mikorians (2014)
Silly question : basic resolution changerBuff Jigsaw7Yue (2014)
A Quick Question About GrabImageNewbie3110fox95871 (2014)
How do you delete the last object in a type coll.Newbie313Yue (2014)
Worldmap mountainsfox958714Floyd (2014)
Mouse Click on Box?Hotshot20054LittleDave (2014)
Type,For/next/each problem.collimic4Midimaster (2014)
So basic I am almost ashamed to askcollimic4collimic (2014)
I need some help with a for/next loop problem?Newbie313Newbie31 (2014)
Detect Mesh ContactHardcoal5Mikorians (2014)
Simple Flappy Bird Cloneandy_mc1andy_mc (2014)
Blitz language helpblicek3blicek (2014)
Help with LinePickYue8Mikorians (2014)
Function writemesh() - texture seams glitchGuy Fawkes7Mikorians (2014)
Grass/Tree PartyHotshot200511Mikorians (2014)
Force Feedback Rumble 1a available again!Mikorians6Rick Nasher (2014)
Cool- USB adapter for MS Joysticks - mine works!Mikorians3Mikorians (2014)
Getting animations to play on keyhit SolvedJammer4291Jammer429 (2014)
Fix WriteBB3D function NOW, PEOPLE!Mikorians8Mikorians (2014)
Can'tGuy Fawkes34Mikorians (2014)
Need a better way...Mikorians1Mikorians (2014)
Texturemap scroller/flip/mirror toolMikorians1Mikorians (2014)
FPS 90's style - WIP - New Video!Imperium49Mikorians (2014)
dumb questionbloos_magoos2Ginger Tea (2014)
How to have voice chat on a game?Gauge3Imperium (2014)
format .3ds in Blitz3Dblicek6blicek (2014)
FPS - example NEEDED BADLYMikorians17Mikorians (2014)
Have I Offended?Mikorians5Mikorians (2014)
Com port usage for serial deviceMikorians4Mikorians (2014)
Get enemy type from collisionKippykip8Mikorians (2014)
Colliders - hoo boyMikorians12Mikorians (2014)
Colliders - RephrasedMikorians7Mikorians (2014)
Internet dialingGauge7Mikorians (2014)
Stairstepping terrainMikorians8Mikorians (2014)
Entityx-y-zzeek5Mikorians (2014)
Entity Intersect - just ellipses -worseMikorians6Mikorians (2014)
Tech lord codearc fix req.Mikorians1Mikorians (2013)
Blitz3D has one very big thing going for it!MarkG19RemiD (2013)
Problem loading images in functionsKippykip4John Blackledge (2013)
Snow collecting on ground?Guy Fawkes53Rick Nasher (2013)
Help with EntityOrderKippykip8Kippykip (2013)
Backreferencing entities with type arrayMikorians6Mikorians (2013)
Check for collusions, but no slide/stop?Kippykip5Kippykip (2013)
Camera BouncesGiuliani5Giuliani (2013)
Type vs Array vs Bank to store datas and space takRemiD5_PJ_ (2013)
exe servers - php serversPrym4Prym (2013)
2D bank ? 3D bank ? 4D bank ?RemiD1RemiD (2013)
several meshes with the same texture = same surfacRemiD3RemiD (2013)
"Memory access violation"?Hybird6RemiD (2013)
Make a mesh face the camera?Kippykip6Kryzon (2013)
Updates V1.107 for Blitz3Dblicek2xlsior (2013)
Module FreeImage not building? (locked)Raiden1Raiden (2013)
Multiple Object copy / positioning?Guy Fawkes62Kippykip (2013)
Load file data?Guy Fawkes14Guy Fawkes (2013)
Read files in directory?Guy Fawkes10Guy Fawkes (2013)
Animmesh & Copymesh weird scaling problemAussie2RemiD (2013)
CreateCubeRazvan996Yue (2013)
PositionEntity problemRazvan998GfK (2013)
PHYSX wrapper, Particle System and Pathfinding ?Juggernaut6Guy Fawkes (2013)
File cruncherfox958713fox95871 (2013)
Is FastPointers good to get too many pointers?eNano3eNano (2013)
Delete all files ...txtLasasboogy8virtlands (2013)
World Editor Copyentity vs LoadmeshAussie10Aussie (2013)
Creating a mini mapPhoenixx10Omnicode (2013)
camerapick & returning the name of a child meshAussie3Aussie (2013)
Long trianglesfox958715fox95871 (2013)
Bliz products performance on Windows 8Juggernaut30fox95871 (2013)
Custom fontsfox958715fox95871 (2013)
Shrinking meshTrek4Trek (2013)
How does the built-in LoopSound() work flawlessly?Rob the Great3Rob the Great (2013)
Large model 2mb - Freezes Blitz3dImperium17virtlands (2013)
Understanding ColDet - Mesh CollisionImperium6Imperium (2013)
Export B3D with Blender, but animation not saving?Dale Nation8Dale Nation (2013)
normal of a triangle of a skinned animated meshRemiD6RemiD (2013)
Blinking TextGauge2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
My Animation HeadachePureDocHale8Imperium (2013)
network scan?atv2jfk EO-11110 (2013)
picking in viewportatv3Stevie G (2013)
Layered Picking with Mouse issues.Omnicode15Omnicode (2013)
ReturningKirkkaf1310John Blackledge (2013)
Newbie, What is the best way to get .b3d formatPureDocHale18GaryV (2013)
Proper camera etiquettePureDocHale9jfk EO-11110 (2013)
Are functions with long names ok ?RemiD6Hardcoal (2013)
Texturing Problem after creating a meshHardcoal9Hardcoal (2013)
Blitz3D Is openning and immidiatly get closed Win7Hardcoal18_PJ_ (2013)
Rounding numberILonion5ILonion (2013)
random building placementNexus67Hardcoal (2013)
General Qestions about compiler interpretations_PJ_4_PJ_ (2013)
Collision(jumping) helpcodermax3_PJ_ (2013)
Processing File Data Speed_PJ_11_PJ_ (2013)
Atlas textures - Can Blitz3d do it?Imperium12Imperium (2013)
alpha transparency and surface cullingAdamRedwoods8_PJ_ (2013)
Space Harrier - Input freaking out?Imperium7Imperium (2013)
Normals in BlitzDicon2Yasha (2013)
issues with blender animationssirus9sirus (2013)
SoundAngelOnFira5_PJ_ (2013)
Mirror_PJ_2Yasha (2013)
How to call in a DLL? kernel32.dllImperium2Yasha (2013)
getting system information from BlitzHansie6_PJ_ (2013)
Packet integrity with UDP ?RemiD6MCP (2013)
Unsigned Long Integers_PJ_3_PJ_ (2013)
SystemProperty() Uses_PJ_5Yasha (2013)
How to achieve this type of detail on terrain?Guy Fawkes8wmaass (2013)
Small selecting problem with level editorGuy Fawkes40_PJ_ (2013)
Creating GameJklinestiver16_PJ_ (2013)
Slope limit?Guy Fawkes6_PJ_ (2013)
Problem with my 3D texture label command?Guy Fawkes2Bobysait (2013)
Maths - Memory Calculation_PJ_3_PJ_ (2013)
Listing incompatible code/features for Vista/Win7Imperium16_PJ_ (2013)
HUD - Scaling with percentages %Imperium5Imperium (2013)
Returning Entities assigned to Type FieldsShredster73Shredster7 (2013)
Forcing Vsync? Controlling fps.Imperium8Midimaster (2013)
Blitz3d Chatcollimic7virtlands (2013)
Ghosts after hide entity?gerald8gerald (2013)
How to detect no buttons being depressedDicon2TomToad (2013)
text creation in 3d gamesgerald5gerald (2013)
Spot my error "Eating dots"Imperium3Imperium (2013)
TCP vs UDPImperium7Imperium (2013)
Reading multiple entity coordinates from file?Guy Fawkes20RemiD (2013)
HELP! - Beginner project from BlitzPlusBlackGearGames8Who was John Galt? (2013)
overriding the windows and caps lock keysfox958711fox95871 (2013)
Small problem with my folder / file name grabber?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2013)
How to rotate player with Camera?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2013)
How to make resolution setter pick highest?Kippykip5Kippykip (2013)
DeltaYaw?Guy Fawkes4Guy Fawkes (2013)
Smooth rotation (turning) of entityVeiks3Veiks (2013)
Tint the camera screen a colour?Kippykip24Kippykip (2013)
PauseChannel and StopChannel do not work :cKippykip4Kryzon (2013)
Standard 3rd person controls?Cubed Inc.36Guy Fawkes (2013)
Buttons...Kippykip5Yue (2013)
3D Scan Program missing from melog?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2013)
view of rpgemgee1emgee (2013)
Modifiers to Random numbers to help AI learn..psychicbottle13psychicbottle (2013)
Trigger combat for RPG gameGiuliani22Giuliani (2013)
Searching for Userlibs by Beaker for [G]iles!t3K|Mac2John Blackledge (2013)
TextureFilters_PJ_2John Blackledge (2013)
2D collisions (wall)psychicbottle8Kryzon (2013)
World Editor woesAussie6Guy Fawkes (2013)
Manipulate child meshesGazza695Gazza69 (2013)
Gun model clipping through wallsKippykip5Kryzon (2013)
Please test my app+level mapMikorians19Kippykip (2013)
Is there a command to tell if an animations finishKippykip2Kippykip (2013)
Doubt ragdoll effectYue3Kippykip (2013)
Animations problem!Kippykip6Kippykip (2013)
Mouse not showingKippykip3Kryzon (2013)
change center of object help please:|shepherd8John Blackledge (2013)
TileSet Creatorcollimic2RemiD (2013)
The introduction of blitz3d on the products pageHardcoal2Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
How to change background colour?Kippykip7Kippykip (2013)
Models and axis alignmentGazza694Gazza69 (2013)
Align to Vector problemGazza696Gazza69 (2013)
Reading/writing filesAussie8Aussie (2012)
What Program to buy?collimic26boomboom (2012)
Andy_MC!!!!airborne3andy_mc (2012)
Looking for info on 3D animation, and tut. infoTEST_4RemiD (2012)
3d animated modelsairborne4airborne (2012)
Game modesairborne37airborne (2012)
Mouse stuffairborne8airborne (2012)
rendering new environmentsairborne18airborne (2012)
Mouse InputAJ0020011airborne (2012)
Rotation relative to another entityShredster73Matty (2012)
So... i need help... GUI (DRAW3D 2)psychicbottle4psychicbottle (2012)
Simple (very much so) physics engine.psychicbottle13Yue (2012)
Gotta get answers; Gotta post, Gotta credit peopleMikorians12Mikorians (2012)
What GUI system would you recommend?gradualcheetah6psychicbottle (2012)
Snake movement, Body & tail follow head.Aussie17psychicbottle (2012)
Keyboard Scancode program.collimic6collimic (2012)
Loading and saving "Map" files...psychicbottle43gradualcheetah (2012)
Effects of sun raysXero6Mikorians (2012)
CollisionsGazza693RemiD (2012)
Alpha Channel Render OrderMikorians11Mikorians (2012)
Vehicle over terrain probGazza693Gazza69 (2012)
New Blitz Basic tutorial on youtubeandy_mc12JonnyEnglish (2012)
Throwing Snowballs...AgainHappy Llama19Midimaster (2012)
A.I/ Pathfinding help (agaaaiiin)psychicbottle23psychicbottle (2012)
TrisRender Vertex??Yue6Yasha (2012)
Multiple textures and Dot3DYue4Yue (2012)
Really large 3D scenes revisitedMikorians33Mikorians (2012)
Fast Help With PointerYue2Yue (2012)
How can I disable a key from being used?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Midimaster (2012)
Mesh or texture loadingYue1Yue (2012)
Help with types please.Yue3Yue (2012)
objects blinking on and off strangely...tsmpaul8Mikorians (2012)
Using movies and music while in 3d modeMikorians3Mikorians (2012)
animated charactersYue4Yue (2012)
How to add slope velocity?Guy Fawkes5Floyd (2012)
My Actor's Eyes - what to do?Mikorians7Mikorians (2012)
Double quotes within a string?Yue3Yue (2012)
Really large 3D scenes - pushing my luck...Mikorians15Mikorians (2012)
Texture sharpness - Suggested product upgradeMikorians5Mikorians (2012)
Calling a entity inside a typeShredster77Yue (2012)
Decent Vehicle example?Imperium7Imperium (2012)
Camera scrollairborne6airborne (2012)
Sound of steps in different fields? (Textures)Yue6John Blackledge (2012)
Blitz 3d - Essential Libraries?Imperium10_PJ_ (2012)
stoping LoopSound!?Hardcoal4Hardcoal (2012)
LoadFont no WorkYue2_PJ_ (2012)
Memory usage (freeimage) 2ILonion3ILonion (2012)
Multiple UVmaps & Textures on ModelsImperium9RemiD (2012)
GetMatElementYue3Yue (2012)
Textures on Model - Need DirectionImperium7Imperium (2012)
Introducing myself - F-19 remakeMarkG12Imperium (2012)
entity distance function/findgerald3Zethrax (2012)
basedata file.Oster2Yasha (2012)
B3d Model Format - QuestionsImperium1Imperium (2012)
How to get position of particular vertex in surf?Guy Fawkes2Matty (2012)
Setting the Bank's size?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2012)
Win32 File Menu?Guy Fawkes51Guy Fawkes (2012)
Feedback/ComplementsBlitzogger1Blitzogger (2012)
Basic MultiplayerHappy Llama6Happy Llama (2012)
Hide Show the tris of a surface of a skinned meshRemiD4Kryzon (2012)
ResizeBankILonion3ILonion (2012)
Movement around a sphere.Aussie15Aussie (2012)
YawToEntity FunctionAussie5Kryzon (2012)
Is it possible to put a varible in a handle.Newbie3131Newbie31 (2012)
Correct z-ordering of tris near others ?RemiD7RemiD (2012)
Non-Uniform scale of an object?Guy Fawkes9Charrua (2012)
Need advice on pixel plottingDRH21DRH (2012)
Need help with updateDRH7DRH (2012)
Yasha!!Yue3Yue (2012)
Defining and managing sprite animations?Headdy7Yue (2012)
Pathfinding...psychicbottle23psychicbottle (2012)
Perspective problemgerald2Zethrax (2012)
Completely new beginner to 3Dgerald14gerald (2012)
Problem with Orbiting Cam?Guy Fawkes2_PJ_ (2012)
Help needed with 4 viewport example codeatv11atv (2012)
Bezier Waypoint creatorGuy Fawkes26Guy Fawkes (2012)
SpritesHappy Llama6Yasha (2012)
AimingHappy Llama8_PJ_ (2012)
Bullet DetectionHappy Llama13mv333 (2012)
Blender AnimationHappy Llama6Yasha (2012)
Police par défautPrym10Kryzon (2012)
Concepts to convert a high tris mesh in a low trisRemiD6_PJ_ (2012)
positioning a spriteyoshark2Yasha (2012)
changing the color of the entiyre screen?yoshark6Kryzon (2012)
single line input like html forms (blitzsys ?)Raul4_PJ_ (2012)
Getting control of collisions in code.gerald4Floyd (2012)
Select Expression for ControlsThe3Leaf8The3Leaf (2012)
Collision ProblemThe3Leaf6The3Leaf (2012)
URGENT! types aren't deletedvivaigiochi3vivaigiochi (2012)
Downloadable Game QuestionHappy Llama12Nexinarus (2012)
New line in Text DocumentThe3Leaf3The3Leaf (2012)
CopyRect and Image Buffers_PJ_4_PJ_ (2012)
How to update GUI buttons outside the mainloop ?RemiD7RemiD (2012)
3D, DrawImage, and Double Buffering don't mixShifty Geezer9Ross C (2012)
direct.x > UU > direct.x question.pjd2pjd (2012)
Boolean DatatypesTau_Aquilae3Tau_Aquilae (2012)
monkey helpGauge4Floyd (2012)
creating masked spritesSlomas5Ross C (2012)
Memory usage of int float string textures meshes ?RemiD3RemiD (2012)
Memory Violation - EntityY(ball) ?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
.ogg?Boiled Sweets25Prym (2012)
2D enemies in numerous rooms.Tobo2Kryzon (2012)
Change default B3D fontTobo9Adam Novagen (2012)
Texturing A hexagonJuoni13Adam Novagen (2012)
MenusHappy Llama7Midimaster (2012)
Blitz arraysRoss C8Yasha (2012)
Arrays as a type fieldTau_Aquilae5Tau_Aquilae (2012)
How do you Delete Arrays?Hotshot20056Hotshot2005 (2012)
Random movesEn9294En929 (2012)
Beginner questionTomShep5TomShep (2012)
Community Project for Networking RPGchrisnorris00759Adam Novagen (2012)
Random GeneratorsEn9298En929 (2012)
Clickable imagesHappy Llama6Kryzon (2012)
Types ProblemHappy Llama3Happy Llama (2012)
Collision index meaning and importance ?RemiD1RemiD (2012)
BBCruncherHappy Llama7Happy Llama (2012)
Timer QuestionHappy Llama11Happy Llama (2012)
Multi-Footstep SFX?Guy Fawkes82Guy Fawkes (2012)
Problems with animation?Guy Fawkes4Guy Fawkes (2012)
Creating a single exe file inc supporting filesMatsuz3Matsuz (2012)
Lots of Single Surface QuestionsNexus66Yasha (2012)
Collider capsule in Blitz3d ?RemiD6Kryzon (2012)
IDE input lag with windows 7Slomas6Danny (2012)
My Logoscreen Quad transition threadGuy Fawkes11H&K (2012)
My Adding Triangles Thread - PLEASE HELP!Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2012)
EndingHappy Llama32Happy Llama (2012)
Help with savefile function i created?Guy Fawkes14Ginger Tea (2012)
My leveleditor threadGuy Fawkes7Guy Fawkes (2012)
Move individual quads in a single surface systemNexus613RemiD (2012)
Do you know a lib for a real time blur effect ?RemiD1RemiD (2012)
program freezes for a momentando20Adam Novagen (2012)
fps need some helpmelonhead7jfk EO-11110 (2012)
Random ThrowsHappy Llama2Yasha (2012)
Problem with scaling?Guy Fawkes28Guy Fawkes (2012)
Moving character over terrain in a straight linePowerPC60324PowerPC603 (2012)
Nested Loops and Conditional stuffCyberPackRat16CyberPackRat (2012)
Start MenuHappy Llama2Yasha (2012)
camera_move problem?Guy Fawkes8Guy Fawkes (2012)
Problem with Save functionGuy Fawkes14Guy Fawkes (2012)
Snowball GravityHappy Llama4Happy Llama (2012)
Help with Object DeletingGuy Fawkes32Ross C (2012)
Help with object picking (Switching modes)Guy Fawkes11Guy Fawkes (2012)
Hiding close button?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2012)
Disable Window Dragging?Guy Fawkes9Guy Fawkes (2012)
Enemy snowball CollisionsHappy Llama14Rob the Great (2012)
Help with enemy player detection?Guy Fawkes29Hotshot2005 (2012)
Procedural CityNexus630Ross C (2012)
Excutable QuestionHappy Llama6Happy Llama (2012)
Help with Collision?Guy Fawkes12Drak (2012)
Drak's Waypoint Example?Guy Fawkes41Guy Fawkes (2012)
How to draw above the others apps when Blitz3d isRemiD7RemiD (2012)
Collision QHappy Llama21Happy Llama (2012)
Pick more than one object at once?Guy Fawkes19Kryzon (2012)
A* path finding?Guy Fawkes21Rabies (2012)
Problem with Animation?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2012)
Point to Cursor using Angles - Bug?(tu) ENAY4(tu) ENAY (2012)
ReloadingHappy Llama5Charrua (2012)
Shooting SnowballsHappy Llama5Happy Llama (2012)
Ide EditorGauge4Dark Soul (2012)
line segment to circle collissionsMichiGamian2Kryzon (2012)
Making *.B3D MeshesCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7jfk EO-11110 (2012)
Animated Mesh wont use orginal sequence?YellBellzDotCom4YellBellzDotCom (2012)
Creating Object Animation in Code?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4RemiD (2012)
Float PointsAussie7Aussie (2012)
Problem with freezing and gravityCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Blitz3D Online Crash Course!!!!!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)11Ross C (2012)
equitypointJack5Jack (2012)
Player floating in air constantly. Help please!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)13Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
entitypoint (sorry-meant to post this here)Jack7Jack (2011)
Entity Amount VisibleRob the Great9Rob the Great (2011)
My Blitz3D TutorialsCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)10Yasha (2011)
Denying a keydownHappy Llama3Kryzon (2011)
2d+3dHappy Llama5Happy Llama (2011)
Chase CamHappy Llama6Happy Llama (2011)
Why does the cube discontinue rotation?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
My player is FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)4Rob the Great (2011)
Blender models ????Twinprogrammer22ardee (2011)
IDEal & Windows 7 problem. Help.Galdy4Galdy (2011)
Jumping IssuesCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
Functions Problem (Moving Sphere)Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7Yue (2011)
Help with Sorting in BlitzArrays_PJ_3_PJ_ (2011)
3D Title Menu Problems.Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)38Rob the Great (2011)
Grabbing an Image over the webCodeOrc4_PJ_ (2011)
Force signed Bytes wuith Peek/Poke_PJ_4_PJ_ (2011)
ScaleTexture()The3Leaf5The3Leaf (2011)
IDE bug?_PJ_3_PJ_ (2011)
Question about the timer and drawing framesEn9291En929 (2011)
I have a question about musicEn9295En929 (2011)
scan-codes to ASCII conversionMusicianKool14MusicianKool (2011)
How do I make my movie start later?En9291En929 (2011)
banks, types, and arraysmindstorms20Dem'ah (2011)
I'm still having trouble with making a punchEn9291En929 (2011)
Executable ErrorEn9294xlsior (2011)
FreeEntity FreeTexture FreeImage and memoryRemiD7RemiD (2011)
flicker with my embedded IEtyoud4tyoud (2011)
Functions and Type helpAaP7Rob the Great (2011)
Custom Types and Drawing ImagesThe3Leaf5The3Leaf (2011)
I need help with something in BlitzBasic 2DEn9291En929 (2011)
Embedding HTML into Blitz3d - different ideastyoud7tyoud (2011)
I cannot get music to play at allCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)2GaryV (2011)
360 Degree Movement - tutorial video on YouTubeandy_mc9andy_mc (2011)
Understanding Blitz3d with 2dCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)18Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2011)
Perspective drawing...tyoud4tyoud (2011)
I'm thinking about getting 3D BlitzEn9295En929 (2011)
Saved BMP is quite hugeando7ando (2011)
Help with actions detect in RPG mapDicon3Midimaster (2011)
Small demo wantedDicon9Dicon (2011)
Floats vs. DoublesRob the Great6xlsior (2011)
3d Spline creator/editIan Lett2Kryzon (2011)
Objects and typesTau_Aquilae4Yasha (2011)
Teaching kids programmingSpec9Kirkkaf13 (2011)
My code denies to appear in full screenbashc5bashc (2011)
Storm.dll (StormLib) questiontyoud5tyoud (2011)
What do the OR and AND in these snippets mean?iprice6iprice (2011)
Texture questionTrek5John Blackledge (2011)
Axis WidgetEric4Kryzon (2011)
I hope this isn't a crazy questionEn9294En929 (2011)
print in a paperSantiworld8Santiworld (2011)
i dont think i wrote this right?melonhead6melonhead (2011)
quick onemelonhead9melonhead (2011)
Closest Waypoint?Guy Fawkes16Ginger Tea (2011)
Texture to have "Screen" effectDheDarkhCustard5DheDarkhCustard (2011)
Is there an EraseByte() like function?Rob the Great9Rob the Great (2011)
Planes, Meshes and SurfacesKingLestat11Graythe (2011)
Skybox and mixing texturesKingLestat5KingLestat (2011)
How do I cancel a key?En9294En929 (2011)
moving prites like old nes gamesmelonhead9Graythe (2011)
Just out of pure curiosityTau_Aquilae6_PJ_ (2011)
How to move a sprite character in steps of 32Dicon4_PJ_ (2011)
7 Years Bad Luck?_PJ_7_PJ_ (2011)
am i using the type's right?melonhead6stayne (2011)
function helpmelonhead6Yasha (2011)
Entity Animation questiontyoud4tyoud (2011)
How to turn a QTS terrain into a mesh?Guy Fawkes49stayne (2011)
File Strings on one line as opposed to multiple?Guy Fawkes6Matty (2011)
going to one level to an other levelmelonhead5melonhead (2011)
sprite helpmelonhead10melonhead (2011)
stupid question about returnTau_Aquilae12Kryzon (2011)
Need a bit of helpEn9295Who was John Galt? (2011)
I have another questionEn9291En929 (2011)
How to tell WHICH NPCs which point they belong to?Guy Fawkes12stayne (2011)
Moving the Camera vs. Moving the TerrainMahan4Rob the Great (2011)
Screensaver messing up iconsAussie6Aussie (2011)
how to submit screenshot to galleryzeek1zeek (2011)
Image Does Not Exist ProblemShuffles5Matty (2011)
Screensavers & FPS(Frames Per Second)Aussie4Aussie (2011)
Using projectx() & y() to put name above head?Guy Fawkes39Guy Fawkes (2011)
looking for somethinggrindalf7Warner (2011)
Terrain Lighting ProblemPresumingEd4PresumingEd (2011)
setting system variablespete034Adam Novagen (2011)
Sharp Edges On 3D Models Possible?QuickSilva5QuickSilva (2011)
Simple Question :)Shuffles4Shuffles (2011)
Type questionMusicianKool2Yasha (2011)
append to add info in a file?Santiworld3Santiworld (2011)
Blender physics\cloth\fluid in Blitz?QuickSilva3QuickSilva (2011)
Spawning Blocks and Destroying ThemShuffles6Shuffles (2011)
How to Fire a BulletShuffles1Shuffles (2011)
2D LightingKenshin Yurihara43mv333 (2011)
Problem with emit sound?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2011)
Messed up writestring?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2011)
Ray casting collision detection.Moore2Moore (2011)
Collision Glitch - Coldet Wrapper?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2011)
Problem with Entity Recording system?Guy Fawkes8Guy Fawkes (2011)
Clickable image / image highlight?Guy Fawkes14Guy Fawkes (2011)
Rain effectKiyoshi3Guy Fawkes (2011)
createmirror command?Cubed Inc.4Warner (2011)
End-commandMarcell2Yasha (2011)
Deleting a TypeHardcoal6Hardcoal (2011)
Add commands that IDEal Auto-indentsRob the Great7Blitzplotter (2011)
An Icon for my Appjulianbury26Blitzplotter (2011)
Position Tree ( Mesh ) 2 Terrain problemJack Dawson11Jack Dawson (2011)
"Too Many Parameters" or "Expecting Expression" bu_PJ_6lo-tekk (2011)
PNG Mask Problem ( Weird )Jack Dawson4Jack Dawson (2011)
Number grid map?Kiyoshi3PowerPC603 (2011)
Trying to create some buildings.SheepOnMintSauce5SheepOnMintSauce (2011)
Picked angle?Kiyoshi5Kiyoshi (2011)
Need a little help understanding this mathCodeOrc4CodeOrc (2011)
blitz3d + TrackIRSantiworld3Charrua (2011)
Handling DataKirkkaf136Charrua (2011)
attaching an entity to a bone?coffeeaddict3jfk EO-11110 (2011)
GetMatElement - What is the matrix size row/cols ?patmaba9patmaba (2011)
Animating sprites in 3d?Cubed Inc.1Cubed Inc. (2011)
Most Efficient Rectangle_PJ_5_PJ_ (2011)
step by stepSaakazmi9_PJ_ (2011)
Arrays GlobalThePict3ThePict (2011)
Simulating a keypress-AutotypingNike10Kryzon (2011)
Fade in, fade outDicon2GfK (2011)
multi cubesssdw3ssdw (2011)
debugging B3DAmanda Dearheart3Amanda Dearheart (2011)
map 2D connected or infinitebashc3bashc (2011)
any one have winblitz3d?Smurfpuss9Kryzon (2011)
player turning issuesCubed Inc.5Kryzon (2011)
Going from running to standing?Cubed Inc.15Cubed Inc. (2011)
New To 3DKirkkaf135Kirkkaf13 (2011)
Is there a 2D "EntityAlpha"-like command?Caleb31Kryzon (2011)
Build and Run problemsJonah3GfK (2011)
Animation code problemCubed Inc.4Cubed Inc. (2011)
setting up forestlauri5lauri (2011)
IdEal question.Galdy5Galdy (2011)
Why isn't this working?Galdy6Galdy (2011)
How to get individual R,G,B values of a pixel?Galdy4Warner (2011)
multiplayer network commands: need help please!etxtra4System4 Studios (2011)
Configuration/Setting Data In Reg or File?_PJ_8_PJ_ (2011)
Shortening my stringKiyoshi5Kryzon (2011)
Turning in a 3d gameNike7jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Lighting Problem : I need explanations, please !etxtra4Warner (2011)
Please, What's wrong ? Simple menu, need help !etxtra3etxtra (2011)
Annoying error, maybe a Blitz3D bug !etxtra10Floyd (2011)
ParentingDicon3stayne (2011)
Any known issues with ATI Cards? Problem.Galdy4Galdy (2011)
Collisions: Need some advices please !etxtra8Warner (2011)
Different results with executable vers compile/runGaldy3Galdy (2011)
Annoying Runtime Error: Please Help !etxtra9Rob the Great (2011)
Code question for someone...Galdy4Galdy (2011)
Problem: creating an array with "DIM". Please. ?.etxtra14jfk EO-11110 (2011)
How does "LinePick" works, please ? I need help !etxtra4Warner (2011)
Positioning many 3D objects: I need help, please !etxtra3etxtra (2011)
2 Blitz3D Bugs !: "RotateEntity" won't turn 360° !etxtra10etxtra (2011)
Why is Global considered bad?Rob the Great13Yasha (2011)
3D Game Programming for Teens BookHotshot20052jfk EO-11110 (2011)
“Function can only appear in the main loop. " QuesGaldy18Rob the Great (2011)
Buffering? This is Strange_PJ_3Warner (2011)
Terrain HeightMap problem: I need help please. ?.etxtra20Yasha (2011)
Calculating Array Memory usage. How?Galdy10_PJ_ (2011)
Array questions. Deleting/renaming?Galdy5Kryzon (2011)
Exploding hea-- Um, deleting mesh partsKiyoshi5Kiyoshi (2011)
Fitting many images on smallest possible texture..Abomination4Abomination (2011)
Transparency, Alpha-Blending: need help: ?etxtra3jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Limit number of surfaces per Mesh?Abomination14jfk EO-11110 (2011)
How do you save as 3D mesh file?fdfederation5Blitzplotter (2011)
a quickey about TypeFields vs Local variablesAbomination9_PJ_ (2011)
how to optimize drawing?coffeeaddict6_PJ_ (2011)
How many "AND" condition checks can one use?Galdy7_PJ_ (2011)
Modeling ProgramsTau_Aquilae14Yasha (2011)
2D-Gui over a 3D-worldAbomination4Abomination (2011)
About Multi-texturing: I need help !etxtra3Warner (2011)
Wireframe and no wireframeKiyoshi4Yue (2011)
User prompt input problem.Galdy6jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Trouble getting meshes to play well togetherTrek5MCP (2011)
A string variable in procedure call?-Gosub,Other?Galdy4GfK (2011)
How do Slow 2D Animations Sprites Down?Hotshot20056jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Using types for 3d meshes?Dicon2Dicon (2011)
Duplicating and renamingDicon4Dicon (2011)
Paint Surface and UV MappingRob the Great2Rob the Great (2011)
Paint onto a mesh? Fps questions.Kiyoshi5Kiyoshi (2011)
RenderWorld causes MAVK14jfk EO-11110 (2011)
hi from sefseferey3jfk EO-11110 (2011)
issue with mousedowncoffeeaddict9jfk EO-11110 (2011)
blender export problemlauri6lauri (2011)
Animated Spritesearok10Morbius (2011)
can i have this water?Santiworld4Santiworld (2011)
Help with file operations please.Galdy3Galdy (2011)
strange problemSantiworld12GfK (2011)
Positionign enemies etc.lauri11lauri (2011)
New to 3D,need help, collisions and walkingCloseToPerfect2jfk EO-11110 (2011)
Include questionsThePict16ThePict (2011)
"line" causes a memory access violation?Abomination10Abomination (2011)
sliding down steep slopes?Cubed Inc.7jfk EO-11110 (2011)
The mystery of the disappearing pink rectangleAbomination2jfk EO-11110 (2011)
jumping problemCubed Inc.4Rob the Great (2010)
naming variables from stringsB26B2 (2010)
Terrains.Kenshin Yurihara9Kenshin Yurihara (2010)
2D Path FindingKenshin Yurihara10* (2010)
different texture for each face of (2010)
Texture painting programKiyoshi2dawlane (2010)
Camera AnimationFintan10Yasha (2010)
need help showing spritesFernhout5steve_ancell (2010)
IDeal - Userlibspc_tek4pc_tek (2010)
Using wmas for sound effectsfox958714D4NM4N (2010)
how to improve the performance of blitz games?Santiworld12jfk EO-11110 (2010)
VertexColour limits?_PJ_9_PJ_ (2010)
Nebula Effect ideas...Tau_Aquilae7Tau_Aquilae (2010)
Flip clock style animationSeldon3Seldon (2010)
linepicks & collisionsAussie13jfk EO-11110 (2010)
need helpSmurfpuss4Smurfpuss (2010)
Automatically updated gamesfox958712jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Preventing aspect ratio distortionfox9587124Sledge (2010)
How to use Set Task-Application Priorityfox958713fox95871 (2010)
Another animation questionAussie4Aussie (2010)
Count Children Recursive?Rob the Great14Rob the Great (2010)
My game feels "unpolished"Cubed Inc.10jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Crouching HelpKiyoshi4jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Smooth camera that doesn't stay behind the playerCubed Inc.12jfk EO-11110 (2010)
BinToDec() Function_PJ_5_PJ_ (2010)
Player controls relative to cameraCubed Inc.6Rob the Great (2010)
Finding and texturing "parts" of a mesh?Cubed Inc.21jhocking (2010)
Tformed?Cubed Inc.4jhocking (2010)
texture scrolling?Cubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2010)
ReadDir and NextFile_PJ_3_PJ_ (2010)
Lighting question(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2010)
Taking screenshots?Cubed Inc.13* (2010)
Lighting helpKiyoshi4Kiyoshi (2010)
Hello again after awhile.Kenshin Yurihara5Kenshin Yurihara (2010)
Something wrong with my mouse codebashc3bashc (2010)
Question about Stevie G's code.Cubed Inc.17Cubed Inc. (2010)
Antivirus programs blocking Blitz3D gamesfox9587110fox95871 (2010)
String terminators_PJ_10stanrol (2010)
Character customization?Cubed Inc.4_PJ_ (2010)
everything to do with stanrol's codestanrol86stanrol (2010)
Finding a "child' entity in a mesh.Cubed Inc.9Cubed Inc. (2010)
FPS Homing shots?Robey4_PJ_ (2010)
Ladders/climbing walls?Robey10* (2010)
Game on a mac?Nike6* (2010)
attaching entitys to bone?Cubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2010)
My .b3d animations exp from fragmotion won't work.Hosh3CodeOrc (2010)
Better texture quality?Cubed Inc.12chi (2010)
Giant terrain, draw distances, culling.Ian Martin5Ian Martin (2010)
FPS IssuesW4big10p (2010)
Anti-Aliasing?Cubed Inc.7Yue (2010)
Help me.Yue6FBEpyon (2010)
If [enter action here] then animate meshAvestheFox10Drak (2010)
Max Headroom type thingSoggyP7SoggyP (2010)
GetColor fastJosaih6/103Ross C (2010)
Blender to B3D Exporter?DinoEntrails5DinoEntrails (2010)
i lost (Sorry my english is bad)Yue22Josaih6/10 (2010)
My game's mediaKiyoshi6Josaih6/10 (2010)
KeyHit()pc_tek3_PJ_ (2010)
Lowest Common Denominators_PJ_18_PJ_ (2010)
Animated Mesh MorphingCubed Inc.11Cubed Inc. (2010)
Will BlitzLua slow down Blitz3D?Happy Sammy6Ginger Tea (2010)
Listbox (drop box) for Blitz3djigga6192_PJ_ (2010)
2D CollisionJaydubeww8Hotshot2005 (2010)
Rendering Speedspc_tek13Zmatrix (2010)
CurrentDate() & CurrentTime()_PJ_5_Skully (2010)
how do i not allow more than 1 instance of an app?Whats My Face8xlsior (2010)
I flatout don't understand typesCubed Inc.12_PJ_ (2010)
Local Pick or TForm Pick?BLaBZ4BLaBZ (2010)
Jumping?( please help, i'm desperate)Cubed Inc.44Cubed Inc. (2010)
Ratchet and Clank basic controls and jumping?Cubed Inc.9Nate the Great (2010)
Terrain types?Quantum5Rob the Great (2010)
em-ail the authorstanrol7Adam Novagen (2010)
Types Againpc_tek8pc_tek (2010)
HostNetGame problemlauri3stanrol (2010)
3d Tiles and Terrains (Again Sorry)FBEpyon2FBEpyon (2010)
b3d querystanrol1stanrol (2010)
CLANLIBmonkeyx4Charrua (2010)
Smoothing, subsurf automatically?Nenad5Ross C (2010)
a little math/logic helpNate the Great4Serpent (2010)
Function helpNike5Serpent (2010)
How to Render on 2D Background Picture?vircop5vircop (2010)
TCP still working?Fey7xtremegamr (2010)
Searching Type Listspc_tek19Charrua (2010)
compass questionstayne6stayne (2010)
Treeview?646 (2010)
Load image working on one code but not another.jigga6194xtremegamr (2010)
Collisions not Always Successful?BLaBZ4puki (2010)
best method for FPS collisions?andy_mc5Shambler (2010)
Animation helpKiyoshi4dawlane (2010)
3D Sprite mask color??Kiyoshi5Kiyoshi (2010)
Triggering screen changing?Cubed Inc.10Serpent (2010)
need collision help.MusicianKool10Ross C (2010)
If any 3 keyhits() end programjigga6193Dabhand (2010)
reading pixel color data to an arrayAvestheFox17Adam Novagen (2010)
PhysicsNerdyBrendan6Charrua (2010)
Level Changing?Cubed Inc.27Cubed Inc. (2010)
Blitz3D in dutchFernhout4Ross C (2010)
Lighting a multi-mesh textured cube.R Ellingworth7K (2010)
saving tile array mapsAvestheFox17AvestheFox (2010)
3D Studio MaxDicon18Kryzon (2010)
loading questionmelonhead8AvestheFox (2010)
Ratchet and Clank type jumping?Cubed Inc.7Cubed Inc. (2010)
z-brushrufio726dawlane (2010)
Display coordinates???NerdyBrendan4CodeOrc (2010)
OOP kind of basic scripting..eehh converter thing?MusicianKool8MusicianKool (2010)
FPS HELPNerdyBrendan4NerdyBrendan (2010)
Pivot HELPNerdyBrendan5stanrol (2010)
Random Numbers_PJ_17_PJ_ (2010)
rotate image help!bumpy3bumpy (2010)
0+1=8?grindalf6D4NM4N (2010)
Death plane helpRobey11Robey (2010)
Is this a bug?Josaih6/104Josaih6/10 (2010)
Win 7 and B3DCodeOrc42Kryzon (2010)
Function HelpKirkkaf134stanrol (2010)
DrawImage HelpKirkkaf136Matty (2010)
Jumping?Cubed Inc.11GIB3D (2010)
MemoryKirkkaf135Kirkkaf13 (2010)
Calling graphics3d multiple times?Jaydubeww12Jaydubeww (2010)
Jumping...Happy Llama4Nate the Great (2010)
Basic InputKirkkaf133Kirkkaf13 (2010)
Re-StudyKirkkaf134Kryzon (2010)
Disabling keysNike11Serpent (2010)
Where could we buy old official blitz3d manual?Happy Sammy10Ross C (2010)
Hue saturation and brightness slidersfox958715fox95871 (2010)
Help me! simple audio codemimox3mimox (2010)
validate input?Jaydubeww4Matty (2010)
Aircraft roll left & right problemsAussie3Aussie (2010)
green circle over the player (surface?)rufio728rufio72 (2010)
How do you get the Alpha of an entityMusicianKool2puki (2010)
POLL: Blitz3d v Windows OSpc_tek3pc_tek (2010)
Part of my code won't workCubed Inc.3Cubed Inc. (2010)
Saving Hiscorespc_tek4pc_tek (2010)
Blitz 3D Programming Manual (official) to sellkgermershausen3Oiduts Studios (2010)
Parseing a dat\txt fileAussie6_PJ_ (2010)
Faster entity information_PJ_21_PJ_ (2010)
Super Mario 64 type controls (agian)Cubed Inc.8Cubed Inc. (2010)
deleting typesAussie8Aussie (2010)
parse an image fileDoggie5Doggie (2010)
Reading bytes in particular order_PJ_6_PJ_ (2010)
Another type problemAussie6Aussie (2010)
Sprite problemsAussie4Kryzon (2010)
BlitzArrays and strings?_PJ_7_PJ_ (2010)
Anagrams / Word lists_PJ_7_PJ_ (2010)
Weird PlaySound Error_PJ_6_PJ_ (2010)
no alpha layer in DrawImage?Jaydubeww4Ross C (2010)
IncBin for Blitz3D?Marcell6Marcell (2010)
Night LightsSantiworld2Ross C (2010)
Vista, Windows 7 and even 64-bit OS (inc. XP)_PJ_8Charrua (2010)
Chase Cam HELPNerdyBrendan5NerdyBrendan (2010)
Rotating mesh problemDicon9Dicon (2010)
concatenationDoggie14_PJ_ (2010)
Fastlibs - shadows don't workCubed Inc.5Cubed Inc. (2010)
How do I add smooth jumping in this code???NerdyBrendan4stanrol (2010)
align a quad to camerascribbla17scribbla (2010)
Another 3d asteroids questionAussie3Aussie (2010)
Screen tearing or double imagefox958718lo-tekk (2010)
click on objectDicon21Dicon (2010)
Easier GUI Mouseclick/icon checks_PJ_24_PJ_ (2010)
Publishing a GameGridian3Gridian (2010)
align an entity to a terrian?Cubed Inc.17Cubed Inc. (2010)
page flippingDoggie3Doggie (2010)
third-person camera?Cubed Inc.17Cubed Inc. (2010)
Disable Z-Depth?Guy Fawkes9Kryzon (2010)
how to make a sound echo?Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2010)
Mesh PlacementDicon3Dicon (2010)
Question about ImageGridian9Gridian (2010)
ClearTextureFilters messing up musicfox958716Ross C (2010)
Edge UVs causing duplicate verteciesfox958713fox95871 (2010)
Line breakerfox958714fox95871 (2010)
More out of text files?Pete Carter2Pete Carter (2010)
Rotating objects in relation to the camerafox958715fox95871 (2010)
Typing slowdown on B3D IDETobo96 (2010)
Inside object?Guy Fawkes117Who was John Galt? (2010)
"Expecting End-of-File"... How do I fix this...NerdyBrendan12GIB3D (2010)
splatting helpscribbla3scribbla (2010)
Ragdoll with Loaded MeshJosaih6/101Josaih6/10 (2010)
ChildModel infoMr. Slat10Mr. Slat (2010)
Please Help With Testing_PJ_7_PJ_ (2010)
how to control frames per second (fps-rate)darkgon9Gabriel (2010)
Reinstall windowsJack3Jack (2010)
Does imagesoverlap vs imagescollide still count?Tobo4Tobo (2010)
Waypoints not working right..Guy Fawkes121Who was John Galt? (2010)
"Constants must be initialized" HELP PLZZZNerdyBrendan4_PJ_ (2010)
Rain acting weird?Guy Fawkes15_PJ_ (2010)
Jumping in gameNerdyBrendan4_PJ_ (2010)
hp bar screwy?Guy Fawkes3_PJ_ (2010)
.b3D problemsDicon4_PJ_ (2010)
Role-Playing-Game helpNerdyBrendan6Drak (2010)
collision?Guy Fawkes80Guy Fawkes (2010)
need help converting waypoint code from c++ to b3dGuy Fawkes55Ross C (2010)
Help with animationCoolPops7GIB3D (2010)
wide screen detectionFernhout27Fernhout (2010)
Need FPS code... PlzzzzzzzNerdyBrendan3NerdyBrendan (2010)
Help with AI codesNerdyBrendan6Charrua (2010)
Random MovementEn9295Midimaster (2010)
Creating menu for a game... Plz Help!!!!NerdyBrendan3NerdyBrendan (2010)
Writing an array to a fileAussie4Aussie (2010)
how to make enemy go FLYING on the y and z axis?Guy Fawkes26Ross C (2010)
graphics commandKairu8Serpent (2010)
Physicsfox9587115Charrua (2010)
compilingKairu11Sauer (2010)
making a power up in a rockfall gameKairu3Nate the Great (2010)
bounce not working....Guy Fawkes15Guy Fawkes (2010)
Springs not working right.Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2010)
Unable to texture a coneDicon2Stevie G (2010)
character home attack not working?Guy Fawkes19Guy Fawkes (2010)
turning off far away texture blurring?Cubed Inc.11Cubed Inc. (2010)
Text Entry_PJ_4Midimaster (2010)
Spinning TopKirkkaf137Guy Fawkes (2010)
Make my game pleaseGameCoder80Ked (2010)
Simple noob question on variables.Tobo8big10p (2010)
Adding more entityblend?Cubed Inc.13Warner (2010)
Light functionsKirkkaf1310Gabriel (2010)
Textures MapMr. Slat3Mr. Slat (2010)
Changing levels?Cubed Inc.17jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Side ScrollerKirkkaf134jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Memory Access ViolationKirkkaf134Serpent (2010)
Fog EffectKirkkaf132Zethrax (2010)
Moving to 3DKirkkaf1313Tobo (2010)
Im new, also need help with typesKiyoshi5Drak (2010)
unable to create graphics mode?Kirkkaf1312Drak (2010)
Texture collision?Guy Fawkes15Oiduts Studios (2010)
~ Operation_PJ_7Charrua (2010)
Passing variable from blitz to mysql via php POSTNightmare1Nightmare (2010)
A good modellerClayPigeon9jfk EO-11110 (2010)
PLEASE HELP! Drag drop STILL screwed up ><Guy Fawkes3Oiduts Studios (2010)
cell shading on animated entities7869794Warner (2010)
Duplicate Variable NameCubed Inc.4Cubed Inc. (2010)
ConsoleKirkkaf132nrasool (2010)
Editing LoadMesh meshesfox958714fox95871 (2010)
Blitz3d under Linux?Kirkkaf137Kirkkaf13 (2010)
Problem w/ waypoint code?Guy Fawkes3Oiduts Studios (2010)
Glitchy world / jump code?Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2010)
glitchy jump code?Guy Fawkes6Serpent (2010)
How to check if user uses a / commandGuy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2010)
AlignToVector helpTrek11Trek (2010)
Entitytype 3 NOT colliding? oOGuy Fawkes22Guy Fawkes (2010)
question about bones and animation meshSantiworld5Kryzon (2010)
Starting My Programming JourneyKirkkaf1318_PJ_ (2010)
Collision help!?Duff6Stevie G (2010)
conect blitz app to a web?Santiworld3Santiworld (2010)
My first game!Kirkkaf1331Ross C (2010)
BuffersKirkkaf1312jfk EO-11110 (2010)
Recordingpc_tek5_Skully (2010)
Border with Graphics 800,600Marcell6Kryzon (2010)
Basic DataKirkkaf137Kirkkaf13 (2010)
create with copyentity many entitysSantiworld3Santiworld (2010)
uv maping with blendersirus6D4NM4N (2010)
Questions on SDK usagerod545Dreamora (2010)
Attaching one mesh to another with animation?TheSkyIsUp7Kryzon (2010)
not showing texture on b3d fileB4jfk EO-11110 (2010)
How to apply a ascii character to a cubeBlitzplotter20Blitzplotter (2010)
Restarting B3D using RaknetFarflame8SabataRH (2009)
lightingsirus5Matty (2009)
Variable with multiple argumentsSeb6711Yasha (2009)
Creating a masked spritePowerPC6037PowerPC603 (2009)
Set window to taskbar?Guy Fawkes17Guy Fawkes (2009)
Little Advice.Kenshin Yurihara4Kenshin Yurihara (2009)
Rotated images and directionsValgar19Valgar (2009)
Get actual gravity?Guy Fawkes33Nate the Great (2009)
What is faster?PowerPC60312PowerPC603 (2009)
Rocket moving towards object (enemy)?Guy Fawkes11Matty (2009)
Particle Glitch?Guy Fawkes2Guy Fawkes (2009)
sorting variables help!tsmpaul3tsmpaul (2009)
FPS Gurus - Bulltets?wmaass7wmaass (2009)
How can I determine the number of lines in a filezortzblatz2Matty (2009)
LabelsPowerPC6033PowerPC603 (2009)
Problem displaying textPowerPC60313PowerPC603 (2009)
Can't get values from different text boxes in GUI.Guy Fawkes12BoneStan (2009)
Books?Happy Llama7sirus (2009)
Getting key presses without a window?neos3003Warner (2009)
using blender and dosnt work when i sculptsirus6sirus (2009)
Using controllers with two analog sticks...SuperRoboFan11Guy Fawkes (2009)
Playing MoviesSpaceMan9410Warner (2009)
How do I make a working animated 3ds file?SuperRoboFan5Drak (2009)
Getting a type based on a value(fast)?neos3004Beaker (2009)
Desert Scenary, need adviceSantiworld5Nice_But_Dim (2009)
Problems with typesValgar14Valgar (2009)
GUI going freakin psycho..... -.-Guy Fawkes3Guy Fawkes (2009)
CollisionsPowerPC6035PowerPC603 (2009)
Rose Petal Formula?Guy Fawkes5Guy Fawkes (2009)
net game, adviceSantiworld6Matty (2009)
Shortening Nested Type-Rick-20_PJ_ (2009)
how to select entitys with a rectangle ..Panno3_PJ_ (2009)
Programming for 2 joysticks having only 1 joystickMarcell2Matty (2009)
Making an online gamePooder4AJ00200 (2009)
don't run low level command (exec )vivaigiochi2xlsior (2009)
Scrolling background?zortzblatz7Matty (2009)
CPU Timepc_tek7Yasha (2009)
Banks Problemsneos3005neos300 (2009)
Maplet Exporting Issue?Link5Link (2009)
Getting vars from a String....neos3005_PJ_ (2009)
Sprite as a mouse pointerDheDarkhCustard9Kryzon (2009)
guessing gamemelonhead13_PJ_ (2009)
illegal or not?Kenshin Yurihara6D4NM4N (2009)
how can i align a cube to a terrainSantiworld3Santiworld (2009)
Engine Sounds, best way?CodeOrc8D4NM4N (2009)
Getting animated meshes to workfox958718MoonShadow (2009)
minimize window to taskbar?Guy Fawkes3jfk EO-11110 (2009)
sprite blending helpscribbla8scribbla (2009)
Particle Candy??Guy Fawkes1Guy Fawkes (2009)
Calculator help?Guy Fawkes64Guy Fawkes (2009)
RotateMesh on an animated meshDip4Kryzon (2009)
Blitz3D/DeleD questionflyingrob10grindalf (2009)
Weird file stuff going on_PJ_6_PJ_ (2009)
Terrain LOD pop-in is horribleIcyDefiance15fox95871 (2009)
radeon x800 error..Play3Beaker (2009)
Get mesh animation names?Guy Fawkes7GfK (2009)
BlitzODE level changerfox958713fox95871 (2009)
health above enemy head?Guy Fawkes15Guy Fawkes (2009)
Maximum Ints_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
Blue blocksMarcell7_PJ_ (2009)
OpenGL 3.2 / Direct X 9.0c Implemention possible?Kenshin Yurihara9xlsior (2009)
loading a meshJack10John Blackledge (2009)
Network filespc_tek4pc_tek (2009)
Missing frame when you change directionfox958719fox95871 (2009)
Just want 1 number behind the decimal pointjigga6197_PJ_ (2009)
Using brackets for CaptureWorld and UpdateWorldfox958713GfK (2009)
MeshesIntersectfox958713Zethrax (2009)
Screen Modepc_tek5_PJ_ (2009)
End one program and start anotherIcyDefiance5IcyDefiance (2009)
Another Rectangle per hitjigga6193Matty (2009)
I'm back and have a slight problem.Kenshin Yurihara18Kenshin Yurihara (2009)
Random Numbers without Repeatjigga61912_PJ_ (2009)
Wrapper for Bass Version 2.4spriteman2spriteman (2009)
Usernamepc_tek3pc_tek (2009)
contact7869793Matty (2009)
loading up levelsmelonhead8PowerPC603 (2009)
Saveing a mapNike4Warner (2009)
Array of TypesJosaih6/103Josaih6/10 (2009)
Break statement?zortzblatz11_PJ_ (2009)
using text command in If thenBraden5Marchesi (2009)
Network game helpBraden7Matty (2009)
what am i doing wrong... (restart)Braden5Braden (2009)
Aim a 2D Sprite, make a 3D Model rotate ?CodeOrc3GIB3D (2009)
POST NetworkingAJ002007Beaker (2009)
random generate terrainBraden5Braden (2009)
Creating realistic gravityA51M15X18jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Endless camera movement with the mouse visiblefox9587136A51M15X (2009)
collision with arrayBraden6Braden (2009)
Gravity not WorkingA51M15X5A51M15X (2009)
ImageRectCollide with default mouse?Galdy3Galdy (2009)
File hostingfox9587116Gabriel (2009)
Millisecs() = 0octothorpe20jfk EO-11110 (2009)
More String Questionszortzblatz11zortzblatz (2009)
Step by step help for Sprites?A51M15X4Kryzon (2009)
Reading a random line from a file?zortzblatz9Graythe (2009)
Drawing a turned imageAJ0020017Nate the Great (2009)
.3dsGorley19Ginger Tea (2009)
Getting Wireframe to be both on and offfox9587114fox95871 (2009)
Beta testingfox958717fox95871 (2009)
Locking the mouse pointerA51M15X3A51M15X (2009)
target vram requirementsRifRaf5MadJack (2009)
Basic Question about EntityBoxWERDNA6WERDNA (2009)
How do I limit the number of Input characters?Ace Killjoy4Ace Killjoy (2009)
LoopSound restarting endlesslyfox9587122Bobysait (2009)
B3d animationFantomKite12jfk EO-11110 (2009)
color question.Arvidsson9jfk EO-11110 (2009)
semi transparent ImageLedgerARC14LedgerARC (2009)
shortcut command linessigheye5PowerPC603 (2009)
remove or intercept X button shutting down window?tsmpaul3tsmpaul (2009)
Turn child brush transparantSph!nx7Sph!nx (2009)
Get map textureSph!nx7Sph!nx (2009)
Rect functionArvidsson8xtremegamr (2009)
Read out-of-window pixelAJ002005AJ00200 (2009)
Mass Photo ShrinkAJ0020012Matty (2009)
Blitz media linker making broken exesfox958715fox95871 (2009)
Data and VariablesOwlEpicurus6big10p (2009)
entity order problemsAussie5Aussie (2009)
Simple Networking ProblemWhats My Face15Wings (2009)
A lightning effect?JBR3Nate the Great (2009)
Arrays in typesElendia Starman3Dr. Vince (2009)
Snap on gridNike25Nike (2009)
Illegal type conversion error...Elendia Starman9Elendia Starman (2009)
Chopping a Loaded MeshCodeOrc4Ross C (2009)
Load in backgroundAJ0020013AJ00200 (2009)
Making a palette?JBR9JBR (2009)
Texture not covering a very large 3ds modelA51M15X5Naughty Alien (2009)
help with entity controlsAussie7Aussie (2009)
Side scrolling fighter projectKairu4Kairu (2009)
What scale when creating 3D worlds.Tobo19jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Creating bulletsKairu13Ross C (2009)
Array in TypeJosaih6/102Ross C (2009)
stuck in a silly routineRGF6RGF (2009)
Newbie legal questionWildCat19WildCat (2009)
Flight sim questionscywhale7Chroma (2009)
UDP and TCPBLaBZ9Wings (2009)
Effects to all entities with same nameSph!nx41Sph!nx (2009)
TransitionsOwlEpicurus6OwlEpicurus (2009)
Pakmakerpc_tek11System4 Studios (2009)
Blitz plus programming in bb3dArvidsson4Arvidsson (2009)
Simple Texture questionwebhauser17jfk EO-11110 (2009)
PrintersAJ002003Kryzon (2009)
Angle Rotation(tu) ENAY11_PJ_ (2009)
A RPG includeJellon19AJ00200 (2009)
Loading different meshes to be the same sizefox958713Ross C (2009)
Making the labels window slider verticalfox9587110_PJ_ (2009)
SetBuffers necessityfox958715_PJ_ (2009)
Entity does not exitsAJ002007AJ00200 (2009)
2d plataform game questionSantiworld2_PJ_ (2009)
Turn PictureAJ002005_PJ_ (2009)
DirectShows commonnessfox958715_PJ_ (2009)
JumpHappy Llama4sswift (2009)
boundariesHappy Llama11Happy Llama (2009)
loadfont questionSantiworld6Santiworld (2009)
How do I make enemies navigate through a maze?WERDNA23WERDNA (2009)
startNetGameAJ0020012AJ00200 (2009)
Tile Map Slowdown ProblemAvestheFox7Ross C (2009)
tunnelArvidsson9Arvidsson (2009)
trouble deleting fileJosaih6/103Zethrax (2009)
MotivationLabyrnth20fox95871 (2009)
Making an IDEAJ0020010Ked (2009)
confuse .exe . rarSantiworld5_PJ_ (2009)
Obtain the OS name?_PJ_13nawi (2009)
Black SpriteXak6jfk EO-11110 (2009)
JumpingOwlEpicurus17OwlEpicurus (2009)
error on exitSantiworld11Santiworld (2009)
Im confusedShuffles19Warner (2009)
Un-MaskImage?_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
Blender AnimationBLaBZ3ardee (2009)
Weird problem with Camera parentingTobo7Tobo (2009)
Setting Input string limitationsAvestheFox5AvestheFox (2009)
put heightmap on mesh (sphere ...) ?Prym6Ross C (2009)
Blitz For MacsAJ002009GaryV (2009)
Using NextFile to scroll backfox958719_PJ_ (2009)
Computer running hotgrindalf8grindalf (2009)
CloseMovie not freeing up ramfox958717fox95871 (2009)
.b3d from Maplet won't load...OwlEpicurus19jfk EO-11110 (2009)
If collided, do nothing?BLaBZ5jfk EO-11110 (2009)
memory acces vio..Santiworld33_PJ_ (2009)
FireAJ0020017AJ00200 (2009)
ModifyTerrain MAV_PJ_10_PJ_ (2009)
need a graphics resolution adviceSantiworld16BLaBZ (2009)
Image not appearing on screenOwlEpicurus7OwlEpicurus (2009)
Vista/Windows 7pc_tek7xlsior (2009)
Diagonals not working and getting a stray framefox9587110fox95871 (2009)
Collision problemsfox958719fox95871 (2009)
'If', "and', and 'not'OwlEpicurus7_PJ_ (2009)
EntityRadius questionTobo11_PJ_ (2009)
Moving PlatformJosaih6/108SabataRH (2009)
Tunle TrubleJosaih6/1012AJ00200 (2009)
GNet?AJ002003AJ00200 (2009)
Move Mouse/Keyboard PressAJ002003AJ00200 (2009)
Real Mouse Coordinatesblade0073blade007 (2009)
Keydown() has failed me!blade0073blade007 (2009)
Create random hills and smooth terrainrebootbug5rebootbug (2009)
object does not exist errorJosaih6/106Josaih6/10 (2009)
Discovery! Copy & Paste into Blitz IDE_PJ_8_PJ_ (2009)
Types yet again again again_PJ_23_PJ_ (2009)
How do you Chnage Background Colour?Hotshot200520Warner (2009)
question about entitys render timeSantiworld6John Blackledge (2009)
Copy/Past into or from Blitz3DDheDarkhCustard5DheDarkhCustard (2009)
DrawMovie and render tweeningfox958717fox95871 (2009)
TerrainsAussie6Aussie (2009)
Decimals not Working in FunctionsJosaih6/107GfK (2009)
3d running and jumping code almost finishedfox958717GIB3D (2009)
3 Different Sprites on Screen using Type?Hotshot20059Hotshot2005 (2009)
Question for Bill Stanbrook (or maybe others)_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
Creating 2D Curvesblade0072_PJ_ (2009)
can this work, and if so why isn't it?mtnhome3d14_Skully (2009)
MouseHit and ImageRectOverlap not working properlyOwlEpicurus3OwlEpicurus (2009)
How to set breakpoint in B3D IDE?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2009)
network game please.Josaih6/104_PJ_ (2009)
ScaleImage blurriness - fix please?Tobo3Tobo (2009)
Enemy Type?Hotshot200516Hotshot2005 (2009)
Offset camera's EntityRadius (eyes & body)Tobo5Yasha (2009)
EntityCollidedHappy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2009)
Making seaJBR5Vorderman (2009)
Playing mp3s doesn't work properlyMarcell11Marcell (2009)
HelpAJ002008GIB3D (2009)
LightingAJ002002Nate the Great (2009)
type and field questionSantiworld9John Blackledge (2009)
Lights and skyboxesTobo5GfK (2009)
what physics engine?shawnus3shawnus (2009)
First Person code - camera and collisionTobo5Tobo (2009)
Okay, why isn't my PLANE being textured?Tobo5Yasha (2009)
joystick problemsshawnus3shawnus (2009)
how can i improve this game structure?Santiworld7Ross C (2009)
Creating entities (parented), but different scalesTobo5Tobo (2009)
Mouse PickAbbaRue6Nate the Great (2009)
Reading from a LogSystem4 Studios5System4 Studios (2009)
3D Glasses and Blitzshawnus5shawnus (2009)
another question about characters...Santiworld2Matty (2009)
change a image colorLeszek5Leszek (2009)
aplly same material to all objects...Santiworld8Santiworld (2009)
Got Water ?CodeOrc5CodeOrc (2009)
Why no collision here (short code, no media)Tobo8GIB3D (2009)
Loadmesh/entities and positioning.Tobo6Tobo (2009)
Beat em up Tutorial?Hotshot200532Hotshot2005 (2009)
Here is a simple method for collisions / gravityMatty10Matty (2009)
mousedown and mousehitSantiworld4Santiworld (2009)
checkerboard transparency not showing properlytsmpaul6tsmpaul (2009)
How to 'select' an object in 3D space?Tobo5Ross C (2009)
Graphics lost after set screen graphicsFernhout8Zethrax (2009)
mouse scroll?Braden3lo-tekk (2009)
Screen movingNike4Nike (2009)
Making txts you can work with in notepadfox958719fox95871 (2009)
OBJ Import ?!CodeOrc15Rabies (2009)
blitz has limits?Santiworld16jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Bank commands vs file commandsfox958717jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Door OpenRook Zimbabwe30Blitzplotter (2009)
need to open a doorAussie16Blitzplotter (2009)
Functions in seperate codesRogueM3RogueM (2009)
`type questionSantiworld7Santiworld (2009)
Sharper collidersfox958713fox95871 (2009)
god have mercy on my soul, OSA is out to kill me!Link12Link (2009)
having problems with entity distance & typesAussie5Aussie (2009)
GetColor, Plot -> Read/WritePixelFastSteen7jfk EO-11110 (2009)
Map child collisionsSph!nx6big10p (2009)
Unknown Error involving an ImageOwlEpicurus3OwlEpicurus (2009)
Star sphereAussie4Aussie (2009)
searching for speed graphics adviceSantiworld21Ross C (2009)
Really need help!Nike4nawi (2009)
Need MORE help please.Nike4Tobo (2009)
texturing doesnt work :|ping9Ross C (2009)
Image disappears after a certain amount of timeOwlEpicurus3OwlEpicurus (2009)
Using a brush as invisible trigger.Sph!nx14Sph!nx (2009)
greyscale hillsgrindalf14grindalf (2009)
Interesting Problem with X and Y Values...OwlEpicurus10OwlEpicurus (2009)
Read from .txt?Sph!nx12DheDarkhCustard (2009)
legs moving on jumpNewcomer3Aussie (2009)
Collision woes!ExCheese3Ross C (2009)
image not showingNewcomer4Newcomer (2009)
weapons in handsgrindalf2stayne (2009)
screenshoot of second camera, texture to objectSantiworld20Adam Novagen (2009)
Tower Defence gamesDestroyer26Ross C (2009)
Move mode relativityfox9587147GIB3D (2009)
Texture a cylinder with a wheels imagesBlitzplotter14Ross C (2009)
udp or tcpgrindalf14PowerPC603 (2009)
chasecam function explanationchrisnorris00715jfk EO-11110 (2009)
need help "object dose not exist"Aussie15Aussie (2009)
entity exist?Santiworld5Zethrax (2009)
swimmingchrisnorris0077Zethrax (2009)
directplay, player limit?grindalf4BIG BUG (2009)
CollisionsHappy Llama4Stevie G (2009)
Directional light not affecting a CreateMesh meshfox958719fox95871 (2009)
Blitz3D in Integrated Intel 855GME?cywhale4GfK (2009)
TerraEd and Blitzgrassstayne4Charrua (2009)
question about 3D Mesh and race car trackSantiworld14Pongo (2009)
Newbie question on animationTrek5Trek (2009)
Concerning Configuration Files.WERDNA6WERDNA (2009)
attaching a weapon or tool to an avatarchrisnorris0075Terry B. (2009)
Disk I/O library; HD read/write status functionzimmerman2Terry B. (2009)
AI?Happy Llama29stayne (2009)
Finding child entities of a model created in UU3DBlitzplotter11Blitzplotter (2009)
chasecam keeps getting hidden by objectschrisnorris0074Naughty Alien (2009)
Easy Network QuestionBLaBZ4Blitzplotter (2009)
Gun's Rate of fireSanosake13Sanosake1 (2009)
a .x model with a dds texturechrisnorris0077Ross C (2009)
camera problems - very basic please helpchrisnorris0076chrisnorris007 (2009)
Centre of all the Cubes?Hotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2009)
basic collision helpchrisnorris0072Matty (2009)
Timing FPSpc_tek11Gabriel (2009)
Gettin' no love from WriteLineLineOf7s6LineOf7s (2009)
Readdir questionFarflame5jfk EO-11110 (2009)
LoadTexture's alpha channelfox9587138Ross C (2009)
Joystick Name?_PJ_22_PJ_ (2009)
Turning webcam's on/offNate the Great9Nate the Great (2009)
about entittysSantiworld6Santiworld (2009)
LoadAnimTexture on QuadBLaBZ4Stevie G (2009)
chase cam functionchrisnorris0072Spike314 (2009)
Paint a cuboid's different sides with diff imagesBlitzplotter10Blitzplotter (2009)
names of characters over there headschrisnorris00733GIB3D (2009)
For those new to Blitz3D and programming.Ross C10Nate the Great (2009)
gui for mmorpgchrisnorris0075chrisnorris007 (2009)
How Can The Times Be Different?Sir Gak13_PJ_ (2009)
Tween .vs Delta timing for frame limitingCodeOrc14ervin (2009)
mmorpg world editorchrisnorris00713Mahan (2009)
issue with collisions in blitz3dchrisnorris00715Ross C (2009)
Help with my "RPG"?Nike5Nike (2009)
HideEntity ?CodeOrc6_PJ_ (2009)
GUI for BLITZ3D Gamechrisnorris0076H. T. U. (2009)
i need some advice on a good 3d model converterchrisnorris0072Amanda Dearheart (2009)
pretty cool... cant make it work in blitz. fire!Nate the Great3_PJ_ (2009)
CarouselYeshu7779Nigel Brown (2009)
Game SpritesCodeOrc4DareDevil (2009)
Offscreen TrackingSilverCoin8Andy (2009)
Is there a way to get amount of frames in Image?Abomination22Beaker (2009)
Program MAVing on other computersSonic6537Gabriel (2009)
LOD Methods.....Zeotrope11Zeotrope (2009)
difference between an ASCII value and ASCII codekillerhedgehog12_PJ_ (2009)
Little QuestionKenshin Yurihara15Kenshin Yurihara (2009)
drawing economicsAbomination23Abomination (2009)
How to make a MMO?SpaceMan9411SpaceMan94 (2009)
Different speed in two spheres using TurnEntitybashc5bashc (2009)
Xand? Bitwise & Operation_PJ_3_PJ_ (2009)
How to make a one file game with a custom iconfox958714GIB3D (2009)
Some help required with streams and banks please_PJ_5_PJ_ (2009)
Is Truespace any good?SpaceMan945SpaceMan94 (2009)
FreeEntity not workingfox9587116fox95871 (2009)
Help wit my game please!Nike13Ross C (2009)
Ips and routersAJ002006xlsior (2009)
read fileAJ0020010AJ00200 (2009)
Help, I'm addicted!Mahan9AJ00200 (2009)
EntityCollided and EntityNamefox958715fox95871 (2009)
to make an elipse with oval comand or anywaybashc7bashc (2009)
One file gamesfox9587121fox95871 (2009)
EntityPick example pleasefox9587117fox95871 (2009)
TForm commandsfox958718Ross C (2009)
An effective way to track strings?Abomination10Mahan (2009)
entity at position?phsh4Wings (2009)
multiplayer, client-serverJsoren18Wings (2009)
Texture Move .vs EntityRotate ?CodeOrc4CodeOrc (2009)
Animation Transition OptionCodeOrc2Kryzon (2009)
EntityType 0-999fox958718Ross C (2009)
EntityOrder -0.9?fox958713fox95871 (2009)
odd triangle problems... never had them beforeNate the Great18Ross C (2009)
How types should work in a functionbashc3bashc (2009)
Texturing with CreateMeshfox9587111fox95871 (2009)
NameEntityfox9587110_PJ_ (2009)
'Snake' game : type-based snake segments_PJ_6_PJ_ (2009)
fake lightsAussie8Aussie (2008)
I'm a noob help.Kenshin Yurihara9Kenshin Yurihara (2008)
B3D Collision Bug ?CodeOrc12puki (2008)
Easy particlesH. T. U.1H. T. U. (2008)
text acceleration and velocity?Braden4Stevie G (2008)
Animated Door and Collisionshawn41865Naughty Alien (2008)
The rocket iconfox958716Mahan (2008)
Introduction- Tuna OddfellowTuna Oddfellow14Tuna Oddfellow (2008)
Antialiasingfox9587119fox95871 (2008)
pacemaker now FREE! (locked)Pirate1Pirate (2008)
rob cummings fps shellsamoz834Robert Cummings (2008)
help with code...Braden4markcw (2008)
Window icon not exe icon.Jazz5Nate the Great (2008)
array out of bounds, why??bashc10boomboom (2008)
EntityAutoFadeCodeOrc4Naughty Alien (2008)
Too many entities?fox958716fox95871 (2008)
Help for installing WinBlitz3D help files, pleasebashc3bashc (2008)
Need help with learning AISonic6514Nate the Great (2008)
slower???Nate the Great6Jasu (2008)
Get compile type within code (debug/release) ?LamptonWorm9LamptonWorm (2008)
JUICY FONTS input code?jigga6194Kryzon (2008)
Set size of window (in scale mode)LamptonWorm4LamptonWorm (2008)
Line continuation character?LamptonWorm18big10p (2008)
Installing Blit3Dbashc4bashc (2008)
VIDEO to JPEG animationjigga6196Knight #51 (2008)
How do I update my version of Blitz3D?WERDNA14Nate the Great (2008)
Vuzix IWEAR VR920dsp1233Naughty Alien (2008)
UV Mapping headachesCipher9jhocking (2008)
Blitz Refuses to read variablesCrinkle2Stevie G (2008)
Links to online game creation tutorial?Gladen3Gladen (2008)
Issues with an attempted finite state machinezortzblatz10zortzblatz (2008)
entitycolor(a,#,#,#) for all children entitiesRGF4John Blackledge (2008)
Sound repeats 30 times a secondJT5blade007 (2008)
Function variable argumentsDeCato3DeCato (2008)
Forsooth! My Missile Won't WorkAce Killjoy24Ace Killjoy (2008)
Why FreeImage?blade0079Kryzon (2008)
my code (organizing and help)Braden4Ace Killjoy (2008)
FISHEYE FROM PANARAMAZeotrope9Zeotrope (2008)
Light and Glowing effectsCipher4Pongo (2008)
Issues with playing movieszortzblatz11Zeotrope (2008)
Animation of Mesh Not LoopingCipher7Cipher (2008)
PIE Graph functon ? How to start off?jigga6193Ross C (2008)
1 array for 2 guns?Braden9Braden (2008)
Free surface?H&K3H&K (2008)
How can I use movies in my gamezortzblatz3GfK (2008)
how to undo AddMesh(a,b)RGF9Ross C (2008)
LibrariesSph!nx15Mortiis (2008)
2 joysticksshawnus6Matty (2008)
mouse control screen?Braden13Braden (2008)
SPARKSZeotrope9Mikel (2008)
bullet prolem(change direction of bullet with gun)Braden7Braden (2008)
attach a gun to the cameraBraden8Braden (2008)
2 player shooter help...Braden1Braden (2008)
One question I never fully got answeredH. T. U.3H. T. U. (2008)
clouds?Braden4H. T. U. (2008)
game controller compatible?Braden9H. T. U. (2008)
camera turing problemBraden6Ross C (2008)
turning camera with pivotsBraden4Stevie G (2008)
Camera rotate on y-axisBraden4Zeotrope (2008)
How to auto set the "current dir"Crinkle1Crinkle (2008)
MY CAMERA WON'T MOVE!?!?!?Braden4Braden (2008)
animated mesh information?Braden4Naughty Alien (2008)
cameraviewpoint middle lineBraden3Braden (2008)
mouse click on mesh?Braden3Braden (2008)
Moving a Picture Using TypesShuffles2Warner (2008)
2D GamesSph!nx13boomboom (2008)
AnimationShuffles5Pongo (2008)
OOP Game Layout / Program Flowboomboom1boomboom (2008)
Terrain PaintingZeotrope13Zeotrope (2008)
How do I slow down mouse movement in-game?WERDNA5_PJ_ (2008)
Can this BlitzMax code be converted to Blitz3D???Andy UK2Ross C (2008)
textblockblade0072stayne (2008)
Drawmesh()KillerX3Ross C (2008)
Load texture to b3d created 1n fragmotiongimpy15gimpy1 (2008)
FPS ProjectPirate21Pirate (2008)
blitz3d mobile?Braden5fox95871 (2008)
Labels buttonfox958714fox95871 (2008)
Make a brick measuring 1x1x1 in WingsBlitzplotter5Blitzplotter (2008)
Iterate through TypesMikel9Mikel (2008)
changing a meshBraden3Stevie G (2008)
Transparent sprite?Braden2Matty (2008)
Dim and re-Dim of arrays_PJ_2_PJ_ (2008)
loose text?Braden6_PJ_ (2008)
KeyHit Looping?Ace Killjoy7Ace Killjoy (2008)
Loop within a function? Show me howjigga6197jigga619 (2008)
fire?Braden7Braden (2008)
Quick question: Blitz3D vs gamepads?Majere3Majere (2008)
Manipulating Typeswmaass3wmaass (2008)
Zbrush effectsfox958716fox95871 (2008)
brush requirementsNate the Great5Nate the Great (2008)
sprite helpBraden5Braden (2008)
including "flag\\" ;HELP!!!Braden6Nate the Great (2008)
gravity with planeBraden14Braden (2008)
Sprite Automatic Transparency (problem)Ian Caio32Ian Caio (2008)
scaling images realtime???Nate the Great14Ross C (2008)
cube ramp?Braden5Braden (2008)
30 or 60 FPS ?CodeOrc8Gabriel (2008)
How do I make a 2d enemy fire in any Direction?WERDNA7WERDNA (2008)
collsion with mesh problemBraden7Braden (2008)
Graphics card update questionNate the Great3Nate the Great (2008)
Physics librariesSph!nx11Sph!nx (2008)
terrain heightmap edges questiontsmpaul4tsmpaul (2008)
Loading screenfox958715fox95871 (2008)
Shadow Poly ProblemCodeOrc6Ross C (2008)
Entity Turning QuestionMikel8Nate the Great (2008)
3D Space Limitations?CodeOrc10Zeotrope (2008)
Collision then position?Braden2Matty (2008)
Create a room with bottom texture different?Braden6Stevie G (2008)
sticky?Braden3Braden (2008)
huge mapsNate the Great7CodeOrc (2008)
tutorials at jandscreationsPirate3Pirate (2008)
anim on MD2 ??CodeOrc3CodeOrc (2008)
2.0 update?Phillip21SLotman (2008)
How to find current position of cameraBraden8Ross C (2008)
Blitz3D vs DarkBasicChrister27Nate the Great (2008)
MultiplayerSph!nx6Blitzplotter (2008)
entity tracking (sort of a radar)stayne9stayne (2008)
Sound FX WoesAce Killjoy23John Blackledge (2008)
Terrain, Maths and hillsDabhand8Dabhand (2008)
X/Y/Z CollisionSph!nx8Sph!nx (2008)
Camera ShakeCodeOrc9Zeotrope (2008)
Data entry windowsfox958711fox95871 (2008)
listing nearest entities to the camerastayne8stayne (2008)
Diffrent speedsTerry B.5Zethrax (2008)
Tetris collision problemubergeek3big10p (2008)
Always Render?Sph!nx7Sph!nx (2008)
Attaching camera to a jointSph!nx16Sph!nx (2008)
Unrestricted look modefox958718fox95871 (2008)
odd entityshininess problemNate the Great6Nate the Great (2008)
Upon key release?Sph!nx4Sph!nx (2008)
Splitting long lines of codemkg10blade007 (2008)
Placing Entities EfficientlySph!nx45Ross C (2008)
3d Animationdman15SLotman (2008)
character animation questionSantiworld8Santiworld (2008)
MD2 Animation SequencesCodeOrc7Santiworld (2008)
Frame Limit in a .B3D File ?CodeOrc5Naughty Alien (2008)
More Convenient codeOiduts Studios5Oiduts Studios (2008)
spawning enemiesstayne3Mikel (2008)
Move characterfox9587111fox95871 (2008)
Conditions with GOSUBS?? Is this right?jigga6196WolRon (2008)
How do you make child entities in Milkshape3DGIB3D2GIB3D (2008)
Max3DAndrew Mann213Ross C (2008)
Error TrappingAce Killjoy12Knight #51 (2008)
MAX Bone B3D ExportCodeOrc3CodeOrc (2008)
Reducing memory usage by shortening file namesfox9587113fox95871 (2008)
Mouse wheel selectorfox958714fox95871 (2008)
LinePick...arghCodeOrc3CodeOrc (2008)
BlitzingPirate16Pirate (2008)
Windows menus for Blitz3DEkix2fox95871 (2008)
epr filesAussie2puki (2008)
Problems with TypesAce Killjoy7Ace Killjoy (2008)
full screen 3Dgooglemesilly5Nate the Great (2008)
Returning Blitz Arrays from FunctionsElendia Starman4Elendia Starman (2008)
Game PlayCodeOrc14Pongo (2008)
GOSUBS totally new LOOP?jigga6198Ross C (2008)
blitz array errorstayne3stayne (2008)
console menu/guiSph!nx9Sph!nx (2008)
New and need helpNike32Nike (2008)
fitmesh with loadanimmesh ?Santiworld3Matty (2008)
Sprite Beam?Ace Killjoy3Ace Killjoy (2008)
TCP vs. UDPNate the Great5Wings (2008)
Longevity of Blitz3Dfox9587123Sledge (2008)
S: What are the advantages of using MD2?Happy Sammy8CodeOrc (2008)
Destroying a TargetAce Killjoy14Ace Killjoy (2008)
MD2 .vs B3D for CollisionsCodeOrc9CodeOrc (2008)
Render TweeningClique10Nate the Great (2008)
IR portsNate the Great6mtnhome3d (2008)
Textures on 3DS meshesTobo15Ross C (2008)
Menusfox958719WERDNA (2008)
QU: ResetEntity?Happy Sammy4Happy Sammy (2008)
TCP/IP questionsLedgerARC4LedgerARC (2008)
Verlet HelpKnight #515Knight #51 (2008)
Bullet collides with enemy helpCHALLENGER4265Knight #51 (2008)
Passing Blitz arrays to functionsElendia Starman8Elendia Starman (2008)
Tilemap Scrolling (2D in 3D) - who the what now?LineOf7s9LineOf7s (2008)
Play a sound onceChad8IPete2 (2008)
DeltaPitch#, DeltaYaw#?Ace Killjoy3Ace Killjoy (2008)
KeyHit?Happy Sammy5Happy Sammy (2008)
Real noob question on ScaleEntityTobo3LedgerARC (2008)
changedir and includeBen(t)3big10p (2008)
EntityFX examples for fx: 4+8+16+32?Happy Sammy5Happy Sammy (2008)
S: Getting info. of anim. seq.?Happy Sammy6Happy Sammy (2008)
S: How to play an animation seq. in reverse order?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2008)
S: FreeEntity, FreeTexture and FreeBrush?Happy Sammy4Happy Sammy (2008)
S: Access Entity created by CopyEntity?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2008)
PaintEntity vs. PaintMesh???Happy Sammy8Happy Sammy (2008)
Verlet Physics engine 2Nate the Great26Nate the Great (2008)
Need helprtk4GfK (2008)
Need CodeChrister15Pirate (2008)
Newbie Grass QuestionCodeOrc5Nate the Great (2008)
Rotate Object Newbie QuestionAl Meyer9Al Meyer (2008)
Triggers Saving and LoadingGIB3D2Matty (2008)
turn to faceBen(t)22Stevie G (2008)
Help with shadow systemrtk1rtk (2008)
ParentingNate the Great2Nate the Great (2008)
Lines intersectNate the Great5Nate the Great (2008)
Physics engineNate the Great99Nate the Great (2008)
Help with collisionsJavier6Stevie G (2008)
New comers to Blitz read please:Ross C51Nate the Great (2008)
Terrain as ParentMoore3Moore (2008)
How do I mirror a 2D image?WERDNA21WERDNA (2008)
Fixing Data Locationpc_tek5pc_tek (2008)
Blitz3d reviewsPirate11Pirate (2008)
Image is not recognizedAce Killjoy5Ace Killjoy (2008)
noob type helporriblepaul9orriblepaul (2008)
CreateTexture AlphaGIB3D3GIB3D (2008)
CopyRect Fails in 16bit ColorMoore4Moore (2008)
Struggling to understand UDPLykaestria2Wayne (2008)
need quick helpOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2008)
What is the most compatible hardwareflyingrob2Nate the Great (2008)
.b3d .vs. 3ds or .x ModelsCodeOrc11Kryzon (2008)
Deleting types within types question.Pongo4GIB3D (2008)
ExecFile Helpmintybreath7Mortiis (2008)
deleting stuffNate the Great23Kryzon (2008)
Create Shared library with blitz3dDonald7MikeHart (2008)
v 1.99 Agggg!!! Slow sprites!!!Nate the Great4Nate the Great (2008)
Sprite at full lightMoore3Ross C (2008)
DLL HelpNate the Great4big10p (2008)
Hiding StringsMoore2Jasu (2008)
Global and CollisionsCodeOrc31CodeOrc (2008)
Help TypesChrister4Warner (2008)
Help with some hard stuff!Christer10Christer (2008)
Pop upsNate the Great16Nate the Great (2008)
Dark basic to Blitz conversionRobbyK37Ross C (2008)
How to Detect Lost Focus.Moore5Moore (2008)
sprite troubleNate the Great7Nate the Great (2008)
Combining meshesfox958712GfK (2008)
Need help placing treesflyingrob13chwaga (2008)
ShadowsNate the Great30Nate the Great (2008)
Frames per secondfox958712Stevie G (2008)
User's Desktop Resolutionardee5ardee (2008)
Could someone make me a really simple online game?WERDNA9WERDNA (2008)
lightsBen(t)26Matty (2008)
frames per second?blade0077John Blackledge (2008)
The backup filesTobo16big10p (2008)
Lava LampNate the Great10Nate the Great (2008)
Copying a file to a ftpTerry B.6Wings (2008)
Motion blurNate the Great6Nate the Great (2008)
First AttemptRogueM8Zethrax (2008)
Some questionsSonic656Sonic65 (2008)
Preventing Automatic Cullingardee5ardee (2008)
jukebox woesblade0071blade007 (2008)
blender exporting - no animation :(Link6Link (2008)
Colliding camera with meshspriteman6Matty (2008)
Blitz3D syntax to indicate system diskBiggy10xtremegamr (2008)
Leadwerks 3D World Studio HelpUnderwoodNullium8Ben(t) (2008)
No 3D graphics modeDicon6Dicon (2008)
3d world studioBen(t)15Ben(t) (2008)
make cinematics and animationLink5Jaydubeww (2008)
PhysicsTerry B.6Al Meyer (2008)
How do I use sprites?Ace Killjoy20Ace Killjoy (2008)
shared wieght mapsscribbla3scribbla (2008)
Max Poly LevelLiamShearer9Gabriel (2008)
program comand line - what is it?LedgerARC8LedgerARC (2008)
trying to reposition but objects get in the wayLykaestria6boomboom (2008)
collision between to moving objectsWhiteWidow4IPete2 (2008)
Keyboard ProblemsNate the Great8Charrua (2008)
blitz ide - bideNeeo6Blitzplotter (2008)
Version?pc_tek12Floyd (2008)
SystemProperty("appdir") in Debugboomboom2GfK (2008)
Sky SpheresNate the Great7Nate the Great (2008)
mesh supportBen(t)14Ben(t) (2008)
help with floating variablesblade0076blade007 (2008)
GnetTerry B.3YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Another Text Box...I need help...Cp82Cp (2008)
Cartoon grafixLKFX6Play (2008)
Transparency texturesJaydubeww6GfK (2008)
Save and load typesFernhout4Fernhout (2008)
beam rifleBen(t)4Ben(t) (2008)
positionentity and childentityBen(t)9Azaratur (2008)
Collisions and BulletsAce Killjoy13Ace Killjoy (2008)
Weird little bugTerry B.3Terry B. (2008)
2d Local coordsTerry B.3Terry B. (2008)
Semi-transparent entity acting inconsistentKendo13Kendo (2008)
2D camerasblade0074blade007 (2008)
How to determine if the character can jump or notUnderwoodNullium7Ross C (2008)
Moving away from a wall makes it invisibleUnderwoodNullium8GfK (2008)
Climbing stairsJaydubeww18Ben(t) (2008)
How come my mesh isn't loading with textures?UnderwoodNullium8Jerome Squalor (2008)
Force FeedbackEmerGki3EmerGki (2008)
Blender mesh textures don't workNate the Great7Nate the Great (2008)
what is the definition of a 'unit ' in 3Drod5419John Blackledge (2008)
circle pointsblade0076blade007 (2008)
. .Link5Link (2008)
Is there a way to make two-sided meshesNate the Great7Nate the Great (2008)
attempting to make 3d modelerNate the Great9Nate the Great (2008)
Does Freeentity command clear associated textures?Kendo6Stevie G (2008)
Jump LimitAce Killjoy14Nate the Great (2008)
Maya ConvertingAce Killjoy7IcyDefiance (2008)
Entitycollided doesn't work!!!Nate the Great19Nate the Great (2008)
help with code...Pirate1Pirate (2008)
FlagsAce Killjoy11IcyDefiance (2008)
How to use a physics engine/library thing...IcyDefiance6IcyDefiance (2008)
Bullet ProblemAce Killjoy3Ace Killjoy (2008)
ok I give up : how to use debug moderod5412boomboom (2008)
Address Bar Text HelpDheDarkhCustard3DheDarkhCustard (2008)
how can i make a simple animation b3dSantiworld10Santiworld (2008)
Md2 Model formatYellBellzDotCom9ardee (2008)
wireframe for individual mesh ?rod546rod54 (2008)
Packaging exe files with other files - how?Lykaestria8GfK (2008)
how to animate a tile in a mesh?Abomination9D4NM4N (2008)
Particle candy setupFarflame3Farflame (2008)
How many polygons?Farflame11Ross C (2008)
Confused as to how Fitmesh worksKendo5Kendo (2008)
How to make a simple cad programrod5412rod54 (2008)
Tilting a spaceship without altering it's heightFarflame10Farflame (2008)
Creating self installing progs and exe'sgnipper7D4NM4N (2008)
splash on the waterSantiworld4Santiworld (2008)
CurrentDate More Thanboomboom7GfK (2008)
Get an error when running insectoids.bmx examplerod544Ginger Tea (2008)
TCP networkLedgerARC4LedgerARC (2008)
FloatsFarflame9Ross C (2008)
WritepixelfastFarflame3Farflame (2008)
Merging Objects with background?Normsthename3Normsthename (2008)
Wobbly Spritepc_tek7pc_tek (2008)
Find X given Y on a circlechwaga6Shambler (2008)
how many open ports/streams is too many?Lykaestria4Lykaestria (2008)
cell shading fxPete Carter18Ben(t) (2008)
How do I find another computers Ip adress withWERDNA5WERDNA (2008)
Basic 2D Wavey Sea?Hotshot20057mtnhome3d (2008)
BMax-ish Alpha in B3DMatt Vinyl4Matt Vinyl (2008)
Masking an Entity with another ImageDheDarkhCustard5DheDarkhCustard (2008)
Returning a pixles color?Jaydubeww4Rob Farley (2008)
WeblinkFarflame5DheDarkhCustard (2008)
Array index out of bounds?CHALLENGER42612LedgerARC (2008)
Music help...CHALLENGER4263Warner (2008)
Multiplayer Network Status...YellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Basic TCP ChatYellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2008)
time limited demoshawnus6Ginger Tea (2008)
MD2 Lighting ProblemYellBellzDotCom8YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Basic Question About Online Game ProgrammingWERDNA9WERDNA (2008)
Know a easy way to create seamless isometric tile?Abomination8Abomination (2008)
Ideas needed for tutorialsandy_mc16andy_mc (2008)
Advanced MovementGIB3D6GIB3D (2008)
Need help with CollisionsCHALLENGER4269CHALLENGER426 (2008)
Help with modelsChrister21SLotman (2008)
Question about stand alone executablesWERDNA6WERDNA (2008)
Huge terrains and the Fire ServiceTim7719boomboom (2008)
Speed and how to get it?Pete Carter13Abomination (2008)
Light-problems in orthogonal view (...and more...)Abomination7Abomination (2008)
Weird scaleimage errorchwaga4GfK (2008)
typewriter textGuy Fawkes70Guy Fawkes (2008)
Sphere DistortionRLJ19723RLJ1972 (2008)
Pixel Plotting Problemsmintybreath6mintybreath (2008)
Move Player in MultiplayerYellBellzDotCom4YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Get Character DirectionYellBellzDotCom4YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Been away quite a whileRhodan2WERDNA (2008)
Scrollerpc_tek3pc_tek (2008)
FastImage Librarypc_tek3pc_tek (2008)
Learning Visual TricksIKG9Ross C (2008)
bullet helpCHALLENGER4266Warner (2008)
How Do I keep the Framerate High?Hotshot20056chwaga (2008)
RottNet Example?YellBellzDotCom8LineOf7s (2008)
Trouble with adding field types and GravityJaydubeww9Cp (2008)
Umm...Trying to update tree collisions.Help!Cp4Cp (2008)
How do you get the name of a limbmonotonic4monotonic (2008)
delay switching of frames? HELPCp12Cp (2008)
2D ScrollingGIB3D6GIB3D (2008)
What does a FUNCTION do?CHALLENGER4266grable (2008)
texture mask problemelcoo3elcoo (2008)
I need directionsolo8Cp (2008)
Function Help?!blade0075Cp (2008)
scaling downolo8olo (2008)
Problem with alpha blending..Azaratur3Azaratur (2008)
What program for .md2SpaceMan944ardee (2008)
Need Help With Another Game!WERDNA13WERDNA (2008)
maximum and minimum coordinatesMoraldi8Moraldi (2008)
Extrapolate texture?Azaratur21Azaratur (2008)
TexturingAzaratur7Azaratur (2008)
CameraPick and animated .X filesMoraldi8Moraldi (2008)
BlitzArray problemfetcher11Snarkbait (2008)
image transparencygrindalf4grindalf (2008)
Animated & non Animated meshesMoraldi11Cp (2008)
Light QuestionAl Meyer9Ross C (2008)
DirectX & 3DS file parsersMoraldi5Moraldi (2008)
A good way to create a river?Azaratur11Ross C (2008)
Inserting code from a string.Spot9Spencer (2008)
question:how to draw an image at the mouse coords?Cp6Cp (2008)
loading meshesolo12Ross C (2008)
Can't load ANY textures!chwaga18KillerX (2008)
Bullet ImpactXak6Xak (2008)
Program Labels?Pete Carter8Pete Carter (2008)
MapEditorGIB3D10GIB3D (2008)
5000 poly?Azaratur21IPete2 (2008)
Readpixel Discrepancypc_tek14markcw (2008)
Game dosent work!Jouni10Jouni (2008)
pathfinding helpchwaga15chwaga (2008)
Visible entityMoraldi17Ross C (2008)
EntityOrder helpchwaga10chwaga (2008)
Car physicsolo15Ross C (2008)
Font-setting problem...Cp14Cp (2008)
paint-like helpolo19Warner (2008)
Button? zomg o rly? ya rly! :OLink9Warner (2008)
Need Help With This Game!WERDNA11WERDNA (2008)
I need a good graphics for.. A question :)Azaratur28Azaratur (2008)
Texture program o collection?Azaratur12Mortiis (2008)
Just a question on Oblivion!Azaratur16Wings (2008)
EntityFXBLaBZ6Wings (2008)
Sprite Alphapc_tek14pc_tek (2008)
Spritespc_tek16pc_tek (2008)
collisions and movingolo7olo (2008)
Questions about making a 2D platformerHeaddy7Ross C (2008)
I need sound..Azaratur12Ross C (2008)
Limiting Frames?Jaydubeww3Jaydubeww (2008)
How do i make something glow?nerdy_kid6Ross C (2008)
EntityOrderMyNickNameWasTaken2MyNickNameWasTaken (2008)
I need a confirm :)Azaratur4Ross C (2008)
Create a "z" finder..Azaratur14puki (2008)
Tweening/Flick Problemblackbag3blackbag (2008)
how to start?Santiworld1Santiworld (2008)
It will work?Azaratur14Azaratur (2008)
Mouse ClickTerry B.4Ross C (2008)
FastImage dllSantiworld5Santiworld (2008)
Slowing downolo7olo (2008)
Cubes, Spheres and Conespc_tek6pc_tek (2008)
scaling a spriteBraden3Braden (2008)
Database of modelLeszek11Leszek (2008)
health-o-meterolo14olo (2008)
Collision issueszortzblatz5Ross C (2008)
Graphic codingDoggie1Doggie (2008)
Texture FormatXak14Ross C (2008)
Winblitz3d?Azaratur3markcw (2008)
How does Tetris work?QuickSilva31KristoDJ (2008)
random maze generator?Braden3PowerPC603 (2008)
Please help: collisionsolo20Ross C (2008)
I HATE THE SKIN BONES!!!Azaratur3Azaratur (2008)
GIAongGIB3D1GIB3D (2008)
Rnd or RandGIB3D3GIB3D (2008)
Blitz Stabilitypc_tek4pc_tek (2008)
collisionLink11Zethrax (2008)
How do I include images in a post?WERDNA8WERDNA (2008)
How can I capture world...hollifd24hollifd (2008)
Old Skool Demo?Hotshot20051Hotshot2005 (2008)
Comparing Numberspc_tek7pc_tek (2008)
I... need... real... jumping!GIB3D20Ross C (2008)
3d game with 2d windowsSantiworld10Santiworld (2008)
pirate, new to blitz3dPirate23Pirate (2008)
Charachter?Azaratur4Ross C (2008)
game menu and windowsSantiworld3tonyg (2008)
Alpha images in blitzSantiworld7Ross C (2008)
Moving Background Starfieldblackbag5Ross C (2008)
Restart a game.. or load one... etc..Santiworld7big10p (2008)
Cube map and sky boxesAzaratur8markcw (2008)
How can I detect when any of my cubes collide?hollifd4Ross C (2008)
b3d pipeline export error :(Santiworld12Santiworld (2008)
Many problemsLeszek5Leszek (2008)
Devil Shader good but i have some problems!Azaratur1Azaratur (2008)
Manipulating .B3D character animationsAvrigus6Hujiklo (2008)
variant constantsstayne5stayne (2008)
T.Ed and Dot3CodeOrc8Ross C (2008)
Mirror..Azaratur4Ross C (2008)
Key animation frameMoraldi6Moraldi (2008)
Water Reflection and movement..Azaratur5Azaratur (2008)
Split screen..Azaratur3Azaratur (2008)
File loadBen(t)2markcw (2008)
question about scenarySantiworld7Gabriel (2008)
I cant believe I am asking this question...Blitz3dCoder3Zethrax (2008)
random helpOiduts Studios3Oiduts Studios (2008)
WaterfallMoraldi12Oiduts Studios (2008)
Black SpriteTerry B.12Yo! Wazzup? (2008)
I am making a visulation...nerdy_kid6nerdy_kid (2008)
Skybox TexturesCodeOrc5Ross C (2008)
Trouble rotating my models...hollifd4hollifd (2008)
Blitz3D ManualLabyrnth11Labyrnth (2008)
How do you animate a .3ds file in a 3d game???SpaceMan946Ross C (2008)
2D wireframe collisionandy_mc5H. T. U. (2008)
How do i make a beam of light?nerdy_kid10H. T. U. (2008)
Dim Arrays Problem?Hotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2008)
Arrays, types, confusion...tdman7Santiworld (2008)
How Do I CopyRight My GameWERDNA24xlsior (2008)
race car waypointSantiworld3Santiworld (2008)
Snap to position?tdman3tdman (2008)
Change Collision Status?CodeOrc8Ross C (2008)
I want Blitz3D to look like BlitzMax...nerdy_kid8nerdy_kid (2008)
macro!blade0075Ben(t) (2008)
debuglog copyPanno3Panno (2008)
How can I zoom...hollifd21hollifd (2008)
3D modeling programs (locked)Jaydubeww1Jaydubeww (2008)
HELP!!!!nerdy_kid19nerdy_kid (2008)
Multi player gamesMoraldi8LineOf7s (2008)
1 big textureAzaratur13D4NM4N (2008)
align vehicle to ground (mesh)Santiworld4mtnhome3d (2008)
no rect in lockedbuffer ??Panno5Ross C (2008)
LoadingFonts from file.garand4Fernhout (2008)
Custom type embedded loopChaduke2Ross C (2008)
Error in Jump & Run Collisionwesker_re5wesker_re (2008)
starsrtk4GfK (2008)
camera collision 3d objectHarrie2152Rob Farley (2008)
Board Game Problemdalaware3WolRon (2008)
grenadesRogueM14Doggie (2008)
cameras in blitzSantiworld10Ross C (2008)
bones is ok this code?Santiworld6Santiworld (2008)
make a game, vehiclesSantiworld8Ross C (2008)
Total beginner, grid and cubestdman3tdman (2008)
blitz capacities or my capacities?Santiworld33Dreamora (2008)
Fade to blackMoraldi11Moraldi (2008)
3DS Max Animation-ProblemLeszek7Azaratur (2008)
entitypick return code number..Santiworld4Santiworld (2008)
network games capacitiesSantiworld8Dreamora (2008)
Translating a 2d circle to a 3D enviromentMaximusPrimal5Ross C (2008)
Lost Focuspc_tek9chi (2008)
geting a object to rotate around another when closMaximusPrimal2Dabhand (2008)
Camera Following object to strictlyMaximusPrimal6jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Beep!Moraldi7jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Get Angle ?CodeOrc13CodeOrc (2008)
Need help with numeric padding in image sequencesAvrigus5Avrigus (2008)
Change colour of a textured surfacesiread3Ross C (2008)
complement programs to make games in blitzSantiworld4Santiworld (2008)
Mirrors and Sprites??IPete27Ross C (2008)
What option i have to put Shadows in my gamesSantiworld15jfk EO-11110 (2008)
expanding collision detection radiusMaximusPrimal2Ross C (2008)
Bullet Helpmintybreath2jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Air CombatMoraldi4Moraldi (2008)
How to compile source codeNicstt4Nicstt (2008)
Grpahicslost()pc_tek8Moraldi (2008)
I need a good sound editing program (locked)WERDNA1WERDNA (2008)
Types, room.chairboomboom30Jasu (2008)
why isn't this collision working?D_Town_Tony3D_Town_Tony (2008)
menu helpmtnhome3d3mtnhome3d (2008)
Alpha texture on treeSantiworld4Santiworld (2008)
how Protect the files program?Santiworld7Santiworld (2008)
I need 2 entitys with the same type, to collideWERDNA3WERDNA (2008)
How do Put Model Gun front of the Camera?Hotshot20056Sledge (2008)
Terabit Datapackerpc_tek7boomboom (2008)
Make cubemap light not shiney?Ross C7Ross C (2008)
make an image invisible?Link10Link (2008)
Texture & Brush handlesMoraldi4jfk EO-11110 (2008)
Mouse Stuffpc_tek3pc_tek (2008)
Movie Makingpc_tek4pc_tek (2008)
Blender - loaderLeszek5Leszek (2008)
STORM AT SEA! I need help with waves.WERDNA9WERDNA (2008)
entity pickrtk13rtk (2008)
Abs with Sin to make Enemy go forward and back?Hotshot200510Dreamora (2008)
trying to read strings in a byte at a time...DREAM5Wayne (2008)
Help with Texture Manipulation-Rick-9Ross C (2008)
Infinite terrainMoraldi19Moraldi (2008)
Simple Plaform?Hotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2008)
Walking up stairsrtk10rtk (2008)
How to smoothly switch between animations?BugZilla2jhocking (2008)
.exe problem: 'Memory access violation' errornerdy_kid9nerdy_kid (2008)
Simulating a key press or mouse button pressKendo3Kendo (2008)
Bullet Holesrtk8mtnhome3d (2008)
Directx 9 and 10dman13PowerPC603 (2008)
Circumcicle of a triangleno nickname6Link (2008)
Painting entitiesMoraldi8Moraldi (2008)
What file type?rtk4rtk (2008)
Multiplayer Gaming From Start To Finishec3semar (2008)
walking up slopesrtk9rtk (2008)
type vs arrayFrog8Frog (2008)
B3d Update Problempc_tek8Dreamora (2008)
Alphapc_tek4Ross C (2008)
sound helpmtnhome3d4mtnhome3d (2008)
Sprite Candy CursorYellBellzDotCom5YellBellzDotCom (2008)
Collision Detection for bulletsxtremegamr16Whats My Face (2008)
Zoom camera to fit entities on screen?Pongo6Stevie G (2008)
Array index from data?Avrigus5markcw (2008)
Textures Don't Showrtk8Ross C (2008)
Need help!!panton3panton (2008)
Bumping cars and reacting accordinglypimpom4pimpom (2008)
entityorder issueBen(t)4Zethrax (2008)
3D vs 2DBlacky3Blacky (2008)
Jaggered graphicsmickybhai4Jasu (2008)
memory eraseBen(t)14Matty (2008)
Character/VehicleBlitz3dCoder34Ross C (2008)
Clipboard.dllBlackD3BlackD (2008)
Last Blitz updateghost3ghost (2008)
How do you make an entity follow a path?nerdy_kid8nerdy_kid (2008)
loading from milkshape3drtk8Rob Farley (2008)
RotateEntity problemalterego6H. T. U. (2008)
pick problems and mesh deformationH. T. U.3H. T. U. (2008)
Create a simple line between 2 bodies?elcoo11Ross C (2008)
2D vs 3Dpc_tek3pc_tek (2008)
B3D and MD2 modelsPaulus5Paulus (2008)
Dynamic Lighting in BlitzBasicsniper_boy1475Mortiis (2008)
.GIF filesdoctorjeff984Ross C (2008)
Text command overwritingdoctorjeff9816Moraldi (2008)
Config joy?Pete Carter3Pete Carter (2008)
Identifying an individual 'type'Tobo4Stevie G (2008)
Texture MaxEmerGki6EmerGki (2008)
B3D filesMoraldi4Moraldi (2008)
quick questionchwaga7chwaga (2008)
Display part of an image?jp223boomboom (2008)
Is there an error condition if LoadFont fails?Kale Kold4Zethrax (2008)
Findchild getchildAzaratur3caff_ (2008)
MeshesIntersectPete Carter9Ross C (2008)
one shot soundPete Carter9.rIKmAN. (2008)
Vertex True CoordinatesWhats My Face4Stevie G (2008)
Latest BLlitz3d update?Dig Dug3Dig Dug (2008)
3dsoundBen(t)7Ben(t) (2008)
variable type in a functionchwaga5chwaga (2008)
Room TypeHotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2008)
A* help!chwaga11Moraldi (2008)
creating named "arrays"chwaga7Ross C (2008)
Collisions between 2D Sprites with Line?Hotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2008)
realtime image processingchwaga3chwaga (2008)
Cross SectioningJsoren3Jsoren (2008)
Dragon with Fire HelpJonny4Jonny (2008)
Final Version of Pathfinding...YellBellzDotCom1YellBellzDotCom (2008)
function arrayOnne3boomboom (2008)
Program has endedClintonio4Blitz123 (2007)
Creating Changeable Clothing etc.Merrie3Ross C (2007)
Texture StretchingWhats My Face4Matty (2007)
Checkered Map MakerYellBellzDotCom13YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Screen not workJouni9Jouni (2007)
AlignToVector changes?SausageOfDoom4SausageOfDoom (2007)
My Second Pathfinding AttemptYellBellzDotCom14mindstorms (2007)
line pickBen(t)6Ben(t) (2007)
Skin bonesAzaratur9YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Arteria 3d content christmas promotionyertari2Gabriel (2007)
Moving one of 200 cubes?elcoo13stayne (2007)
ExtractAnimSeq and typesHypnoXX2HypnoXX (2007)
api help.....Blitzplotter3Boiled Sweets (2007)
TFORM!!??Jerome Squalor5Jerome Squalor (2007)
walk animationRogueM5Stickman (2007)
Script Enginesringwraith5Matty (2007)
FTP - I receive the wrong IPno nickname3no nickname (2007)
wrapping a model with a bitmapBlitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2007)
Game Timing / Input ManagementMr. Reda Borchardt9Mr. Reda Borchardt (2007)
Texture AlphaWhats My Face6Ross C (2007)
Character animationBlitz3dCoder9Blitz3dCoder (2007)
GetChild FunctionCodeOrc4Ross C (2007)
Need Help Sprite and Image Size not the sameBlacky4Dreamora (2007)
CopyMesh and Copying Animationsiread4Dreamora (2007)
Grid help, again...YellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Collision SituationYellBellzDotCom10YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Texture helpBlacky10Dreamora (2007)
How to give the player an extra life?Jaydubeww18andy_mc (2007)
Save file: how?RogueM8GfK (2007)
Highlighting Selectionboomboom8Smith (2007)
If collisionmintybreath7Mortiis (2007)
Animated Mesh Looping ProblemParagon7IPete2 (2007)
really simple fake shadows?Pete Carter17Pete Carter (2007)
um returning after a few years just messing aroundn8r2k8n8r2k (2007)
Platform CollisionWhats My Face2Ross C (2007)
entity does not exist?Kyler4boomboom (2007)
3d Wepon Weilding helpPooder25Pooder (2007)
clearworld and typesDoggie6Matty (2007)
ERROR! :(Blitz3dCoder10Blitz3dCoder (2007)
Swimming...stayne6Stevie G (2007)
Collision Issuestayne9stayne (2007)
BuoyancyTerry B.6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
including a variablechwaga14chwaga (2007)
More lights?JBR12Ben(t) (2007)
Problems with Accessing TypesDoktor Zeus2DGuy (2007)
Lotus System Particle Editor O.oInterama9LineOf7s (2007)
MP3 helpAdam Novagen3Abrexxes (2007)
Linking user libs? Single exe?LamptonWorm3lo-tekk (2007)
ScreensaverJerome Squalor2Blitz3dCoder (2007)
Save System Helpmintybreath4mintybreath (2007)
Sphere Map Alpha?boomboom3boomboom (2007)
What's wrong with ScaleEntity?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2007)
TexturingAzaratur3Ross C (2007)
Ai helpAzaratur11Azaratur (2007)
Pick an objectMoraldi7Moraldi (2007)
I have a questionBlitz3dCoder8Who was John Galt? (2007)
Maintaining alpha in an image(tu) ENAY10Pongo (2007)
Search Recursive not working?Fuller9Fuller (2007)
Really basic HELP! lolQuantum10Quantum (2007)
Collisions ProblemHotshot20053Hotshot2005 (2007)
Inventory, Anyone?chwaga3chwaga (2007)
File Requestor in FUllScreen 3dDoggie15Abrexxes (2007)
SpriteControl QuestionKed3Ross C (2007)
How to add a plastic sheensiread14siread (2007)
drum hero?Ginger Tea5boomboom (2007)
3d sight of view?Azaratur9Azaratur (2007)
3ds file with two separate toMax ellens4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Binary codeJerome Squalor8jfk EO-11110 (2007)
MoviesRogueM5Matty (2007)
F1 LawnmowerHotshot20054mintybreath (2007)
OnlineJerome Squalor5Ross C (2007)
So I bought B3DJamison75437Jerome Squalor (2007)
fractureschwaga12Stevie G (2007)
About .libLabyrnth2Abrexxes (2007)
Terrain TextureBlitz3dCoder3Dreamora (2007)
Help!Blitz3dCoder5Blitz3dCoder (2007)
Save FilesBlitz3dCoder16Ross C (2007)
FitMesh or ScaleMesh?ervin8ervin (2007)
EntityShininess - Seamlessness?siread4Ross C (2007)
What does this "AND" do?Interama12_33 (2007)
TCP Packets and SizeYellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Writing files on Windows VistaPowerPC6034CodeD (2007)
blitz3d with dx10chwaga15PowerPC603 (2007)
psionic zombie fileCodeOrc14stayne (2007)
BlitzUI?YellBellzDotCom8Happy Sammy (2007)
EntiyCollided .vs EntityDistanceCodeOrc15Ross C (2007)
multiple cameraschwaga6Ross C (2007)
Anim B3D and ShadowEmerGki9Sledge (2007)
Pick-up stuff ala halflifeMorbius5chwaga (2007)
.b3d export-Please Help!BugZilla7IPete2 (2007)
Position of child entityelcoo6elcoo (2007)
which blitz product is right for me?DCI4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Vidio and system MemoryYellBellzDotCom7big10p (2007)
shrinkingchwaga8Jasu (2007)
DataBanksmintybreath8big10p (2007)
ExecFile problemervin7ervin (2007)
L3td helpAzaratur5jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Create a vertexBen(t)10Stevie G (2007)
About surfacesPowerPC6037PowerPC603 (2007)
'Pandemonium' 2.5D examples?Tranz2Ross C (2007)
Entity near? how?Azaratur11Ross C (2007)
sandbox games - how???chwaga38chwaga (2007)
database helpDCI3Jasu (2007)
Pipeline? Or Milkshape?Azaratur11Azaratur (2007)
3d & 2d, full & window fade?LamptonWorm10LamptonWorm (2007)
Getting an Entities Alphaboomboom5(tu) sinu (2007)
Huge Map?Azaratur15Azaratur (2007)
Fog/Shroud RadiusBLaBZ3boomboom (2007)
SORT functionDimas3big10p (2007)
IS this possible with blitz?DCI5Matty (2007)
simple shadowsgrindalf2Stevie G (2007)
Loading (streaming) images?ervin3ervin (2007)
How come this doesn't work?BLaBZ4BLaBZ (2007)
PaintSurface vs Sprite texturingervin11ervin (2007)
Paint mesh facesMoraldi7Mortiis (2007)
Pick EntityBLaBZ4big10p (2007)
image resizingchwaga2chwaga (2007)
controller help!blade0075chwaga (2007)
2d Interaction with 3dBLaBZ2Matty (2007)
DilplomacyRogueM15RogueM (2007)
Good Books?mintybreath4mintybreath (2007)
HUDRogueM5RogueM (2007)
GrassPartyCodeOrc2big10p (2007)
Gem Placement on Static MeshCodeOrc14CodeOrc (2007)
2D Collisions HelpKed9Ked (2007)
Hide TriangleYellBellzDotCom5YellBellzDotCom (2007)
A good sun flare?Azaratur4IPete2 (2007)
I need helpAzaratur15Mortiis (2007)
Directx 9?Azaratur2Gabriel (2007)
Model too big? Or what...Sk8ter12Azaratur (2007)
Relative Movementboomboom2Stevie G (2007)
menu problemschwaga7chwaga (2007)
Texturing a Random Checkerboard?x26x2 (2007)
Lotus R2mkg5mkg (2007)
shooting problemsBen(t)4chwaga (2007)
floating point variableschwaga7chwaga (2007)
openfile\writefile help!blade0073blade007 (2007)
doorschwaga26chwaga (2007)
pickedentity dont workpanton5Beaker (2007)
Sibling TexturesZenn Lee6Zenn Lee (2007)
Move the model with the mousepanton11panton (2007)
help!!blade0074H&K (2007)
Sprite Candy layersmkg4semar (2007)
is blitz3d supported by Vista?matthews_304Abrexxes (2007)
3d objectpanton7Dreamora (2007)
rotaing 2d imagesgooglemesilly6Sir Gak (2007)
fps rateRogueM3RogueM (2007)
Trails...Yahfree8Yahfree (2007)
Saving GameMr. Slat2Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Camera's viewplaneMoraldi3Moraldi (2007)
How to add blitz help file to IndeED?Happy Sammy1Happy Sammy (2007)
image buffer help!blade0073tonyg (2007)
Browser in Blitz3Dboomboom2Kev (2007)
glue objects to animPaposo3Paposo (2007)
Textures and Lightingmkg4Dreamora (2007)
Save as PNGgrindalf7big10p (2007)
brightness and contrastorion one6b32 (2007)
GAH!! MY BRAIN HURTS!chwaga42b32 (2007)
animate speedpanton4chwaga (2007)
nested types (a la rpg inventory system)DQ4DQ (2007)
Collision Brush with 3DWSParagon4Paragon (2007)
Top tips for avoiding slowdownmkg4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Random values always the sameMr. Slat11chwaga (2007)
.b3d childBen(t)8D4NM4N (2007)
Is it wise to use a text command each loop?PoliteProgrammer8Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
ASCIIMr. Slat2Mr. Slat (2007)
Sorry Nother ProblemSuperSonic718H&K (2007)
Picking the entitymintybreath6mintybreath (2007)
WTF IT BLEW UPSuperSonic74SuperSonic7 (2007)
input cursorgooglemesilly10Ben(t) (2007)
2d in 3dpanton3panton (2007)
little info pleaseLabyrnth4Labyrnth (2007)
Creating an amount of data that can be added tochwaga7chwaga (2007)
shortcutmindstorms2b32 (2007)
entitydistance in x & z ONLY??chwaga7chwaga (2007)
.bak filesJBR7chwaga (2007)
camera follow object- !!panton4chwaga (2007)
Castle deco - only 1 tree?LamptonWorm6Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
rounding numberschwaga7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Camera Juddersiread2chwaga (2007)
Texturing track/path onto texturesChalky6Chalky (2007)
animatepanton9Mortiis (2007)
Putting pivot points in my own modelsBlitzplotter2Blitzplotter (2007)
NEED HELP with 3ds animation!panton3puki (2007)
Tank ControlsChad6Bankie (2007)
Gravityxtremegamr6xtremegamr (2007)
Drawing Cards?Fuller26Blitzplotter (2007)
Blitz maths question...Yahfree16TomToad (2007)
saving image troublechwaga20JBR (2007)
Animation with my own models?elcoo3elcoo (2007)
.x vs .b3dchwaga9Dreamora (2007)
No colour screen?Jouni6Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Finish Line end on intersectionFuller13Fuller (2007)
2d ball bouncingchwaga8Stevie G (2007)
Input Fieldsmintybreath11semar (2007)
looping music?chwaga7Abrexxes (2007)
Select point on terrain using mouseJim753Jim75 (2007)
Line Collides with Line?Fuller3Fuller (2007)
tons of variables.chwaga6Adam Novagen (2007)
writing to a filechwaga5chwaga (2007)
Simple (?) ParserGrayKnight2k3GrayKnight2k (2007)
Collisions Questionmulawa15mulawa1 (2007)
Music Overlay Problemsmintybreath3mintybreath (2007)
Please tell me this is possible.Yahfree16Yahfree (2007)
Running mouse over an entity show its entity namePaulus7Paulus (2007)
Sound Helpmintybreath3mintybreath (2007)
For next... Case?Yahfree12Yahfree (2007)
Athena DemoCodeOrc4puki (2007)
Your going to hate mePete Carter14jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Antialiases LinesJBR5big10p (2007)
How do I create multiple of the same type?DNR7Vorderman (2007)
Where to start?Yo! Wazzup?12T David (2007)
Getting Goodmintybreath12Jerome Squalor (2007)
Arrays...Yahfree6Yahfree (2007)
Semi-transparent image?Terry B.7Jerome Squalor (2007)
Joystick with 4 axeselcoo6Stevie G (2007)
Website IP?Fuller2Mustang (2007)
Text input code helpmintybreath21mintybreath (2007)
b3d to md2Nenad3Nenad (2007)
Multi-Camera and Entity HidingWhats My Face4b32 (2007)
Bi-Directional RotationNathaniel19Stevie G (2007)
Text locationsmintybreath3mintybreath (2007)
Per polygon textures?Sanctus4puki (2007)
Free InstallersGrayKnight2k9Boiled Sweets (2007)
Memory Access Violation with CallDLLFluid Byte10Fluid Byte (2007)
Collision with Ground?YellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Getting B3D to work with XInput?Genexi212b32 (2007)
Extracting animations from B3D?Bukky3Bukky (2007)
animation questionPete Carter6Pete Carter (2007)
dead link in code archive?Pete Carter7Pete Carter (2007)
Short question on TexturesSanctus4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Writing a .jpg imageTerry B.11Boiled Sweets (2007)
UDP connect to server?Fuller1Fuller (2007)
Music?GrayKnight2k6IPete2 (2007)
eat this bookblade00718Nathaniel (2007)
Path finding AiBen(t)12Pete Carter (2007)
Part of MP3 fileFernhout8Gabriel (2007)
WinBlitz3d - Tabbers?Yahfree21Yahfree (2007)
Motion blur problemschwaga12chwaga (2007)
Problems reading a txt file..Yahfree24Yahfree (2007)
scancode captureDREAM3Buggy (2007)
Ninja Ropecermit15Buggy (2007)
RagdollBuggy3Buggy (2007)
Hiding the mediaAJirenius12AJirenius (2007)
Re-installing B3DEuphoria8Euphoria (2007)
Problems with TeraPakGrayKnight2k16GrayKnight2k (2007)
Smart turningBen(t)12Ben(t) (2007)
Connection out of LAN?Terry B.5Terry B. (2007)
shortest distance to turnmindstorms2Stevie G (2007)
supported 3d file formatsorriblepaul4orriblepaul (2007)
How to GrabImage from ImageBuffer?NewtSoup4NewtSoup (2007)
control bones from inside a mesh?chwaga3jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Memory Acess Error PLEASE HELP ME!!sniper_boy1478Gabriel (2007)
Character Shop question (locked)Quantum1Quantum (2007)
Blitzcc Output windowKed3big10p (2007)
input$ and text collide?chwaga24kevin8084 (2007)
3dMax .3ds exportingCodeOrc8Lagrange (2007)
DDS & Nvidia?Quantum3Quantum (2007)
Number of polygonsMoraldi19jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Where the ocean meets the shoreTerry B.4b32 (2007)
Include problemFarflame8Farflame (2007)
return text y?chwaga3chwaga (2007)
.dat filesingenium5ingenium (2007)
blitz to send e-mail?chwaga7chwaga (2007)
strange graphical anomolieschwaga4chwaga (2007)
lightmapper question? (locked)chwaga1chwaga (2007)
drawing text on screen "over" an entity?chwaga7Canardian (2007)
entityinview problems?chwaga9chwaga (2007)
Do Sound Files have to be a certain format?YellBellzDotCom4YellBellzDotCom (2007)
EntityDistance#Pete Carter5Dreamora (2007)
mouse controlPete Carter3Pete Carter (2007)
QuadsPoliteProgrammer10Jasu (2007)
Good Fire?Ked7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Title Screen While Loading?jeffmorris6Wings (2007)
Materials - Surfaces?Morbius2Wings (2007)
Memory access violation after third iterationeos3eos (2007)
XMLYahfree7Yahfree (2007)
color differenceschwaga9Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Bsp map issuesBen(t)3Ben(t) (2007)
Cannot see sourcess9Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Box collision problemsRobert Cummings9Robert Cummings (2007)
Finalizing A ProjectGrayKnight2k4GrayKnight2k (2007)
Get EntityColor?YellBellzDotCom4big10p (2007)
CountHostIps() QuestionKed9Ked (2007)
Creating a starfield skybox (locked)cimtaurus1cimtaurus (2007)
`EntityColor` question?Quantum3Quantum (2007)
Terrain and texturesingenium6D4NM4N (2007)
How to create an online MMORGPChaosspear12Ked (2007)
Own Programming LanguageKed15Who was John Galt? (2007)
3D World tiles?jeffmorris3Dreamora (2007)
Blitz & Windows VistaTobo3Tobo (2007)
helpSaz9H&K (2007)
Multitexuring - a soccer pitchsiread12Subirenihil (2007)
Missile Movement using Sin CosMortiis15Subirenihil (2007)
Internal ResourcesPoliteProgrammer5Subirenihil (2007)
scaling an image according to screen resolutionchwaga11Subirenihil (2007)
3D Terrain Editor?Hotshot200511Hotshot2005 (2007)
Sprite CollisionKed2big10p (2007)
Community HelpJerome Squalor2ingenium (2007)
Sprite Control HelpKed4Ked (2007)
How to change game to app.SuperSonic73PowerPC603 (2007)
Camera control & transformations - Please helpFestay3Festay (2007)
Logic of Player movementnrasool11Yeshu777 (2007)
ShapeEntity SystemkochOn10kochOn (2007)
loading screenchwaga6Andy (2007)
Mesh Entity QuestionH&K13Sir Gak (2007)
Can I use getch from msvcrt.dll?pimpom7pimpom (2007)
opening options bugchwaga3chwaga (2007)
lightmapping questionHappy Sammy9jfk EO-11110 (2007)
WB3D SyntaxKed1Ked (2007)
Collision problemelseano7big10p (2007)
Animated 3D SpriteKed10Stevie G (2007)
EntityParentJerome Squalor5Jerome Squalor (2007)
3D Sprites - any gotchas?Jazz4Dreamora (2007)
any examples??Ked10Ked (2007)
animation questionchwaga4chwaga (2007)
collision detection without response?chwaga7big10p (2007)
SaveMeshSir Gak2Matty (2007)
SlowdownTerry B.16Mortiis (2007)
b3d extensions help!chwaga2chwaga (2007)
physicsGord5Mortiis (2007)
2D Map Saving/Loadingelseano3elseano (2007)
Position-maps with Blitztree?Quantum14Quantum (2007)
test network on one pc?(tu) sinu10Gabriel (2007)
Jetpac laser problemMick Farrow19Mick Farrow (2007)
3D modelsjeffmorris9Gabriel (2007)
Writing a .txt file...Yahfree9Yahfree (2007)
oh great, now i feel like an idiot!chwaga7Sledge (2007)
that annoying little window iconYahfree23Kev (2007)
typesBen(t)5Ben(t) (2007)
3D Axisjeffmorris4chwaga (2007)
Switching DirectoriesPoliteProgrammer2b32 (2007)
2D in 3D PhysicsBuggy6Stevie G (2007)
skybox/dome help!chwaga6scribbla (2007)
Running a compiled exe from a menu?Quantum10Quantum (2007)
variablesjeffmorris2Gabriel (2007)
Diary of a Noobodymkg12Blitzplotter (2007)
autocompletition?pimpom7pimpom (2007)
OH no! i'm making a dropdown menu!!Yahfree111Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
icon OTHER than the space-ship?chwaga6chwaga (2007)
Ideas for animating a combat sequenceLeto8Leto (2007)
Converting Hue Sat and Lum to R G B and backPoliteProgrammer2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
What is the default font?Fey7Fey (2007)
read from fileingenium7ingenium (2007)
3dws export with Animated objects inside ?Nenad4Naughty Alien (2007)
animated 2d sprite on the 3d objectNenad2Leto (2007)
A question about typesYo! Wazzup?8(tu) sinu (2007)
Is there a function for thisChaosspear3Chaosspear (2007)
ScaleEntity an collisionNenad5Nenad (2007)
.DDS file not workingsec052OJay (2007)
How to check if two images are the samePoliteProgrammer8BlackJumper (2007)
smooth change of the texture?Lui2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Reading/Writing files_PJ_8b32 (2007)
Grabbing a JointNathaniel6Ricky Smith (2007)
WHAT?Ben(t)8Ben(t) (2007)
animation optimizationNenad6Nenad (2007)
3D Objectschaos518Leto (2007)
LAN GamesNathaniel5Nathaniel (2007)
How to find coordinates on mesh?Mikele2Mikele (2007)
Pivoting Camerasiread3siread (2007)
Switching Camera to different Placeholders3DMan123DMan (2007)
Connecting to InternetTerry B.6Terry B. (2007)
Print Camera position X,Y,Z3DMan4Matty (2007)
human capabilitiesGord5Quantum (2007)
escape menu?chwaga11chwaga (2007)
yet anotherBen(t)6* (2007)
Smart typesBen(t)17Ben(t) (2007)
Dvision with remaindersYo! Wazzup?5H&K (2007)
Waitkey() not good enough?chwaga4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
TCP Networking HelpFuller13Fuller (2007)
Reading informationYahfree24Yahfree (2007)
Hiding/ Showing polys at run time?YellBellzDotCom11YellBellzDotCom (2007)
New Cowboy Model! (locked)YellBellzDotCom1YellBellzDotCom (2007)
Previous frame check?chwaga5chwaga (2007)
input "fields"Yahfree30Yahfree (2007)
Game Runs SlowTerry B.14Trader3564 (2007)
Downloading 1.90 versionRob_01263Trader3564 (2007)
GOTOpanton17Trader3564 (2007)
Game TimerTrader35645Trader3564 (2007)
skinning helpchwaga18chwaga (2007)
:?Yo! Wazzup?5Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
b3d pipeline issues (locked)chwaga1chwaga (2007)
child windowFernhout7Fernhout (2007)
How to Save/Export truespace animation files?yerrel2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
vertex, level, texture animation etc.Nenad7Nenad (2007)
Sprites alphaTerry B.2skidracer (2007)
EntityParent? Something I don't know?Lordon2Lordon (2007)
image help...yeah, it's me...AGAINchwaga5chwaga (2007)
Default fontYo! Wazzup?3Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
scancodes...where'd they go?!chwaga3chwaga (2007)
ack, a bug already?chwaga9chwaga (2007)
How to create a buttonpanton5panton (2007)
Mouse controlPCBGuy7PCBGuy (2007)
Using WinBlitz3DPCBGuy15Kev (2007)
variable storagechwaga5chwaga (2007)
Will Blitz3D save as ASCKenjar2b32 (2007)
Type within TypePCBGuy4Damien Sturdy (2007)
controlling animationskillertomato3killertomato (2007)
typewriter.. text effect.Apollonius13JA2 (2007)
specular, normal and lightmap layer order qnsec052Beaker (2007)
created meshes not affected by lights?Cousin Gilgamesh3Cousin Gilgamesh (2007)
12/2=7?Yo! Wazzup?14Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
light intensity problemsec057sec05 (2007)
TriangleYo! Wazzup?8Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Collision JoustingRabies11Rabies (2007)
Square DanceStollentroll3Stollentroll (2007)
single value color specificationMegalomanic6jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Spelling OutYo! Wazzup?4Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
.3ds to .b3dBen(t)7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
.b3d Help!Ben(t)30Ben(t) (2007)
Advice from the Gurus Needed.BasicMonkey7Damien Sturdy (2007)
Surfaces in Relation to B3D ModelsBasicMonkey4Beaker (2007)
How to change HUE/SATURATION in loaded texture?Mikele8ZJP (2007)
MapletYo! Wazzup?3Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Loading a meshYo! Wazzup?8Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
OMG... ZeroSuperSonic78Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Setbuffer..........JBR4Floyd (2007)
orthographic camera?Pete Carter4chwaga (2007)
Navigating menusYahfree15Yahfree (2007)
Simple Program that was made for yesterdayYo! Wazzup?13Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
PopcornYo! Wazzup?12Curtastic (2007)
Game Design - MethodsOzBlitzManic5chwaga (2007)
collisions/gravity helpchwaga5chwaga (2007)
How Do You…Yo! Wazzup?3Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Mario style jumping codeAvrigus3chwaga (2007)
The Latest Version?Yo! Wazzup?14Blitz123 (2007)
Animated Mouse-OverKed2Sledge (2007)
Object in line of sight (2D)gingerprince3gingerprince (2007)
Sprites Candy Vs nSprite 2Hotshot200512Reactor (2007)
It doesnt work!alanc54Gabriel (2007)
1st Person or 3rd person?Yo! Wazzup?3Yo! Wazzup? (2007)
Mouse going off windowYahfree15Yahfree (2007)
any 3ds max 8 users? need help!chwaga2chwaga (2007)
scalefen_iks4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Real Time 2D RotatingNathaniel13big10p (2007)
Pausing screen, So close!!Yahfree3Yahfree (2007)
Types...Yahfree3b32 (2007)
ugh... blur...ingenium3ingenium (2007)
Decimal from stringFernhout5Fernhout (2007)
parententity + positionentity O_oingenium7b32 (2007)
Type/list questionjondecker762Stevie G (2007)
Texture mapping problemRadek6b32 (2007)
How long can a B3D program be?GameLab9H&K (2007)
ChatterBoxYo! Wazzup?9b32 (2007)
3rd-Person CameraMattizzle5Mattizzle (2007)
String pointerFernhout14Fernhout (2007)
3d Object Display is dullRestKrat5Chaosspear (2007)
Boat to land collisionJeeps12Jeeps (2007)
Hi! + tiny few little questionsBarbapapa13IPete2 (2007)
texturesTerry B.2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
finding fpskillertomato7puki (2007)
Cut SceneBuggy12Jeeps (2007)
Mouse cursor moves too slow on some game menus3DFish13GfK (2007)
ALE - .b3d export - how to show terrain in blitz3dss6ss (2007)
UDP Client memory access violationMartinB4Sir Gak (2007)
2D Oval RotationBuggy7Sir Gak (2007)
Airplane PointerTerry B.2Matty (2007)
Media Player InterfaceSeldon6Boiled Sweets (2007)
Applying two or more textures to the same objectPoliteProgrammer2killertomato (2007)
Using 3ds Files in B3dDanP3Matty (2007)
USERLIBS,DLL's, I'm confused..Yahfree4jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Plane lightingTerry B.2Stevie G (2007)
How do you push an object?pimpom7pimpom (2007)
pushingGord2b32 (2007)
How do i code for clicking a 3d object?chwaga6chwaga (2007)
My first REAL project a 2D Adventure gameYahfree10Yahfree (2007)
2D vs 3DMerrie4Barnabius (2007)
Moving Objects in Tokamakelcoo3elcoo (2007)
Help with choppy scenesFey12Stevie G (2007)
Rotating entity continuouslyChad10H&K (2007)
Blender --> Blitz3D QuestionPoliteProgrammer7Mattizzle (2007)
Object Use - DestroyMerrie3Merrie (2007)
Simple Boat PhysicsJeeps4Jeeps (2007)
Player ServerBuggy8octothorpe (2007)
picked to typemindstorms6octothorpe (2007)
In Game Chat WindowYellBellzDotCom5YellBellzDotCom (2007)
BP Lite - problem updating local position.pimpom3pimpom (2007)
Help with camera's???W16caff_ (2007)
ScreenSaverTerry B.10Boiled Sweets (2007)
Quick (hopefully!) question about Texturing CubesMatt Vinyl8Boiled Sweets (2007)
Moving TextureTerry B.2jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Open bb file errorAmbicatos4IPete2 (2007)
creating a start menukillertomato7killertomato (2007)
How do I draw a image under a 3D world?Dimas4Dimas (2007)
Camera questionChad4Chad (2007)
how to choose which waypoint next?pimpom9jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Camera - how many degrees for field of visionFey3Fey (2007)
Objects not appearing textured..................11Matty (2007)
Keeping materials intactKelso7Kelso (2007)
HOW do you remove a texture?!?Danny9Danny (2007)
Menu's ectYahfree4Yahfree (2007)
a simple 3 minute programYahfree12Yahfree (2007)
heads getting blown offTerry B.4GfK (2007)
Blitz 3D programming manualTobo6Spomo (2007)
Corrupte imageFernhout14Fernhout (2007)
Write type is ok but read type not.Fernhout3Fernhout (2007)
InstallerJsoren3Jsoren (2007)
New User (be gentle)ardee12Nathaniel (2007)
Have a laugh, and then tell me the answerThe Thick Brummy5b32 (2007)
cameraviewport()El Neil9IPete2 (2007)
Greetings and introductions...Foolish Frost10IPete2 (2007)
VERY small problemYoshi7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
userlibs directory?Foolish Frost4Foolish Frost (2007)
2D ClippingMarcell5Marcell (2007)
Dot 3?killertomato12Mustang (2007)
How do you create Outrun Blitz 3D?Hotshot20052Blitzplotter (2007)
Flash Light = Point Light ?dena4Matty (2007)
Asteroids Bullets Directions?Hotshot20054Hotshot2005 (2007)
Noob needs help78697916Adam Novagen (2007)
Date FunctionsFarflame12Farflame (2007)
A few graphics questions...Matt Vinyl3Matt Vinyl (2007)
Grid?Terry B.11Zethrax (2007)
What's wrong with this FPS prg?Happy Sammy7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
3D basicsJasu6octothorpe (2007)
Bryce5The Thick Brummy3The Thick Brummy (2007)
Include QuestionReverie7big10p (2007)
Blitz3D Book QuestionZumwalt6Andy (2007)
Dire Need of Help! Need Response in < 3 hoursMyersbros12Danny (2007)
How dose someone load an DLLChaosspear7Chaosspear (2007)
Why Should I use a "better" IDEBLaBZ21_PJ_ (2007)
Transparent textures for windows - how??Lykaestria10Neo Genesis10 (2007)
Can't get in contact!Colvette11Sir Gak (2007)
Rotation and MoveEntitysiread9Sir Gak (2007)
I feel dumb - No Sprite Alpha?_PJ_6Sledge (2007)
Collisions on negative scalingRyudin10Mattizzle (2007)
Currently Selected Tile (Types)Matt Vinyl5Curtastic (2007)
CollisionsTerry B.5Zethrax (2007)
Two lines with one Print?Fey8Blitz123 (2007)
multiple commandsThe Thick Brummy7b32 (2007)
Email GamesBuggy7IPete2 (2007)
pipeline scrolling uv ?morph10b32 (2007)
Help with math formulaJeeps12big10p (2007)
Confused by SurfacesNexus63jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Breakout clone helpYahfree46b32 (2007)
rotate terrain around central x,z pointSoggyP2Stevie G (2007)
Sprite Candy and Camera ViewportYellBellzDotCom4IPete2 (2007)
Anagrams - Combinations/PerumatationsMatt Vinyl16Sledge (2007)
Media-sounds, textures etcThe Thick Brummy6Adam Novagen (2007)
3D World Studio (locked)Jouni1Jouni (2007)
Did I Buy The Wrong Thing?Merrie34_PJ_ (2007)
Alpha flag = geometry holes?Leto7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Do Models Need Bones?Merrie18Naughty Alien (2007)
windows commandsmindstorms4mindstorms (2007)
Arteria gaming monthly subscription offer to blitzyertari2D4NM4N (2007)
Getting Input Without Freezing ProgramBLaBZ4Matty (2007)
Image Mask Colour Showing Up :(PoliteProgrammer5Sledge (2007)
What Approach do you take?BLaBZ9BLaBZ (2007)
What's wrong with my .x files?SkyCube18Zethrax (2007)
Radar TroubleBLaBZ4BLaBZ (2007)
RTS camera troubleBLaBZ5BLaBZ (2007)
Placing EntitiesBLaBZ9Mattizzle (2007)
3d shooterKyler2b32 (2007)
Gravity on a Mesh TerrainMattizzle9Mattizzle (2007)
Carrara 4Merrie4Merrie (2007)
Error Message EOFMerrie12Adam Novagen (2007)
Terrain BlurrMerrie15Merrie (2007)
JVODE & WiiWayne3Damien Sturdy (2007)
Center Point in EntityBLaBZ3D4NM4N (2007)
Does OgreRad still in progress?Happy Sammy3H&K (2007)
Movement Up / DownMerrie4(tu) sinu (2007)
What is $FFFF ?RiverRatt58Adam Novagen (2007)
BIDE ???Happy Sammy10Boiled Sweets (2007)
grid...mindstorms16Subirenihil (2007)
My Missing ConeMerrie3Merrie (2007)
Mutitexturing terrainTerry B.7Sledge (2007)
How to use antialiasingLagrange11andy_mc (2007)
Losing textures when importing 3ds objectsandy_mc4andy_mc (2007)
GamePad Support?Terry B.7andy_mc (2007)
Little or Big Scenes?Merrie7jfk EO-11110 (2007)
Joining mesheshockings4hockings (2007)
What in What Order?Merrie5Merrie (2007)
Rotating cubeThe Thick Brummy8GfK (2007)
GravityTerry B.4Stevie G (2007)
Placing 3d objects on a rotating/tilting maphockings15hockings (2007)
A tank that follows the terranYahfree6Yahfree (2007)
Book Blitz 3DMerrie5H&K (2006)
Musicingenium7ingenium (2006)
importing animationskillertomato6D4NM4N (2006)
TerrainY not exact ?b322GfK (2006)
ExecFile problemsPowerPC6034PowerPC603 (2006)
rendering ordersEl Neil13jfk EO-11110 (2006)
How do I make animation?? (locked)SkyCube1SkyCube (2006)
Using CharacterFX (locked)SkyCube1SkyCube (2006)
Which formatSkyCube6SkyCube (2006)
Terrain Pitch?Terry B.2mindstorms (2006)
Possible to detect model loading problems?Drekinn4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Unit SelectionNathaniel7Nathaniel (2006)
DirectX ) OVER d3dx9.dll ???AMYsProjects3Zethrax (2006)
help with normalmap lightingMr Snidesmin2Mr Snidesmin (2006)
Vertex world positionMr Snidesmin3Mr Snidesmin (2006)
Recording Blitz3D created 'movies'Blitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2006)
how to get the songname from thisPanno2b32 (2006)
less polys?Terry B.6b32 (2006)
Human modelNexus64Nexus6 (2006)
program to create image strip from many .PNG's? (locked)Dax Trajero1Dax Trajero (2006)
milk shape?? (locked)war_god12301war_god1230 (2006)
how to combine 2d and 3d ?b325jfk EO-11110 (2006)
.b3d to .3dsTillman5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Smooth color changesMoraldi3Moraldi (2006)
Blender HELP!Buggy3D4NM4N (2006)
Backfaces?Lui7t3K|Mac (2006)
Mesh Textureing problemMattizzle18Mustang (2006)
SkyTerry B.14Mr Snidesmin (2006)
Flight PathLKFX5LKFX (2006)
Large LevelsBuggy7Shambler (2006)
flashing spritesFiNegirO3FiNegirO (2006)
positioning entitiesGord4puki (2006)
GUIBuggy20Andy (2006)
return type from functionryan scott9(tu) sinu (2006)
B3D Install FilesBailius Maximus5Bailius Maximus (2006)
For the Community of B3DaugGa3Ross C (2006)
adding to texturemindstorms2Ross C (2006)
masking texturesEl Neil8Ross C (2006)
Alpha Channel for Sketchup modelssimcenter9simcenter (2006)
WaitTimer(60) quick questionDax Trajero11Naughty Alien (2006)
reading html pageRook Zimbabwe2b32 (2006)
sword?Terry B.4b32 (2006)
.x animationTerry B.11jfk EO-11110 (2006)
sound generation?Lykaestria5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Sneaking past guardsKinkobal12jfk EO-11110 (2006)
problem with sending progamewar_god12304Lykaestria (2006)
Sprite CandyYellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Creating Clothing and items for a ModelYellBellzDotCom9YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Textures!.... its whats for dinner?DroolBucket6b32 (2006)
Loading DDSJonasL9Mustang (2006)
auto keyhit?war_god12309war_god1230 (2006)
EntityBox and ScaleEntityChalky11Stevie G (2006)
Snow SpriteRabies6Rabies (2006)
Website ServerBuggy6Buggy (2006)
Shaking models!Jouni6Damien Sturdy (2006)
vertex colors?mindstorms8mindstorms (2006)
gravityGord5Earl Grey (2006)
Gravity vs collisionKinkobal3(tu) sinu (2006)
Locking down framerate to 60HzDax Trajero6b32 (2006)
2d mouse pointer on a 3d mapDroolBucket5b32 (2006)
stand alone programes??war_god12305Andy (2006)
copy entity vs entity instances ?timmport1timmport (2006)
vertex posmindstorms3mindstorms (2006)
moving intances of type with entityX?timmport15b32 (2006)
Problems with "out of data" errorBenasp4b32 (2006)
TetrisCrazy4Code2Buggy (2006)
Type QuestionCrazy4Code6Crazy4Code (2006)
Lost Blitz3D InstallerCrazy4Code2GfK (2006)
3D softwareZenn Lee6Adam Novagen (2006)
Print("") command displayed within area of entityChad8Sir Gak (2006)
inaccurate collison volumetimmport5Sir Gak (2006)
2-player online technique?AJirenius5semar (2006)
More crisp model edgesLeto13b32 (2006)
Smoother FontsChalky2big10p (2006)
What ARE DDS files?Neochrome23t3K|Mac (2006)
ColummsClyde16Fernhout (2006)
Texture on a textured terrainingenium19_PJ_ (2006)
userlib..memorybank & filesfreddix6b32 (2006)
Handling several Type-listsAJirenius21octothorpe (2006)
making an image face the mouseBLaBZ4Stevie G (2006)
Types in arrayFernhout3Fernhout (2006)
RadarMyrmydon5Myrmydon (2006)
Masked Entity Portions?Buggy13Sledge (2006)
BSP filesMoraldi8jfk EO-11110 (2006)
streaming x,y info to a Blitz app?timmport2Rroff (2006)
Texture TroubleTerry B.8markcw (2006)
Graphics ModeBuggy5Buggy (2006)
Screenshotgooglemesilly8Blitzplotter (2006)
3D Network Space GameBuggy10Buggy (2006)
Binary dataJBR6Beaker (2006)
Irregular ViewportBuggy6Buggy (2006)
My First PathFinding ProgramYellBellzDotCom12mindstorms (2006)
Parent/Child QuestionTerry B.4Buggy (2006)
Exit Game aka Game OverRabies11Rabies (2006)
WorldtimerBuggy5Buggy (2006)
Best (and free) ParticleSystem?AJirenius8Mikele (2006)
Sphere Physics... AgainBuggy4Buggy (2006)
what would be best general way to approach this?timmport6D4NM4N (2006)
Black trianglesgrindalf5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Flashlight for 3rd PersonIKG33jfk EO-11110 (2006)
3ds to md2El Neil4Beaker (2006)
Understanding CoordsYellBellzDotCom14Sir Gak (2006)
having a plane facing the cameraOsoko6Sir Gak (2006)
MAV on TCP ServerKed7markcw (2006)
tracking distance of entity movementtimmport4Stevie G (2006)
DB add limb equivalentStarTiger06StarTiger0 (2006)
Creating Track Mapmickybhai4b32 (2006)
grid movementJsoren9YellBellzDotCom (2006)
SwingJeepster4b32 (2006)
Collisions help?sonokong6Stevie G (2006)
Need help with texturesAlaric5b32 (2006)
movie in to a textureMr. Slat5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
matrix array questiontsmpaul3tsmpaul (2006)
Rebound object of edge of screen?gingerprince3gingerprince (2006)
CollisionsMoraldi10Moraldi (2006)
B3d extensionsmickybhai6Dreamora (2006)
Image TrasnaprecyMoonShadow8MoonShadow (2006)
Argh, another cos/sin problemSokurah3Sokurah (2006)
Blitz 3d - Still in development?jd26915bytecode77 (2006)
counting typesstayne3stayne (2006)
Client/serverSeldon3Seldon (2006)
modifying movement speedtimmport2Stevie G (2006)
WinBlitz3d and SCHNOK!Weetbix7Weetbix (2006)
Chess core program with source?CodeOrc2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Image CollisionNathaniel9Nathaniel (2006)
Camera that followsandycraig8andycraig (2006)
Verlet car helpWeetbix17Weetbix (2006)
Hearty thanksBuggy8H&K (2006)
hey! help!MR:Satanist18stayne (2006)
rpg-like guistayne3stayne (2006)
ShapesBuggy4mindstorms (2006)
Adjust animationspeed in realtime?AJirenius10jhocking (2006)
minimizingmindstorms11mindstorms (2006)
Resize meshMike01016Mike0101 (2006)
World Editorstayne3Danny (2006)
Creating Citymickybhai4Stevie G (2006)
camera zoomstayne10GfK (2006)
Silver TextureNathaniel14Nathaniel (2006)
Targeting...Moraldi5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Animation in 3ds?AJirenius16jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Collision without controllingAJirenius6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
accessing a dllstayne4Damien Sturdy (2006)
UserlibsChalky11Chalky (2006)
Setting up animationimageAJirenius6AJirenius (2006)
good Blitz3D IDE ?AJirenius9D4NM4N (2006)
Maze Heightmap???sonokong6PowerPC603 (2006)
Setting up collision for THISAJirenius4OJay (2006)
loading a mesh realtimestayne12stayne (2006)
Painting an Unwraped a FaceNathaniel8Nathaniel (2006)
couple of questionsstayne5stayne (2006)
Several Textures on 1 Mesh (restart)AJirenius6Yeshu777 (2006)
why won't this work?stayne6stayne (2006)
Different textures on different faces?AJirenius15b32 (2006)
displaying part of a stringstayne3b32 (2006)
Noob Seeks Demo Codemkg7Rook Zimbabwe (2006)
directionmindstorms4mindstorms (2006)
shadows for this game?coffeedotbean4coffeedotbean (2006)
free .b3d human model?Jsoren6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
file menu for opening and saving filesBriskey2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Color ShadingChalky5Chalky (2006)
scrolling text boxstayne5b32 (2006)
3d Studio Max & Blitz3dYeshu7773Beaker (2006)
dumb question but...killertomato4Matty (2006)
Parent/Child searches in a modelCodeOrc5markcw (2006)
code for back and forth motion?timmport5Ross C (2006)
Animation ProblemPoliteProgrammer3timmport (2006)
Want a new IDE Toolbar?CodeOrc2LuckyPhil (2006)
Confusion with scalemeshMike01013Mike0101 (2006)
Single shot ?Destroyer11Destroyer (2006)
debug enabled executable errorsangel martinez1angel martinez (2006)
instances from seperate .bb file?timmport2Stevie G (2006)
AI...Myrmydon4Myrmydon (2006)
Moves and Combos with different weaponsBuggy7Buggy (2006)
Need a B3D/.X animated warriorCodeOrc3CodeOrc (2006)
Camera Rotation Help PLZCodeOrc5CodeOrc (2006)
truck and trailerPete Carter15Pete Carter (2006)
something similar to an animiated gif ?timmport6timmport (2006)
floating pointsmindstorms16mindstorms (2006)
speed?mindstorms7b32 (2006)
2 buttonsJeepster6Jeepster (2006)
A sound questionJBR4JBR (2006)
CONST / floatBoiled Sweets3Boiled Sweets (2006)
Array in Custom TypePoliteProgrammer5octothorpe (2006)
.b3D questionPoliteProgrammer16Jeepster (2006)
What's wrong with this code?PoliteProgrammer3Bobysait (2006)
Relative movement in animationImphenzia2H&K (2006)
Deal Or No DealDestroyer13Destroyer (2006)
Apply UV texture?Jeepster3Jeepster (2006)
Textured Mesh TransparancyYellBellzDotCom6YellBellzDotCom (2006)
holding itemsJsoren15Jsoren (2006)
Passing array data via functionsgilk9mindstorms (2006)
Align a quad to vectorYellBellzDotCom3YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Downloading Blitz3Drs225Andy (2006)
Model wont animateYellBellzDotCom13YellBellzDotCom (2006)
Shadows 101YellBellzDotCom1YellBellzDotCom (2006)
TFormRotation ?b323b32 (2006)
Better Coding SuggestionGauge3octothorpe (2006)
AlignToVector Questionjfk EO-111107Bobysait (2006)
Question on AntialiasingPoliteProgrammer4MikeP (Dark Mist Software) (2006)
Collisions With A Flipped CubeNathaniel6Nathaniel (2006)
LoadImage and problem with video memorysulusgames10sulusgames (2006)
Water RipplesNathaniel6Nathaniel (2006)
Explosions...Nathaniel5Nathaniel (2006)
EntityRadiuschi8Sledge (2006)
Commenting out block of codeskiami16GitTech (2006)
using freeentity and clearworldseferey3Bobysait (2006)
animated modelMike01015Mike0101 (2006)
having objects float in waterseferey4gpete (2006)
Quickie on TEXT vs PRINTTobo5Tobo (2006)
Logitech Rumblepad 2 programmingkiami5kiami (2006)
lighconeMike01016Bobysait (2006)
Tiled data maps & collisionTobo5b32 (2006)
F.L.E. download link brokenDuck12chi (2006)
image slide showseferey6Yeshu777 (2006)
Question about loading meshes and performancebootsbrisket4(tu) sinu (2006)
BB3d vs BMAX (2D)Tobo11Yeshu777 (2006)
TransparencyPoliteProgrammer3Bobysait (2006)
3D Studio max 8 and Blitz3DSanctus8seferey (2006)
Frames Per Second Ticker...Sharlenwar10Bobysait (2006)
Referable children/surface of a modelLeto5Leto (2006)
Collision detection! Beginner Questionmickybhai4Boiled Sweets (2006)
axis help?mindstorms11mindstorms (2006)
Funtion Not found...Nathaniel5Nathaniel (2006)
CharacterFX anim not workingFuller11jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Program Runs Real SlowYellBellzDotCom11jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Game GUI helpWeetbix19j-man (2006)
Globar var vs typeMike01013Mike0101 (2006)
Pick Apart An AnimationNathaniel13jhocking (2006)
A SunNathaniel11H&K (2006)
Reset coordinates after entity collision?jeffmorris2Stevie G (2006)
Collision confusion :(JustLuke2JustLuke (2006)
Texture mapping on imported meshes?jeffmorris2GfK (2006)
B3d Importer Milkshape?Rabies5Rabies (2006)
Rotation problem.JustLuke9(tu) sinu (2006)
freeimage/memory leak?b323b32 (2006)
3D Breakout questionAsh_UK6Ash_UK (2006)
2D RPG BuildingsBenasp3Benasp (2006)
Beginning typesSkyCube4SkyCube (2006)
camera-questionMr. Bean3Mr. Bean (2006)
Collision problemAsh_UK16big10p (2006)
Space Ship - Controlsnrasool8nrasool (2006)
Follow the cameraSkyCube4SkyCube (2006)
Breakout problemAsh_UK13Ash_UK (2006)
can blitz3d use to make 2d games?sec0519Reactor (2006)
2D Game - Loading Map DataBenasp3Benasp (2006)
Built-in Netgame Stuff - Not TCPBenasp3Benasp (2006)
Collision questionRobert M Jolly7big10p (2006)
Problem with TCPRobert M Jolly8b32 (2006)
Mountains to hillsTerry B.3Terry B. (2006)
Vertex positioning with parentSteve03Steve0 (2006)
entityPick?timmport5lo-tekk (2006)
Problem with MaskImageChad3Matty (2006)
Getting Graphicsluke1016NA (2006)
4 way shootingAvestheFox7AvestheFox (2006)
simple programming questiontimmport5timmport (2006)
Sprite...HELPMr. Slat9b32 (2006)
A little problem with commandsChad4Chad (2006)
Song CreatorNathaniel14Nathaniel (2006)
Where to find a complete version of Blitz3D?alain4alain (2006)
model access within 3dsmickybhai6b32 (2006)
render orthographic cameraBnesiba2Stevie G (2006)
Lying a sprite flat on a polygonearok3earok (2006)
block the keyboardingenium3Boiled Sweets (2006)
Two or more game controllers?jeffmorris15IPete2 (2006)
Simple Flight Simulator?jeffmorris5Matty (2006)
RottParticlesingenium2markcw (2006)
FadingMr. Slat3Dreamora (2006)
Changing frequencyJBR5JBR (2006)
Speed on a 60Hz or 85Hz monitorActive037WolRon (2006)
Using a sprite as backgroundSkyCube3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
2d animationmindstorms13Pongo (2006)
image allocated memoryorion one11orion one (2006)
.3ds To .xgrimx10Rabies (2006)
What is a z-buffer?Drekinn10Drekinn (2006)
LotusParticleSystem R1ingenium2Rook Zimbabwe (2006)
Download File from Web ServerBMA2Beaker (2006)
Finding an IP addressFarflame10Ricky Smith (2006)
Renamefile(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2006)
3d tiles (locked)Farflame1Farflame (2006)
Changing rate of weapon fire for each weaponChad2Matty (2006)
Saving a GameNathaniel30BlackJumper (2006)
Using more than one cameraBankie7Myrmydon (2006)
Joystick and SpaceHuNTeD5HuNTeD (2006)
mouselook troublesgrimx5Vorderman (2006)
Slope Collisionskfprimm13kfprimm (2006)
Airplane movementingenium11Ross C (2006)
EntityCollidedBuggy28Stevie G (2006)
HUBBA HUBBA HUDBuggy5Stevie G (2006)
Loading SpritesBuggy3Matty (2006)
Multiple playersBuggy4Buggy (2006)
That other kind of mapBuggy4Buggy (2006)
terrain texturingringwraith4ringwraith (2006)
Terragen and L3dtFuller8Fuller (2006)
Pesky ol' gravity... always ruining my plans...Buggy3Stevie G (2006)
Moozak!Buggy13Buggy (2006)
gridGord4Gord (2006)
I can see you!Pete Carter14Pete Carter (2006)
Loading .x objectsSkyCube7GfK (2006)
Telnet Client AdviceGauge1Gauge (2006)
Health and AmmoNathaniel3Ross C (2006)
B3d changes when BoughtFuller3IPete2 (2006)
help with Slot machine gameOh-Hello9Yeshu777 (2006)
Menu uhhh...Myrmydon10jfk EO-11110 (2006)
hyperthreadingshawnus4shawnus (2006)
To n8r2kseferey13seferey (2006)
Two *simple* questions in one complicated thread!Buggy18Damien Sturdy (2006)
font and text commandsseferey3seferey (2006)
Screen SaversNathaniel9Nathaniel (2006)
alpha on a pivot?Idiot10Ross C (2006)
readbyte()El Neil7Sir Gak (2006)
Oval slower than rect?Tobo8Boiled Sweets (2006)
Executable Resource AccessAlaric4D4NM4N (2006)
Wrapper QuestionSir Gak4jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Buy Blitplay ProBarton7GfK (2006)
3D WS Help (locked)grimx1grimx (2006)
Up and Downgrimx3grimx (2006)
Joystick commandsseferey5seferey (2006)
Changing mesh by button pressChad30Chad (2006)
pausechannel commandseferey7seferey (2006)
type n00bEl Neil3El Neil (2006)
Openfile problemFarflame4Sir Gak (2006)
Keeping MD2 animations in timeBankie10Matty (2006)
Moving an object relative to the camerahockings9hockings (2006)
Moving an object but keeping its perspectivehockings18hockings (2006)
reflecting a vectorSteven Noyce7mindstorms (2006)
collision options?Pete Carter10Pete Carter (2006)
array mapsmindstorms37mindstorms (2006)
FPS Shell CodeProgi19844Pete Carter (2006)
Pixel Not Perfect for Odd Sizes?Tranz5t3K|Mac (2006)
blitz3d and MapletHappy Sammy15Dreamora (2006)
Alpha map in 2DMoraldi9jfk EO-11110 (2006)
TPS camera with mouse and collision controlMike01019mindstorms (2006)
Problem with alpha blendet modellsLui5Lui (2006)
3rd Person View with mouse movementChad26Chad (2006)
Collisions QuestionNathaniel3Ross C (2006)
Large game worldsBuggy8Wings (2006)
local array in a functionNicstt4Nicstt (2006)
skydome - realistic?Gamzman9kfprimm (2006)
loadImage / FreeImageDirk Knoop10Ross C (2006)
Limit to variables passed to a functionNicstt6Sir Gak (2006)
Animation not working with DirectX file!Nathaniel11Nathaniel (2006)
LightConeAngles problemsseferey3Stevie G (2006)
How to clear the 3d environment and start anotherhockings5jhocking (2006)
in game menu -noob questionGamzman10Gamzman (2006)
Cleaning upBankie4Bankie (2006)
Dumb QuestionBuggy25n8r2k (2006)
random axcessmalicnite4Jams (2006)
To fast!!!Pete Carter10Naughty Alien (2006)
Text or draw image?Gamzman13Stevie G (2006)
"Surface Index out of range" (z-sorting!)Dock7Beaker (2006)
spiral stuffmindstorms9mindstorms (2006)
String to Char Array function, anyone? (locked)pappavis1pappavis (2006)
Just Wondering??W9Sir Gak (2006)
Daylight etc.simcenter7simcenter (2006)
Clear ScreenRegeneratez7n8r2k (2006)
Plain Ol' HelpBuggy16Sledge (2006)
Assigning textures to MeshesNathaniel5jhocking (2006)
Load/Play MusicRegeneratez5GfK (2006)
Victory Is Mine! Give My Creature Life!Gladen11Sir Gak (2006)
The BlommunityBuggy16Sir Gak (2006)
scan code problemjvc15Sir Gak (2006)
freeing resources?Pete Carter14Ross C (2006)
Sprite image sizeGamzman7Gamzman (2006)
spherical terrainingenium13ingenium (2006)
To Mac?Liberator17Liberator (2006)
Motion blur - the blitz way?Gamzman7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Just a quick comment...Buggy5Sir Gak (2006)
If AI Sees YouIKG10GfK (2006)
Is it possible.. ? - HTML jumpingPaulJG3Buggy (2006)
Smooth JumpIKG18IKG (2006)
animate or animated?Pete Carter5Buggy (2006)
What kind of movie file could be played in B3D?Happy Sammy17jhocking (2006)
a array position questionseferey7Sir Gak (2006)
Film GrainIKG21Jams (2006)
ExecFile() not executing a fileBlitzplotter7Sir Gak (2006)
Not Levelgrimx5b32 (2006)
Currentdir() woes...Blitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2006)
Collision problemservin7ervin (2006)
fake lightingSteven Noyce9Steven Noyce (2006)
simple shadowsryan scott5t3K|Mac (2006)
Inverted spherical reflection mapingenium3Steven Noyce (2006)
flashing screen?mindstorms12mindstorms (2006)
2.5d shooter (like rtype delta)Pete Carter13Pete Carter (2006)
MsgBoxamitjf6amitjf (2006)
Input() Cursorfetcher5fetcher (2006)
whats wrong heregrimx6GfK (2006)
Entity's 2D Spaceboomboom3(tu) sinu (2006)
My pixel by pixel 2D scrolling example with layerspuredave13puredave (2006)
Pivot ProblemIKG11IKG (2006)
What's wrong with my collisions?IKG11b32 (2006)
Wierd texturing problemhockings5hockings (2006)
Scancode problemNicstt4octothorpe (2006)
Constantly Look At EntityIKG2IKG (2006)
Send/return an array.Amiga4octothorpe (2006)
testing it outseferey5jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Scancode LIst HelpGladen3Gladen (2006)
Conforming character movement to a gridAvrigus6octothorpe (2006)
Obtaining Application PathBlitzplotter10Blitzplotter (2006)
I hate sprite 2...ingenium3ingenium (2006)
Automatic place char. into keyboard buffer?Happy Sammy21Happy Sammy (2006)
sprite... I hate sprite...ingenium9ingenium (2006)
soundvolume vs channelvolumeryan scott3ryan scott (2006)
Issues texturing a 2d polygonhockings9big10p (2006)
best way to work?Gord6Sir Gak (2006)
font problemryan scott7ryan scott (2006)
AImindstorms6mindstorms (2006)
Ellittic trjectoryingenium4Ross C (2006)
Chess figuresMr. Bean4ingenium (2006)
World Editor'sgrimx6t3K|Mac (2006)
bend a meshryan scott3Matty (2006)
Universeingenium28ingenium (2006)
run at startupmindstorms6mindstorms (2006)
TCP? UDP?Buggy29Steven Noyce (2006)
Double wide resboomboom3OJay (2006)
Can't find my error in timer codeGladen3t3K|Mac (2006)
Vectors, Normals?Buggy25Buggy (2006)
for those who are using copyentityseferey1seferey (2006)
Typesseferey4Ross C (2006)
Rendering Meshes To Show LinesUber Lieutenant4Uber Lieutenant (2006)
Racing Game AI develpoment opnionsGladen8Rob Farley (2006)
need som help at space game!MR:Satanist7octothorpe (2006)
JumpingW8Sir Gak (2006)
Arrays againseferey8octothorpe (2006)
Yo yo...oh!thelizardking3Ross C (2006)
Online High Score Tablealloidgames16jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Froggerblackbag3blackbag (2006)
Thank You EveryoneGladen7Damien Sturdy (2006)
keeping ALL attributes when parentingSteven Noyce7Steven Noyce (2006)
heightMike01012Mike0101 (2006)
Yet another problem...Buggy41Buggy (2006)
Slow code?Nicstt4Nicstt (2006)
chrome/metalSteven Noyce44Steven Noyce (2006)
Gosub for a procedural call?Gladen5Nicstt (2006)
Not New, just confused...FBEpyon10FBEpyon (2006)
Slow...ingenium22jfk EO-11110 (2006)
convert float to intjfk EO-1111030jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Blitz3d and Windows 2003 ServerRob Pearmain1Rob Pearmain (2006)
Masking Scaled ImagesCousin Gilgamesh5big10p (2006)
AutoRunW15GfK (2006)
Mouse pointer positioningBlitzplotter3Blitzplotter (2006)
Strobing screen.SheepOnMintSauce15SheepOnMintSauce (2006)
UDP FPSSteven Noyce60Steven Noyce (2006)
To jfk EO-11110: About CSP Game EngineHappy Sammy2jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Blitz3d ManualGeorge14n8r2k (2006)
GapingBuggy15_PJ_ (2006)
TrianglesBuggy3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Leading fireblackbag13octothorpe (2006)
Help With ChildrenGauge4Gauge (2006)
Load3DSound parameters_PJ_5_PJ_ (2006)
Blitz Polygon Limits?Gauge7Sir Gak (2006)
Questions for the ages...Buggy6Buggy (2006)
SeedRnd MilliSecs()Steven Noyce7Nicstt (2006)
Simulating Destructible Terrain with Brushes?x26jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Align to vectorBoyd60014Sir Gak (2006)
Entity Color with Types?_PJ_4_PJ_ (2006)
Wrapping play areablackbag3blackbag (2006)
entity handlemindstorms5Ross C (2006)
Masking an entity imagerockford8rockford (2006)
Camerapick Problemamitjf5Ross C (2006)
box selecting 3dmindstorms16mindstorms (2006)
simple multiplayer FPSSteven Noyce14Wings (2006)
TCProblemBuggy16Wings (2006)
Selecting transparent iconsAmbicatos17mindstorms (2006)
Ambient Light?_PJ_17Ice9 (2006)
Alpha QuestionBoyd6003Boyd600 (2006)
Yeehaaaa!Gladen6puki (2006)
What went wrong?Buggy6Ross C (2006)
Gadgets?Buggy10Mr. Bean (2006)
2d image physicsSteven Noyce5Pongo (2006)
SkyMr. Bean12Mr. Bean (2006)
Deforming images...ragtag1ragtag (2006)
shadowsAlberto37degac (2006)
shader effects?ryan scott5Pongo (2006)
Blender to Blitzmindstorms10Happy Sammy (2006)
center of rotationmrblitz10aristid (2006)
3ds animsGord3Gord (2006)
Selling 3d modelsPaulus6Dreamora (2006)
Improved PhysicsW13W (2006)
b3D parent/childMike01014Mike0101 (2006)
Animated Sprites_PJ_4Matty (2006)
Memory UsageJBR3Matty (2006)
load file windowmindstorms4mindstorms (2006)
B3D NewbieBuggy13Buggy (2006)
--** Help **--Cheater91212n8r2k (2006)
IndoorMr. Bean15n8r2k (2006)
Add .bb to OS Shell?_PJ_10_PJ_ (2006)
What files are needed for lightmap in Blitz3d?Happy Sammy9Happy Sammy (2006)
Just Dreaming...Buggy15Crawdad (2006)
Graphics to order?Farflame3IPete2 (2006)
Mesh-TextureMr. Bean3Mr. Bean (2006)
DLLMr. Bean2Ross C (2006)
Textareaplash3plash (2006)
Shading problemTVISARL3Alienforce (2006)
Looking for Driver.bbGladen4Gladen (2006)
How do I get started with this?polygoon3polygoon (2006)
Networking in BlitzFarflame5SheepOnMintSauce (2006)
--**Cheat Codes**--Cheater91211n8r2k (2006)
Trouble Writing Multiple LinesMr.Bob9419Mr.Bob94 (2006)
entityx verses tformedxmindstorms6mindstorms (2006)
SKY Image?Hotshot20053tonyg (2006)
blitz3dHNPhan6n8r2k (2006)
PositionTextureRoss C3Ross C (2006)
How to check if entity is inside another entityMikele3Mikele (2006)
memory access violation error on LoadAnimTextureryan scott4tonyg (2006)
Entity-generator for a color-matching game...Kozmi3WolRon (2006)
Set for windowed, but runs in fullscreen.IKG7IKG (2006)
Trouble with Full Screen MoviesBruscella3jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Collisions Interfere With PositioningIKG4IKG (2006)
Blitz3D IRCpuki3puki (2006)
joystick issueryan scott3Pongo (2006)
2d images with Graphics3dCousin Gilgamesh10Cousin Gilgamesh (2006)
Interacting With the world while moving...IKG22IKG (2006)
Zooming in on a sphereKieran9octothorpe (2006)
Best way to animate model?Pineapple3Pineapple (2006)
Good way to make an entity a light source?Chad4jhocking (2006)
Joystick/pad problemsMaximus Primal6Stevie G (2006)
IDE which ones great!Pete Carter24Paul Murray (2006)
program launcherGord3Pineapple (2006)
keyboard controls for a gun shipKozmi5Kozmi (2006)
file explorermrjh4mrjh (2006)
Question with special collisionsW5Sledge (2006)
Blitz3d or BlitzMax?mrjh7jhocking (2006)
moving Animated charactersPete Carter14Pete Carter (2006)
multiple windowsmrjh3mrjh (2006)
channelstop not workingmindstorms6mindstorms (2006)
Countvertices()=-2?Graythe11Graythe (2006)
2D FONTS Scrolling?Hotshot20053n8r2k (2006)
Porabilic motion of a projectoryChad10Chad (2006)
MD2?Pete Carter7jhocking (2006)
Developing a timerW5Wayne (2006)
Predefined Animation While Controlling IMGMovementfromonesource11Duckstab[o] (2006)
2d packmanmrjh13WolRon (2006)
ExecutablesFarflame5Farflame (2006)
3d File explorer developmentBlitzplotter1Blitzplotter (2006)
Minimizing a windowBlitzplotter4Blitzplotter (2006)
Cameras with entitiesmindstorms20mindstorms (2006)
Inventing a Load Screen in Blitz??W14t3K|Mac (2006)
"GetChild,FindChild,EntityPickMode"??Happy Sammy5Happy Sammy (2006)
biped movement transformed backjwe6Naughty Alien (2006)
Animated SpritesCrazy4Code9W (2006)
CopyrightFlo0127Sir Gak (2006)
Bump Mapping How?gingerprince13Ross C (2006)
What? (locked)Little Olive4Rob Farley (2006)
What?Little Olive7jhocking (2006)
Size of string variables?Ross C8Ross C (2006)
faster frame rate advisemrjh21Sir Gak (2006)
Copyright IssuesBlitz1237Sir Gak (2006)
2D Shooter GraphicsFlo0114Sir Gak (2006)
creating an animated terrainmrjh8mrjh (2006)
problematic typesmindstorms3mindstorms (2006)
acceptable polygon countmrjh10mrjh (2006)
force / detect resolution hertzRaul18mindstorms (2006)
Can't Find Download.Yoshi3Yoshi (2006)
jumpingstayne4stayne (2006)
"Mixing" TexturesDripht7Matty (2006)
Wings pluginn8r2k8n8r2k (2006)
Dead MeshIKG17big10p (2006)
Translate or PositionIKG3IKG (2006)
What's wrong with my collisions?IKG6IKG (2006)
terrain questionstayne8Ross C (2006)
Demo Doesn't Show Upalloidgames5Andy (2006)
shakin like a bowl fulla jellyryan scott3big10p (2006)
3D Asteroids Movement QuestionCrazy4Code10Sledge (2006)
Collision IssueCrazy4Code7Sledge (2006)
Thank u mark silby and others included forseferey4DH (2006)
Gravity?!?!?W5octothorpe (2006)
Variable path namesBlitzplotter6Blitzplotter (2006)
moving vertices that were hitryan scott7ryan scott (2006)
Question with Collisions??W12Sledge (2006)
Can Not run 3D samplesDavid D Brown5Sir Gak (2006)
Terrain Noob Question :-)Crazy4Code6Crazy4Code (2006)
CopyMesh and AddMesh problemsGillissie7jfk EO-11110 (2006)
optimizing texture sizeOsoko6jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Free Exe Icon Canger?Crazy4Code5Crazy4Code (2006)
Community 3D Project (locked)Sir Gak1Sir Gak (2006)
limits of .b3d formatPete Carter20Pete Carter (2006)
TileImage QuestionCrazy4Code6big10p (2006)
Camera collisionsSkyCube11Ross C (2006)
how do I move acube around?RiverRatt25Baystep Productions (2006)
Free (or Cheap) Tool for doing morphing?Happy Sammy9Baystep Productions (2006)
3D visual FXGrovesy11Ross C (2006)
save animated .b3d from "AddAnimSeq"?Happy Sammy6Iamhere (2006)
Loadanimimage and Flipmesh commands questionseferey5seferey (2006)
Best way to "move my character"W14Sir Gak (2006)
questions about copyrect and cubemappingmrjh8jfk EO-11110 (2006)
How to use "RenderWorld tween"?Happy Sammy5OJay (2006)
AI In Racing GamesQ4Stevie G (2006)
How to add transparent "glass" effect?Happy Sammy9Happy Sammy (2006)
Fluid-filled Orb Type ThingNewbunkle3Newbunkle (2006)
I wouldn't mind if youseferey8Paul Murray (2006)
I am curious.Jazz4Jazz (2006)
TFormVector or MoveEntity?Q8Stevie G (2006)
Is it just me or...Jazz8Jazz (2006)
CameraClsColor glitchseferey3Damien Sturdy (2006)
Creating waterseferey12jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Maplet on Texture the floorHotshot20053jfk EO-11110 (2006)
Gui?Jazz4Jazz (2006)
Payed ArtistsQ11Physt (2006)
Shadows??W3sswift (2006)
Can I get an Animation TurorialW22W (2006)
Animating two models at oncefetcher4jhocking (2006)
Problem with ClsColorTVISARL6big10p (2006)
Slowing down ??Simmo6Damien Sturdy (2006)
Is there any way to get lighting effects???W4Sir Gak (2006)
? : syntaxryan scott8Sir Gak (2006)
Sounds_PJ_11_PJ_ (2006)
How to create a cutscene?Mr.Bob9419jhocking (2006)
PositionEntity bug?Sir Gak18Sir Gak (2006)
what one commandgooglemesilly5googlemesilly (2006)
Activating a sound when entity movesseferey12seferey (2006)
[multicamera+pick]degac3degac (2006)
How do I use the "EntityVisible()" commandW4Sir Gak (2006)
Type within a TypeRoss C5Ross C (2006)
Network Code ProblemsQ3Q (2006)
PointEntityghost10Ross C (2006)
Flashing Aliens !!!Simmo4SoggyP (2006)
match the array contentGC-Martijn3GC-Martijn (2006)
Need help with firing bullets B4 I go CRAZY!!!W13Sir Gak (2006)
Type ProblemQ7Sir Gak (2006)
Weird lightmapping problempuki3puki (2006)
Where could we download Sammy19IPete2 (2006)
3d ModelsLuka65103maximo (2006)
Milkshape Animation ExportPaul Murray7Paul Murray (2006)
How to make infinite terrainSkyCube6IPete2 (2006)
EntityX# or EntityPitch# etc. bugKimoTech5Koriolis (2006)
2d image on a 3d gameBLaBZ4SkyCube (2006)
How to manage .decls?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2006)
Is it possible to read/write dbase file?Happy Sammy4Happy Sammy (2006)
bankingstayne6stayne (2006)
Display non-printable/ANSI charactersOzBlitzManic6OzBlitzManic (2006)
BZF file extension?yiftafr3jhocking (2006)
Animation File-TypesW3jhocking (2006)
Assigning HeightMap to Terrain-Rick-8Wayne (2006)
Ball moving like arkanoid or brick gamejimmyx4Jake L. (2006)
FPS Problems :(DroolBucket4WolRon (2006)
Using the .b3d File Format in Blitz 3-DW5W (2006)
b3d export woescharliex7Sir Gak (2006)
Exploding lemming effect.SheepOnMintSauce19Leto (2006)
FPS and tutorials for using my gun??W7WolRon (2006)
How fast is POKE and PEEK?Happy Sammy8Graythe (2006)
Collisions :(DroolBucket15Sledge (2006)
camera rotating on its ownryan scott13Sir Gak (2006)
multiple texturinggrindalf5grindalf (2006)
what is the differentsmalicnite14Sledge (2005)
SetAnimKeySir Gak6Sir Gak (2005)
Compiler Environment ErrorQ2Luke.H (2005)
Circular CollisionQ7octothorpe (2005)
Import GMAX filesSir Gak12Anatoly (2005)
LOD Calculations?Dripht12sswift (2005)
Switching BuffersQ5Sir Gak (2005)
Painting an EntitySir Gak11Sir Gak (2005)
Event driven programluke1016jfk EO-11110 (2005)
.EXE?DroolBucket5WolRon (2005)
Could Decorater be used for external painting?Happy Sammy5TeraBit (2005)
how to scale a spherePanno5Panno (2005)
About lightsghost6DH (2005)
Can anyone explain this for me ??Simmo5WolRon (2005)
streaming .exe'smalicnite6DH (2005)
tcp/ip exe transfersplinux15octothorpe (2005)
server helpmalicnite9DH (2005)
Frozen Snow.SheepOnMintSauce8malicnite (2005)
Where's the Groun Plane?Sir Gak3Sir Gak (2005)
masking imagesmalicnite2Sledge (2005)
entitycollided - how do i get more than one?ryan scott4Stevie G (2005)
Copyright own made files || .pak file with contentGC-Martijn15Wayne (2005)
drive object along surface, sticking to itryan scott16ryan scott (2005)
Books on Blitz3DSimmo4puki (2005)
Creating Waterseferey3AmazingJas (2005)
Can I use an AVI file with blitz ??Simmo12Simmo (2005)
Blending between texturesPete Carter10Shifty Geezer (2005)
Move "handle" of CreateCube()Sir Gak9Jake L. (2005)
moving objects 'away'/'toward' cameraryan scott9ryan scott (2005)
making images KEEP movingccowan593ccowan59 (2005)
mystery slowdownryan scott8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Need help with gameQ7octothorpe (2005)
UV tutorial neededSir Gak2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Streams (ReadFloat)_PJ_6big10p (2005)
How to use 'Collisions' command?Happy Sammy3Happy Sammy (2005)
Problem with an arrayQ11Q (2005)
Dome like camera movement.SheepOnMintSauce9SheepOnMintSauce (2005)
END giving MAV?pexe4DH (2005)
objects inside outryan scott8Baystep Productions (2005)
How to set the EntityRadius?Happy Sammy7jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Problems with Ray Diaz's Beginners TutorialsHappy Sammy8WolRon (2005)
Walking CharsGord3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
File Types in Blitz 3-DW5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Not very randomTobo7Tobo (2005)
Where to post?Tobo4Tobo (2005)
SetAnimTime Helpervin8ervin (2005)
Fog???W11Mustang (2005)
Beginners Community Project - c e l l u l a rTechlord5Techlord (2005)
Image Does Not Exist errorRoss C4Ross C (2005)
N00b question about include files:Julian_]7octothorpe (2005)
How to animate an image?Mr.Bob944Mr.Bob94 (2005)
cartography shop/giles (locked)ryan scott1ryan scott (2005)
cartography shop questions (locked)ryan scott1ryan scott (2005)
Texture problems using B3Dpo33jfk EO-11110 (2005)
ApptitleSheepOnMintSauce2SheepOnMintSauce (2005)
Rows In ImagesQ6Perturbatio (2005)
Adjacent Trianglesoctothorpe6octothorpe (2005)
blitz media linkerOsoko5Mustang (2005)
can i use .gif filesmalicnite5Mustang (2005)
rpg skeletonmalicnite4jhocking (2005)
Sample Code Not Showing.SheepOnMintSauce7SheepOnMintSauce (2005)
i need help with a desktopmalicnite5malicnite (2005)
Ccurrent display settingsOsoko4Osoko (2005)
Translucency Overlapoctothorpe5sswift (2005)
End to Begining (Type)Jokkeri3Jokkeri (2005)
LinePick for Dummies?_PJ_12_PJ_ (2005)
Capturesting8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Blending 'PointEntity'?Dock13Stevie G (2005)
Better way to do thisGauge3octothorpe (2005)
Hard disk questionFarflame6Farflame (2005)
3D file formatghost6ghost (2005)
Datediff and weekdayFarflame2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Passing a type to a functionFarflame11WolRon (2005)
a mouse questionseferey7seferey (2005)
Closing a windowFarflame6Farflame (2005)
turn based and internet playSnader5Snader (2005)
milkshape 3d help (locked)malicnite1malicnite (2005)
internet programmalicnite3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Emergency concerning my video card!!!!W10NobodyInParticular (2005)
Better Helo CntrolDoggie7Ross C (2005)
XLNT ii help with images767pilot3DH (2005)
Fuzzy soundQ6Q (2005)
2d animationsQ9octothorpe (2005)
Sound ErrorQ3Q (2005)
XLNT help with label767pilot6767pilot (2005)
mouse helpmalicnite4big10p (2005)
mouse wheel prob767pilot3WolRon (2005)
Where can we download ""Happy Sammy4tonyg (2005)
help with iconsmalicnite4malicnite (2005)
Do you HAVE to loop through types?puki20octothorpe (2005)
Blitz3D editor skins?Julian_]2degac (2005)
Can't make decimal consts?Trodd5Ross C (2005)
text????11VP (2005)
Testing a number to see if it's even.VP4octothorpe (2005)
Creating 1 listener?Chad22Rob Farley (2005)
Linked lists or dynamic arrays?Trodd13octothorpe (2005)
Virus style 3d level editor...hohde4hohde (2005)
ATI problem with FEAR - I didn't know this happens (locked)puki1puki (2005)
Sprite problem????2???? (2005)
Some help on toolsjoko2294jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Map Editor/Tile Based GamesQ5Q (2005)
Worklog QuestionQ4GitTech (2005)
Decorator for painting building outside?Happy Sammy4Ricky Smith (2005)
How do you properly use the include command??W4_PJ_ (2005)
.3ds vs .maxHappy Sammy7TeraBit (2005)
ZoomQ8big10p (2005)
Transparent textures on Polygonsearok6earok (2005)
Stupid Q about TypesVP10octothorpe (2005)
*.X Landscapedalaware2Shambler (2005)
Tracers?Juvenile Syphon3Juvenile Syphon (2005)
3D Rotation?Hotshot20056Ross C (2005)
Which Blitz to use?PeteB8octothorpe (2005)
How do I make .ICORiddleCats3RiddleCats (2005)
ladders not being laddersChad3Chad (2005)
3D to 2D coordinates..ErikT3ErikT (2005)
paint programkmick5kmick (2005)
Collision Detection?mesenberg4WolRon (2005)
Hi Everyone :)DAIGORO8DAIGORO (2005)
Model facing wrong wait with PointEntityLineOf7s5LineOf7s (2005)
quickie about for/each typesDQ2octothorpe (2005)
Dlls?RiddleCats11jhocking (2005)
F.L.E. Landscape-EditorMax040312AmazingJas (2005)
Networking helpQ5jhocking (2005)
About .maplet -->.b3d/.xHappy Sammy3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Brushes and multitexturingervin4octothorpe (2005)
Emitting sound troubleChad4Chad (2005)
First Person Walking\Running Simulation??W10jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Colons?Q14big10p (2005)
Human Model NeededNexus612John Blackledge (2005)
problem with function moving an entity?DQ7DQ (2005)
Array index out of bounds?Q12jhocking (2005)
.b3d --> .maplet?Happy Sammy2jhocking (2005)
Just a little Hello !FredMe7Shambler (2005)
18000 FPS?!Jellon1Jellon (2005)
'Memory Access Violation"Q13Q (2005)
Trouble with the Gun using lightwaveW5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Function helpQ3Q (2005)
How do I keep a toolbar visable?Zed6WolRon (2005)
FlashLightW2Beaker (2005)
Problem with Land Hill?Hotshot20058Ross C (2005)
2d helpQ3tonyg (2005)
First Person Shooter Gun TroublesW7jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Help - my pixel-perfect quads are blurryoctothorpe4octothorpe (2005)
Data Management for Management Game.rIKmAN.9octothorpe (2005)
Pipleline messes up rotations?(tu) sinu2Hujiklo (2005)
More Enemy??Destroyer27Destroyer (2005)
Implementing sound - wav or mp3 ?Dax Trajero11VP (2005)
CreateBank() zeros, ResizeBank() doesn't?octothorpe8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
use blitzcc.exe to write c program?Happy Sammy12Andy (2005)
Anyway to use East Asia Characters in Blitz3Dtumi4tumi (2005)
Sprite in 3D bug???Anatoly11Damien Sturdy (2005)
Swapping texture on certain polysDock8Dock (2005)
Problem with PNG transparencySkyCube8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
String problemFarflame6Farflame (2005)
LOD in Blitz3D?Happy Sammy3jhocking (2005)
Save Scene ?jwe2Stevie G (2005)
Set a character within a stringFarflame3Farflame (2005)
Converter??W2jhocking (2005)
Creating FlamesW6splinux (2005)
Can't run any blitz programSamina4Samina (2005)
blitz3d and milkshape3DHappy Sammy12Happy Sammy (2005)
How to use "CreatePivot"?Happy Sammy9Happy Sammy (2005)
How do you put car front of the camera?Hotshot20052Matty (2005)
Good tile editor for a Zeldaeqsue game?octothorpe6Dock (2005)
Poser Exporter?Happy Sammy4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
LogoHuNTeD11HuNTeD (2005)
.3ds problemsQ10Pongo (2005)
RPG Mods?ronbravo3Ricky Smith (2005)
Where is the light gone ?jwe6big10p (2005)
Spherical Sky Beauty???W14Sledge (2005)
Any physics engines ?Dax Trajero1Dax Trajero (2005)
Expecting 'EndIf'?!Q9Sir Gak (2005)
Type/function questionlowpoly13Sir Gak (2005)
CreateTexture( , , 4 )Raul7Sir Gak (2005)
Lightmap file for B3D from 3DS or OBJDaveEdwards5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
3d rts?Pete Carter4octothorpe (2005)
Platformer QuestionCrazy4Code22octothorpe (2005)
2D collision detection - sprite to spriteDax Trajero10Ross C (2005)
FPS code for use with VWAIT FLIP FALSEDax Trajero10Dax Trajero (2005)
closedown x----minimizegrindalf6big10p (2005)
help meseferey4Jams (2005)
Which free program can I get to play .ogg files? (locked)Stevie G1Stevie G (2005)
Drawing debug text has big impact on FPSDax Trajero16Shifty Geezer (2005)
Collision - Same old story!Grovesy7nadia (2005)
Millisecs()Graythe6Graythe (2005)
Camera Confusion??W6W (2005)
Assigning textures to a cube ?jwe9jwe (2005)
When to implement sound during development processDax Trajero5Dax Trajero (2005)
Prerendered backgrounds?Anatoly6Anatoly (2005)
Md3 ?Gord2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Simple Start MenuHuNTeD11HuNTeD (2005)
Dogfight AIearok6earok (2005)
How to List Lan Games?pexe15pexe (2005)
Using Lightwave TexturesW12W (2005)
my fisrt projectseferey51Raitsun (2005)
Confused spherestreb20014streb2001 (2005)
LEGAL FAQBlackD21Shifty Geezer (2005)
Double texturingSkyCube5VP (2005)
iconsseferey2Snarkbait (2005)
SkydomeJamie2Raitsun (2005)
what are the weakness of blitz?matthews_3020Ricky Smith (2005)
Creating a backdropSkyCube5Matty (2005)
animated srpites and shadow in 2D :(matthews_302Raitsun (2005)
50,000 particles possible?VP14VP (2005)
tile scrolling map (diablo 2 like)matthews_306matthews_30 (2005)
Breakout Problem?Hotshot200510tonyg (2005)
z order wierdnessShifty Geezer11Shifty Geezer (2005)
Which IDE?VP5VP (2005)
An elegant way of doing this simple thing?VP6VP (2005)
High quality sound not possible?VP5VP (2005)
Help: How do I access type feilds without an instaWarpZone15VP (2005)
Ogre UserlibsAbbaRue2markcw (2005)
World Assembler cannot run!!!Happy Sammy10Happy Sammy (2005)
PNG alpha texture glitch?Anatoly9Yan (2005)
MultiDimensional Arrays in TypesGabriel3Gabriel (2005)
Centering MeshesSwefx6John Blackledge (2005)
No userlibs folder / ToolUI issuesFarley4big10p (2005)
Quick Question about ArraysDurban4octothorpe (2005)
Chase Camera strategiesDare25Dare2 (2005)
entity alpha commandseferey5IPete2 (2005)
paintbrush commandsgrindalf4grindalf (2005)
My way of creating .ICO filesseferey9seferey (2005)
Combining Strings for imagenameDurban6big10p (2005)
x,y,zSwefx3Zethrax (2005)
gunfireGord9Matty (2005)
Setting entity position of a meshShifty Geezer5DH (2005)
Another terrain questionseferey4seferey (2005)
Multiple Map Loading?Slohand2Slohand (2005)
Multisurfaced AddMesh()Shifty Geezer5Shifty Geezer (2005)
blitz3d book?matthews_304Tobo (2005)
Double clicking file loads it in existing windowDock3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Problems InstallingSpomo5big10p (2005)
Finding out the system requirements????5Ross C (2005)
efficency in ExtractImage.matthews_302Ross C (2005)
Finally learned mouseseferey3Damien Sturdy (2005)
sample on 3d sound?matthews_302Scherererer (2005)
What shape is a PivotNexus611Shambler (2005)
is possible to change the texture?matthews_303Mustang (2005)
how to position the weapon?matthews_302Gabriel (2005)
Wierdest Thing...Baystep Productions11Baystep Productions (2005)
Total newb working on a map building engineIsaacJS237Ross C (2005)
Destructable LandscapesCrazy4Code16Ross C (2005)
hey what happend.....?cr4Raitsun (2005)
Several models in a B3D file ...ghost14Ross C (2005)
Unable to set graphics modesampyxis8sampyxis (2005)
help: many objectsBerndWill17BlackJumper (2005)
Vertex / Verticeghost4ghost (2005)
DeleD user neededghost1ghost (2005)
Castle demoseferey3WolRon (2005)
Flip screen woesRoe10Damien Sturdy (2005)
trying to make a "free hand" map editor =PAvestheFox7AvestheFox (2005)
100% transparent polygons - collisions?Anatoly3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Camera above/behind shipFarflame5Matty (2005)
2d commands in 3d?Anatoly5Anatoly (2005)
Terrain BugZach3D13Leiden (2005)
Serial PortMAX7112jfk EO-11110 (2005)
seeking how to make water & under water effectscr30CodeD (2005)
MMORPGYoshi19CodeD (2005)
Transparent color of sprite in 3d mode???Anatoly5Anatoly (2005)
Question about .X fileformatPowerPC6034PowerPC603 (2005)
Trouble with fullscreen modeXE8008XE800 (2005)
Standard fontFarflame7John J. (2005)
Question about triangle face directionVPellen13Sledge (2005)
best model tool for b3d ?BerndWill20Beaker (2005)
Multitexturing and alpha, round 2 (help please)octothorpe5octothorpe (2005)
LoadAnimMesh not WORKING!!!!BugZilla9Mustang (2005)
b3d exampleBerndWill7Gord (2005)
Multitexturing and EntityAlpha problemoctothorpe5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Is there a codeseferey4octothorpe (2005)
Creating a 3d 'Net'Durban5Durban (2005)
Drawing images with transparency onto a texture?octothorpe2BlackJumper (2005)
AI HelpCrazy4Code3Crazy4Code (2005)
Random numbersGord10Sir Gak (2005)
Type Deletion ProblemCrazy4Code15Curtastic (2005)
Requesting the followingcr8Raitsun (2005)
Finally got blitz3dSillyPutty15Raitsun (2005)
.b3d files not workingsampyxis5sampyxis (2005)
Question about xp task applicationscr3Erroneouss (2005)
Using cameraviewport for rear mirrorslenkar10slenkar (2005)
Asteroid Style MovementCrazy4Code6Crazy4Code (2005)
TurretsCrazy4Code11Crazy4Code (2005)
Texture Sizesoctothorpe6Hotcakes (2005)
Help with floating cameraSkyCube2octothorpe (2005)
Bright lights on the dark side of a mesh.Viperfish9Viperfish (2005)
How to create "rooms"mikelandzelo14mikelandzelo (2005)
RotateImage DistortingCrazy4Code7Crazy4Code (2005)
Buffer Does Not Exist (4 lines)octothorpe3octothorpe (2005)
GUI design help?octothorpe3octothorpe (2005)
2D Rotation ConfusionCrazy4Code14Crazy4Code (2005)
DLL's - HELP MEDr. Wildrick8Dr. Wildrick (2005)
LoadImage issuesHippyGoth5HippyGoth (2005)
Storing object handles in EntityName - bad idea?octothorpe3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Maximum allowed meshes/vertices/surfacesfraggle5Hotcakes (2005)
Issues with the great purple googler.zortzblatz7zortzblatz (2005)
BooksSwefx6BlitzSupport (2005)
my textures are all too big!Zeptera7Matty (2005)
My shot-gun won't move with the camera pivotzortzblatz9_PJ_ (2005)
texturing animated meshesZeptera5Ross C (2005)
Printed Manualsampyxis8Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Making mouse-detectable zonesXE80010octothorpe (2005)
Maya?octothorpe3AdrianT (2005)
Is it possible to delete triangles?octothorpe7octothorpe (2005)
How do I create a terrain with tiled textures?fraggle15fraggle (2005)
Entity Does Not Exist?!Swefx5octothorpe (2005)
Multiple "Threads"BMA9Neochrome (2005)
A pixel perfect GUI with gadgets over images?AdrianT4Damien Sturdy (2005)
question about collisionsRubiks1411Rubiks14 (2005)
Fullscreen woesoctothorpe4octothorpe (2005)
Blitz3D Terrain is a resource hogFBEpyon7doctorskully (2005)
flashingGord3Matty (2005)
3d bubblesRubiks1417big10p (2005)
animationGord2Matty (2005)
Ftp command LISTSkurcey3Skurcey (2005)
Alpha channel support in B3D?XE8004SoggyP (2005)
texture wobblerGord6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
oversamplingGord2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
I nead help for b3dAfke4Rhyolite (2005)
My ProjectZach3D2Rubiks14 (2005)
image saving problemgrindalf4big10p (2005)
Game planningGord13Anatoly (2005)
Center Text in 3D mode?Anatoly5Anatoly (2005)
Learning To CodeYoshi7WolRon (2005)
Synchronizing modules off line (locked)ragtag1ragtag (2005)
trouble with coinsAvestheFox4AvestheFox (2005)
memory access violaton when call dllGuan2Koriolis (2005)
X and Y screen coordinates of an entityearok2GitTech (2005)
Masking ColorYoshi3Yoshi (2005)
water textureGord4Gord (2005)
CameraPick - question?Anatoly6GitTech (2005)
Blitzgrass3d and TerraEdgimpy12gimpy1 (2005)
Drawing a basic polygon, ie a wall.Escapader7earok (2005)
Question about lightsRubiks145Rubiks14 (2005)
moving entity with entitygrindalf6PowerPC603 (2005)
Don't you hate?Nicstt11PowerPC603 (2005)
maya md2 exporterAfke1Afke (2005)
Why does it do this?DH11WendellM (2005)
Runtime Error "Out of Data"OzBlitzManic8OzBlitzManic (2005)
BlitzClose by Marcelojfk EO-111106Grey Alien (2005)
Normal human models ?Ekix7Raitsun (2005)
walking through wallsGord5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Types - still confusedjfk EO-111109jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Position Entities QuestionNicstt6Gord (2005)
Learn to Program 2D Games (Book)djstevenson8LineOf7s (2005)
Specifics on surfaces?VPellen2Rhyolite (2005)
After advice but do you have the answerscr4Mustang (2005)
UserLibsDelerna5Delerna (2005)
trying to get functioncr5BlitzAdict (2005)
Finding entity's radiuskfprimm3John J. (2005)
function for type collide...sting4Rhyolite (2005)
bump mappingryan scott2Ross C (2005)
Whats the meaningcr16Nicstt (2005)
RS232DeadHead2Yeshu777 (2005)
Turning of 2D GraphicsBlitzAdict12BlitzAdict (2005)
How much can blitz3d Rendercr4WolRon (2005)
Is b3d capableMartyn4skyfire1 (2005)
Collision problem - when using animated entityKolasinski7Sledge (2005)
Polygon Efficiencyearok5earok (2005)
Reading/Writing & Types_PJ_19ozak (2005)
Blitz inbuild functions much faster than thoughtlo-tekk4Who was John Galt? (2005)
sqliteJamie Priest8HappyCat (2005)
Problem with EntityCollidedNicstt11jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Bullet speeds in a space shooterlo-tekk13_PJ_ (2005)
Maplet lightsGord7Sledge (2005)
WriteFile()_PJ_7Damien Sturdy (2005)
stray bulletsGord3Gord (2005)
POST Method Questionpexe3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Fixed # of decimal places after the pointSir_LANs-a-lot11Sir_LANs-a-lot (2005)
Image Handlespexe8Ross C (2005)
I have a problem hereseferey6TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2005)
Terrain questionseferey14fraggle (2005)
Climbing StepsNicstt4Nicstt (2005)
question about gravity in 3dRubiks145Rubiks14 (2005)
Texture a random shape.tonyg17tonyg (2005)
isometric game - any info is welcomeGC-Martijn4RiverRatt (2005)
Movement speedActive036Active03 (2005)
Shadow plane - which blend mode?Cancerian7jfk EO-11110 (2005)
How Do Yo Check if a Level is a Multiple of 10?Crazy4Code12Damien Sturdy (2005)
problem with B3DNicstt9Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Installationsupply3Amon_old (2005)
tcp timeouts?Andy UK5Ross C (2005)
animating?markcw8Ross C (2005)
LinePick problemflag2WolRon (2005)
verlet newb...Pongo7Nexus6 (2005)
After greatest appzcr17markcw (2005)
2D Rotation and MovementCrazy4Code11Crazy4Code (2005)
GUI comparisonGQ4GQ (2005)
Very Strange: Won't SaveImageCrazy4Code5sswift (2005)
FrameTimer QuestionsCrazy4Code4Rhyolite (2005)
b3d formatRaitsun2Raitsun (2005)
Where is GnetGauge4AdrianT (2005)
Any Way to Check Required CPU?Crazy4Code2Stuart Morgan (2005)
Collision doesn't totally workalcitos3Beaker (2005)
main menuMR:Satanist4Neochrome (2005)
How Do You Make the Screen Shake?Crazy4Code7big10p (2005)
Any Ideas For a Simple Game?Crazy4Code11Crazy4Code (2005)
y am i walking on walls?Rubiks146Rubiks14 (2005)
3D Walkthroughs (arounds)DaveEdwards4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Advice on GameGauge5Sledge (2005)
Problem Running Multiple AppsGauge4Gauge (2005)
Not happycr13Aoneweb (2005)
Death Derby Vengeance - my first Blitz3D Projectearok7Crazy4Code (2005)
Need a Better Camera than ParentEntity(player)!!!Crazy4Code10Ross C (2005)
Types Won't Delete!!!Crazy4Code3WolRon (2005)
My "Basic" ai code has a problemnobudgetgames9WolRon (2005)
Clipping a spriteFarflame6big10p (2005)
Multiple textures for meshesPaulo3Paulo (2005)
Why does this code give odd result?Orgull5Orgull (2005)
This code "jitters" full-screen / steady in windowOrgull9Ross C (2005)
Having hard time converting from DBPro to BB3DOrgull13Orgull (2005)
Keys Unresponsive at Random Times!!!Crazy4Code4Crazy4Code (2005)
how do you create a program that auto plays musicseferey4GfK (2005)
3d adventure, interacting with objects, types,hohde4hohde (2005)
Networking and BlitzplayFarflame5Farflame (2005)
How do you round down a number?767pilot7Shagwana (2005)
Entity TroublesGlink23Glink (2005)
Arrays and their structureseferey17WolRon (2005)
zoom/move camera until all objects are visibleryan scott2GfK (2005)
convert blitzplus to blitz3dseferey4* (2005)
Illegal Memory AddressGeekTeacher10big10p (2005)
Character Animation ControlRogue Vector10Rogue Vector (2005)
Trying to make a space worldCrazy4Code12Crazy4Code (2005)
Server QuestionGauge3GfK (2005)
writting a simple text programseferey12BlackJumper (2005)
Fade in/out?Anatoly3WolRon (2005)
Ball troublesLKFX2Sunteam Software (2005)
Hidden CommandsZach3D3tonyg (2005)
TCP/UDP/DirectplayFarflame6erbbysam (2005)
Where do you get the directshow commands?Seth5erbbysam (2005)
My IF won't workSkyCube4Sledge (2005)
super smooth 4 way screen scrolling - possible?Dax Trajero7Andy (2005)
Incremental movement & terrainsabacadabad6Stevie G (2005)
Quick QuestionsLKFX9LKFX (2005)
Using mouse to check square position ?767pilot4Perturbatio (2005)
Way PointsChad4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
3D Mode HelpGlink26Glink (2005)
B3D helptsmpaul4tsmpaul (2005)
Swap command?Farflame5Mark Tiffany (2005)
Multiple textures on one mesh?Crazy4Code7D4NM4N (2005)
collisionGord5Crazy4Code (2005)
import from clipboardshawnus4shawnus (2005)
File infoZace3Raitsun (2005)
reseting rotation when using show/hide entitydena4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Help Me please.Yoshi11Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Erm..Yoshi5Lane (2005)
I can't get this to work (Additive Blend function)WarpZone7jfk EO-11110 (2005)
how to make levels?yours8Xception (2005)
type : insert itemhub3hub (2005)
Is IDE.exe part of Blitz?WarpZone9WarpZone (2005)
Can Blitz read .wld Files?Crazy4Code29Crazy4Code (2005)
Sterlings Handy Hint #1Sterling4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Animation questionseferey10seferey (2005)
Open filesFarflame10Farflame (2005)
Which method is better?Tobo4Tobo (2005)
LoadtextureFarflame32Farflame (2005)
Check for card's texture limit?ErikT3ErikT (2005)
entity's originyours8yours (2005)
Debug infoFarflame6Ross C (2005)
Install errorGuoQiang18popcade (2005)
Anim8or Animation QuestionCrazy4Code28Crazy4Code (2005)
shadow in AlienHeads plantlife demoSender5Sender (2005)
music 2000 (locked)grindalf1grindalf (2005)
why I get version is 1.64GuoQiang3Naughty Alien (2005)
how to upgrade to newest version?GuoQiang2Floyd (2005)
Enemy AICrazy4Code3Crazy4Code (2005)
positioning things like camera's, need helpandycraig3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Phantom CollisionsCrazy4Code4Crazy4Code (2005)
problem with my practice programandycraig10Ross C (2005)
3D\ starfieldTeffo11jfk EO-11110 (2005)
LOD engineGQ3GQ (2005)
Constantsmrmango2BlackJumper (2005)
Cinema4D questionPowerPC60312mrmango (2005)
Editor cursorGord3SoggyP (2005)
Linepick question.Maximus Primal8Ross C (2005)
File readingFarflame5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Animations with Cinema4DBMA10mongia2 (2005)
Gravity in gamesMaximus Primal5Maximus Primal (2005)
Help Memory Usage AgainGauge2WolRon (2005)
Frames Per SecondMaximus Primal7Réno (2005)
How do I use skyboxes?Crazy4Code8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Slowdown up close to a sprite?DH13jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Backgrounds and SkiesCrazy4Code16Crazy4Code (2005)
colour codes for blitz3d?andycraig3WolRon (2005)
a few questionsyours4yours (2005)
Maths Question - Is There An Easier Answer.Maximus Primal9DH (2005)
Aligning to a Vertical Drop & ClimbMaximus Primal6Maximus Primal (2005)
collisions with surfacesRaitsun2Raitsun (2005)
Which is faster?WarpZone11WarpZone (2005)
destroyable buildingshohde7Ross C (2005)
Collision QuestionsCrazy4Code10Crazy4Code (2005)
Help on glitch.????5???? (2005)
Another Collision Question.Maximus Primal6Maximus Primal (2005)
An easy maths questionCaff8big10p (2005)
Maths Question.Maximus Primal8big10p (2005)
Any adventure game tips???Crazy4Code25Crazy4Code (2005)
Simple ConfusionDarkMere3DarkMere (2005)
Memory UsageGauge5Gauge (2005)
Key Input: 2 questionsGauge5Gauge (2005)
Transparent imagesSkyCube2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Alignment problems.Maximus Primal3Ross C (2005)
MeshesMaximus Primal4Maximus Primal (2005)
oldskool rolling road effect anyone?Andy UK6Andy UK (2005)
Using Copyrect with a automidhandles imageStevie G2Stevie G (2005)
Getting filenames from a directoryStevie G14Snarty (2005)
Car WheelsKid16Stevie G (2005)
RType style shooterUhfgood9Ross C (2005)
Problems With 3DS Files & TexturesMaximus Primal4jfk EO-11110 (2005)
More on collisionsUhfgood16Uhfgood (2005)
Need a good FREE 3D Modelling Software!!!Crazy4Code12Picklesworth (2005)
Help????12???? (2005)
Triangle Strips? Any advantage with blitz.AdrianT6Bot Builder (2005)
How many polys?Maximus Primal7Ross C (2005)
advice on bounds checkingUhfgood3Uhfgood (2005)
Dark QuadsNexic3Nexic (2005)
rpg worldMR:Satanist8_PJ_ (2005)
Timing movements in seconds?Rogue Vector7WolRon (2005)
Slightly different Collision problemUhfgood2Uhfgood (2005)
Blitz3d Collisions not working correctlyUhfgood10Uhfgood (2005)
Why SaveBuffer does not work ?lo-tekk7lo-tekk (2005)
(very) simple aipo8SoggyP (2005)
Stripping Stringswizzlefish2Bot Builder (2005)
Games slowdown on other computersCrazy4Code21Crazy4Code (2005)
Bejeweled or jewel drop type game examplesgimpy14_PJ_ (2005)
hovering a shipMaximus Primal20Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Self modify programsplinux21splinux (2005)
updating blitzbasic 3dZeptera11Damien Sturdy (2005)
My brush won't workCousin Gilgamesh3Cousin Gilgamesh (2005)
HandlesUhfgood5Uhfgood (2005)
Collision QuestionsMaximus Primal8RiverRatt (2005)
How to control the camera?Guan3Guan (2005)
Columns game codegimpy14WolRon (2005)
Objects Won't DisplayMaximus Primal3WolRon (2005)
Beamsmrmango16DJWoodgate (2005)
Rain effectDavid8194David819 (2005)
Why use sprites at allNexus63big10p (2005)
Racing GameMaximus Primal5Caff (2005)
Placing An Object On AnotherMaximus Primal5Caff (2005)
overlaying info (2d on 3d most likely)Uhfgood3Uhfgood (2005)
How to test if inside a triangleJBR4JBR (2005)
Do hidden polys affect framerateNexus611Nexus6 (2005)
How can I make a realistic sky?Crazy4Code7Crazy4Code (2005)
2D doesn't work with my 3DCrazy4Code7Crazy4Code (2005)
colisions problemsMR:Satanist17David819 (2005)
Creating a realistic, pitch shifting engine noiseCaff17Damien Sturdy (2005)
2d text gameChad2Sledge (2005)
Sprite slowdown?Liberator7Ross C (2005)
I'm new. HELP!!!Crazy4Code6_PJ_ (2005)
How do you make fire?Crazy4Code5Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
What are BSPs?SkyCube11AdrianT (2005)
Another ARGB bit shifting QStevie G11sswift (2005)
Computer Vision Object Detectionsplinux12splinux (2005)
sprite and 2d problemssec055IPete2 (2005)
Blitz IDE default font QStevie G2Rob Farley (2005)
camera gunGord6Aoneweb (2005)
B3D export from MAX, need help plz.CodeOrc5Caff (2005)
PacMan 2DDavid81938uletus (2005)
Global vertex positionLiberator3Liberator (2005)
Dim array manipulation?Drekinn6hed (2005)
How DO you get good graphics??Blitz12327AdrianT (2005)
simple 2d movement ...GC-Martijn4smilertoo (2005)
how to get position of entitysec058GfK (2005)
blitz default light questionsec052Rob Farley (2005)
Network gamingDrekinn2GC-Martijn (2005)
Income statsSkyCube20Gabriel (2005)
In the future.Jono4Mustang (2005)
FLE instructionsgimpy12jfk EO-11110 (2005)
GlobalsPaulo4Paulo (2005)
Exporting Bryce 4 terrainsgimpy18morduun (2005)
Network - the X and Y position (fastest way)GC-Martijn7GC-Martijn (2005)
Which commands are 2D for compatability purposes?WarpZone9WarpZone (2005)
Problem with my bulletsSkyCube15SkyCube (2005)
Non alpha spritesNexic3jfk EO-11110 (2005)
A question about polygons.Jono9Stickman (2005)
HelpZach3D8Zach3D (2005)
Sprites revisitedNexus63Ross C (2005)
something about.. animation! (software related)goodeep3goodeep (2005)
Need help with Cartography lighting in Blitz3Dgimpy19gimpy1 (2005)
Detecting collisions in .x format levelsgimpy15gimpy1 (2005)
Purcasing a modellern8r2k18Gord (2005)
Win 'sticky keys'BlackJumper11BlackJumper (2005)
Passing arrays as perameters to a functionCousin Gilgamesh6Cousin Gilgamesh (2005)
2d AlphaLiberator5BlackJumper (2005)
cannot use functionssec055Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
CollisionGrovesy3semar (2005)
How To Make .Exe?HuNTeD17n8r2k (2005)
3D objects and worldscoach5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Pause / resume video playbackDrops10cYB0rG (2005)
How???RRK102013jfk EO-11110 (2005)
save gamescoach4n8r2k (2005)
Delaysplinux17Damien Sturdy (2005)
Torpedosmrmango3mrmango (2005)
(2D) Selecting and dragging an object with mousesmokingkipper4Ross C (2005)
DirectPlay Question.Andy UK9Andy UK (2005)
How do I fill a shape with a Colour?Markh9992SoggyP (2005)
3D dungeon mazegimpy110gimpy1 (2005)
Changing color in Blitz3D Editorgimpy14gimpy1 (2005)
Setting up mahjong game layoutsCancerian3Cancerian (2005)
Position/Scale/Rotate EntityEddieRay15_PJ_ (2005)
GetMatElement questions.DH13Rottbott (2005)
Performance!!!!! :DOleg5Oleg (2005)
assign type to another - helpcermit8cermit (2005)
How to get an Answer from Server?Takuan3Takuan (2005)
passing a type to a functioncermit3cermit (2005)
Is there a way to test if a number is even?n8r2k15_PJ_ (2005)
30 day evaluationshawnus18DougUK (2005)
Map helpWeber8Iamhere (2005)
Animation ProblemWeber2Rob Farley (2005)
alpha problem in blitz1.88. anyone else had this?AdrianT5IPete2 (2005)
Heightmap and movement with a heightmapMegaman Zero3Rob Farley (2005)
animation problemGord2Tom (2005)
File packingDrekinn3Drekinn (2005)
Any command to restart your appD_Town_Tony12jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Bone LimitsAbbaRue6scribbla (2005)
Adjusting gammaJBR1JBR (2005)
Using timepo9po (2005)
Multiple Function Returns?_PJ_3_PJ_ (2005)
Text not showing up! :'-(Big Shooter5Big Shooter (2005)
Just a ?cr16cr (2005)
Move and TranslateSkyCube5RiverRatt (2005)
terrain vs objectsryan scott4Ross C (2005)
Saving in window mode..po8po (2005)
The file formats i want to use with b3d 4 my gamecr6Rottbott (2005)
Problem with B3Dsn8r2k21n8r2k (2005)
a short question about blitzzortzblatz5NewtSoup (2005)
Question about ViewPortJBR5JBR (2005)
Missing meshGrovesy5GitTech (2005)
SoundVol vs ChannelVolDrekinn5Damien Sturdy (2005)
Cartography Shop 4.1Prefab question. (locked)Alienforce1Alienforce (2005)
Which Modeller? (locked)Grovesy1Grovesy (2005)
Probably not gonna happenSpritesoft5BlitzSupport (2005)
PhysicsDavid81923David819 (2005)
Hardware Lights_PJ_2Rob Farley (2005)
computer aigrindalf9NewtSoup (2005)
Handling input for a toggled modeBlackJumper5_PJ_ (2005)
maskimage and scaleimage problemsD_Town_Tony5jfk EO-11110 (2005)
FREE B3DzRook Zimbabwe3Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
text effectspo5po (2005)
Joystick QuestionNewtSoup3NewtSoup (2005)
Animated Mesh Problem?doctorskully5doctorskully (2005)
desktop image?zortzblatz8jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Cross / Dot Product questionStevie G6Stevie G (2005)
Banding effect on graphicsDrekinn25sswift (2005)
3D Shooter need helpZach3D9Berserker [swe] (2005)
How to make a light bulbSkyCube6SkyCube (2005)
Zit Zapper GameTechlord8Techlord (2005)
Problem when changing screen res during a gameD_Town_Tony5WolRon (2005)
Type in a type(tu) ENAY20NewtSoup (2005)
something 4 nothingDiablo5Diablo (2005)
Calculating percentagesCancerian3Cancerian (2005)
Full screen mode bluesDrekinn8Drekinn (2005)
Dot3, BumpMaps, NormalMaps, Norm-doty-bumsy thingsNexus612Alienforce (2005)
Sending a type to a functioncoach4NewtSoup (2005)
musicgrindalf8Erroneouss (2005)
interlocking meshesChad10Chad (2005)
Check if a file exists?slenkar7Mustang (2005)
.b3d format woesChuck15Chuck (2005)
Number of instances of a typeAgamer6big10p (2005)
.mid woes... again..po12Rottbott (2005)
City ViewChad10Chad (2005)
just a questiongrindalf4_PJ_ (2005)
i need a timer for my shootingRubiks147WolRon (2005)
CopyPixelFast() doesn't workShifty Geezer6Ross C (2005)
reffering to instance of a typeWill8_PJ_ (2005)
Rescaling an ImageWill3Will (2005)
Where is 'saveanimimage'?JBR3Sir Gak (2005)
loading tiles with typedalaware5(tu) ENAY (2005)
Array in a type?(tu) ENAY5(tu) ENAY (2005)
Changing sprite colours during runtime.Farflame7(tu) ENAY (2005)
alt tab and pausing the gameflying willy8(tu) ENAY (2005)
Creating an outline around a 3d meshCaff4Caff (2005)
More Tutorials??FBEpyon2grindalf (2005)
legal stuff #2Alberto21HappyCat (2005)
legal stuffgrindalf20grindalf (2005)
Weekday.Farflame2Caff (2005)
Mesh+TextureSkurcey9Skurcey (2005)
Free Silly IdeaRook Zimbabwe3Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Agggh! UV mapping(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2005)
a calculator on steroidszortzblatz13poopla (2005)
Working out the date...Farflame1Farflame (2005)
Getting Rotation From ChildrenLiberator3flying willy (2005)
TeraBit's PackFileHappyCat2Mustang (2005)
dialog popupsPCBGuy4wizzlefish (2005)
Flip is crap!Skurcey5Skurcey (2005)
Executing a Network connectionGauge5Dazman (2005)
Type organisation *sigh*Damien Sturdy12Damien Sturdy (2005)
type data 2 filePCBGuy15PCBGuy (2005)
.avi like inputPCBGuy10_PJ_ (2005)
sprite animation - use of timersDax Trajero13_PJ_ (2005)
Finding my IP address.Farflame12Farflame (2005)
Making a type global?Farflame3Sir Gak (2005)
Is this a bug??BioHazard3Sir Gak (2005)
2d overlay on 3d?Rambus15Sir Gak (2005)
BlitzPlus Question-Draw directly on FrontBuffer()?maneesh8Dazman (2005)
Nextfile/Filetype problem.Farflame6Farflame (2005)
how do I pass an array name to a function?Pongo6Pongo (2005)
Legal stuff_PJ_13Rook Zimbabwe (2005)
Input2$ problem with clsGC-Martijn12fall_x (2005)
memory accessGord3IPete2 (2005)
Level texture problemsDavid81910David819 (2005)
Font sizeGord4wizzlefish (2005)
This is a BUG?pexe13jfk EO-11110 (2005)
freeworldonline engine?Stellar2jfk EO-11110 (2005)
DirectX support in future BlitzMax 3D module?Greg Squire13Andy (2005)
This is really a mysteryJack9Ross C (2005)
beginers comunity project-arkanoid 3dgrindalf4RiverRatt (2005)
.EXEKid6wizzlefish (2005)
Passing a type in a function.Farflame5Farflame (2005)
Tomorrow's date.Farflame4Farflame (2005)
Facing the Direction your moving.Eric11Eric (2005)
smooting for jumpingRubiks149Ross C (2005)
MD2 AnimationsBosco5Bosco (2005)
function or gosubgrindalf6grindalf (2005)
First Person Shooter questionRubiks1431wizzlefish (2005)
B3D Pipeline relative pathronbravo6ronbravo (2005)
Types AdvancedZach3D4Duckstab[o] (2005)
Beginner's Community Project?wizzlefish14_PJ_ (2005)
textures for b3dgrindalf3grindalf (2005)
maplet problemsgrindalf14wizzlefish (2005)
Sound commandsDrekinn15Drekinn (2005)
duplicating...?po3po (2005)
video memory loss problem3DFish11HappyCat (2005)
Mac minijhocking4Kanati (2005)
Falling through terrainChad8Ross C (2005)
Divx , Binkgotelin7popcade (2005)
How would you create a MouseoverNexus66Nexus6 (2005)
how do i make the last one explode?767pilot10mrtricks (2005)
Lightmaps, bumpmaps and oojimeflops_PJ_5_PJ_ (2005)
Nam levelsamoz8310boomboom (2005)
getkey()GC-Martijn5_PJ_ (2005)
Selecting an entity in 3d spaceAgamer7Agamer (2005)
Help!Ross C37Agamer (2005)
Where to download Blitz3dswiv2Knotz (2005)
Types !?.. Confused !PaulJG6WolRon (2005)
extractanimseq wont workgrindalf7grindalf (2005)
Echo of inputmrmango8pexe (2005)
DrawImage and transparencyjreyes4jreyes (2005)
Getting Colours from Read PixelCancerian6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
How to output EOL/Carriage return to file?Shifty Geezer5TomToad (2005)
Current frameAlberto7scribbla (2005)
easy 3d positioning: help and ideas neededBerndWill5Shifty Geezer (2005)
Drawn images using ImageBuffer do not showmaneesh17Ross C (2005)
now i need some help with my jump timerRubiks149Rubiks14 (2005)
'scratchcard' image possible?767pilot4WolRon (2005)
Scrolling Engine CodeTeffo6Teffo (2005)
Anim Gif -> AnimImage(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2005)
2 usb gamepads on 1 PCRaul11Dazzy (2005)
colour 'include' file wtd767pilot7767pilot (2005)
I need help- Finding the direction of a moving objCodeOrc10CodeOrc (2005)
function return $string ?GC-Martijn9_PJ_ (2005)
Rubberband selectionBerndWill5BerndWill (2005)
this jumping crap is starting to make me madRubiks1419gpete (2005)
Whats the best movie type to use?D_Town_Tony6jfk EO-11110 (2005)
Wrapperwizzlefish19BlackJumper (2005)
image collision/deletion problem767pilot4767pilot (2005)
Off ScreenSalo9Rob Farley (2005)
Quick questioncash1cash (2005)
why doesnt this collison work?danjo7danjo (2005)
Simple collision question 2DGC-Martijn14GC-Martijn (2005)
DATA and RESTORE queryBrianT5TomToad (2005)
Restart from the start or .....JBR6wizzlefish (2005)
Problem with typesucode5GitTech (2005)
closion !?MR:Satanist30wedoe (2005)
what is the best way for gravityRubiks1417Ross C (2005)
RotateEntityFaldo8Ross C (2004)
i don't quite understand how the hightmap worksRubiks147Rubiks14 (2004)
Simple collision questionCancerian6wizzlefish (2004)
how to handle sprites ?GC-Martijn7Warren (2004)
Arrays in Types?Jellon5Techlord (2004)
What is the best way to create a space Universe?Akira14Akira (2004)
Blitzmax Win32 Beta ? | use blitzmax forum ?GC-Martijn8Ruz (2004)
Help me pleaseskn315wizzlefish (2004)
Help improve explosions...?BlackJumper2Ross C (2004)
Blitz to Java ?Alienforce3Alienforce (2004)
sky..! and one more thingMR:Satanist12Zenith (2004)
LinePick / Picked() problemsAkira4Akira (2004)
How much memory does an image take up?BlackD5BlackD (2004)
3d Mouse ControlGauge15Gauge (2004)
Where are the forum commands?Chroma8gpete (2004)
bbBank does not exist?Jellon7Tiger (2004)
BMax...I know, I know... (locked)mearrin691mearrin69 (2004)
@wedoe (locked)Panno1Panno (2004)
TypesEric14morduun (2004)
Object Problemwizzlefish4wizzlefish (2004)
RPG and AdventureAlienforce5trb (2004)
Fog and Alpha textures..ErikT2_PJ_ (2004)
File Dowload: RestartGauge8Gauge (2004)
Worklogs?Rogue Vector3BlackD (2004)
BlitzCoder IPtonyg8tonyg (2004)
Whoa, I've been gone for months...Gun Ecstasy2sswift (2004)
Musical Lantern (locked)sswift1sswift (2004)
finding and using triangles in a mesh3DFish63DFish (2004)
OSA Kit (Play your game online) Goes Gold!Sphinx24Sphinx (2004)
Collision DetectionJellon6Jellon (2004)
splitting a line?Jay Kyburz6Jay Kyburz (2004)
Gun Accuracywizzlefish4wizzlefish (2004)
No Enemies Development Website Updatewizzlefish4wizzlefish (2004)
BlitzMax image loading? (locked)Gabriel4skidracer (2004)
BlitzMax Windows Beta? (locked)QuickSilva15skidracer (2004)
Can someone explain Collision?Black Hydra9WolRon (2004)
Ok folks, it's time the arguing stopped NOW (locked)VIP3R1VIP3R (2004)
BlitzMax on sgi IRIX?DangerousDaze1DangerousDaze (2004)
local variable <> type values retrieved ??BlackJumper4BlackJumper (2004)
Selling Blitz...Who was John Galt?9Perturbatio (2004)
PearPCBODYPRINT14Tri|Ga|De (2004)
Can't blend Alpha and colour texturesShifty Geezer3Shifty Geezer (2004)
Blitz 3d LoadImage ProblemJarvis18Jarvis (2004)
Direct PlayJay Kyburz7skn3 (2004)
Blitz+ y Bliz3Dgotelin3gotelin (2004)
my forums are up! yay! join me!Erroneouss15Erroneouss (2004)
New Version messes up code?Black Hydra6Black Hydra (2004)
Blitxmax commentssswift11Perturbatio (2004)
I need a really awesome stencil shadow demosswift25sswift (2004)
Blitz logosjhocking11Steve Elliott (2004)
Lotus Particle SystemJamie15Jamie (2004)
spinning a cube properlydanjo4BODYPRINT (2004)
Perspective problemAkira11Akira (2004)
Collisions don't work with Render Tween MethodRogue Vector2BlackD (2004)
BlitzMax questions???Akira32Jeremy Alessi (2004)
Who is still programming 2D only with BlitzPlusDNielsen16DNielsen (2004)
CommandLine??WillKoh3WillKoh (2004)
OSA Kit is done (Play your game online)Sphinx27smilertoo (2004)
Undate QuestionsJay Kyburz4TomToad (2004)
Let's all move...wizzlefish10Kendo (2004)
These forums are confusing.sswift45BlackD (2004)
Website Templatewizzlefish16Sledge (2004)
Turning to FaceEric4Black Hydra (2004)
I the command set of Blitz2d similar to BMax's?Sashnil6Sashnil (2004)
When for PC?Kanati12Rimmsy (2004)
Rotation ProblemsBlack Hydra3Black Hydra (2004)
Mac's, then.Sledge23jhocking (2004)
HTML Helpwizzlefish8wizzlefish (2004)
File writing (stumped!?)BlackD8VIP3R (2004)
One quick questionSSS11SSS (2004)
Max Integer ValueBlackD6BlackD (2004)
A suggestion for the "mixed up" forum situationskn36Akira (2004)
Verifying Frame Rate with Render Tween MethodRogue Vector3Gabriel (2004)
No access to BlitzPlus forumsRob Farley9VIP3R (2004)
MIDI inputjhocking6jhocking (2004)
'No room for more instances'slenkar8slenkar (2004)
updates disapearedBlue Steel10Blue Steel (2004)
Making and saving bmp filesjulianbury7julianbury (2004)
What Happened to OffTopic & General Discussion?Amon_old14DJWoodgate (2004)
Revolucionmaximo2Skurcey (2004)
Problem with ReadLineElgen10BlackJumper (2004)
500,000 polygonsshawnus7shawnus (2004)
Realistic FogChad3Chad (2004)
Draw background and textclownhunter9WolRon (2004)
how do you get RGB value of pixel?767pilot3Rob Farley (2004)
Hiding an imageAvestheFox7JazzieB (2004)
include ".bb" is this how you load levels???AvestheFox18AvestheFox (2004)
loading BMP fontsAvestheFox8Grisu (2004)
UVW MappingToasty14jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Global Types ProblemBlack Hydra10Black Hydra (2004)
ReadPixelFast Colorboomboom3boomboom (2004)
Including quotes (") in data stringsFry Crayola13Fry Crayola (2004)
Position ProblemsDuckstab[o]5Duckstab[o] (2004)
Pixel Limit?wizzlefish7doctorskully (2004)
Creating Normal Mapsronbravo4BlackD (2004)
EntityOrder problems? Typical....wizzlefish22wizzlefish (2004)
Text EditorClyde12Clyde (2004)
Hiding an entity upon colisionAvestheFox8Diablo (2004)
Help with RotationBlack Hydra5Ross C (2004)
How to determine if entity is hidden or notShifty Geezer4jhocking (2004)
Detecting if a mesh has collided with a sprite?po4po (2004)
Large Mesh ProblemMikeyj219WolRon (2004)
Anyeasy way to to align a shipDuckstab[o]4Duckstab[o] (2004)
Understanding CubeMappingEric3Eric (2004)
Net commandsDavid8198Agamer (2004)
Text ScrollerRetroRusty16BlackD (2004)
Blitz has stopped working.Agamer15DNielsen (2004)
Stopping an entity at a certain point of rotation?po2WolRon (2004)
EntityCollidedAgamer10Agamer (2004)
MazeGenerator too slowPowerPC60312PowerPC603 (2004)
what are the options for texturing custom meshesDuckstab[o]3Duckstab[o] (2004)
shooting in 2dPanno6jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Isometric Z-orderingslenkar6slenkar (2004)
3D drawing 'in front'Shifty Geezer4Rob Farley (2004)
vectors, or something like that?Amon_old7Amon_old (2004)
Problems with RunTimeError()DNielsen8Bremer (2004)
Converting an image file into DATADNielsen6DNielsen (2004)
GetTime()DNielsen6DNielsen (2004)
Stacking issuesPCBGuy11Sunteam Software (2004)
JoyType ([port])DNielsen8DNielsen (2004)
How to initialize a STRINGDNielsen3DNielsen (2004)
RPG Item management systemslenkar9morduun (2004)
What is wrong with this code???DNielsen15DNielsen (2004)
This should be simpleEric2Ross C (2004)
angle and speedAsh_UK3Ash_UK (2004)
Level creation using typesAsh_UK4Andy_A (2004)
3d mario64 type gamezortzblatz10zortzblatz (2004)
How do I get ladders to work?clownhunter10Who was John Galt? (2004)
Can't close the compiled and run code window.SausageOfDoom12DNielsen (2004)
2D waypoints - any example code?Dax Trajero5Dax Trajero (2004)
Pitch ProblemsDiablo9jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Ball physicsAsh_UK13Ash_UK (2004)
Replace Command Not Working?QuickSilva3QuickSilva (2004)
Instr$ QuestionQuickSilva7JazzieB (2004)
Smooth sequence transitions with SetAnimTime.ErikT7(tu) sinu (2004)
Bloom problemDock8Clyde (2004)
Tag System - Up The SwanieClyde14Clyde (2004)
EntityRadius Problems? We've had them before...wizzlefish22WolRon (2004)
Are images automatic freed at program termination?Darth Testine5Darth Testine (2004)
Tough, tough, decisions.wizzlefish7big10p (2004)
type problemDuckstab[o]1Duckstab[o] (2004)
Memory command problemsDNielsen15DNielsen (2004)
GRAPHICS command problemsDNielsen10DNielsen (2004)
new line?jhocking8jhocking (2004)
Memory Access ViolationLordon7Lordon (2004)
Array sizeManromen4CS_TBL (2004)
Any simple Bouncing help available?D_Town_Tony2cermit (2004)
using types in my space exploring gamemudcat5PCBGuy (2004)
UV coords sizeMikele6jhocking (2004)
Exlude faces/textures from spotlightElgen3Elgen (2004)
reading an entity's colorChaos5Chaos (2004)
blitz3d and floats - strange problemDax Trajero8WolRon (2004)
types - passing as parameter in functionDax Trajero9Dax Trajero (2004)
is any one in?MR:Satanist23Damien Sturdy (2004)
Entityalpha = flicker?Dock10Sunteam Software (2004)
CP - Vietnam Gamewizzlefish9GfK (2004)
Change mouse pointerWalter7Perturbatio (2004)
Doubble Functions?HuNTeD11Perturbatio (2004)
mouse clicking on a 3D gridDock3Dock (2004)
Child entity?Mike01012morduun (2004)
Changing file iconwizzlefish6Perturbatio (2004)
Optimizing CodeMr. Shen9MSW (2004)
2D screen updatesslenkar5slenkar (2004)
Does maya .x into Blitz3D work?timmport11jhocking (2004)
Ideal target framerate?Leto9BlackD (2004)
bullet directionRyanD3soja (2004)
Help to rewrite code for BlitzPlusKaminari10big10p (2004)
Trouble reading KeyDown and KeyHit in BlitzPlusKaminari15keyboard (2004)
reading/writting to filetimmport11WolRon (2004)
Attaching to joints?Lordon7Lordon (2004)
Does CopyEntity create additional geometry?Dock7barryem (2004)
Simple command for counting number of types?Farflame8_PJ_ (2004)
Moving DiagonallyMr. Shen5xMicky (2004)
Smooth Scrolling With The MousewheelClyde7altitudems (2004)
BlitzPlus -vs Blitz3DKaminari13Seldon (2004)
Associated filesbarryem3barryem (2004)
Creating Pathing Nodes in 3DStrider Centaur12puki (2004)
Blitz 3D collisions are driving me crazyCancerian8WolRon (2004)
I'll "Illegal terrain size" YOU!wizzlefish9GNS (2004)
question about spritesDuckstab[o]9Duckstab[o] (2004)
Graphics Issues with GPFT Sample CodeKaminari4Kaminari (2004)
Udp NewbieGauge5Strider Centaur (2004)
Trouble Animating SpritesMr. Shen3Mr. Shen (2004)
Loading HUGE terrain meshStrider Centaur6Shambler (2004)
Alpha colorWalter9WolRon (2004)
Blitz App in taskbarGauge2WolRon (2004)
Includes and Excludeswizzlefish7wizzlefish (2004)
Blitz on the web?Drekinn7Drekinn (2004)
Window buttons !?Walter10Grisu (2004)
find child and positioning problemsDiablo3Diablo (2004)
Peek / Poke newbieGC-Martijn8PowerPC603 (2004)
Brief black window when B3D app startsEddieRay8Perturbatio (2004)
realyime image scalingMadsNy9MadsNy (2004)
Mirror effectNaughty Alien8Naughty Alien (2004)
int() functionWiering8WolRon (2004)
Delay FixHuNTeD9HuNTeD (2004)
dot character'sSteve Elliott3Steve Elliott (2004)
Type buttons?RiverRatt10RiverRatt (2004)
Self Contained FuctionsQuickSilva12QuickSilva (2004)
Setting up to Study B3DLaserBob11Alberto (2004)
Center TextHuNTeD4HuNTeD (2004)
FloatingRetroRusty2CS_TBL (2004)
Findchild help with Collisionnrasool2nrasool (2004)
Main loop - does everyone do the same stuff ?Dax Trajero20Zethrax (2004)
Arrays of entitiesShifty Geezer12gpete (2004)
Waypoint helpwizzlefish13wizzlefish (2004)
Type 2 TypePCBGuy3WolRon (2004)
CallDllRestKrat7BlackD (2004)
Timer issue...HuNTeD7tonyg (2004)
Multiple Animationswizzlefish10wizzlefish (2004)
type e linked lists!!!GregBUG9dmaz (2004)
Getting pointers from arrayPowerPC6037big10p (2004)
Timming issues - Millisecs()Dax Trajero9Dax Trajero (2004)
EntityBox mode is driving me crazy!!Kendo6big10p (2004)
passing a type variable to a functionDax Trajero6Dax Trajero (2004)
Mip Map in Blitz3DNaughty Alien4Naughty Alien (2004)
Basic Math Problem.. 1 divided by 2BlackD5big10p (2004)
Compiling from the command lineEddieRay5EddieRay (2004)
Newb question - 2D GUI in Blitz3DEddieRay6EddieRay (2004)
lag from cubes?po9Damien Sturdy (2004)
maplet into bltiz3drod5414wizzlefish (2004)
Screen fadewizzlefish4wizzlefish (2004)
Types problemRoss C20Ross C (2004)
equal to or bigger thanslenkar4Blitzed090604 (2004)
ATan2Steve Elliott6Steve Elliott (2004)
How to stay up to dateShifty Geezer3puki (2004)
One more time!PCBGuy9WolRon (2004)
Sort List of TypesTibit2soja (2004)
pick mode for md2 entity?Kendo5Kendo (2004)
Player Controlsnrasool6rod54 (2004)
Types as Optional ParametersHappyCat12Tibit (2004)
1 bitmap, contains 2 font sizes - pointersDax Trajero4Dax Trajero (2004)
image problem767pilot4Who was John Galt? (2004)
BDC can't compile?Fedor1Fedor (2004)
Perturbatio or anyonePCBGuy8Perturbatio (2004)
Debug Window icons?Drekinn9Drekinn (2004)
probs creating global types767pilot6767pilot (2004)
Array scope problem...GregBUG5GregBUG (2004)
Lighting double sided surfacepuki14puki (2004)
SkyBox code doesn't worknx0114Defoc8 (2004)
game speed issues767pilot3767pilot (2004)
Program HaltGregH4GregH (2004)
biped animations?sec058Big& (2004)
I finally finished Metal Gear SolidDamien Sturdy3Damien Sturdy (2004)
What is a look up table and what can I use it for?GameCoder9wedoe (2004)
deforming meshes (destroy building)CodeD6CodeD (2004)
That damn mousePCBGuy4PCBGuy (2004)
check if entity exists?D_Town_Tony6TomToad (2004)
Blitz IDEs?HappyCat7keyboard (2004)
Playing .midi's?po9po (2004)
Tiles and collisionDavid81916David819 (2004)
Force Feedback in Blitz3D?Blue Bird7BlackD (2004)
quick question on seedRnd millisecs()GameCoder6BlackD (2004)
animation questionMike01014Mike0101 (2004)
Animating and Command ReadingGauge2WolRon (2004)
2d to 3d mouse?RiverRatt2WolRon (2004)
cam movementpatisawesome33Tom (2004)
Running slow in XProd548rod54 (2004)
cameraviewport help plz?Viperfish7Viperfish (2004)
flame thrower effectD_Town_Tony4D_Town_Tony (2004)
Blitzplay AdviceAgamer4ckob (2004)
array limitsPaulo3Paulo (2004)
I'm in troubleMike01019Mike0101 (2004)
Pallette???CodeD5CodeD (2004)
Simple Camera?po10Jeppe Nielsen (2004)
Internet Tut?Lordon11wizzlefish (2004)
Physics problemMido48611Stevie G (2004)
how do print drawingsdrip6Agamer (2004)
wind effect?Mike01016Agamer (2004)
System RAM within Blitz?Kryten9Agamer (2004)
Multi TYPEBaley5REDi (2004)
Networkboomboom2Ross C (2004)
CreateHtmlView and the framespuzzler1puzzler (2004)
AlignToVectorwizzlefish4Floyd (2004)
2 Small questionsMordax_Praetorian6Agamer (2004)
How to detect graphic modesPowerPC6036PowerPC603 (2004)
animation affecting game codesec055sec05 (2004)
Timer not Working :(wizzlefish8Pongo (2004)
Jerky textures on bigger terrains3DFish2BlackD (2004)
Lots of surfaces on a mesh..BlackD8BlackD (2004)
Speed QuestionGauge6NewtSoup (2004)
small math question int+int = errorGC-Martijn10GC-Martijn (2004)
Sprite dragging and point collisionDrekinn9Drekinn (2004)
Demo of Simple 2D Gravitational PhysicsNewtSoup2NewtSoup (2004)
Simple DLL handling question from newbiepuzzler6puzzler (2004)
How to get decimals in blitz?Jarvis3Bot Builder (2004)
Two questions for more expirienced programmersJarvis5Ross C (2004)
openglCodeD4Neo Genesis10 (2004)
Sin Text ScrollerCodeD23CodeD (2004)
bapDiablo5Diablo (2004)
HtmlViewEventURL$(html) hangs uppuzzler8puzzler (2004)
Help me optimize collision code.Phantom10294WolRon (2004)
XMLwizzlefish3wizzlefish (2004)
Jumpingwizzlefish4clownhunter (2004)
putting comments in text fileslenkar15slenkar (2004)
Loading Bar?po5jfk EO-11110 (2004)
How many parametersPowerPC6035CS_TBL (2004)
Level DesignerTokra7CS_TBL (2004)
strange colors ?GC-Martijn4GC-Martijn (2004)
2 types collidingMarkh9993WolRon (2004)
Problems with Rotatingwizzlefish8wizzlefish (2004)
different colored backgroundAmanda Dearheart5wizzlefish (2004)
Skieswizzlefish10Ross C (2004)
Level editor tutorial needed767pilot4MrCredo (2004)
Sprite trailsDrekinn18Drekinn (2004)
What is BlitzMax?NoBoDo3Gabriel (2004)
FPS FramerateTibit9wizzlefish (2004)
wolron - please help767pilot4767pilot (2004)
Pixel ArcBlitz Is Kool4Kel (2004)
fullscreen TOO much fast than windowed!Kel11Warren (2004)
uuh algorithm - how to make a fast codeGC-Martijn9QuietBloke (2004)
B3D format and animationsEddieRay8EddieRay (2004)
Limit on Collisions?Blitzed0906045Zethrax (2004)
I've made a mistake in parsing somewhere..BlackD5Clyde (2004)
3D speedZT4Andy (2004)
[Data] don't work with While Not Eof(filein) wendGC-Martijn3GC-Martijn (2004)
Dynamic Ip'sAgamer5Agamer (2004)
help with imagecollision pls767pilot11big10p (2004)
Numerical sorting?tdman3TomToad (2004)
New Guy :Nice_But_Dim11Nice_But_Dim (2004)
Freeentity listener?slenkar3slenkar (2004)
Arrgh! Blitz Down.CodeD8CodeD (2004)
Dx or OpenGLNice_But_Dim6Damien Sturdy (2004)
Array questionPowerPC60312WolRon (2004)
b3d vs 3dsMike01016AdrianT (2004)
AVI issueBlitz Is Kool2TomToad (2004)
Exportationwizzlefish3wmaass (2004)
animation questionMike01015Hujiklo (2004)
Beginner looking for some help with ODENeox2Perturbatio (2004)
Tank wont move...Genexi23Genexi2 (2004)
Animate Sprites in B3Dclownhunter5Perturbatio (2004)
writefloat and readfloatHujiklo5Koriolis (2004)
Physics againDestroyer2Destroyer (2004)
creating hot spotsec054Ross C (2004)
FlipMesh Lighting IssueBlitzed09060413BlackD (2004)
blitz3d and blitzplus767pilot3Gabriel (2004)
texture in another directorysec054Paul Murray (2004)
Importing collision into blitzsec052WolRon (2004)
VertexW#Ian Thompson2Beaker (2004)
referring objects in a b3d filesec057Beaker (2004)
James Bond the Dinosaurwizzlefish13WolRon (2004)
Importing b3d formatsec0517sec05 (2004)
center point of entity radiussec052semar (2004)
Just A Little Helpwizzlefish3wizzlefish (2004)
getting "Image does not exist" with valid imageNeuralizR9BlitzSupport (2004)
VERY easy problem with types(tu) ENAY6(tu) ENAY (2004)
2D polygon generationkmick10kmick (2004)
keydown for 2 keys767pilot8jfk EO-11110 (2004)
UpdateWorld()Neochrome6Ross C (2004)
random pickingPaulo3Paulo (2004)
Character MovementEric4Eric (2004)
exporting format for texturesec056Ross C (2004)
How do i code a level editor?767pilot12RiK (2004)
imagescollide help767pilot3767pilot (2004)
Strings and filesMarcell2soja (2004)
Sprites & Entitieswizzlefish6dynaman (2004)
Sound - help pleasejoerae22Caff (2004)
Single-polygon sprite systemBlackD3Warren (2004)
Timer help plzCodeOrc3CodeOrc (2004)
I need a loop that creates al the possible valuesGC-Martijn6gpete (2004)
finding XY coordinates for entitiesBlackD8big10p (2004)
Difficulty in positioning character in levelsec0511Caff (2004)
Attaching collision to meshsec053joerae (2004)
old blitz3dala_samodi16Agamer (2004)
collisions and gravityala_samodi8ala_samodi (2004)
Chat systemala_samodi16Berserker [swe] (2004)
What format to use for level maps?sec054AdrianT (2004)
ALEwizzlefish3wizzlefish (2004)
EntityParentJosh R2Kev (2004)
DLLsala_samodi6Caff (2004)
Erratic collisionsHujiklo18Hujiklo (2004)
help needed with basic type767pilot3767pilot (2004)
Client Systemshordey5shordey (2004)
help with sound on game767pilot3Stevie G (2004)
Includewizzlefish3wizzlefish (2004)
TYPE help wtd767pilot6Ross C (2004)
shadowsala_samodi10wizzlefish (2004)
Texturing a Wings 3D model (in or outside Blitz)joerae4jhocking (2004)
Kool Water FxBlitz Is Kool4jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Spherical Gravity function for Tokamak-- need helpWarpZone9WarpZone (2004)
updates??ala_samodi10ashmantle (2004)
battle systemala_samodi4soja (2004)
Rag Doll Tutorials???Destroyer12Destroyer (2004)
Map Editor Questionsthalamus24thalamus (2004)
Auto-patchingZace3.rIKmAN. (2004)
type/variable error767pilot5big10p (2004)
local or global performance767pilot3WolRon (2004)
Debug function of blitz3d767pilot8767pilot (2004)
timer help needed767pilot8767pilot (2004)
Another Type QuestionEric10Eric (2004)
.Exe iconsIso2semar (2004)
How do i ? (Images)Iso4semar (2004)
On the stairMike010110Mike0101 (2004)
Small Modelswizzlefish3Strider Centaur (2004)
3D Terrain Editorwizzlefish8Strider Centaur (2004)
Scale Animated MeshStrider Centaur6Strider Centaur (2004)
plot 3d to 2dsmitty8Andy (2004)
hidepointer-showpointerchurchaxe3churchaxe (2004)
image not loading correctly767pilot6767pilot (2004)
Animating with typesHujiklo2Hujiklo (2004)
collisionsMike01018Ross C (2004)
Line pick woesHujiklo4Hujiklo (2004)
Types within types & blitzarraysStevie G2Stevie G (2004)
Convert DN to IP addressChuck5Chuck (2004)
Compilation 'Memory Violation Error', 100% CPU usejoerae7Ross C (2004)
3D Character Studiowizzlefish25Ruz (2004)
Where might a beginner...begin?Jaster8puki (2004)
Textureswizzlefish2puki (2004)
sprites blend issueZT3ZT (2004)
network questionBelojr2jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Image reader/converterStriker4jhocking (2004)
image scale & screen resZT13ZT (2004)
Parseb3dHujiklo6Caff (2004)
Where to sell?mag.4Zethrax (2004)
extractanimseq - blend???hellcat1hellcat (2004)
Blitz2d, apps and 3d767pilot5BobR3D (2004)
Sprite movement routinesDrekinn1Drekinn (2004)
File I/OJaster6Jaster (2004)
tweenRed6Ice9 (2004)
Polygons and Frames Per Seconddugzilla5dugzilla (2004)
More TYPE nonsenseWildW12PowerPC603 (2004)
Problem with Type in a Function767pilot11PowerPC603 (2004)
how to work with animationGC-Martijn4GC-Martijn (2004)
Argb questionStevie G6Stevie G (2004)
MySQL ! Connect to it?Apollonius13Jamie Priest (2004)
Blitz Basic upgradeweebo15VIP3R (2004)
Windows / GUI Functionality in Blitz+thalamus27CS_TBL (2004)
Pausing an application767pilot4big10p (2004)
Timingthalamus4soja (2004)
WTF? Globals only in main program??!!Iso6jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Getcolor querykeyboard9keyboard (2004)
Sin & Cos troublePazza13Pazza (2004)
Mouselook and general interpolationHujiklo14Zethrax (2004)
FontWidth()Jaster5Jaster (2004)
master volumeDavid6Regular K (2004)
help!Mike010111BobR3D (2004)
Psuedo 3D space harrier/Outrun style engineweebo3Beaker (2004)
Sound persisting after closemovieGR5GR (2004)
Overhead for types?BulletMagnet4ryan scott (2004)
EntityOrderLordon16Lordon (2004)
Updating B3Dpc_tek3pc_tek (2004)
Question about Type and Each commandBaley5semar (2004)
Lunar LanderEric13sswift (2004)
Closing windowMax-B6Max-B (2004)
Odd Statement?Regular K5WolRon (2004)
Animation...? HELP!Da MaN16Da MaN (2004)
Launch another applicationJules3Jules (2004)
FontsJBR5JBR (2004)
FreeImagePat334Pat33 (2004)
Type pointer variables s referencing each other?Zethrax4Zethrax (2004)
TilesDavid8197David819 (2004)
Pretty new here...Fess11Fess (2004)
FPS helpLordon4Ross C (2004)
pass an array to functionZT5Beaker (2004)
IRC ChannelTony Hart9BlackTower (2004)
Ftp ProblemSkurcey1Skurcey (2004)
Fading between textures and skiesMike V14Mike V (2004)
VectorsSam5Sam (2004)
Globals inside Functionsboomboom7Curtastic (2004)
convert from maxryan scott6Agamer (2004)
Online or Offline ?Gui11skidracer (2004)
Texturing the backgroundAgamer11Agamer (2004)
What does it take to be an indie?Jellon12_PJ_ (2004)
Open BB filesRegular K18Agamer (2004)
Multitexturing problemsNebula Productions8Nebula Productions (2004)
WaterDavid8193David819 (2004)
YaY! I'm new!Dran24verfum (2004)
EntityColor (white color)Red4Red (2004)
2d collisionaltitudems1altitudems (2004)
3D World EditorQuickSilva7jhocking (2004)
Why doesn't this do anything?Jake00712jhocking (2004)
.3ds animation?Lordon11jhocking (2004)
Flash/Blitz BasicSkurcey10Skurcey (2004)
debug window starting maximizedryan scott3_PJ_ (2004)
Height Above Mesh TerrainEric7Wayne (2004)
FontsJBR6eBusiness (2004)
how to make rotating doorSmurfpuss2big10p (2004)
creating a second game level?Lordon7jhocking (2004)
variable for type's fieldname?ryan scott10_PJ_ (2004)
TypesLordon3Stevie G (2004)
Select the caseTibit14JazzieB (2004)
Network commands request_PJ_3_PJ_ (2004)
Loading From Fileboomboom8_PJ_ (2004)
Animating a b3d fileLordon4Inner (2004)
Simulate Mouse Clicknivek6nivek (2004)
Target designatorlarsalt4larsalt (2004)
bulletspyro8216semar (2004)
Saving BanksAbbaRue7AbbaRue (2004)
ignore this - testingAkat2eBusiness (2004)
Create sound of specific pitchJules7eBusiness (2004)
Sound questionsJBR5JBR (2004)
Panels and HudsEric5Mustang (2004)
scrambled images after alt/tabkeyboard11keyboard (2004)
TerrainingJellon15Jellon (2004)
Angles Of Reflection (Nasty trig stuff)_PJ_4Eric (2004)
Producing skyboxes!gingerprince3Ethan3850 (2004)
Animation Blending?RXArt2jhocking (2004)
Converting an Image to a texturenivek16Warren (2004)
3d BulletsGord3Gord (2004)
Not windowed apps don't run in background...Giulio9Agamer (2004)
Types, DIM and deletingCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2004)
Animated peoplehockings12Gord (2004)
What's with the texturing here?WillKoh6DJWoodgate (2004)
Sprite attached to meshnivek10nivek (2004)
3D Fundamentals...WillKoh7big10p (2004)
SLOW imagescollide after writing to imagebufferParadox75Paradox7 (2004)
Smoke Trails for MissilesJamie8Jamie (2004)
Quick Q on Types9572AD59572AD (2004)
Please! Help Me!RiverRatt9RiverRatt (2004)
Moving 3D objects with the mousenivek5BlitzSupport (2004)
how to use entitybox ?Atomic Duck7Atomic Duck (2004)
need help on csmloader collisionSmurfpuss3Zethrax (2004)
Lightmap texturing?gingerprince4Gabriel (2004)
Internet TexturesIdaho Razor6Idaho Razor (2004)
2 Cameras and Drawing linesJamie8GfK (2004)
World Scale Confusion !!Jamie12Jamie (2004)
How to I implement occlusion in a B3D game?WarpZone8jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Blitz Basic BookSlider4BobR (2004)
My CameraEric2Ethan3850 (2004)
Making a racing game?hockings5_PJ_ (2004)
force logical AND or ORkoekjesbaby5Beaker (2004)
Standalone Executable?WarpZone14Seldon (2004)
Losing OrientationEric9Eric (2004)
Dim?Boiled Sweets4Rhyolite (2004)
Animation ProblemsInner7jhocking (2004)
Native support for bump-mapping? (Normal mapping)WarpZone5WarpZone (2004)
Encrypting\Decrypting data in .txt and .dat files3DFish7eBusiness (2004)
updating bedroom coderkeyboard5keyboard (2004)
Best model format? Best model editor?WarpZone4Synchronist (2004)
Creating a MeshEric2WolRon (2004)
Centering MeshEric2jhocking (2004)
B3D mesh animation questions...Rage_Matrix3jhocking (2004)
Type with an Array FieldFry Crayola4semar (2004)
Particle Systems?gingerprince13big10p (2004)
Cut and PasteFry Crayola3gpete (2004)
ArraysBig Shooter13soja (2004)
Windowed programs freezemrmango13mrmango (2004)
TypesBig Shooter5Big Shooter (2004)
installation problemsluggage11WarpZone (2004)
Having difficulty with Arrays of Types...The r0nin7The r0nin (2004)
EntityAutoFade failingBanshee5Banshee (2004)
Imitate Procedures/Methods in BlitzZasy18Beaker (2004)
Collisions - a wee bit of physics help needed.Stevie G3Stevie G (2004)
3d Co-ords into 2d Co-ordsBanshee3Banshee (2004)
Anyone know hot to resolve this?(2d coordinates reValgar13Valgar (2004)
Delay when fireingNebula Productions15Nebula Productions (2004)
bullet helpRyanD10Valgar (2004)
where are the libs?Rook Zimbabwe7Dreamora (2004)
Physics for Stupid People like meEric65Eric (2004)
What is FMOD?Clyde8Agamer (2004)
creating .dllsAmanda Dearheart2Seldon (2004)
Why Does this happen?GameCoder6Zethrax (2004)
Collision info?mike2604Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Trig Help : Analogue Clock hands_PJ_3_PJ_ (2004)
shoting thingspyro8213Valgar (2004)
Bug or my fault? (types related)Valgar39Valgar (2004)
Command ReferenceAbbaRue7big10p (2004)
Functions as Types?MAX7116big10p (2004)
CohesionMAX71113MAX711 (2004)
hide after collision NO JOYRook Zimbabwe5Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
functions and arraysDavid8eBusiness (2004)
Crowd Image Panorama (Request please!!!)_PJ_7_PJ_ (2004)
help in something i wanna dongi15Perturbatio (2004)
Easiest way to make puzzle?StOrM39WolRon (2004)
Fog efects?RiverRatt8RiverRatt (2004)
Simple 2d animation infoValgar7Valgar (2004)
single frame animationD4NM4N2Perturbatio (2004)
templates of animationDavid2Rob Farley (2004)
Poser Animationsnivek4sswift (2004)
The beginners Project we started...Ross C19puki (2004)
Creating a high score table..po5po (2004)
text to speech synthesisjhocking34LAB[au] (2004)
Milkshape slow animationKryzon3Kryzon (2004)
Alpha masking tiled 2 tiled texture layersOwl4SoggyP (2004)
shooting wrong directionRook Zimbabwe4Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Atan2 and aiming info.Valgar23big10p (2004)
Converting from binary to decimalFry Crayola17eBusiness (2004)
Object "flicker"when deletedValgar14Valgar (2004)
did it hitRook Zimbabwe3Matty (2004)
Definitionsmartonic11David (2004)
shoot arrowRook Zimbabwe13Ross C (2004)
Using a Mesh From TrueSpaceEric16Eric (2004)
Code for moving an object like an insect flying3DFish8Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
TimerGamemaker2wmaass (2004)
help with dllDavid7David (2004)
Animating changesGord2WolRon (2004)
Sending a message to the clientGun Ecstasy2eBusiness (2004)
loading a meshLordon8Zethrax (2004)
html tagsscribbla8scribbla (2004)
Simplest way to setup a timer ?StOrM33eBusiness (2004)
Mathsbushsolo8bushsolo (2004)
ammo & musicGrey8gpete (2004)
dos commands, or file-renameCS_TBL5soja (2004)
Graphics Mode 512x384 - worthwhile ?DaxTraj40eBusiness (2004)
SPI_GETMOUSE : goto wits(end)Stoop Solo13Stoop Solo (2004)
two questionsAlberto15Alberto (2004)
Blitz Collisions not working in examplesDock3Dock (2004)
Collisions problemDock5Dock (2004)
mouseZspeed madnesskoekjesbaby4eBusiness (2004)
CallDLL ws2_32.dll - help neededSarakan11Sarakan (2004)
Physics of 2d object collisions using f=ma???ralphy13eBusiness (2004)
Loop animation 5 times then stop?RiverRatt10RiverRatt (2004)
Position entity 3d from 2d mouseCyberHeater4jhocking (2004)
Short INT / Unsigned Short INTSarakan3Floyd (2004)
MakeWord( hi, low )Sarakan3Floyd (2004)
problem with stacking "KeyHits"DeadSquirrel4jhocking (2004)
Killing those spritesmrmango6Zethrax (2004)
Collision ProblemsLordon3Lordon (2004)
entity doesn't exist?Lordon10Beaker (2004)
Animation 2po10big10p (2004)
Blits lighting and shadowmapsD4NM4N3D4NM4N (2004)
Compilation ProblemOverDozing2OverDozing (2004)
collition on two terrains?RiverRatt2Ross C (2004)
lost childrenRook Zimbabwe4Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
INT to LONG?Sarakan4Bot Builder (2004)
Can I always use brackets?Teddyfles8Curtastic (2004)
source code for imagerectcollide please :)GameCoder3Ross C (2004)
fullscreen graphism problemDeadSquirrel2Neo Genesis10 (2004)
GunsightRook Zimbabwe11Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
JumpingRook Zimbabwe4Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Please explain what a surface is ?Nexus616Nexus6 (2004)
spheremap colorsRook Zimbabwe7Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
What is a 'normal'?Boiled Sweets11Boiled Sweets (2004)
text colorDevine94Clyde (2004)
lightmesh is not working?koekjesbaby4simonh (2004)
Problems with precalculated arrays.Valgar37Valgar (2004)
terrain height ?RiverRatt2electronin (2004)
Saving a terrain made in blitz...AgainRiverRatt11Bremer (2004)
Can you add fields to a type at runtime?PowerPC6034eBusiness (2004)
lightmesh is not working? (locked)koekjesbaby1koekjesbaby (2004)
Playing .avi filesAmanda Dearheart7_PJ_ (2004)
questionngi2REDi (2004)
score system and bitmap fontsGameCoder5StOrM3 (2004)
Camera RotationLordon7Lordon (2004)
BrushTexture commandEddieRay4EddieRay (2004)
Printing on PaperMimi2electronin (2004)
Endif Expected ?StOrM324ashmantle (2004)
CheckBox & OptionButtonMimi4CS_TBL (2004)
is myobject.x supported now instead of myobject\xSashnil3Red (2004)
MAVs with compiled community apps. pls help!snave9snave (2004)
Protecting a sound channelBanshee2Ross C (2004)
non response on collisionsscribbla6Bot Builder (2004)
random number but not number ?StOrM32eBusiness (2004)
animation speedAlberto7scribbla (2004)
Problem with mouse....Valgar9Valgar (2004)
Making sin/Cos faster for darts aiming.GameCoder8Warren (2004)
Hex tiles??Squid12Sir Gak (2004)
How to create good art?Blitz12323Sir Gak (2004)
Alpha Mapped SpritesBanshee5Sir Gak (2004)
Alternative EditorBanshee12Sir Gak (2004)
frames per secondBanshee4eBusiness (2004)
"Jittery" texture on terrainGazzaden2eBusiness (2004)
questionngi3ngi (2004)
inteligent camerasscribbla6scribbla (2004)
EntityTexture command not working?StOrM311Matty (2004)
Float QuestionsAbbaRue2skidracer (2004)
sound recordingMadsNy1MadsNy (2004)
collisions riggingscribbla25scribbla (2004)
Random Terrain TileAbbaRue2eBusiness (2004)
F1 Quick Help problems...StOrM38StOrM3 (2004)
Space Invaders helpGameCoder5StOrM3 (2004)
another newbie question...ngi8eBusiness (2004)
Error messageGrey14REDi (2004)
EntityBox ?OverDozing6eBusiness (2004)
newbie question...ngi6ngi (2004)
3d stuffGrey25Augen (2004)
ObjectHandle must be used with object ?StOrM35big10p (2004)
Error accessing a file after WriteFile3DFish93DFish (2004)
number of bonesAlberto2Gabriel (2004)
animated textures howto ?StOrM33StOrM3 (2004)
Different Graphics ModesMimi4eBusiness (2004)
X - 3DS - B3DRook Zimbabwe12Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Copyentity with types ?StOrM34big10p (2004)
Level BestRook Zimbabwe4eBusiness (2004)
Parent Entity ?StOrM32Zethrax (2004)
creating heightmap for terrainrobby x4Rob Farley (2004)
helpngi5Ross C (2004)
Get Collision Radius ?StOrM39jhocking (2004)
Re animationGord6Gord (2004)
Newb question - forum code postingsEddieRay5EddieRay (2004)
Newb question - external DLLsEddieRay5EddieRay (2004)
File manipulation & speedValgar6eBusiness (2004)
Multiple sets of UVsEddieRay3EddieRay (2004)
what is locate = to here?ngi5ngi (2004)
downloading and launching exe from browserryan scott4eBusiness (2004)
Get File Nameasdfasdf4Graythe (2004)
stealing codeAmanda Dearheart46Amanda Dearheart (2004)
Return value from a functionValgar25StOrM3 (2004)
Toon Shading Howto ?StOrM33StOrM3 (2004)
Blitz3d for 2d games?NoBoDo11Ross C (2004)
Looking for GUI tricks in Blitz+Mimi4Wiebo (2004)
Mesh OptimzerNexus63Nexus6 (2004)
Arkanoid Editorpo12AbbaRue (2004)
making my stars blurGameCoder6GameCoder (2004)
Track Editor help requiredCyberHeater4CyberHeater (2004)
Graphics on PrinterDaveEdwards6Kuron (2004)
move meshRook Zimbabwe11Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
image size limits?BlackD1BlackD (2004)
animation codeGord4Mustang (2004)
mousepickRook Zimbabwe7Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Serial ProgrammingNone3jhocking (2004)
Collision Help...StOrM320StOrM3 (2004)
Hide title barPalpatine14Perturbatio (2004)
Glowing effect?po8Ice9 (2004)
throwing diceRook Zimbabwe7Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Poly countAlmo5Ross C (2004)
Half-Life Bullet Decalssigheye9Mustang (2004)
terrain bumpsRook Zimbabwe4Andy (2004)
More angle help requiredCyberHeater3CyberHeater (2004)
Stairs and collisionTyler5Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
over a leveljigga61922Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
sound triggerRook Zimbabwe4Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Transparent PNG Files ?StOrM35eBusiness (2004)
Syncronizing animationsAlberto2scribbla (2004)
detecting when graphics begin exactlyjhocking17jhocking (2004)
Angle between two linesCyberHeater4CyberHeater (2004)
Stream Does Not Exist_PJ_3luke101 (2004)
STrange effect with collisionGiulio7Zethrax (2004)
Networking Q?Paul "Taiphoz"6Paul "Taiphoz" (2004)
Question about a connect-four style system...JohnMil18Curtastic (2004)
setting up models for collisionsscribbla12scribbla (2004)
Texture UVW... What's W?Barliesque6_PJ_ (2004)
Comment BlockClarks8Clarks (2004)
Quickie on ReadPixel(x,y)Tobo9Warren (2004)
Retaining textures from MAX to Blitz3Dmc20046mc2004 (2004)
types and functionsDax Trajero9soja (2004)
Strange INT behaviorDaveEdwards26eBusiness (2004)
Date ConversionMental Image9Mental Image (2004)
Userlib Not Found ?StOrM35Oldefoxx (2004)
Parts of image is clear in the gameluke1012Stevie G (2004)
follow an attack patternSteve Elliott14wmaass (2004)
nSprite lib problems.. my game now is messed up?StOrM31StOrM3 (2004)
String cmpasdfasdf4Graythe (2004)
collision problempo3_PJ_ (2004)
Image does not exist..problemluke10123_PJ_ (2004)
Create / Copy Pivot with Types_PJ_5_PJ_ (2004)
default font for blitzluke1015_PJ_ (2004)
Appending FilesNone3jhocking (2004)
Can't use 'waittimer()'Tobo6klasix (2004)
Pointers and ASMOldefoxx3Floyd (2004)
Where to start?mrmango12Oldefoxx (2004)
What Happened to My Post?Oldefoxx3Oldefoxx (2004)
TCP Chat clientmrmango7mrmango (2004)
Is In Triangle?tonyg3tonyg (2004)
ODBC/MySQLmrmango5mrmango (2004)
Collision ConfusionArgh5eBusiness (2004)
Not starting how it shouldTobo4Tobo (2004)
Initializing an rpg battleClarks5_PJ_ (2004)
Card games...po14nhokem (2004)
TC1000 Tablet PCColvette4Bremer (2004)
Type, CountAlmo8_PJ_ (2004)
Disable mouse ?StOrM39Shambler (2004)
Hiding an Entity you collide with?StOrM313StOrM3 (2004)
Parallel Port Working!None4VIP3R (2004)
stuck to the floorNexus62Ice9 (2004)
instance of type entity UFO\ModelRiverRatt2Stevie G (2004)
freelancer like controls...scurvy4RiverRatt (2004)
PortIo questionNone3None (2004)
writepixelfast problemsSteve Elliott6Yan (2004)
Blitz CrashGord4eBusiness (2004)
animation....po13scribbla (2004)
What symbol accomplishes line wrapping?Oakstead2Rob Farley (2004)
Types and DIMCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2004)
Total number of entitysChimeara5Zethrax (2004)
Parallel Programming #6None1None (2004)
Accessing types within types?Clarks3Clarks (2004)
Parallel Programming #5None6None (2004)
Rotations?Clarks11Rottbott (2004)
Game creationSpence5puki (2004)
Nested TypesBlackD5tonyg (2004)
FPSClarks4Clarks (2004)
Parallel Programming #4None4soja (2004)
Light colourChimeara6Chimeara (2004)
Parallel Port #3None2soja (2004)
ViewportsClarks3Clarks (2004)
Closing Window BugBlackD2BlitzSupport (2004)
How do I check multiple items in a TYPEBlackD6BlackD (2004)
Blitz - what's the EDITOR of choice ?DaxTraj61BlackD (2004)
Creating a crowdAlberto10KovaSteel (2004)
Mouse Movement of Player ObjectStOrM323StOrM3 (2004)
MOD and ArraysAbbaRue10Bremer (2004)
De-Masking ImagesBlackD6darklordz (2004)
Alpha Image overlayd4rkl1gh713BlackD (2004)
How do you save a mesh made from blitz 3D?RiverRatt6jfk EO-11110 (2004)
Parallel Port Programming #2None2soja (2004)
Functions and types.Clarks6Clarks (2004)
How to do limited shareware number of times run?StOrM320Neo Genesis10 (2004)
parallel port programmingNone6Ross C (2004)
Game TimingZace3eBusiness (2004)
drawimage - is x,y in middle of sprite or top leftDax Trajero6Steve Elliott (2004)
Problem placing a sprite on top of a moving object3DFish53DFish (2004)
Any Free GUIronbravo8ronbravo (2004)
Is there a command for....po10eBusiness (2004)
forward/back speed increases infinatley :/GameCoder17puki (2004)
level collision. One surface, how to make it solidGameCoder11Neo Genesis10 (2004)
Newb question - upgradesEddieRay4EddieRay (2004)
Exploding and objectWobbly4DJWoodgate (2004)
Code Help please :)Spec16Spec (2004)
Passing type to function?ralphy4ralphy (2004)
Assign variablecermit13Rob Farley (2004)
float'sPanno4electronin (2004)
type searchAgamer3Agamer (2004)
how to open a webpage in explorer with blitz3dGC-Martijn27Mustang (2004)
Timer...po6soja (2004)
From ScratchLaserBob11StOrM3 (2004)
TranslateEntityAlmo4GitTech (2004)
Final Fantasy Style Text Boxes?JohnMil3Shambler (2004)
Retund scan codeAgamer13_PJ_ (2004)
Really simple thing....Apollonius4Jeppe Nielsen (2004)
how would u...(bout collisions)Apollonius8Ross C (2004)
Easy way to workout Frame Rate FramePerSecApollonius6Stuart Morgan (2004)
100% CPU usesequoia5Zethrax (2004)
How would you go about separating your intro,me...Apollonius6Agamer (2004)
for loopApollonius8WolRon (2004)
Direct xGord2simonh (2004)
how does timing work?Apollonius12Apollonius (2004)
TCP Server / streamsequoia9sequoia (2004)
I think I am getting the hang of this....po6eBusiness (2004)
VWait eats up cpu cyclesluke1015Rob Farley (2004)
An Old Topic RevisitedGauge10Gauge (2004)
Weird Problem - Stuck and Desperate!Spomo2soja (2004)
Little help with typesDax Trajero9Dax Trajero (2004)
I love Types_PJ_16_PJ_ (2004)
Nearest NumberMental Image11BlackJumper (2004)
ReadInt_PJ_2soja (2004)
For Next LoopingMental Image3Mental Image (2004)
Text Adventure Begun (well nearley)Infantry_Nutter16Warren (2004)
More Efficient CodeMental Image7Oso (2004)
Block of code, Process BAr while being processedApollonius7Apollonius (2004)
Single InstanceWobbly9Wobbly (2004)
for LOOP reading files...Apollonius10jhocking (2004)
Simple Questions TopicApollonius6_PJ_ (2004)
using bitmaps as text?Infantry_Nutter10_PJ_ (2004)
Why doesn't it go left or right?Apollonius8Apollonius (2004)
Loading raw soundsOso8Oso (2004)
SHIP PHYSICSMr. Bill3Mr. Bill (2004)
rendertween issuesRifRaf5Stuart Morgan (2004)
color detectingAtomic Duck2Neo Genesis10 (2004)
Mp3 loopedjigga61912TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2004)
Stoping Text overlappingInfantry_Nutter7Stickman (2004)
Arrays of typesOso3Oso (2004)
Executable program helpSpec11darklordz (2004)
Cylinder style 3d listREDi5REDi (2004)
Why wont it come on?Clique3cermit (2004)
Please explain how CallDll worksdjr2cool6Bremer (2004)
Working with Collisions and MeshesStOrM314StOrM3 (2004)
char animation questtvtom5Ricky Smith (2004)
Help with jump platform code please!!Spec10electronin (2004)
texture problemscribbla8scribbla (2004)
sprite to background collision ?Dax Trajero3LarsG (2004)
Sound Channel ProblemSteve Elliott5Steve Elliott (2004)
Age of empires Ai sort off thingAgamer14Agamer (2004)
How to make sprite alpha transparentluke1012TeraBit (2004)
.BMP to .JPGStevie G15_PJ_ (2004)
problem with maskimage() outlineNeuralizR11NeuralizR (2004)
Camera Movement Functionxmlspy5xmlspy (2004)
TimeScale by a Newbie.Jono9Jono (2004)
Is there any way to adjust mouse sensitivity?po6eBusiness (2004)
Why you should name types?bobbo26ashmantle (2004)
update probs!!jasper18darklordz (2004)
New Features in Blitz3d update ?StOrM34Agamer (2004)
B3D viewer?Avrigus7Beaker (2004)
Easiest 3d modler to learnAgamer34podperson (2004)
Import helpcermit13cermit (2004)
MultiplayerRifRaf5_PJ_ (2004)
I think this is rightAgamer6Zethrax (2004)
Best way to scale and rotate Models ?StOrM318Ross C (2004)
Redimming ArraysGauge7Graythe (2004)
IRC channel for Blitz3D ?StOrM39Agamer (2004)
Switch between full and windowed modeluke1015jhocking (2004)
Displaying Coords in text on 3D disp?StOrM37LuckyPhil (2004)
Help me, about 2D x,yApollonius19mudcat (2004)
Best way to Sync music with imagesspriteman5CS_TBL (2004)
Fastest wayRifRaf8RifRaf (2004)
ReadPixel working in windowed mode but not fullscrDax Trajero13Dax Trajero (2004)
Live AudioJPD7darklordz (2004)
Object KeyWordziggy6ziggy (2004)
Style Jezzball gameInsane Games3Andy_A (2004)
.b3d in Blitz3DDemoJake4Jake (2004)
Blitz poserGord4Gord (2004)
Gravity on round object ';..;'FunTex10Neo Genesis10 (2004)
My kingdom for a tutorial!!!leeluna8leeluna (2004)
Gnet vs DirectplayGauge5Bill Sims (2004)
Using dllsluke1013luke101 (2004)
Retro GamesFaz8Agamer (2004)
WritePixelTroubleGrrBrr4GrrBrr (2004)
for loop.object = each objectDaxTraj5DaxTraj (2004)
Text variety?wgkspeak3wgkspeak (2004)
blitz3d is CPU killing :SGC-Martijn18sswift (2004)
sprite trajectory (10deg, 20deg,30deg)Dax Trajero14Shambler (2004)
Type QueryGord3Zethrax (2004)
save buffer to picChimeara3Zethrax (2004)
Memory acces violation Second time roundChimeara9Chimeara (2004)
What is a DLLluke1015Koriolis (2004)
Undocumented Keywordsziggy2Shambler (2004)
rotate,animimage and handleimagemudcat3mudcat (2004)
TYPES!! >: (MattVonFat3MattVonFat (2004)
A couple of beginner questions...stevious5Rob Farley (2004)
gfxStarfield=CreateImage(32,32,10)GC-Martijn4Gauge (2004)
Scroling MapTokra2CS_TBL (2004)
Arrays in Types?(tu) ENAY3(tu) ENAY (2004)
Circular movement or somethingGlorified_Monkey12big10p (2004)
EntityBoxRoss C5Brendane (2004)
Smarter compiler?Seldon5Seldon (2004)
Font errorluke1017luke101 (2004)
Why are Types so weird?Seivad Noj6Seivad Noj (2004)
Texture Flagscarpman3carpman (2004)
passing a filehandle to a functionDaxTraj5Dax Trajero (2004)
Loading a cool fontluke1013luke101 (2004)
BlitzPlus Executablesbobbo4bobbo (2004)
Absolute rotation and movement ?StOrM310Andy_A (2004)
Light intensity > 1?napole0n17Shambler (2004)
writing text, letter by letterAtomic Duck13Rob Farley (2004)
How to get file names of a folderxmlspy3BlitzSupport (2004)
piAgamer14AbbaRue (2004)
Loop Musicluke1013luke101 (2004)
Password GenMattVonFat12BlackJumper (2004)
Reading FilesMattVonFat2GfK (2004)
Legal Stuffluke10110Andy (2004)
Entity does not Exist3DFish53DFish (2004)
Gun shooting?po13Gauge (2004)
TokamakClique2Beaker (2004)
.declsMattVonFat5MattVonFat (2004)
Snow FallCodeD6Hansie (2004)
Creating musicluke1016luke101 (2004)
Saving ImagesStevie G7Stevie G (2004)
Attaching Graphics to Custom TypesJellon3Jellon (2004)
uppdate "entity had no animation"Chimeara8Chimeara (2004)
license of bsp, md2 and md2David15Ice9 (2004)
b3dAlberto5aCiD2 (2004)
2d stuffDavid81916Clyde (2004)
Is this useful for anything?Hansie3Clyde (2004)
Duh! Types_PJ_9Clyde (2004)
transparent sprites with .pngDaxTraj5jhocking (2004)
running a command prompt?(tu) sinu6soja (2004)
Screen shotsChimeara8Zethrax (2004)
DirectPlay/3DGauge2aCiD2 (2004)
Flash as a UI? Anyone tried it?BulletMagnet6aCiD2 (2004)
Multiplayer QuestionApollonius11Gauge (2004)

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